The Griddle House (2018)

(laid back acoustic music)
- Come on.
Ah, come on.
(footsteps crunching gravel)
- [Jack] What's your trouble?
- God, whoa, what are...
Where'd you come from?
- Where did you come from?
- That way.
- Well I came from that way.
I'm not a hatchet murderer.
- Why would you say that?
- You look like
you're having trouble.
- Yeah.
Yeah I don't know
much about cars.
- Cars.
(phone ringing)
He might want to know
you're broke down.
- Not likely.
He has plenty of other
people to worry about now.
- Well.
Looks like you could
uses some help.
- Do you know how to fix cars?
- Cars.
- It just started smoking.
- Well, that's steam, not smoke.
- Whatever, can you fix it?
- Why now?
- Why now?
Why now what?
- Well, you said that your dad
didn't have time for
people right now.
Why now?
- Nothing man.
He's getting remarried, he'll
be starting a new family.
Good for him.
Yeah it's really none
of your business.
Steam, not smoke,
what does that mean?
Can you fix that?
- Steam means you're
leaking water, not oil.
Maybe your dad wants you
to make it your business.
- I don't care.
- I usually like to start
with what's easiest you know.
In this case it's
your radiator cap.
Cap's good.
- So can you fix it?
- I know a little bit.
- What did like your dad
teach you or something?
- Something like that.
You know when I was
your age I had a car.
(ignition struggling to start)
- No this is smokey.
- Whatever.
- The question is
why is this smokey?
- The question is why do I care?
- I beg your pardon?
- Nothing.
- You know this car is only
part of your Christmas gift.
The other part is this.
- I already got two of these.
- This, us, fixing,
bonding, mother son moments.
- I'm hungry.
- Well your dad's gonna be
back with takeout soon enough
and we're gonna talk about
the rosebush over dinner.
We need to plant the
rosebush over dinner.
- Come on it's New Year's Eve.
Grace, can't you like
just fix me something,
like tasty and not takeout?
- My name is Mom or Mother.
- Mom.
- And I don't care
what day it is,
we're gonna talk
about today's roses--
- Mom.
- And today's thorns.
Just like we did yesterday.
- Mom, yeah.
- And the day before that.
- Mm-hm.
- And the day before that.
(goofily vocalizing)
- God.
(dramatic music)
What do we got?
(dramatic music)
- Yes, oh.
Jack's gonna love this.
Love it.
- This is from her?
- Jack.
- This is from her?
- I just got it.
- You hid this from me?
- We were gonna sit you
down when your dad got home.
- Whatever Grace, this
wasn't yours to keep from me.
- Listen--
- Stop!
- No listen, listen.
- No!
- Listen, please.
- No!
- [Grace] Jack!
(dramatic music)
- This story's
about you isn't it?
- [Jack] Maybe.
- So your mom taught
you how to fix cars.
Did she teach you how
to fix water leaks?
- Yeah she did teach me
how to fix water leaks.
She tried to teach me
all kinds of stuff,
but I was usually
too angry to listen
or I was too distracted
to pay attention.
So I dipped my hair in soy
sauce, cut it off, and ate it.
- What?
- I have been angry all my life,
but never as mad as
I was that night.
A 17 year old has an artful
way of doing furious.
- Why?
- I had always known
that I was adopted.
They never kept it from me.
(dramatic music)
- Sweet ride.
What is that, like a
Supra or something?
Whatever it is
deserves a high five.
Do you know how to high five?
You gonna do it?
Give me a high five together.
Together, here we go.
Right on.
Hey I'm Marty P.
Handlethorpe the second.
This is my brother Marty
P. Handlethorpe the third.
We're with Marty P.
Handlethorpe Refreshment
Dispenser Refill and Repair.
You in need of any refreshment
dispenser repair of any sort?
I'll tell you what,
let me get you a card.
You do find yourself
in need of any...
Actually I'll tell you what,
let me know if you want a card
and then I'll write
one up for you.
In the meantime you can check
out the side of the van.
It's got all of our information.
Oh the soda machine is
broken, but never fear,
we'll have it working
before the end of the night.
One more for good measure?
There it goes.
You gonna pick those up
or are you just gonna
leave them there?
- No I'm looking for
Old Old Chickasha Valley
County Line Road North.
I can't find it on my map.
It's gotta be a typo right?
I mean I found Old Chickasha
Valley County Line Road.
- Ain't a typo.
- Son, come on in take a seat
wherever there isn't a sitter.
We'll be right with you.
- The problem is you
have an incomplete map.
And that ain't awesome.
- What?
- But don't worry I got
plenty of maps in the back
and you need a map.
That could be
potentially awesome.
As awesome as a nun in nylons.
- Hey.
I ain't for staring at.
- Oh, no I wasn't.
- Gus.
(groovy music)
Thank you for stopping.
Can I get you something to drink
while you look at the menu?
- Some fuel, on the house.
- No, thanks.
- Well you know if you weren't
gonna pay for it anyway
I really didn't
lose out on a sale.
Besides I haven't heard
of a place shutting down
because they poured
too much coffee.
Looks like you could use it.
Order in.
- Well it's not for me is it?
- Order could be for anyone.
- Hey Mister will you look
at this huh? (laughing)
- That's a lot of maps.
- I gotta lot of maps of places
I want to go to when I retire.
I never go nowhere so
I got a lot of maps.
Hey kid.
- Me?
- Yeah you, you're the only
kid here, what's your name?
- My name is Phil.
- Phil, I'm Amos.
Would you do me a favor?
Press C 17 for me.
- Yeah.
- Because it's showtime.
Coast to coast and
I'm riding high
Still holding on
to the simple life
My head up
looking at the sky
And always staying
just ahead of the tide
High and low or just
the middle of the road
It's all the same
Come on everybody.
So there you go
The tide rolls in and
the tide rolls out
And you gloomy Gus move.
