Sacrifice (2016)

- Hello, Janice.
Doctor Hamilton.
Everything's gonna be okay.
- My baby..
- I need you to relax
your stomach muscles.
She's having a complete
placental abruption.
- What's wrong with my baby?
- Your placenta has dislodged
from the uterine lining.
Which means your baby
needs to come out right now.
Do you understand?
I'm going to perform
a c-section.
Call o-ops, tell them
we're coming down.
- Doctor Hamilton..
- Oxytocin's not working,
can you..
- Doctor Hamilton.
It's not her. It's you.
- Oh, shit! No!
Oh, shit!
- There you are.
Welcome to UNST.
Thank you for doing this.
I know adopting in America
would have been easier, but..
- I just want a baby.
- Come on. Let me
make you breakfast. Come on.
Then I'll show you
around the island.
Beautiful, eh?
- Hey... What are these things?
I see them all over the island.
- You mean the runes?
- No, these,
these carving things.
- Not ruins, I said "runes."
It's old viking script.
And you'll have to
watch yourself
as you might have people
make fun of your accent.
- I don't have an accent!
- Spoken like a true American.
Right now..
...we're north of the last
inhabited house in the UK.
The closest train station.
It's 300 kilometers that way,
in Norway.
- Really?
- Yeah.
I used to come here
when I was a kid.
It felt like
the end of the world.
- What's that?
- Oh, that?
That's-that's Tronal island.
That's where we'll be adopting
our baby from.
Are you okay?
- I just hate not knowing why.
Excuse me. I'm-I'm looking
for doctor Wickliff's office?
- Oh, he's on the third floor.
Just that way.
- Thank you.
- This is quite a CV.
- Thank you.
- I think you might find things
a lot quieter here at Saxa Vord
than you maybe used to.
- Well, I hope so.
- So how soon would you like to
get started?
If you need a week
or two to settle in..
- No, actually,
I-I'd like to keep busy.
- Idle hands are the devil's
playthings, eh?
- Something like that.
- We act as a fully
functioning hospital
and all out patient treatments.
We have oncology, pediatrics
coronary care, there's even
a psychiatrist on call.
And then anything long term,
they transfer to Lerwick.
And this is your office.
- Oh... Nice.
What's in that wing?
- Upstairs is dental,
downstairs physiotherapy
and a burns unit
and then in the basement
we have the mortuary.
- Oh, you certainly
pack it all in.
- Well, you have your
father-in-law to thank for that.
He prided himself
on the care he provided.
He said,
"just because we're an island
doesn't mean
people don't deserve the best."
- Oh, yeah, there he is.
- Is that the heartbeat?
- Yes.
- A toast
to my only son and heir
beautiful wife
and to my future grandson.
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
- It's good to have you
back, Duncan.
And, thank you, Tora,
for bringing him.
- No, thank you, Richard
for everything, for the house
for my job, for... The adoption.
- It's what families are for.
Anything you ever need,
please don't hesitate to ask.
- How are you finding
the islands dear?
- I think they're beautiful.
- And the hospital?
You're settling in?
- Ken treating you well, I hope.
- He's a prick.
- Oh, Duncan!
- Why would you say that?
- Because he's licked
dad's ass since we were kids.
He's modelled his entire
career on him.
- You're criticizing the man
for knowing what he wanted?
- Who's for pudding?
I made your favorite, Duncan.
- You spoil me, thank you.
- Tora, um..
...why don't you go and help
Elspeth with the coffee?
- Not too much sugar, sweetie.
- Oh? Why is that?
- Cause I had too many
New York slices
got to lose a few pounds.
- Oh!
- Nonsense.
The world's gone diet mad.
- Oh, who's this?
Is this you?
- No,
that's Duncan's mother, rose.
She died shortly
after Duncan's birth.
- And is that the library?
- No, dear,
that's Richard's study.
- Your dad doesn't know
you're diabetic, does he?
- And burst his illusion
that Guthrie men are perfect?
- And here we are.
Tronal international.
