Wadjda (2012)

I devoted myself to God
and expect
Him forever in heaven
have my habitation among the excellent
My heart, I rinsed
in light of the law and faith
And my patience brings me right
When I'm lost
Come on, girls!
Stand on your seats.
And again...
Come here, quick!
Let's continue!
Repeat the first two verses.
Do you not think we should hear
your voice? Go there. Go there!
Now we start over again.
Do not forget the keys, locks do not over-
lock. Dad can come after work.
- Okay?
- Oh yeah.
It is long way and you're late every day.
Then I run another school.
If you're late again, I did not expect.
- Mom is not late. You just got here.
- Ignore him
I'm not talking to you, little girl.
I tell mom. Mom every day since.
- Soon you'll be a pro.
- Where have you been all week?
Jar has a thing for you.
A volcanic rock from the
Rub Al-Khali desert.
It has a huge magnetic force.
Dad! Mom has been waiting
throughout the week for you.
I did not read over the lock.
What a mustache! Would suit as
advertisements for shaving soap.
Smarting. A real mustache
a falcon can land on.
You are right.
I would say an airplane.
Thank you for the breakfast.
Finally, my sandwich!
Watch it!
Who said you can catch up with me?
Did you really try to take me?
If I had a bike you would see.
Girls, stop!
Why are you laughing and talking so loud?
You forget that women's voices
not be heard by the men outside.
How often must I repeat it?
That a woman's voice is taboo.
- Sorry, Miss Hassa
- We will not do it again.
Where is your headscarf?
Did you come to school with head offense?
Stop it, girls, do not laugh!
Good girl! Come on up!
Come up and play with us.
- Do not talk to me.
- Wait a moment, please...
I brought this to you.
We are not confirmed yet. When I get my
bike and win the race, we're even.
Do you know that girls
do not ride bikes?
Double loss if it
is against the girl.
You! Go play somewhere else.
800 Rials
Too expensive for you.
- Hello
- Hello
Now I arrange lunch for you.
Oh, God! The three hour trip
in a car without air conditioning!
This trip to the world's end
is killing me.
- Dull min. What are you thinking?
- I want to ride up Abdalla.
Have you seen the girls on the bike?
Selling fruit at the hospital this next -
- Would have been easier
than to commute and
safety Colours I hear:
"I want a bike."
- Where are the bracelets?
- I was only ten. My back went off.
There will be two more Rials each.
I had so much pain in the back,
When I sat down and did it.
God save me, for you! Take them.
It's your turn.
You see, girls.
There are men who watch us.
- In the Superman, so they can see us?
- Can you see them, they can see you.
Respectable girls are entering.
Other stops where men can see them.
What are you doing here? Go to your class.
Do not you see men up there?
- There was a thief with Miss Hussa.
- Dummis, it was not a thief, but...
her lover. Her father thought
it was a thief and called the police.
- Did she say "thief ", it was a thief.
- Of course you say so, Salma.
Just a sinner and jailbird
would show interest in you.
Can you bring this to my brother?
It's my permission to go out.
- You get ten Rials.
- Twenty.
God save me for you...
He waits behind the school
and has a white pickup.
Tomorrow you wearing headscarves otherwise
to book a place in the sun for you.
If God wants.
Cover the face.
- Are you Abirs brother?
- Boob that I am her brother.
Do you have the card?
Here, however Abir said
you would give me 20 Rials.
- Really?
- Yes, by God.
Okay, then you may well not, then.
Huh? Even your money
cologne stinks.
Writing on back of truck:
" I long for you, my dear"
Do you know that there's a new invention
sometime called tape recorder.
- Want to buy something?
- How should I know?
First, if you look around,
then buy it.
- No tapes. Only CD.
- Thank you. See you tomorrow.
Do you believe me or do I
I can not find words for
to describe for you
Do you believe me or need
I take an oath?
I can not find words
to describe for you
Love's loveliness in your way...
- Would not you like to be a singer?
- I'm a singer? God forbid!
I have been together 87 Rials cycle
and needs only 713 to.
