The Meyerowitz Stories (New and Selected) (2017)

[Eliza] I'm thinking
about being vegetarian again.
- Eliza.
- Do you realize eating meat
is worse than driving an SUV
for a year?
- Eliza, am I fitting?
- [Horn honks]
- I'm parking, asshole!
- [Horn honks]
- I can't believe that's true.
- It's true, dad.
I'll send you the podcast.
- I don't think I'm fitting.
- I'm telling you,
it's a big thing we can do
for the environment.
Let's look it up.
But not while I'm pulling this maneuver.
- It's too small a space.
- Shit.
[Horns honking]
Put the mets game on.
I splurged and got the satellite.
- ["Head to toe" playing on radio]
- Ooh, ooh, ooh. Nice, turn it up.
[Eliza's father] head to toe
I know
Today started with a crazy kiss
On our way home
I put this on a tape for you
when you were, like, 12.
Shit! Was that a spot?
- Yeah, he's taking it.
- How did I miss that?
- Fucking shit!
- Just go around.
We've been around.
I'm gonna go further east.
How did I do this wrong?
- It's okay, dad. We'll just garage it.
- Know how much it is to garage it here?
If we garage it, you can't go to college.
- I'll pay half.
- I'm not taking your money.
What's the matter with me?
I'm usually very good at this.
- It's okay.
- I'm an extremely good Parker.
I know.
Now, I'm getting gun-shy.
I'm overthinking it.
- Dad...
- it's hot.
- Wait until we're stopped!
- It's interfering with my mobility.
- Let me help you.
- These the people who were behind us?
- I don't know.
- Keep the jacket right-side up.
My wallet's in there.
- This song is distracting.
- It's too good.
Yeah, it is too good.
There's so much construction
in Manhattan.
They're just endlessly building.
I used to go dancing around here
at danceteria, me and your uncle Matthew.
- Now it's all banks.
- You guys went dancing together?
We went together,
we didn't dance together.
For a short time in the '80s,
we hung out.
I had moves, I'm telling you.
Is this a museum now?
Everything's glass.
Do you like the photographer
Cindy sherman?
Marcus and I went to
the Cindy sherman show at moma last week.
Yes, I like Cindy sherman.
I told you about Cindy sherman
two years ago.
I don't remember.
I did, and you had absolutely no interest.
I don't know.
When Marcus tells you,
suddenly you listen?
I'm telling you,
I got good recommendations.
I mean, I have a few years on you.
- Was that a spot? What did the sign say?
- [Horn honking]
I'm trying to see.
- Quick, Eliza!
- I find parking signs confusing.
- What's today?
- This asshole's on my tail.
- It was a good space.
- Can I back up?
- I don't think so.
- Shit, he's on my tail.
- I got to go around?
- We should really just garage it.
- Son of a bitch!
- Dad, stop yelling in the car!
He cannot hear you, okay?
Only I can hear you.
Because it's "nobody can fucking drive
day!" Hey! Shut the fuck up!
Yoo-hoo. Hello!
The outer door was ajar,
and the button on the foyer door
was unlocked and pushed in.
- Something smells weird.
- [Dog barks]
- Oh, wow! Hello! Hi!
- Down, Bruno! Bruno, down!
- Whose dog is this?
- Bruno!
Maureen and I bought him
from a very elegant apricot poodle farm
near the country house.
Dad, the outer door was left open,
and someone pressed the button in
on the foyer door.
Maureen is always doing something.
- You got to be more careful.
- Maureen!
Brune! Maureen!
This house isn't very big, but she never
seems to be able to hear me. Maureen!
- This isn't the country.
- What?
- Did you leave the front door open?
- For the con ed guy!
- That was three days ago.
- Sorry we're late.
We had to garage the car.
Dad had to sell me into child slavery
to pay for it.
- That's basically right.
- Did you try east?
- Twice.
- We did.
Bruno! He does this elegant pirouette.
Dad... what happened to your face?
Did you get into a fight?
I was walking Bruno in the country
when he lunged for a feral hare
in the brush, and I tumbled forward.
Shit. Did you see a doctor?
I'm fine. My joke is,
"you should see the other dog."
Good one, grandpa.
Maureen won't even
walk that path anymore.
- She was mauled by a buck.
- A buck in the berkshires?
A male deer.
- Really?
- Maybe it was a big dog or a small boy.
In her indomitable way,
she survived with just a nasty raspberry
on her knee, but her wallet was gone.
- The mets have relinquished the lead.
- Shit.
- Your sister's here.
- They were tied when we were in the car.
I could tell dad wanted to say hi
to you guys by himself.
- When did you get here?
- A couple hours ago.
- Thanks for showing up late.
- Oh, let's...
I made cookies, but I stepped in dog shit.
I like your sweater.
Oh, thanks. I like your pin.
- Are you excited for college tomorrow?
- Yeah, I really can't wait.
Dad keeps saying
he wishes he hadn't retired now
so that you could take his class.
I couldn't make sculptures.
It's too intimidating.
She's very excited,
which I'm trying not to take personally.
I'm bad with transitions.
You don't leave the house.
There are no transitions.
Maureen is plastered.
Maureen, everyone's here! Come down!
Maureen's making shark.
- I don't think I've ever had shark before.
- Maureen's a real gourmand.
- You're in for a treat.
- She's been sober for six weeks.
Oh, okay.
I told her,
"I don't like you when you drink."
She becomes a different person.
I made her a deal. I said,
"if you stop drinking, we'll get a dog."
This is very handsome shellfish, Maureen.
The dad says
you're gonna study film at college.
Seems to be what everybody's
doing these days.
I think the dad hoped that you might
follow in his footsteps
and take sculpture.
Well, I think it's good
that she's doing her own thing.
Since Clarence had a stroke and I retired,
the art department at bard
has really suffered.
She's quite a good editor.
So, now we have a sculptor
and a filmmaker in the family.
And a musician.
And an accountant,
which sounds uninteresting,
but Matthew's the only one in the family
who's figured out how to make money.
Sign of the times.
We're supposed to say
"business manager."
I thought we would've had
more artists in the family.
- What about dad?
- I'm artistic.
Matthew showed interest in fine art
and Danny had musical talent,
but Matthew was also talented musically
and a wonderful mimic.
Jean, you showed interest in photography.
At montessori, yeah.
In my office at xerox,
I'm known as the resident auteur.
I make funny movies.
- For my coworkers' birthdays.
- They're really good.
We have no idea what Jean does at xerox.
- I'm a facilities manager for special...
- When was the last job you had, Danny?
- Those piano lessons.
- Except for the piano lessons?
And there was that gig
at beefsteak Charlie's.
I haven't worked in...
- Since Eliza was born.
- Danny was a house husband.
But now with the separation,
he's gonna have to get a job.
You can't take alimony. That's not right.
What will you do for money?
Well, we sold the apartment,
so we'll split that.
And I'll be staying here for a little,
of course, while I figure it out.
- Thank you again.
- While you're staying here,
could you go through
all the boxes upstairs
and take any posters or papers
that you want from your childhood?
Maureen is taking a fancy trip
to easter island Monday with a group.
When I come back, we're going to start
throwing things away.
- We lived in queens with our mom.
- We don't really have anything.
It's mostly Matt's stuff, but okay.
Matthew's coming out from the coast
in a few weeks.
- He corresponded about meeting for lunch.
- Matt is?
He has some wealthy clients
who are coming over Sunday
to look at the dad's work.
- Matt does?
- Apparently, they're admirers of mine.
We never hear from him,
and then suddenly poof.
That's not true.
Matthew and I correspond quite frequently.
Yeah, he texts with me.
You guys text? About what?
I don't know, things. Life.
Maybe I'll try to see him when he's here.
He's only here for a day to see a client,
he wants to see me during that time.
Eliza, have more shark.
Maureen, give my granddaughter
more shark.
You kids don't eat.
It's amazing how much
Matthew's clients make,
when you think about what a teacher,
or a nurse, or...
I think I would've had greater success
if I had been more fashionable.
Well, you were always out-of-step
with the times.
That's true, I was a vanguard.
L.J. Shapiro said that about me.
You know, l.J.'S having
a retrospective at moma.
Is he?
L.j. was always very political.
He's not untalented,
but he's a very skillful operator.
You didn't play the game.
Do you think I should email Matt
about his visit?
Why not?
I don't want to be presumptuous.
He's your brother, Dan.
Isn't that when the Whitney
bought a piece of yours?
Yes, they were going to buy
more work, too,
but Bernie, my dealer at the time,
didn't like the deal.
I probably shouldn't have listened
to him.
I don't know, he didn't respond
the last time I reached out.
When I called and wrote the Whitney
about it, they couldn't find it.
- It's there.
- They can't find it.
- Jean! Damn it, they have the work!
- Okay.
[Whispers] it's lost.
[Eliza's grandfather] Hmm.
The work looks stunning
all together like this.
- Danny, you made this?
- Jean and I did, yes.
Harold meyerowitz. A retrospective.
You send in the pictures
and they make it for you.
Oh, dad, Jean and I spoke to a woman
at the museum at bard.
- Was that hilma federman?
- Hilma, yes.
And there's some interest
in doing a show there.
Oh, that's the least they can do for you,
after all those years you've given them.
I think with Eliza going this fall
and your history as a teacher,
we have a good shot.
Danny, make sure hilma sees the book.
A retrospective at this point would be
a real feather in my cap,
and I think bring attention
to the new work.
The thing is, dad,
it would be part of a group show.
Bard faculty.
A group show.
No, that's essentially an insult.
I think hilma's angry because
I voted against her chairmanship.
Tell hilma no.
- Well, hilma hasn't offered it yet.
- When she does, tell her no.
Maureen, where's the gourmet hummus?
It's upstairs, I think.
[Piano playing]
You'll always be my superstar
You'll always be my number one
I'll always be your genius girl
I'll never be your stupid son
[Danny] no, no
You'll always be good at math
You'll always be good at naming stars
you'll always be there to catch me
Except when I fall off the monkey bars
Still hate myself for that.
That broken arm made you so sad
There went your shot at the olympiad
But that black-and-white cookie
made it not so bad
And there's always you
And there's always me
And there's always us
Mommy and daddy and genius girl
make three
You got my hands, you got my toes
But luckily I got mommy's nose
You're better than 100 Broadway shows
And there's always you
And there's always me
And there's always us
Mommy and daddy and genius girl
make three
That was a meyerowitz and meyerowitz
We wrote it when I was nine.
Was the shark bad or was that bad shark?
Dad, it was raw.
The rice was hard
and the shellfish was closed.
Dad, your limp is worse.
It's always... worse
after I've been sitting.
- Just got to stretch it.
- Please see someone about it.
I have an appointment
with an acupuncturist on Tuesday.
Someone real, please?
I'm telling you,
you are going to meet a lot of...
Wonderful, interesting, new people.
Or, I imagine you will.
I didn't make it more than a month
at college because I liked drugs so much.
I'm gonna miss you and mom.
I know. We'll miss you, too.