- It's amazing to think this is
all just maternity.
- You'd be surprised how many
women need sensitive solutions
to unfortunate
or ill-timed pregnancies
even this day and age.
And with us, we guarantee their
baby will be well cared for.
That's one of the reasons
they come to Tronal.
- What's the other reason?
- Anonymity.
- So, who provides your
obstetrics support?
- We have a resident Ob gyn.
A fellow of the royal college.
He has six fully qualified
midwives working with him.
So, I can assure you
our clients are well cared for.
- Would you like some tea?
Or a dram of whisky?
- Uh, no, thank you.
- I'm sure your father
explained the process.
You're set up with bank accounts
and jobs here on the island.
- Uh, why the twelve months
before we can adopt the baby?
- Well, that's to settle
any residency issues
with the Scottish government.
We don't go giving
our wee nippers to just anyone.
No, there's just the matter
of some filing fees
and we can get you
on the waiting list.
- Is that your son?
- Aye.
- He's very handsome.
- Thank you.
We adopted him from Tronal,
- Really? He's not yours?
He has your eyes.
Oh, no.
- At the tone,
record your message.
To end, please hang up.
- Hi, this is Dr. Hamilton.
I'm going to need someone
to cover my morning patients.
Oh, Jesus.
Oh, Jesus.
- Tora Guthrie?
Detective inspector Mckie.
- Hi.
- This is d.S. Tulloch.
- Hi.
- What can you tell us, Steven?
- Well, at first glance,
what we have here
are the remains of a female
aged somewhere between 25
and 35 years of age.
Her skin has been tanned
by the peat, but
from her bone structure
and the shape of her skull
I'm pretty sure
that she's Caucasian.
- What are those markings?
- They look like runes
that have either been carved
or branded into the flesh.
From the position, I say they
couldn't have been self-inflicted.
- You sure about that?
- Sure as I am..
...that she didn't die
of natural causes.
- I had no reception.
Are you okay?
- Did you hear that her heart
was cut out?
Gives me the creeps to think of
her lying downstairs right now.
- What are you doing?
- Dr. Hamilton,
you shouldn't be in here.
- I'm sorry. I, I just..
You do realize
this woman gave birth
shortly before she was murdered?
- This is
a police investigation.
- No, that's okay.
Go on, doctor.
- The uterus contracts..
...between one and three weeks
after delivery
depending on the age
of the mother
the younger the woman,
the faster this happens.
In my opinion,
this woman gave birth
between a week to ten days
before she died.
- You're sure about that?
- Well, if you look here,
you can see that
that she was nursing.
- Is she right?
- Hm, it seems
your talents are wasted
on the living, Dr. Hamilton.
- So, what do we have so far?
- We only know
that the victim's rib cage
was split open
with some kind of blade
and that she died
of a massive hemorrhage
when her heart was cut out.
- Why take the heart?
- Maybe someone was
trying to harvest her organs.
- This was no harvest.
Pulmonary trunk and semi aorta
were both
quite badly hacked out.
Also, there's trauma
on the wrist
the upper arm and the ankle.
Probably from
some kind of restraints.
- So, she was probably still
alive when they did this to her?
- Jesus!
- Oh, these islands were rife
with this sort of thing
way back when the druids,
the Norsemen..
They all performed
ritual sacrifices.
- Do you think she's that old?
I mean, she looks so...
- preserved?
Well, she's a bog body.
Buried in peat.
After death..
...putrefactive bacteria
secretes digestive enzymes
which decompose the body, but..
...sphagnum moss in the peat
chemically reacts with the
enzymes and immobilizes them.
- If you have to guess?
- I found..
...these strawberry seeds
in her stomach.
Wild strawberries haven't grown
around these parts
in over 200 years.
- 200 years that..
...hardly seems possible.
- Google Tollund man.
Dug up some time in the '50s.
He was in such good condition
that the Danish thought
that he was some recent murder.
Turns out he was from
the 4th century BC.
- Ah!
- Hey. What are you doing?
