Woman, The (2011)

You're a lifesaver,
you know that, Belle?
Deanna wants to talk to you.
What makes you say that, Belle?
She just was telling me...
- If Deanna wants to talk to me,
she'll come and talk to me.
I'll take one of those burgers
when those burgers are ready.
Are these burgers ready yet, Belle?
- I don't...
I'll check.
- Good.
Hey, keep an eye on Darlin'.
She's after that Clapp boy again.
- Chris.
So, what's on your mind, sweetheart?
I told you! No more kissing.
It is inappropriate.
Do you hear me?
Yeah, I hear you,
you're yelling in my ear.
Can I have my radio back now?
- We'll see.
What are you gonna do, jenny?
- Hold her. - Stop it!
Are you gonna cry
to your Momma, like a baby?
What's the matter, Jenny?
- You wearing diapers?
Let's see it!
Stop it! I'm gonna tell!
Like a girl, you're gonna tell.
You need your diaper changed, jenny.
- Shut up!
Diapers? Diapers, Jenny?
I spend as much time as I can
with Ed up at the home,
but I'd like to spend more.
That's understandable.
So what I wanna do is...
I wanna sell it all off,
get myself a nice little
one-bedroom up around there,
so I can be with him
these last few months.
I don't think he's got
much more than that.
If you really wanted to sell,
I'm glad you came to me.
So you just come by
the office on Monday
and we'll start drawing up
some papers. Okay?
I can't give you
the world for the place
but I'll give you a fair price.
I know you will, Chris.
It's the good thing
about old friends,
you don't have to worry
about gettin' a lube job.
How'd you do, bud?
- Eight out of ten, dad.
The last one and once before that.
I think I got the hang of it, though.
Gotta hit your free throws
to win ball games.
I know.
That guy's got a major thing for Peg.
He's pretty much a douche.
They went out like one time.
Is that so?
Watch the leather.
So you didn't go in once, huh?
Chlorine makes my hair gross.
We wouldn't want that,
now, would we?
You feed the dogs yet?
Brian'll do it when he gets up.
The dogs can wait.
It's kinda nice when
it's quiet like this, isn't it?
How's the average?
- 7 - 10.
Pretty consistent.
- Good. That's good.
Did you catch anything?
Does it look like I got anything?
I should turn down the ham.
Fine, you do that,
then come along with me, babe.
Me too?
Sure, sweetie. You too.
Follow us, son!
Watch your step.
I want you guys to move
all this junk from the south end
to the other side of the cellar,
and just sweep up the floor.
Before dinner?
- Yes, before dinner, Peg.
Because your dad asked you to.
You don't have a problem with that,
do you Brian? - No.
Where do you want us
to move all the stuff?
In the dump trailer.
If it's small and burnable,
put it in the burn barrel.
You're gonna need some gloves.
There's a couple pair in the barn.
Have you fed the dogs yet?
- It's Peggy's turn. I had morning.
Fine. I'll feed the dogs.
I'll go get the gloves.
Is there mice down here?
Could be.
Should I get some cheese?
No, I don't think
that's a very good idea.
Belle, you organize
things around here.
With three of you,
it shouldn't take very long.
I've got some things
to do at the house.
Why are we doing this?
You'll see.
Trust me on this one.
What's he doing?
Peggy, you scared
the hell out of me.
Sorry. I couldn't sleep.
Well, try. You have
school in the morning.
What's dad doing?
Go to bed, Peggy.
It's late.
Good night, mom.
Good night, honey.
Hey, I don't wanna hurt you!
Okay, so who can tell me
what a scalene triangle is?
Three unequal sides.
- That's right.
But we forgot to raise our
hand again, didn't we, jackie?
Sorry, Miss Raton.
So what other kinds of triangles
are there? Name them for me, guys.
Taking copious notes as usual, right?
Just some notes, yeah.
So what other kinds
of triangles are there, Peg?
Please, may I be excused?
Yes. Of course you may.
You okay, sweetie?
Yeah. I just had to come
and get my stuff.
Great shot, Cyndi!
Way to go, Brian!
You're too good.
What's up, Cyndi?
There's something sticky
like glue in my brush.
Let me see.
It's okay Cyndi. I'll help you.
Ow! That hurts!
- Sorry.
It's okay. Thanks for trying.
That is not civilized behavior!
Oh, God!
you like to bite.
You can't understand
a word I'm saying.
I get that.
But I'll bet that you could guess...
that I am more than just a little bit
upset with you right now.
So I need to make sure
that you understand
just who is in charge here.
I've got kids to raise
around here, lady.
And disobedience is not something
I want them to witness.
