Take Out (2004)

Which floor?
Third... fiifith floor.
- Let`s go.
- This place sucks.
- Here`s Number 1 3.
- Yeah.
- Two more floors to go.
-All right.
- I can`t catch my breath.
- Shit. You should quit smoking.
Fourteen, 1 5.
- Over there.
- Is it the one we just passed?
Mi ng Di ng
- Mi ng Di ng, Wake up.
- Someone`s there.
Ming Ding.
- Damn. Everyone`s still in bed.
- Who are you looking for?.
Ming Ding.
Is Ming Ding here?.
What doyou Want?.
- What doyou Want?.
- Out ofthe Way.
- Check that room.
- What areyou doing?.
We`re looking for Ming Ding.
None ofyour business.
- Is that Ming Ding?.
- No.
- Ming Ding
- What areyou doing?.
He`s outside.
- There.
- There he is.
- Bring him out.
- Get up.
Go to your room.
This is none ofyour business.
Sit doWn.
Ming Ding, doyou knoW WhyWe`re here?.
You knoW WhyWe`re here today?.
Doyou knoW that Mr.Jiang
Wants to doubleyour debt?.
I don`t knoW Whatyou`re talking about.
You don`t knoW?.
You need an explanation?.
Okay, Wait.
I had to send some money
home to China.
I`ve been here six months
and haven`t sent a dime back to myWife.
The Whole reason I came here
Was to make money.
The interest Mr.Jiang charges
makes it impossible to save anything.
That`s your problem.
When you borroW money,
you have to pay it back.
The interest and due date Were set.
Mr.Jiang isn`t running a charity.
- I just couldn`t make my last tWo payments.
- Stop acting.
Where`s the money?.
- In the refrigerator.
- The refrigerator?.
Are you trying to keep it fresh?.
There`s no money.
No, the other one.
Got it.
- HoW much is there?.
- About a grand.
Where is the rest?.
I told you I don`t have it right noW.
Don`t act.
This is the deal.
You give us $800 tonight
oryour debt is doubled.
$800 by tonight, then We`ll
talk about a neW payment plan.
A little lesson
soyou`ll neverforgetyour payment.
- Don`t hit me.
- You Won`t forget to pay again.
- Don`t move.
- Don`t hit me. Please.
$800 tonight.
Let`s go.
Seeyou tonight.
Keep it doWn.
We only have $500.
Cheng asks you to be careful.
- You`re Welcome.
- Oh, thankyou.
Damn. You trying to kill me?.
What`s Wrong?.
A little edgy this morning?.
Rough night?.
Me too.
On the phone With myWife last night.
Thousands of miles aWay,
on the other side ofthe earth,
and We still find a Way to fight.
That stinking bitch said...
she said...
that I`m not focused.
That stinking bitch.
AlWays yapping. So annoying.
Is yourWife the same?.
Oh, by the Way.
I just found a neW phone card.
It`s the Asia Universal card.
She`s pretty cute, huh?. Look.
Areyou all right?.
You knoW, calling cards
are a booming business.
I heard about one guyWho sells
Rich overnight.
I have to look into this.
Make a killing.
Let me askyou.
HoW`s your payment going?.
I`m almost done With it.
Four to five months. Then I`m done.
HoW long did it takeyou?.
Around fouryears,
because I spent extra money
on the trip to Europe.
Then from England to here.
Why doyou ask?.
No reason.Just curious.
Your payments going all right?.
All right.
Looks like it Will rain all day.
You tWo are earlier than me today.
- Time to Work.
- Yep, time to Work.
Ma, defrost the shrimp
and don`t forget to cut the broccoli.
The keys.
- Good morning.
- Morning.
- Big Sister, good morning.
- Good morning.
Big Sister, don`t forget
to order pork tonight.
Ma, get the flour.
Young, get the MSG.
SloW doWn.
What`s Wrong?.
- Can`t get it up?. Impotent?.
- Fuckyou.
What`s Wrong With you?.
Can you lend me some money?.
HoW much?.
Why doyou need to borroW money?.
It`s an emergency.
Just lend me some money.
I just sent money home this morning.
I only have $1 50 left.
Tell me Whyyou need money.
- Will you lend it to me or not?.
- I didn`t say I Wouldn`t.
- Why doyou need the money?.