- Oh, I..
All this wood's rotten
I've got to throw it all out.
- What happened?
- Builder in the village said
there was a-a flood
a couple of years ago, some
big storm and the whole area
was underwater for three days.
Seriously, I thought this place
would be a nice 12-month flip.
- Need a hand?
- You with a hammer?
No. Can you get me some pizza?
- Thought you were
off the slices.
- Yeah, well..
- Hey..
...when did you say
this happened?
- Uh... Early 2012.
- Are you sure?
- That's what he said. Why?
- Already did a thorough
autopsy, Dr. Hamilton.
- What's going on?
- If the peat bog floods, its
preserving abilities become diluted.
Just take a look at the dates.
- So, if Jane Doe was in
the ground before the storm
her body would be in much poorer
condition than it is.
- The case is closed,
Dr. Hamilton.
- Okay, well, what if I'm right?
What if she was murdered
less than three years ago?
- You're not!
- Okay, so you're
going to turn your back
on a sacrificial murder?
- Now, you listen to me,
and you listen to me good.
Sacrificial, satanic,
They're all words
I don't want to hear.
- If you want someone dead
you slit their throat or you put
a pillow over their head.
Maybe you blow their brains out
with a shotgun
but you do not do what was done
to that poor girl
and I don't care
what you call it.
- What are you doing
still standing there?
- Well, what do you
expect him to say?
He's just trying to keep a lid
on things.
Tora, you've got to let it go.
- There is one question
nobody's asking.
- What's that?
- What happened to the baby?
- Tora..
- So when did you find it?
- This morning.
But I'm pretty sure I haven't
worn those boots since that day.
- "Z.M. And J.H."
- Zoe McClaskey and Joss Hawick.
- Councilor Hawick?
You must be mistaken.
- Well, I checked
the island records.
You know how many women
whose names begin with z
have been married on this island
in the past 50 years?
- No.
- 3.
How many Z.M.s?
1. Plus there's a child
and his age fits.
- Okay, I'll look into it.
- That's all I ask.
- Hey.
How are you feeling?
- Oh!
I'm fine.
- That was a terrible thing,
you finding that body.
You're tense as hell.
- Yeah.
- Guthrie!
I was wondering
when you were going
to show your face around here.
- Get your hands off my wife.
- Just being friendly.
- What are you doing here?
- Lunch, remember?
- Right.
- So, you know you've got
nothing to worry about
with Ken, I mean..
- No, I know, I know, I just
saw his hands on you, and I..
Hang on.
Yeah, it's me.
- Are you writing
to the Trowey folk?
- Who?
- The grey fellows.
- Are you talking about these?
- Aye.
- What?
You know what these are?
- Trowey marks, sure.
- I'm sorry.
What? What's a Trowey?
- The trows...
- Jimmy!
Leave the good doctor alone,
will you?
- No, no, it's okay. Really.
Can you read these?
- Aye.
- Jimmy!
Away with you.
Sorry about that, doctor.
He'll not bother you again.
- The trows, eh?
Now, why on earth would you be
asking about these old stories?
- Oh, just curiosity.
- You want to be careful.
You know what happened
to the cat.
I'm just joshing.
Are you going to tell me
why this sudden fascination
with our local folklore?
- Well, have you ever seen..
- These are from the body
you found.
- How do you know that?
- Because Andy Mckie already
asked me to translate them.
What are you doing with them?
- Well, I just..
...can't get them
out of my head.
I wanna know what they mean.
- Well, therein lies the rub.
They're not from
the Norse runic alphabet.
So as far as I can tell,
they don't mean anything.
- I met a guy in a bar.
Um, Jim somebody.
He said he could translate them.
- Jimmy McNally?
- Yeah.
- Well, I shouldn't set
too much store by what he says.
You know we do have a police
force here, you know, Tora.
It may not be much of one,
but, um... It works for us.
- You're looking really good
and I'll be seeing you
in a month.
And you get some rest, okay?
Oh, sergeant Tulloch.
Come in.
