You Gotta Stay Happy (1948)

We've been waiting
some time.
Hey! Hey, pop!
Excuse me, please.
I told you, no...
Come in, Martin.
Your bouquet, Miss Diana.
Thank you, Martin.
This is a memorable day.
This is utterly ridiculous...
I hope they didn't go to
a lot of trouble for these
because I won't need them!
You can't just cancel
everything with all those
people downstairs.
Oh, I know it's awful,
Uncle Ralph,
but it's better than
being unappy for the rest
of my life, isn't it?
Dr. Blucher, can't you
do something with her?
You're her psychiatrist.
I called you
because I thought
she might listen to you.
I don't believe
Miss Dillwood wants
my advice in this matter.
I do, Dr. Blucher.
You're the best psychiatrist
I ever had.
Miss Dillwood, in my opinion
you've allowed yourself to
become alarmed over nothing.
It's perfectly natural
for a girl to have doubts
before getting married.
In your case, it certainly
isn't surprising. After all,
you've been engaged six times.
Officially. If you want
the unofficial total,
you'll need an adding machine.
You've always
been indecisive.
You've never been able
to make up your mind about
anything, much less a husband.
I think your behavior
verges on the idiotic.
What do you want me to do?
Marry a man who just
isn't right for me?
Of course he's right!
He's got everything:
Money, position,
partner in one of the best
law firms in New York,
and his father and I were
at Harvard together.
That's a fine recommendation.
You must have thought
he was right when you
agreed to marry him.
Just why did you do that,
Miss Dillwood?
Well, there didn't seem to be
any reason not to marry him.
Then why do you
change your mind now?
Well, it's the way he coughs.
Before he says anything
he always barks,
Like a fox.
Oh, that's absurd, a cough.
Why, after you've been
married a few days
you wouldn't even notice it.
My third wife had a maddening
way of sighing every time
I entered the room,
but after about six months
I wasrt even aware
that she did.
And after seven months
she divorced you.
That remark was
in very bad taste.
Well, I didn't mean
to be nasty, Uncle Ralph,
but Aunt Martha was
the nicest wife you had,
and you should've
hung on to her.
Miss Dillwood, I don't
think anything as trivial
as your fianc's cough
is the real reason
for your indecision.
Isn't it?
That's just an excuse.
The truth is you're so afraid
of a big step like marriage
that you cling
to the security of
your spinsterhood.
Now, Dr. Blucher,
would you describe a girl
of 26 as a spinster?
Girl of what?
I use the word advisedly,
Miss Dillwood. I think
it's time you were married.
It might have a very
soothing effect on you.
I can get that
from an aspirin.
I was hoping for something
more... Something exciting,
That's a pleasant,
romantic dream,
but it's just an illusion.
The important thing about
marriage is a solid,
substantial relationship,
and a husband
who can be your friend.
That's absolutely true.
There's nothing like
a husband and wife
being friends.
The cure for indecision
is decision, Miss Dillwood.
You decided to get married.
Go ahead with it.
Plunge into it.
wilt thou have this woman
to be thy wedded wife,
so long as you
both shall live?
I will.
Diana, wilt thou have this man
to be thy wedded husband,
so long as you
both shall live?
I will.
I now pronounce you
man and wife.
Henry, couldn't we...
Couldrt we go for
a walk in the park?
It's such a lovely evening.
But it looks like rain.
Oh, but I love
to walk in the rain.
Come on, let's.
We're leaving for Bermuda
in the morning.
We ought to get some rest.
But think of all the time
that we'll...
it's too late and...
May I help you, sir?
That's fine.
Oh, good evening, sir.
I'd like to see Mr. Hebert.
Mr. Hebert is off duty now.
He comes on at midnight
this week.
Oh, I see.
Good evening.
My name is Marvin Payne.
Mr. Hebert's a personal
friend of mine.
He always lets me stay here
when I come to New York.
Well, I'm sorry.
We haven't anything
Mr. Hebert always lets me
use the wedding suite.
Oh, I'm afraid
that's impossible.
You see...
What time's your first
wedding in the morning?
Well, at 9:00,
but we couldn't possibly...
I'll be out by 7:00.
Well, I suggest
that you come back
when Mr. Hebert is here.
Look, look,
I'm awful tired.
I just flew an airplane
all the way from California.
I've got to get up
in the morning and fly it
all the way back again.
Now, couldn't you sort of
take my word for it?
Pardon me.
I'll speak to
our Mr. Thrush.
Very well, Mr. Payne.
Here you are.
The rate of
that suite is $35.
Well, Mr. Hebert always
gives me a special rate,
you know, five bucks?
You know, I'll be out
early in the morning.
Pardon me, Mr. Payne.
Very well, Mr. Payne,
the special rate.
Subject to Mr. Hebert's
approval, of course.
Oh, sure, sure, sure.
Front, please.
2305 for this gentleman.
Thank you. Thank you.
I've got
a very small bag here.
Reservation for Benson,
May I help you, sir?
Lift that, will you?
It's not very heavy,
is it?
No, sir.
Well, I can carry it.
BOTH: Twenty-three.
Henry. Henry...
Do you think we should...
Should what?
Go up now?
Of course.
Twenty-three, please.
Henry, couldn't
we go to the movies
or a night club or...
Really, my dear,
it's quite late.
Well, I was thinking
we'd be in time for
the last show at the Copa.
We could dispense
with a show tonight.
But I'd rather...
Will you come along?
We'll talk about it inside.
Henry, I...
Hey! Wait a minute.
The young lady
doesn't seem to want
to go with you.
I beg your pardon?
Now, look, you're not
supposed to drag girls
into hotel rooms.
Not if they don't want
to be dragged, that is.
Will you please
go away?
No, I don't
think I will.
Very well.
If you insist...
Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean for
anyone to get hurt.
Come along.
Isn't this nice?
Look at that view.
Oh, thank you
very much.
Will that be all, sir?
Yes, thank you. Thank you.
Thank you. Good night, sir.
Good night. Good night.
Good night!
Well, what's wrong, Diana?
Is something troubling you?
No, I guess I'm just
a little nervous,
that's all.
Of course.
I'm afraid I'm a little
nervous myself.
I apologize for that
little incident out there.
But we'll both feel better
after we've had a drink
and relaxed.
Now, wouldn't you like
to change and freshen up?
And I'll order
some supper.
Room service, please.
Ready, Diana?
Not quite.
HENRY: Supper's ready
and I'm opening the wine.
All right.
Better hurry.
I'll be right out.
If you need any help
with any buttons or things,
I'll be glad to oblige.
No, I'm coming right out.
I was just looking
for my perfume.
Smells wonderful.
Here we are.
I think a toast
is in order.
To us and to our future.
Together forever!
I can't, Henry.
I can't drink to that!
And I can't stay here
any longer.
There's no use
talking about it
or pretending anymore.
What are you talking
about, Diana?
I've tried, really, I have.
And our marriage
hasn't worked out.
Our marriage hasn't
worked out? We've only
been married a few hours.
I think you should
see a psychiatrist.
I have.
What did he say?
He said I was unstable,
and insecure,
and indecisive and...
And what?
And he said
I ought to marry you.
There you are.
Now, Diana...
No, Henry, I shouldn't
have listened to him
or to Uncle Ralph.
I shouldn't have let
anyone talk me into this.
Let's look at this thing
calmly, Diana.
We'll sit down, relax,
have a glass of wine,
and you'll see
how silly you're being.
No, I won't! I don't care
what anyone says.
I know it isn't right
when two people
aren't right.
They just aren't right
and nothing can
make them right.
And it would be wrong
to pretend that we're not
wrong when we are wrong.
So if you don't mind,
I'll just get dressed
and go home.
But I do mind.
You're my wife!
Yes, but it isn't...
I mean, it... Here.
I won't take it!
I won't be humiliated
this way.
Well, I'm sorry, Henry.
You'll have to find
someone else.
