The Girl King (2015)

My Kristina of Sweden!
I implore you to call
upon your cleverness!
I beseech you,
in the name of our Lord!
Save your Empire!
Good night, Your Majesty.
See you tomorrow.
The queen Mother
refuses to see you!
Chancellor, how dare you
force your way into my quarters.
I've come to save your
daughter from your madness
and to remove he king's body.
- Not so soon!
- Soon?
He's been on your
bed for two years!
His heart!
Look at that mad, mad woman...
She shows no respect
to our king. Go.
Nein! Nein...
Ah Kristina, Kristina!
Kristina, Kristina...
Come, come!
Come! Kristina.
Get the body.
Happy Birthday your majesty.
Control your anger.
Suppress your tears.
Were you aware of her shoulder?
A distracted servant.
She fell down
a flight of stairs.
The child is in good health.
I remember when you were born...
Your first cry was so deep,
we thought it was
the long awaited prince.
So we took you to your father
and he unwrapped the blanket.
A girl...
But she must be very clever,
because she fooled us all.
She will be
raised like a prince.
Rules for the training
of the mind, by Descartes!
A Catholic!
That is blasphemy.
To be uneducated
in this world of ours,
that would be blasphemy.
How dare you!
- Stop!
- From now on...
We will decide what you read.
Luther is right.
The Pope is an aberration and...
and his infallibility...
a fraud.
I'm glad to see you've
come to your senses...
But I still think
Luther's austerity is sadistic.
He sees the devil everywhere.
Even in a fly.
I'll bring back
your favorite books.
If you wish.
Even Descartes...
Her Majesty is in good health.
Happy eighteenth birthday.
With your father's sword,
Sweden is yours.
You should
concentrate, my cousin!
I'll lay a treasure
at your feet.
The greatest
treasure in the world?
The greatest
treasure in the world.
I'll grant your deepest desire.
Just ask me!
Like Luther,
I want to spend a night
with the devil.
Do you really think he's the one
who will lay
the devil at your feet?
On this sacred day,
may I call you my daughter?
Did I see you speak
to her on my behalf?
She needs to feel loved,
convince her.
They haven't brought me your
Royal Proclamation speech.
And they won't be bringing it.
Because that's what I decided.
Do you realize the
importance of this speech?
And I've been preparing
for it since childhood.
This is a fine occasion
for you to trust her.
Stop it.
Let Kristina show you
that you have every reason
to be proud of her.
Very well.
I'll hold you both responsible
for the consequences.
Her majesty, Queen Kristina!
How radiant and proud she is!
What a marvelous
day for our kingdom!
You, Kristina, on the throne.
Your majesty...
Your humble servant.
Magnus, I take umbrage
at your splendid attire.
If Your Majesty wishes,
I shall take everything off.
And I should take
umbrage all the more.
May I introduce you
to Monsieur Pierre Chanut,
France's distinguished
ambassador to our country.
Your Majesty.
Despite our
religious differences,
Sweden accepts France,
the eldest daughter
of the Church of Rome,
as our greatest ally.
We are stealing souls
from the Holy German Empire,
while you are stealing
their provinces.
You remember
my younger brother, Jakob?
Some say he's even
handsomer than me.
Your Majesty.
My fiance,
Countess Ebba Sparre.
Your Majesty.
We must all take umbrage.
I don't see my mother.
She left.
Still at your papa's side I see?
Everytime I see you,
the same image comes to mind.
What image is that my friend?
You can open a dog's
mouth to teach him to talk...
It just goes on, barking.
Lovely to see you again.
Did you bring
my first revolution?
I was olny waiting for you
to give the order, my queen.
For our gracious
majesty's pleasure!
It's time now.
Everything will be fine.
Show them what you're made of!
The Queen!
Today I came of age
and I solemnly received
my father's crown.
The crown of the great
Gustav, Lion of the North,
who gave his life
fighting to defend
the glory of Sweden.
And I, like him, intend
to work day and night
for the glory of our kingdom,
in keeping with the teachings
of Luther, our spiritual guide.
I inherited from my father
a country of miners
and lumberjacks,
of peasants and soldiers.
Ignorance and illiteracy are
rampant in the lower classes,
people scorn scholars and
are suspicious of knowledge.
The French philosopher,
Ren Descartes, says...
that curiosity is a great asset.