- So, how bad is it?
- You're six weeks along.
- Shit!
Not the reaction
you usually get, I'm sure.
- Well, it's early days.
You still have options.
- No, I don't.
- I'm going to write you
a prescription
for some pre-natal vitamins.
- I was praying it was stress.
I should be so lucky, right?
- Sergeant.
Is there any news on the case?
- Oh, right, um,
I spoke to councilor Hawick.
He wasn't happy, obviously,
but I showed him the ring.
He denied that
it was his wife's.
Said hers was buried
with her at St. Magnus.
- So, she is dead.
Three years ago.
Some sort of horse riding
- So, the time of death fits.
If she had the boy
within two weeks of her death...
- she didn't.
Mr. Hawick adopted his son,
as a newborn
about 8 months after Zoe died.
- What about
the initials, though?
She's the only one
on the island that fits.
- Maybe that's the problem.
We get thousands of visitors
here every year.
They trample
all over this island.
Any one of them could be
the z.M. That lost the ring.
Probably there's nothing
to do with our Jane Doe.
- What? So, that's, that's it?
- We have no ID.
The case is closed.
Look, for what it's worth,
I looked through our database
for the last 3 years and
nobody matching Jane Doe's age
or height was reported missing.
- Well, what if she wasn't
reported missing?
- Then I don't know what
database to look through
for that.
- Oh, dear.
- Doctor..
...would you let me
get that for you?
- Oh, would you?
Thank you.
- Yeah?
No, I'm here.
Yeah, hang on.
Okay, got it.
Don't worry,
it's been taken care of.
- Okay, Zoe.
Let's see if your husband
was telling the truth.
Let's try women between
the ages of 16..
...and... 34.
Oh, shit! Ah! Shi..
Get off me!
- Did you see the man's face?
- No.
But it's pretty clear
he didn't want me
getting out of there
with that X-ray.
- You stole this
from the mortuary?
- I took it to see if I could
find a match.
And then Stephen Renney
showed up and took
the rest of the autopsy file.
- But that's evidence,
that doesn't make sense.
- Oh, it will. It will when
you see who Jane Doe is.
- Theresa Renney?
There must be a mistake.
- Why?
- 'Cause Renney's wife died
of ovarian cancer
in October 2011.
There's no way she had a child.
You must have grabbed
the wrong X-ray.
- I didn't.
Look, I don't know
what's going on here
but you now have a positive ID,
so the question is
what are you gonna do with it?
- I'll do the talking.
You found these
on the corridor floor
and ran a search to match
for filing, okay?
- Sure.
- Sir, some new evidence
has come to light.
- Ah, sergeant Tulloch,
doctor Hamilton.
You both know Stephen Gair.
- Hello, Tora. How's Duncan?
- He's fine.
- If you don't mind, sir,
we need a private word.
- There's no need for that.
I filled him in
on what's going on.
- Is that right?
- Last week a body was found
in your land, Tora.
And my sympathies, by the way.
The body was that
of a young woman
who was brutally murdered
a long time ago
and whose remains
are probably destined
for the museum of
natural history.
Yet despite
the coroner's findings
the two of you have engaged
in an unethical
possibly illegal,
comparison of dental records.
I believe you found a match to
doctor Renney's late wife,
- How do you know?
- It's a small island.
- The problem, Mr. Gair,
is that now we've revised
the estimate of time of death.
- It's irrelevant.
Whether your Jane Doe
died last week
or a thousand years ago..
Theresa was under
the supervision
of the finest doctors
at Saxa Vord when she passed.
She was then cremated.
There were over 50 people
at her service.
Including Mckie here.
- That's true.
- You seem very sure of Theresa
Renney's medical records.
- That's because my own wife
passed away
right around the same time.
It was a very hard time
for everyone.
- I'm telling you he's lying.
- Oh, Tora.
- Stephen Renney may have
murdered his wife.
That doesn't bother you?
- Yeah, w-yeah,
of course, but..
