Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)

What do you make of it?
It appears to be a probe, Captain,
from an intelligence unknown to us.
Continue transmitting
universal peace and hello
in all known languages.
Get me Starfleet command.
Ready, captain.
Starfleet command,
this is U.S.S. Saratoga
patrolling sector five,
neutral zone.
We're tracking a probe
of unknown origin
on apparent trajectory
to the Terran solar system.
Attempts to communicate with the probe
have been negative on
all known frequencies.
Continue tracking.
We will analyze transmissions
and advise.
Roger, Starfleet.
Saratoga out.
There. Hold the image.
Behold the quintessential devil
in these matters-
James T. Kirk, renegade and terrorist.
Not only is he responsible
for the murder of a Klingon crew,
see now the real plot and intentions.
Even as this federation
was negotiating a treaty with us,
Kirk was developing
the Genesis torpedo,
conceived by Kirk's son
and test detonated
by the admiral himself.
The result of this awesome energy
was euphemistically called
the Genesis planet,
a secret base from which to launch
the annihilation
of the Klingon people!
We demand the extradition of Kirk.
We demand justice!
Klingon justice is
a unique point of view,
Mr. President.
Genesis was perfectly named-
the creation of life, not death.
The Klingons shed the first blood
while attempting
to possess its secrets.
Vulcans are well-known
as the intellectual puppets
of this federation.
Your vessel did destroy
U.S.S. Grissom.
Your men did kill Kirk's son.
Do you deny these events?
We deny nothing.
We have the right
to preserve our race.
You have the right
to commit murder?
There will be no further outbursts
from the floor.
Mr. President, I have come to speak
on behalf of the accused.
Personal bias.
His son was saved by Kirk.
Mr. Ambassador, with all respect,
the council's deliberations are over.
Then Kirk goes unpunished?
Admiral Kirk has been charged
with nine violations
of Starfleet regulations.
Starfleet regulations?
That's outrageous!
Remember this well-
There shall be no peace
as long as Kirk lives.
You pompous ass!
Captain's log, star date 8390.
We're in the third month
of our Vulcan exile.
Dr. McCoy, with his sense
of historical irony,
named our captured Klingon vessel.
And like those mutineers
of 500 years ago,
we, too, have a hard choice to make.
Dr. McCoy?
Aye, sir.
Mr. Scott?
Aye, sir.
Aye, sir.
Aye, sir.
Aye, sir.
Let the record show
that the commander and the crew
of the late Starship Enterprise
have voted unanimously
to return to earth
to face the consequences
of their actions
in the rescue of their
comrade, Captain Spock.
Thank you all.
Repair stations, please.
Mr. Scott.
Aye, sir?
When can we leave?
Give me one more day.
Damage control is easy.
Reading Klingon, that's hard.
You'd think they could send a ship.
It's bad enough to be court-martialed,
but to have to go home
in this Klingon flea trap...
We can learn from it.
It's got a cloaking device.
I just wish we could
cloak the stench.
Computer, resume testing.
Who said, "Logic is the cement
"of our civilization
with which we ascend from chaos"?
T'plana-hath, matron
of Vulcan philosophy.
What is the molecular formula
of sulfite crystals?
White queen to
section five, grid six.
Queen takes knight.
Rook takes queen. Checkmate.
What contribution to bioengineering
was made on Klendth?
The universal atmospheric
element compensator.
Starship sensors indicate
it is being pursued so closely,
it occupies the pursuer's space.
Identify object and its
cultural significance.
Klingon mummification glyph.
What were the principal
events on earth, 1987?
What was Kiri-kin-tha's law?
Nothing unreal exists.
Adjust the sine wave of
this magnetic envelope
so that antineutrons
can pass through.
How do you feel?
I do not understand the question.
What is it, Spock?
I do not understand
the question, mother.
But you're half human.
The computer knows that.
The question is irrelevant.
Spock, the retraining of your mind
has been in the Vulcan way,
so you may not understand feelings,
but as my son, you have them.
They will surface.
As you wish, since you value them,
but I cannot wait here to find them.
Why? Where must you go?
I must go to earth to offer testimony.
You do this for friendship.
I do it because I was there.
Spock...does the good of the many
outweigh the good of the one?
I would accept that as axiom.
Then you stand here alive
because of a mistake
made by your flawed,
feeling, human friends.
They have sacrificed their futures
because they believed
that the good of the one-you-
was more important to them.
Humans make illogical decisions.
They do, indeed.
Here it comes now.
What's causing that?
Their call's being carried
on a powerful amplification wave.
Can we isolate it?
Negative. It's impacting
on all our systems.
Yellow alert. Shields up.
Helm, reduce closing speed.
Thruster controls
have been neutralized.
Emergency thrusters.
No response, Captain.
Emergency lights.
Damage report.
All systems have failed.
We're functioning on reserve power.
Starfleet command, this is Saratoga.
Can you hear me? Come in, please.
Come in, please.
Thank you, sir.
Status report, Admiral.
Not good, Mr. President.
The probe is headed
directly toward us.
Its signal is damaging
everything in its path.
Klingons have lost two vessels.
Two starships and three smaller vessels
have been neutralized.
Neutralized? How?
We don't know.
Get me the Yorktown.
Emergency channel2130.
Code red.
It has been three hours
since our contact
with the alien probe.
All attempts at regaining power
have failed.
It's using forms of energy
our best scientists
do not understand.
Can you protect us?
We're launching everything we have.
Our chief engineer
is trying to deploy
a make shift solar sail.
We have high hopes
that this will, if successful,
generate power to keep us alive.
Systems report, communications.
Communications systems
all ready, sir.
Communications officer
as ready as she'll ever be.
Mr. Sulu?
Guidance is functional.
Computer will interface
with federation memory bank.
Weapons systems.
Cloaking device now available
on all flight modes.
That's a lot of work.
I do not wish to be shot down
on the way to our own funeral.
