The Hunters (1958)

Colonel Armstrong, MG.
You're scheduled | to fly out for Seoul at 1800 hours.
You can rest in the lounge. | Over here through the door.
Major, you're billeted tonight in BOQ ten.
We'll fly you out to Seoul | tomorrow at 1000 hours.
From there you'll go by bus | to the 54th group at K-13.
Thank you, sir.
Martini, please, very dry.
Pardon me, Major, | but aren't you Cleve Saville?
- Yes. | - I'm Gifford, the club officer.
- You wouldn't remember me. | - I'm sorry.
I was a second lieutenant | with your wing in London.
- Really? | - Mm-hm. What's your assignment in Korea?
- 54th Fighter Group. | - 54th. They're the rough ones.
- I guess you'd like to be flying with them. | - I am.
- Oh, I just thought... | - Deskjob? No, not yet, I'm glad to say.
By the way, | there's a 54th pilot in here for a weekend.
Yeah, there he is. | Lieutenant Abbott. Lieutenant.
Lieutenant, this officer's assigned | to your group. This is Major Saville.
Carl Abbott. Hello.
- Well, it was nice to have seen you, Major. | - Thank you.
- Do you want a drink? | - Just got one.
Kevin, give me a double bourbon, will you? | And fill the major's up when he's through.
Oh, man.
I got a sinus. It's chewin' me up. | You ever have a sinus? It's murder.
- Wait. You're Cleve Saville. | - That's what he said.
It's this sinus. I didn't connect. | Sure, we've been expecting you.
Some of the guys | are already trying to get in your command.
- It may be a different war... | - It's a lousy war.
I was gonna say, it may be a different war, | but nothing else has changed.
You still find everything out for yourself. | What command?
- Squadron. Colonel Imil passed the word. | - Imil?
Yeah. Dutch Imil. He... | Oh, this sinus. I gotta have another drink.
Kevin, put one on the fire, will you?
He's our group commander. | He flew with you.
I remember Imil. | We were in the same flight in London.
Yeah. He goes way back too.
The golden boy of '44. | The first of the jet pilots.
A killer. A hunter.
He eats two steaks at a sitting. | The world is too small for him.
The only thing a fighter pilot needs is | confidence - and he's got enough for all of us.
- When do you report? | - I fly out to Seoul at 1000 tomorrow.
That's my flight. | Do you want to have dinner with me?
- I'm meeting a gal at the Ichi-Ban restaurant. | - No, not if you have a date.
Major, I want you to come. OK?
- All right. Thanks. | - We'll have just one more and then we'll go.
Kevin. You're neglecting me.
Tell the driver I'll be right back, will you?
- Do you have a table for a Lieutenant Abbott? | - Yes, sir. There is someone waiting for him.
No, thank you. I'm not staying.
He will take you, sir.
Do you, uh, speak English?
Fairly well, I think.
Somehow, in a place like this, | I expected you to be Japanese.
- I am waiting for someone. | - Yes, I know. Lieutenant Abbott.
I came to tell you he won't be here.
It isn't like him to send a substitute.
Well, I'm not, but neither is it a bad idea.
- Where is Lieutenant Abbott? | - As a matter of fact, he's outside in a cab.
- I'll go with you. | - Allow me.
Thank you.
- Carl? | - Don't waste your time.
It wasn't the doubles at the club, | it was the triples on the way over here.
- Why did you let him do it? | - Would you flash that on the board again?
I'm sorry.
I'll drop you off where you want to go | before taking him back to the field.
I wouldn't like anyone to see him this way.
In a barracks on a weekend there's nothing | odd about a man being poured into bed.
I know, but I want to take him with me.
Will you help me?
Where are we going?
My name's Saville. Cleve Saville.
- Do you fly with Carl? | - No, not yet, but I'm assigned to his group.
Do you know when he's scheduled | to return to Korea?
Ten tomorrow morning. Same flight as mine.
- It's very kind of you to help me. | - I'm a kindly soul.
There on the sofa will do.
- Does the guy always knock himself out? | - Not like this.
In the beginning he almost never drank.
- He's scared. | - How do you know that?
I've seen a lot of combat pilots. Too much | booze is one sign. Headaches - he's got them.
He doesn't think he's a good flyer | because he hasn't gotten any enemy planes.
He said he's had over 30 missions. | He can't be too bad or he'd be dead.
- He thinks he's just lucky. | - Well, maybe he is.
A man can't hit it that hard and fightjets. | Not for long.
I would like to help him, | but I don't know how.
Fighter pilots don't want to be helped. | They're stubborn.
You don't tinker with a man's fear - | he does that for himself.
- Is there anything else I can do? | - Would you like some coffee?
There. It's hot.
Hot coffee, huh?
- You really were expecting him, weren't you? | - Of course.
- Nice place. | - Thank you.
- Have you been in Japan long? | - A few months.
- Did you tell me your name? | - Christina. I'm usually called Chris.
- More coffee, Major? | - No, thank you.
I think if Carl could feel | the war was more important -
that it has a bigger meaning - | I don't think he'd be like this.
The war has a bigger meaning.
The trouble is it came too soon after the real | big one. It's hard to sell anybody on it.
- You are not "sold" on it? | - I'm regular air force. I don't have to be sold.