Somebody who'll make you
a good wife.
But I've got a wife.
Now, here...
Well, it's no use shouting
and losing your temper!
Now, Henry, you know,
what I'm saying is true,
and that this is
a horrible mistake
for both of us.
No, don't touch me.
Now, you leave me alone.
We couldn't possibly be
more wrong for each other,
and if we go on with this,
well, I know we'll regret it.
What do you
expect me to do?
Tip my hat and say,
"It was nice knowing you,
drop in again sometime"?
What kind of a man
do you think I am?
Well, I don't know.
You're going to sit
right down here
and act like
a sensible person, Diana.
No, I'm not.
Oh, yes, you are!
I'll call for help.
You'll call for help?
Do you think anyone's going
to help a wife run away
from her husband?
I'm the one they'll help.
Now, Henry... Now, Henry...
Look. Will you, for heaven...
Excuse me.
I'm terribly sorry.
Oh, just a moment, sir.
I'm looking for my wife,
a small, blonde woman.
I thought maybe in the...
Have you seen her?
No. If I do,
I'll tell her you've
already had your dinner.
Thank you for coming
to my rescue.
I always dreamed of someone
defending my honor,
but you've gone
to bat twice tonight.
This time I'm just looking
for a little peace and quiet.
Well, thank you for letting me
come in here, anyway.
I was in terrible trouble.
You were?
Well, do you want me
to call the police?
Oh, no, please don't.
That would just make
matters worse.
It would, huh?
Who is this guy,
That's a man I know...
He's a friend of the family.
I've known him
quite a while and...
Well, I got rather
involved before I knew
I was getting involved.
It's a little hard to explain.
Well, I don't think
it'll be necessary
for you to explain it.
It's an old story.
It is?
Oh, sure.
Usually it goes like this.
Young girl comes
to the big city...
You're probably
from out of town
someplace, huh?
Yes, a little way
out of town.
Well, this girl
comes to New York
to be a big success.
She's an actress or a model,
or something like that.
It doesn't make
any difference what she is.
Anyway, she flops.
Hard times,
things really get tough,
and then in comes
your friend here.
He's rich and smooth
and married probably, right?
In a way, he is. Yes.
But he and his wife
don't understand each other.
Well, he makes a big pitch
for this girl, and he buys
her a few things,
and he promises her
a few more things,
and she ends up like this.
Sound terribly sordid,
doesn't it?
You take my advice.
You go back
where you came from.
But I can't do that.
What's the matter?
Wort your parents
let you come back?
I haven't any parents.
Oh. Well,
you must have somebody.
Where were you raised?
Well, actually,
I was raised
in a convent.
You don't believe that,
do you?
I merely said, "Uh-huh."
You probably think
I was raised in a home
for delinquents.
It's probably for me.
I'll answer it.
Yes, this is 2305.
It's my co-pilot.
What do you want?
I'm in a little joint
called the Club Fifty.
Yeah, things turned out
to be livelier
than I expected.
Yeah. And my friend's
got a friend
who's very friendly.
Yeah, I thought you might
come down and have
a few laughs with us.
No, not tonight, Bullets.
I'm bushed. I've got
to get some sleep.
Oh, Marv, look,
I'm worried about you.
You're too straitlaced.
It ain't human,
the way you keep
away from dames.
Well, I'm too tired to
go out tonight, Bullets.
Besides, I'm expecting a call
from Jack. Yeah, I'll see you
in the morning.
And be on time, will you?
I want to take off at 8:00.
Hope I'm not keeping you
from going someplace.
The only place you're
keeping me from going
is to sleep.
I've got to get up
in the morning.
Well, why don't
you go to bed?
I'll just sit here
for a while and then maybe
later on, I can sneak out.
You can't go out like that.
No, I suppose I can't.
Certainly can't.
Well... Well...
Let's see.
You've got a cough.
Huh? No, I don't have a...
I never cough. It's just a...
Maybe you've been
smoking too much.
No, I don't smoke.
Look, if you want to,
you can sleep here tonight.
I can? Where will you sleep?
I'll sleep here on the couch.
You can have the bedroom.
There's a lock on the door.
I don't think I'll need it.
I'll clear out my stuff.
Do you work for
one of the airlines?
Yeah. Payne Airlines.
I'm Marvin Payne,
the president of it.
Never heard of it.
That's entirely possible.
This is no four-engine
type airline.
Not yet, anyway.
You see, a bunch of us
who were in the war together,
we pooled our money
and went into business.
We just have two airplanes,
old war surplus stuff.
I think that was very
enterprising of you...
All right, it's all yours.
Say, by the way,
what's your name?
Dottie... Dottie Blucher.
How do you do?
Good night.
Good night.
Say, I want to leave a call
for 7:00 tomorrow morning.
Yeah. Good night.
DIANA: May I come in?
Do you happen to have
any sleeping pills?
'Cause I know
I'm not going to be
able to sleep.
I think I've got some
in my bag here.
We used to carry them
for passengers.
There you are.
There's only three left.
You won't be needing any,
will you?
Good night.
Good night.
Hi, Marv! I just came
on duty and I heard
you were registered.
Thought I'd come up
and have a chat with you.
Well, listen, Dick,
I'm paralyzed.
I'm practically
out on my feet.
I had a pretty rough trip.
I'll see you in the morning
before I leave, huh?
Okay, good night.
DIANA: Can I come in?
Can she come in,
she wants to know.
It's those sleeping pills.
They don't seem to work.
I'm in knots.
I can't even lie down.
Why don't you take two?
Well, I took all three,
but they must be awfully
weak ones. You...
Do you think
they'd have stronger ones
down at the desk?
I'll find out.
Let me speak to
Mr. Hebert, please.
Excuse me.
Hello, Dick?
Say, Dick,
I was wondering,
do you happen to have
a sleeping pill down there
you could send up to me?
I thought you said you were
out on your feet.
What do you want
with a pill?
I guess I'm too sleepy.
You know, knots.
Yeah. Well,
thanks very much, Dick.
He'll send one right up.
Say, I don't think
you'd better be here.
They might not understand.
No, I guess
they wouldn't.
I wish I knew what I was
going to do about clothes
in the morning.
We'll figure out something
in the morning, shall we?
I'd better disappear.
Here's the pill.
Oh, Dick, well,
you didn't have to
bring it up yourself.
No trouble.
I thought I'd come up
and keep you company,
since you can't sleep.
Say, I ran into
Johnny Matthews today.
You remember. He used
to be operations officer
with our outfit?
Oh, yeah. Yeah.
He was telling me that...
Go ahead. Take the capsule.
I'll sit here
till you pass out.
Well, I don't think
you'd better do that, Dick.
With someone around,
I'm liable to stay awake
all night.
Okay, pal,
I'll run along.
Say, that stuff is
pretty strong.
If you want to wake up early,
you'd better take
only a half of it.
Stick a pin in the capsule and
take some of the powder out.
All right, I'll do that.
And thanks ever so much, Dick.
Well, good night.
Good night, Dick.
What's the idea
of sleeping in here?
There's a bedroom, you know.
Yes, I know.
But I didn't want to
muss it up, you know,
when I'm here
on a special rate.
Oh, that's silly, pal.
Make yourself comfortable.
You'll sleep a lot better
in a nice, soft bed.
Now, don't worry
about me, Dick. I'm fine.
I like the couch.
I think you ought to
try the bed, Marv.
How do you know
you don't like it
until you've tried it?
Don't go in there, Dick.
Why not, pal?
I'm sorry, Marv.
Dick, I...
Just what did you expect
to find in here?
Something just passed
through my mind...
You just happened
to wonder if...
I just happened to think...
You just happened to think...
I apologize.
Well, good night, Marv.
Good night, old man.
Okay, I give up.
Is he gone?
I was hiding in the shower.
Saw the window open,
I was afraid you...
Oh, no, that comes much
later on in your story,
after the girl has
gone down and down.