Engine room. Report, Mr. Scott.
I've converted
the dilithium sequencer
into something
a little less primitive,
and I have replaced
the Klingon food packs.
They were giving me a sour stomach.
Prepare for departure.
Everybody not going to Earth
had better get off.
this is goodbye.
Yes, Admiral.
Thank you.
Sir...l have not
had the opportunity
to tell you about your son.
David died most bravely.
He saved Spock.
He saved us all.
I thought you should know.
Good day, Captain Spock.
May your journey be free of incident.
Live long and prosper, Lieutenant.
Permission to come aboard.
Permission granted.
Thank you, Admiral.
Jim. Spock, Jim.
Don't you remember?
It wouldn't be proper to call you Jim
while you're in command.
Also, I must apologize for my attire.
I seem to have misplaced my uniform.
You sure this is such a bright idea?
What do you mean?
I mean him back at his post
like nothing happened.
He's not exactly
working on all thrusters.
It'll come back to him.
Are you sure?
That's what I thought.
Mr. Sulu... take us home.
Thrusters functional.
One quarter impulse power.
Space dock, this is Starfleet.
Launch all vessels.
Launch all vessels.
Space dock doors are inoperative.
All emergency systems are nonfunctional.
Engage reserve power.
Starfleet, this is space dock
on emergency channel.
We have lost all internal power.
Estimating planet Earth,
1.6 hours, present speed.
Continue on course.
Mr. Chekov, any sign
of federation escort?
There are no federation vessels
on assigned patrol stations.
That's odd.
Uhura, what's on the comm channels?
Very active, sir.
Multiphasic transmissions,
It's almost a gibberish.
Let me see if I can sort it out.
Uhura is busy.
I am monitoring.
I just wanted to say
It's nice to have your Katra
back in your head and not in mine.
I may have carried your soul,
but I sure couldn't fill your shoes.
My shoes?
Forget it.
Perhaps we could cover
a little philosophical ground.
Life, death, life.
Things of that nature.
I did not have time
on Vulcan to review
the philosophical disciplines.
Come on, Spock.
It's me, McCoy.
You really have gone where
no man's gone before.
What did it feel like?
It's impossible to discuss
without a common frame of reference.
You're joking.
A a story
with a humorous climax.
I have to die to discuss
your insights on death?
I'm receiving a number
of distress calls.
I don't doubt it.
Juneau, Alaska, clouds increasing 95%.
Tokyo. Total cloud coverage.
All power from reserve banks.
Leningrad has lost
all electrical power.
Cloud coverage 100%.
Temperatures decreasing rapidly.
What is the estimate
cloud cover of the planet?
Notify all stations.
Starfleet emergency. Red alert.
Switch power immediately
to planetary reserves.
Switching now.
Red alert.
We are now on red alert.
Attention, attention. Red alert.
Mr. President,
even with planetary reserves,
we cannot survive without the sun.
I'm well aware of that, Admiral.
Ambassador Sarek,
I'm afraid you're trapped here with us.
There seems to be no way
we can answer this probe.
It's difficult to answer
when one does not
understand the question.
Mr. President...
perhaps you should transmit
a planetary distress signal...
while we still have time.
What is it?
Overlapping distress calls
and now a message from the federation.
On screen.
This is the president
of the United Federation of Planets.
Do not approach Earth.
The transmissions
of an orbiting probe
are causing critical
damage to this planet.
It's almost totally
ionized our atmosphere.
All power sources have failed.
All earth-orbiting
starships are powerless.
The probe is vaporizing our oceans.
We cannot survive
unless a way can be found
to respond to the probe.
Further communications
may not be possible.
Save your energy.
Save yourselves.
Avoid the planet earth at all costs.
Can you let us hear
the probe's transmission?
Yes, sir.
On speakers.
Spock, what do you make of that?
Most unusual.
An unknown form of energy
of great power and intelligence,
evidently unaware
that its transmissions
are destructive.
I find it illogical
that its intentions are hostile.
Is this its way of saying " Hi there"
to the people of the Earth?
There are other forms
of intelligence
on Earth, Doctor.
Only human arrogance would assume
the message must be meant for man.
You're suggesting the transmission
is meant for a life form
other than man.
At least a possibility, Admiral.
The president did say
it was directed at Earth's oceans.
Uhura, can you modify
the probe signals
accounting for density
and temperature
and solidity factors?
I can try, sir.
I think I have it, sir.
This is what it would
sound like underwater?
Yes, sir.
If my suspicion is correct,
there can be no response
to this message.
Excuse me.
Where are you going?
To test my theory.
Bones, you stay here.
No way.
Somebody's got to
keep an eye on him.
As suspected.
The probe's transmissions
are the songs sung by whales.
Specifically, humpback whales.
That's crazy.
Who would send a probe
hundreds of light-years
to talk to whales?
Whales have been on earth
far earlier than man.
10 million years earlier.
Humpbacks were
heavily hunted by man.
They've been extinct
since the 21st century.
It's possible that
an alien intelligence
sent the probe to determine
why they lost contact.
My God.
could the humpback's
answer to this call
be simulated?
The sounds, but not the language.
We'd be responding in gibberish.
Does the species exist
on any other planet?
Humpbacks were indigenous to Earth,
Earth of the past.
We have no choice.
We must destroy the probe
before it destroys earth.
That would be futile.
The probe could render us
neutral easily.
We can't just turn away.
There must be an alternative.
There is one possibility,
but I cannot guarantee success.
We could attempt to find
some humpback whales.
You said there aren't any,
except on Earth of the past.
That is exactly what I said.
Well, in that case...
Now wait just a damn minute.
start your computations
for time warp.
Bones, you come with me.
Red alert.
Red alert.
Red alert.
We need that power
to keep medical
facilities functioning.
All underground
storage systems
have been shut down
due to contamination.
Red alert.
Red alert.
Hey, Tom, get those
steel plates in here!
Red alert.
Red alert.