Can not you lend me it?
Oh, no! Not the bike again!
Stop nagging, please!
Ms. Hussa said I must have
a headscarf, and cover your face.
That was neat! Veil!
Shall we marry you?
Very funny!
Try this.
Too long.
Keep it that, from the bottom.
Oh, no! A thief, a thief!
A thief jumped in with Miss Hussa
to greet her.
We do not know, it may have been a thief.
You should be ashamed to say so.
A thief.
A thief, a thief.
I need to buy a nice dress
to your uncle's wedding
- so that women think about,
before they start dreaming about your dad.
Forgive me, my dear Leila.
I'm really sorry.
Iqbal, our driver, is rude.
He shouted at poor Aisha today.
She cried throughout the journey
for three hours.
Abir. Mariam's daughter?
Come to her with a man?
Do you know who he is?
Now I know who he is.
A playboy like his dad.
Is he as good as his dad?
Frankly eat father looking.
The religious police?
Mariam is well completely destroyed. They
should have married her off long ago.
That kind of girls are actually
just a nuisance.
Leila, I have to stop now.
Dad seems to have come.
But I want to know what happens
minute by minute in Abir scandal.
Take care of yourself. Goodbye.
What is it?
Do not worry. We marry not
you away. Go and saw hi to daddy.
Oh, God, why I changed my game?
This is strange, as I have lost.
- Is the score right, or last year?
- Really. I'm good with math.
The proof? Pythagoras is God
miracle: triangle remains the same.
It sounds like you know
what you are talking about.
I'm saving for a bike.
I lost.
Where is the food?
What a beauty!
- A superstar is here.
- Get out! What do you mean "superstar"?
Why is your mom around
and looking for a bride to you?
I doubt that
she try so much.
- Come play with me.
- I can not play.
Let me play.
Band with love songs.
Bracelets for football clubs.
Do you have a fan club for fotball?
Do not you know these things
are banned in school?
Abir always behaved well.
She never caused problems.
Do you know that the religious police came
on her yesterday with a strange man?
Arranged meeting you yesterday
between Abir and this man?
- No, ma'am, I did not.
- Do not lie.
I'm sure you were involved.
I just do not know how.
What shall we do with you now?
Expel you?
One moment, Miss Jamila.
Let me be clear with this girl.
You can go back to your class now.
We'll see what we will do with you later.
Replace those ugly shoes, have regular
black shoes like the other girls.
What is this?
The basis for religious club
competition in the Koran knowledge.
I really do not know
what I say. Principal.
All this for a bicycle's sake.
As long as I live, no purchase cycle.
Should I wait until
you get kicked out?
Turn off the damn radio
and these infernal songs.
The songs have just come up with
bane to us.
You are not better than Abir.
The parents married her off.
Should I pay? Can not you pay
for once?
Where's your mileage? Should everything
be put into savings association.
Where have you dowry for the next bride?
What a nifty groom.
Do you think I yearn to
support two families?
Give me a son. Everything will be fine.
But we both know that it will not.
Forget it and do not count
I will at all next week.
Do not come! Go home to your mother.
Turn your heads together and find brides.
Just an hour I wait. You will be
late, I will go. You take a taxi.
That's enough, Iqbal. We get it.
Who is she, that little one, Iqbal?
Little girl, my daughter.
She is three years old.
She is the school now.
I do not go to school.
- It shows. You can not behave yourself.
- Shut up, you must not say so.
You can not behave yourself.
I do fancy bracelet.
You give me ten rials per piece?
No, thank you. I'll get from China.
100 for 10 Rials.
- Can China make our country's colors?
- You mean like these?
- Can I try it?
- Sure.
At the far end of the corridor
A ladies.
If it is too large,
we can sew it up.
Thank you.
What do you think of the dress?
Would your dad like it?
We go back to the clerk,
Colours so they sew into it a bit.
We go before Iqbal gets angry
and leave us.
Do not worry, he will not go away.
Came here with my dress.
Who was the boy who
spoke about the bike?
What boy? What are
you talking about?