I still haven't wrapped my mind around it,
you guys not being together.
We don't get along when it's just us.
Sorry I don't get to drive you,
but your mom won that one.
It's okay. She's a good driver.
And I'll be up there
whenever you're ready for me.
Marcus is picking you up.
Does Marcus know to take the tunnel
instead of the bridge?
At this hour,
the bridge is gonna be jammed.
You'll be okay here?
It'll be nice to spend time with dad
while Maureen's away.
You know, I didn't get
a lot of time with him growing up.
It's an opportunity to get closer now.
It's nice you and Jean
are getting him this show.
I know it's just a college show,
but I think it really could
put him back on the map.
The work is good
and deserves more exposure.
You are a truly wonderful girl.
You've been a great dad.
I think I still am.
I didn't mean it that way.
[Horn honking]
Hey, Marcus.
Hey, Danny.
Text when you get...
This one's interesting.
I think it's a masterpiece, Brian.
It's intended as a sort of sequel
to "gilded halfwing."
The squiggly one outside Lincoln center.
Yes, James, "gilded halfwing."
It's probably my most well-known work.
It has a young man's energy.
But I like to think
that my later work is richer,
more interesting.
When Matthew told me that was yours,
I was like,
"I walk by there all the time."
We're on central park west now,
but have been looking for
the right place downtown.
Show James and Brian
the wood structures.
Yes, I've been working in wood recently.
Danny, give me a hand.
How about this one, with the gold?
Always loved this one.
No, not that one.
It's a minor work of mine.
Over here.
How's the noise in this area?
- It gets very loud, all the tourists.
- Only on weekends.
How long has Matthew been your...
- Business manager?
- Hey, dad, let me help.
[James] he's been doing that for,
I guess it's been close to five years.
[Maureen] how did you two meet?
We met at a fundraiser for Chuck schumer.
[Water running]
- Great water pressure.
- The art's over here.
It's largely intuitive, really,
and in its way,
a return to the old masters.
I think I'm doing
the best work of my life right now, but...
That's just one man's opinion.
I found Brian very attractive.
He's baby-faced but sinewy
like an old lover of mine, willem dafoe.
And James has very firm hands.
They were very enthusiastic
about the work.
Are they interested in the house
or the art?
- I think the art.
- Both.
What do you mean, "both?" Maureen?
What do you mean "both?"
From Matthew, they're interested
in purchasing all of the work,
some of the furniture,
as well as the house.
The house? What did you tell them?
- We're open to exploring it.
- The mets are staging a comeback.
- They got first and third with no one out.
- You're thinking about selling, why?
It's very expensive to keep this place up,
and we're spending more time
at the country house now.
But the country's yours.
I had it before we were married,
but it's ours. Everything is ours now.
You're selling all the art, dad? Why?
- We don't have room for it.
- Do you want to sell?
Oh, come on.
Cabrera just grounded into a double play.
- Matt set this up?
- I told him it was a family discussion.
I think it is!
I don't think you should sell,
I'm telling you.
- I didn't expect you to get upset.
- I am! I am upset about it.
- Why do you care?
- I don't know.
- We've lived here for years.
- You haven't.
This is where Matthew grew up.
You lived in queens with your mother.
I lived here for a year when I was 16.
Your studio's here.
They want all the artwork?
I mean, dad, with a show here or there,
your work might become valuable.
That is true.
I say no.
Everyone in the family will be consulted
before we sell anything.
Matthew isn't here, you know?
Matthew... isn't in the house now!
It's a meyerowitz tradition, this house!
Well, I guess I wouldn't know about that.
I didn't mean it like that.
She gets sensitive about these things.
She feels like an outsider.
She doesn't have kids of her own.
I tell her,
"technically, you're their stepmother."
Take care of the dad!
Will do.
Goddamn it!
The old babushka.
I remember I spent months of allowance
on that pool cue for your birthday.
Son of a bitch!
The famous blueberry pancakes.
The "famous blueberry pancakes?"
Terry's gonna move coln
over to the bullpen.
The mets need a middle reliever.
Yes! All on one tape: Videodrome,
beverally hills cop, spelled wrong,
and... legal eagles!
You have the right to an attorney.
Looks like she's already had her attorney.
Dad, you remember that song I wrote
about that guy who worked at your studio
who you never remembered his name?
His name was Byron
But you called him myron
Three times you called him myron
Till you heard the other guy
say it with a "b"
Byron, myron
Byron, myron
What does it matter
if you look him in the eye?
Say it with confidence
and look him in the eye
Don't check out your shoes
don't glance in the sky
Say it with confidence
and look him in the eye
Eliza's first movie, okay.
She sent the link.
- What's your passcode?
- Try "Matthew."
Bum, bum, bum
The adventures of pagina man!
- When I get to college, I want to...
- What?
- You know.
- What?
Have sex.
You want to get fucked?
- I guess.
- She doesn't want to get fucked.
She wants to do the fucking.
I'd be happy to...
Feel a cock on your neck?
You want to peel off a band-aid
and fuck the band-aid?
You want to put your ass on his ass,
but a cock?
That cock comes near you,
you bat it away!
Oh, honey, you have so much to learn.
Ping-pong paddle that cock.
- Ping-pong paddle...
- Wait a minute.
What if I can have both?
What if I can be both?
I've got a penis and a vagina.
Call me...
Pagina man.
Pagina man pees where they please.
Pagina man fucks who they please
when they please.
Shut up!
Shut up.
I ought to watch this alone first,
I think.
Wow, that was a hard r.
- Oh, come on. He missed the bag.
- You could see he's safe!
- I can see this, the mets don't want it.
- Dad!
[Phone ringing]
Hello? Who?
- L.j., hey.
- They're pinch hitting for degrom.
What's that?
He was a talented kid
when he took my class.
Yeah, I think he'd be an able assistant.
Okay, you know, doing the work.
Bard has come to me about a show.
What's the news there?
Oh, I didn't know. How are you doing?
Maureen says they're feting you
at moma... you and Tim Burton.
Right, Matisse and Picasso, too, sure.
Let's get a lunch one of these days.
Are you still in the west village?
Or to your opening?
I'm coming if you invite me.
Next Friday? Yes, I think I can make it.
Okay, I'll see you then.
That was a strike. Turn it up.
Was that l.J.?
I always liked l.J.
He says he had a prostate surgery
I didn't know about.
And I really like his work.
The early experimental work was terrific.
You know, he and I showed
at Paula Cooper in the late '60s.
I love the '80s stuff, those bears.
You like the bears?
Hmm. I guess the bears.
You know back then, I was the headliner.
I'd like to come, if that's all right.
It would be a real treat for me.
I think they're filled up.
- L.j.'s getting me in special.
- Okay.
I could see about getting you a ticket.
You might have to pay.
Okay, whatever.
Oh, god!
Your orange juice is expired,
which I just realized is possible!
Do you have black tie?
I have a herringbone blazer
and slacks with a hummus stain on the fly.
I think we might have an extra,
belonging to Maureen's late ex-husband.
Dad, no one is in tuxes.
I think I see a couple of people.
I don't see anybody.
We're Harold meyerowitz.
You're on the list for the public viewing,
which starts in 45 minutes.
- Right now this is a private viewing.
- Tell her it's a mistake.
- Tell her l.J. Put me on the private list.
- Okay.
- Tell her. This is bullshit.
- Dad.
- We're old friends with l.J.
- Sorry, I can't let you in.
- Right now, it's a private event.
- Tell her to tell l.J...
Dad, she hears everything you're saying.
- Let's just wait for 45 minutes.
- I'm gonna go home.
Come on, dad. Dad.
My father's Harold meyerowitz.
He was a contemporary of l.J.'S,
also a sculptor.
- Danny!
- L.J.
This guy giving you trouble? Danny!
You were so damn young
the last time I saw you.
The last time I saw you was at those
Chinatown dinners you guys would throw.
Those were great!
I was living with dad that year.
- You and Matthew, always playing music.
- Yeah.
Your dad was with Julia,
I was with Maya... before the divorces.
Well, before his second divorce.
He'd already divorced my mom.
- But yeah, those were fun dinners.
- Are you going somewhere after this?
Dad said it was black tie.
- Loretta's here.
- She is?
Yeah, she's floating around
this rat-fuck somewhere.
Oh, I'll look for her.
There's the old man!
- One of my favorite artists.
- I see you stopped dyeing your beard.
Yeah. Look at you.
You guys, you're so cute.
Come, have a drink.
We're having ubrwka.
I just reread the razor's edge.
It's Larry Darrell's drink.
I find maugham to be skillful
without being an artist,
but I'll sip a red wine, if you have.
It's the museum of modern art, damn it,
they have everything.
Hey, old man, what happened to your face?
Oh, it's nothing. We got a dog.
You got to be careful at our age.
Holy shit! Stay there, I'll come to you.
- Oh, you got my hair.
- Oh, I did.
- I didn't know you were coming.
- I came with my dad.
- Are you going somewhere after this?
- No. No.
- Why are you so dressed up?
- I don't know.
I don't fucking know.
- I don't know.
- [Laughs]
The work looks good. I don't know
that the presentation is helping.
- Been a pleasure. Thank you.
- You think? Yeah, I think...
Some of the bears are not well served,
in a sense.
The work is more intimate than the space.
But, hey, you're on a streak.
Oh, no. Don't say that. Streaks end.
- Hello.
- Oh, sigourney!
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
- You're not even dead.
- Wait till the end of this.
Sigourney Weaver,
this is Harold meyerowitz.
- Hi, I'm sigourney.
- I'm Harold.
Nice to meet you.
So, I mean, just to see everything
in the same room is awesome.
I'm so glad you came.
- Well, we'll go off and see the bears now.
- Treat them well.
Hey, how are you, old man?
How's Maureen?
- Bard has come to me about a show.
- Are you still teaching there?
No, I'm retired, but my granddaughter
just started as a freshman,
she's making movies.
Oh, they're all doing that now.
I say don't teach them what we do,
there's no damn money in that.
Well, you seem to have found a way.
I hope it's okay. I invited sigourney
to the dinner afterwards.
Yeah, of course. I've known sigourney
for 20 years. Glenn, you remem...
I hear a rave tomorrow from Michael,
and Twitter is almost entirely glowing.
- Good.
- We're gonna have a good day.
Glenn twitchell,
this is Harold meyerowitz.
- Glenn's the curator here now.
- Nice to meet you.
- We've act... nice to meet you.
- Wait.
Harold meyerowitz, shit, of course.
We've met.
- In the '70s.
- It's been a long time.
What have you been doing?
Forgive me, I don't know.
- Are you making art? Are you in the city?
- I'm not talking to you.
Would you excuse me?
Come here.
Hold on a second, old man. Go.
- I remember you like that.
- Yeah.
I used to have mixed feelings
about being part of dad's art,
but now I kind of love it.
You know,
he dedicated the catalog to me?
It's definitely a cool thing.
This whole thing's really cool.
It's special to me,
I don't get out like this generally.