Scotty, how long is this bay?
About 60 feet, Admiral.
Can you enclose it to hold water?
I suppose I could.
Planning to take a swim?
Off the deep end.
We've got to find some humpbacks.
Humpbacked people?
Whales, Mr. Scott. Whales.
About 45 to 50 feet long.
About 40 tons each.
You're trying time travel
in this rust bucket?
We've done it before.
Slingshot around the sun.
Don't pick up enough speed
and you're fried.
Prefer to do nothing?
I prefer common sense.
You're proposing that
we go backwards in time
to find humpback whales,
bring them forward in time,
and hope they tell this probe
what to do with itself.
That's the general idea.
That's crazy!
You have a better idea?
Now's the time.
Computations, Mr. Spock?
In progress, Admiral.
Uhura, get through
to Starfleet command.
I'm picking up a faint transmission.
I think it's Admiral Kirk calling.
On screen.
Starfleet command, this
is Admiral James T. Kirk,
on route to earth
aboard a Klingon vessel.
We have intercepted and analyzed
the call of the probe
threatening Earth.
Satellite reserve power. Now.
Only the extinct species
humpback whale
Can give a proper response
to the probe.
Emergency reserve.
Starfleet command,
do you read me?
Go ahead. We hear you.
Starfleet command, if you read me,
we're going to attempt time travel.
We are computing our trajectory
at this time... this time.
Get him back. Get him back!
Ready to engage computer, Admiral.
What's our target in time?
Late 20th century.
Can you be more specific?
Not with this equipment.
I've programmed some
of the variables
from memory.
What are the variables?
Availability of fuel components,
vessel mass through
a time continuum,
and probable
location of whales-
In this case,
the Pacific basin.
You've programmed that from memory?
I have.
"Angels and ministers
of grace, defend us."
Hamlet, act l, scene IV.
No doubt about your memory, Spock.
Engage computers.
Prepare for warp speed.
Shields, Mr. Chekov.
Shields, aye.
May fortune favor the foolish.
Warp speed, Mr. Sulu.
Warp 2.
Warp 3.
Steady as she goes.
Warp 4.
Warp 5.
Warp 6.
Warp 7.
Warp 8!
Sir, heat shields at maximum.
Warp 9!
We need breakaway speed.
I'm o.k.! I'm fine!
Now, Mr. Sulu!
Oh, oh...
Wait. Wait...
Oh, I should
never have left...
Coming up now, sir.
My God, Jim, where are we?
It's the human thing to do.
Spock, you're talking about
the end of human life.
Mr. Sulu.
Mr. Sulu.
Mr. Sulu.
Aye, sir.
What is our condition?
Sir, the braking
thrusters have fired.
Picture, please.
But when?
Judging by the
atmospheric pollution,
I believe we've arrived
at the latter half
of the 20th century.
Well done, Spock.
Admiral, if I may.
We're probably
already visible
to the tracking devices
of the time.
Quite right, Mr. Spock.
Engage cloaking device,
Mr. Chekov.
We are crossing
the terminator into night.
Homing in on the west coast
of North America.
I am receiving whale song.
Put them on speakers.
Admiral, this is strange.
The song is directly ahead.
It's coming from San Francisco.
From the city?
That doesn't make sense.
Admiral, we have a serious problem.
Would you please come down?
It's these Klingon crystals, Admiral.
The time travel drained them.
They're giving out, decrystallizing.
Give me a round figure.
Oh, 24 hours, give or take,
staying cloaked.
After that, we're visible,
and dead in the water.
We won't have enough
to break out of earth's gravity,
let alone get home.
I can't believe
we'll be stopped by this.
There's no way of
recrystallizing dilithium?
Sorry, sir.
We can't even do that
in the 23rd century.
Admiral, there may be
a 20th-century possibility.
If memory serves,
there was a dubious flirtation
with nuclear fission reactors
resulting in toxic side effects.
By the beginning
of the fusion era,
these reactors
had been replaced,
but we may be able
to find some.
But you said they were toxic.
We could construct
a device to collect
their high-energy
photons safely.
These photons could
then be injected
into the dilithium chamber
causing crystalline
Where would we find
these reactors,
Nuclear power was widely used
in naval vessels.
San Francisco.
I was born there.
It doesn't look
all that different.
Set us down
in Golden Gate Park.
Aye, sir.
We'll divide into teams.
Commanders Uhura
and Chekov, the uranium.
Dr. McCoy, you, Mr. Scott,
and Commander Sulu
will convert us a whale tank...
Oh, joy.
while Spock and I
attempt to trace these
whale songs to their source.
I'll have bearing
and distance, sir.
I want everybody to be careful.
This is terra incognita.
Many of their customs
will doubtless surprise us.
It's a foregone conclusion
none of them have seen
an extraterrestrial before.
This is an extremely primitive
and paranoid culture.
Chekov will issue a phaser
and a communicator
to each team.
We'll maintain radio silence
except in emergencies.
Those in uniform
remove your rank insignia.
Any questions?
All right.
Let's do our job
and get out of here.
Our world's waiting
for us to save it...
if we can.
Commence landing procedure.
Aye, sir.
You two are fighting again?
I thought you made up last night.
Why are you always fighting?
I like the way she fights.
I said, "If you think
I'm spending $60
for a toaster oven, you're crazy."
Then what did she say?
Well, she-
What the hell was that?
Did you see that?
No, and neither did you,
so shut up.
Bearing to the whales?
283 degrees,
15.2 kilometers.
Everybody remember
where we parked.
Watch where you're going,
you dumb-ass!
Well, double
dumb-ass on you!
It's a miracle these people
got out of the 20th century.
They're still using money.
We've got to find some.
Spock. Everybody else stay here.
The rest of you, break up.
You look like a cadet review.
Yes. 18th-centuryAmerican.
Quite valuable.
Are you sure you want
to part with them?
How much will you give me?
Weren't those a birthday present
from Dr. McCoy?