Says it predisposes us to
acquire scientific knowledge.
He says...
the best remedy,
for excessive admiration,
is to acquire knowledge
of many things,
and to practice appreciation
of those that seem
most rare and strange.
We must build schools!
We must welcome
the finest thinkers
and those banned
for their ideas.
I want to make my country
the most sophisticated
country in Europe.
Let us become curious and
make Stockholm the new Athens!
To achieve this dream...
We must tackle
the greatest challenge
in the history
of this country...
We must bring an end
to these years of war
with the Holy Roman Empire.
With the Catholics?!
Nothing is more
difficult than peace.
Thirty years of war...
Thousands and thousands
of deaths
to ensure that Luther's faith,
prevails over the North
of this continent.
And you would like us
to abandon these goals?!
We got drunk
on the blood of Catholics.
And now we are supposed
to dilute everything
with poetry and song!
Sit down...
When pretty phrases
and sweet melodies
have lulled us to sleep,
Catholic Germany will
rise and, brandishing Rome,
they will return
to stab us in the back!
- The way they did your father!
- Sit down!
This is her majesty,
Queen Kristina of Sweden!
And when the queen speaks,
she commands!
Wait, wait, wait, wait...
I shall protect you.
I shall love you, day and night.
Marry me!
Make me your king!
I have just introduced myself
and presented
my plans to the world
and you are talking to me
about marriage.
The moon has barely risen
on the first day of my reign,
and I've already received
countless proposals.
The Great Elector
of Brandenburg,
the King of Hungary.
Even Philip of Spain!
An incurable syphilitic!
Am I just a pawn for the taking?
You don't need those kings,
you have me!
- Marry me!
- No!
I'll support
all your revolutions,
we've talked about
this Kristina!
I brought you the china
and the crystal...
You need not
to unpack your trunks.
I'm sending you back to Paris.
But Kristina...
You heard her...
You're going back to Paris.
And I'm sending you
to the German front.
Do you dare object?
We need to demonstrate
our strength on all fronts
during these peace negotiations.
Of course.
I'll keep all of my promises.
I swear I will!
Let her go.
Custodiat animam
tuam in vitam aeternam.
You gave a courageous
speech, your Majesty.
Some called it suicidal.
You were guided
by your free will.
My what?
Ren Descartes is
currently living in Holland.
He's studying
the passions of the soul.
The passions of the soul?
How to recognize them
in order to master them.
There is no need
to study our passions,
they're all bad for the soul.
Our lives are
determined in advance.
Life is God's gift to us,
and He alone
is in charge of our fate.
Beware of Catholics,
your Majesty...
They practice loose theology.
Shall we talk about
these peace negotiations?
I expect they will be difficult.
Johan, you would make
a fine negotiator for us.
In Osnabruck.
You're sending me to Germany?
Who could better
represent me than you?
Johan is grateful,
your majesty, for this honour.
Yes, of course, thank you.
It's about time!
What is she doing here?
From now on, I'll be choosing
my ladies-in-waiting myself.
The "lady's seat"
restricts us to trotting,
and it makes us look ridiculous.
Get down.
Give her your saddle.
How do you expect me to feel,
she's sending me away...
She has to learn
to appreciate your worth...
Oh, really?
From a distance?
No, make sure you're
the best negotiator possible,
impress her.
She wants to keep
all the power for herself.
I'll make sure
she doesn't forget you.
Follow me!
By the rusty nails
of Christ's cross,
this is delicious!
I've been eating and hunting
bear since I was a child,
but this...
This is something else.
Shallots, garlic,
and, important...
One or two measures
of french white wine.
- Sant, your Majesty!
- Sant...
This is a tomato...
It comes from Spain's New World.
They're also called
"love apples".
Come sit here...
At your table?
Taste this...
They're love apples...
Descartes believes in
the proper use of our passions.
Because he thinks,
it is the source
of all felicity in our lives.
Does that mean he rejects
the philosophy of the Stoics?
Human passions
are bad for your soul?
Then why should we learn
to recognize our feelings?
Then we can decide what is right
and what is wrong for ourselves.
But our lives are
determined in advance.
Life is meant to be gray until
we earn the final darkness.
Don't you think we
can add a bit of colour?
I find all this very exciting...
and disturbing.
By whose authority are you
dining with our sovereign?
I thank you, madame,
for this delicious dinner.