Here's your pill.
Thank you.
Good night, Marv.
Good night, Dottie.
DIANA: Don't think this one's
going to work either, Marv.
What'd you say?
What'd you say?
How do you do, sir?
I'm sorry to bother you
at this unseemly hour,
but I am collecting a fund
for broken-down fliers.
They're pitiful objects,
these poor fellows.
Punch-drunk, nerve-racked,
old before their time,
forced to continue
in their loathsome profession
long after they should
be retired to pursue
their hobbies.
Boy, did I pursue
my hobby last night.
Good morning, it's 7.:00.
Good morning, it's 7:00.
You know, Prexy, you ought to
get out more, mix with people.
You can't live like
a hermit all the time.
You gotta stay happy.
Payne Airlines,
office of the president.
Oh, good morning, Dick.
Yeah, I'm up.
Well, I know all about that.
I'll be out long before 9:00.
The pill? What pill?
Oh, the pill!
Pill worked fine, Dick.
I'll see you on the way out.
Some hermit you...
She's a complete
stranger to me.
She was in a jam,
came running in here
last night, looking for help.
And you helped her?
She looks awful limp.
You don't suppose
she's dead?
No, no, of course not.
It's the dope.
The dope?
You doped her?
No, no, the sleeping pill.
Only I forgot to tell her
just to take half of it.
I think we better
wake her up.
Hey, Dottie...
Miss Blucher.
She's still breathing.
Hey, Dottie!
Miss Blucher,
it's time to get up.
Answer the door, will you?
Don't let anybody in.
I got orders
to clean up in here.
Clean up in here?
(STAMMERS) Where you been?
We been waiting for you.
You have?
Yeah, the housekeeper's
been calling.
Wants you to come down
and clean up 2333,
right away.
Yeah, let me give you
a lift with this thing.
Kind of heavy, isn't it?
Well, yes, it is.
You know, you ought to have
an engine in this thing.
Hey! Rise and shine!
Hey, remember me?
I'm the fellow that...
This is ridiculous.
Dottie! Hey! Hey, look!
I've got to get you
out of the room because
there's gonna be a...
There's gonna be a wedding.
It was the maid.
I got rid of her.
How're you coming? Oh, dear.
Let me take
a whirl at her.
I've had a lot of experience
with unconscious dames.
Hey, Prexy,
when you travel,
you sure travel
in very select circles.
This is strictly
four-engine stuff.
Hey, Dottie!
Break it up!
They don't want me in 2333.
This is the suite I've got
to clean right away.
Now, look,
you can't clean up in here.
Come back later, will you?
Go count your linens.
Hey! Wake up, sweetheart!
Say hello to Uncle Bullets!
Now, that won't do any good.
I'll order some coffee.
Hey, Prexy,
I don't like to interfere
with your social life,
but in a short while,
we're scheduled to soar
into the wild gray yonder.
Room service.
And it's getting wilder
and grayer by the minute!
Hey, this is 2305.
Send me up some coffee,
will you?
Enough for six people.
I'm so sleepy.
Is that the 8:00 sequence?
Okay, Newark, thanks a lot.
Well, Newark says
there's a lot of weather
west of Chicago.
We've got to get rolling.
How do you feel,
Miss Blucher?
There she goes.
Get her on her feet.
I'll try a little more
of my shock treatment.
Oh, no, don't!
Here, come on,
have some more coffee, huh?
There's that maid again.
I guess I'll have to
have a talk with her.
Now, look, Miss Floor Mop...
Oh, Dick.
What's this all about, Marv?
The maid says you won't
let her clean up in here.
You know there's a...
So that's it!
Hi, Dick.
I thought you were playing
a few false notes last night,
but I gave you
the benefit of the doubt.
Say, what's wrong with her?
She's doped.
No, the sleeping pill
you brought up last night.
Who is she?
Oh, excuse me.
Miss Blucher.
Fix her...
Miss Blucher, I'd like
you to meet Mr. Hebert.
He's our host.
How do you do?
How do you do?
Dick, I realize
this might seem odd...
Please, don't insult
my intelligence with
any fantastic explanations.
Well, now that
you're here, Dick,
and everything's
straightened out,
Marv and I can run along.
We're due to leave for
California in an hour...
Oh, no, you don't.
You stay right here,
the both of you.
You're not going to
leave any unconscious
female on my hands.
You don't leave unless
she leaves with you.
Mustrt worry about me.
I'm perfectly all right.
There she goes!
Oh, please don't
go to sleep again.
I'm all right.
Listen, Miss Blucher,
where would you like
the boys to take you?
To California with them.
But of course!
Oh, no.
Can't do that.
No, no, that'd
be impossible.
I want to get
out of town,
far away.
Marv, you understand,
after last night.
You were so wonderful.
Sure, sure, I guess
you probably want to get away
and get a fresh start.
Fresh start. Yes.
Fresh start.
Oh, take me with you.
You've got to
take her someplace.
I don't care where,
as long as it's out
of this hotel.
That's the wedding party.
I'll go clean up
the other room.
Come on, Marv. Let's go.
We can't just go away
and leave her
when she's in a jam.
That's the time to go.
Go let them in, Bullets,
and stall them
until I get there.
And if they want
to come in here,
tell them the room
is closed temporarily.
Hey, maybe I get
to kiss the bride.
Where are her clothes?
She doesn't have any.
No, she came in here
last night,
just the way she is.
Well, she can't
go out that way.
Maybe I have
something here.
Hold that.
You think these will do?
Well, they'll have to do.
Now, look, Miss Blucher.
I want you to concentrate.
Do you think you'll be able
to stand up alone?
Of course.
BULLETS: Oh, come right in,
you must be the organist.
Would you like to
warm up the organ?
Sit down.
Play us a little tune.
We'll have
to dress her.
WOMAN 1: Is there a room
where Mom and I
can freshen up?
Why, probably right in here
through this door, honey.
You'll excuse us, everybody?
BULLETS: Oh, I'm afraid not.
No, no, not in here.
This room is
closed temporarily.
You know, it's a mighty
cute little doll that's
getting married in there.
Redhead, name of Georgia.
Marrying a soldier,
mother had to bankrupt herself
to pay for the wedding.
You know, none of those people
in there ever been in a fancy
hotel like this before?
OPERATOR: Going down?
Here, take this.
Yes, sir.
Put her in the corner,
will you?
Well, did you say something
about going down, or did you
change your mind?
Yes, sir.
HENRY: Just a moment.
Good morning.
Good morning, sir.
My bill please, 2303.
CLERK: Yes, sir.
CLERK: Oh, Mr. Benson,
your receipt.
Hey, wake her up when you get
to New York, and then take her
where she wants to go.
Hey, where are we?
This is Newark.
Listen, I gave the...
I mean, I gave that cab
10 bucks to take you
wherever you wanted to go.
No. A cab can't take me
as far as I...
Look, Miss Blucher.
Now, you said something about
going to California with us.
I'm sorry, that's impossible.
Oh, take me with you, Marv.
There are all sorts of ways
you can get there.
You can take the regular
passenger airline.
You can take a train or a bus.
Why don't you take a boat
through the Panama Canal?
No, I can't go any other way,
because I haven't any money.
Of course,
I'll pay you back later.
It isn't a question of money.
This is a cargo outfit
and we're not supposed
to carry passengers.
But there must be some way
you can take me.
Please, Marv,
I have to get out of town
for just a little while.
Well, take me
half of the way.
I'm sorry, no passengers.
We've got new regulations.
Good morning, Jack.
I thought you guys
were gonna leave early.
Yeah, so did we.
We got slowed down
a little at the hotel.
Afraid it was my fault.
Jack, this is Miss Blucher.
This is Jack Samuels,
our freight agent.
How do you do?
Am I keeping you up?
Just a little early
for me, that's all.
Well, look,
let's get going, huh?
How about the load, Jack?
It's great, great.
I got you another
1,000 pounds.