They will be again.
That's the beauty of it.
How much?
They'd be worth more
if the lenses were intact.
I'll give you $100.
Is that a lot?
All right.
That's all there is,
so don't splurge.
All set?
Good luck.
Mr. Spock, here we are.
Thanks to your restored memory
and a bit of good luck,
we're walking
the streets of San Francisco
Looking for a couple
of humpback whales.
What's the solution?
Simple logic will suffice.
I'll begin by making use
of this map.
I have the distance and bearing
provided by Commander Uhura.
If we juxtapose
our coordinates,
we should be able
to find our destination
which lies at
283.7 degrees-
I think we'll find them
at the Cetacean Institute
in Sausalito-
two humpback whales,
George and Gracie.
How do you know?
Simple logic.
What does it mean,
"exact change"?
How do we plan
to convert this tank?
Ordinarily, I'd do it
with transparent aluminum.
You're a number
of years too early.
I know. We've got to find
the 20th-century equivalent.
But where?
Did you find it?
Yes. Under
U.S. government.
Now we need directions.
Sir, can you direct me
to the naval base
in Alameda?
It's where they keep
the nuclear vessels.
Excuse us.
Excuse me, we're looking
for nuclear vessels.
Can you tell me where
the naval base is?
We're looking-
we are looking for
the nuclear vessels
in Alameda.
Can you help us?
We're looking for
the naval base.
Could you tell me where
the nuclear vessels are?
I don't know if I know that.
I think it's in Alameda.
That's what I said, Alameda.
But where is Alameda?
Just where is
our future
The things
we've done and said
Let's just
push the button
We'd be
better off dead
'Cause I hate you
And I berate you
Excuse me.
Would you mind
stopping that noise?
The system
of our fathers
Is dumped on us,
the sons
The only choice
we're given
Is how many megatons
Would you mind stopping
that damn noise?
And I say screw you
And hope
you're blue, too
We're all bloody-
Admiral, may I
ask you a question?
Spock, don't
call me Admiral.
You used to call me Jim.
Don't you remember "Jim"?
What's your question?
Your use of language
has altered since our arrival.
It is currently laced
with more colorful
" Double dumb-ass on you"
and so forth.
You mean the profanity?
That's simply
how they talk here.
Nobody pays any attention to you
unless you swear every other word.
It's in all the literature
of the period.
For example?
The works of Jacqueline Susann,
the novels of Harold Robbins.
The giants.
The next showing of
the wonderful world of whales
will begin in five-minute
in the Ferrari Marine Theater.
Oh. Here I go.
Good morning!
I'm your guide this morning.
My name is Dr. Gillian Taylor,
assistant director
of the Maritime
Cetacean Institute.
So, please follow me,
and just yell
if you can't hear me.
The Cetacean Institute
is the only museum in the world
exclusively devoted to whales.
As you can see, we have
a great deal to offer,
but that is small
compared to what
we don't know about whales.
The first commonly held
is that whales are fish.
They're not.
They're mammals like us-
needing air to breathe,
and producing milk
to nurse their young.
Do whales attack people
Like in Moby Dick?
No. Most whales
don't even have teeth.
They have a soft,
gum-like tissue
that strains
tiny shrimp for food.
That's the limit
of their hostility.
their principal enemy
is far, far more aggressive.
You mean man.
To put it mildly.
Since the dawn of time,
men have harvested whales
for a variety of purposes,
most of which can be
achieved synthetically now.
100 years ago,
using hand-thrown harpoons,
man did plenty of damage.
But that is nothing
compared to his
achievements this century.
This is mankind's legacy-
whales hunted
to the brink of extinction.
Virtually gone
is the blue whale,
the largest creature
ever to inhabit the earth.
Despite all attempts
at banning whaling,
there are still
countries and pirates
currently engaged
in the slaughter
of these inoffensive creatures.
Where the humpback whale
once numbered in
the hundreds of thousands,
today there are less
than 10,000 specimens alive.
Those that are taken in
are no longer fully grown.
In addition, many
female whales are killed
while bearing unborn calves.
To hunt a species
to extinction
is not logical.
Who ever said
the human race was logical?
If you'll follow me,
I'll introduce you
to the institute's pride and joy.
This is the largest
seawater tank in the world,
and it contains
the only two humpback whales
in captivity.
They are mature humpbacks
weighing 45,000 pounds each.
They wandered into
San Francisco Bay as calves
and were brought here.
We call them
George and Gracie.
It's perfect, Spock.
A male and female humpback
in a contained space.
We beam them up together,
consider ourselves lucky.
Beautiful, aren't they?
And extremely intelligent.
Now if you'll
follow me, please.
Despite all
they're teaching us,
we have to return George
and Gracie to the open sea.
Why is that?
Well, for one thing,
we can't afford
to keep feeding them
2 tons of shrimp
per day.
How soon?
It's too bad, too,
because they're
quite friendly,
as you could see.
I've grown
quite attached to them.
And now here's
a much better way
to see George and Gracie-
What you're hearing
is recorded whale song.
It's sung by the male.
He'll sing anywhere
from 6 to 30 minutes
and then start again.
Other whales
pick up his song
and pass it on.
The songs change every year,
and we still don't know
what purpose they serve.
Are they some kind
of navigational signal?
Could they be part
of the mating ritual?
Or is it pure communication
beyond our comprehension?
Frankly, we just
don't know yet.
Maybe he's singing
to that man.
Look, there's a guy
swimming in there.
How did he get in there?
What the hell?
Excuse me. Wait right here.
Excuse me.
Excuse me, please.
Who the hell are you?
What were you
doing in there?
Yes, speak up.
Attempting the hell
to communicate.
Communicate what?
You have no right here!
You heard the lady.
Admiral, if we assumed
these whales are ours
to do with as we please,
we'd be
as guilty as those
who caused their extinction.
I don't know what's going on,
but get out now,
or I call the cops.
That's not necessary.