He never moves since that
Eisenhower administration.
Come on Mae-Bee.
- Come on Gus.
- I don't want to show you up.
- You go man.
Look at them.
Featuring tonight,
the twin towers here.
You Barbie and Ken
let's get it moving
if you want some syrup.
- [Woman] Okay.
Coast to coast and
I'm riding high
Still holding on
to the simple life
- Alright, alright that's
enough, my pancakes are burning.
- That was amazing.
- Oh, oh thank you.
We're not classically trained,
but we do have a
passion for movement
that translates
pretty clear to...
You're talking, you're
not talking, sure.
We'll just, we're
gonna go back to.
Do you have the grabby twisty.
Good, yeah we're
just, soda machine.
- Okay this is all
of Chickasha Valley.
This is South Chick
and oh here we go.
North Chickasha Valley.
- Maps too old.
- Oh he's right.
This is copy written 1972.
Hmm, so it only has County
Line and Old County Line on it.
They added another County Line.
- They changed the
actual county line.
- Which turned County
Line into Old County Line
and Old County Line into
Old Old County Line.
Oh my gosh, Amos when
did they change that?
- 76.
- Right so we need
a map that came--
- After 76.
- Hey thanks Gus.
- Here we go.
This is copy written 1980,
North Chickasha Valley.
- That's the map, that's
one of my favorite-ist maps.
That map is more awesome
than a monkey on bicycle
on a Sunday. (laughing)
- See you're okay, you
didn't miss anything.
All you have to do is
go up highway about--
- Six miles.
- Yep.
- Yep.
- Would you look at that.
Yep, I think I've got it.
- Keep it.
- What?
- Yeah keep it.
- Yeah and your
order's ready too.
- [Man] I didn't order anything.
- Oh well then I guess I didn't
miss out on a sale then huh?
Besides this isn't on the menu.
- You know she's got a keen
eye for what people need.
- Hard egg sandwich
with mustard and ketchup
and onions and pickled
okra and peaches
with a side of peanut
butter waffle fries
and barbecue sauce.
- That's my favorite.
- Disgusting.
- Looks who's talking.
I once saw Gus eat
a tuna sandwich
that he dropped into
his chocolate milk
and then drank the
whole thing up.
- Well it was my meal.
- Well it's his sandwich.
- No seriously I
can't just take this.
Let me give you some money.
- Oh that won't do anybody
any good around here.
- Just take it, nobody else
in the world would eat that.
- Actually Marty
would totally go down
on all those peanut butter
barbecue waffle fries if--
- Take it.
- Well thank you.
Thank you so much.
- Hey buddy.
Happy New Year.
- What's a matter baby?
Okay come on.
Good evening.
My name is Maybelline, but
everyone calls me Mae-Bee
and this here is Miss Francis.
- I'm sorry. (stammering)
- You got this.
- I'm really sorry I didn't
get your order before.
- Oh.
No it's okay, it's not big deal.
- Hi, welcome to
The Griddle House.
Can I get you something to drink
while you take a
look at the menu?
You know I'm not
dumb or nothing.
- No, I don't think you're dumb.
- We'll both be taking
care of you tonight.
Can we interest you in maybe
some coffee or hot cocoa?
- Oh yeah, with
some marshmallows?
- With some marshmallows?
- Yes, sure, thank you.
- Okay, which one?
- Yeah, whichever you think.
Yeah I don't really
know what I want.
- I'll figure it out.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- We'll figure it out.
- But thank you, both of you.
- Yeah.
- Excuse me ma'am.
- Yeah, yeah, yes?
Philip right?
- Yeah.
I don't think you're dumb.
You know you just,
you seem nervous.
Are you, you know,
nervous for any reason?
- I mean I'm mostly nervous
when I have to talk
to people or whatever.
- But you're not like
specifically nervous
about anything?
- Close.
- Close.
- Close.
- Close.
Was that guy in here before
like famous or something?
- Oh why?
Did he look famous?
- No.
I mean I don't know.
You all just treated him so nice
like he was famous or something.
- Well, you know, service first.
- Service, I mean free food.
Free coffee, free
map, a musical number.
- Okay, I went ahead and
made the decision for you.
Hot cocoa with marshmallows.
- Thank you.
- Now listen I take my
marshmallows very seriously.
The amount of marshmallows
in your hot cocoa
is directly correlated to
the kind of you're having.
So the worse the day the bigger
the handful of marshmallows.
- She did the math.
- I've done the math.
- She did the math.
- So we figure we just leave
that big decision to you.
- I'll--
- No I got it, it's
fine thank you.
Yeah, yeah, this
is fine, thank you.
- Well I suppose it's
none of our business
what kind of marshmallow
day you're having.
Okay let us know if
you need anything else.
- Okay let us know if you
need anything else okay?
- Yes, thank you
ma'am, both of you.
- [Mae-Bee] I don't
mind saying this,
y'all have wrecked my machine.
- You know I'm not
completely sure
what happened to the
machine in the first place.
- Well I didn't do anything,
all I did was this.
- Why, why no, why
would you do that?
Were you trying to get soda
or were you trying to
establish dominance?
- [Mae-Bee] Well after a bit
it stopped doing
anything at all.
- Oh you mean when you
broke it it stopped working?
That's weird isn't it?
- You know I don't
think I like your tone.
- No ma'am that's just
how I talk sometimes.
- Yeah?
Fix my machine.
Fix it, now.
- She was nice.
A little bit super
terrifying, but pretty nice.
- Yeah.
- So not that I care but who,
which lady was it, was
it Mae-Berry or whatever?
- Mae-Bee or Francis.
I was no more close
to having that answer.
The investigation
had only just begun
and there was a new development,
another suspect as it were.
Take that.
(upbeat music)
- Good evening.
- Evening Tiny.
- Already?
- Blame the clock.
- Tricky old evening, showing
up at the end of every day
whether we ask it or not.
