The Man from the Alamo (1953)

I agree with Sam Houston.
We have to fight for our rights.
- I disagree.
We've gotten along as a free state
under the Mexican Republic for years.
You've overlooked one thing, Jim.
Although the Spanish gave us
the right of colonization in 1821,
when Santa Anna seized control
we ceased to be a free state.
We can either fight or face a military
government. - General Houston!
Gentlemen, I'll get to the point.
I have to recruit an army to defend
Texas as an independent republic.
Many of you already know
how difficult such an undertaking is.
And the others of you soon will.
If victory is to be ours,
we must have every able-bodied man
in Texas under arms.
In the absence of any fighting, Sam,
people don't see any danger here.
Men are reluctant
to leave their families and farms.
That is why
I called you gentlemen together.
I have just been told that Santa Anna
has occupied San Antonio.
Colonel Travis and less than 200 men
have retreated to the Alamo
to prepare for its defense.
At this moment, that is the only
military force between
the Mexican army and the Sabine river.
And those men need help!
How do you feel, Jim? - I'd feel
better to be out there on that wall.
Never get any shootin' done in here.
- Oon't be too sure of that.
There's a lot of them left out there.
Some of them may even pay you a visit.
Just bring 'em in.
Me and Mr. Bowie are ready.
We won't have to bring them in, Sam.
They intend to come in on their own.
Any word from Houston?
- Not yet.
You figure the messenger got through?
- I hope so.
Sam's a good man,
he'll send some boys down to help us.
He better send them pretty quick.
Oon't fret, Bill. You can always run
if things get too tough.
You aren't planning on leaving, Jim?
No, I guess not.
Oon't figure I could run very good.
I don't run good either, Jim.
Colonel Travis!
Colonel Travis!
- Yes?
There's a Mexican out there with
a white flag. Wants to talk to you.
What did he say, Colonel?
- He said if we don't walk out now
with our hands in the air,
we won't walk out at all.
What are you gonna tell him, sir?
- Is this cannon loaded? - Yes, sir.
This is driving me crazy.
First they blow the place apart,
then you have to sit around for hours
and there ain't a sound.
- You think they're out of bullets?
Stick your head up and find out.
- I ain't that curious.
I ain't had no sleep in four days.
How's a man supposed to stand it?
If you're tired of it,
open the gate and walk out.
Biggest mistake I made
was when I walked in.
You had all the way from Tennessee...
If I'd had 5 more miles,
I'd probably have changed my mind.
I don't understand that. What are you
guys from Tennessee doing down here?
No war in Tennessee.
- You could've found one nearer home.
I considered starting one,
but Oavy Crockett said you Texans need
some help, so I came here to fight.
Still don't know what I'm fighting
for. What're you fighting for?
I got a ranch up at Oxbow,
with a wife and kids.
There's 4 or 5 more of us got a ranch
there, too. Right, Stroud? - Yeah.
Ooes that answer your question?
Got a family of my own in Tennessee.
Wish mine was there instead of here.
- Yeah? Where's Oxbow?
Up north of here. - There ain't no
Mexicans up that-a-way, is there?
None that I know of.
- So what you got to worry about?
Not the Mexicans.
Santa Anna's giving land to Texans
so they'll fight on his side.
You don't think
anybody's gonna fight for him?
I know one already. Got a lot of
follower's, too. Name's Jess Wade.
Well, here we go again!
Hold it! It's one of our boys!
Came right through the Mexican line.
It's one of our boys!
Open those gates!
I'm Colonel Crockett. What is it?
Message from General Houston.
Where's the commanding officer?
Lieutenant! What's going on up north?
Same thing as here.
They're raiding up around Oxbow.
You heard that, didn't you?
- Yeah! - Come on, let's go.
Stroud! Kaye!
Come with me, I wanna talk to you.
Lt. Lamar, sir. From General Houston.
How soon will the troops be here?
- There are no troops.
The General's recruiting an army
to defend Texas. It may be days...
Why'd Sam waste his time
sending a message like this?
He wants you to hold the Alamo.
How can we hold a whole army back?
- I don't know, sir.
The longer you hold out, the better
his chances against Santa Anna's army.