We're trying to help.
Your friend was messing up
my tanks and my whales.
They like you,
but they're not your whales.
They told you that?
The hell they did.
About those
colorful metaphors
that we've discussed...
you shouldn't
try using them anymore.
Why not?
You haven't quite
got the knack of it.
I see.
It's not always necessary
to tell the truth.
I cannot tell a lie.
I don't mean lie,
but you could exaggerate.
You've done it before.
Can't you remember?
The hell I can't.
What else did you learn
from your mind meld?
They're unhappy about
the way their species
has been treated by man.
Are they going to help us?
I believe I successfully
communicated our intentions.
It's all right.
Yes, I know.
They didn't mean any harm.
Heard there was some excitement.
Oh, just a couple of kooks.
How you doing?
I'm fine.
Don't tell me fish stories.
I've known you too long.
Bob, it's tearing me apart, o.k.?
I know.
I feel the same thing,
but we're stuck.
We can't keep them
without risking their lives.
Letting them go means
taking the same chance.
I know, I know.
Besides, we're not
talking about human beings.
Their intelligence
has never been proven-
Oh, come on, Bob!
My compassion for someone
is not limited
to my estimate of
their intelligence.
Team leader, this is team two.
Come in, please.
I have the coordinates
of the reactor.
Team two, Kirk here.
Admiral, we have found
the nuclear vessel.
Well done, team two.
And, Admiral,
it is the Enterprise.
What's your plan?
We'll beam in tonight,
collect the photons,
and beam out.
No one will know.
Understood and approved.
Keep me informed.
Kirk out.
There she is.
If we play our cards right,
we'll find out when
those whales are leaving.
How will playing cards help?
Well, if it isn't
Robin Hood and Friar Tuck.
Where you fellas heading?
Back to San Francisco.
Came all the way down here
just to swim with the kiddies?
Very little point
in my trying to explain.
I'll buy that. What about him?
Him? He's harmless.
Back in the sixties,
he was part of the free speech
movement at Berkeley.
He did too much LDS.
Why don't you let me
give you a lift?
I have a weakness
for hard luck cases.
We don't want to be any trouble.
You've already been that.
Well, thank you very much.
Don't mention it.
And don't try anything.
I got a tire iron handy. were at Berkeley?
I was not.
Memory problems, too.
Where are you from?
Oh, a landlubber.
What were you guys
really trying to do back there?
If it was some kind
of macho thing,
I'll be real disappointed.
I really hate that macho stuff.
Can I ask you a question?
Go ahead.
What's going to happen
when you release the whales?
They're going to have
to take their chances.
What's that mean,
take their chances?
It means
they'll be at risk
from whale hunters
the same as all the humpbacks.
What did you mean
when you said
that stuff about extinction?
I meant-
He meant what you
said on the tour-
that unless things change,
the humpbacks
will disappear forever.
He didn't say that.
"If we assumed
those whales
"are ours to do with
as we pleased,
"we'd be as guilty
as those who caused
their extinction."
I have a
photographic memory.
I see words.
Isn't it time
for a colorful metaphor?
You're not from
the military, are you,
trying to teach whales
to retrieve torpedoes
or some dipshit stuff?
No, ma'am. No dipshit.
Good. I would have
let you off right here.
Gracie is pregnant.
O.K., who are you?
Don't jerk me
around anymore.
How do you know that?
We can't tell you,
but I can tell you
we're not in the military,
and we won't harm
the whales.
Then what are you-
In fact, we could
help you in ways
that you couldn't
possibly imagine.
Or believe, I'll bet.
Very likely.
You're not exactly
catching us at our best.
That much is certain.
I have a hunch
that we'd all be
a lot happier
discussing this over dinner.
What do you say?
You guys like Italian?
- Yes.
- No.
- Yes.
- No.
- Yes.
- No.
I love Italian.
And so do you.
Sam, you got
a phone call online one.
Sam, call online one.
Professor Scott.
I'm Dr. Nichols,
the plant manager.
I'm terribly sorry.
There's been an awful mix-up.
I was never told
about your visit.
I've tried to clear
things up, Professor Scott.
I explained you'd come
all the way from Edinburgh
on appointment
to study methods of
manufacturing by Plexicorp,
but they don't know
anything about it.
Don't know anything about it?
It's hard to believe
that I've come
millions of miles-
thousands of miles
on an invited tour-
Professor Scott,
if you'll just-
I demand to see the owners!
Professor Scott, take it easy!
Dr. Nichols has offered
to show us the plant personally.
He has?
With pleasure.
Well, that's different.
May my assistant join us?
Of course.
Don't bury yourself in the part.
Good-looking ship.
Huey 204, isn't it?
Right on.
You fly?
Oh, here and there.
I flew something similar
back in my academy days.
Then this must be
old stuff to you.
Old, yes, but interesting.
Mind if I ask you
a few questions?
Do it.
This is a fine place
you have here, Dr. Nichols.
Thank you.
Your knowledge of engineering
is most impressive.
Back home we call him
"The miracle worker."
Indeed. May I offer you
something, gentlemen?
I might be able to offer
something to you.
I noticed you're still
working with polymers.
What else would I
be working with?
Aye, what else, indeed.
I'll put it another way.
How thick would a piece
of your plexiglass
need to be at 60' x 10'
to withstand the pressure
of 18,000 cubic feet of water?
That's easy. 6 inches.
We stock that size.
I have noticed.
Now, suppose...
just suppose...
I were to show you
a way to manufacture a wall
that would do the same job
but be only 1 inch thick?
Would that be worth
something to you, eh?
You're joking.
Perhaps the professor
could use your computer.
Hello, computer.
Just use the keyboard.
The keyboard.
How quaint.
"Transparent aluminum"?
That's the ticket, laddie.
It would take years
just to figure out
the dynamics of this matrix.
You would be rich
beyond the dreams of avarice.
So, is it worth
something to you,
or should I just
punch up "clear"?