How's the family and everything?
Well, Karen and I are... splitting up...
Split up.
Oh, shit. I'm sorry.
I'm doing the same thing.
- Really?
- Yeah, but it's good.
My girls are handling it so great.
How are you doing?
Oh, fine. Karen and I stayed together
until Eliza went to school,
but also, I just didn't want to do
what my dad did, you know?
Failed marriages and...
Ever worry we're doing
the same thing as them?
- But we're so different, Danny.
- You think so?
So different. We were raised like animals.
My worry is that we're too different.
We're too close to our kids,
don't you think?
Parents shouldn't be best friends
with their kids.
I mean, I don't think my girls
are ever gonna move out.
I secretly hope that with Eliza,
but, unfortunately,
she seems pretty healthy in that area.
Oh, Danny meyerowitz.
- I want to go.
- Oh, my god.
- Dad.
- Harold? Loretta.
Loretta, I didn't recognize you at first.
I'm going.
There's that little girl I keep seeing
running down bond street.
- I want to go.
- Just a few more minutes, roomie?
I'm leaving.
- Was that a great show of your father's?
- It's a great show.
- We just figured it out.
- You figured it out.
- Also, our apartment was on the...
- Loretta.
- I have to go.
- Oh, no.
Are you not staying for the dinner?
- I don't think we were invited.
- Excuse me, please.
I'd better. He's old.
Oh, okay.
- It was great to see you.
- It was so great.
I got your hair again.
Well... bye, Danny.
Did you hear me?
Ultimately, l.J. Is a popular,
but minor, artist.
There's a superficial bravura,
but there's no unconscious, no discovery.
I know you like the bears, but it's
the reshuffling of obnoxious clichs,
like listening to music
played slightly off-key.
- I didn't get to see it.
- And the video work is embarrassing.
I've never forgiven l.J.
For using Loretta in those pieces.
You don't do that to a child.
And it's a disturbing commentary
on the culture
that truly ordinary work,
made mostly by his assistants,
gets reverent reviews from the critics,
who ought to know better.
He's a talented, pretentious enigma.
Let me see if there's a cab.
It's nice to see Loretta.
She was very happy to see me.
She gave me quite a kiss.
I did well.
I was pretty funny, I think.
I didn't get her number or anything.
Maybe you can give me l.J.'S email.
I don't feel comfortable giving it out,
maybe there's a work one.
I met sigourney Weaver...
Who was very friendly.
She said, "hi, I'm sigourney."
I said, "hi, I'm Harold."
Have you thought about getting a job?
You've essentially never worked
in your life.
I think you'd feel better about yourself.
Have you thought
about playing music again?
Maureen will be back next Thursday.
You should think
about where you're going to live.
I mean, you could stay with us
for a while but...
Maureen wanted me to remind you
to go through the boxes
and things upstairs,
because we're going to start
throwing things away.
You might want these sunglasses.
- Those are Matthew's.
- I'm letting him know, too.
- [Eliza] hello? Sorry, hello?
- Yo, how you doing?
Sorry, Elvis is making me laugh.
Who's Elvis?
What? Sorry, Joaquin's roommate.
Oh, okay. Who's Joaquin?
He's a friend. What's up, dad?
Well, I'm at Harold's.
We went
to l.J. Shapiro's opening at moma.
Was it fun?
Yeah, for a little while.
You having fun with grandpa?
I might go stay at Jean's in Rochester
for a while.
I'll be closer to you, but don't worry.
We're gonna see this band, and then
there's a party. Call you tomorrow?
Yeah, I'll be up early.
- What's wrong?
- Nothing.
- I can hear it in your voice.
- Nothing.
Tell me.
Hold on, I'm gonna step outside
so we can talk.
No. Go to your concert,
I promise I'm fine.
- You promise?
- Yes.
Okay. I'm gonna keep my phone on
in case you want to call, okay?
There's no need, don't worry.
Otherwise, let's talk in the morning?
- Okay, have fun.
- But call if you need to.
- I won't.
- Bye, dad.
["Alligator woman" playing on radio]
Ooh. Nice.
Hey, lady, what you say?
How about some fun today?
Is it yes? Is it no?
Whatever it is, just let me know
Don't fake me out
Oh, you make me shout
- Alligator...
- [horn honks]
- Go fuck yourself!
- [Horn honks]
Go fuck yourself!
Go fuck your...
Is that okay?!
- It's okay. Right?
- Is that okay that that just happened?
- I don't know.
- I'm scared, Matt.
- These guys are six months behind.
- That's why I'm here.
I put together a document that anticipates
where you'll be at the end of the year,
vis--vis the overages.
Oh, for Christ. Really?
Have we already spent this much?
That's the first page.
Suck a dick! Oh, god, really?
The change orders are adding up.
We didn't budget for the salt water pool.
How's your kid?
I'm in a fight with my wife right now.
But, Randy, I don't want
to sound alarmist,
but you're not gonna be able
to sustain your lifestyle
if things continue like this.
And you're not going on tour anytime soon.
- That's nice.
- Right?
It's my own Espresso bean. See?
I'm doing everything I can to make a buck.
The coffee will pay for the pool.
That might be too much pressure
to put on coffee.
Here's what we're gonna do,
get you the pool...
- Yes!
- But not this year.
We're gonna rent out the bottom floor,
which is zoned commercial anyway,
- and get a tenant for the second floor.
- But can't I afford...
Income from rentals
will cover property taxes,
you live on the top two floors.
- Everything else you can have.
- [Cell phone ringing]
Let me just...
- Hello?
- [harold] They won't seat me without you.
- Where are you?
- I'm standing outside the place.
- You're 45 minutes early.
- There are many available tables.
- The guy was a jerk.
- We have a reservation.
- Did you say my name?
- I said my name.
- Let me finish up, we'll figure it out.
- How long are you gonna be?
I'll be there at 1
when we said we'd meet.
Hurry up.
Parking was easier than I anticipated.
Okay, I'll see you soon.
We won't do the pool now.
- I think that's the right decision.
- Everything okay?
Totally. Lunch with my father.
Say no more.
No, now it's easy.
When I was younger,
I was so invested in his grievances,
his anger at the world,
they were mine, too,
but now that I live 3,000 miles away
and have my own kid, a thriving business,
I don't even get angry at him anymore.
It's even just funny, you know...
Sorry, I don't know why I'm suddenly...
I think it's all this plaster dust
and coffee.
- Do you need something?
- Like what?
Let's see. One brings you up
and the other brings you down,
but I'm not totally certain
which is which.
Do you have a guess?
- I haven't worn these pants in a while.
- I don't...
Take both.
Thanks, Matt.
I don't have anyone in my life like you.
- There's my son.
- Hey.
These are yours.
They were in the upstairs room.
Maureen is throwing things out.
I wanted you to have them.
- The vuarnets are Danny's.
- He said they were yours.
- No, you can throw them out.
- They're quite fancy.
Maybe Maureen will use them.
- What happened to your face?
- We got a dog. Did I tell you?
- Maybe.
- Bruno, my charge, we call him Bruno.
Named for the idiot
in Werner herzog's stroszek.
- Never seen it.
- Really?
I own the cassette at home,
if you want to come over.
So what happened?
Oh, he lunged for a deranged hare,
taking me in the process.
- You should see the other dog.
- You all right?
I'm fine. He didn't mean it.
It wasn't his fault.
- Shall we go in?
- I'm not eating here.
- Because they wouldn't seat you?
- The guy was very obnoxious.
- Let me talk to him.
- No, let's go somewhere else.
- I only have an hour and a half.
- It's my protest, like mcenroe.
Okay, let me think.
Not too far because at 3,
I have to put money in the meter.
- This man is treading right on my heels.
- No, dad, he's with me.
This is Gabe.
He works at my firm in New York.
Nice to meet you, Mr. meyerowitz.
I thought Gabe could join us
for part of lunch.
- His specialty is in estate planning.
- I have an accountant.
I had a chance to review
some documents...
Barry sukenick doesn't work
on this scale, dad,
and I think, as we move
toward selling the house,
it might be a good time
to get some affairs in order.
If we sell the house,
it will be my decision.
- Pardon me.
- Brian and James, who you've met...
Very charming interracial homosexual
couple, and smart about the work.
They were familiar with "gilded halfwing."
Yes, James says they like the work
very much, and they love the house,
and they made us an offer.
For the work, too?
For the work, the house,
some of the furniture.
- Your brother doesn't want to sell.
- Brother?
Half-brother, we have a different mother.
That's a real shame for him, then.
Danny stands the most to benefit.
He doesn't work.
- He and Karen have separated.
- Really?
I took him in,
but now he's with Jean in Rochester.
- Shit.
- Apparently, his mother moved to Florida,
which I didn't know. Did you know that?
- No.
- She's still angry with me, apparently.
You know your brother and sister helped
organize a show for me up at bard.
- A retrospective?
- A retrospective of the faculty, yes.
Like a... group show.
- I'll just sit here.
- Well, there's other artists, yes,
but... I was promised
a very prominent place in the gallery.
Sounds good, congratulations.
You purchased the property in 1973
for $60,000,
but since you've borrowed
against the house a couple times,
the net proceeds have diminished.
Danny thinks that after the show,
my work could appreciate considerably
in value and that we should wait.
You just told me
Danny doesn't want to sell at all.
Dad, whatever happens at bard,
you can't afford the real estate taxes.
You're paying two grand a month
in utilities.
Things you wouldn't think: Housekeepers...
Mercedes has been with us for years,
and though I deplore her politics,
I'm not letting her go.
- I'm giving examples.
- Am I paying for him?
No, he's doing this as a favor.
Dad, Gabe's specialty is not my specialty.
- I'm in personal wealth.
- Something I wouldn't know about.
- Gabe would only get paid when we sell.
- I'm not giving Gabe anything.
Absolutely not. And I'm not having
this conversation with him.
- This is a private family matter.
- Okay, I understand.
Normally, conspiracy is mounted
by people close to you.
I don't even know this asshole.
- Can we get a check?
- We didn't order anything.
- I wanted to punch Gabe right in the nose.
- The owner is a client.
That's why we could get the table
so last minute.
That's why they gave us this bigger table.
I imagine they'll send
some complementary stuff, too.
Is that baby aspirin?
- Adult aspirin bothers my stomach.
- Are you okay?
- I've had some headaches, it's fine.
- Have you gone to a doctor?
That's not necessary.
You're so important, you need two phones.
So, l.J. Has a show at moma,
thought I'd check it out.
I was at the opening.
I met sigourney Weaver.
- How is l.J.?
- We chatted.
She said to me, "my name is sigourney."
I said, "my name is Harold."
L.j. says he's gonna try to come
to the show at bard.
- That's great.
- I'm sure he'd like to see you there.
Yeah, if I'm in town.
I think I'm gonna show one of the bronzes.
It's an early piece I made when you used
to sit on the floor and watch me work.
You remember that?
You've told me this before,
and I don't remember it.
You would hand me tools and make
suggestions as if you too were the artist.