- Why so many questions?.
I oWe money to a loan shark.
Why doyou oWe them money?.
Why do you oWe them money?.
- Are you gambling?.
- No.
I`ll tell you another time.
Let`s go.
Will you lend me the money or not?.
What areyou going to do
for the other $1 50?.
Doyou Want to borroW
from Big Sister, Ma orWei?.
Don`t tell them.
Why not?.
I just don`t Want them to knoW.
Go.Just go.
I got it.
Big Sister,
When is your daughter coming to visit?.
Not for a While.
- When is yourWife coming over?.
- I`m not married.
Todayyou`re not married, right?.
Small house special Lo-Mein.
Make it spicy.
So hoW did you getyourselfinto this?.
I borroWed money from those guys.
I Wanted to pay back my family in full.
What`s your problem?.
Because they already had
my brother`s debt to deal With.
It`s tough on them.
What`s the interest?.
Thirty percent.
Thirty percent?. Are you crazy?.
Why didn`t you do the math?.
I thought I did.
I don`t knoW What you`re doing.
Families are expected
to borroW money for the debt.
You`re not expected
to pay it back right aWay.
You have to figure out a Way
oryou`ll be in debt forever.
I knoW.
So, What are you going to do?.
The most tips
I`ve ever made in a day is $90.
Take my deliveries today.
- What?.
- Make all the deliveries today.
- No, I feel bad.
- It`s all right.
Do all the deliveries.
I`m fine.
Plus, I don`t Want to Work in this Weather.
It`s good that it`s raining.
More rain, more deliveries.
The more rain, the better.
- More deliveries, more money.
- Delivery.
What areyou doing there?.
You`re taking up space.
TWo Mexican squid With extra shrimp.
Did you knoW that-
Big Sister.
Eating too many carrots Will turn
the Whites ofyour eyes orange?.
Right, eat more.
Why areyou here all day?.
Don`tyou have deliveries to make?.
Ming is doing them.
Why is Ming doing all ofthem?.
He needs the exercise to lose Weight.
- I thinkyou`re the oneWho needs exercise.
- Fuckyou.
Look atyour stomach.
So, did Lin-Xing call you again?.
Yeah, last night.
Is he here?.
No, he`s still in China.
Has he gotten a green card yet?.
No, he`s still trying.
Getting the illegitimate marriage?.
He doesn`t have the money for that.
HoW much does that cost noW?.
$1 50,000?.
Isn`t that expensive?.
No, that`s cheap.
Doesn`t he have the money?.
He has 1 20,000
to 1 30,000 yuan.
But he spends a lot ofmoney
on those name-brand clothes.
Just a pair of underwear
costs him around 600 yuan.
Hey, don`t knock it.
Underwear is the most important
article of clothing on a person.
It says the most aboutyou.
Boxers, tightyWhities or thongs.
Wei, areyou Wearing your thong today?.
Just kidding.
I`ve been saving for tWo months.
TWo months.
- Big Wonton soup.
- TWo months?.
It Will takeyou forever.
No, not forever.
Maybe a couple more years.
HoW long did it take the boss
to get this place?.
Ten years.
Ten years?. Pretty good.
Perfect. I`ve been Working for fouryears.
Six more years and I`ll be a boss too.
I Won`t forget you guys
When I`m the big boss.
Wei, you`ll be my restaurant manager.
No, not manager. The chef.
We`ll see.
Ma, you`ll be my chef. ScreW Wei.
Sounds good to me.
- Delivery.
- Ask Ming.
Ming is out on a delivery.
Big Sister, you`re coming With me, right?.
Go, go, go.
Big Sister, you`re going to be
my restaurant manager, right?.
There are too many orders,
I have to help. But I Will take it sloW.
Why did you mess up my order?.
What areyou talking about?.
I have to make tWo trips
becauseyou messed up the order.
Psycho, I don`t knoW
Whatyou`re talking about.
The delivery I just made.
The guy didn`t Want chicken.
Ask Big Sister, I folloWed the order.
I can`t afford a mistake today.
What areyou talking about?.
I`ll redoyour order.
Areyou deaf?.
HoW did you mess up chicken and beef?.
I don`t thinkyou`re cut out for this.
Why don`tyou go back to China?.
- You have a hearing problem?.
- Watch your attitude.
- Watch out, I`ll smackyou.