No! No.
Not now, Madelaine!
What exactly did you
have in mind?
Well, a moment alone, please.
You realize, of course,
if we give him the formula,
we're altering the future.
How do we know
he didn't invent the thing?
Sure you won't
change your mind?
Is there something wrong
with the one I have?
A little joke.
Bye, old friend.
Wait a minute!
How did you know
Gracie's pregnant?
Nobody knows that.
Gracie does.
I'll be right here.
What, he'll just hang
around the bushes
while we eat?
It's his way.
Do you trust me?
A large mushroom, pepperoni
with extra onions,
and Michelob, please.
O.K. Great choice.
And you, sir?
Make that two.
Thank you. did
a nice girl like you
get to be
a cetacean biologist?
Just lucky, I guess.
You're upset about
losing the whales,
aren't you?
You're very perceptive.
How will that
be done exactly?
They'll be flown
in a special 747 to Alaska
and released there.
That's the last
you'll see of them?
See, yes,
but we'll tag them
with radio transmitters
so that we can
keep tabs on them.
You know,
I could take those
whales somewhere...
where they'd
never be hunted.
You can't even get yourself
from Sausalito
to San Francisco
without a lift.
If you have a low opinion
a my abilities,
how come we're
having dinner?
Sucker for hard luck cases.
Ha ha ha.
why are you traveling
with that ditzy guy
who knows
Gracie's pregnant
and calls you admiral?
Where could you take them?
My whales.
Where would they be safe?
It's not so much
a place as a time.
The time would have
to be right now.
Why right now?
No humpback
born in captivity
has ever survived.
The problem is
they won't be
that much safer at sea
because of all the hunting
this time of year.
So you see,
that, as they say, is that.
What is that?
What's what?
You have a pocket pager.
Are you a doctor?
What is it?
I said don't call me.
Sorry, Admiral.
We thought you should know.
They're beaming them in now.
O.K., tell them
phasers on stun.
Good luck. Kirk out.
You want to try it
from the top?
Why don't you tell me
when those whales
are leaving?
Who are you?
Who do you think?
Don't tell me.
You're from outer space.
No, I'm from Iowa.
I only work in outer space.
Well, I was close.
I knew outer space would
come into this sometime.
The truth?
I'm all ears.
The truth.
I am from what
on your calendar
would be the late
23rd century.
I've come back in time...
to bring two humpback whales
with me,
in an attempt to...
repopulate the species.
Well, why didn't you
just say so?
I mean, why all
the coy disguises?
You want the details?
I wouldn't miss this
for all the tea in China.
When are those whales
being released?
What the hell?
Your friend was right.
Gracie's not only pregnant,
she is very pregnant,
and at noon tomorrow,
in what is sure to be
a media circus,
the whales get shipped out.
Noon tomorrow?
Are we leaving?
Come on.
We haven't much time.
Make that to go.
Who gets the bad news?
Don't they use money
in the 23rd century?
Well, we don't.
Now hear this.
Smoking lamp is out
while transferring fuel.
How long?
Depends on how much
shielding there is
between us and the reactor.
Well, ahem, Admiral,
that was the briefest
dinner I've ever had
and certainly
the biggest fish story
I've ever heard.
You asked.
Uh, you tell me something.
George and Gracie's
what's the radio frequency?
Sorry, that's classified.
Look, I don't have
a clue who you are!
You wouldn't want
to show me
around your spaceship,
would you?
That's not my first choice.
Well, there we are.
Let me tell you something.
I'm here to bring two humpbacks
into the 23rd century.
If I have to,
I'll get them
from the open sea.
I'd much rather have yours.
It's better for me,
better for you,
it's better for them.
Think about it.
Who are you?
Think about it,
but don't take too long.
I'm out of time.
If you reconsider,
I'll be here.
In the park.
The tank will be
finished by morning.
That's cutting it close.
What about team two?
No word since beaming.
We'll wait for their call.
Damn it!
We got two perfect whales
right in our hands.
If we don't move quickly,
we'll lose them.
In that event, our mission
will probably fail.
Our mission?
Spock, you're talking about
the end
of every life on earth.
You're half human.
Haven't you got
any goddamn
feelings about that?
There it is again.
That's too weird.
I thought you gents were
running a test program.
Yes, but we're apparently
getting a power drain.
It must be coming
from inside the ship.
CIC command duty officer,
Commander Rogerson.
Yes, Chief,
we're tracking that, too.
What do you think?
we're ready for beam-out.
Scotty, can you hear me?
Roger that.
Mardet commanding officer.
This is
the command duty officer,
Commander Rogerson.
We have an intruder
in number four MMR.
I say again-
we have an intruder
in number four MMR.
Scotty, do you read?
Scotty, come in, please.
I hardly hear you.
My transporter power
is down to minimal.
I'll bring you in
one at a time.
Take the collector.
You go first.
Stand by.
Come in, please.
How soon?
You're breaking up!
Please signal again!
Chekov, can you hear me?
Scotty, now would be
a good time.
I've lost him.
"Commander Pavel Chekov.
United Federation
of Planets."
All right, Commander.
Is there anything
you'd want to tell us?
Like what?
Like who you really are,
what you're doing here,
and what these things are.
I am Pavel Chekov,
a commander in Starfleet,
United Federation
of Planets.
Service number 656-5827d.
All right.
Let's take it from the top.
The top of what?
My name?
No, my name!
Play games with me, mister,
and you're through.
I am?
May I go now?
What do you think?
He's a Russkie.
That's the stupidest
thing I've heard.
Of course,
he's a Russkie,
but he's a retard
or something.
We better call Washington.
Don't move.
O.K. Make nice.
Give us the ray gun.
I warn you-
lie on the floor,
or I'll stun you.
Go ahead.
Stun me.
I'm very sorry, but...
Must be the radiation.
We have a security breach.
General alarm.
Hit the deck!
Man down.
Get a corpsman over here.