Well, I wasn't.
It was originally untitled,
but I'm gonna call it "Matthew."
I'd like to see Eliza, too.
She sent me her movie, which I thought
was really good. Did you like it?
At that time, I thought you might be
interested in sculpture,
or maybe an actor or a comic.
You were a very talented mimic.
I do the voices of a lot of my coworkers,
which cracks people up at the firm.
"I'm gonna run downstairs for an e-smoke."
You don't know... [Chuckles]
You don't know Ezra,
but that's a pretty good imitation.
You were also very musical, like Danny.
- But Danny could really play.
- No, that's true.
He was quite gifted.
I don't know why he didn't pursue it.
I know he raised a child, but in this day
and age, it's possible to do both.
There are so many other things
that factor in, don't you think?
I thought you'd do something artistic.
I work with artists.
I understand the temperament.
Maybe Eliza will be my heir
in that department.
Although, she seems
more commercially minded,
and potentially a lesbian.
Really? I didn't get that.
You know, I think I mentioned to you
I left the company I was with.
Me and a couple of other people
started our own firm.
It was scary and a big change, but things
have settled and we're doing really well.
- Maureen is talking to a friend...
- A lot of old clients came with us.
About getting someone to come up
and review the show.
- I think we're...
- I've been ignored by the times.
We're a great alternative
to some of the bigger firms.
- This might put me back on the map.
- This is our logo.
Fifty-five dollars for a steak.
- They're known for their meat here.
- And $35 for a salmon?
Do you get the salmon to blow you
for that price?
- Do you want to split a salmon?
- I'm gonna get my own steak.
- A whole portion is too much for me.
- Eat what you can.
- I'll have a starter.
- I'm paying.
Have you dined with us before?
Do you have any questions?
We have answers. I'll have a salad.
- The little gem, okay.
- To start, and then I'll have a steak.
- The six ounce or the twelve?
- Twelve and maybe a spinach for the table.
- The potatoes sound good.
- Sure.
And... shall we get a wine?
Live it up.
And maybe... this brunello.
That's one of my favorites.
I'll have the steak and the market salad.
We don't have a ton of time,
bring everything at once?
Of course.
How's my grandson who I never get to see?
He's quite handsome. His hair's so blonde.
No, that's his friend Sebastian.
He's the one with his hand
in his trousers.
He's tucking in his shirt.
He looks like the child
in kubrick's the shining.
It's the sweater, I think.
Handsome boy, has the meyerowitz eyes.
Does he like the Knicks?
I suppose he'll be a Lakers fan
since you're essentially an angeleno
at this point.
It's hard to have a relationship
and a child.
- I imagine you felt that, too.
- No.
Not really. I didn't find that difficult.
- Dad, you've been married four times.
- Three, the first one was annulled.
I married her because of Tony, but I think
about what it would mean to leave,
but even contemplating it
makes me feel guilty.
I haven't met his mother,
so I can't advise you in that department.
You could've if you'd come to our wedding.
You did it in L.A.
Well, anyway, I didn't invite
a lot of people, but everyone I invited,
including mom, came except for you.
- It's so brazen.
- What?
This jerk just put his glasses
on our table.
- I don't think he realizes...
- Oh, no. He knows exactly what he's doing.
Dad, in terms of your estate,
I don't want you making mistakes
that could be avoided.
Then they will be my mistakes.
We'll have this decanted.
Very nice. Before she dried out,
Maureen drank half my wine cellar,
so I haven't had any good wine in a while.
But she's been sober for six weeks.
- Is she still going to a.A.?
- She's doing it her own way.
Maureen is made uncomfortable
by a.A., which I can understand.
It's quite infantilizing,
giving away your control like that.
I think that's the idea.
I tell Maureen, "I don't like you when
you drink. You become a different person."
- Does it look like we need two ketchups?
- What are you talking about?
The son-of-a-bitch just put his ketchup
on our table, too.
Before you know it,
he'll be sitting in my lap.
- I'm gonna punch this guy in the nose.
- It's fine. We have the bigger table.
Dad, what the fuck?
- Please don't do that again.
- It's my protest.
You better hope he doesn't have a cold.
They're leaving. Can you relax now?
I'd like to relax now.
So brazen.
I think the Knicks
might be interesting this year.
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute, where's my jacket?
- Next to you.
- This isn't my jacket.
- That son of a bitch took my jacket.
- What do you mean?
- He has my jacket, Matthew.
- He's still outside. I'll get it back.
Shit! It's three o'clock.
I have to put money in the meter.
- Forget it.
- I'm not getting a ticket, Matthew.
Fuck it. I'm gonna grab the guy,
you get the check.
I thought you were paying.
I wouldn't have ordered wine.
- Well, what do you want me to do?
- Where's our waiter? Excuse me!
Excuse me!
- What?
- Sorry, I think there was a mix-up.
- You seem to have taken my dad's jacket.
- What?
You have his jacket. We have yours.
- It's on its way.
- This is my jacket, man.
I think it isn't.
Just wait till he gets here.
- I know what jacket I took.
- I understand, but you took the wrong one.
- You crazy, man.
- Listen, just wait a second, okay?
Jesus, what does it cost you?
Where you got to be?
- Where's he going?
- Just hang on. Hey, turn around.
- You want to get hit, man?
- What is your problem?
[Speaking French]
Can't you see?
You have my father's jacket, he has yours.
What's the fucking problem?
Dad, give him his jacket.
- What is that?
- It's a ticket stub
for something called fault in our stars.
- I don't know that.
- Of course you do.
It has the kids dying of cancer.
It was a big hit.
I've seen it.
- When did you see fault in our stars?
- In the country at the triplex.
It was quite affecting, actually.
Those kids were tremendously winning.
Dad, how would he have your ticket stub
to fault in our stars in his jacket?
- No ticket, stroke of luck.
- That guy was a real asshole.
- He was. We never really had our lunch.
- Fucking tourist.
I should've said something more cutting.
I let him get away with being a prick.
- It's gonna eat at me.
- Sure you don't wanna come to the house?
- Maureen was gonna make pigeon.
- No, I have to go, dad.
Where are you going?
I'm going over to mom's, actually.
- Maybe I'll go with you.
- I don't know if that's...
That was the summer on Martha's vineyard
- with l.J., Maya, Paul, and Lori.
- We were staying at the knapp house,
- the one with that peculiar blind dog.
- Yeah.
And Matthew, you were making up
all of these card games, you remember?
And there was one in particular
where I asked if it was based on luck,
and you said it was based on "hope."
You "hoped" you got a good card.
And that's what we said all summer,
remember? "It's based on hope."
I was commissioned to make
"gilded halfwing" that summer.
L.j. was very jealous.
I had already sold a piece to the Whitney.
- Where do they keep that piece?
- It's not lost. They catalog these things.
- I didn't say it was.
- Harold, did you see?
You still have one of the sketches
of "gilded halfwing."
- It looks good here.
- Yeah, Cody really admires it.
- He says it gives him ideas.
- I thought Cody was a gym teacher.
No, he taught Spanish at p.S. 182
and coached the soccer team.
Matthew, Cody's sons are coming
for dinner. I'm making a meatloaf.
Okay, good, I'm starving.
I told Matthew this seems
like an elaborate ruse
just to get his parents back together.
- You didn't tell me that.
- [Cell phone ringing]
Oh, this is Tony on facetime.
You mind if I...
Harold, do you want coffee
or a tea or anything?
- [Matthew] he has to go!
- Tea would be nice.
I can't have coffee after four.
[Matthew] hi, sweetheart!
And if you have a triscuit or something,
I'm also starving.
[Tony] hi, I'm playing
a game for a minute.
It's called all the animals are dead.
Do you want to see it?
Dad, would you rather have
a beard made of paper
or a beard made from a tree?
What's a beard made from a tree?
A beard made from a tree
is a beard which is like a tree.
- Like... leaves on a tree?
- Yeah, but like a beard.
- I'm in the middle of cooking.
- I guess a beard made from a tree?
- Me, too.
- Is this my buddenbrooks?
- I think this is my copy of buddenbrooks.
- I don't know.
Would you rather die from old age
or kill yourself?
- Old age, I guess.
- Me, too.
[Woman] did you give him regular milk?
- Victoria, I didn't know you were there.
- Of course I'm here.
He doesn't know
how to use the phone by himself.
[Tony] yes, I do.
- [Victoria] he can't have dairy.
- We don't know that for a fact.
- Yes, we do.
- [Tony] I'm gonna press the button now.
- Wait. I love you. Baby?
- I'm pressing the...
Tell him grandma says hi.
[Harold] me, too.
We were very thorough when we divided
the books, that I remember.
Me, too. Put it back, dad.
I've been looking for this edition.
You've lived without it now for 30 years.
I think you can manage.
You can take it, Harold, if you want.
I've mostly stopped reading fiction.
- I'll walk you to the car?
- I can stay a bit longer.
It's so nice to see you again, Harold.
I think the last time
was Matt's graduation.
You know...
There's something
that I wanted to say and...
I thought of calling or writing,
but I never did.
I have huge regrets
about how I was with Danny and Jean.
I was a kid myself in many ways and...
You were so angry with me,
I took your lead, frankly,
and we were starting over, we had Matt.
We didn't want to look back,
and that was understandable, but...
I wish I'd been more nurturing of them.
More generous.
More mothering, really.
I think they suffered in part
because of that and... I feel terrible.
Anyway, that's what I wanted to say.
Nice to see you.
It's called flirting when you're young.
I'm not sure what it's called
when you're over 70.
You're just up here.
She still has my drawing on her wall
next to the gym teacher's doodle.
Cody's a good guy.
Your mother is more comfortable ultimately
being with men who are half-smart.
Then she can dominate.
I was much too formidable.
After our separation and before Cody,
she was with a homosexual,
and before that, a man who had no foot.
Her fraudulent claims about
not reading fiction I find offensive.
She's masquerading as a populist
so as to not threaten Cody.
But it's a clever, yet bogus, subterfuge.
It's a shame your mother,
who knows better,
has succumbed
to this fashionable anti-art movement.
This is why we have
a republican congress.
I can't believe you took the book.
She said I could have it.
It was mine originally.
You have your keys?
She was clearly very happy to see me.
When it ended,
we weren't on speaking terms,
but now you see that big hug
she insisted on giving me?
You know, Maureen always said
that your mother was the love of my life.
- You gonna take the bridge or the tunnel?
- I thought you were leaving tomorrow.
That's why I drove
all the way into Brooklyn.
I'm staying a few days.
I was around
all this plaster dust earlier.
We have lots of room.
Maureen is keen on seeing you as well.
You know, she's your stepmother
as much as Cody is your stepfather.
I told mom I'd stay here.
Maybe split half the time there
and half with us?
I'm not splitting the time
like I did at 15.
It was very important to me
after our separation
that I see you half the time.
I wanted to make it up
after Danny and Jean.
- Then make it up to them.
- I made a real effort with you.
Danny and Jean, I could've done better,
but I don't see anything significant
I could've done better with you.