Oave, muster the men.
Just the 5 of us
got families up in Oxbow.
If one of us don't take care of them,
nobody else will.
One man here
won't make any difference,
but one man up there could take
our wives and kids into safety.
How's he going to get out?
- The messenger got in, didn't he?
Who's it gonna be? - If you fellas
all agree, we could draw lots for it.
I got a handful of beans,
and one of them's black.
Whoever draws the black bean goes.
You want to start, Johnny?
Why not?
A dispatch from General Houston.
"March 2nd, 1836. Today, Texas was
declared an independent republic."
That's fine, Colonel,
but are we getting reinforcements?
We haven't slept in a week.
- No. General Houston has no army.
He's recruiting one as fast as he can.
So if Santa Anna can be held here
for a few days longer,
it can mean the difference
between life and death for Texas.
We all know General Santa Anna
is going to give no quarter.
I'm staying here, but anyone else
who wants, may withdraw.
Those who volunteer
to stay with me, step forward.
Would you help me out, Sam?
Anyone up there want to go?
Mr. Stroud, I assume
you have your reasons.
I'll see that you get your horse
in a moment.
Men, this is the dispatch
I'm sending to General Houston:
"I am besieged by a thousand or more
Mexicans under General Santa Anna.
I have sustained
a continual bombardment and cannonade.
The enemy have demanded
a surrender at discretion.
Otherwise, the garrison is to be put
to the sword, if the fort is taken.
The enemy gets reinforcements daily
and will increase to 3,000 or 4,000
in four or five days.
I have answered the summons with
cannon shot, and the flag is flying.
I am determined to hold out as long as
possible and die like a soldier,
who never forgets what is due
his own honor and that of his country.
I shall never surrender or retreat.
Victory or death."
see that the General gets our message.
Sir, with your permission I'd like
to stay here in that man's place.
Why not use him as a messenger?
No, you brought Houston's message.
You're going to return with ours.
Get Mr. Stroud a horse.
Back to your posts.
Never thought I'd live to see
Johnny Stroud turn yellow.
Who says he has?
- He's runnin' out, ain't he?
Ever figure it might take more nerve
to leave than to stay?
Worst that can happen to you is
they say you died a hero.
He'll be a coward for the rest
of his life. - So why's he leaving?
We drew lots for it.
Johnny always was unlucky.
- Seor! Seor Stroud!
I not know it was you.
I thought they come back.
Where's my wife and son?
I bury them over there, Seor,
beside my father.
What do you do now, Seor?
- I'm going back to the Alamo.
A lot of Mexicans are going to pay
for this. - Seor,
it was not Mexicans who did this.
It was Americans.
You and your father been
with my family a long time, Carlos.
My wife and my son and I,
we loved you very much.
It's no time now to start lying
to protect your people.
I'm not lying. They have Mexican
uniforms, but they are not Mexican.
I hide in the hills and watch.
Sometimes they are right beside me.
I do not lie, Seor.
Wade's guerrillas.
- You know who they are?
Yeah, maybe I do.
Come on, Carlos, we gotta find
somebody to take care of you.
Sam Houston! What brings you
to Franklin? - Hello, Fred.
I've got bad news.
You want to gather the people?
With the General's permission, sir,
it's my wife. - Go ahead, son.
- Oaddy! Oaddy!
How's the big man of the house?
Oo everything your mother told you?
Folks, the Alamo has fallen.
What about the garrison, Sam?
Travis, Bowie... - They're all dead.
I asked them to hold out
as long as they could. And they did.
They've given us time
to recruit more men. But now
Santa Anna's army is free to move,
and they're sweeping across Texas.
Franklin may be next on their list.
My troops are just outside town.
We're going to try
to head him off at Gonzales. Meanwhile
I want you to evacuate all women
and children and men over 60.
This detachment will accompany them.
This is a black day for Texas.
But I can assure you of one thing.
No one shall ever forget the Alamo.
Get everyone alerted. The wagon train
must leave as soon as possible.
Good luck to everyone.
- Good luck to you, sir.
Unbelievable. Every single man killed.
No, not all of them.
Travis gave everybody
a chance of leaving.
One man took it.
A man by the name of John Stroud.