- Hello to you too Gus.
- Just like clockwork.
- Depends on a clock.
- Hi Tiny.
- Hi.
- There you go.
- Everyone, meet Magic Clock,
Magic Clock meet everyone.
- Tiny.
- This little thing takes the
night out of the day easy.
- Easy come, easy go.
- Exactly my point, bye bye.
- [Mae-Bee] You ready
set for your regular?
- Yep, set 'em up side
by side straight up.
- You got it.
- This is gonna warm your heart
on its way to your stomach
and that's awesomer
than a 24 hour sun rise.
I'll even put extra chocolate
chips in here just for you.
- Thanks Amos, I think I'm just
gonna stick to my holy trinity.
- Java jitter Joe extra
hot, coming right up.
- No, no, don't waste 'em.
- What?
- The saucers.
- Don't be silly, you
know it ain't a waste.
Give me the gum.
Thank you.
- Oh hold up.
Got another one?
- Tough one?
- Depends on how
you're calling it.
I bet the way we call
it is about as different
as sinners from sins.
- You know Tiny there
ain't nothing between us
but this little old counter.
We are not that different.
- Yeah but over there
you can tell folks
what you do for a living
at the PTA meeting
and over here well I
ain't never been to one,
so this counter might
as well be the Red Sea.
- Well you know the Red Sea
wasn't uncrossable Tiny.
- You can believe that.
- [Tiny] Well then it
was a different Sea.
- Put your glasses on, this
is a bridge, not a sea.
- Nope, looks just
like a sea to me.
- Blind as a bat.
- Gus.
- Oh well that is a well broke
in Mom is disappointed voice
if I've ever heard one.
Little Jackson must
love hearing that
whenever he ignores his chores.
- Oh, you alright there
let me get that for you.
Are you okay?
- I'm so sorry.
- Oh no you don't have to be
sorry for me to do my job.
That's my job.
- Did you hear what she
said he son's name was?
- Jackson.
- Jackson?
- Jackson.
- Thanks, thank you.
- Sure thing.
- God.
- Oh no way, no way. (laughing)
What're you working on?
You're a writer too.
- What, no.
- I'm sorry, I thought I
recognized a fellow writer.
- Oh no this was, it
was a work in nothing.
- Oh I see.
Well you see, I
mean I'm a writer.
I'm fourth on the waiting list
over at Mr. Duvet's class
at Paxton College, yeah.
Oh god, I don't know
why I said it like that,
like you really know who Mr.
Duvet was at Paxton College.
Yeah, okay.
Well you need anything?
- No, no thank you.
I'm fine, great.
- Okay great.
Well you just let me know
if you need anything okay?
- Yes.
(dramatic music)
- Now all that
caffeine and no food?
Everybody's gotta eat.
That was my mom voice.
- Not hungry Mae-Bee.
- Come on Tiny, please
let me whoop you up
a New Year's Eve feast.
- Well looky at that,
just exactly enough time
to dump three cups of coffee
straight up, no chaser.
Oh no need for you
to make extra work.
- It's no trouble Tiny.
After all this time don't
you know you're no trouble.
- My momma would've begged
to differ with you on that.
- Here's the deal, I
thought my mom was weird
and I didn't like it,
it made me feel weird.
At The Griddle House
I was hoping to find
some sense of normalcy
to my legacy you know,
a regular, average,
basic even, woman
who brought me into the world.
If that existed anywhere, it
wasn't at The Griddle House.
(sirens blaring)
(upbeat music)
(sirens blaring)
- Oh mercy, oh lord.
(sirens blaring)
Waiting for the one to love
Do you need to use the--
- No.
Do you need to go?
- No.
His pieces were all swept up
- Some of these folks,
this is a nice
establishment, nice people.
- [Mae-Bee] Hello Officer
Darcy, Happy New Year.
- Happy New Year
Mae-Bee, everyone.
I was wondering if
you could help me out.
- Well you're in luck because--
- [Both] Help is always
the special of the day.
- Man I love that.
- What just happened?
- [Darcy] Hey Gus.
- Don't sit in my seat.
- He's in a really good mood.
- [Amos] You don't
know the half of it.
He loves that seat.
Oh he sits on it like a
chicken sits with eggs.
- [Mae-Bee] What can we do
to help you Officer Darcy?
- Well I'd like you to
meet my new partner.
- [Mason] Dude.
- Hey your partner's
got handcuffs.
- I ain't a cop.
- Fine.
My new friend, Mason
the delinquent.
And I was wondering
if we could get
a couple slices
of your apple pie?
- Oh yeah.
- Apple pie, who
are you Ward Clever?
- [Darcy] Somebody's been
watching Nick at Night huh?
- Apple pie coming up.
- You're weird.
- Your definition of weird
has a bit of wiggle room huh?
I mean polite society
would consider
the shoplifter the weird one.
- Alleged shoplifter.
- Witnessed shoplifter.
Uh-oh, you hear that?
Uh huh.
This is Officer Darcy go ahead.
That's a 10-4, and
that sounds serious.
- Dude there's no one talking.
- I'm on my way.
- You doing a skit?
- Amos could you make
my apple pie to go
and could I get a
to go cup of coffee?
- Sure thing, that
sounds serious.
- It is, yeah.
It's 12-18-43,
that's breaking and
entering while wearing PJs.
And getting an ice
cream brain freeze.
- There's no rest
for the wicked,
especially on New Year's.
- What?
- And I don't know if I can
risk it with my new partner.
- [Amos] I understand.
- Do you think he could
stay here for a few
while I go check things out?
- No.
- [Amos] Anything
for our men in blue.
- No way, what?
- It's for your own good.
Now PJ B and E that's
pretty dangerous.
- Man, man I'm gonna,
I'm gonna file a
thing against you man.
You can't do this,
I know my rights.
- It's for your own good.