They're very good kids,
and I would very much like
to introduce them to you.
if you're not going to be nice,
if you are going
to be disobedient,
then I can't do that.
Now can I?
Plus, I need to feel better
about losing my finger.
Okay, I'm gonna go
to the house for a minute.
I'm gonna bring the wife and kids.
And you be nice.
Be nice.
I feel better about
losing my finger now.
One shot.
I heard you.
What were you shootin' at?
You'll see.
What is that new tune?
Where is it from?
I like it.
- Me too.
You'll spoil your dinner.
Not a chance.
You say that now.
- I certainly do.
Okay everybody.
Who wants to go down
to the cellar with me?
What do you have in there?
A mountain lion?
This is a hell of a lot better
than a mountain lion, son.
What is this?
God only knows
where she's been living, Peg.
In the woods. In caves.
We're gonna help her.
She needs a big Band Aid.
That's right.
That's the first thing
we're gonna fix.
She's been wounded.
We'll get right to it. Okay.
We are all going to have to share in
the responsibility of taking care of her.
Ground rules.
No touching.
I learned the hard way
that our friend here likes to bite.
She bit you?
She took an inch off my finger.
Swallowed it.
What are we gonna do with her?
We're gonna train her, Brian.
Civilize her.
Free her from herself,
from her baser instincts.
This woman thinks
that she is an animal.
And God only knows
how she got that way,
but we cannot have people
running around the woods
thinking they're animals.
It isn't right.
It's not safe.
Could you run up and
put together a bowl of cereal
or oatmeal or something simple?
She's gotta be hungry.
The only thing she's had to eat
since I captured her is...
Your finger.
And Peg? Go up
and get the first-aid kit.
I wanna see to her wounds.
Okay, let's go, girls. Come on.
Better than a mountain lion, son?
Do we really get to keep her?
- We do.
Now, I cannot stress this enough.
For the moment,
everyone keep your distance.
What is that, Belle?
Is that oatmeal?
- Good.
Good. It's nice and nutritious.
just go ahead
and set it down. Okay?
So, Belle,
you're gonna set it down.
But not too close. Good.
And now, Brian,
I want you to bring the rake.
Okay. Now push it toward her.
Be careful not to spill it.
Come on.
There you go.
Great. Great.
Everybody, that's teamwork.
Okay? Everybody did their part.
See what I mean about
keeping your distance?
I guess next time
we need to use Rubbermaid.
I'll clean it up. Alright.
If she gets hungry enough, she'll eat.
Okay, look, here,
huddle up. Here.
This is our project
and it's a secret one.
Now, I shouldn't
have to remind you
to keep your mouths zipped,
but I'm doing it anyway.
We're all gonna have to share
in chores with this one.
It's the same as
taking care of the dogs.
Someone's gonna have to
clean up after her and so on.
Your mother and I
will take care of anything...
overly complicated. Right, hon?
Okay, then. Well, dinner time.
She may not be hungry,
but I am.
Okay. We'll work out
the details later, okay?
Let's go eat.
Is everybody okay with that?
Everybody okay? Yeah?
Okay. Let's go.
Some salt?
Are you in there?
Well, when I'm sad
I listen to my radio.
Wanna hear?
How are things at school, kiddo?
Fine, dad.
You're a good girl, Peg.
And I know it's hard
sometimes being your age,
but you've got to remember
to look at things on the bright side.
You're gonna get
your license soon, right?
Your grades are good, aren't they?
And you're gonna go to college.
Think about that.
Okay, dad.
I love you, kiddo.
I love you too, dad.
That woman.
Do you really think
we should be doing this?
Let's go to bed, babe.
Toby, how are you?
- Good morning. Perfect.
Good morning, Mr. Cleek.
Morning, Dorothy.
So, how did it go with Mrs. Oldenberg?
Is she satisfied with the papers?
Signed them right away.
- Fine, that's fine.
You have lunch with Deanna
at noon, court at two,
then a three-thirty
with the oil company reps.
Are the Ludlow files ready?
I just have to print out this last one.
Okay, fine. Well, look,
when you're done with that,
just bring 'em on in here,
along with another...
cup of mud and
we'll get into it, okay?
Thank you, Dorothy.
Okay. First some stretching,
then eight laps, ladies.
Tracy, pick up the stretcher.
Not feeling well again today, Peg?
There's something going on with her.
This last month or so
she's really changed.
They do at that age.
Yeah, but you know how
they're all dressing these days,
with the short skirts
and the skimpy blouses?
Hadn't noticed it.
Point is, that's how she
used to be too, you know?
She's a very pretty girl.
She ought to be...
- Flaunting it?
Yeah. Dammit. Flaunting it.