Magazines, paper clips
and some live lobsters.
The lobsters
I have not yet loaded.
Why not?
Because once those lobsters
are aboard, the contract says
you gotta go, hot or cold.
How's about
the weather west?
If we lose this load,
we're out of business.
So we're going, all right.
The mail must go through.
I wish we had some mail
to carry.
Then I could sit in back
and sort it,
instead of sitting up in front
staring into the overcast.
JACK: You'll have to make up
the time someplace.
That coffin has got
to be at the Garden Of
The lmmortals cemetery
by 10:00 tomorrow morning.
The chimpanzee is set
to open a show tomorrow.
We promised to deliver him
on time and in good health.
We'll do that, all right.
Now, you two guys
load the lobster.
I'll file a flight plan.
Miss Blucher's going with us.
JACK: She is?
Yeah, put her down
as personnel.
Thanks, Marv.
As far as Chicago.
Bullets will tell you
when we're ready to take off.
Say, Marv,
as a stockholder in Payne Air,
is it permitted to ask...
I withdraw the question.
Got the cash for the gas?
Certainly, indeed.
There you are, 100 turnips.
Hey, Bullets,
when you get out
to the airplane...
GEORGIA: Mr. Baker!
Mr. Baker?
Pardon me, Prexy.
Some old friends.
Glad to see you made it.
I was getting worried.
We sure were afraid
we were gonna be late,
Mr. Baker.
Yeah, it was so exciting,
Mr. Baker.
Glad you made it,
Mrs. Goodrich.
Well, I guess
you can call me Georgia,
Mr. Baker.
Hi, Georgia.
I feel like we're old friends.
My name is Milt.
Hi, Milt.
Where's the plane?
Right over here.
There she is.
She's an old campaigner, too.
Got a great war record.
Bucket seats?
It is said of Payne Air that
our bucket seats are the most
comfortable in the industry.
They hurt you when you sit.
Not if I'm sitting
on your lap.
You're absolutely correct.
Oh, Marv... Captain Payne,
this is Mr. And Mrs. Goodrich.
How do you do?
How do you do?
How do you do?
Mrs. Goodrich,
doesn't that sound funny?
Oh, they were married
this morning at the hotel.
You're on your
honeymoon, huh?
Well, yeah, I guess
you could say that, yes.
Hey, why don't you go over
to the plane and wait around?
We're gonna take off
pretty soon.
Come on, sugar lump.
All right, lover man.
Captain Payne,
we're sure gonna enjoy
our trip on your airline.
What'd she say?
I sold them a round trip
to California and back.
Oh, fine.
Well, you go over there
and tell them...
Look, look, look,
Prexy, I had to.
I got in over my head
last night. I spent
most of our gas money.
As it happens, these kids
had exactly 100 clams to spend
on their honeymoon.
So I...
So you sold them tickets?
Who's gonna
find out about it?
Look, Prexy,
you worry too much.
You gotta stay happy.
Don't look for trouble.
What are you trying to do,
get us grounded?
If you got no gas,
you'd be grounded, too.
Listen, now,
I'm going over
to Operations.
Now, while I'm gone,
behave yourself,
will you?
Or I'll personally ground you
from 10,000 feet.
Roger, Wilco!
Oh, shut up!
Hey, Mac!
Hey, take me over
to Operations, will you?
Hey, Mr. Bullets!
Come here!
I've got another personnel!
We've got another passenger.
Oh, no.
Well, a man came in
and wanted a plane
to California, so I...
Look, Dottie,
you don't understand.
We don't carry passengers.
Oh, I thought
you needed the money.
He paid you?
Well, he didn't seem to
care how much it cost,
so I just yawned a little
to get things started
and he gave me $300.
Three hundred...
Well, we do make exceptions,
you know, in rare cases.
Get your passenger
aboard the plane!
One man coming up.
Oh, Mr. Caslon!
Your plane's ready.
Oh, yes, of course, the plane.
I'm getting cigarettes.
I'll be with you
in just a minute.
Right outside, Payne Airlines.
Just where have you been?
I was afraid to wait over
in the waiting room,
there's so many people
waiting over there,
so I waited over here.
How was I supposed
to know that?
Well, I just didn't think.
Yeah, see, well, you just
better start thinking!
What happened to your face?
When I shaved
my mustache off, I guess
my hand shook a little.
It's a good thing you didn't
have a beard. You might have
cut your throat.
Mae, do you think we ought
to go through with this?
Now, don't be so nervous,
honey. Everything's gonna
be all right.
Why do we have to
travel separately?
I've told you 100 times.
It's safer
if we're not together.
Did you get your ticket?
I'm going on a freight plane,
Payne Air.
That's a good idea.
Now, remember, honey,
don't get off the plane,
and don't let that bag
out of your sight.
I'll meet you out there.
All right. Goodbye.
Oh, Mae, maybe you better
take care of this.
Oh, no, thanks. You take it.
If I'm left holding the bag,
it's not gonna be that one!
What about me?
Oh, for heavers sakes, honey,
pull yourself together
and stop shaking.
Better get aboard your plane,
before you faint.
I'll meet you at Burbank.
Mr. Caslon! Hurry up!
No, no, I'll take it.
Oh, hurry up.
This is Mr. Caslon.
How are you?
How do you do?
You better get him aboard.
Right this way, sir.
Oh, no, no, no.
I'll take it.
Who's this?
Extra personnel.
Does Marv know about him?
Well, no, it's a surprise.
Are we going
all the way to the coast
in a thing like this?
Why, sure, Mr. Caslon.
This is a cargo ship.
You'll like it.
It's like traveling
in a tramp steamer,
sort of informal.
As we go along,
we point out the sights.
If you see
something you like,
we buzz it for you.
No, I'd rather you wouldn't...
Or not, as you prefer.
Is that a coffin?
Right there.
Well, it does look like one,
doesn't it?
Is there someone in it?
Well, I haven't looked.
Should we open it and see?
No, thanks.
Okay. Step forward
in the car, Mr. Caslon.
Is that gorilla safe?
Joe is not a gorilla,
he's a chimpanzee.
And he certainly
won't bother you
if you don't bother him.
Well, don't worry
about that!
Hello, Joe.
Oh, I think he's sweet.
Joe likes you.
If I must say so,
that's a great
He makes
very few friends.
All set?
Listen, when you pick up
that whitefish in Chicago,
be sure you got plenty of ice.
It's got to be
delivered fresh.
Will you all sit down, please?
Fasten your seat belts.
We're gonna take off
right away.
Well, say, Captain,
I have some fruit
and candy.
Will you give Joe some
every few hours?
You'll also find
some cigars in the sack.
Let him have one
after every meal.
Well, does he eat them
or smoke them?
He smokes them.
Well, goodbye, Captain.
Give him a hand,
will you, Jack?
JACK: Come here, pop.
Give my regards
to the stockholders
in Burbank.
So long.
Hey, I want you to meet
a friend of mine.
Joe, meet Marv.
How do you do?
Here you are.
Be sure and fasten
your seat belt, huh?
Think you better get in
another seat for takeoff.
Oh, but Miltikins
and I promised we'd never
leave each other.
Well, the belt isn't
long enough to go around
both of you.
You can come back
after we're in the air,
baby face.
I just hate to get off
your lappy-wappy
for a second.
Goodbye, lover man.
Goodbye, sugar love.
Excuse me.
Belt fastened?
Thank you.
Who are you?
I am...
(STAMMERS) Well, I am...
Why do you ask?
Well, Mr. Payne,
this is Mr. Caslon.
Mr. Caslon, meet our captain
and president, Mr. Payne.
Can't I leave for
five minutes without...
Look, Prexy, Prexy,
four passengers
can't get you in any more
trouble than three.
That's simple mathematics.
And Caslon had
300 good reasons
why we should take him.
You see, Prexy,
you gotta stay...
Yeah, I gotta stay happy.