How could Renney's wife be the
body buried in our field when
everybody saw it being buried
in the graveyard
6 months earlier.
- I don't know.
- And how could she have a baby
when she's riddled with cancer?
- Well, obviously, she couldn't.
- Well, is it possible
that he faked her illness?
- You can't fake
stage 4 ovarian cancer.
- Well, here's,
here's a bigger question.
Why would he do it?
- I don't know.
- Duncan!
- Yeah, look, darling,
I've got to go, okay.
I'll see you back at the house.
- Okay.
- Bye-bye.
- You can leave your bags
over there, Suzie.
Can I help you with something,
Dr. Hamilton?
- Were you working here
3 years ago?
- No, I wasn't.
I'm sorry, did you want me
to call doctor Wickliff?
- No, it's okay.
- Now, remember, she may not
look quite herself.
Your mother's lost a lot
of weight due to the chemo.
It's okay, come here.
- Everybody knows
that Theresa Renney
died of stage 4 ovarian cancer,
- Correct.
- So how could she
be in the hospital
and buried in my field?
- She couldn't.
- Exactly.
- So what if Theresa Renney
was never in the hospital?
- What do you mean?
- Have you ever been
to an oncology ward?
Some of the victims
are so badly ravaged by cancer
that their own families
barely recognize them.
- Are you saying he switched
his sick wife for someone else?
- I'm saying Theresa Renney
was never even sick.
- But why go to all that risk?
There wasn't even
any life insurance.
Her death cost Renney money.
- What if it wasn't about
the money?
What if it was about the baby?
Just... Just take a look at this.
- "The Kunal trows?"
You know these stories
are told to wee bairns.
- Not this version.
This was sent to me by an expert
at Oxford university.
- "The Kunal trows
were a patriarchal warrior race
"of Shetland males who
believed themselves stronger
"healthier and smarter
than ordinary men.
"Unable to beget female
children to reproduce with
"the trows selected
human females to marry
"and the babies born
of these unions
"were always
strong healthy sons.
"Then nine days after delivery
and the trows having no further
"use for them,
the mothers were sacrificed
by having their
hearts cut out."
- "As part of the burial
ceremony, the mother's corpse
had sacred prayers carved
into her flesh."
- The details
are remarkable, but..
- Well, the guy
from Oxford thinks that
the trows were a real
religious sect.
- Real?
- Yeah, what if they still are?
- And, what? You think
Stephen Renney is one of them?
- I don't know.
- Yeah, well, I do.
Look, it's the 21st century and
nobody would believe this stuff.
It's crazy.
- All I'm saying is, there is
something weird going on
on this island and you can't
just ignore this.
- Oh, it's Mckie,
I have to get back.
I'll see myself out.
Look, I'm sorry Tora,
but... It's a small island
and a group with the kind of
power you're talking about..
...they just couldn't hide.
- Ah, doctor,
can I get you a drink?
- Actually, do you have
an address for Jim McNally?
- Drunk Jimmy?
- Yeah.
- Aye. I-I'll get you a pen.
Aye. She's here right now.
Asking about Jimmy McNally.
- How was work?
- Exhausting.
Had a problem with
some of the machinery.
Go back to sleep.
- Inspector Mckie.
- Dr. Hamilton.
What are you doing here?
- I was passing by,
I saw the ambulance.
Can I be of any help?
- Well, not with this one,
I'm afraid.
- What happened?
- Drunken idiot
must've fallen off.
- How do you know he was drunk?
- Old McNally, you have a hard
time finding him sober.
- Some of these roads are
treacherous after dark, doctor.
You'd do well to remember that.
- So... What's so important
we couldn't meet
at the station or your office?
What's this?
- Members of the Shetland rite.
- And these dates next to them?
- Those are the dates
their first wives died.
- And the stars next to that?
- Those whose baby
either survived the mother
or who adopted a son
within 9 months.
- Your husband's father's
name's on this list.
- I know.
- What you're suggesting
takes planning and money.
Lots of money.
Password protected.
- What's that?
- Got it from a hacker
back in Dundee.