Come on, honey.
Excuse me, Ma'am, who's the fella
you talk to around here?
Gage. He runs the newspaper.
The man down there with one arm.
Thank you, Ma'am. Come on, son.
Mr. Gage? You got a mission school
or some place I can leave a child?
Afraid you're out of luck. - Soon
there won't be anything left here.
Santa Anna's coming, so we're leaving.
- Where you going? - To Nacogdoches.
Could someone on the wagon train
take care of the boy?
- Yeah, what's wrong with him?
Well, he's a Mexican.
We're at war with them, you know?
Oidn't know we were at war with kids.
- Why not look after him yourself?
That's not fair. This man
certainly wants to join the army.
I'll look after him, Ma.
There'll be no charge.
What's your name?
- Carlos.
What are those bells for?
- For the men in the Alamo.
What about the Alamo? - It's fallen,
and every man in it was killed.
What are you doin' here? - I could ask
you the same thing. - I have orders.
Those orders can come in handy, eh?
- Are you the John Stroud
who left the Alamo?
- That's right.
Hey folks! Gather round! Gather round!
This here is the man
that left the Alamo.
My man was there.
- So was mine.
But I can be proud he didn't run away.
- He had a reason to leave.
And I thought
you wanted to join the army.
Maybe I did. - Which one? I'm sure
Santa Anna would be glad to have you.
Mr. Gage. - One of the privileges
I enjoy is choosing who I talk to.
You don't have to talk to me,
just answer yes or no.
Oo you know the names of the families
on this wagon train? - Yes.
Is there a Mapes, Kaye,
Billington, Hawes? - No.
I don't know, but it seems to me
that the air here is pretty foul.
Look, Carlos,
you stay here. Be a good kid.
You know, maybe the kid's right.
He must've had a reason.
The way the people here feel, you'd
better watch how you defend that man.
Now wait a minute boys,
I ain't tryin' to defend him.
I reckon I'm as good a Texan
as any of you.
All right, you soldiers,
take him down and lock him up.
Seor Stroud! That's one of the men
who were in the Mexican uniforms.
Are you sure? - You think I forget
the man who killed my father?
Stroud, you better get out of town.
Maybe I like it here. - I don't care
what you like. Get out of town!
What'll we do with him?
- Let's string him up! - A rope, Ed!
Stand back, everybody!
We'll have no lynchings in Franklin.
I'll try to get you out of here alive,
Stroud. Get on your horse and go.
I got business here. - Get out or I'll
throw you in jail. - I'm not leaving.
You're not only a coward, Stroud.
You're a fool.
Get on. Get his hat there.
Sort of gave you
a rough time, didn't they?
Oid the same to me.
Got an awful lot of law in this town.
Seems like.
- My name's Oawes. What's yours?
So you're the guy who quit the Alamo.
What I heard,
there wasn't much use in stayin'.
Man's a fool to buck a game
if the cards are stacked against him.
A lot of guys didn't feel that way.
- They ain't walkin' around, either.
What you figure on doin'
when you get out of here?
Get myself hung.
- I mean if you don't get hung.
Maybe do what a lot of others
are doing. Join the Mexicans.
What do you mean by that?
Thought you were smart enough
to figure that out. - Maybe I am.
A lot of good men on the Mexican side.
- I heard of some.
As long as we understand each other.
- I figure we do.
Fine. Let's figure a way
to get out of this place.
It's been done before.
- How? - You'll see.
Beth, Kate, hurry up!
We're almost ready to go.
I've got the money from the vault.
Where do you want it? - Put it here.
Ready? - Just about. - Alright men,
check your equipment. Ready to roll!
Shame we have to leave here so soon.
- Yeah, I'd sure like to be here
when they break Stroud out of jail.
- That's one hanging I'd like to see.
Hey, maybe that's them now. - Who are
you expecting? - Friends of mine.
It's just some kid.
- Maybe it's a friend of mine.
I didn't know you had any.
Wagon train is leaving now, Seor.
The soldiers go with it.
You better go back. - I'll not leave
you. You are my father now.
They say after the wagon train goes,
they will take you out and hang you.
Nobody's gonna hang me, boy.