- Psycho.
Ifyou don`t Want to Work,
go back to China. NeW guy.
- What doyou mean ""neW guy``?.
- Don`t fight.
He didn`t do it on purpose.
Just a little mistake.
Stop fighting. Get out ifyou Want to fight.
I can`t hear a thing.
He can`t afford a mistake today.
What the hell does that mean?.
Ming, Why doyou look sad?.
What`s on your mind?.
HoW can you see it?.
Don`t Worry, I`ll fix it foryou.
Just Wait over there.
Who broke it?.
It doesn`t go doWn.
What the hell. Is it broken?.
I`ll fix it in no time.
Okay, okay.
Small fried rice, no vegetables.
Only one dollar?.
Not even one dollar.
Sometimes just a feW coins.
It`ll get better later.
Toyour next customer, say...
What?. I don`t Want to.
He`ll giveyou a bigger tip.
You have to smile.
Your eyes have to smile.
Your eyes are not smiling.
Damn, you`re crazy.
You Want to make money.
You have to try harder.
You have to smile.
Didn`tyou hear?.
HoW can I smile
When I`m in a bad mood?.
Big Sister alWays says...
You`re nuts.
Soyou have to smile.
I don`t think that Will help.
- Trust me.
- Okay.
- That`s hoW I do it.
- I`ll try my best next time.
You have to do it.
You never listen to me.
Ming, delivery.
Remember to smile...
Fine, I Will.
I put it there.
Because there Wasn`t any room.
Really, there Wasn`t any space.
Why didn`tyou make room?.
I told you there Was no room.
Make room ifthere`s no room.
What`s the big deal?.
Guys, please. Every day.
I`m getting a headache here.
It`s not a big deal.
He just likes to fight.
I like to fight With him.
Ifhe didn`t mess up my system,
I Wouldn`t care.
Is it that hard?.
Cooked food on the top.
RaW beef on the second shelf.
RaW chicken on the third shelf.
Chopped vegetables on the bottom shelf.
I knoW.
You`ve told me many times.
But there Was no space.
Is your brain in your ass?.
Didn`tyou think of making room?.
Yes, I thought ofit. Then I thought
it Would be more fun to piss you off.
My cousin should be arriving
in the States at the end ofthe month.
- Really?.
- Is he going to do it Ma style?.
""Don`t send me back. Communism is so bad.
I can only have one kid.``
You don`t understand.
You guys got here before 9/1 1.
It`s much harder after 9/1 1.
Ming, you got here after 9/1 1?.
He didn`t get caught.
Must`ve had a good smuggler.
Where did you come in?.
- Canada.
- Really, Canada?. Not bad.
Ma Wasn`t that lucky.
Ma`s boat got nabbed
offthe California coast.
We all had to apply for political asylum.
Soyou got traveling papers?.
Yeah. While I Wait for a hearing.
When is the court date?.
End ofthe month.
You`re going to California?.
No. Areyou kidding me?.
I`ll Wait forthe next amnesty program
in a feWyears.
No trip to any court.
You`ll Wait forever.
Small broccoli chicken.
Broccoli chicken.
Yesterday a black guy
Was here to sell a bike again.
- Which one?.
- Which black guy?.
Number 1 00. Who knoWs?.
There Was a black guy here last Week.
He Was trying to sell me a bike.
The bike he tried to sell me
Was the one stolen from me last time.
- It Was your bike?.
- Yeah.
It`s all your fault.
The blacks rip a bike off
from one restaurant
and then sell it to another restaurant.
And becauseyou buy them,
you create the demand.
Of course it`s your fault.
So We should spend $1 00 on a neW bike
every time We get ripped off?.
Wonton soup. Large, not small.
Boneless chicken and roast pork fried rice.
Hurry up, I have other orders.
No, I don`t knoW.
Those are extra.
It`s hot, open the door.
Young, still sleeping?.
Take this delivery.
Ming is out and I have too many orders.
Take some deliveries.
Don`tyou knock first?.
One fried rice.
Ming, spread the menus.
I don`t have time today.
You still have to do it.
What`s Wrong With Ming today?.
Stop fighting With him!
I`m not fighting With him.
You Were the same as him
When you first got here.
KneW nothing.
Only thinking about the money.
Just trying to be nice.
I can takeyour picture.