And ladies-in-waiting should not
be dining, at the queen's table.
I invited the ambassador myself.
A Jesuit scoundrel!
A Catholic recruiter.
How can you be so careless!
Can you image if people
were aware of your
private meetings with that man?
And there was no need to be so
rough with my lady-in-waiting.
I want to make Kristina,
the greatest Lutheran
sovereign in the world.
And I work night and day
to have your reforms approved
but there's
opposition from all sides.
Your ideas are expensive,
and peace doesn't
fill our coffers.
I believe in your ideas,
but you must help me.
Don't allow your
curiosity to distract you.
When one does as one wishes,
one rarely does as one should.
Monsieur Descartes,
I've heard about your
research on human emotions...
I would like you to
explain two things to me...
Bonjour, oui?
This is for Descartes.
I would like you to tell me...
What is love?
I cannot grasp
the secret impulse,
that draws us to one person
rather than another,
Before we truly know
that person's worth.
Does this hidden alliance
have its roots in the body...
or the mind?
And secondly,
how does one
get rid of this feeling?
There are two kinds of love.
Compassionate love...
which makes us desire
the best for those we love.
And lustful love.
The love that makes us
desire those we love.
Every passion
changes us physically,
and each one
has its own symptoms.
We can identify them
by the changes in our pulse,
our breathing...
or by the flush of our skin.
But beware
of facial expressions.
They do not always
reveal the truth since,
we can willfully control
our facial expressions.
To hide one passion,
we can imagine another,
quite the opposite.
But, for the time being,
you should love.
You can reason afterwards.
These are for me?
Are you serious?
It's a present from Johan.
- Is he serious?
- Hum...
Perhaps you...
neglected these things
for too long...
The fff... feminine things
that please...
Please who?
This one is luminous.
Yes, it's luminous.
How luminous!
Try it on.
I'm sure it will suit you.
Here in front of me.
In front of you?
You're suddenly so quiet.
I'm trying to change
my facial expression
by thinking of something
totally different.
Your fianc?
How does he look at you?
Sometimes he touches
his chest like you...
right now.
Then he places his hands
on his chin, like you.
The gown.
Is he proud
to have you on his arm?
I think so.
Does he know how many men envy
him in the jungle of suitors?
Jakob looks at me the way
we look at white swans.
We praise the beauty
of their wings, but...
We forbid them to fly.
How does he touch you?
I love to make you blush.
Did you have this
gown made for me?
I knew you would like it.
Tell me that you like them.
They're lovely...
I know more about...
and cavalry strategies...
Time for prayers, Your Majesty.
Nature is devious,
when it comes to desire.
We must not
let her have her way.
Dear God, let discernment
and doubt be my guides.
- Amen.
- Amen.
By the way,
that gown was for you.
I meant to tell you,
from now on,
I will have a private audience
with whomever I please...
- I don't think...
- And, whenever I please.
Good night, Chancellor.
I delivered your instructions
for the expansion
of the Fallon mines.
Thank you.
Anything else?
Johan is afraid that
an army that doesn't share
our peaceful aspirations
is about to invade Prague.
Isn't that where Emperor
Rudolph keeps his treasures?
They say the treasures
include priceless rare books.
The most beautiful
paintings of all time and...
A collection of animals,
never seen in this
part of the world before.
- Yes.
- They also say...
He has an unholy Bible.
A Bible written
by the devil himself.
Count Oxenstierna.
I'm so happy to see you again.
I'm glad to hear that.
An official portrait, Countess.
You're spoiled.
Et voil!
The humanists
are here by the door.
The stoics...
by the windows.
The library
of the humanist Grotius
will arrive soon.
Can you imagine!
Forty-eight cartloads of books!
150,000 manuscripts...
This new library could hold
500,000 books and treatises.
Nourishment for
our beloved Sweden.
The most
beautiful garden of all.
Did you really miss me...
while I was away?
I told Countess Sparre you are
the man who is dearest to me.
Let me read to you...
Not this one,
this one is in Greek.
- And this one in...
- Arabic.
Of course...
And this one in Spanish.
At last, here's one
in our language.
I'm listening.
The Elliptical Trajectory of the
, by Kepler.
Good Lord...
An official portrait
for Countess Sparre
in a whore's gown?
It's the gown you sent
to Kristina as a present
while you were away.