Carlos, the wagons are leaving.
- I'll not go!
I'm your father now, right? - Yes.
And a good son always obeys
his father, right?
That is true. - Then go with the lady.
- But they will kill you. - No.
You're going to obey him, aren't you,
Carlos? - Please take care.
Be good to the boy.
Where'd you pick up the kid?
- He's an orphan. - And a Mex.
What's wrong with that?
- Nothing.
Maybe that answers something
I've been wondering about you.
You said you wanted
to get out of here.
I don't see any future in stayin'.
You ever hear of Jess Wade?
What about him?
He don't like Texans. - What I hear,
they don't like him, either.
That gives you something in common.
He's paying Franklin a visit,
soon as those wagons and soldiers are
gone. - What's that got to do with me?
We could always use another man.
- Maybe Wade won't see it that way.
You'll soon find out. How about it?
I don't owe Texas anything.
You can count me in.
All set? Alright, let's move out.
You want somebody to spell you, Ma?
You've been up here quite a while.
No thanks, Tom.
Go back and help those that need it.
Fred and I get along fine.
Hi, honey! - Hi.
- How are the kids behavin'?
They're so excited, they're
going to be pretty hard to handle.
Oaddy, are we going to see Indians?
- I hope not. - But I want to!
Now you just mind
what your mother tells you.
He'll be alright, Carlos.
- He won't be alright!
They will hang him now. I left him
when he needs me. - That was his wish.
I could have told them
why he left the Alamo,
to help his family and others.
The only reason he came to Franklin
was to find a place for me.
Then he was going back to the Alamo.
He said that. - And you believe him?
He meant to go back. I swear it! You
believe me, Miss Beth? I do not lie.
You will tell the others,
tell them he is not a coward.
I'm afraid it's a too late for that.
There go the soldier boys.
- You sure they got Oawes in jail?
They weren't taking him to church.
- Well, stay out of saloons in future.
We only had a couple.
- Couple of gallons.
We'll head for the bank.
The rest of them can break Oawes out.
This won't hold the Mexican army.
- It'll hold for a while.
You wanna run and leave them the town?
- Why not, there's nothing left.
And while we're fighting,
that deserter's nice and snug in jail.
Why don't we string him up?
- Now hold on! Wait a minute.
What for? If we're gonna get shot at,
he can stretch. - Let's hang him!
Hold on now! - Hey, Jim, shoot twice
if you see any Mexicans.
Stop or I'll shoot!
- Go ahead and shoot!
Looks like we have visitors.
- Maybe it's Wade.
No, it's not Wade. - Who is it, then?
- It's a lynching party for me.
Alright, Stroud,
we got a nice new necktie for you.
Come on!
- Get him out of there!
Here's a rope!
It's a raid!
- Take cover boys!
Which side are you on?
- Here!
Ain't no gold in that bank! - They
cleaned it out. - Get to your horses!
Cobby! Open up this barricade!
Where'd you come from? - Town.
- Why'd you leave?
Had a little throat trouble.
- They were gonna hang him. - Why?
He quit the Alamo.
That right?
- That's right.
The Alamo?
Why were you there in the first place?
What would you do with an army against
you? - That's not what I asked you!
That's the answer I'm giving you.
I'll say one thing, you've got guts.
You could be in a lot of trouble.
I've been in trouble before.
- Why do you think I want you here?
You don't like Texans, neither do I.
- Then answer my first question.
What were you doing in the Alamo?
- I left, didn't I? - Why?
I heard the Mexicans
were giving land grants.
But I'm the one
that decides who gets them.
Anybody who works with me will be
treated alright. What's your name?
Stroud, John Stroud.
Cavish, get me some fresh coffee.
That must've been some fight.
I bet old James Bowie carved up
a hundred of them before they got him.
That right, Stroud?
Old Bowie fight them with his knife?
How about Oavy Crockett? I heard
he could charm a possum out of a tree.
Naw! When a possum saw Oavy Crockett,
he just knew that was the end.
Instead of waitin' to get shot,
he just dropped dead at Oavy's feet.
You say Oavy Crockett did good?
Wait a minute, Stroud,
we wanna hear more.
Tell us
why you run out on old Oavy Crockett?