Yes, sir.
Any luck?
I shouldn't have
left him.
You did what was necessary.
Keep trying.
You'll find him.
Scotty, you promised me
an estimate
on the dilithium crystals.
It's going slowly, sir.
It'll be
well into tomorrow.
That's not good enough.
You've got to do better.
I'll try, sir. Scott out.
He's in a wee bit of a snit.
He's a man of deep feelings.
Aye. What else is new?
They left last night.
We didn't want
a mob scene.
Besides, it's easier
on you this way.
You sent them away
without even letting me
say goodbye?
You son of a bitch!
Admiral Kirk!
Admiral Kirk!
Admiral Kirk!
Admiral Kirk!
Admiral Kirk!
Can you hear me?
They're gone!
I need your help!
Are you in there?
Admiral, we have a problem!
Admiral Kirk!
Can you hear me?
Admiral Kirk!
Can you hear me?
Admiral Kirk!
Can you hear me?
I need your help!
Oh, my God.
Hello, Alice.
Welcome to Wonderland.
Oh, it's true.
It's true?
What you said.
Yes, it is.
You picked a great time
to drop in.
Oh, take it easy.
We need your help.
Is any of this real?
Yes, it's real. Take a look.
Storage tanks for your whales.
Admiral, they're gone.
They were taken last night.
They're in Alaska by now.
But they're tagged.
You can go
find them, right?
We can't go anywhere.
What kind of
a spaceship is this?
It's a spaceship
with a missing man.
full power has been restored.
Thank you, Mr. Spock.
Hello, doctor.
Welcome aboard.
Admiral, are you there?
Yes, Uhura.
What's wrong?
I've located Chekov, sir.
They're taking him
to emergency surgery
right now.
Mercy Hospital.
Mercy Hospital?
That's in
the Mission district.
They report his condition
as critical.
He's not expected to survive.
you've got to let me
go in there.
Don't leave him in the hands
of20th century medicine.
Admiral, may I suggest
that Dr. McCoy is correct?
We must help Chekov.
Is that the logical thing
to do, Spock?
No, but it is
the human thing to do.
Will you help us?
we'll have to look
like physicians.
We'll try down here.
You check there.
What's the matter with you?
Kidney dialysis.
My God. What is this,
the dark ages?
Now, you swallow that.
If you have any problems,
just call me.
Here. I got it.
Let's go.
He's being held
in the security corridor.
One flight up.
His condition is critical.
Come on.
Uh, excuse me.
We'll take that.
Hold the door!
Hold that door.
You were there
when it happened?
Yeah. I heard everything.
Weintraub says
radical chemotherapy,
or she'll croak.
Well, what about
All he talked about
was image therapy.
I thought they'd
punch each other out.
You have
a different view, doctor?
It sounds like
the goddamn
Spanish Inquisition
to me.
Bad day.
Out of the way.
Sorry. I have
strict orders-
Want an acute case
on your hands?
This woman has
immediate postprandial
upper abdominal
Get out of the way.
What did you say
she's got?
Who are you?
Why aren't you masked?
Who are these people?
I don't know.
What the hell is that?
What are you doing?
Tearing of the middle
meningeal artery.
What's your degree in,
How do you explain
slowing pulse,
low respiratory rate,
and coma?
Funduscopic examination!
That's unrevealing
in these cases.
A simple evacuation
of the expanding
epidural hematoma
will relieve the pressure!
My God, man!
Drilling holes in his head
isn't the answer.
The artery must be repaired.
Let me save this patient
before it's too late.
I'm going to have you removed.
Doctor, such
unprofessional behavior.
Into that
little room, please.
What is that, a gun?
They must be crazy.
Who is that guy?
I have no idea.
He melted the lock!
We're dealing
with medievalism here.
Funduscopic examinations.
Come on, Chekov. Wake up.
Can you hear me?
He's coming around, Jim.
Pavel, talk to me.
Name. Rank.
How's the patient,
He's going to make it.
He? You came in
with a she.
One little mistake.
Get us out of here.
They've taken the patient.
Get some help.
Hold it!
Hold it! Police!
Not now, Pavel.
Hold it!
Look out! Look out!
The doctor gave me a pill,
and I grew a new kidney.
Fully functional?
Fully functional.
What the hell's going on?
Where would
the whales be by now?
If you have a chart,
I'll show you.
All I need is
the radio frequency.
What are you talking about?
I'm coming with you.
Our next stop is
the 23rd century.
Well, I don't care.
I've got to help those whales!
There isn't time to argue
or tell you how much
you've meant to us.
The radio frequency, please.
The frequency's 401 megahertz.
Thank you...
for everything.
Scotty, beam me up.
Spock, where's the power
you promised?
One damn minute, Admiral.
I'm ready. Let's find
George and Gracie.
I'm trying to remember
how this thing worked.
You tricked me.
You need me.
Ready, sir.
Take a seat.
Now, Mr. Sulu.
What the hell was that?
Cloaking device is stable.
All systems normal.
Stabilize energy reserve.
Report, helm.
Maintaining impulse climb.
Wing 5 by 0.
Helm steady.
Advise reaching 10,000.
Steer 310.
310, aye.
Uhura, scan for the whales.
401 megahertz.
Scanning, sir.
10,000 MSL, Admiral.
Wing, cruise configuration.
Full impulse power.
Aye, sir.
310 to the Bering Sea.
ETA, 12 minutes.
Scotty, are the
whale tanks secure?
Aye, sir,
but I've never beamed up
400 tons before.
400 tons?
It's not just the whales.
It's the water.
Yes, of course.
The whales- any contact?
Negative, sir.
You present the appearance
of a man with a problem.
Your perception
is correct, doctor.
To return us
to the moment we left
the 23rd century,
I've used our journey
through time
as a referent,
calculating the elapsed time
in relation to
the acceleration curve.
So, what's your problem?
Acceleration is
no longer a constant.
Well, then, you'll have
to take your best shot.