- Really? Nothing?
- Oh, come on, Matthew.
You feel like that all was great?
Danny definitely got shit,
and Jean didn't even get shit.
But I got your focus, and that
fucked me up in a whole other way.
Matthew, we never see each other.
Let's not fight.
I keep thinking I know
how to handle you now,
but then I see you and I get suckered
into your shit all over again:
Your career, your jacket.
And then, when I try to actually help,
like today, you won't listen!
I don't see how I could be
such a bad father.
- Look how successful you are.
- Right.
- I could never be the businessman you are.
- Okay.
I've said to Maureen,
"I don't know who Matthew takes after.
I certainly didn't know
how to make money."
That's right, I don't take after you!
None of us do!
You had to be
the only artist in the family!
It doesn't matter that I make money,
because you don't respect what I do!
What do you need my respect for?
The world respects you
because you make money.
[Grunts] I want to punch you in the nose!
I know you think you can treat me this way
because of your money.
It doesn't matter how much money I make!
You make me feel like a big piece of shit
because you don't care about it!
But you also actually do!
You're privately obsessed with it!
You know that I beat you!
I beat you!
I beat...
[Dr. soni] It's quite startling.
A collection of fluids
on the left side of his head
was shoving the brain clear to the right.
His brain experienced
so much pressure and irritation
that he was in an almost comatose state
before we operated.
There was still some bleeding in the left
frontal lobe, but no tissue was lost.
The head trauma clogged up
the spinal fluid absorption pathways,
which slows speech, causes lethargy,
This should have been taken care of
immediately after the trauma.
Did you notice his wife
was heavily perfumed?
- I think I smelled alcohol on her breath.
- Yes, I'm worried about her as well.
I didn't realize anyone was here.
How's he doing?
- He's sleeping.
- Not too much, sleeping. Shit! Sorry.
- Good. You're family?
- Yes.
- Maureen only told us this morning.
- Right when we heard. Via text.
- They were in Maureen's country house?
- We drove from Rochester to pittsfield.
- We wanted to talk to a doctor.
- We haven't been able to get information.
I'm Pam. This is Dr. soni.
- Hi, nice to meet you.
- Jean.
- Hi, nice to meet you.
- Danny.
[Jean] Dr. soni, can you tell us
what's going on with our dad?
When your mother's here,
we can go over it.
She's our stepmother.
She would've been seven
when she had me.
Well, when your stepmother comes back.
We can't find her.
She's not at the country house.
- Her voicemail's full.
- Why can't you tell us right now?
This is awkward.
- What's awkward?
- What?
I don't want to get involved
in family dynamics,
but she told me not to talk
to anyone else.
Well, that's not right, obviously.
We're his kids.
- You can talk to us.
- No, that's what I'm saying.
Since she's the next of kin, I legally
cannot talk to you. I'm very sorry.
He has an opening on Monday.
This is our first real hospital...
[Dr. soni] Talk to your stepmother.
Why'd you tell the doctor
not to talk to us?
Maureen, where have you been?
Are you moving that way on purpose?
What? No, it's always worse
after I've been sitting.
- I thought you were mocking me.
- You don't walk that way.
- I thought it was a bad imitation.
- We need to be able to talk to Dr. soni.
Dr. soni looks very much
like a chum of mine at university
who became an art looter,
but that's of no use to you.
- No.
- Absolutely none.
I'll get the information,
and you can ask me.
Email might be best
if we're gonna be in Rochester.
- I'm here, Danny's here.
- I'm here.
You need to tell her it's okay
to speak to me or Danny or Matt,
who's on his way.
- Matt's coming?
- He texted me, I texted him.
He texted you, you texted him.
Do you think I'm not
gonna tell you the truth?
- I can drive, Maureen.
- Jean...
You were wearing that same sweater
that last time I saw you.
Was I?
Maureen, we've been sitting
in that room with him,
and he's attached to those machines,
and there's a drain in his head,
and he's unconscious,
and we don't know where you are
or what's going on.
Talk to the doc...
[Car door closes]
[Car beeps]
Oh, hi. Still sleeping?
I'm Pam, the nurse.
Hey, I'm Matt, the son.
Oh, I met your brother and sister.
Half-brother and sister, yeah. Is he okay?
Dr. soni spoke with your stepmother,
and then your siblings... half-siblings,
and it's all been cleared up,
and she can talk to you freely now.
Oh, okay. How's he doing?
Your father was brought to us
the night before last,
but because he was taking baby aspirin,
which thins the blood, Dr. soni had
to wait until the morning to operate.
What happened?
He had a chronic subdural hematoma,
which meant in his case there had been
steady bleeding in his head for some time.
How did he get this?
Something like this generally can happen
from a fall, or if he hit his head.
He fell about four months ago.
Bruno pulled him onto a path.
Honestly, I'm surprised
he had such a delayed response.
He must have a real tolerance
for discomfort.
Will he be okay?
Well, because he waited so long,
there was quite a bit of irritation
in the frontal lobe,
and now that the pressure's
off the brain, it causes severe agitation.
The frontal lobe has language,
but it's potentially
a hundred percent recoverable.
He was very responsive this morning.
He was identifying objects. I showed him
a flashlight, he said, "flashlight."
Oh, I'll leave you guys.
Oh. Thanks, Pam.
Do you know my name?
Of course, it's Matthew.
What is this?
This is...
What, dad?
It's okay, we don't have to talk.
I can say it.
You're here...
Is what I wanted.
How... are you feeling?
I'm happy...
I'm happy you're here.
Yeah, I took a red-eye when I heard.
I'm sorry we...
I'm sorry this happened.
When is my...
Your opening?
It's on Monday.
Is that today?
No, today is Wednesday.
Will it happen?
It will happen, dad.
I don't know if you'll be able go.
Will you?
Sure, I'll go.
You speak for me.
Yeah, I can say something, yes.
It's yours.
We made it together.
I have a meeting in the city
which I really need to get to.
- Okay.
- That's okay, right?
- Sure.
- He's okay, right? I'm not abandoning him?
- I can't really answer that.
- I just have this client meeting.
- I understand.
- He's okay, right?
I think so, yeah.
I left my number in the room.
Call me if anything changes.
[Tony] where you are?
I'm in pittsfield. It's in Massachusetts.
Is that like New York?
Well, it's a different state.
It's sunny here. What is it there?
You can't fight the weather.
You can fight knights.
- Yeah.
- And ninjas.
Do you know who's good
at playing ninjas? Jim.
- Who's Jim?
- He's the handyman.
I've never heard of Jim.
You used to live here,
but you don't anymore.
If you did, you would know Jim.
Do you see a lot of Jim?
He comes on weekends.
Is this a weekend?
In three days it's a weekend.
Three days, that's three weeks.
No, sweetheart, it's three days.
Does Jim stay over?
No, Jim doesn't sleep.
He stays up all night with mommy
eating dinner and leaves in the morning.
Hold on, I'm getting another call.
Raise your hand
if ninjas are your favorite thing.
- Okay, just wait a second, sweetheart.
- Okay, bye now.
Maybe if he hears it?
Danny, stop. It doesn't help.
Do you know who this is?
It's all right.
Do you remember when you said, "Danny?"
- You have to stop giving him the answers.
- It's all right.
Who's this?
It's all right.
- Oh, no.
- It's Matt. He just got here.
- Stop giving him the answers.
- So, how are we doing?
- [Harold] it's all right.
- Where's Pam?
- Pam engels or Pam chin?
- I don't know.
I was just here. He knew
what a BlackBerry was
and could say my name and everything.
We talked about his show.
You were here? Where were you?
Sometimes they can take a little while
to come back from these surgeries.
No, he was already back.
I'm sorry, who are you?
Who is everybody? I just got here.
- We're his kids.
- Where's Pam?
- I wasn't here so I don't know.
- I was, that's what I'm telling you.
Why didn't you call us? Where'd you go?
Heading back to the city for a meeting,
and I turned around when Pam called.
Tiredness can cause this,
and his blood pressure is high.
This isn't tiredness. Something's wrong.
Where's... can't we find Pam?
No, I'm the charge nurse.
- You were here. Why didn't you call us?
- Because it never occurred to me.
- Where's Dr. soni?
- She's on her rounds.
Something is happening to my father.
- I want Pam!
- Okay, you're gonna have to stop shouting.
- We're sorry, he's just emotional.
- It's our dad.
I'm not emotional, Danny! I want Pam!
Right now we're waiting for a neurologist
to read his eeg for brainwave activity.
- When will that happen?
- I don't know. It's being read in India.
Because of... why?
In the meantime, I'm gonna give him
lotensin for his high blood pressure.
I'll be right back.
He's giving him lotensin. What did he get
for his blood pressure before?
The other nurse came by.
She did something.
- Yeah, she seemed to know.
- Did you write it down?
- I can't remember.
- Me neither.
From now on, everything gets written down.
Do you understand?
It's one thing!
You can read what the number is now.
He's alive!
Jesus, these people do this for a living.
These people change every five minutes.
If we're not paying attention,
he might die.
- Do you understand that?
- I do.
- Jesus.
- I'll write everything down.
- Everything.
- Yeah.
- I got it!
- I'm sorry!
It's okay!
It's nice to see you, Matt.
The lost speech could be
because of frequent or partial seizures.
An up and down is common,
but this is more of a down than expected.
If it was his heart,
we'd shock him out of it,
but you can't shock the brain
in these cases,
so we need to quiet the brain.
We're putting him in a barbiturate coma,
with a combination of propofol
and pentobarbital or phenobarbital.
Probably pento. I want to be aggressive.
Will he be okay?
Think of it like shutting down a computer
and then restarting.
Or, if you're a luddite like me,
like a grain of sand becoming a Pearl.
[Jean chuckles]
Will he be okay?
Well, it's not what we'd hope
at this stage.
Because he'll be completely sedated,
we'll need to intubate.
I want you to know
we're doing our very best.
We want to see your father
walking out of here soon.
Thank you, Dr. soni.
Now, I'm going to be on vacation
for three weeks starting tomorrow.
- What?!
- Really?
Are you serious?
He'll be in very good care.
Dr. brotman will be taking over.
- "Dr. brotman."
- Do you have to go?
- Can't you just push it?
- We need you here!
God, no. My husband would divorce me.
We're going to China.
You're putting our dad in a coma
and then leaving us?
It's not like that, Matt. It's not.
Right, Dr. soni? It's not like that?
Well, technically, yes. It's that.
- You can't do that to us!
- First Pam, now you?
- Can we get Pam back at least?
- I'm not in charge of nurse assignments.
- Hi, Dr. soni.
- Hi, Dr. liu.
- Shouldn't you be packing for China?
- It doesn't feel fair, Dr. soni,
that you can just live your life normally
while our dad is lying here.
Maybe it isn't.
I'm gonna stay a few days
until dad's opening at bard.
Stay with us at Maureen's house.
Dad says you started your own company.
- Yeah, a couple of other guys and me...
- How does that work?