No, I suppose not. | A professional doesn't ask questions.
We're not paid to ask questions, | but we're not blind sheep either.
We can get out, | or we can wangle any sort of duty we like.
I'm supposed to be overage for combat, | but I managed to get here.
- You wanted combat? | - Sure.
Why? Do you like the war?
It's the only war I've got.
I see.
I doubt that you do see.
Why? I've seen men go to Korea | from World War ll.
Trying to recapture a feeling of importance | the other war gave them. Isn't that it?
I know the kind of men you're talking about. | No, it isn't like that with me.
The war permits me to do the one thing | I do better than anything else - fight planes.
- Now, what about you? | - What do you mean?
Well, I bring a drunk home | for a mysterious girl - a very pretty girl.
I willingly discuss my private business | for her curiosity,
and all I get in return is a cup of coffee.
But I thought you knew.
I mean, when you came into the cafe, | I thought you knew.
I'm sorry, Major. I'm Lieutenant Abbott's wife.
But he said he was going to meet...
No, I didn't know.
I guess I've been pretty stupid. | I only hope I haven't also been rude.
No, you haven't.
Well, in any case, thanks for the coffee.
- Will he stay sober tomorrow? | - Will who stay sober?
Who are you?
Right now, a man with egg on his face.
It's Major Saville, Carl.
Oh... oh, yeah. Yeah, Major, uh...
Oh, sure.
Well, what happened?
I haven't been in any trouble, have I?
No, no. No trouble, Lieutenant.
- Good night. | - I'll see you tomorrow on the plane, sir.
Sure. Tomorrow.
- Good night, Mrs Abbott. | - Good night, Major, and thanks again.
- Carl, I... | - No.
I, um...
I'm sorry, honey, I...
I got with a bunch of guys. | You know how it is.
- I ran into Major, uh... What's his name? | - Saville.
Oh, yeah. That's right. Saville.
He's a big man.
He and Imil - old buddies.
Well, what do you know?
- You mean the major with all the confetti? | - Yeah. That's the Cleaver. Come on.
- Hello, Cleaver. | - Colonel Imil.
- It's still Dutch. | - Thanks, Dutch.
Monkey Moncavage. Maybe you've heard | of him. He's got a large reputation - 11 MiGs.
It's a well-known name. | Glad to know you, Colonel.
- Pleasure, Major. | - Hey, knock it off. Knock it off.
- All right, knock it. | - This is Cleaver Saville.
We were flying together when all a pilot had | for breakfast was a cigarette and a hangover.
He's a big hunter. He's the iceman.
Get to know him, he's worth the trouble. | But don't fly with him unless you want action.
Come to the office.
You're going to like it here, Major. | It's only 24 miles to the shower.
Well, this is my home away from home.
We've seen worse.
Judas, this junk is heavy.
- Do you really need that? | - It's a little flash.
Makes me look younger.
I gotta keep up with these jetjockeys.
Before God, there's a lot of good men | going down in this stinkin' war.
- Did anybody tell you it's a stinkin' war? | - Nobody but everybody.
No guts.
It's a war you can't feel. There's nothing | simple about it like the last one.
Except dying - that's always simple.
Sometimes I forget what this one's all about.
- More? | - No, no, not for me, thanks.
They tell you how crummy | these Chinese MiG pilots are?
Oh, yeah. We got statistics. | They lose thirteen to our one.
Sure. 13 to one.
But what they don't tell you is that | when one of 'em is good, he's too good.
Casey Jones, for instance. | You've heard of him, haven't you?
- You're kiddin'? | - I'm not kiddin'.
A Chinese pilot named Casey Jones.
He has a plane with the numbers 7-11 | on the fuselage.
Don't ask me why. | Maybe he's a crapshooter. Look.
The MiGs are based in Red China, | across the Yalu river.
We've got orders never to cross the Yalu, but | they're free to play fast and loose on our side.
- Still? | - Still.
They come off of their airfield swung out | in a line. Bandit trains, they call 'em.
Now, if GCl reports a bandit train taking off | from Antung with Casey Jones at the throttle,
one of our air groups | can count on losing two pilots that day.
I lost seven good men to that China boy.
Seven good men | and a couple of aces thrown in.
Old Case hasn't been around lately, | but he'll be back. We can count on it.
So never underestimate the MiG pilot.
You're liable to run into a live one.
Well, you make it sound interesting.
I thought it would be. Would you care | to wring out an 86 in the morning?
If you think it's necessary.
Not for me, but I guess you haven't | been up in a couple of weeks.
Don't walk lightly with me.
If you want to see what I can do with an 86, | I'll be glad to show you.
No offence. Routine.
- Glad to have you with us, Cleaver. | - Dutch...
Good night.
- Major Saville? | - I'm Saville.
I'm supposed to fly with you this morning.
- I know. | - My name's Corona, like the cigar.
- Glad to know you, Lieutenant. | - Yes, sir.
- Our call is "Cobra", right? | - Right.
You'll fly that one over there, sir, 140.
Well, shall we get on with it?
- You had much time in an F-86? | - Enough, I think.
You're gonna need it all. I'm talkin' out of turn, | but there'll be a surprise for you up there.
Oh? What's that?
Colonel Moncavage took off five minutes ago.
He'll bounce you for simulated combat.