When you call me,
your picture Will appear.
- I don`t knoW this brand.
- Your brand is shitty.
I can`t read it.
My brand is better. Look. Picture.
What`s going on With you?.
Did you fall into a puddle?.
Look at him.
Ming, delivery. Next door.
One hour to go.
You`ll be fine.
A boat straightens its course
When it gets to a bridge.
It stopped raining.
TWo spring rolls.
That bitch at 845 West End.
Bald bastard, I`ll slapyou.
One case of chicken.
Three cases of chicken Wings.
TWo cases ofbroccoli.
Three pounds ofbean sprouts.
Three pounds of noodles.
One dozen scallions.
One dozen packs oftofu.
One hundred pounds of pork.
Give me a cigarette.
Where is Ming?.
I don`t knoW.
You`ve been yapping and smoking all day.
Don`tyou have deliveries?.
There`s something Wrong With my bike.
I have to get a neW one tomorroW.
Did he get himselfinto trouble?.
He has a big bruise. I saW it.
Did he get into a fight?.
I don`t knoW.
HoW Would I knoW?.
You`re so close to him.
WhyWouldn`tyou knoW?.
Since When doyou care about Ming?.
Small broccoli chicken.
Is he in trouble?.
It`s none ofyour business.
- Why doyou have that attitude With me?.
- Attitude?.
For threeyears,
I`ve had nothing but attitude from you.
Don`t talk to me about attitude.
If Ming is in trouble...
Hurry up, small broccoli chicken.
Forget about it. There`s no problem.
Don`t Worry.
Aren`tyou coming over to help?.
Fried rice.
Number 250.
Oh, this pack scared me.
Who took the hot sauce?.
Not me.
What the hell,
blaming me for everything.
What`s Wrong With you?.
I told you.
Things alWays Work out.
This is called, ""A boat straightens
its course When it gets to a bridge.``
Doyou agree With me?.
That`s life.
I Wish I`d never come here.
It Would be great to be home
With myWife and my son.
I got here before my son Was born.
He never saW his father.
It Will all pay off.
I hope so.
Don`t think too much.
Fouryears isn`t that long.
Look at me, I`m almost free of debt.
I can bring myWife and kids here soon.
You`ll be okay, too.
Time flies.
Flies fast.
Ming, your money.
Young, your money.
Young, only $1 5?.
That little?.
Ming, you made a lot of money.
A lot of money.
Ming, doyou Want to take this delivery?.
TWo small broccoli chicken and a fried rice.
- Noodle?.
- No.
- Wonton skin?.
- We have that.
- We don`t have fries, right?.
- Yes.
We don`t need flour?. HoW about Wine?.
TWo bags of rice. Three tins of oil.
One dozen bottles ofWine.
One case of soy sauce.
One case offlour.
One case of MSG. TWo cases of shrimp.
- Areyou going out?.
- No, I don`t Want to.
I`ve been in ChinatoWn
for more than 1 0 years.
Not ChinatoWn.
You should go someWhere else.
Like NeWJersey or
the casinos in Connecticut.
I don`t have money for gambling.
Gamble aWay.
I told him I`m taking a day off.
Is your daughter
also taking tomorroW off?.
Today and tomorroW.
Herjob is a little more relaxed.
A little more relaxed.
Working in a Japanese restaurant is easier.
More money?.
Yeah, she makes more money.
You should go Work there then.
I don`t Want to Work there.
- Why not?.
- I don`t like Waitressing.
Be here earlier tomorroW.
HoW early?.
You have to make chicken halves
and chicken Wings.
Be here earlier tomorroW.
Hey, Ming, shut the gate.
Did you check the stoves and the lights?.
Yeah, everything is turned off.
Okay. Let`s go.
- Good-bye.
- There goes another day.
TomorroW I`m off.
See you all the day after tomorroW.
- Ming, are you coming?.
- I have a stomachache. You go first.
All right, hurry home and sleep.
Don`t think too much.
Seeyou tomorroW.
HoW much doyou need?.
- What?.
- HoW much doyou need?.
HoW did you knoW?.
It Wasn`t hard to figure out.
I`ll payyou back.
Don`t Worry.
Takeyour time.
I`ve been there.
I knoW What it`s like.
All right, seeyou tomorroW.
I`m headed to the subWay.