Did you just tell your boss,
"I'm gonna start my own..."
I was one of the partners,
so I didn't technically have a boss.
No, I understand.
So, you got a better offer?
No, there were no offers.
That's what was so scary.
We were creating our own opportunity.
- Because you wanted something smaller.
- Bigger.
- Many of the firm's clients came with us.
- Which was surprising.
No, we expected it. We can't legally
ask clients to come with us...
But they don't have much choice.
It's totally their choice.
No, I know. Because you have their money.
Well, their money's with the firm,
but their money is in investments
or a bank.
I understand. My buddy ptolemy,
who lives across the street, or lived...
Dad told me about your...
- Karen? I'm sorry. I've also...
- Ptolemy's like you, works in arbitrage.
Yeah, that's not what I do.
No, I wasn't saying...
But ptolemy said
that the system is rigged from the inside.
- That's not entirely true.
- But mostly?
- So, this is an exciting time for me.
- How's your boy?
Victoria and I are having some problems.
I never met her. Karen and I separated.
- I know. I just said I was sorry.
- Did you?
I'm sorry, too.
- I liked Eliza's movie.
- She sent it to you?
- Are you limping?
- Yes!
It's always stiff after I've been sitting.
- You should see the other dog.
- What?
[Matthew] nothing.
[Danny] I borrowed an old cane
from Maureen's dead ex-husband,
but it's really not necessary.
I keep it in the car. I'm telling you.
- It's tax season.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- There's a step!
- Thank you.
- Jean, there's a step.
I left the necks on for those of you
who are feeling... adventurous.
Evidently, they net them.
They net whole trees, and they just
take off with the little birds,
and just deep fry them, and just...
[Makes explosion sound]
It's very sad.
I've never known little birds
that didn't mind leaving the home.
The Knicks totally started, but then got
to the point with one player away.
- Yeah.
- The Knicks need a point guard.
I'll take two.
Would you fuck Pam?
I would.
Just kidding.
You'd think they never took
a photo of me as a child.
You were both such middle-aged men
in the making.
Don't tuck it up your shoes
don't look at the sky
Say it with confidence
and look them in the eye
The night nurse today is rich.
He's okay. He doesn't know anything.
Dad's blood pressure is 178...
His blood pressure dropped,
so they put him on a levophed drip,
but that's hard on his kidneys so...
[Nurse] it should taste sweet, too.
It was a little gooey.
It freaked me out.
Do I want meatballs?
Do I want meatballs?
[Machine beeping]
[Doctor] and overnight he contracted
sepsis, which is a full-body inflammation.
Unfortunately, the longer he's here,
the more susceptible he is to infection.
[Jean] what about his brain?
Do we have an eeg?
This is a different unit.
We're in the icu.
I don't have those answers as of yet.
So now we're in the right unit
to treat his sepsis,
but the wrong unit to treat his head?
They have a call in to a neurologist.
People rarely come in on the weekends.
Do people not generally get sick
on weekends?
We're working on getting you
those answers.
This is a helpful summary of
the conversations you might want to have.
[Danny] "end of life conversation"?
These are things we suggest you say
to your father before it's too late.
- "I love you."
- I'm sorry.
"I forgive you." "Forgive me."
- I'm so sorry.
- "Thank you." "Goodbye."
["Wild horses" playing]
- Through the rails
- [sniffling]
I spied
He told me he liked this
when I played it once.
I tried
With sugar cubes
and they're okay
But I don't think
I'll catch you that way
I thought I'd go to the Whitney and...
Ask to see his sculpture,
if it's not lost.
Won't you look at the old fool
Wild horses
- [Tony] I want to say bye now.
- We just got on the phone.
- I'm gonna press the button.
- Hi, Tony, remember me?
- We've never actually met.
- This is Eliza, your cousin.
- I'm pressing the button.
- Wait.
Oh, shit!
I'm oddly growing fond of this cafeteria,
like I'd almost come here
just anyway to eat. How's your boy?
She fucking gets in his head.
He's always hanging up on me now.
- Call him back.
- I don't want to. It makes me feel bad.
He's five years old, they hate phones.
Eliza, when you were that age,
you'd never talk on the phone.
She makes it too difficult.
I don't know, sometimes I think
maybe I sit this kid out,
start another family,
and then he finds me at 21.
Let him come to me.
He's not a girl you're trying to trick
into dating you.
Dad, your limp is worse.
It's always stiff after I've been sitting.
- I was looking online, could be your hip.
- Could be.
- It's my back.
- We should get you checked out.
- Yeah, dad.
- I don't have time to see a doctor now.
- Where'd you get manicotti?
- We're already at a doctor.
You really should, Dan.
- I know what it is, okay?
- What is it?
It's... I mean, I basically know.
- Dad, you gotta deal with it.
- I know. I've been telling him that.
- Yeah, look at dad.
- Right?
- He ignored his thing.
- Just let me eat my fucking banana. Okay?
You should call your son.
- Hi, Matt!
- Hi, Maureen.
[Car thuds, beeps]
[Maureen] it's a shame the dad
is gonna miss the opening tomorrow.
- He was really looking forward to it.
- Dad asked me to say something.
I was gonna ask Danny and Jean, too.
He would never have expected you
to have shown up.
We were trying to figure it out. Have you
ever even been to this house before?
The dad always hoped for a visit,
but I guess you always had a lot to do
in the city when you came to town,
and us, not being
the a-list parents and all.
Danny and Jean, of course,
are here all the time,
but that's less exciting for the dad.
I reached out to some of his old friends,
who are going to come visit.
Well, I hope they understand
they'll be looking at a sleeping man.
Hello, Andy warhol.
I explained that in so many words.
I spoke to Dr. diebert, the neurologist,
who seems very knowledgeable
but has no upper lip to speak of,
and if Harold survives the infection,
they have no idea what person
will be in there when he wakes up.
Maybe he'll be Brad Pitt...
Or neruda
or Joe the plumber, I...
I just want him to be Harold.
Have you looked over
the documents I sent you?
And... given where we are with the dad,
and the Manhattan house
is more than we need right now,
I've taken your counsel, and I think
selling the house and the art
to James and Brian
is the right thing to do.
So, I signed the places
that you marked for me.
[Matthew] great, then it's done.
[Maureen] some pieces are quite large.
How will they be displayed?
James' family owns a series of retirement
communities around the country,
and they're going to donate the art
to these facilities as a write-off.
[Maureen] oh.
I can't believe Danny is happy about that.
And Jean...
Who knows what Jean feels
about anything.
Well, with dad's illness,
I thought I'd wait till after the show
to tell them anything, just...
I don't know,
there's just been so much going on.
Really, they have no power anyway.
I don't know what happened to them
as children.
Harold says he tried his best,
but they're really such disappointments.
Nobody took care of them.
I say that as a disappointment, myself.
I was neglected too during my childhood.
It's funny,
I was never interested in having kids.
Maybe once...
No, not even once.
Eliza texted she came early
to be with dad.
She texted you?
The curator is meeting us at bard at 1,
so let's get Eliza, say our goodbyes
to dad, and get on the road.
Oh, good, Paul came.
Paul Epstein.
I always liked Paul.
Man, he's gotten... older.
I'm glad dad still has friends.
I'm gonna go say hi.
Jean, remember Paul and Laurie?
I don't think I've ever seen Jean run.
Yeah, that's how she runs.
You remember that summer I visited dad
on Martha's vineyard?
Dad never invited me or Danny
to the summer places.
- Never.
- But that summer I was a camp counselor
- at French woods in Vermont.
- [Danny] The one with alisa lirtzman?
No, that was Thoreau.
I was only at this one for one summer.
And I had two days off and I called him,
and he couldn't say no.
He must have gotten permission
from your mother.
It wasn't as convenient as I had thought.
I had to take two buses and a ferry.
When I arrived, nobody met me.
I hitchhiked to the other side
of the island.
When I got to the house,
it was already night.
The adults were all going out for dinner:
Dad and your mom, and l.J. And Maya,
and Paul and Laurie.
Julia said something about me
having my bags in the way.
They were happy to have a babysitter,
so they left me with the kids.
You were there, Matthew, and Loretta
and some other kids I didn't know.
We watched three's company on TV.
The next day, dad played tennis
and worked in his studio.
I went down to the beach with the kids.
I got to swim in the ocean,
which was really special for me.
I loved that.
Later, I showered in the outdoor shower
with my suit on,
and I realized someone was watching me.
It was Paul.
He smiled at me, almost politely,
and then he lowered
his tight bathing suit,
took out his penis,
and started stroking it.
- Paul did?!
- Oh, god.
I watched him until he finished,
and then he walked away.
Did you tell anyone?
I told dad that night.
He asked if Paul had touched me,
and I said no.
He thought we should probably
just leave it then.
They were going back to the city
soon anyway,
but that if Paul did it again,
he'd punch him in the nose.
The next day when I was leaving,
I looked around for dad to say goodbye,
but he was playing tennis.
I thought about telling your mom, Matthew,
but I was afraid she'd get angry at me.
I remember crying on my way to the ferry.
Jean, can I ask you a question?
Why do you always show up for dad?
Why are you always here?
Because I'm a decent person.
Even though he never took care of us,
it's what you do.
Besides, I like hanging out with you guys.
Come here.
I'm going for a smoke.
- Do we kick the shit out of him?
- He's 80, we'd kill him.
That's true, or hurt him very badly.
- And neither of us could take that nurse.
- That's for sure.
I'm gonna... spit on him.
No, I know what to do.
But good, too. You got to try this.
Shit, this is Maureen's
dead ex-husband's cane.
I've never done anything like this.
Ha ha!
Me neither.
- Yeah, man!
- I'm with you!
- Fucking yeah, right?
- I'm telling you.
What's that, blood? Who's bleeding?
- I don't see it.
- Your hand.
Oh, yeah!
- Your face!
- Yeah?
- That felt great.
- I don't know why we don't do that more.
- Probably in the...
- Pam!
- It's her!
- Oh, Pam!
So last night his blood pressure was 173,
but they gave him hydralazine.
- And an extra dose of lopressor.
- We got it down to 155.
- Oh, good.
- Oh, that sounds okay?
- Yeah, he's also on Keppra and morphine.
- It's in our notes.
- He has sepsis, Pam.
- Oh, no.
- Yeah. That was after the coma.
- Oh, I'm sorry.
Drug induced, phenobarbital.
- Pento, actually.
- I thought it was phenobarbital.
What does it matter? We don't know
what either of them are anyway.
Okay. Well, I'll make sure
to look in on him.
It's so good to see you.
Please, come back to our unit.
- Are you bleeding?
- Yes.
Yeah. Hey.
I am too, Pam.
How's Dr. soni? Still on vacation?
- Oh, I don't know.
- Oh, okay.
- Say hi. That was nice.
- She's awesome.
I'll be back in two weekends, okay?
I love you.
I forgive you.
- Forgive me.
- Come on!
- We should be getting on, too.
- No!
Could you stay at least ten
or fifteen minutes more, you think?