Did you flaunt it?
I'd have made you pop
your fucking zipper, Mr. Wolf.
Hey, Belle.
Hi, Darlin'.
How are you two doing today?
We're fine. You?
Good. Yeah, we measured
Bonnie again this morning,
and she has grown
half an inch already.
Can you believe it? God!
So, do you wanna barbecue
again some time soon?
I don't see why not.
The weather's been
perfect for it, hasn't it?
Yeah. So, your place this time?
The place is just a darn mess.
Yeah, well, with all the little ones around,
how can it ever not be, right?
Hey, I gotta run.
See you soon, Vic.
Okay. Listen, maybe I'll pop in
for a coffee sometime.
Surprise you.
So, after you finish that,
would you please
send this to Deanna Plujack,
and then we'll send
the initial check.
- Will do.
Mr. Cleek,
may I say something?
Of course, yeah.
It's none of my business, really,
but in this economy,
are you sure
you're not overextending?
Have you ever known me to
let things get out of hand, Dorothy?
That is a wonderful perfume.
That's new, isn't it?
You like it?
- I do.
I like it very much.
That's very nice. Yeah.
Oh, no!
- Oh!
What did you do to your yourself?
Oh, I got too close
to a sweet smelling lady
and she just...
Hey! Give me some.
That's not a very nice way to ask.
Please, Momma? I love you.
At the table.
What kind of cookie do you want?
I want a little man.
This one?
- Oh.
This one?
Do you think that animal lady
would eat a little man?
I don't know. I don't know
if she's ever had cookies before.
So why is she here?
Papa's helping her.
You heard him.
Can I have another one?
What do you think you're doing?
Just wanted to see if she was okay.
That what you want me
to tell your father?
Want a little man?
Hey! Your supposed
to eat the head first!
Not me. I chop 'em.
Thanks, sis.
Well, hell, Deanna,
I hated to have to write a check,
it cost me a good neighbor,
but if somebody had to,
thought I could be of service.
Sure. No, think nothing of it.
No, Belle and I'd be happy
to help you with one of those bottles,
but we can't tonight. No.
We have a family thing tonight.
Another time, right?
Alright. Good girl.
Okay, I'll be talkin' to you, Deanna.
Okay. Bye-bye.
Could you not?
I made a...
Don't forget about the dogs.
- It's Brian's turn.
- On it, dad.
Grab the poop shovel
while you're at it.
Shut up!
You want the goddamn hose?
Hey, girl.
Why don't you come out and eat?
You bitch!
Peggy, can I talk to you for a sec?
I don't want to be late for next period.
I'll write you a note.
Have a seat for a sec.
You alright?
Yeah. Why?
Nausea. Baggy clothes.
Mrs. Hindle tells me
you've been sitting out
of gym for weeks now.
Hey, I'm not stupid, Peggy.
Why don't you just
mind your own business?
You are my business.
I'm gonna eat you!
Where have you been?
Playing with the dogs a little.
I do that sometimes.
So, are we ready, Belle?
Okay then. Grab the buckets.
So how we doin' today?
I hate to do this to you.
But with you I'm not
taking any more chances.
We gonna scrub her down, pop?
I've never seen or smelled
anything that nasty before.
Well, your mother and I
are gonna scrub her down,
but first you're gonna
clean up her mess.
- Grab the scoop shovel.
Get a rag.
I guess we're gonna have to keep
doing this until we can get her,
you know...
Potty trained?
- Exactly.
But I can help.
Shut the door.
Let's go.
Get a bucket.
Thank you.
Maybe we should let
that cool off a bit before...
Belle, we both know
the only way to get something clean
is with good hot water.
Otherwise, we're just
shuffling germs around
if we use cold
or, hell, even luke warm.
See? Good. Look. There.
Belle, I'm gonna need
that other bucket.
Get the bucket.
Don't look at me
like you're jealous.
This has to be done, Belle.
Would you bring
the other bucket, please?
Good eye, Belle.
I think I've got...
Yeah. I've got everything
I need down here to fix that.
That's a good start. Thanks.
I'm gonna need you to get Brian.
Tell him to go to the wood shed
and I want him to get a log.
Tell him to cut it to six feet.
We can't clean her down here,
we're gonna have to take her outside.
Okay? We're gonna need Peg too.
Thanks, Belle.
You got it?
That's perfect.
It's perfect. That'll do it.
Listen, go in the house,
get your mom and Peg.
Can I help?
No, you've done enough already.
Dad wants you. He wants Peg too.
- Well, go get her.
Hey, Peg!
Dad wants you!
- Brian! Go up and get her.
Do not scream in my house!