- Oh, I should get one of those.
Did you find anything?
- Nothing stands out
in Renney's accounts.
They look in order, but..
...hang on, what's this?
Three payments from Gair's
account to something called
the Cathy j Morton trust.
- Who's that?
- I don't know, but they add up
to over 300,000 pounds.
Look at the dates.
- September to October 2011.
- Right around the time
Theresa Renney reportedly died.
- Shit! That's the cops.
Jesus, what are you doing?
- Go out the back way.
- What about you?
- I'll be fine, just go.
- Dana?
- That took forever.
- Well, what did you tell them?
- That I saw some kids
leaving the building
and that it looked like
a burglary.
- Anyway, I ran a check
on Catherine j Morton.
Guess what she died of?
- Ovarian cancer?
- Stage 4. Exactly the same
as Theresa Renney.
Anyway, I'm driving up to Oban
now to talk to the family
to show them a picture
of Stephen renney
if I hurry, I should make
the last ferry.
- Okay, look, Duncan's here.
I should go.
So call me when you
talk to them.
- Go around, dickhead!
- Dana, you okay?
- Some arse thinks
he owns the road.
He just hit me.
- What?
- He hit you?
- What's going on?
- He's following me.
- Well, pull over.
Let him pass.
- No. I'm not stopping
in the middle of nowhere.
- Dana? Dana.
- That was Mckie.
They still have no leads.
- They should ask Stephen
Renney where he was last night.
- Tora, you've got to stop this.
- What if it was me out there,
you would stop?
- That's an American accent,
isn't it?
- Uh, New York.
- We went to Florida last year
with the nippers.
Or is it Disney world?
I always get them confused.
- Yes, it's an easy mistake.
- Here, you, never mind her.
Just eat your breakfast.
I'm sorry,
I don't mean to be rude
but who did you say you are?
My name is Dr. Tora Hamilton.
I'm here on behalf of
detective sergeant Tulloch.
Who I believe spoke to either
you or your wife on the phone.
She was inquiring about
your sister-in-law.
- I thought nobody
was gonna be coming.
- Who told you that?
- Look, Mrs...
If you're not a police woman
then we don't have
to answer anything.
So if you'll excuse me,
I've got to go to work.
- Okay, mark.
May I call you mark?
- You can call me whatever
you want while you're leaving.
- Well, if I walk out that door
the next knock you hear
will be the police
and they'll be asking you all
about the Cathy Morton trust
and how a single income family
living in a house like this
are able to drive
a brand new BMW
and taking Florida vacations.
- It all started when Stephen
saw her in the local paper.
They'd written a small story
about ovarian cancer.
He said he wanted to help.
- Help? How?
- She was very ill,
in bed all the time.
Mark thought she needed
to be in a hospice.
- It was bad for
the wee nippers.
Seeing their mum like that.
- He made her an offer,
to take part in
some trials of a new drug
and in return the drug company
would set up a trust fund
for her children.
- It gets released monthly
for things like
school uniforms and child care.
We get none of it,
you understand.
- So what happened
after she agreed?
- Stephen paid the first
installment like he promised.
And they came for her.
- Who came for her?
- An ambulance. A nurse.
I don't really remember.
It all happened so fast.
- Where'd they take her?
- We don't know.
- Did you not go visit her?
- She died a few days later.
- Oh, what about the body?
Did you go to the funeral?
- There wasn't one.
- He said that had been
part of the agreement.
Cathy's body would be
used for research.
- How do you explain
that to your child?
- So after Renney took her away
you never saw your sister again?
- Who?
- Stephen Renney.
- Who's that?
- I'm sorry.
Who are we talking about?
- The man we were dealing
with was a lawyer.
Stephen Gair.
- Look familiar?
- Should she?
- Her name is Cathy Morton.
Now she's the woman who you all
watched die of ovarian cancer.
Not... Melissa Gair.
- Uh, what are you
talking about?
- What I'm saying is
that Melissa Gair
is your Jane Doe.