I'll be back for you
as soon as I can.
- Come on man.
- Thank you so much and
tell Tiny I say hey.
- Will do.
- Gus.
- Officer.
- Nice American steel,
that ain't gonna help.
- Is he coming back?
- If Officer Darcy says he's
coming back he's coming back.
He takes his own life into his
hands when he steps out there
so you can sit
here and have pie.
I'd just shut up and
eat it and be grateful.
- Don't try to intimidate me.
- Jesus H Christ.
- First date?
- Little red robot
eyes fade away?
- Robot eyes?
Dude I think this lady's crazy.
Yo, what's your deal?
- My time isn't free.
- What?
Oh are you like a...
You are.
You are aren't you.
Hey why is she free?
I'm the one cuffed up and
she gets to walk all over
this restaurant like
she owns the place?
And the, oh I'm sorry, you
get to walk the restaurant
and the streets of course right?
- I'm not free.
- What?
- Officer Darcy asked
me to tell you that--
- Oh I heard him.
- You did, well,
look I don't want
to hear no from you.
You take this, eat it on the go.
You know that wind out
there is pretty strong.
It'll just blow you away
like a dandelion head
if you don't put on some weight.
- Not the wind she
needs to worry about.
- I cooked this, it's awesomer
than two kittens playing
paddywack with a ball of yarn.
- Thank you for the food,
but look out, the
advice for nothing.
Bye all.
- Hey hey hey, Tiny, what am
I chopped onions over here?
- You're...
As god as my witness you are
the only friend
that I've ever had.
Sorry to be so much
trouble for you.
- Wait, wait, Tiny, Tiny.
Listen, listen.
You know that I
love my crosswords
like pig likes stink right
and to leave them un-worked
well it just makes me crazy
and I really need some
help here you know?
Nine letters, starts
with an N, ends with an E
and the clue is
Victorian pocket charm.
Can you help me with that?
- Not gonna work Mae-Bee.
See you the day after the day.
- Tiny, Tiny.
- Seriously?
That's not fair.
- Mae-Bee.
- Yeah hon, what do you need?
- The day after what day?
- Oh.
- New Year's?
- And her birthday.
She's meaning to skip both.
- So what Teeny was your mom?
- Tiny.
- Tiny, she was your mom right?
- It was weird.
I had it narrowed down
to these three women
and yet I never felt further
away from the answer.
- Yeah you're not gonna
tell me yet are you?
- Which birthday?
- 34 or 35.
- Yeah somewhere in there.
- Tiny's older than
that on the inside.
- Sounds like Tiny's
having a little trouble.
Gus you barely get off
that stool to go pee.
What grabbed your
attention outside before?
- I just needed some fresh air.
- [Mae-Bee] Uh-huh.
- Thank you.
- I tried every trick
I knew, it didn't work.
Not even one little crank.
- You know what I'll go
out and see what I can see.
- I didn't even know
this dude could talk.
- You know what I
try to keep quiet
unless I have something
helpful to say.
- Yeah, well no one
cares what a bow tied
100 year old bus boy has
to say about anything.
- What am I gonna do Mae-Bee?
This can't happen.
New Year's Eve is
busy, bad busy.
No different than Christmas.
- Well maybe this will help?
- I'll just eat this, no
need to trouble yourself.
- You didn't read what I wrote
on top of that box did you?
- I'm blind as a bat without
my glasses and you know that.
- Well get your glasses, I
took the time to write it,
you take the time to read it.
- You're no trouble Tiny.
- Listen this is
what we're gonna do,
we're gonna go
back into my office
and we're gonna
dial up that person
that keeps buzzing your beeper
and we're just gonna
tell them your car
picked a doozy of
a night to break.
And if they don't believe you
they can come on down
to The Griddle House
and see for themselves.
- What's it say?
- What?
911, I don't know
it's just numbers.
- That's his way of talking.
- Well is somebody hurt?
- Well someone's gonna
be if I don't respond.
- Tiny how long has this
man been running you ragged?
- I do what I do
and I can't even,
I can't even make
a stupid phone call
to tell him that my car's broke.
- Wait, no, no.
- Mae-Bee I really appreciate
everything that you've
done for me, I really do,
but sometimes you just gotta
learn when to cut your loses.
- Tiny please,
Tiny that is where
you're sorely mistaken, okay?
I want you to come over here
with me and look
at this picture.
You see that?
- Yeah.
- That is our genesis,
that is where we started.
- So you guys have
been here a long time.
- No Tiny look at that picture.
That picture was taken in 1933
at the height of the Depression.
The Griddle House started
as a soup kitchen.
For years that house gave
away every bit of food
it could chef up so
there is no imposing,
there is no troubling anybody
'cause this building
was made to give
everything it's
got and then some.
I was just like you.
- No.
- Yes I was.
I am living proof of
a life turned around.
I've never told anybody that.
Let's make that call huh?
- My voice is gonna shake.
- End it.
- Johnny.
My car broke, I'm
trying to get it fixed.
I'll get there as soon as I can.
He hung up on me.
I'm sorry. (crying)
- It's okay.
It's okay, it's okay.
- Excuse me can I help you?
What are you doing back here?
Are you trying to
steal my recipe
for the best sandwich
in the world?
- [Jack] Yeah, I'm just
a little lost I guess.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Mae-Bee's a strange
name isn't it?
Maybe yes, like maybe no.
- Not really, it's
not her real name,
her real name is Maybelline
like the Chuck Berry song.
It's not an abbreviation
for indecisiveness.
- Oh and Tiny, I mean,
that's a weird one.
- You know I don't even
know what her real name is.
Tiny is all we ever called her.
I gotta ask her
one of these days.
- So how long you been
working here and stuff?
- I was just driving
down the highway,
I stopped here for
a cup of coffee.
It's been 30 years,
I better call home.
- So do you like it?
I mean do you like the people?