- Dutch's orders? | - Who else? He gets his kicks with surprises.
Thanks for tellin' me.
I'm a friend to man.
K-13, this is Cobra. | Ready to roll with two.
All right. You're clear for takeoff, Cobra.
Glasses, man.
- You think this will be a good show? | - That's what I'm gonna find out.
It would've been great ten years ago.
Ten years is a long way back. Where are they?
Right up there.
Bogey at five o'clock, Cobra.
Moncavage is getting in position.
Moving to six o'clock. | Watch yourself.
I'll break left and take him off.
He did it! He pulled a high-speed scissors | and got on his tail.
Get outta there, Saville. Get outta there!
You're too close.
Saville, do you read me?
All right. Break off.
Break off!
Major Saville, this is Colonel Moncavage. | Now, break off.
Sorry, Colonel, | I didn't know it was you. Moving out.
The iceman cometh.
Aren't you a little old | to play tag with small boys?
- Maybe I'm a case of arrested development. | - Yeah.
If you polish the apple I might give you a | squadron after you've finished indoctrination.
All I need's four planes.
All right, then flight command.
How long do you think indoctrination | will take for me? I'm pretty smart.
It's a usual three weeks, | but we give a bonus for old age.
Maybe just two weeks for you.
How many hours | did you say you had in an 86?
- I said enough. | - Yeah, I've always said, "enough's enough".
When you pick your flight would you mind | having me around? If you can stand me.
- I'm sort of obnoxious. | - That's all right, I got a strong stomach.
Dad, you sure made a monkey | out of Colonel Monkey.
- Will you cash this, please? | - Yes, ma'am.
Thank you.
- Hello, Major Saville. | - Hello, Mrs Abb...
Thank you.
There. Now we'll start again.
- Hello, Major. | - How are you, Mrs Abbott?
- Chris. | - Chris.
Four dolls. You must have | quite a brood of girls back home.
No, I have a brother who has quite a brood.
- Next, please. | - That's you.
Air express, please.
You're back in Kyoto awfully soon. | Hasn't it been only about ten days?
Several of us came in last night. | We're picking up planes to fly back.
I see. How's Carl?
- He's all right, I suppose. | - Three dollars and 35 cents, please.
- Three dollars and, uh... | - 35 cents. 1173 sen.
- Carl's fine. There's nothing to worry about. | - Thank you. It was nice seeing you again.
- Goodbye. | - Goodbye.
- Chris. | - Yes?
Look, uh...
I'm more or less at loose ends. | I'd like to have lunch with you.
That's kind of you, | but I don't believe I can.
- There are some other things I have to do. | - What?
You're quite right. | I haven't anything to do at all.
Do you know where we can go? | Something interesting?
The only place I've eaten is my hotel. | I can't recommend that.
There is a place I like very much, | but it's some distance.
- Well, I have the time if you have. | - We'd need a car.
- Rent one right there. | - I'd better warn you, it will be pre-1941.
That's all right - so am I.
Carl's in Kyoto, isn't he?
Well, since I've already stuck my foot | in my mouth, yes, he came in with me.
Don't feel badly. | I would have known it sooner or later.
I gather this is routine behaviour | for the lieutenant?
You like being stepped on?
I'm trying to understand it.
Wouldn't it be easier | just to go back to the States?
That wouldn't be an answer to anything.
Do you mind if we don't talk about it now?
All right.
I didn't mean to stay in the service after the | war. It was just the line of least resistance.
I took foreign duty. Pilot instruction | in France, Turkey, Greece...
- Just marking time. | - Until another war?
Well, till another something.
Itjust happened to be another war.
Now. Do you mind talking about yourself?
- What would you like to know? | - Just start somewhere and end somewhere.
All right. I lived in Oslo, Norway.
I was 16 when the war in Europe ended.
I had no family left, | but there was a little money.
I went to Paris to study art.
My paintings looked like a bad cross | between Rembrandt and Picasso.
I went to New York to study art. | My paintings improved somewhat.
Now they only look like a bad cross between | Grandma Moses and Salvador Dali.
I met Carl. He was very charming.
We were married and lived happily ever after.
Did you?
For a while.
Carl hadn't seen action in World War ll. He | had only gotten his wings when it was over.
When this war started they called him back | and I came to Japan to be close to him.
When I met him here I didn't know him | and he didn't know me.
That happens to some men in a war.
They look at death every day | and they can't see anything else.
That's the reason why I don't return to the | States. Sometime he might need me here.
Sometime when the war is over, if he lives, | maybe we can start over again.
- When will you form your flight? | - After indoctrination, in a few days.
- Will you be allowed to pick your flyers? | - Well, I'll have something to say about it.
Choose Carl.
- He won't be any safer with me. | - It isn't that.
He thinks he is the only | frightened man in the squadron.
I think that is much the problem between us.
He thinks I expect him to be a hero - | a great ace.
If you'd pick him for your flight, | Cleve Saville's flight,
it might give him confidence, bring him | closer to what he thinks he should be.
You don't have to say yes or no to me. | Just think about it.
He will give you his best, I know that.
What are you thinking?
I'm just being envious of your husband.
It's late.
All right.
What now, Mrs Abbott?
Whatever, Major Saville.
I deliberately invited that, didn't I?