- Is that Harold's brothers?
- His sons, Danny and Matthew.
You look just like him.
- Are you bleeding?
- Come on.
- What's going on?
- Let's go tell Jean.
- Just run! Run!
- Why are we running?
Smashed it.
- What?
- Look!
- He has dementia.
- We thought you'd be happy!
Why would I be happy about this?
You smashed a sick old man's car.
- He has dementia?
- Yeah.
- Let's get you a bandage.
- I don't want a bandage.
- I want to let it bleed. Let's go to bard!
- He has dementia.
Well, he didn't have dementia
when he molested Jean.
- He didn't molest me.
- But let's not minimize it, Jean.
What he did was shitty and damaging,
and, I don't know,
the same asshole's in there somewhere,
right? Beneath the dementia.
I'm glad you guys feel better.
Unfortunately, I'm still fucked up.
You want to take a swing?
I could smash every car
in this parking lot
and burn the hospital down
and it wouldn't un-fuck me up.
You guys will never understand
what it's like to be me in this family.
Let's go to bard.
This toast is really stressing me out.
Jean, you sure
you don't want to say anything?
- Fuck no.
- Okay.
I've had these for a while,
but I think they're still good. Want one?
- What'll they do to me?
- Either bring you up or down.
Hopefully down, I guess.
Someone took a bite already.
That was me.
I had a crumb when I last saw dad.
Okay. What did it do to you then?
Just made me annoyed at dad.
I don't know.
[Danny] what about Marcus?
They broke up.
How do you know that?
This woman keeps smiling at me.
I'm getting a real energy from her.
- She's walking over here.
- I look okay?
Yeah, you look handsome.
Are you Harold meyerowitz's son Matthew?
Yes, and this is Danny,
also Harold meyerowitz's son.
I just wanted to say
your father was a huge influence on me.
He was a great teacher. He found a way
to make everything sound interesting.
I met my husband, Gary, in his class.
It was important for us to be here
when we heard he was sick.
He spoke about you a lot.
He was very proud of you.
- I didn't realize he had two sons.
- And a daughter.
- Is that Matt and Danny?
- L.J.!
I was in Madrid when I heard.
I am so damn heartbroken
to hear about the old man.
- Thanks, l.J.
- Yeah.
How's he doing? Where is he?
I'm coming to visit.
He's kind of in a coma right now
in pittsfield.
I don't give a shit. Let's go tonight.
And he has sepsis.
The fucking hospital, it'll kill you.
We got to get him out.
He'd love if you came,
even if he'll have no idea.
- We'll take pictures.
- We'll take pictures!
Where's Loretta?
Her daughter got chicken pox,
she had to stay in town.
She was very disappointed.
- That's too bad.
- I never got chicken pox.
You should call her, Dan.
I know she'd like to see you.
- I'm going to.
- And you'd like her boyfriend, too.
He's a good man, a screenwriter.
- Congratulations on the show.
- You saw it?
I should've never left
that opening at moma.
It was just dad... I felt obligated.
[Matthew] you thought
you were doing right.
You would've stayed.
I probably would've, yeah,
but I would've felt bad about it.
But it's a good lesson.
Dad can take care of himself.
You have to take care of yourself.
No, he can't, Matt.
That's why he's where he is now.
I should've been able to tell
something was wrong.
I just thought he was getting old.
Shit, I yelled at him.
The guy was suffering
and I screamed at him on the street.
There's no catharsis in shouting
at an old person who's dying.
- Do you think he's going to die?
- [Eliza] Hey, dad!
I want you to meet someone.
- This is Robin.
- Nice to meet you.
- You, too.
- Hey, I'm Matt.
- Hi. Eliza speaks very highly of you.
- Oh, okay.
- You speak highly of me?
- You know what he means.
Eliza, you've had two wines already.
- Don't have a beer, too.
- I can handle it.
Eliza, it's not good to mix wine and beer.
You'll feel cruddy tomorrow,
I'm telling you.
- I've done it before, dad.
- Maybe she's right.
Maybe she has a constitution
that can handle the grape and the grain.
[Danny] please, just stay out of it.
Matt's right. I have the fortitude for it.
I'm telling you, you'll feel like crap.
What the fuck, man!
What does it matter
if she drinks wine and beer?
Stop interfering with my parenting, Matt!
She's 18! What parenting do you need
to do here? She's just a person now.
This is something I do,
and I'm quite good at it, okay?
She and I have a very good relationship
when you're not around,
so stop ganging up on me!
You know, I've enjoyed
hanging out recently.
Yeah, me, too.
You know, I wanted to apologize
for a long time.
For what?
I'm pissed at myself because
when dad kicked me out of the house
and I moved back in with my mom,
you really made an effort to hang out,
and I kind of blew you off.
I feel like I fucked that up.
I think it's really my fault
we're not close.
It's hard to be around dad.
And your mom at that time, they were both
so critical, and I was just failing.
- We should go in for our toasts.
- Are you disappointed in me?
What? No!
I know dad is, but I thought maybe
also you were critical of me
- for quitting piano and...
- No.
You were my big brother.
I looked up to you.
- I quit because it was my protest, okay?
- Okay, like mcenroe.
Also because...
It was like walking barefoot
through broken glass to get a milkshake.
I love the milkshake,
but, you know, my feet were bleeding.
- I can understand that.
- Can you?
Because my feeling about you is you can't.
It's not your fault.
But, like dad, you make me feel
really bad about myself.
I'm sorry.
- I said it's not your fault.
- Let's go.
- Can I ask you something?
- What?
A few years ago when Karen and I
had you over to our house
when you were in town,
I didn't hear from you afterwards.
Maybe it was because
Karen and I insulted you in some way
or Karen maybe had too much grappa?
No, it was nice.
I went back to L.A. I don't know.
Were you bored?
Most people find us interesting enough.
- We've had no complaints.
- It's nothing like that. It's just life.
It's not more than that.
Well, even in life,
you can make an effort.
Write an email on one of your phones.
- You say you feel guilt but...
- I'm here now!
I'm in fucking rhinebeck.
I was just in pittsfield.
- I've been here.
- It shouldn't have come to that!
If dad survives, you'll go back to L.A.
And I'll be taking care of him
for a very long time!
- We'll all help out.
- No, we won't all.
It'll be me and Jean.
And mainly me.
- I'll come more often.
- You made your priorities clear.
I'm tired of apologizing for doing well!
Ptolemy always asked me
why you never talked dad's work up
to your wealthy clients.
He says you could be really helpful.
It's all about perception.
Now, dad's a good artist, you know.
There's no reason
he's not as well-known as l.J.
Maybe it's not my responsibility
to help dad, maybe that.
- No, it's what you do.
- Hey, and also, maybe he's not so great.
Maybe he's undiscovered for a reason,
maybe that.
Truth is, we don't know, Danny,
because we were brainwashed.
Why are you so angry at him anyways?
He loves everything you do.
Oh, does he? He doesn't tell me that.
He tells me!
I should be the one who's angry at him!
I should hate him... for treating me
and Jean like second-class citizens!
Then why don't you? You should.
Listen, you and Jean
are gonna get some money.
We got a great deal on the house
and all the art,
and I'm gonna give you both my share.
It doesn't make up for everything,
but you guys really deserve this.
Dad said this was a family discussion.
Wait, did this happen already?
Yes, it's done.
No, he told me we'd decide together!
And you do this
when he can't say anything?
He told me, Matt! You weren't there!
If we didn't do something,
we'd be spending the next few years
throwing his work into dumpsters.
This way we get something for it.
I don't care about the money. That house,
that work means something to me!
You should embrace this.
I should be the one who cares.
I grew up there, it's my house.
I should care.
- Then why don't you?
- Because I don't know.
You're probably right, I should care,
but this makes sense.
How could you do this to him?
Who could even dream up such a plan?
Me! It's what I do for a living.
Ptolemy says you guys
make yourself indispensable
- to vulnerable rich people.
- Tell me more about my business.
I really want to know what you,
or dad, or fucking ptolemy thinks
about what I do every day for a living.
You kicked me in the shin!
I was disappointed in you
for quitting piano.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
I know it's hard! It's hard for all of us!
Get it together!
You are doing with Tony
just what dad did with me and Jean!
We want to thank bard for making
this show happen
and thank many of you for making the trip.
My dad, and I'm sure every artist involved
in this show, would be really pleased.
My father was a teacher here for 33 years,
so this is particularly special for him.
And... this piece is special for me
as it's called "Matthew."
My father tells a story
of how this piece came to be.
How I would sit
on the hardwood floor of his studio,
getting nails in my ass and...
Hand him tools and make suggestions.
And he would let me help,
or let me think I was helping.
And when it was done,
he'd said we'd made it together...
Even though I don't remember it.
But, uh...
I remember...
That feeling of being very proud.
You know, of wanting to...
Be an artist like my dad.
And that was a good way to feel.
I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm, uh...
I've just been angry at him
for so much of my adult life.
I guess I was trying to outrun him...
But I didn't.
I'm still his son.
I've given away his life's work.
I'm sorry.
And if...
If dad doesn't make it,
he and I aren't okay.
We never got to be okay.
- Danny, do you want to say a few words?
- Yes. Thank you, Matthew.
No, I was giving it to you.
[Jean] why don't you sit here?
You'll have to bear with me.
I'm not a good speaker,
and also, I've never done it.
It's something I've gone
through great pains to avoid.
When I used to perform music
in front of an audience,
it was too excruciating.
The... reward wasn't...
It just wasn't worth the self-hatred.
Not to mention,
unlike my brother Matthew...
I find this particular piece
to be painful,
because it was during a time
I wasn't really speaking with my dad.
He had just left my mom, and Jean, and me
and remarried Matthew's mother,
whom we really did not like.
Again, unlike Matt,
I was not included
in the art-making process.
It was not mine, too.
This piece isn't called "Danny."
In fact, there are no Dannys.
[Jean] or jeans.
[Danny chuckles] Uh...
Hey, some of you know my father
is in a hospital in pittsfield right now.
And we don't know how that's going to go.
Our doctor's in China,
- and the only really good nurse we had...
- Excuse me.
Just got reassigned
to a different floor.
Maybe I need to believe
my dad was a genius
because I don't want his life
to be worthless.
And... if he isn't a great artist,
that means he was just a prick.
But I think the work's good.
I think it deserved
more attention than it got.
I think that's true. Matt?
I wish he had more success,
because that would've made
his life easier,
even if that kind of thing doesn't
ultimately mean much.
I don't know. L.J.?
I don't know either.
If I did, I'd tell you.
Also, I'm really proud of my daughter,
Eliza, who's a freshman here.
And really, a talented filmmaker.
Thank you...
How are you feeling?
Wow, look at this.
- I love your hair.
- Thanks. Robin cut it.
- I wish I had the guts to do it.
- Oh, hey, Robin.
- Do it! Robin will do it right now!
- I've got scissors in my bag.
How's the hip?
I'm bionic now.
That's a reference for Jean only.