Well, I think I'd be
much happier if I
take charge of this.
Now, come on.
Let's get going.
Anybody else you'd like
to have come along?
All right.
Clear the right.
Well, everything all right?
Oh, yes.
It's just gorgeous.
I gave him a cigar
and he lit it all by himself.
Watch he doesn't bite you.
Why, he's almost human.
Put a highball in
the other hand and he'd look
like a man of distinction.
I thought the airplane
was on fire.
You better sit down.
Yeah, maybe not.
What's the matter, you cold?
Just from the ankles down.
I think I can fix that.
Any idea who's in there?
Yeah, a man
by the name of Harry Selby.
Sad, isn't it?
Well, that depends.
If he did anything
with his life,
I guess it isn't so bad.
What's a person
supposed to do
with his life?
Lots of things.
Work, come out to something,
be a success, raise a family.
And that's what you're doing?
I'm trying.
The first part
of it, anyway.
According to my schedule,
I won't be able to support
a family until 1954.
You're going to do
all that on schedule?
Well, I think a person
should plan his life.
Well, suppose you fall in love
before then, like those two?
You know, they told me
they didn't even have enough
money for an engagement ring,
but they seem to be happy.
Oh, now, yeah! But wait
till later on, when they have
kids, bills they can't pay,
she starts wanting things
he can't get for her.
And you figure you'll be
ready for all these things
in 1954, huh?
You just wait till we get
some four-engine equipment.
We'll go places.
I don't see how you can be
so sure of the future.
The world's so mixed up
and uncertain,
there's so many problems.
Well, the world's
always had problems.
They get solved somehow.
No use getting
hysterical about it.
The war didn't do
anything to you, did it?
Look, it didn't give me
any complexes,
if that's what you mean.
Sure, it set me back
a few years.
But there's nothing wrong
with me that a million dollars
won't cure.
Money won't cure
anything, Marv.
Don't you believe it.
If you'd ever had any,
you'd know better.
You really think money
would make you happy, huh?
Money would buy Payne Air
a four-engine airplane.
That would make me happy.
Oh, that's wonderful.
I wish I could be as positive
about things as you are.
I've never been able to make
a five minute plan for myself
and stick to it.
All you have to do is decide
where you're going and
what you want out of life.
Like Joe there.
He wants some candy.
Here you are.
Now, go on, eat it.
Oh, no, Joe.
Here, let me try.
Here, Joe.
You're going to miss me
west of Chicago,
aren't you, Joe?
Maybe you two would
like to be alone.
Folks, we're going to be here
about an hour and a half.
You can get out
and stretch your legs,
have some lunch...
No, thank you.
Well, goodbye, Joe.
I hope you don't
starve to death before
you get to the coast.
Well, goodbye.
Thanks for the lift.
It was a great help.
Where shall I send
the clothes?
Well, the address
is Payne Airlines,
Burbank, California,
but there's no hurry
about it.
Goodbye, Bullets.
So long.
Miss Blucher.
What are you going to do?
Just stay In Chicago here?
Well, I would very much
like to go to California.
I have an aunt there,
and I thought
she might take me in.
I see.
Well, you grab
yourself a sandwich
and be here at 4:00.
Oh, Marv! Thanks!
I thought it'd be a good idea
if we kept her with us,
so she could take
care of the monkey.
He seems to like her.
Wait, please.
Bank's closed, it's 3:15.
I'd like to see Mr. Burns.
I'm Diana Dillwood.
Well, I don't know...
And I'm in a hurry.
Well, wait a minute.
I'll find out.
Will you come in,
Miss Dillwood?
Thank you.
Here, Prexy.
Well, the weather's not good.
Think we ought
to curl up here
till things get better?
Listen, the fish is loaded,
and that body has to be
in Los Angeles tonight,
and so does the monkey.
Now, as a stockholder
in Payne Air, does that
answer your questions?
Hey, fellas, do you belong
with that plane?
Just come in from New York,
did you?
That's right.
Anyone with you?
Passengers, I mean.
No, we're just
a small cargo outfit.
Sometimes people
who don't want to be traced
take cargo planes.
Now, I'm looking for a blonde
about 28 years old
and a man about 40.
He wears glasses
and a mustache.
Have you seen them?
You mean a blonde about
that high? Cute figure?
No. Havert seen her.
You're quite a joker,
aren't you?
Hey, hey, wait a minute.
What do you want them for?
About $50,000 won'th
of embezzlement.
Of course not.
You heard him,
he said embezzlement.
She's flat broke.
He said a guy with
glasses and a mustache.
That could be the guy
that socked you
at the hotel.
It could be 40 million
other people, too.
Oh, Mr. Baker!
Mr. Baker!
Mr. Baker and Mr. Payne!
Just look at that.
Isn't it the most
gorgeous thing you ever saw?
Well, what do you know?
Diamond ring, about
three pounds, I'd say.
Dottie bought it for me.
Just because she heard me say
I didn't have one.
Isn't she an old
Hello, bought myself
a present, too.
Do you like it?
Sure, yeah.
It's a little baggy
in the shoulders,
but I didn't have time
for alterations.
I thought you were
short of cash.
Oh, I had a little
stashed away in Chicago.
I bought Joe some fruit.
All right, folks,
let's get aboard.
Come on, we're late.
Prexy, do you know
what happens to guys
who help people get away
from the police?
The police take a very dim
view of such goings-on.
They call us accessories
to the crime.
Take it a minute, will you?
Prexy, we could
put a chute on her
and drop her out.
Joe doesn't feel so well.
It's the altitude.
We're trying to get
on top of this weather.
I've been thinking about that
jam you were in in New York.
You have?
Of course,
you didn't tell me
very much about it.
Well, you told me,
small-town girl
comes to big city...
Did I have it
figured out wrong?
It wasrt quite the way
you thought.
Well, maybe you're making
a mistake running away.
You know, sometimes
it's better just to face
a thing and get it over with.
Not this.
I had to run, Marv.
You did, huh?
It was the only thing
I could do. Otherwise, I...
Well, I might have been
trapped, perhaps
for the rest of my life.
Anything like this ever
happen to you before?
Well, it had never
got quite this far.
Well, do you think...
Do you think...
Maybe someday
I can tell you about it,
after it's all
straightened out.
Well, I guess I better
get back up front
and give Bullets a hand.
We're at 14,000.
We can't top this stuff.
Well, we might as well
stop wasting gas.
That monkey's getting sick.
What's he got to be
sick about? He doesn't have
to fly this pressure cooker.
I got it.
While you were out,
Kansas City called.
They report 500 feet
and a mile visibility.
Say, I was just thinking,
let's skip Kansas City
and go on to Tulsa.
Isn't that stretching
our gas a little far?
Well, it's easier
to get in at Tulsa
in this kind of weather.
Oh, and the cops might be
waiting at Kansas City
for Miss Blucher.
Well, how do we know
they want her?
That flatfoot in Chicago
wasrt looking for
any lost Airedale.
That doesn't
prove anything.
Now, go on, get out
your computer, and give me
a figure on that gas.
Kansas City radio,
this is NC551. Over.
Hey, when you go for a dame,
you don't hold back any,
do you, Marv?
MAN ON RADIO.: Plane calling
Kansas City radio, say again.
Kansas City radio, NC551.
Well, we're picking up
a nice load of ice.
I hope she's going
to make Tulsa.
We ought to be
pretty close to Chanute.
Give them a call, will you?
Chanute radio, this is NC551.
Do you read?
this is Chanute radio...
There goes the antenna.
I should have listened
to my mother.
She wanted me to be a dentist.
You know what I think?
I think we better find
a nice hole and sit down,
while we have enough gas
to sit down with.
Here, take it, will you?
Hold that heading.
I'll tell the passengers.
Give them the
"Routine landing, nothing
to be alarmed about" speech.
No breaks yet.
I got it.
Joe, don't do that. No.
What a way to die.