It seemed right.
I thought so too.
It has been an altogether lovely day.
I'm very grateful.
Do you want me to go now?
I've taken enough advantage of you.
Just that.
And if I don't go?
I'm off balance. | Don't press me too hard, please.
Good night, Chris.
Good night.
Forgive me.
Forgive you?
Mrs Abbott, I'm in love with you.
Hello, Lieutenant.
Hello, Major. I think I can make it to the house | by myself this time. Thanks just the same.
I've been out with your wife, Lieutenant.
It does her good to get out once in a while.
Me, I'm busy at the office.
- We take off at six in the morning, you know. | - Yes. I'll be there if I have to crawl.
- Ever seen me crawl, Major? I crawl fast. | - I'll bet you do.
You're not surprised.
Did Killer Cleve | let the cat out of the bag?
Well, accidentally. | He didn't know I hadn't seen you.
Anyway, why should he lie for you?
That's right. Nobody owes me anything.
Very friendly of Saville | to pay attention to my wife.
We met in the express office. | He asked me to have lunch with him.
What do you think of him?
- Carl, do you have to drink right now? | - Come on, now. What do you think of him?
What's the matter? | You must have some idea.
- Aren't you making it awfully important? | - Maybe it is. What do you think of him?
Well, I...
I think he's a very lonely man.
This guy? This guy doesn't need anybody.
Do you know what Imil calls him? | The iceman.
He's like death. | No feelings, no nerves, no fear...
Why do you tell me this?
I don't know.
Forget it.
- Do you think I am comparing you with him? | - Well, aren't you?
- I don't know. I might be, but... | - Sure.
I couldn't blame you.
I've tried not to get in the way. | I've tried to understand,
but you've got to let me mean something.
I want to be a wife again. Even if it's | for only the few hours you can spare me.
You've got a big problem, haven't you?
It isn't a big problem, but it's our problem.
Yeah. That's right.
I guess you're right.
Well, I'll think about it, Chris. | I swear to God.
I'll try to think about it.
Hello, Major. You're in and off in a hurry.
Well, I got a different kind of contract, Sarge. | They're payin' me by the hour.
How do you like that? | As steady as a rock. No nerves.
Maybe they're numb.
Maybe they're dead.
- Evening, sir. | - Hi, Corona. Abbott.
Tell me, how does it happen that I'm to fly | with such select company, Major?
- You and Corona... | - Colonel Imil made up the flight.
- Will you join us, Major? | - Thanks.
Gently. Gently, don't rock the boat.
All those beer cans yours?
It wouldn't be cricket to stack up | another man's beer cans. I've got integrity.
I'm the most accomplished beer-can stacker | in this whole squadron.
I don't have any MiGs to show for it,
but I can stack my beer-can stack | up against anybody else's beer-can stack.
- You say Dutch made up the flight, Major? | - That's right.
I had a feeling my wife might have asked you | to honour me with your command.
She's got my interests at heart. | She was impressed when the man said:
"To keep, in sickness and in health, | until death do us... "
She fancies herself a camp woman, following | her man into battle and shining his boots...
Look, I'm not interested | in what you think about your wife.
I'm interested in what happens to me | over the Yalu river
with some bleary-eyed pilot flying my wing.
If you want to get yourself grounded | just add one more can of beer to that stack.
- How do you know I don't want that? | - I don't know.
But if you do, I'll be happy to oblige you | by reporting your alcohol content to Imil.
I guess I don't owe my wife a vote of thanks.
- Good night, Major. | - Good night, Lieutenant.
I've met his wife a couple of times. | She's all right in my book.
I don't get him. There's only one thing | I can say for that guy - he's got guts.
Every time he takes off on a mission | he's scared green, but he goes anyway.
Well, that's what counts - | when they go anyway.
Nobody makes you fly. He could dog it.
- Nobody cares. | - No, nobody cares but Abbott.
- Hey, daddy-o, give me some cigars. | - Yes, sir.
What's your name?
I been buyin' cigars here for three weeks | and you don't remember my name?
- I ought to be shot at sunrise. | - Pell. Pell. P-e-I-I.
- Pell. Eight cigars. | - What do you mean? Eight? Six.
All right, six. Can't blame me for trying.
- Major Saville? | - That's right.
- I'm Ed Pell. | - What about it?
- I'm assigned to your flight. | - Oh. Meet Corona, same flight.
- Hi. | - Glad to know you.
When do we get a mission?
We're scheduled for the morning | at five o'clock. Don't you read the schedule?
I just got out of indoctrination. | Five o'clock - that's all right with me. George.
- George. | - "Tom" and "George".
You see, "George" means "OK" | and "Tom" means "not OK".
- Right, Pell? | - You got it, man.
- You don't get around. | - I've been around once.
There wasn't anything to see except some | shavetails with big cigars stuck in their faces.
Aren't you the heater from World War I?
Don't sell me short. | I got my wings in Gettysburg.
- That's real George. Would you like a cigar? | - No, thanks.
How about you, Lieutenant Corona? | How about that?
You want a Corona, Corona?
- It's gonna be a long winter, Major. | - Not so good, huh? Tom.
- Where are you from? | - Peoria.
- Peoria, what? | - lllinois. What do you think, "what"?
I didn't know. I was asking.