- This is preposterous.
- Money doesn't lie.
- Where'd you get this?
- From Dana.
- I wish we could hear
what his lawyer's telling him.
- Whatever it is,
he doesn't look happy.
...let's get back in there.
What's she doing here?
- She refuses to leave.
- Put her in my office. Give
her a cup of tea or something.
My daughters.
- They're beautiful.
- Aye, they take after
their mother.
Please, take a seat.
I don't normally
include civilians
at this stage of
an investigation.
But in your case,
it seems only fair
to tell you that Stephen Gair
gave us a full confession.
- What did he confess to?
- Well, the murder of
sergeant Tulloch for starters.
He knew his computer
had been accessed.
And he was worried
in case she was, uh..
...figuring everything out.
- About the Shetland rite?
- About his money
laundering scheme.
- What?
- He murdered
his wife Melissa because
she was threatening
to expose him.
Unless he paid millions
in the divorce.
Knew the house was empty.
He kept Melissa there
until she gave birth..
...then he killed her.
- That can't be right.
This is a cult murder.
What about the markings?
What about the missing heart?
- All done to throw us off
if the body was ever found.
He said he got the idea of
switching bodies, carving her up
cutting out her heart,
from a local legend.
- He claims he did this alone?
- That's right.
- Well, what about
Theresa Renney's x-rays?
- Planted by Gair.
When Renney found out,
he panicked.
- Alison Gair is here.
- Right.
Well, I hope this, uh
gives you closure,
Dr. Hamilton.
And, uh,
I'd appreciated you keeping
what I've told you
between us for now.
- What happened
to Melissa's baby?
- Gair faked an adoption.
- Does his current wife know?
- Not yet.
- Mrs. Gair.
- Hi.
- What's all this?
- It's an apology.
I heard about Stephen Gair.
I should have listened to you.
- Just..
Answer me one thing.
The other night,
you weren't at work
you went to a meeting
with the rite.
- You followed me?
- Just tell me why you lied.
- Well, it's supposed to be
a surprise
dad's organizing a big party
for us when we get the baby.
Why? Wha.. When did you..
- Why don't you hold him?
- Me?
- Of course.
- Come here.
When can we take him home?
- We monitor the babies
for nine days
just to make sure there's
no medical complications.
And to finalize
all the paperwork.
- You, hello.
Thank you.
- You're a natural.
- Great to see you again.
Tora, you look
absolutely lovely.
- Oh, thank you.
What a beautiful party.
- Do you mind if I borrow
my son for a moment?
- Not at all.
- Lady of the hour
standing alone.
Well, that won't do at all.
- Ken, are you alone?
- No, I'm with my son, Hamish.
- Oh, he's very handsome.
Have any more hidden away?
- No, I think
you'll find that, uh
one UNST boy is quite enough.
- Oh, duty calls.
- Steven.
- Hello.
- Hi.
- Tora, may I
introduce Mr. grey?
- Oh.
- Congratulations
on your adoption.
I'm sure you'll make
a splendid mother.
Right, well,
I'll just go and see if Elspeth
needs a hand with anything.
- Excuse me, Elspeth,
have you seen Tora anywhere?
- No.
- Ah. Woah!
Hey, easy there, jumpy.
Everybody's been
wondering where you are.
- What?
- Where's my son?
Duncan, old son, where are you?
Duncan, you're wanted.
Duncan, the honor is yours.
- Tora!
- Stay away from me.
- Where're you going?
You can't run from this.
- You're one of them.
- I'm not,
if you couldn't give me a son
they were gonna kill you
to make room
for someone who could.
- But we tried.
We tried so hard.
Even though you knew
what they would do to me!
- I knew you'd never go to term.
- What? How could you know?
- How? How did you know?
What is this?
- It's an unapproved
male contraceptive.
- This is what
you've been taking?
- Yeah.
- Are you even diabetic?
Oh, my god.
Oh, my god.
All this time you let me think
I was the reason
we couldn't have kids when you.. were stopping us.