You know very well.
Do not sell my bike to someone else.
Here. I mixed a tape to you,
because we are friends now.
But do not sell my bike to anyone.
With God's will.
Ms. Hussa will explain the rules
for Quran competition.
It is about five weeks.
- I send around a sign-up sheet.
- Make the headmaster.
Good news, girls. The prize has been
increased to 1,000 Rials, from 800.
You will be the first five sections.
The competition is in two parts.
First, the terms and background
to God's revelation in the verses.
Second part is the recitation.
The recitation should be with
the correct pronunciation.
I repeat.
Correct pronunciation is a must.
Good luck in your endeavors.
What do you want?
I've thought a lot about what you said.
I'm willing to change my mind.
God be praised! Suddenly only?
I want to become member
religious club.
How much?
Only 80 Rials.
Cheaper than a bike, right?
Is 62 okay?
" Choose the right answer.
What are sabianerna?"
"Wrong. Retry.
What are sabianerna?"
Okay, brother!
"Wrong. Retry.
What are sabianerna?"
- How should I know?
- Iqbal!
You Colours your paycheck each month,
whether you're me or not.
Why do you speak so to me?
Have you no shame?
How so? Do you believe that there is
other drivers here?
Tomorrow I get
a better driver.
Guys! I 'll be late
to school. I must go.
Abdalla, how do I get to Derah?
Come on.
Hide your face.
I say you are my sister.
Your sister? No one believes you. I am
too cute to be your sister.
"I can not arrange transportation today.
Could it not be seen as emergency leave?"
I still have leave to withdraw.
Certainly. Next Month
I can stand in for others.
It is very kind of you.
See you tomorrow. Take care of yourself.
- Do you know where the driver Iqbal live?
- Many drivers named Iqbal here.
I hope we are going in
the right direction.
That could be Iqbal's car.
Yes, it's his.
What do you want?
This is not my thing.
You may speak for yourself.
All right.
- You? What do you want?
- Iqbal, why do you do so?
Go away.
- Where is your residence?
- How so? What do you want?
It's a good job. Run Wadjdas
mother again, so it is quiet.
My uncle, with the mustache,
I'll speak with him.
You do not have permission.
" My uncle, with the mustache..."
He knew right away.
The mustache is like a trademark.
They say the son sat explosives
around the waist and bam... He died.
- Clueless type! It makes the pain.
- Dying man of God is like pinpricks.
And then you fly up
and get 70 chicks.
Can you?
Pang! 70 bikes!
You have misunderstood the total.
" 70 bikes," she says.
Come on. Have not you missed us?
You have kept you away for two weeks.
The key is:
Do you think of us or do you have others?
If you have the moon,
Why are you looking among the stars?
Okay. Take care of yourself.
Continue studying.
Hello? Hello, Leila.
So. Will you come?
Do you take the money you have for me?
Is that true?
Do you work at the hospital here next?
Is your husband with the
that you work together with men?
What do you want?
My uncle asked me to
hang Ijusslingor across
the street and pay
them on your roof.
Attach them to the
neighboring house's roof.
Not on our roof.
They do not have a pole to attach in.
Your roof is the only one that has one.
Wait a minute.
Thank you, darling. When you want,
you may be the world's rarest.
Abdalla to turn on Ijusslingor
roof, so his uncle wins the election.
Say no. Not one of us,
so we do not vote for him.
Okay, you can go up on a condition.
In the morning, take your bike.
Hello, Wadjda.
You have been great and you are so sweet.
- Where's Mom?
- She will.
- How is school?
- I do not like it but it's okay.
Traitor! I work in the hospital
and I know the last time?
Finally with Iqbal! Three hours
in his car every day took killing me.
In addition, the hospital
good hours and good pay.
And so the waiting driver at me.
When is the party?
Next month. Going to buy dress
to Wadjdas uncle's wedding.
Perhaps future bi wife there.
God help those who become his concubine.
you can show her hell middle of the day.
By the way, they are
hiring at the hospital.
We could talk all day.