I'm sorry. | Everybody's been giving me the business.
Hey, Major, | do I look like I've got bugs on me?
Why? You got an itch?
- Ask a silly question, you get a silly answer. | - Sir.
- Sir. Am I gonna fly on your wing? | - No, you're on Corona's wing.
I could be in the infantry | with a foxhole to hide in.
Wait till you see my stuff. | You'll give me a shot at a MiG, won't you?
- You'll get a shot. | - You guys are OK.
No kiddin'. We'll cut 'em up, won't we? Huh?
Well, thanks, Major. Good night, uh...
- Hey, we'll jive at five, huh? See you. | - Good night, Lieutenant.
You're too wide, Cobra Four, bring it in.
Yes, sir, Major.
That's your position. Now stay there.
A wing man's job is to cover his leader. | Don't forget it.
Yes, sir, Major. Whatever you say, sir.
Why can't the MiGs come down to us | sometime? We always play ball in their park.
- If they bail out, they're among friends... | - Cut the chatter.
This line's for official business.
We're coming over enemy territory, | Cobra Flight. Test your guns.
Cobra Flight- fuel check.
- Cobra Two - 300 gallons. | - Cobra Three - 320.
Cobra Four- 2-9-5.
We'll make one more sweep down | to the mouth of the river and then go home.
- Four bogeys at three o'clock, Cobra leader. | - You're sure?
GCl reports no bandit activity in this area.
- He's right, I got 'em too. | - Roger, I've got 'em now.
Four bandits on parallel course. | Maintain present heading. Drop your tanks.
What are we waitin' for? | They're just sittin' there!
Cobra lead, I can't drop my tanks.
OK, Three, I'll decoy. | Abbott, follow me down.
- They're goin'in. Why are we waiting? | - Let's go, Pell.
Get outta there, Cobra Four!
I got one! I got one! Do you see him?
Affirmative, Cobra Four. I see him.
Where's Corona? Where's number three?
Just hold still, baby.
I'm hit! Cover me, somebody!
The MiGs are crossing the river. Break off.
Are you OK, Cobra Three? | Did you get hurt?
Not too bad, but I'm burned up, freezin' | to death and down to 150 gallons of fuel.
Let's go home.
Cobra Four?
- Cobra Four, where are you? | - Four o'clock right, lead.
What are you doing out there? | Get back into formation.
You won't forget my confirmation, | will you, leader?
You'll get your mark. You'll get your MiG.
Coo-coo, daddy-o, coo-coo.
I'm losing power, leader. | I must have taken one in the engine.
Abbott, take the Rover Boy | and persuade him to go home.
Roger, leader. All right, Cobra Four, | close it up and let's go home.
My hydraulic pressure is fluctuating. | My controls are getting stiff. Look me over.
You've got some bad holes behind your gear.
We'll drop down to a lower altitude | and head for home.
Blow your canopy off | and prepare to eject over the base.
She won't blow. I'll have to fly her down. | Somebody can chop me out with an axe.
Mayday. This is Cobra leader.
Go ahead, Cobra lead.
Cobra Three's shot up. | Flight-control trouble and a jammed canopy.
We have a Mayday.
Did you read me, K-13?
We'll be ready for you. | Bring it in on the alternate runway.
Get those trucks movin'! Tower, tell Dutch | we have a Mayday on the alternate runway.
- Who is it? | - Corona. He's going to try to wiggle it down.
- What's his fuel? | - We don't know.
Tower, this is Cobra lead. | Do you have us in sight?
Yeah, I've got 'em.
We see you, Cleaver. Send Corona down. | You land on the main runway.
- You're by yourself, Cobra Three. | - Aren't we all?
- OK, leader. | - Good luck, Cigar.
You look about right. Gear's down OK. Speed | looks OK. Take it easy and don't blow it.
Don't anybody get excited, | I always walk away.
Get your nose down, Corona! | Ease it down! Ease it down!
Drop the nose! Drop the nose!
My controls are locked.
All I want to know is this - where were you, | Lieutenant Pell, when Corona needed cover?
He was cutting through | Major Saville's line of fire, chasing the MiG.
- I didn't see the major. | - Why did you leave your element?
- I asked Corona. He said OK. | - I didn't hear that.
- Look, pops, you're tryin' to bug me... | - At ease, Lieutenant Pell. I said at ease.
- Cleaver, did you hear Pell ask permission? | - No.
That doesn't mean I didn't. | There was a lot of chatter up there, Major.
All right. That's all.
You and Lieutenant Abbott can go. | I'll discuss this with Major Saville.
If there's any discussing about me, | I want to hear it.
Are you too stupid to understand | you've been dismissed?
- OK, OK. | - What did you say?
Yes, sir, I've been dismissed.
- What do you think about him? | - I can't use him.
Take a look at his record.
Air-to-ground gunnery - first in his class.
Air-to-air gunnery - first.
Tactical combat - first.
First, first, first.
- On his first mission he gets a MiG. | - At the cost of one of ours.
That could've been a misunderstanding. | Maybe Pell did ask permission.
He's a liar.
I can't ground a man | on something we only think.
That's your decision. | I don't want him in my flight.
Nobody else will want him either.
There's another way to handle this.
Make Pell your element leader.
Then you've got no worries. | Somebody else can cover him.