I sent a gown?
To Kristina?
Several gowns.
For Kristina?
18, to be honest.
Why is the countess wearing it?
I don't know ask her!
We have to maintain
total domination,
over the Baltic Sea
at all costs.
But I promised the Germans
we would leave them
three provinces
with access to the shore!
Emperor Marcus Aurelius said:
"The world is in
perpetual transformation
and life is a mere opinion."
Translation, please?
Nothing is unalterable.
You intend to break the
promise I made to the Germans...
The negotiations
are taking too long.
We worked day and night to grant
them this access to the sea.
I have ordered Karl Gustav
to enter Prague.
We will conquer Prague?
Before the peace negotiations
are over?
The terror inspired
by the conquest of Prague
will hasten the negotiations
to our advantage.
", dieu qu'il est doux de
plaindre le sort d'un ennemi
quand il n'est plus craindre!"
And that means:
An enemy on his knees
has no choice but to negotiate.
You intend to send
me back to Osnabruck,
to break our promises?
No, Johan, I intend
to keep you here with me.
We will march on Prague!
We will march on Prague!
We will march on Prague!
Why can't she talk
like the rest of us?
Descartes is afraid he'll
be forced to flee Holland soon.
He will always be welcome here.
- Has he written to you recently?
- Well actually...
He wrote...
A treatise.
And it is for you.
Descartes hopes for
your Majesty's opinion.
For me?
Les passions de l'me.
His latest work.
He must come to Sweden
and teach me all this.
I'll invite him,
on your behalf, your Majesty.
You must.
I will.
What a nice surprise.
They're looking for you.
Au revoir your majesty...
Where are you?
He wrote to me...
All this...
"To attain the truth in life,
we must discard
all the ideas
we've been taught..."
"And reconstruct the entire
system of our knowledge."
The queen is here!!!
The Queen!
The Queen!!
What were you and
her majesty talking about?
Chancellor, you cannot
deny my access to the Queen.
You know France
is your greatest ally.
We need your mines.
You need our money.
My valiant subjects!
You work to ensure the glory
of Sweden and your queen.
Offer them some beer.
Thanks to your
fathers' rebellion,
My ancestor rose to the throne
and overthrew tyranny...
Offer them beer!
As the great
Marcus Aurelius said...
Beer for everyone!
"Long live Kristina!"
"Long live Kristina!"
"Long live Kristina!"
"Long live Kristina!..."
"Desire is an agitation
caused by the spirits"
which disposes the soul
to will for the future
"things it represents
to itself as desirable."
Are you feeling ill?
Just a bit tired.
Go get some rest.
- No... I.
- Immediately.
In the winter...
during the military campaigns,
my father asked a nobleman
to warm his bed for him.
He lay in the bed
before my father,
and the sheets were warm
when the king came to join him.
They called him
the king's bed companion.
From now on,
you will have this title.
At the court?
And you will
assume these duties.
You may call
me that if you wish.
I don't need your permission.
I know how to set a bear trap,
how.. how to cl..
Clean a musket, but...
I don't know how
to place my lips on yours.
What to do with my hands.
That was better
What does your philosopher say?
To attain the truth in life
we must discard
all the ideas we've been taught.
The queen says that...
pregnant women
are nothing but sows.
Our monarch is fluent
in many languages.
I want to remain in her service.
There is no better position
than that of a lady-in-waiting.
None sire, none.
There is only one way for
you to remain in her service.
That is against God's will!
Is fornicating
outside of wedlock,
a Christian act?
But I love him...
Of course...
Of course you do...
I will see that they deal
with this thing in your belly.
And you can be helpful to me,
Countess Erksein.
So? What is it?
Countess Sparre has
broken off her engagement
with Jakob de la Gardie.
Nobody told me.
When Her Majesty is one's rival,
one doesn't shout it
from the rooftops.
What are you insinuating?
The countess,
has just been promoted
to the title of the
queen's bed companion.
Johan, Johan, Johan!
Friendship between
women is much closer
than the friendship of men,
and it can be
easily misinterpreted.
When will you
stop kidding yourself,
- my pathetic papa?
- Wait, stop!
You raised her as a man
and now you're surprised
that she whistles at women!
Her determination to change
the natural order of things
is from her deviance, father.
Deviants they need to question
the natural order of things.
They need to make the world fit
their peculiar vision
of the order of things.