My husband is jealous. Seeing someone
on me, he turns on the globe.
Stop it. You blame everything
on your poor husband.
- What is it?
- It will help you learn to ride a bike.
I have to hang up the lights,
can not push on you.
You think I'm a knatting?
I took off the training wheels.
You get five Rials if you stop crying.
00:47:03,360... 00:47:06,240
Have all his Koran?
Before we begin, you have the mens must
not touch the Quran without Kleenex.
It's no laughing matter.
You are young women now.
I said stop.
You take it to the edge with a Kleenex,
not with your fingers.
Page 87.
Start with Surat al -Nisa, Ayat 59.
Let's start with the new face.
Wadjda, start reading.
- " O you who believe!"
- Higher.
" Believers!"
- "Obey God and..."
- "Obey Allah and obey the Messenger..."
- "..And those among you..."
- "...To whom responsibility
has been entrusted..."
- ".. And if you happen to" branch "..."
- What " branch"? You read wrong.
- ".. And if you get into dispute..."
- "... Happen in dispute ; Leave then..."
- ".. And if you get into a dispute,
transferable when the judgment of God."
- Enough.
- Noura, continue.
"O you who believe!
Obey Allah and obey the
Messenger, and those
of you for whom..."
"... authority and
responsibility entrusted;
and if you happen
to in dispute " -
- " Transferable when deciding to God
and the Messenger..."
So much pounding on a bike
and you can not even ride a bike.
I want to buy one. I have a plan.
- What is it?
- An antenna for all radio stations.
My uncle will speak
with two famous Quran Reader-
- Who " get one's heart to melt."
You have not heard mother sing.
She should have her own channel.
We talk about this later.
- Where's the nail polish?
- I hid it there, when the creature came.
What are you doing here?
Why did you run your hand under her skirt?
Go immediately into my office.
Wadjda, wake up, sweetheart.
Get up, so we read the dawn prayer.
I saw girls cycling on TV.
Give me the money for a bike.
I know you have money.
I saw them in the box.
Here bicycles are not girls. You will not
be able to have children if you ride.
You cycle not
and you can not have children.
How can you say so?
I almost died when I found you.
Wash before prayer.
Who will find a 'Tajwid' on page 92?
- Which verse?
- Verse 88?
"He who..."
- What kind of 'Tajwid' recitation?
- " Idgham?"
- Moughanna.
- Excellent!
What are you thinking, Wadjda?
The fact that this competition
is very difficult Colours me.
I listened to the Quran radio yesterday.
"The learning of the Quran difficult
for you, God will reward you twice"
I want you all to look
Wadjda as an example -
- Someone who endeavors
and is committed to God and His Prophet.
- You are making progress.
- Thank you, miss.
Wadjda, Miss Hussa said
she wants to talk to you.
Put the Quran.
You will be surprised, but you remind me
of myself at your age.
And look at me now.
Close the door.
States you still think you did not
do anything behind the school?
Read magazines, did none of
what you have in mind. Ask her.
I'm not sure, miss.
I was so far away.
Thanks, Wadjda. You can go back.
Give this folder to Miss Jamila.
Close the door.
This is a declaration.
Sign in and you get to stay in school.
In the name of God, I congratulate you all
for your efforts this semester.
I remind you that the school is
a place of learning and morality.
Listen carefully.
Two students were found in the backyard
when they committed a sin.
The two are...
Faten Khaled and Fatima Abdalla.
To avoid similar things -
- May you no longer bring flowers
to school -
- And do not give each other
neither love letter or fan mail.
And you can not hold hands.
Have you understood?
Then you can go back to your classroom.
Your bags are there.
Mommy! Do not touch me.
I would like to have shorter here
as Lubna Abdul Aziz.
Cut it, then.
Your dad loves my long soft hair.
Mom saw the lights
but forgot to ask me about them again
She does not know if the lights?
And your dad?
I think they like your uncle now that he's
been in the Quran Radio.
- I bleed.
- Where does the blood? What a shame!
From my lap.
How many times can I say that bikes
are not for girls.