- Are you asking me if I
got a crush on somebody?
- No.
- Maybe you have a
crush on somebody?
- No.
- It's okay now.
They're attractive, but a
little old for you but--
- No, no I was just,
I was just wondering
if, you know,
you liked working with
Francis and Mae-Bee.
- Yeah, yeah, I like
working with them.
- What about Tiny?
- Well you know Tiny,
Tiny's different you know.
- Different how?
- She just doesn't know
she's home yet you know.
- Home.
So you all live around here?
- Yeah.
Paxton might not
be all that much,
but it holds all our hearts.
You know who wrote that?
- Who?
- Francis.
(slow music)
- Excuse me ma'am.
It was a Monday that
felt like a Tuesday
And after noon
turned into night
Yeah I was wondering if I
could ask you some questions?
- [Francis] Okay.
- Like sit down questions.
You're a writer, this
is like an interview.
- Like for school or something?
- Yeah, yeah for my school.
- Okay, let me just
set these down.
Okay, well, nobody's ever wanted
to interview me before, so.
- Francis right?
- Yeah.
Francis Beemer, Francis
Rose Beemer, B-E-E-M-E-R.
It's kind of like a fancy
name don't you think?
Kind of famous fancy.
I always thought maybe like
it would be like
Earhart and Beemer.
I could be her
copilot or something,
that's the kind of name it is.
Oh and you know what
I always wanted to
see my name in print
so it's my first time.
- Okay.
Which state were you born in?
- Oh honey I was born right
here in 1959 Mother's Day
and I have only left
the state three times.
- That makes you 35?
That makes me 36, I'm
a little bit older.
- Okay what is your hair color?
- Well this is actually a rinse,
but my hair color it's actually
more like the color brown
like yours, that color.
- So your hair color's
naturally brown?
- Well I was born as
bald as a cue ball,
but once my hair
started coming in,
yeah pine cone
brown is what I got.
- Okay.
Do you like to play outside?
- Come again?
- Do you like to play
outside like on a swing set
or seesaw or something?
- Sure, yeah,
outside's friendly.
Can I ask you what
is this for again?
- Are you left handed?
- Oh, well actually
I'm ambidextrous.
- What does that mean?
- Ambidextrous.
It means that I do
things with both hands.
I can write with both hands,
I can cut with both hands.
- Wow that is amazing.
Do you like movies?
- I love movies.
I mean when I was a little kid
we used to go to the movies.
I just, I love it, I love it.
- Me too.
Do you get like one big
bad cold during the winter?
- Oh, yeah when I get a
cold yeah it's big and bad.
- Well okay.
Do you like children?
- Do I like children?
Yeah I like children.
What's not to like?
- What about the name Jack?
- Yeah I like the name Jack.
I also like the name Phil.
Okay I'm sorry Phil,
but I've gotta go.
- Just one more
question, one more.
One more question or two more.
- Alright.
- Okay, okay.
Do you like giving things away?
- Do I like giving things away?
Like philanthropy, like charity?
Yeah, like generous like, yes.
I like giving things away, sure.
- And just exactly have you been
working at The
Griddle House for?
- Three weeks.
- Three weeks?
- Well 21 and a half
days to be exact, yeah.
I'm still getting
my sea legs here.
- Oh.
- Is there something wrong?
- Yeah, no, that
was very helpful.
Thank you.
- Okay, can I get you
anything else before you go?
- No I'm fine.
- Okay.
Just let me know.
Oh and thanks for the interview.
- I told you it was
Tiny, not Francis.
Why don't you just
skip to the end?
- Your car is not fixed yet.
(upbeat music)
- Help, help, I'm being
held against my will.
Look at this, look at the cuffs.
- I know the feeling,
I used to be married.
- So that's him?
- Trust me.
- Is he gonna do anything?
- Just wait.
- Amos, Amos, you gotta go help
me out and take their order.
- Hold up, isn't that your job?
Cook, waitress, cook, waitress.
- I know, but I just can't,
that's the guy I was
telling you about.
- Who, the writer guy?
- Yes, yes that's Professor
Duvet's writing assistant.
- You certainly can't
give him your writing
if you can't even
take his order.
- I know Gus, that's why
I'm asking for help, please.
Amos don't make me, please.
- No one's making you do
anything, give me that.
- Hold up, we got this.
- No you don't have that.
Fix the machine.
- No what are the specials?
We'll just--
- Tell him today he better pop
his peepers back in his head
or I'll pop them for him.
- I'm not gonna
tell him that Gus.
Hi, I'm Amos, can I
get you something?
- Just coffee.
- Me too.
- Two, be right back.
- Sir.
- Yes?
- How is he today?
Gus right?
- You know Gus?
- [Joe] Well--
- Joe's made him somewhat
famous in our writing class.
- Oh, oh yeah the writing class.
You're writing about Gus.
- The guy's a solid study,
I couldn't make
him up if I tried.
And I had to prove it.
- Really?
Well now you watch
him at your own risk,
but, but hey you know, Francis
she is on the waiting list
for that very class you're in.
- Well it is a great class.
- That's what I hear.
I'll be right back
with your coffees.
They're fans alright.
- What?
This ain't a zoo
and I ain't a llama.
- Told you.
- Classic.
- [Gus] What're you writing?
- Just your tales of wisdom.
- You making fun of me?
- Oh no, no no no.
- No?
I'm serious, I ain't
for writing about.
I just won't do
anything interesting.
- That seems like a
big stretch. (laughing)
- Francis.
- Yeah?
- Come here.
- What did he say?
What did he say?
- Never mind what he said, look,
you've gotta give
this guy your story
because he's an
assistant professor,
he's gotta have some kind
of pull, he could help you.
- I don't know, I
just, I can't Amos.
- You gotta take
this opportunity,
it's knocking on the door.
You gotta open the door
'cause in a minute Gus
is gonna scare them away
and they'll be gone forever.