We must not exaggerate.
How long will we stand by
while ladies adopt breeches
and gentlemen become
[CLICKS TONGUE] eunuchs?
We must not exaggerate
and stop drinking! Stop.
The more scandalous
her behavior,
the more people will blame you.
I... I know someone who
will remind her of her duty.
What is the purpose
of this rare visit, Mother?
I want to travel to Germany
to see my family.
The purpose of your visit!
You have to get married...
as soon as possible.
For the stability of the throne.
Think of the chaos
if you were to die tomorrow.
I am aware of my duty
in this matter.
But I have yet to accept...
that a man could exploit me
like a peasant plows his fields.
For the time being,
I have other concerns.
I am working for peace.
Peace yes...
I've heard about this madness.
Your father fought
for the conquests
that you are pawning
for your silly whims!
You were speaking
about marriage.
There is no glory
in hypocritical treaties
that do nothing but grant
the enemy time to rearm.
- Peace is a gift to a nation.
- Words, words, words!
Listen to the
Minerva of the North.
She invades Prague in the middle
of the peace negotiations,
and then she extends
the olive branch.
Give your nation
an heir to the throne.
That's the gift
you should be working for.
We need strong arms!
Not brains!
Fill your subjects' bellies,
not their minds!
You are the Queen of a nation
of filthy, primitive bears,
and they must
recognize themselves in you.
Who would want you?
If your father saw
what has become of you.
I forbid you
to speak of my father.
You forbid me?
You made my father an object
of your grotesque grieving.
An embalmed cadaver
that you forced me to kiss
at sunrise and sunset,
every day, day after day,
when I was six years old!
You will never know
the power of such love!
May God spare me!
From my own belly...
Instead of another
stillborn son,
they handed me a dark daughter.
After so many years apart...
I had hoped
to see something like purity,
something different!
My father,
left you behind in his camp,
and he went out
to visit his whores.
I will always, love your father.
You were a bottomless
pit of longing.
He was only faithful to you
during his two years
of putrefaction.
This audience is over!
All these years,
I had my regrets.
I should have left you there...
at the foot of the staircase!
It was you!
I forbid you to cry!
This is my sorrow, not yours!
How dare you!
Don't think, Countess,
that the moments
of distraction we shared
give you the right
to behave like this.
- I thought...
- What did you think?
The company of women
is distracting me from my duty.
Monsieur Descartes...
I would like you to tell me,
between love, and hatred,
which of those two
creates the worst disorders?
(DESCARTES) Like love, there
are two kinds of hatred.
The feeling we simply call...
which is related to things
that are bad for the soul.
The other is the feeling
called, horreur!
Which is related to things
that are ugly for the soul.
Then I hate my mother...
who has a horror of me.
I've waited too long for you.
And by Christ's balls!
I don't like to be kept waiting!
By who's...?
Welcome Monsieur Descartes.
It's about time!
Down with Rome!
Down with Rome!
- Death to the Catholics.
- Down with Rome!
Burn the Pope at the stake!
Monsieur Descartes,
show us the discovery
that is the talk of Europe.
Your majesty...
I was not expecting this.
At the dawn of an era of peace,
cadavers will become
a rare commodity.
You must put this
to good use monsieur.
The saw, please.
In the course of my,
anatomical investigations...
I recently discovered...
a tiny gland,
no bigger than a pine nut,
that is the meeting place,
of body and mind.
I am convinced,
this, is where
our emotions are born.
Hammer please.
This gland is situated just
below the Sylvian fissure.
Which channels
the animal spirits.
The blood that
flows from this fissure...
touches this gland,
triggering the passions we feel.
Tweezers, please.
Your Majesty,
allow me to introduce,
the pineal gland,
"the seat of the soul!"
To understand, the workings,
we may one day,
be able,
to control our passions...
- physically!
- Then what?
Remove a piece of hatred?
A slice of desire?
Who knows?
Who's to say?
Remove the longing?
The endless waiting?
Remove the voice that haunt us.
The soul is in God's hands!
Not in a pine nut!
I hope, Monsieur Descartes,
that you will forgive
the lack of manners in my court.
You have gone too far.
Didn't you teach me, that
curiosity is a great virtue?
In Luther's teachings!
By God's ass!
Luther has no
curiosity whatsoever!
That's blasphemy against Luther.