Think you can do as boys?
And you? Why did you
let her ride a bike?
Come back! Bring your bike!
To your uncle to learn to behave.
Up to you.
You should be ashamed of coming here
with a boy, when no one is home.
Did dad know, he would kill you.
Do you want the men to hear you?
Remove the bread from the oven.
Oh, how nice! They are impressed.
You always make me so proud.
Hope it is good enough for you.
Turki, Saleh Ali Abdurahman.
Abulazziz, Rashed, Abdalla.
My dad...
Interested in dad's amazing family tree?
You are not. It is only
men's name is written there.
Clean up after yourself.
Hide traces of your crime.
I do not want him to be mad at us again.
Give me the photo.
"I said ' give here."
Stop it. What is going on here?
- Salma has the photos of their wedding.
- Congratulations. May I see the photos?
In those from your wedding?
Is it your husband?
- How old is he?
- Twenty.
Quiet, girls. Do not laugh.
Photos are prohibited at school.
Now we start.
The chapter on women, page 97.
Wadjda, start reading from verse 115.
- I will try to learn by heart.
- Fine! Close Quran and start.
" But as for guidance
disobeys the Messenger"
- " And do not take the believers' way " -
- "He sounds We go where he wants to go
and then we let him " -
- " Burn in hell -
which wretchedly goal!"
Amazing! But you have to work on
your reading and Tajwid - recitation.
If you are aiming to win
you must recite as Salma.
Salma, read verse 115 again.
" But after guidance has
been made clear to him sits up " -
- "Against the Messenger and want to go
a different path than the believers ' -
- "He sounds We go where he wants to go
and then we let him " -
- " Burn in hell -
which wretchedly goal!"
"God does not forgive those who put
the aide on His side."
" But He forgives whom He wills
his minor sins."
"Whoever puts aide on God's side " -
- " Has pushed sin to its limits."
- Are you mad at me now?
- I have homework to do.
Wait a minute. Here, for your bike.
Such as you have seen on TV.
Want to ride a little? Behind the tent.
We have a while before people come.
Abdalla, look!
The shopkeeper told Khalid and
his father that the bike is reserved.
He keeps it safe for me.
The correct answer.
Choose the correct answer.
What are sabianerna?
I know the answer.
The correct answer.
"You've never listened to me.
Why should I listen to you?"
Get dressed, we're going to go out.
Do not let the Qur'an be open.
The devil can spit in it.
Work with Leila? Cool lab coats,
as in "The Matrix," but whites.
Quiet, I'll just give her a thing.
Hello and welcome.
Leila, why do you hide not your face?
Never mind!
Let me get an application form for you.
- How are you?
- Fine, thank you.
Great job and soon no places left.
You should...
Leila, stop. I just wanted to say hi
I'll call you later, you are busy.
- Take care of yourself.
- Where are you?
Take care of yourself.
- If you do not work with Leila?
- Stop it.
"Among His signs is that He created
for you wives of your own kind.."
- "..That ye may dwell in
tranquility with them."
- No honey, try this. Listen.
"... And He has put love
and mercy between you."
" In that are signs for
those who reflect."
I'm so shy.
I can not recite so for everyone.
You, shy? If only it were true.
Look, there's Daddy!
- Where?
- There! There!
Do you love him?
- Who? Your father?
- No, the boy next door.
I do not think it's me
who is in love with the boy next door.
That was not fun.
You did not answer. Do you love him?
Dear children, I went to high school
when he proposed to me.
All the girls were crazy when they saw
the photo of him. They were so jealous.
The first man in my life.
Hopefully also the last.
You are beautiful. When he looks at you in
the red dress he gets a heart attack.
Do not worry. He would never take
a wife and break my heart.
Let us recite for the race tomorrow.
The words should come from the heart.
those around you and
read from the heart.
I'd like to be there tomorrow
and make sure you win.
But I have to commute
to the end of the world again.
Wrong answer.
What does " sadakatouhonn "?
- Wedding Gift?
- Right.
What is " Al-Furkan "?
- Quran?