Maybe he didn't want to get shot at.
If you quit on them, maybe you'll
quit on us, too. - Leave him alone.
He ain't answered my question yet.
I say he's yellow.
Cobby, he thinks you talk too much.
You'll do. You can help us chase
the wagon train in the morning.
There was no money in the bank.
That means it's on the wagon train.
What's the matter?
- We turn off here for High Peak.
I think we oughta keep going
though these low hills.
If somebody jumps us
in that gorge, we're in trouble.
That's Indian territory.
I know all about Indians.
I lost an arm with 'em. I'd like
to keep the one I got left.
Those are the chances we gotta take.
We save a whole day that way.
That's the way it is. Let's go.
- Come on boy!
Cavish! Take five men
and find a spot on that cliff.
Cobby! You and Stroud
get up on that crag.
Keep an eye on him. - I'd rather keep
a gun on him. - Oo that too.
You won't be
needing this for a while.
You think this Stroud'll work out.
- I hope so. I can use him.
I'd sure hate to fight him
every day before breakfast.
Why'd you send him with Cobby?
He's liable to shoot him in the back.
Exactly. This is Stroud's first raid.
If he fails,
Cobby'll take care of him.
Tie 'em up.
Get up there as high as you can
and I'll get down on that ledge.
Oon't get any funny ideas. The only
way out of here is right by Wade.
Hold it! Hey, Tom!
What are you stopping for? - Oriving
through that gorge is suicide.
No sensible man would do it.
My scouts haven't reported a thing.
I just got a feeling.
We're still going on ahead.
Get the horses movin'.
Jess, here they come! - How far off?
- A good half hour.
All strung out in a nice line.
We'll pick them off like ducks.
Anything in sight?
- Not yet.
What's holdin' 'em up?
- Wanna trade places for a while?
You stay up there where I can see you
and we'll get along just fine.
You don't trust me, Cobby?
I trust you so much I'm keeping
your gun till the shootin' starts.
Got a couple of friends
on that wagon train.
What are you gettin' at? - That's why
I joined up, to look out for them.
Why you dirty double-crossin'...
Go on and shoot, Cobby.
They're half a mile away. You shoot
and the soldiers'll be right here.
You're lyin'! - Come on up
and see for yourself. - I will.
Cobby! Stay here.
There's firing above the gorge.
What are we gonna do?
It's an ambush at High Peak,
just like I told you.
George, take four men
and head up back in those cliffs.
Fight if you have to.
- Yes, sir! You four come with me!
Alright, follow me!
Get those kids behind the trees!
I'm comin' after you, Stroud.
Now we'll see if you're really yellow.
If that's why you left the Alamo.
I'll tell you why I left.
I had a wife and son at Oxbow.
I came back to protect them,
but you'd been there before me.
I think I remember. She had
pretty yellow hair. The kid, too.
Too bad she wouldn't listen to reason.
We're gettin' out of here!
- Let's go after 'em. - Later.
Make an opening there.
Mexicans, sir. They ran when they saw
us comin'. Here's one of their horses.
You sure it was Mexicans?
- That's one uniform I won't forget.
You get a close look at them?
- No, but they were Mexicans.
Let's look at the stuff in the saddle,
see what we can find out.
Miss Beth, that's Seor Stroud's coat.
I'm not lying. That is Seor Stroud's
coat. - Let's see it.
I thought Stroud was in jail.
- So did I.
Stroud joining up with the Mexicans?
It don't make sense.
Maybe it does. On top of everything,
our Mr. Stroud's a renegade.
They're not Mexicans.
They just dress like Mexicans.
Hush, Carlos!
There's no one I'd rather see left
up there without a horse than Stroud.
But you cannot just leave him.
Please, Lieutenant!
We'll camp here till morning.
Post a five man lookout. - Lieutenant!
Can I have that? Please?
Hey, kid, where you goin'?
- I'm thirsty.
I'm going to find him. - You can't,
Carlos. You'll get lost out there.
He's like my father. I must try and
find him. - No, you'll never do it.
And even if you did, don't you see?
He's not a good man, Carlos.
He's a very good man. - But he broke
out of jail and joined the Mexicans.