We cannot accept this heresy...
Your Majesty!
I curse you, I curse you.
May you burn in Hell!
My little girl...
He has saved your life.
I better leave you alone.
The man is a fanatic
from the theology school.
I pushed you out of the way.
You hit your head.
Come to me...
Come close to me...
Come to me..
I thought I lost you...
I'm so sorry...
Will you forgive me?
She must marry.
She must fornicate.
If she dies in childbirth,
at least
she will have tried
to embrace her destiny.
How dare you speak about
our sovereign like that?
The Council can
remove her from office,
on the grounds of
extraordinary circumstances.
Can you imagine the
turmoil that would ensue?
And what about the songs
that are becoming
more and more popular?
- Are there songs...
- I've heard reports,
of the ribald songs
they're singing in taverns
around the countryside
and even in Stockholm.
So sing it!
While the lads are studying
the art of seduction,
The ladies need
no introduction!
Lads hoping
to win a lady's heart,
Turn to Kristina,
grand master of this art!
Turn to Kristina!
Grand Master of this art!
You are not meant
to live within the
confines of Luther's faith.
Look around you!
Eveybody at the court
wants you to be pregnant,
under the thumb
of male authority.
Rome has become today
a center where
everything is possible.
St. Peter's Basilica has
created a effervescence.
It's a gathering place
for the finest minds and,
- the most, daring artists.
- Get to the point.
needs a queen.
Rome has a pope.
Rome needs a virgin queen.
Your faith is based on
indulgences and relics.
Buy a piece of Christ's cross
and one is assured of
a hundred years in heaven.
There are so many pieces
of the Christ child's foreskin
in circulation,
I can't imagine the size
of the Holy member.
Faith can be purchased
in your church.
That church is preparing
to offer you freedom.
The Pope wants
to tend all your needs,
the most reasonable
and the most unreasonable.
Please leave, monsieur.
You will be free
to do whatever you want.
In public and...
in private.
Please leave.
Your Majesty.
Descartes, you stay.
I had to flee France
because I questioned,
the real presence of Christ
in the communion host.
I had to flee Holland,
because I glimpsed;
It is the earth,
that gravitates around the sun.
I'm convinced we can
determine our destiny.
But I am free, Your Majesty.
I do not have
a kingdom to govern.
Twenty-five states
and principalities...
have signed,
the Westphalia treaty!
Glory to you, your Majesty!
From now on, every monarch
can choose
the religion in his state.
May you use this
disposition wisely.
Long live Kristina!
Long live Kristina!
Long live Kristina!
Long live Kristina!
Long live Kristina!
Long live Kristina!
(ALL) Hey!
- Friends!
- (ALL) Hey!
My brothers-in-arms!
(ALL) Hey!
As promised...
we've brought
our beloved queen...
some presents!
The symbol,
of her almighty power...
A lioness!
For our Queen...
What is this
majestic female missing?
A king!
Karl Gustav!
Karl Gustav!
Karl Gustav!
Where is our Queen?
Only God knows where she is.
The Happy Life.
Treatise on Pleasure.
The Emperor of Prague
was fascinated
by the occult sciences.
This book was written
in a single night,
by a monk who was walled in
for a grievous crime.
And although he was in chains,
he managed to write this book...
He recruited
the help of the devil.
Once the book was finished,
out of gratitude...
The monk surreptitiously
slipped his assistant's portrait
into the volume.
It's the Codex Gigas!
They call it the Devil's Bible.
He doesn't have
the wings of a fly.
Close that book!
- Kristina!
- It's the Devil!
Every blow...
every blade that wounded...
every charge on horseback...
Every move I made
bore your name!
I brought you the treasure.
I brought you the devil!
Let go of her!
You're going to marry me!
- You're going to marry me!
- Let go of her!
Let go of her!
Forget her!
Every blow!
Every blade!
Is that you?
It's me, your majesty.
The countess was
called away suddenly.
Someone in her family is dying.
- Who?
- I don't know.
They just told me
someone in her family.
She left without my permission.
In vitam eternam.
She has been gone for days.
You need to eat something...
I want her...
I know it was you.
Oh my God...
My clothes were burning.
Everything was on fire.
She was looking at me
with the eyes of someone
who knows everything.
Your majesty!
Your Majesty...
Your Majesty, wake up!
Your Majesty!
Are you alright?