Now turn around and go, go.
- No Amos.
- I'll go with you.
- Oh Amos.
- This is Francis.
- Coffees and place mats.
- We're good.
- Okay.
- Yeah?
- Hi.
I'd like to--
- I'm Joe.
- Hi I'm Francis.
- What's up Francis?
- I wanted to talk to you.
The thing is I was wondering
if you just might be,
if you might be willing,
you see I'm on the waiting
list for that class
and I thought maybe
you'd be willing
to take a look at this
story I've been working on.
I mean if you're too busy
or whatever that's fine,
but if you can and
you think it's good
maybe you could talk to
Mr. Duvet about me being--
- Francis, let me
just stop you there
'cause Joe, he
really can't do that,
even if he wanted to, so sorry.
- That's fine.
- It's just that you
know I'm just a student.
- No, no, it's not a problem,
I just thought that maybe you
know you could, but really--
- It's not that,
it's just that--
- No it's fine, I understand.
Now I've got this thing so.
- Well sorry.
- Well you be sure to let me
know if you need anything else.
(rock music)
- Tiny.
I think that's it,
I've had enough
I'm tired of you and
that beat up truck
- Well?
And I'm shipping out
- You're missing
voltage regulator.
Can't do anything without it.
- It's missing?
Well I got here without it.
- Well you ain't
getting it, nevermind.
- I just, I need to
just figure this out.
No you probably won't
depart or get a job
A simple nine to five
- [Mae-Bee] You
doing okay there son?
- Excuse me?
- You like to mix up your corn
into your mashed
potatoes don't you?
- I'm on it baby, I'm on it.
- Along side a turkey club.
- That's easy, give
me something hard.
- With a side of soy sauce.
- [Amos] I'll see what I got.
- That's my favorite.
- I figured.
- How'd you do that?
- Oh I don't know, it's
just a little knack I got.
Came in real handy
when my kid was little.
I suspect we have
some chatting to do.
Scooch on over would you?
- Okay.
- Now, your mama, she ever
make you set the table?
- Yes.
Most every night.
She's picky like that.
- Picky like what?
- Oh well,
she says if you're
not sick or deceased
you better be
sitting at that table
even if it's take out
on New Year's Eve.
And then she asks us questions.
- Sounds like your mama
knows what a table's for.
What kind of questions?
- You know, normal questions
like how was your day?
What was good, what was bad,
but she calls those
roses and thorns,
it's like the good is the roses
and the bad is the thorns.
And then she makes
you ask your own.
- Okay.
- What?
- Well seems to
me, pretty obvious,
that you came here
looking for some.
- It's that obvious isn't it?
- Why don't you start
with the thorn first,
the real prickly one, the one
poking a hole in your soul.
- Okay.
1977, April 20th did you
give birth to a child,
specifically a boy and
then did you give him away?
- Feels good to ask
something true don't it
even if it is thorny.
- Yes it does.
- No son I did not
have a baby in 1977.
I gave birth to my
son eight years ago.
- You named him Jackson?
- I did.
That's my maiden name.
I didn't have a brother so.
- I see.
- [Mae-Bee] I'm sorry.
- What about her?
You know anything about her?
- Hey order up.
Look, soy sauce, am
I good or am I good?
- Wait, when did she
start coming here?
- Let me get your
order okay son?
- Ma'am.
Ma'am, ma'am please.
Please, when did she
start coming here?
- It just wouldn't be right
to tell somebody else's
story you understand?
- So she's got
something to hide.
- Maybe it's no one's business.
- I think it's my business.
Oh darling won't you
wait for me baby?
I can't go on without you
Oh sure I'll go crazy
Oh darling can we
make this forever
- [Gus] Hey!
- Oh man.
I could do this all day.
- Dude what's your problem?
- Don't you see the handcuffs?
I'm a criminal man.
(shouting crazily)
- Leave him alone.
- Or what?
He's clearly an idiot
'cause I keep
throwing trash down
and he keeps cleaning it up.
What kind of an idiot keeps
cleaning up the same mess?
- What kind of an idiot
keeps making the same mess?
- It's okay, it's okay.
Listen, I'm just doing my job.
- My point is your
job is stupid.
Really stupid.
- I see you've
finished your pie.
Do you want something
else, are you still hungry?
- What?
- I got it.
In fact anything you
want, it's on the house.
Oh darling won't
you wait for me?
- This is too easy.
- I know he's not famous.
- What?
Oh well yeah you
know, service first.
Oh darling
- What?
- I didn't say anything.
- [Gus] You still moping?
- Sorry.
- Ain't nothing
to be sorry about.
Sometimes you need a good mope.
This about your book?
- I mean it's a
short story really.
- Whatever.
It's important to you?
- Yeah it is.
- They're not gonna help?
- No.
It's fine.
- It's malarkey.
- What are you gonna do?
- They can't come in here
and write me for free.
- [Francis] Oh Gus.
- You want to write me?
- Yeah, yeah.
- Fine.
It's gonna cost you.
- [Francis] Seriously,
seriously Gus.
- You've gotta read
her book or whatever.
- Well I mean actually it's
just a short story so it's--
- I said or whatever.
- I can't promise it's
gonna get her into class.
- What did I say?
- You said read the story.
- Just read it.
- Just read it and I'll quit
with the silent treatment.
- Okay, sure.
- Well you got it?
- What?
- The story.
- Oh yeah.
Oh yeah, I got it, I got
it right here, hold on.
Yeah I do have it right here.
It's right here.
I like to keep it
on yellow paper
so that I can always find it.
- Just give it.
- Alright, alright.
Thank you so much.
It's semi-autobiographical
so I hope that you know.
I mean they say to write
what you know so okay.
I'm just gonna
leave it with you.
I'm just gonna leave it.
Do you want some coffee?
I'll fill up those
coffees, okay.
I'll be right back
with that and whatever.