I know what bionic is.
- I don't.
- It's a show.
You taught me well.
[Eliza] with a head full of dreams
and a backpack filled with candy,
I set out on my journey.
Sometimes when you least expect it...
Are you going my way?
You may meet a new friend. Slap!
Slap! Slap!
- Jean, that's you with the rabbit.
- You're gonna miss it.
Kiss. Slap.
Something changed inside me that day.
The end?
Jean, you were so good.
- She's got real chops.
- I was well-edited.
That's wonderful, honey.
I don't know that I've seen
a sex scene shot quite like that before.
I used deliberately
very harsh, direct light.
I wanted to appear very unattractive.
Wonderful mise-en-scne.
For my jeopardy! Parody
I did at my office,
we just had to use
the overhead fluorescents.
Yours had wonderful mise-en-scne
as well, Jean.
And this is your best yet, Eliza.
Thanks, dad.
I've made eight more since then.
I'm in five of them.
- [Growls]
- [car beeps]
- [Barking]
- Bruno! Bruno! Did you hit traffic?
- We were expecting you earlier.
- I brought lunch.
The dad is being very stubborn.
I can't get him to do
any of his exercises.
How's he doing?
Well, the earliest appointment we can get
with the neurologist is next month.
It's a lot for me to do by myself here.
Oh, fortunately, we got
a little more money from the sale.
James sent photos of one of the sculptures
in the retirement home in Arizona.
They look quite stunning.
I have to say, I was very surprised
that you tried to stop the deal
after all the trouble you went through
setting it up.
I just thought... I changed my mind.
Well, it was my decision,
as I'm next of kin.
It's too late now.
I found these in the dad's things.
I think they're yours.
They're Danny's.
We just have to finish
filling out these insurance forms,
which seem to be written
in a foreign language.
Maureen, why don't you ask me?
Somebody in my company will do that.
Well, I don't like to ask for...
- Let me do it, okay?
- But it's a big day.
It's the dad's first meal
off of the feeding tube.
He's very excited that you brought lunch.
He's watching tcm.
Hey, dad.
What are you watching?
I don't know.
In these '30s movies,
the men wore tuxedos all the time.
Things have gotten much more casual.
[Matthew] maybe they dressed up because
they lived shorter lives back then,
wanted to celebrate life.
We spent three hours today at goodwill.
The dad had a funny joke.
What was that?
I'll set you up again.
We spent three hours today at goodwill.
Which pretty much destroyed mine.
- Ah. That's good, dad.
- Thank you.
You should see the other dog.
That's true, the dad got very impatient.
As we were handing over the boxes,
I saw that I had accidentally
included my good wok,
and I hesitated.
Then I thought,
"I haven't made Chinese food in ten years.
I'm not gonna make Chinese food again."
But you have your idea of yourself,
and you want to hold onto that.
- You okay?
- [Coughs] Yes.
Dad, take it easy.
We just got you out of the hospital,
we don't want you to go back!
It was very unpleasant in the hospital.
You know, I was there
for a couple of months.
- I know.
- Maureen has been my savior.
Harold, you're getting brown sauce
all over the sheets.
No, now you're just rubbing it in.
Matt, could you help the dad
get ready for his nap?
I'm gonna try to visit more.
It's hard because Tony
starts kindergarten this year,
and I want to be there for that.
But I want to be here more.
L.j.'s coming for lunch
in a couple of weeks.
You should come for that.
He left me a very effusive message
about my show,
and someone wrote a rave on my Google.
It was very inspired of you
to set that up.
- Jean and Danny organized it, dad.
- Is that right?
- But you made the sale.
- Yeah, that was me.
I bought a piece back
from Brian and James.
It's the piece from the show, "Matthew".
Because "Matthew" and...
We did it together.
Thank you for...
Letting me be a part of your process.
It had a big effect on me, dad.
Your confidence was contagious.
And I think that's why
I'm able to do what I do now.
I remember I made "Matthew" in 1966,
the year the Whitney bought my piece.
It couldn't have been 1966.
It was.
I didn't work in bronze after that.
I wasn't born yet.
Oh, that's right, isn't it?
Then it couldn't have been you
watching me, could it?
Maybe it was your brother.
You should've called it "Danny."
You're right, I should have.
I'm going to go to sleep now.
It's okay if you want to sit here longer
while I fall asleep.
I love you, dad.
Love you.
[Danny] hey, my brother.
- My brother.
- Thanks for paying for this.
The private room is... it's not necessary.
I can get work done this way.
- How was dad?
- Oh, I don't know.
He's still dad.
You know, I said goodbye to him
so many times in my head
that it's strange, in a way,
I wasn't prepared for him to survive.
Well, now we'll know
what to do the next time.
The three of us had a real rhythm going.
I just don't want
to have to speak publicly again.
You know, sometimes I wish.
Dad had done
one horrible, unforgivable thing,
something specific
I could be angry about...
But it isn't one thing,
it's tiny things every day.
It's drip, drip, drip.
I'm sorry I couldn't stop the house
and the art from being sold.
In the end, Maureen was determined.
I'm over it.
I'm not.
I think these are your vuarnets.
I thought those were yours.
- Maybe they were mine.
- No, I think you're right.
- They're mine.
- I'm remembering now owning them.
- No, they look like a pair I had.
- No, you're right.
- They were mine.
- Give me them.
Well, you can have them anyway.
Can you help me walk?
The nurse is supposed to be here to do it,
but I get antsy.
Hey, I loved Eliza's new movie.
It's good, right?
- You've done a great job with her.
- Thanks.
You know, I'm glad she likes you so much.
Hey, when you get out of here,
you want to come to L.A.?
I love Los Angeles.
I haven't been there, but I love it.
You could stay with me,
see what you think.
I don't know. The weather's nice.
I could get you a ticket
in a couple of weeks.
I don't know. I think I should stay
and help Maureen with dad.
I have sympathy for her,
but I don't trust her.
Well, if you change your mind...
I was going to stay here longer,
but I think I should leave tonight
and get back to Tony.
Oh, yeah. Go be with your boy.
Thanks for, you know...
Taking care of me.
Maureen went into town for groceries
a few hours ago.
The famous blueberry pancakes.
I don't know what she could be doing.
How's her drinking?
I made her a deal.
I said we'd put in a pool
if she stopped drinking.
You know, since the bard show,
Matthew has personally invested
in a piece of mine.
You should have seen Matt, dad.
When you were sick,
he was there the whole time.
He really whipped us into shape.
I think you and Jean should look
into getting me a solo show.
That would put me back on the map.
You know, we were all there
the whole time.
Every time I turn on tcm,
it's meet me in St. Louis.
What's on the premium channels?
It was rough there for a minute.
We thought we might lose you.
There's something called sex tape
on starz. You know anything about that?
Not really.
Should we try it?
- [Woman] hello?
- [Girl] Hi, mom!
- Hi, honey.
- Maureen is leaving for Cuba on Monday.
I thought you could stay with me
while she's away.
You know, Matt invited me to L.A.
I'm still recovering.
I could really use the help.
- Have you ever been to L.A.?
- You're still recovering, too.
And you know, we've got the premium
channels now. We get the Knicks.
I know. I lived here
when you were in the hospital.
You'll have a nurse with you.
I really need you to stay with me.
I'm asking you to do this, please.
You know I don't like asking for things.
I need you, Danny.
I think there's still some of Jean's
cookies in the dining room, take a look.
I'll take you to lunch next week
at baba Louie's,
which is the best pizza in the berkshires,
maybe the best pizza period.
Okay, thanks!
Pick a day.
Except Saturday,
I.J.'S coming up for lunch,
so you'll need to find
something else to do,
but you could go to a movie,
or I think there's bowling.
- Sorry.
- Danny, what are you doing?
Sorry, dad, I didn't think
that would be so loud.
See if you can rescue some of the cookies
from the porcelain.
I'm leaving now, dad.
I'm gonna drive back to the city.
- You'll be here, right?
- Yeah.
I'll clean this up, don't worry.
And then I'm going to L.A. to see Matthew.
I love you.
[Whispering] I forgive you.
Forgive me.
Thank you. Goodbye.
Flight leaves at 4:30.
You think we'll be okay?
Yeah, traffic is fine,
and you're flying business class,
so the check in should be quicker.
I've never flown business class.
I've never done business.
My brother had miles.
Well, this is a good time
to go to the airport.
It's coming back that's the problem.
I'll probably get stuck in that traffic
on the way back.
- Can you wait for one second?
- Yeah.
Oh, my god, I was just consulting
for someone around the corner
and went to get a tea.
- What are you doing in stuy town?
- I was going for a ride with my chauffeur.
No, I'm kidding.
I'm on my way out to the coast.
- Coast?
- Los Angeles.
Los Angeles, really?
Yeah, that's the town car.
Matt got it for me.
I usually take the a train.
No, this is not representative
of where I am in my life.
Yeah, I'm going to stay with him
for a while.
Oh, that's nice. What's this cane?
Oh, this is an affectation I'm trying.
No, new hip.
Oh, wow! Dan, are you okay?
Yeah, better.
I tried my best to ignore it,
but the hip won out.
Oh, my god! How's your dad?
He's okay. He's out of the hospital.
Oh, that's great. My dad was worried.
Yeah, he's better health-wise.
Otherwise, he's the same.
Sometimes they're just the same,
aren't they?
Yeah, he's still waiting
for his life to begin.
Oh, no, but he's done so well,
don't you think?
- I don't know, has he?
- He has.
He taught all those years at bard.
I used to love to hear him talk about art.
He did good work. His kids are great.
It's a shame he can't feel that way.
L.j. mentioned you were seeing
a screenwriter?
Oh, yeah, that didn't take.
You know, after my divorce,
I don't know what I'm doing.
I won't be leaving New York for good.
I'll be back.
That's what everyone says who goes
to L.A., then it's 20 years later.
- I'll see you in 20 years.
- Okay, bye.
No, I have to come back
for Eliza's freshmen film festival
anyways in a month.
- Can I come?
- Yeah.
It's at bard.
I'd love to come.
It's not un-pornographic, I'm warning you.
- I'm in the art world, I've seen it all.
- She's really talented, I think.
You know, I think she's got something.
I'm sure she does. It's a talented family.
- I'm telling you.
- [Chuckles]
Well, something to look forward to,
isn't it?
Here it is.
This is him.
[Robin] that's so cool.
["Old man" playing]
Everyone has gone away
Can you hear me? Can you hear me?
No one cared enough to stay
Can you hear me? Can you hear me?
You must remember me, old man
I know that you can if you try
So just open up your eyes, old man
Look who's come to say goodbye
The sun has left the sky, old man
The birds have flown away
And no one came to cry, old man
Goodbye, old man, goodbye
You want to stay
I know you do
But it ain't no use to try
'Cause I'll be here
and I'm just like you
Goodbye, old man, goodbye
Won't be no god to comfort you
You taught me not to believe that lie
You don't need anybody
Nobody needs you
Don't cry, old man, don't cry
Everybody dies