- Sorry.
And go up to your room
and stay in there
while we are working,
do you understand?
Peg! She's not clean.
Ladies, go get the towels
and get that first-aid kit, okay?
Let's go.
You're learning.
Dry her off.
Is it safe now?
Yeah. Don't worry.
Says the man with nine fingers.
Go ahead in.
Dry as a bone now.
We don't want her
coming down with something.
Hon? Give me one
of those cotton balls
and soaked in peroxide, please.
This is gonna hurt.
It buttons here and here,
so you don't have to...
undo her or anything.
That's great.
Why don't you throw it on her?
It's okay, she's not
gonna do anything.
This is just all
new to her, that's all.
She's a little scared.
She has a lot of scars.
What do you imagine
she's been doing?
Maybe some day she can tell us.
I don't think she likes it.
She's never had a dress
on her before, Belle.
You probably didn't like it
the first time
you had a dress, huh?
She looks like one of those
polygamist wives, doesn't she?
Whoa, slow down, slow down.
Thank you.
Thaaaank you.
Thank you.
Read my mind, babe.
Your kids still giving you a hard day?
No, they're fine.
What's with the paper?
It's a phone number and an address.
Peggy Cleek's parents.
I'm pretty sure she's pregnant.
You are not thinking
of telling them, are you?
Well, shouldn't I?
- Could make things worse.
It's gonna be
very obvious very soon.
It's your call.
I gotta go lock up.
I'll be back in a sec.
Hell, it never fails at dinner time.
Peg, would you see
who that is, please?
I was on the phone all day.
Don't make that noise, hon.
I don't like that noise.
Hello. This is Genevieve Raton,
and this message
is for Mr. or Mrs. Cleek.
Your daughter Peggy is
a student in my geometry class...
Message erased.
You have no new messages.
Darlin', turn that down.
Peggy, what are you doing?
It's time for school.
Come on, I'm driving you today.
I don't feel so good, mom.
Can I stay home today?
Peggy. There is
nothing wrong with you.
You got a half-day today, huh?
What are you gonna do
with all that free time?
Well, don't do anything I wouldn't do.
Okay, dad.
If I get up I'm gonna be sick.
I don't want Brian here
alone after school, anyway.
Hey, Brian.
- What's up?
A bunch of us are going to the movies.
Want to come along?
I gotta head home.
I got some stuff to do.
- Okay then. Maybe next time.
Sure. Next time.
Bye, Brian.
Who the hell doesn't like cookies?
What the hell
are you doing, Brian?
You're in trouble now,
you little shit!
Get out of here! You're sick!
I'm so sorry...
about all of this.
Darlin', go to your room.
Why? I didn't do anything.
Honey, this isn't about you.
This is about your brother.
Go to your room, good girl.
Do you know what your son did?
Do you want to know?
I'm not sure I do.
He didn't think
anyone was home today.
So he went down there. With her.
Had her dress off.
Had her naked.
He was touching her.
And touching himself.
If Peg hadn't caught him at it
there's no telling what would
have gone on down there.
Is this true, son?
Peggy caught him!
Didn't you hear me?
Why the hell are you
asking him is it true?
Calm down, Belle.
He had one hand on her
and the other down
his goddamn jeans, Chris!
I'm telling you
to take it easy.
You better look at me
when I'm talkin' to you.
Is this true?
Okay, so no one was hurt?
No... What?
No one was hurt.
He's a boy.
He's an adolescent.
Adolescents have urges.
Boys will be boys.
You know, now that she's
cleaned up, I have to say,
she's not half bad to look at,
you know what I mean?
I can't fucking do this anymore!
You can't do this to us, Chris!
Have you lost your mind?
You can't just stand there and smile
when your own son
thinks it's okay to...
To what?
You are an officer of the court!
She is a human being!
Do you know what would happen
to all of us if you got caught?
just what's going on with
the goddamn dogs out there
is enough to put you in prison.
Anophthalmia, Belle.
It's your shame.
Anophthalmia, remember that?
Do you?
I never condoned what you did.
You can't just keep putting
one thing on top of the other
and expect to get
away with it forever.
Chris, I...
I've had it!
So what are you gonna do?
I mean, what is your plan?
What? I don't...
I just would like to know.
What the fuck you think
you're gonna do about it?
I'm leaving.
I'm leaving you, Chris.
And I'm taking the girls with me.
You can have your
little rapist son to yourself.
You're already teaching him every
goddamn thing he needs to know,
aren't you?
You can damn well
burn together, the two of you.
But you are not
hurting my girls anymore.
It's over.
Right now.
You can't do this to us, Chris!
I can't do this!
I can't?
I can!