Strapped in this infernal
machine with gorillas
and dead bodies...
If I'm gonna die,
I'm gonna die sitting
on your lappy-wappy.
We're not gonna die.
Well, I hope not.
We ain't hardly
married yet.
Not enough gas
to clean your necktie.
Well, we can't stay up here
in this slop any longer.
We'll just have to go down
through it, take a chance
of breaking out of it.
Down to 2,000 feet.
Do you see anything?
There may be a break ahead.
I think I see a light.
It's the ground, Prexy,
and it looks flat.
Lose a little more altitude
and we'll be in the clear.
I think I can
get her in here.
Looks kind of skimpy to me.
See if you can
release that flare.
I hope that mud
isn't too deep.
We'll soon find out.
Gear down.
Going down.
If it wasrt for that blonde
of yours, we'd be sitting
in Kansas City right now,
having a hamburger
and a cup of coffee.
In the future,
if we have any future,
leave dame-chasing to me.
Gear down and locked,
mixture rich, pressure up,
green light.
I got a wheel, I think.
I got a wheel, probably.
Okay, full flaps.
Full flaps.
Cut it!
I've come to the conclusion
that this is
a young mars game.
I'm too old to be
an intrepid aviator.
Boy, that was
a raunchy landing,
wasrt it?
Raunchy? What do you mean,
raunchy? It was beautiful.
We're alive.
Well, let's go back and see
if everybody else is.
Everybody all right?
(SIGHS) Okay.
Fine. Nice work, Marv.
How about Joe?
Mr. Caslon?
Mr. Caslon!
Missing some personnel?
Here's his bag.
He must be around somewhere.
Say, you folks just keep
your seats, and we'll...
Lover, I think
that sugar lump's
going to be sickie-wickie.
Hey, Bullets,
open up the door, will you?
Get some air in here.
Do you think he could have
crawled in with Mr. Selby?
You sure you're all right?
Well, sit over here.
We'll look around outside.
Don't suppose
he jumped out,
do you?
I hope not.
He might want a refund.
Where are we?
Let me out of here!
Get out of my way!
BULLETS: Hey, wait a minute!
I tried to tell you,
no steps.
Some people just
ain't air-minded.
I love you!
Everybody get
under the wing.
Seems to be all
in one piece.
I'll stow this in here.
No, I'll keep it...
I'd rather keep it...
May have a long walk.
Let's go.
Wait a minute.
About 110?
108. But that's dry
and no clothes on.
RACKNELL: Hey, there!
You people all right?
Yeah, we're all right.
You come by airship,
didn't you?
Yeah, we had some trouble.
Thought so. You like
to took the roof off of
the house when you come in.
My place, right over yonder.
You folks better come along,
get out of the wet.
Where are we, anyhow?
Forty miles north of Tulsa
as the crow flies.
No crows are flying to
Tulsa tonight. If they got
any sense, they're walking.
These here folks alighted
in that airship, Ella.
This here is my wife,
Mrs. Racknell.
How do you do?
You folks better come on in
and get into some dry duds and
have something warm to eat.
There's plenty left over
from our supper.
that's a beautiful word.
Dindin, sugar lump?
Uh-huh. Dindin.
No, just married.
Don't stand there, Matt,
come on in.
Everybody in.
That's right.
Right up the stairs.
Shucks, don't let a little mud
bother you. Come on, children,
hurry up. Hurry up.
I hope you have a telephone,
Mr. Racknell. I'll have to
report that landing to Tulsa.
Right over there.
Thank you.
Somebody on the line.
Don't hang up.
What're they saying?
We always listen in.
We got about 10 families
on the line,
makes it kind of sociable.
A fellow talking about
a pain in his back.
That so?
Says it's worse.
Oh, Jud Tavis.
Let me have that.
This is Matt Racknell talking.
Yeah, get off the line,
will you?
I got an important
call to make.
Never mind what it is,
you'll hear it
in just a minute.
There you are.
Thank you.
Happen to have him
down in a cage
down in the airplane.
Of course, he's not really
a monkey, he's an ape.
A chimpanzee, to be exact.
They come from Africa.
Where is that?
Well, you go down to
South America to Natale,
then jump across
to the Ascension Islands,
then up to Dakar.
Or if you have a four-engine
airplane, you can fly
the great circle route.
What is he talking about?
Where's Africa?
It's across the ocean.
Too many people up here.
You ought to be in bed.
Kiss your mom
good night and get.
Well, I should think.
Hurry up, get in line,
line up.
Good night, good night.
Come on.
Good night, dear.
Good night.
Good night.
Good night.
ELLA: Good night.
Well, Matt,
I'll take Pauline.
What is it?
He wants to know
if he can see that chimpanzee
you were telling us about.
Sure, sure thing.
Show him to you the first
thing in the morning.
Barnabas, tell you what,
we'll have him smoke
a cigar for you.
You sure have a fine family,
Mr. Racknell.
It's going to be
a fine family by the time
we're finished with it.
We're just
getting started.
I'm a family man.
Is that so?
I got two boys
and a baby girl.
That's fine.
Maybe you'd like
to hold Pauline while
I wash up the dishes.
Well, I believe I would.
Excuse me.
Come on, Martha. Martha.
Time to get to work.
I think I'll have
a look at the weather.
It's clearing off fast,
ain't it?
Weather ought to be good
for flying tomorrow.
Think you can rise
your airship off my field?
It's pretty short.
We can't be sure
until morning.
You're positive
about that wind?
Wind blows from that direction
every morning, almost.
I'll drive into Tulsa
first thing with the truck
and get you gas.
Now, we're gonna have
to tow the airplane
up onto solid ground.
Do you have a tractor?
Nope. Never could afford one.
Nobody around
here's got one.
Excepting the Cherokees
up the road.
They got a beauty.
Biggest thing
you ever seen.
Well, do you think we could
get them to bring it over?
We'll pay them for it.
I don't reckon they'd be
interested in anything
you could pay them.
They got more money
than they know
what to do with.
Oil wells
all over their land.
But I'll stop by on
the way to town and see
if I can persuade them.
Fine. Fine!
Thank you.
I hope Milty and I'll have
10 children, just like you,
Mrs. Racknell.
Wouldrt be surprised
if you did better than that.
Such a big family must
keep you awfully busy.
Sure does,
but I don't mind.
I don't know what else
there is in life
for a woman,
besides helping her man
and raising some kids.
You must be really happy,
aren't you?
What? Well, yes,
I suppose I am.
That's wonderful.
Ain't you happy,
Miss Blucher?
Well, I don't think
I really know.
Did you ever think
of getting married,
Miss Blucher?
Yes, but it's
not that easy.
What's hard about it?
Oh, well, it's a hard
decision to make. I...
How do you make up your mind
about a thing like that?
If you have to make up
your mind,
you got the wrong man.
I knew Milty was for me
from the very beginning.
From the first time
you saw him?
Well, the first time
I kissed him.
I don't see how you can tell
from a thing like that.
I've kissed a man or two,
but I never got any message.
Oh, you will,
when you kiss the right one.
Is that so?
Excuse me.
Would you care to dance?
Well, I've got to go down
and check over the airplane.
I'll go with you.
I might be able to
help you or something.
Okay. Fine.
Well, everything seems
to be all right.
We were pretty lucky.
It was more than luck, Marv.
You're a wonderful pilot.
Well, in this case
it was mostly luck.
Airplanes take a lot of care,
don't they?
You've got to take good care
of your airplane,
or some other guy'll
be taking good care
of your widow.
But you wouldn't have
a widow for a guy
to take care of, would you?
No, no, it's just a saying
we had in the Air Force.
What'd you fly, bombers?
No, I flew this.
Over the Hump,
India to China.
I don't know.
I sort of got fond
of the old girl.
So, when the war was over,
I bought her.
Well, I didn't know
you were sentimental, Marv.
I guess I'm as sentimental
as the next guy.
Only about airplanes?