You want me to pat him on the back?
Say, "You killed your leader, | I'll make you leader"?
Nobody's patting him on the back. I got | one thought - get MiGs. That's my job.
This little stinker's a fireball. He can get MiGs.
If he doesn't get himself killed, he'll be an ace.
I won't stand in his way | if he keeps his nose clean.
Let somebody else wipe it for him. | Not me. Not my flight.
Yes, in your flight. I couldn't find a better | place for him if I looked for a thousand years.
These boys put their lives on the line because | it has to be done. Even if they aren't sure why.
But you - you're different.
You like the risk. | It's the way you get your kicks.
When you put your life on the line | it's to see if your number will come up.
Let's not pretend you care about Corona. The | death of another pilot never turned your head.
I remember you from the old days.
You were just like this boy. | Way out - all by yourself.
You're two of a kind, you and Pell.
If anybody can handle him, you can.
Make him your element leader. | That's an order.
That's all, isn't it?
Yes, sir.
Thanks for the review of my past history.
Past history? Current events.
Men like you don't get any better, Cleaver. | They just get older.
As you say, Colonel.
How about it? Did you sink me?
- No. | - Hey, thanks, Maj. You're all right.
- I figured you'd square me up. | - You did?
Sure. I-I figured you for a guy | who'd take care of his boys.
- Oh, I am. I am. | - Yeah, I know.
Boy, how about that poor guy, Corona?
Tough, huh? How about that?
- How about that? | - What did you do that for?
For that poor guy, Corona.
What do you want me to do? | Say I lied about asking Corona?
That might do, for a starter.
OK, I'm lying.
Corona burned on account of me.
You tell me something, will you? | How is it gonna help for me to say it?
- Maybe you think it's gonna help Corona. | - No, but it helps me.
You're my new element leader.
I didn't want to have any doubts | and now I haven't.
I'm stuck with you, but remember - | you fly with me and you're gonna fly right,
unless you want a stitch of hot lead sewed up | the back of your head. And I sew a neat stitch.
You dig, daddy? George?
Yes, sir.
You've got nothing to worry about.
I'll buy that when I see the goods.
You know, you're right. That does | look like a couple of other painters.
It's all right for me to say that, but not for you.
You're not answering your phone today, huh?
I saw in the paper you were here. | I didn't think it would be wise to see you.
You could have told me that on the telephone. | I wouldn't have come.
Perhaps that's why I didn't answer it.
You're a neat package, Mrs Abbott.
Thank you, Major Saville.
- Is Carl all right? | - He's not in Kyoto, if that's what you mean.
No, but I haven't heard from him.
He's my wing man.
- For whatever that's worth to him. | - That was very nice of you.
He wasn't pleased?
- He thought you had something to do with it. | - Oh.
- I don't seem to do the right thing any more. | - Maybe you ask too much of yourself.
Look, I've got that same old jalopy | parked outside. Shall we use it?
This folder, it's a...
It's a "what to see" folder. | You know, put out by the air force.
It says they've got a lake near here with | scenery around it, boats - things like that.
I thought you might like it. | You want to look at it?
No, it isn't necessary. I'll go with you.
Give me a minute to dress.
Am I being foolish?
There you are.
They frighten away the bad spirits | and please the good ones.
In the East they have a saying for everything.
"In my house | when the wind sings, love dwells. "
This should have happened | before I knew Carl.
Now it's out of time, out of place.
The time is always now. | The place is always here.
But not like this. Not like this.
Is there any other way?
I don't know.
Would you give him up?
But you said your life was running out to | nowhere. So is mine - to nowhere, to nothing.
I can't desert Carl.
Well, then, what's left for us except...
All right.
All right, Cleve.
If it will mean anything to you at all.
No, you're right.
It is out of time, out of place.
Will you...
You know, | a woman is a strange and wonderful thing.
I'll give you odds | that you were gonna ask me to look after Carl.
I'll look after him, Chris. I'll look after him.
Well, hail to the ace of aces! | The Achilles without a heel.
How are you?
I used your absence to good advantage.
I haven't had a drink of water in three days. | I never felt better.
Did you hear about | the return of Casey Jones?
Starring Lieutenant Colonel Moncavage | and, uh, six assorted orientals.
I heard about the fight. | How do you know it was Casey Jones?
Well, he had the same | "7-11" painted on his fuselage.
He took Monkey out with one pass. Nothin' | to it. He just got inside and exploded him.
Like that.
His wing man killed Johnson and the rest of | our birds came home on a wing and a curse.
- Cleaver. | - Hm?
Would you do a favour | for an old wing buddy?
Maybe. What is it?
If we run into Casey Jones, | would you let me try him on for size?
- You and Pell have got enough. | - That has nothing to do with it.
- You don't think I'm good enough? | - I don't think you're good enough.
So don't you get any ideas. | You stay right on my wing.
Thanks, pal. I love you dearly.
- See my wife? | - Yeah.
She looked you up, I guess.
- No, it was the other way around. | - Oh. It's a nice gesture. Thanks.
- Think nothing of it. | - Cleaver?
You want to compare notes?
The iceman has got a melted spot, huh?
But aren't we a bit mixed up? | "Wife's lover slugs husband. "
Ought to be the other way around, | shouldn't it?