She'll be fine.
She's okay.
Get a cold cloth
for your mother, Peg.
Peg, let's go!
Why don't you answer
the door? See who it is.
Miss Raton?
Peggy. Hi.
You gonna invite me in?
This really isn't the time...
Sure it is, Peggy.
Hey, I'm not here to hurt you.
I wanna help.
You can't help.
- Well, how do you know that?
I just do.
I know doctors, counselors,
all kinds of people.
I said this isn't
the time, Miss Raton!
Peg, where are your manners?
Hi, come on in.
- Thank you.
- Raton.
Raton. I remember.
Yeah. Geometry.
- Yes.
Geometry. That's right.
I met you at Parents' Night.
- Please, have a seat.
Can I get you anything?
Are you thirsty?
Would you like some...
Soda pop or coffee, nothing?
I'm fine, thank you.
- Okay.
May I speak with you and
your wife privately, Mr. Cleek?
Please, call me Chris, Miss Raton.
And you are...?
It's a beautiful name.
She's really not feeling very well.
She's having herself
a little power nap.
So this is about Peg, I gather?
Then I suppose she should hear it.
My son as well.
We have no secrets
in this family, Miss Raton.
Come here, son.
I've observed some...
distressing behavior
as of late, Mr. Cleek.
Peggy isn't looking well.
She's had to rush out to use the ladies
rest room several times during class.
Her studies are off,
and she's taken to wearing clothes
that are much too big for her.
Well, she does like
to wear my sweats.
Does Peggy have a boyfriend,
do you know, Mr. Cleek?
And I would know if she did.
I believe that Peggy
is pregnant, Mr. Cleek.
- I am not!
What makes you think that
Peggy is pregnant, Miss Raton?
Well, she's showing, Mr. Cleek.
Not very much right now,
but that won't last much longer.
Do any of your colleagues
concur with this opinion, Miss Raton?
I wouldn't know.
I haven't discussed it with them.
I thought it best
to come directly
to you and your wife.
It was good of you to do so.
I thought teachers
were supposed to listen,
but you're not very good at listening,
are you, Miss Raton?
Because I told you
Peggy does not have a boyfriend
and that if she did
I would know about it.
Did I not say that?
Well, yes, but...
So you're accusing Brian?
He's just a boy.
- Absolutely not!
So you're accusing me?
No, I...
No. You're accusing me?
You come to my house and you
accuse me of something like that.
I said nothing
of the sort, Mr. Cleek.
I know you didn't say
anything of the sort.
It's what you haven't said.
You think I'm stupid?
Do you think I'm stupid?
- Miss Raton?
You don't really...
think that I would want to
miss out on heaven, do you?
Hey, Brian?
Would you get the rope?
Daddy, please stop!
Daddy, please, she's my teacher!
Please, she's my friend, daddy!
- Your friend?
Your friend, is that what you said?
Well, your friend just
came to expose you
for the little slut whore that you are!
Daddy, you can't!
You can't! You can't! You can't!
I am so fucking sick
of "you can't" from
the women in this family!
Your mother,
your idiot sisters, you!
Please. Let me go.
I swear I won't tell anyone.
Yeah, I know you won't.
You know what?
Make that all women.
Make that all women.
Because you're leeches,
every one of you suck a man dry,
who works like a dog every day
and you suck him dry!
Stop it!
- Shut up, lady!
Do you know what
you're good for, Peg?
Do you?
You and every other whining bitch,
you're good for one thing
and one thing only.
And half the time
you're miserable at that.
You think I don't know who you are?
You think I don't know?
You're no different than that thing,
that thing in the cellar.
That's where you all belong!
Each and every cunting one of you!
I lost my composure there.
I got a little emotional.
Never let emotions
get the best of you. Okay?
- Good.
I want you to get the door, son.
We'll handle this one right away.
No! No!
No, please, help me!
I swear I won't tell anyone.
Hold on to her!
I got her, dad.
Momma, what's
happening to the doggies?
It's okay, come here, honey.
Go to your room and lock the door.
That's a very bad idea.
Bad idea.
Can you say Anophthalmia?
Oh, yeah, sister,
let's see what you can do!
What have you done?
She doesn't even look
real anymore, does she, dad?
She does to me, son.
Listen, I want you
to go to the house,
wake your mom up.
Get some cleaning supplies,
some lawn leaf bags, okay?
They're never gonna
be able to eat all this.
Sure, dad.
Get me a soda pop
while you're at it.
Getjacked up on that caffeine.
Stay with me, okay?
I want mommy!
Shit! He's got his keys!
Can you hold this for me?
Don't drop that.
Hey, it's the lady and sister.