Well, I know more about
airplanes than anything else.
How to handle them.
What to expect of them.
And you don't
know how to...
Oh, Marv.
Oh, Marv.
Marv, you're it.
Oh, yes.
Oh, I've wanted to do this
ever since I saw you leave
the airplane in Chicago
with those silly shoes on.
You have?
How wonderful.
Oh, but I've ruined your
beautiful schedule that went
all the way up to 1954.
You sure have.
I love it.
Well, it sort of
complicates things
for me, too.
Yeah, it sort of does,
doesn't it?
Do you want to
tell me about it?
Not tonight, Marv.
Oh, please, not tonight.
CASLON: Mr. Payne.
Mr. Payne. Mr. Payne,
I've got to talk to you
right away.
What do you mean?
What I have to say
is extremely urgent.
You'll excuse us,
won't you, miss?
It's very important.
Just a second.
Look, Dottie...
Well, I ought to be
getting back, anyway.
I know, but, well,
what about the complications?
Mr. Payne, please...
Just hold on.
Just hold on a minute.
Well, there's really
no use talking
about something
that I'm not ready
to talk about yet,
until I know it's ready
to be talked about.
I'll see you
in the morning.
Good night, Marv.
Good night.
Mr. Payne, I'm not
going to continue
this trip. I can't.
I know it's been
pretty rough.
I've been contemptible,
I've been rotten.
I've been a despicable cad.
All right, now,
what's your trouble,
Mr. Caslon?
I've always been weak
and selfish. My whole life
has been like that.
I see that now.
Well, what's this
all about, anyway?
Well, come with me, Mr. Payne,
and I'll try to tell you.
I was contemptible.
I was rotten.
I was assistant cashier
of the Eternal Fountain
Pen company.
Well, is that bad?
But tonight when I held
that baby in my arms,
I came to my senses.
It made me think
of my own family,
my good wife, Harriet.
We've been married
for 25 years, Mr. Payne,
but I forgot all that,
my duty, my reputation...
Now, wait a minute,
wait a minute.
Now, just a minute.
Would you mind telling me
where we're going?
Behind that door is $50,000
of the company's money.
I'm a thief, Mr. Payne.
A thief and an embezzler.
My name isn't Caslon,
it's Chalmers.
You must be the one the police
were looking for in Chicago.
I'm a contemptible...
A contemptible, rotten guy.
Yeah, but they were
looking for two people,
a man and a woman.
Well, I was running away
with Mae, my secretary.
She's on her way to meet me
by another route.
She doesn't happen to be
a blonde, does she?
She is. Mae's the sort
of girl it's easy
to get involved with,
and well,
I got involved with her,
but I know better now.
when I held that baby...
Yes, yes, I know.
I'm going into Tulsa with
Racknell in the morning
and get the first plane
for the east.
Well, I'm glad you're
gonna do that, Mr. Caslon.
I mean, Chalmers.
Yeah, that's the right thing
for you to do.
Now, if you'll excuse me...
I want to stay
and guard that money.
You're money's safe.
The airplane's locked.
Would you mind if I stay
and keep an eye on it?
You can stay there
all night if you want.
Hello, operator?
I want to put in a call
to New York City.
The Hampshire House hotel.
I want to speak
to the night manager,
Mr. Dick Hebert.
That's right.
That does it.
Pretty soon Payne Air
will be on the march again.
Yeah, I'm in no
particular hurry to get
where we're marching.
Hey, you're not staying
very happy this morning,
Oh, sure I am. Sure.
Every time I think
of that ice melting
around the fish,
and the monkey
missing his show,
and the late Mr. Selby
being late for his funeral,
I feel like laughing
my head off.
But I don't do it
because I'm afraid people
wouldn't understand.
It's not like you to worry
about a little thing
like bankruptcy.
It's something else,
isn't it, Marv?
Where's that wind
you promised me?
Funny about that.
It should have been here
by this time.
What about the Indians
and their tractor?
They should have been here
by this time, too.
By the way,
before I forget it,
here's the change
from that gasoline money.
No, you keep it.
We owe you that and much more
for all you've done for us.
Oh, I don't want to be
paid for helping people
who are in trouble.
It was a pleasure.
Okay. Thanks very much.
Hey! Get away from there.
How's your back, Jud?
Oh, it kept me
awake all night.
This damp weather gets me
right here like a knife.
Good morning.
I wanted to get out here
earlier but I just woke up.
I haven't slept
so well in years.
I guess the air cargo
business agrees with me.
That's good.
When is he gonna
smoke a cigar?
You promised us.
In a little while.
Hello, Joe.
What's wrong, Marv?
What makes you think
anything's wrong,
Miss Blucher?
There is something wrong,
isn't there?
Well, now, maybe if you
concentrate real hard,
you'll be able to
figure it out for yourself.
RACKNELL: You don't say.
JUD: Seems this fellow
was telephoning New York.
Speaking to a friend of his
in some hotel.
He wanted to get
the name of the gal
who was staying in the room
next to his the other night.
Only she didn't stay
in her room, she spent
the night in his room.
Seems her brand new husband
was in her room,
and she was running away
from him.
Turns out this gal's
supposed to be
the world's richest orphan.
Worth about $80 million,
name of Dillwood.
Oh, she's been mixed up
with a dozen different men.
Sure got an earful,
didn't you?
I sure did.
You know,
this here telephone's
better than a radio...
I was going to tell you
about this, but I wanted
to do it in my own way,
so that you'd
Oh, I understand,
all right.
Your name is Dee Dee
Dillwood Benson.
You're married and you're
dusting off your husband.
I'm not really married.
I knew right after the wedding
that I'd made a mistake,
so I ran.
Henry doesn't mean
anything to me.
Then why did you marry him?
Because I was mixed up
and confused and I didn't
know my own mind.
But I do now.
I love you, Marv.
I guess you said that
quite a few times before, huh?
Not the way
I'm saying it to you now.
Oh, now, look.
How many times have you
used that one?
I've made a lot of mistakes,
but this isn't one of them.
You've got to believe that.
I'll tell you
what I believe.
I believe that
you're a spoiled,
pampered girl,
who has to have everything
she wants, when she wants it,
no matter how much
it hurts anybody else.
Well, in that case,
I'd better not go on
to the coast with you.
I might hurt someone.
I guess we can manage
without you.
Eighty million bucks?
Will you take me into Tulsa
with you, Mr. Racknell?
Why, sure, as soon as
we get finished here.
I'll wait for you
in the truck.
Mr. Racknell, you tell him
to move the tractor round
to the tail of the airplane.
Sure will.
There seems to be
a slight complication.
They want to see
the chimpanzee
smoke a cigar.
I promised them
they could.
That was the only way
I could get them
to bring the tractor.
But it'd save time
if they'd tow the airplane
up onto solid ground first,
then they can watch the monkey
while we get things ready.
I'll ask them.
They won't do it.
No cigar, no tractor.
They drive a hard bargain.
Okay. Okay,
let's get it over with.
Get me those cigars,
will you, Bullets?
Good morning,
Right this way.
Step right over there.
You'll get a better look.
Now, folks, this is
the only monkey in the world
that can smoke a cigar.
All right, Joe.
His name's Joe.
Joe. Have a cigar.
Here you are.
Wouldrt you...
Don't you want
the nice cigar, Joe?
Hey, King Kong,
smoke the cigar.
Smoke for the people.
That old monkey can't smoke.
MARV: Joe, please.
Well, now,
wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
We'll get him to do it
in just a second here.
Just a minute
and he'll do it.
All right.
It'll just take
a little time.
All right, now.
Now, here you are, Joe.
Let's have a...
Let's have a smoke, huh?
All right, now, take it easy,
take it easy, Joe.
Now, Joe,
I'll tell you what I'll do.
I'll light it for you.
It might help him along
a little. Here we go.
Here you are.
Here you are, Joe.
Now, just like that.
You know how.
I know you do.