- I was protecting you.
- Protecting me?
- Yeah.
- You robbed me of my chance
to be a mother!
- Do you think
I don't know that?
I had four miscarriages
'cause you were taking
this shit!
- And if you hadn't,
you'd have been a mother
for exactly nine days
before they cut
your fucking heart out!
Is that what I should
have let happen?
Tora, wait!
D-don't you get it?
I do nothing, you die.
I get you pregnant, you die.
So I made a deal.
We adopt one of them..
...they let you live.
- And who's the mother?
- Grey is coming.
- I need to tell him
that you won't talk.
- Who is she?
- Tora, please!
- Who is she?
- It's Dana.
- Dana's alive? She's next?
- There's nothing you can do.
Wait! Don't! Tora!
Nobody hurts her,
that was the deal.
- You were only allowed
to break tradition
if you could control her,
you couldn't.
If you weren't Richard's son,
I'd finish you right now.
Nobody... Hurts.. Wife!
- She's taken one of the boats.
- Dana?
- Dan..
- Talk to me.
- I have men searching
the island for her.
I don't think
she's in the building.
- I don't pay you to think.
- Well, we'll just
have to keep looking.
She must be here..
- Duncan, what are you
doing here?
- He's looking for his wife.
- No, no, no, no.
- I... I came to warn you.
I... I couldn't reason with her.
- She's here.
- I know.
- Sir, I think
you'd better see this.
- She's found the ward.
- Dana? Dana, wake up. Wake up!
What is this shit?
Dana, can you hear me?
- She's not down here.
- I'll wait here
in case she doubles back.
- I don't care who does what.
I just want
the bitch found, okay?
- I'll deal with your wife,
and when I'm done
maybe I'll take care of you.
- He's gone.
- How did you know?
- I bought you that perfume,
you remember?
Wake her up. Go, go.
- It's okay.
- No, it's this way,
to the lighthouse. Come on.
- Okay. Come on.
- Wait.
Please. My son.
- You go to the boat.
- No, I'll go.
- Would you even recognize him?
I'll be right behind you.
- Tora, no!
- Jesus!
I'm... I'm sure it's just
a false alarm.
- Oh.
- It's okay. It's okay.
- What are you doing?
Give him to me!
Give him to me!
- You think you can
turn your back on us?
Where's Tora?
Where is she?
- Duncan!
- Dana, run!
- You disgust me!
You're a traitor to your clan!
- Come on. I've got you.
- Ah!
- If you're not one of us
you can die like one of them!
- Dana... Come on.
Alright, sweetheart.
- Sweetie, I'm just gonna
put you down for one second.
There you go.
Come on, Dana, get up!
Come on, get up!
- Put her down.
You've got guts, Tora.
You would've been
a strong trow mother.
- Don't you touch that baby.
- It's the ninth day.
The ritual must be performed.
The only question is
will it be done by me?
Or you?
- Nobody has to do this.
- The first milk is done.
The colostrum is gone.
Her body is of no more use
to the boy now than... Formula.
- She's his mother.
- No.
- You are.
It's what you've always wanted.
It's what you've dreamed of.
And here he is.
And while other
mothers only think
their children are special,
yours truly will be.
All you have to do.. slip the knife into her
and you get to go home.
You get to live your lives.
- What do I have to do?
- Kneel over her.
You need to stab down hard
and slice the rib cage
in a sawing motion.
Do it for your son.
And give thanks for the life
this glorious mother
has given our newest son.
So that our genetic supremacy
may continue.
- Ah!
- Aah!
You think you can kill me?
I'm not man, I'm Kunal trow.
And you... You could
have been part of it.
Instead, you'll be just like
the rest
of your... Miserable kind.
- Tora!
Oh, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.
- D.I. Mckie.
- Go ahead.
- We've got another one.
This one's wearing
a necklace that says Zoe.
- Joss Hawick's wife.
How many's that?
- Too many.
- Can I ask you something?
Did you know about all this?
- I have daughters.
- They were all
somebody's daughter.