Best shot?
Guess, Spock.
Your best guess.
Guessing is not
in my nature, doctor.
nobody's perfect.
That's it. That's it!
Contact with the whales.
Bearing 327.
Range 600 nautical.
Put it on the screen.
On screen.
I have a signal
closing in on the whales,
bearing 328 degrees.
Let's see it.
What kind of ship is that?
It's a whaling ship, doctor.
Are we too late?
Full power descent, Mr. Sulu.
Aye, sir. Full power descent.
10 seconds, sir.
All right, Scotty.
It's up to you.
10 seconds, Admiral.
Admiral, there be whales here!
Well done, Mr. Scott.
How soon can we assume
warp speed?
Full power now, sir.
If you will, Mr. Sulu.
Aye, sir. Warp speed.
Mr. Sulu, you have the comm.
I'm taking our guest
to look at her whales.
Spock, have you accounted for
the whales and water
in your time reentry?
Mr. Scott cannot
give me exact figures,
I will make a guess.
A guess?
You, Spock?
That's extraordinary.
I don't think he understands.
No, Spock.
He means that he feels
safer about your guesses
than most
other people's facts.
Then you're saying
it is a compliment.
It is.
Then I'll make
the best guess I can.
"They say the sea is cold,
but the sea contains
the hottest blood of all."
Whales weep not.
D.H. Lawrence.
You know, it's ironic.
When man was killing
these creatures,
he was destroying
his own future.
The beasties seem
happy to see you, doctor.
I hope you like
our little aquarium.
A miracle, Mr. Scott.
A miracle?
That's yet to come.
What does that mean?
Our chances of getting home
aren't too good.
You might have lived longer
if you'd stayed.
I belong here.
I am a whale biologist.
Suppose you do
get them through?
Who in the 23rd century
knows anything about
humpback whales?
You got a point.
What's that?
Admiral, you better
get up there.
We're having a power fall-off.
Stay with them.
On my way.
Hold on tight, lassie.
It gets bumpy from here.
Warp 7.5!
Shields at maximum.
Mr. Sulu, that's
all I can give you.
Can we make
breakaway speed?
Hardly, Admiral.
I cannot guarantee
we'll escape
the sun's gravity.
I shall attempt
to compensate
by altering
our trajectory.
Warp 8.
Maximum speed, sir.
Admiral, I need
thruster control.
Acceleration thrusters
at Spock's command.
Did braking thrusters fire?
They did, Admiral.
Then where the hell
are we?
The probe.
Condition report, Spock.
No data, Admiral.
Computers are nonfunctional.
The mains are down, sir.
Aux power is not responding.
Switch to manual control,
Mr. Sulu.
I have no controls, sir.
My God, Jim, where are we?
Out of control
and blind as a bat.
Get him back! Get him back!
They're heading
for the bridge!
Keep the nose up if you can.
We're in the water!
Blow the hatch!
This is the right place.
Get the whales out
before we sink.
Abandon ship!
Scotty, can you hear me?
Move! Move!
See to the safety
of all hands.
I will.
Lassie, get my arm.
I've got it.
You got it?
I'm here, Scotty!
I'm here!
You'll be all right.
The whales are trapped.
They'll drown.
There's no power
to the bay doors.
Explosive override.
It's underwater.
It can't be reached.
You go on ahead
and close the hatch.
Admiral, you'll be trapped.
Go on!
Do you see them?
Why don't they answer?
Why don't they sing?
Mr. President, we have power.
Council is now in session.
You all take your seats.
Bring in the accused.
Captain Spock,
you do not stand accused.
Mr. President, I stand
with my shipmates.
As you wish.
The charges
and specifications are
assault on federation officers,
theft of federation property,
namely the Starship Enterprise,
of the U.S.S. Excelsior,
willful destruction
of federation property,
the aforementioned
U.S.S. Enterprise,
and finally,
disobeying direct orders
of the Starfleet commander.
Admiral Kirk,
how do you plead?
On behalf fall of us,
Mr. President,
I'm authorized
to plead guilty.
So entered.
Because of certain
mitigating circumstances,
all charges but one
are summarily dismissed.
The remaining charge,
disobeying orders
of a superior officer,
is directed solely
at Admiral Kirk.
I'm sure the admiral
will recognize
the necessity
of keeping discipline
in any chain of command.
I do, sir.
James T. Kirk,
it is the judgment
of this council
that you be reduced
in rank to captain,
and that as a consequence
of your new rank,
you be given the duties
for which you have
repeatedly demonstrated
unswerving ability-
the command of a starship.
Captain Kirk,
you and your crew
have saved this planet
from its own
and we are
forever in your debt.
Excuse me.
I'm so happy for you,
I can't tell you.
Thank you so much.
Wait. Where are you going?
You're going to your ship.
I'm going to mine.
Science vessel.
I got 300 years
of catch-up learning to do.
You mean this is goodbye?
Why does it have
to be goodbye?
Like they say in your century,
I don't even have
your telephone number.
How will I find you?
Don't worry.
I'll find you.
See you around the galaxy.
I'm returning to Vulcan
within the hour.
I'd like to take
my leave of you.
It was kind of you
to make this effort.
It was no effort.
You are my son.
I'm most impressed
with your performance
in this crisis.
Most kind.
As I recall,
I opposed your enlistment
in Starfleet.
It is possible
that judgment
was incorrect.
Your associates
are people
of good character.
They are my friends.
Yes, of course.
Do you have a message
for your mother?
Tell her...
I feel fine.
Live long and prosper, father.
Live long and prosper,
my son.
The bureaucratic mentality
is the only constant
in the universe.
We'll get a freighter.
With all respect, doctor,
I'm counting on Excelsior.
Why would you want
that bucket of bolts?
A ship is a ship.
Whatever you say, sir.
Thy will be done.
My friends...
we've come home.
Helm ready, Captain.
All right, Mr. Sulu.
Let's see what she's got.