Wouldn't you be worried with me flying on | your wing? All I've got to do is drop back,
move the stick, and press the trigger.
That's right. That's all you've got to do.
Well, don't lose any sleep over it. | I have another idea.
Make you a deal, Cleaver. I get a crack | at Casey Jones if we run into him.
You get my wife. | Even-steven. Up and even.
Well, what do you say, old Cleaver?
- Major. | - Yes, Corporal?
Imil wants all commanders | in his office at 2100.
Thank you.
Well, Cleaver?
Abbott, what's it like in that | private little hell you've got for yourself?
Exclusive. Ain't nobody in here | but us little old chickens.
I'll show you what I mean. The Reds have cut | through this bulge and severed this railhead.
We've got 18,000 men in this pocket.
First Marines, Black Watch, the Turks and | the Greeks. They're gonna hold the pocket.
Now, somewhere around 0300 hours | a flock of C-119s are leaving from Brady
to parachute supplies | and reinforcements into the pocket.
We'll put all operational planes into the air.
Give 'em the biggest umbrella we can.
The MiGs will be up there | like a swarm of bees lookin' for sugar.
It's no accident that | Casey Jones has shown up again.
They've probably got their best pilots | leading the intercept.
We stop 'em. That's all.
It's simple.
You'll get your time over target in briefing. | Good night.
Viper and Rattlesnake, break off. | Orbit Chinnampo area.
Cobra flight, break off. S the Sinanju river.
Roger, Python.
- Keep close, Four. | - I've developed a rough engine, leader.
We won't risk it. Break off and go home.
Roger, leader. Good hunting.
Fly spare, Pell. | Don't get into trouble - we can't cover you.
Roger, leader. | I'm a cautious kid. You know that, man.
Cleaver. Did we make a deal?
No chatter, Two. Maintain radio silence.
This is the day, Cleaver, I got a feeling.
Knock it off.
Cobra, | I have a flash at one o'clock low.
- I've got them. Hello Python, this is Cobra. | - Go ahead, Cobra.
Flock of bogeys at 20,000. Coming into | target area. Approximate heading 1-4-0.
OK, Cobra. See what you can cut out of them. | We'll be waiting for the rest.
Roger, Python. | Cobra Flight, drop tanks.
Cobra Two. Come in, Two.
- Where are you, Abbott? | - He was hit, but he got out all right.
Cleaver, above you! It's the crapshooter!
- Python, this is Cobra. | - I read you, Cobra, go ahead.
- Do you need us? | - We've had a turkey shoot here, Cleaver.
What's left of the MiGs | have turned tail for home.
The drop is under way.
Pell, can you tell me | where Abbott ejected?
- To the north, I think. | - Let's take a look. Swing around to the left.
Hey, leader. Fuel's running short. | I'm down to 140 gallons.
I've got 170. I'll stay with it for a little while. | You go home, Pell.
If you find him | Rescue can't send a chopper this far.
- Are you reading me, Pell? | - Yes, sir.
Then you heard me say | break off and go home.
Breaking off.
Easy, Carl.
I've got you.
I followed, so court-martial me.
Get out of that yellow gear - | you make too good a target.
He got it bad, huh?
- You any good with that automatic? | - I'm a killer, man. I cut 'em up.
All right. You go on ahead of us. | That way - to the south.
- Why don't we rig up a stretcher? | - We gotta get out of this area.
Come on. Let's go.
- Who's next? | - Mrs Abbott.
Send her in, please.
You may come in now.
- This is Lieutenant Abbott's wife. Major Dark. | - Won't you sit down, Mrs Abbott?
- Cigarette? | - No, thank you.
Major, I've known other wives who've | had to keep this appointment. I know why.
- Is Carl dead? | - He's missing, Mrs Abbott.
- How long has it been? | - This is the fifth day.
He was seen to parachute | into enemy territory.
He's alive?
Well, if he wasn't hit | and if his fall was good, he may be all right.
However, if he is, | he's almost certainly a prisoner.
I know that's not very comforting, | the Red prison camps being what they are,
but there is the chance that he's alive.
Is there no way to find out?
The information we receive from the Reds | through neutral channels is seldom accurate.
If his name isn't on the prisoner list, | that doesn't mean they don't have him.
I see.
Did you know Lieutenant Edward Pell | or Major Saville?
The major was | your husband's flight commander.
I know Major Saville.
Well, they were making a search | for your husband.
Both of them are also missing.
That's my fault.
I don't think that's quite possible, Mrs Abbott.
- I asked Major Saville to look after Carl. | - Oh, of course.
But, you know, that's a phrase that we all use, | about looking after someone.
I don't think it would be just a phrase | to Major Saville.
Thank you.
If we get any news, | I'll get in touch with you immediately.
- Thank you. | - Mrs Mason.
This is Lieutenant Mason's wife. | Major Dark.
Won't you sit down, Mrs Mason?
- Take it. | - Hey, man. We could start a war.
- Keep a close watch. | - OK.
Here, eat this.
- Where's yours? | - I've had mine.
Eat it.
They must make this stuff | out of Stalin's socks.
- Cleve? | - Yeah?
None of us are gonna get out of here unless...
Unless what?
Unless you and Pell put me out where they | can find me and you go on by yourselves.