- Right.
What does " da'ab "?
What does " zaygh "?
What does " hawban kabiran "?
I'm sorry, Yasmin.
Go back to your seat.
What does " hawban kabiran "?
Something big?
Wrong. Go back to your seat.
- What does " hawban kabiran "?
- Great injustice.
"If we had ordered them this:
"'Kill yourselves'
"or" Get out of your homes '
"They have not done,
except a few of them."
"If they had done what
they exhorted..."
"This is the Scripture whereof
there is no doubt"
"This is a guide for the righteous,"
"who believe in the unseen"
"and do prayer"
"and spend,
what We have given them."
"Those who..."
"Those who..."
"Those who..."
Thank you, Salma. God bless you.
Verse 7, "Sur'at Al-Baqarah" Starting on
"God has sealed their hearts..."
"God has sealed their.."
"God has sealed their hearts and
their ears and covered over their eyes"
" A severe punishment awaits them."
" There are people who say:
'We believe in God ' " -
- " ' And the Last Day '
though they do not believe."
"They are trying to deceive God
and the believers."
" But they deceive none but
themselves and do not realize it."
" Their hearts are sick and
God lets their disease getting worse" -
- " and a painful punishment awaits them
for their constant lies."
"When they are urged not to sow discord
on Earth, they answer"
" We just want to improve
and make amends."
" No, it is they who create discord
and spreads depravation."
"But they do not realize."
It was excellent, Wadjda.
God bless you.
Will you pray your prayer next to us?
- Congratulations.
- The winner is yet to be appointed.
You won. Their favorite.
All voted safely on you.
Wadjda, come here!
We kept a place for you in the front row.
In the line.
Stand closer together.
Leave no room for the devil.
God is great.
God hears the prayer of thanks.
Quiet, girls. Silence!
Finalists in the competition.
Noura Saleh, Salma Abdul Aziz
and Wadjda Al Saffan.
And now... the third prize goes to...
Salma Abdul Aziz.
Winner of the second prize is...
Noura Saleh.
Congratulations, Noura.
Wadjda, the first prize goes to you.
You won thanks to your dedication
and that you have been so diligent.
I hope everyone here
today learn from your example.
And what do you intend to use
prize money for?
I want to buy a bike at the store
down the street.
What did you say?
I want to buy a bike, but without training
wheels because I can ride a bike.
Were well better to donate money
to our brothers in Palestine?
A bike is not for girls.
Especially not for the benefit of girls
who are afraid of their honor.
I'm sure your family will not allow it.
The money will be donated in your name and
May God reward you for the good work.
Now go back to your place.
It's all girls. You can go now.
So nothing's changed after all.
You think you can behave anyhow unnoticed?
Your stupid behavior
will haunt you forever.
You mean like your "fancy" thief?
Won you not? Where is the money?
In Palestine.
- I give you my bike.
- How can we ride up?
You know I want to marry you
when we grow up, right?
So you're finally home.
- What's the new haircut?
- Your mother does not answer the phone.
Can I see?
You won? I do not think that's true.
You are my little darling.
Why are you crying? You won after all.
- Wait a second.
- Hello?
Are you ready?
I'm so proud of you,
my little heroine.
I have tried to call my mom all day.
When she comes home,
tell her I love her.
Hello? Hello, Aunt Leila.
No, I do not know where she is.
Yes, she used to be home at this time.
Okay, I'll say it to her.
Congratulations, I heard the news.
They said you won.
I did not believe it was true.
When you go in for something,
no one can stop you.
- I did not get the money.
- Why say you wanted to buy the bike?
But you do not need them and their money.
What happens at home with grandma?
Uncle marries well next month?
This is not your uncle's wedding.
It's okay. He has made his decision.
It's just you and me now.
We buy the red dress
and go there and fetch father.
The dress is no longer needed.
In addition, I spent the money.
I hope it is right.
The shopkeeper had held it for
a brave little girl.
I want you to be the happiest person.
You're all I have left in this world.
- Abdalla.
- Goal!
Catch me if you can.