I tried to tell you, Miss Beth.
They're Americans dressed as Mexicans.
That's even worse.
It's best you try and forget him.
- I'm sorry, Miss Beth.
Give me your foot.
Thank you very much, Ma'am.
I promise I'll come back.
Where's he think he's going, Ma'am?
He's going to find John Stroud.
He really believes he's out there.
That ain't no place for a kid.
We'll take care of him, Ma'am.
The kid was right, Lieutenant,
here's Stroud!
What made you think you could leave
without permission? We'll talk later.
You see, Miss Beth,
it was Seor Stroud. He needs help.
A mighty poor place for it.
Beth, get up from there.
Should I let him die here? - Save us
hangin' him. - How can you say that?
He was going to attack women
and children. What could he expect?
You have no proof of that.
- And that Mexican outfit?
I don't care. He's a human being,
and he'll be treated like one.
Somebody help me get him to the wagon.
I'll give you a hand. - So will I,
if that's okay. - You're letting them?
He was shooting at us
just a while ago. - Go ahead.
You know what? I think you've lost
your grip on this wagon train, Tom.
Yes, Beth? - You know something about
doctorin', Mr. Gage. - A little.
If you'd tell me what to do...
- Why should we do anything for him?
Because he's hurt.
Only you can help him.
He's also a renegade and a murderer.
- That's not true.
We don't need you, boy! - But...
- I said we don't need you.
You better wait outside, Carlos.
Can you do anything for him?
- Maybe I can, and maybe I can't.
I think maybe you can.
I think he means it, Mr. Gage.
Get some hot water.
Alright, get 'em up!
Let's go! Everyone up!
We're movin' out in half an hour.
Everyone up! Movin' out!
Get up, ladies!
Movin' out in half an hour.
Let's go! Everyone up!
We're movin' out in half an hour!
How are you?
Well... I don't know yet.
You weren't feeling so good
when Carlos brought you in last night.
You better take it easy.
- I gotta get up sometime.
I will get you some food.
You stay there, Seor.
Thanks. - For what?
I'd do it for anyone.
This isn't going to make you
very popular with your friends.
I don't care what they think.
- Maybe I do.
Then why don't you tell 'em the truth.
Carlos told me you left the Alamo
to take care of all those families.
Who'd believe it?
- I do.
You're no coward.
Try telling that to Lieutenant Lamar.
He tried taking my place at the Alamo.
Stroud, you'll remain in this Wagon.
You're under arrest.
Aren't you gonna say something?
Aren't you gonna defend yourself?
That was Wade's gang. - That's right.
- Why'd you join up with them?
Was a good way of getting out of town.
You had every intention of joining
the attack on this wagon train.
I did not.
- You're a poor liar. - Tom,
ask Mr. Stroud who fired the shots
that kept us out of that ambush.
- I fired the first one.
Are you trying to tell me...
- I'm telling you it's not over yet.
Wade knows you have the bank money.
And he'll get it, if you're not smart.
For the sake of these women
and children, it better be the truth.
From now on, I'm keeping
this wagon train in the open. Beth!
Finish your chow, everybody!
Let's get this wagon train rolling!
What are you going to do now?
Nothing. I'm still under arrest.
I won't be looking, if you happen
to fall out of the back of the wagon.
Thanks very much.
I'll play along the way I am.
There's not much future in it.
- Oh yes, there is. - What?
Jess Wade. - You really think he'll
attack us? - If we keep on this way.
If I was running it, I'd head south
and cross the river down there.
Why did you join him? - He's the man
that killed my wife and son.
That's why you want to stay with us?
Wade's gonna be real surprised
to see me. He thinks I'm dead.
Why didn't you tell the Lieutenant?
- He thinks I'm a very poor liar.
But you aren't lying.
- Maybe I am.
I left the Alamo. That's pretty hard
to justify, even to myself.
Your family was in danger. - So were
the families of a hundred other men.
Mine was
more important to me than theirs.
Are you condemning yourself?
- I'd condemn another doing the same.
It's done now.
Regretting it won't undo it.
That's what's bad about it.
- Other men have made mistakes.
Not like mine. - What good would it
have done if you had stayed?
What good did it do that I left?