I've never felt better.
Ever since my father died,
I've never missed
anyone so badly.
Someone is coming.
Someone is coming!
Your must remember
Jakob, Count de la Gardie.
Of course.
Your Majesty,
I know how dear
Countess Sparre is to you,
and that is why I am
asking you to bless our union.
I want to marry
Count de la Gardie.
That is your deepest wish?
You love each other?
It would be inappropriate
for the goddess of peace
not to bless their union.
I wish you all
the happiness in the world.
Will your generosity extend
to attend our wedding?
This excursion has exhausted me!
The queen blessed our union!
Open the door!
Please open the door!
Let me explain!
They made me understand.
You are the shepherd
of our nation!
It wasn't right.
It was all wrong, very wrong.
You are my sovereign,
I had to love you...
She doesn't want to see you.
His blood is yellow...
This is not a case
of pneumonia, it's arsenic.
Any other diagnosis
would be harmful
to both my church and yours.
Petite, petite...
Oh my friend...
Count Jakob Kazimir
de la Gardie, do you take,
Countess Ebba Sparre,
to be your lawfully wedded wife?
Of course he does!
I do.
Countess Ebba Sparre,
do you take...
do you take Count
Jakob Kazimir de la Gardie
to be your lawfully
wedded husband?
Our Queen has found
a new tailor I see...
Shut your mouth.
Am I not the
shepherd of the nation?
Carry on!
Pretend I'm not here.
If anyone for any reason,
objects to this marriage,
let him or her step forward now,
or forever hold their peace.
Look at them...
Look at their beauty!
Who would dare
object to the obvious?
Come with me...
Please, let me take
you at your bed...
Ejusdem farinae.
Made of the same flour.
Cut from the same cloth.
Kristina! Stop!
Must I renounce my...
Renounce my faith?
My father?
My people?
Renounce everything I am
to be what I want to be?
If the rumor of your intentions,
to convert to another religion
is true, I cannot support this.
Luther never
fulfilled my aspirations.
Luther doesn't exist to
fulfill anyone's, aspirations.
If you choose, to convert...
Some subjects will follow you,
but you must realize,
that the majority will remain,
loyal to your father's faith.
And inevitably some will
take advantage of these...
troubled times to promote
their own interests.
And that is what
we call a civil war.
But history will call it
the downfall,
of the Swedish empire.
And your enemies...
will wipe their feet
on your peace treaty.
And when that day comes,
I'll curse the day
I called you my daughter!
My Kristina of Sweden...
I implore you
to call upon your cleverness,
I beseech you,
in the name of our Lord,
save your empire!
In God's name!
You should
take off a few layers.
Given your accoutrement...
I prefer to wear my armor.
If you've...
If you've come to ask me
if I still love you, I do.
I know.
And I know that you
are the finest of men, Karl.
You brought me
the greatest of treasures.
You brought me the devil.
You kept all your promises.
I have come to make you my king.
Your king?
Karl Gustav...
The time has come
for you to give me
the ultimate proof of your love.
Ever since I inherited
my father's crown,
before I was old enough to
understand matters of state,
You have constantly demanded
that I choose a king
to share the throne
of our kingdom.
I cannot blame your patriotic
sentiment to prevent the turmoil
which would inevitably arise if,
by an act of his divine will,
God were to take my life
before I had a designated heir.
I have therefore decided, for
the security of our empire,
to name my first cousin,
Karl Gustav...
my son.
Her what?
Her son.
And in so doing
I become his mother,
and so I designate him
the prince heir,
to the throne, of Sweden.
She made him... her son...
She made him her son.
I have come to bid you farewell.
My faithful Erika.
Your servant, Madam.
Simply your servant.
Do you think my father
would forgive me?
I don't know
if forgiveness exists.
I don't know, Madam.
A great success, father!
She's leaving with
a quarter of Sweden's wealth.
Ten years on the throne,
Ten years of... whims.
She said she never wanted
to submit herself to a man
now she's off to kiss the ring
of the most powerful man of all.
The Pope!
A great success, father!
I hope the Pope
enjoys her company.
She's only 28 years old.
She has her whole life
ahead of her,
enough time to put the rest
of Christianity through hell.
I saved Sweden.
I saved Sweden?
To attain the truth in life...
We must discard
all the ideas we were taught
and reconstruct the entire
system of our knowledge.