They don't take wounded prisoners.
You'd get a gun butt right between the eyes. | Go ahead, eat.
Let's get outta here | before they start trackin' us in the mud.
Got it.
All right, let's go.
Set him right over here, Pell.
Forward a little bit.
- How do you think he is? | - I don't know.
Look. We're not gonna | move out of here for a while.
I'll stand the first watch. | Why don't you sack out for a few hours?
Do you have any of those Chinese butts left?
Where are we?
Imjin Baptist Mission.
We're close to the Imjin river.
Well, that means...
That means we've got a long way to go yet.
Not as long as it was.
I'm not going to make it.
You've stopped bleeding. You'll make it.
The crows could be pecking at me | in that tree right now.
You could be in Kyoto.
And she'd be free.
Why did you do it, Cleaver?
"I could not love thee so much, | Lov'd I not Honour more. "
Is that it, Cleaver?
You're quite a character | under that tough hide.
The pure in heart.
Who would ever guess it?
You don't belong in this stinking world.
Have you got a bandage?
- What's up? What's up? | - They're friends.
We don't know what you're saying, | but it sounds great.
- I think he's telling us they're Christians. | - Yeah. A Bible. How about that?
We understand.
We understand.
- What's happening, huh? | - Sounds like we'd better get outta here.
Let's go.
Over here.
Look. If you want to do anything about it, | we'll do it my way.
This way.
Dig this crazy potato masher.
- Where'd you take it? | - Arm.
- All right, it's OK. | - Easy.
How about that, huh?
How about that?
You ready, kid?
- Can you pull this thing by yourself? | - Yeah.
I'll go on ahead.
You know, Pell...
you wouldn't be a bad sort of ajoe | if you'd just get a shave once in a while.
Mother of Athens, you're Greeks!
- Where you think you're going, joe? | - Right here, Sergeant. Right here.
The boy in the cart alive?
Yeah, he's alive.
You got a cigarette?
That boy sick too?
No. He just fell asleep.
Yes, Mrs Abbott. Will you please follow me?
You may have ten minutes with him. You | must not encourage him to talk very much.
Lieutenant Abbott. | Your wife is here, Lieutenant.
- Hello, honey. | - Hello, Carl.
- I'll be back when your time is up. | - Thank you.
Sit down, honey.
No, not there.
I'm... I'm being taken | to San Francisco next week.
- I know. They've told me. | - What will you do?
- Don't try to talk, Carl. | - Come on, Chris.
What will you do?
I've been in a dark place.
Lying here, I...
I've come out into the daylight again.
What are you trying to say, Carl?
I'm trying to say that...
I remember how it was with us... | before the war.
I... I want it to be that way again.
I've waited until too late | to say that, haven't I?
Got a match?
You cutting 'em up, Pell?
Yeah. I got another one. | That's ten for me. When are you comin' back?
I may never come back. I'm in a weakened | condition. I might even arrange to die.
Didn't I tell you he was the fang? | The old skipper's the fang.
How do you talk to him | without an interpreter?
Smoke signals help. | All right. What's "the fang"?
- Yeah, I forgot. You don't get around much. | - Don't get around. Knock it off.
You're getting the DSC for Casey Jones | to add to your collection.
I'll be top-heavy.
Don't take it so hard. | Somebody's gotta be a hero.
Are you gonna include me in your new flight?
- Make up a flight of your own. | - Not me, I'm scared.
I want to be in a flight where nothin' happens. | You know - real safe. Like with him.
- Suit yourself. | - How about it, skipper?
Stop calling me "skipper". | You read that in a book.
Anything you say, daddy-o.
"Blow"? George.
Hey, uh, Cleaver. I have to ask you a question. | Now, you understand, I have to ask this.
- What happened up there? | - Didn't Pell tell you?
Yeah. He said you were both | shot down by groundfire.
- Pell was. I wasn't. | - Pell was gilding the lily, huh?
Well, that's all right. | Anybody can run outta gas.
I didn't run outta gas.
You know, standing orders | are to get yourself and your plane back.
A man can get himself court-martialled | if he disobeys that order.
I could have made it back to the field.
I said I had to ask you the question. | I didn't say you had to tell the truth.
I don't want any favours, Dutch. | I, uh, don't figure I've got any coming.
You know...
you think you've got a man dead to rights, | then he throws you a curve.
You, for instance. I thought I had you | all figured out and filed away.
Now I'm not so sure.
Maybe a man is never what you think he is.
Maybe he isn't even what he thinks he is.
Anyway, I'm accepting Pell's report.
If you consider that a favour, | you're stuck with it.
Here's your matches.
- Hello, Chris. | - How are you, Cleve?
I'm fine. We're unveiling the arm | in about ten days.
- You saw Carl? | - Just now.
You know he's being sent back to the States?
Yes, I know.
- Will you go back to Korea? | - Didn't I tell you this is the only war I've got?
- When are you leaving? | - As soon...
As soon as I can arrange passage, I suppose.
You suppose?
As soon as I can arrange passage.
There's the warning bell for visitors.
Those nurses will be | beating the brush in a few minutes.
- Cleve, if I... | - Whatever you're about to say, don't say it.
Thanks. I was about to be very childish.
Goodbye, Mrs Abbott.
Goodbye, Major Saville.