Oh my god, oh my god, thank
you so much, thank you.
- I hope it's good.
- Oh my god me too.
- Scoot, scoot.
Thank you.
Get a pen.
First, this is as
friendly as I get.
Second, one of you is gonna
buy me a bowl of soup.
- Excuse me.
Excuse me.
- Can I help you?
- I hope so.
- Can you speak up?
- Okay, I was
wondering if I could...
I just--
- Hey.
Careful son, you don't just
go around touching
people's stuff.
- No I wasn't, I'm
sorry I was just,
I want to ask you
a couple questions.
- I don't turn off
the songs for nobody.
- I'm not a nobody.
I'm your son.
You know it and I know it.
- What?
- I can tell.
The way they all treat you.
You've come here for years.
You're the only one
that makes sense.
I've been through everyone else.
I'm Jack.
I'm Jack!
Oh, what a shocker, huh?
That I found you
after all these years.
Well maybe if you hadn't
of just tossed me away.
If you could've taken a second
out of your embarrassing life
to just find a way to love me
maybe you wouldn't
be like you are
and maybe, maybe I
wouldn't be standing here
yelling at my real mother
in the middle of The Griddle
House on New Year's Eve.
- Jack.
- No!
- Jack, calm down.
This isn't the time
or the place okay?
Calm down.
- Tiny, he don't mean it.
- Oh no.
Right there's where
you're sideways Gus
because you know
what he means it.
Just look at him,
look at his face
and you can see how
terrible much he means it.
Right down to the bone
he means it, every word.
And the crazy thing
is that he's right.
About how I lived,
what I've done.
He's right about all of it
except for one little
thing, I'm not his mama.
I've never had a baby of my own.
- Tiny wait I wanted
to give you something
for your birthday at midnight,
but I can give it to you now.
- Can't stop.
- Tiny your car's broke.
- Come on.
- So it was none of them?
Great job on your
terrible story.
- Oh it gets better.
(banging on mirror)
Oh I didn't know you were
waiting, but you can--
- I wasn't, not
for the bathroom.
That was awkward.
- What?
- Think of the most awful thing
that happened tonight, that.
- Yeah, I know.
- Things must be
pretty rough at home?
- They're not great.
- Terrible parents?
- Not great.
- Don't love you, resent you,
wish you were out
of their lives?
Something like that?
- No, no.
You know, we don't
connect lately so.
- You don't connect.
You thought you would connect
with a total stranger
in a coffee shop?
- What?
What are you trying
to understand me?
Trying to like figure me out?
- People don't get to
pick their family son.
Except sometimes they do.
I just, I feel like that
should mean something.
- Thank you.
- Oh hey hon.
Listen Tiny's a big girl,
she makes her own decisions.
It ain't all on you, okay?
- Listen, just don't
read that story okay--
- [Joe] We already did.
- Oh.
- It's great.
- Yeah it's really beautiful.
- Well I'm sure it needs a
lot of work so please just--
- Not that I saw.
Look I'll definitely
talk to Duvet for you,
but we're actually interested
in your story ourselves.
You see we just launched
a writing magazine
where basically new writers
can submit their stuff
and we're convinced that
there's a whole book here.
- I just, I don't really
know what to say so.
- Yes will do.
- How about maybe?
- What?
- It's just not
my story to tell.
I've gotta run it by someone.
- Well any idea when you'll
have an answer for us?
- That's fine, listen,
I'll leave my contact info
and just whenever,
if ever feels right,
just give me a call--
- You know what I'm
sorry I've got to go.
- I think this should
probably cover it.
- Goodness, you didn't
get the filet mignon.
Take it, save it for yourself.
- Thank you.
- [Francis] Hey.
- You like my car?
- [Francis] Are you
going somewhere?
- Yeah, after all that
I think it's just,
you know, best if I head on.
- You know sometimes
in life we just,
we don't have any
choice but to move on.
- Right.
- Hey, did you find what
you were looking for?
- No.
But I sure made a fool
of myself trying to.
- No, no you didn't, no.
I mean Phil, sometimes
the only choice we have
is to just give up
the search you know?
- Yeah.
By the way my name isn't
actually Phil, it's Jack.
I mean I yelled it
pretty loud in there so.
- Yeah I know.
I know.
You know what nevermind.
Just, Happy New Year.
And I want you to
drive safe okay.
- Yeah, thanks, Happy New Year.
(dramatic music)
- Hey.
- Hi.
- I'm gonna go, so.
- Okay.
- Okay.
(dramatic music)
- [Mae-Bee] Amos get me all
the marshmallows you got.
- [Amos] Looks like somebody's
done beat you to it.
- [Mae-Bee] Jack what?
- Where's Francis?
- Well her shift was over honey.
- Are you serious?
She's gone.
So what, she wrote
that whole story,
snuck it into my car
like that, she's gone?
She didn't even want
to say goodbye to me.
- Come have a seat
with me, okay?
Hey, her sharing that story
with you, that was big for her.
- All I ever wanted I thought
was to meet my birth mom.
Stupid, just so stupid.
- If you allow me to say so
I believe you did get
to meet your birth mom
at least just a little bit.
The time you spent here, the
story that she shared with you,
that is her truest self
and she did say
goodbye in her own way.
She said that she'd never
have the perfect words
so she wrote them instead.
- For the boy who is already
the oak inside the acorn.
What does that mean?
- I think what
she's trying to say
is that she already sees in you
everything you're going to be.
That she wanted you to
be, you already are.
You see?
- Just one thing.
When I first read this letter
she said that she'd been
coming to The Griddle House
for years but when I asked her
she said she only worked
here for three weeks.
- Both, she's been
here for years
and has only been working
here for a few weeks.
I got something for
you, one second.
When I got the blues
I play the crosswords.
And I'm gonna share
that with you.
Can you help me with four down?
- Could be punk.
