How to apply for your Taiwan vaccine passport

(digital covid-19 certificate)

Starting Jan. 21, full COVID-19 vaccination record to be required for people entering certain leisure and entertainment venues.

On January 20, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced that in response to the threat posed by the Omicron variant, starting January 21, 2022, people visiting some leisure and entertainment venues including singing and dance venues, discos, nightclubs, clubs, hostess bars, pubs, beauty parlors (tourist parlors and audio-video parlors), hostess teahouses, and saunas should show their record of receiving two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine 14 days ago before they enter such a venue. Such a record of vaccination can be a paper vaccination card, Digital COVID-19 Certificate, or digital record shown on the NHI Express App for verification.

For hospitals, residential long-term care facilities, and other venues that have required a COVID-19 vaccination record before entry, a record of vaccination required to enter those venues can also be a paper vaccination card, Digital COVID-19 Certificate, or digital record shown on the NHI Express App for verification.

This certificate has three major features: being available for download for people vaccinated in the country, compliance with the verification program of the EU's certificate system used in 60 countries and territories, and being a carrier of an app with the name-based registration system.

>> click here to apply for the digital covid-19 certificate (

(1) Identification

  • Taiwan Citizens:
    1. ID & NHI Card No. & Household No.
    2. FIDO;
    3. Citizen digital certificate。
  • Aliens:
    1. Unified ID & NHI Card No.;
    2. Unified ID & Entry permit No.;
    3. Unified ID & Passport No.

(2) Choose either "Vaccination certificate" or "Test result certificate".

If the e-mail address is provided, the digital certificate will be also sent to your mailbox.

Attention: This certificate does not include those who get vaccinated abroad.

(3) Download

Click "Download/Print" button to save the certificate in PDF format.

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