- Oidn't help my family or anybody's.
Lieutenant Lamar would understand.
- Sure he'd understand,
but only if it happened to him.
Look, Miss Beth. You'll only
stir things up if you stick with me.
Why don't you switch to another wagon?
Why don't we go after 'em?
- In open country? Want to get shot?
I want to get my hands on that money.
They'll cross the Trinidad river
at Cutner's Point. We'll be waiting.
Sure, when the wagons are in the river
we'll pick 'em off. - Sounds easy.
I like to have things easy.
Follow 'em and keep an eye on 'em.
Any change of plan,
we'll be at Cutner's Point.
Lieutenant Lamar? Sergeant Macauley,
sir, Army of the Republic.
Orders from General Houston, sir.
What is it, Oarling? - Orders to
return to San Jacinto at once.
Myself and these soldiers.
What about us?
General Houston is ready for
an all-out attack against Santa Anna.
Troops can't be spared to protect
a wagon train. - Is that so?
You tell Sam Houston... - Soldiers
are there to protect their families.
As a soldier, I can't question
a command. - Sergeant,
my previous orders were to see
these wagons safely across the river.
And I'll do it.
If I could have a fresh horse, sir,
I'll start back with the men.
They're staying with me.
If you stay that's your business, sir,
but you can't tell your men to stay.
Why not? I'm in command, Sergeant.
I'm afraid that's desertion, sir.
Oesertion? - You have orders to report
to San Jacinto at once, sir.
I'll go when these wagons
are across the river.
I'll tell General Houston, sir.
If we leave now, these people will be
defenseless. With no able-bodied men,
only women, children and elders.
- How would you classify me?
As a deserter, Mr. Stroud.
Looks like there'll be a lot of us.
- These people need protection.
My family needed protection.
- They'll be murdered if we leave.
My family was murdered. - I'm trying
to protect other families as well.
If you'd bothered to ask, that's why
I left the Alamo. For the same thing.
Stroud, I can't figure out
what side you're on.
You have your orders, Lieutenant,
if I were you I'd obey them.
Go ahead, Oarling, we'll be alright.
What do you intend to do? - I intend
to take these wagons through.
I'll get my horse.
Alright, men, check your equipment.
We're leaving for San Jacinto
Mr. Stroud? Good luck.
Thanks, we're gonna need it.
Oo you mind shaking hands?
Take care of them for me, Fred.
Good bye, Oarling. - Lieutenant,
I'd like to have ten of your rifles.
Alright, you first ten men
bring your rifles up here!
What do we do now, Mr. Stroud?
- Get these wagons in 2 lines of 4!
If there's trouble, I don't want us
spread out all over the country.
It'll be rough from now on, Ma'am.
We're gonna ride without a break.
They headed this way? - No, they
took off southeast, towards Boulder.
That's a long way from here.
- We can still make it.
The soldiers left them. - What do you
mean? - The whole detachment took off.
A trap? - No, they ain't comin' back.
- Let's go.
Wade's gang is coming. Get the women
and children to lie down. Let's go!
My line's broken!
Pile everything up in the wagons.
Get the children behind that bank.
Can these women shoot a gun?
- I can teach 'em.
Give me the gun, Carlos!
- How can I shoot? - Get down!
This is a trap for sure. He's led us
into a trap. - Keep quiet and help!
Reload. They'll be comin' back.
Cavish, Oawes, Morrell und Brown,
we'll circle and come in behind them!
Williams, when you hear me shoot, you
and the rest attack from the front.
Gage! Grab a horse and
a couple of pistols and come with me.
You want me to go with you?
- You can shoot? - I shoot real good!
Let's go, then.
Oon't shoot
till you're sure we can get one.
Get up there. Wade'll try to come
around the lake and attack from here.
Get out of here!
Stroud! You're going over the fall!
Everybody alright?
- Yes, thanks to you, Mr. Stroud.
You haven't got far to go now.
Carlos, I'll be back for you
as soon as I can.
I'm headed for San Jacinto.
Alright Mr. Gage, get these wagons
rollin' - You heard what the man said!
He'll come back, Miss Beth.
- I hope so, Carlos.
So do I. For both of us.