(hammer pounding)
- Excuse me.
- Sorry, sorry.
Give me the poundy, smashy now.
Thank you.
Alright give me the one that
goes-- (imitating cranking)
Thank you.
I think that...
She's fixed.
- Really?
- Yep, great.
Now here we land
on the signature,
can we get the
owner's signature?
- Oh, oh, yeah,
yeah. (whistling)
Mr. Peterson.
The twin towers
need your signature.
- Sure thing.
- No way.
- Alright.
- Thank you gentlemen.
- Oh our pleasure, she
is a lovely machine.
- Thank you very much.
- I was wondering if we
could get some menus.
I think we're gonna
stay for dinner.
- Absolutely.
- Great.
- On the house.
- Why thank you.
- Dude, come on.
You're the owner?
- No one really owns anything,
but this place was
entrusted to me.
- Whatever, you
paid their checks
and you're the one
cleaning up the messes?
- Yeah.
I really don't mind.
- Dude if I were you I wouldn't
even be here right now.
I'd be at home, kicking back,
watching a big screen
TV and counting my cash.
- I don't do this for the money.
- What?
- You can't trust
money or things.
- Well, that's about
all I do trust.
- And that's why you're the
only one here in handcuffs.
You really want to be free
follow what's in here.
- [Amos] Well what do you know
it's Officer Darcy just in time.
- Oh yeah?
- Yeah.
- Mason is it true?
Did you steal a Sega
Genetics from the Target?
- Genesis.
- A Sega Genesis
from the Target?
- Yes ma'am but
it's just Target.
- Mason why?
- I don't know.
- Don't we give you
everything you need?
Needless to say I am
very disappointed in you.
Your father is gonna
be beside himself.
- I know.
- What am I gonna do with you?
- Maybe he could
stay here with us.
- Oh I don't know.
- You want him to
straighten out?
I can't imagine a better place.
- Well thank you,
I'll be in touch.
Come on Mason.
Thank you Officer.
- [Mae-Bee] Would the
hero like a cup of Joe?
- Yeah, I'll hang out.
(dramatic music)
- Hey.
- There you are Tiny.
- Please don't, I mean do,
but just give me a minute.
Now you y'all,
y'all bear with me.
Someone once told
me that the truth
will make your voice shake
and it'll gut you too sometimes
to hear all that point blank
but that ain't the worse that
can happen to someone like me
to hear something so hard and
ugly and true about yourself
that you can't help but you
know run into it head long.
That ain't the worst.
The worst is trolling around
every night of your life
waiting for a pick up
and pretending like
that's the only truth
that there'll ever be
for you 'cause you're trouble
and trouble can't
hope for no more.
- Tiny.
- No.
No maybe that's what
I'm trying to say here,
that my truth, no matter
how hard I say it,
it isn't true, I don't
believe it anymore.
- You don't?
- Nope.
What you've been saying to me
for as long as I've
been coming in here,
that my heart is worth fighting
for, worth loving even,
I'm starting to believe it.
- Anything else?
- That I ain't no
trouble for anyone.
- How's that truth feel
when you say it Tiny?
- Like my heart's
been waiting 34 years
for my mouth to say it out loud.
- Feels good right,
like good home cooking.
- Handlethorpes, you
got a sledgehammer?
Get it girl.
- This calls for a toast.
I almost forgot.
Mae-Bee you want
to count us down?
- Okay, goodness is it that
time already, okay here we go.
- Nine, eight, seven,
six, five, four,
three, two, one.
Happy New Year!
- And happy birthday Tiny.
- Happy New Year.
Happy New Year.
- [Mae-Bee] Okay well.
You gonna blow out
them candles or what?
- I want to memorize it
all lit up like that.
I ain't never had one before.
- Had a what?
- A birthday cake.
- Then happy first birthday.
- Okay here goes everything.
- And we got you this.
- That's from both of us.
- Yeah.
We know it will fit your car
because that's where
we got it from.
- Thank you.
- Happy New Year.
- This is the awesomest
New Year's ever
because we've all
become a family.
- Hey.
- Happy New Year.
Let's get some hats out here.
- [Amos] Alright some hats.
A blue one for the man in blue.
- Need blue, you do?
(horns blowing)
- Alright.
- That's it?
What happens next?
- What happens next?
Mom saves the day.
(horns blowing)
Mom, Dad, what are
you guys doing?
- Hey Jack.
- [Jack's Father] Oh we've
been worried about you.
You know you tore out of there
pretty quick this morning.
- Yeah I know, I was just--
- Jack, it's okay.
- Do you guys want some cake?
- You bet.
- This is my booth.
- You first.
- Thanks.
- Howdy.
Here you go.
Can I get you some
hot coffee or cocoa
to go with the cake?
- I'll take some coffee.
- Okay.
- Actually I was wondering
if you had some--
- Skim milk with a
side bowl of lemon?
- Yeah, that's amazing.
- I know.
- We really enjoyed having
your son here with us
and we hope you make a habit
of stopping in on the regular.
I'll go get your drinks.
- Thank you.
- So who called you?
- Francis.
Did you get to meet her?
- Kind of.
- Did you find what
you were looking for?
- Yeah.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
(car engine starting)
- Oh my gosh dude.
You know that was a
really good story.
Thanks again for your help.
- No problem.
- So you think
they're still there
over at The Griddle House?
- Somebody always is.
If there's anything I left
out you'll find it in there.
- Thanks again.
Coast to coast and
I'm riding high
Still holding onto
the simple life
My head up
looking at the sky
And always just staying
ahead of the tide
High and low or just
the middle of the road
It's all the same
so there you go
The tide rolls in and
the tide rolls out
And all the good
waves coming whoa
I'm having fun
getting nowhere fast
Onto the waves, it's
just too hard to pass
With my board as my shoes
And the wave as my
ride I'm always safe
Ahead of the tide
(upbeat music)