Now, watch.
It's very simple.
Very simple.
Very sim...
Have a smoke.
Here, Joe. That's it.
Smoke it for mother.
So, you can manage
without me?
Okay, tell them
where to put the tractor.
Get those two fellows,
get those two fellows.
Hi, Neil.
Glad to see you, Marv.
You had a tough time,
didn't you?
Oh, we had a lovely trip.
Air travel is the thing.
Well, there's an impressive
group of vultures
waiting over there.
We'd better get on over
and square their beefs.
Well, first
we got to have
It's been a long time
since we had becksie...
Look, Bullets,
from now on
in Payne Air,
let's have it breakfast,
lunch and dinner,
shall we?
Okay, okay.
Oh, dear me.
No, it was just the altitude.
We had to fly pretty high.
MAN: You guaranteed to
deliver him safe and sound
and on time, which he ain't.
MARV: Just send in the bill.
And we hold
Payne Air responsible.
Do I make myself clear?
Just send in your bill.
We will, Mr. Payne. We will.
This the end
of Payne Air?
No, it isn't.
Now, what about
the other airplane?
Didrt Ted and Eddie
get a good load
out of Mexico City?
With what we make out
of that load, we'll be able to
keep our heads above water.
We don't have...
What happened?
You know that cemetery
on the downwind end of
the runway at Hermosia?
Well, there was a ground fog.
They hit a monument.
Boys get hurt?
They walked away from it.
Well, what about the airplane?
It melted.
Well, I've been looking over
things all afternoon, and I...
No matter how I figure,
it all adds up that Payne Air
is just about broke.
Just had a lot
of bad breaks,
that's all.
But we're gonna work
out of it. It may be
tough going, but we'll do it.
Well, that's okay for you,
Marv. You're single.
But I've got two kids
to think about.
And Eddie's got a wife.
Yeah, yeah, I know.
We've got to have
some dough coming in.
So today...
Well, Eddie and I
had an offer, and...
Are you trying to say
you sold your stock?
How'd you know?
Because I sold mine, too,
this afternoon.
CURLY: So did I.
Now, who'd buy stock
in this outfit?
Somebody fresh
out of a padded cell?
Some rich dame,
says she's interested
in the air cargo racket.
is this address?
It's out in Bel Air.
She's not going
to get away with this.
But it's too late to do
anything about it, Marv.
She's already got the stock.
I just don't comprehend,
I just don't comprehend.
You've said that once.
Martha, it's not necessary
to make remarks like that.
This is my house
and you're not my husband
any longer, hurray,
so I'll make
all the remarks I choose.
Please, Mrs. Tutwiler.
We didn't fly out here
all the way
just for you and Ralph
to start quarrelling again.
We came here
to talk to Diana.
Diana, when your lawyer
telephoned and said
you wanted an annulment,
I just couldn't
let it go at that.
Why, what would
people think?
Couldrt we at least try
our marriage for a while?
This is a whim, Diana.
You've never really known
what you wanted.
I do now.
For the first time in my life,
I know what I want.
Only he doesn't want me.
Why, it couldn't possibly...
You've only been
gone two days.
How long do you
think it takes?
Diana, you're positive
you've made up your mind?
Very well.
But you're trampling
on something that could
have been beautiful.
Well, don't worry.
It'll sprout up again
with somebody else.
Goodbye, Henry.
Thank you.
Martha... Martha,
I don't suppose...
No, I don't suppose
you would.
Martha, what am I going to do?
I know Marv and I are
right for each other,
but he's an awfully
hard man to convince.
You'll think
of something,
if I know you.
But we'll talk about it
in the morning, dear.
You'd better take a pill
and get some sleep.
You must be dead tired.
But you can't go in there.
I want to see Miss Dillwood.
You can't!
Mrs. Tutwiler, he just came...
Hello, Marv.
It's all right, Martha.
I want to talk to you!
I'm glad to see you, Marv.
I thought that maybe...
I want to know
why you bought Payne Air.
Well, I didn't exactly
buy it. I just invested
some money in it.
Enough to control it!
Well, I thought if I did that,
that we could buy
some new equipment
and all sorts of things,
and then Payne Air
would be a big airline,
and everybody'd
make a lot of money,
and then no one would
have to wait until 1954
to get married.
And who wants
to get married?
Well, I thought that we might,
after I got my annulment.
Oh, I see, just like that!
And as president of Payne Air,
you'd be able to afford
a wife, even me.
Well, I've got news for you.
I'm not president
of Payne Air.
And I'm resigning,
as of right now.
Now, don't be stubborn, Marv.
I'm not working
for any woman.
I love you.
Look, you can get...
You're the first one
I've ever loved.
You can get somebody else
to run your outfit for you.
And you love me,
even if you won't admit it.
Listen, there are all
sorts of old broken-down
pilots who would...
Oh, you are it.
You do love me,
don't you, Marv?
Now, wait a minute.
Why, I spin every time
I'm around you.
I get all fogged up
and I can't think straight.
Now, you get over here
and sit on that bed
and listen to me.
Yes, Marv.
Now, stay there.
Now, it isn't as if
I don't appreciate
what you're trying to do. I...
What? Are you still taking
these sleeping pills?
Don't you know
they're bad for you?
Now that you own
Payne Airline,
if I stay around...
Look, listen to me...
I say, if I stay around,
it's just the same as
your giving me the money.
And I'm not going to have
any woman supporting me.
If my kids want
ice-cream cones,
they're going to have to
come to me for the money
and not their mother.
Hey! Hey!
Did you hear what I said?
Ice-cream cones
from their father.
So the best thing for you
and me to do is just forget
about the whole thing.
I'm sorry, but that's
the way it's got to be.
Was that clear?
HENRY: So, you're the one.
Who? Me?
He's the one.
Oh, you mean the one
Dee Dee mentioned?
He's the one, all right.
I guess I'm the one.
Well, you're the one, too.
I got a little unfinished
business with you and I'm just
in the mood to finish it.
Don't start that again.
I don't feel like
bothering with you.
You don't have anything
to say about it.
Very well.
If you insist...
You must be the one.
Morning, Marv.
Sorry to hold you up.
Little business transaction
I had to help out on.
How is business?
All right. All right.
Let's get going!
Got any idea
where we're going,
or am I being too curious?
They say the United Nations
are going to have
an air force someday.
We might join up with them.
I heard about a C-47
back in New Jersey
for sale cheap.
Thought maybe we might go back
there and make a deal for that
and start all over again.
What are we going
to use for money?
Well, I hadrt
figured that out.
Are you sure you want to
string along with me?
Am I sure?
Who'd keep you happy
if I wasrt around?
Look at that Constellation
out there!
All set to take off
for New York.
Did you ever see anything
you wanted more than that?
No, I guess a four-engine
airplane is just about
the most beautiful thing
in the world.
Just look at her.
It's as if she felt so good,
she wanted to shout about it.
Ten thousand horses
raring to go and
singing their heads off.
Seems silly to be jealous
of an airplane, but I am.
You walked out on me
last night.
You took advantage of me
when I was asleep.
I had a lot more arguments.
Yeah. So did I.
Well, there's only one thing
that matters, anyway.
Either someone loves someone,
or someone doesn't
love someone, I guess.
Well, it's not
quite that simple.
Sometimes things are just
out of your reach, no matter
how much you want them.
Like that Connie.
That's not so hard to get.
Take another look.
Now, wait a minute.
I know. You don't want
to work for a woman.
Well, you won't have to.
You'll be in complete control.
Besides, I'll be busy at home,
I hope, like Mrs. Racknell.
No one will ever love
that plane the way you do,
or handle it
the way you will.
Now, I told you last night,
what happens to me every time
I get close to you.
I know, you get all fogged up
and you spin and so do I,
and what's wrong with that?
Hey, Prexy, if Payne Air
is going to take off,
we gotta file a flight plan.
Are we stopping anyplace?
I guess not.