Raising Cain (1992)

Daddy, I want to pick the flowers.
We don't pick 'em, sweetie.
We just look at them.
No, I want to pick them.
She's a little restless.
Honey, I'm gonna take her outside.
- Oh, I'll take her.
- No, no, you finish up.
We'll be fine. We're gonna
go look at the flowers.
- Oh, would you like that gift-wrapped?
- Yes. Thank you.
I'll be right back.
That's what I would buy
for the man in my life.
- How are you?
- Fine. And you?
After the funeral...
I was a block of ice. I...
I couldn't bear to feel,
so I felt nothing.
I'm sorry I made
such a mess of it.
I'm staying at the Garden Court.
If you wanted to just talk...
I'll be there tonight.
We could...
I saw you come in with Carter
and your little girl.
I guess I just didn't thaw out
fast enough.
- Here's a flower for you, Mommy.
- Thank you, sweetie.
- Are you finished?
- Yeah.
I mean, no.
Honey, are you all right?
You look upset.
No, I'm fine.
I'm just not finished.
Why don't you take Amy
out to the park,
and I catch up with you guys later?
No, I think it's gonna rain.
We're gonna go on home.
But don't be too long.
Amy needs to spend more time
with her mommy.
- More quality time.
- I'll be home soon.
We'll have plenty of time
for quality time.
- Bye, sweetie.
- Bye, Mommy.
- Miss?
- Yes?
I'd like this one also, please.
Mr. Dante's room isn't answering.
Would you like to leave a message?
Yes, can you tell him
that Jenny O'Keefe called
and that I have his keys?
And I can meet him at O'Keefe Park...
Camino Park at 1:00.
If he can meet me by the playground,
that would be great.
Hey, Maxine, be careful.
You went too high.
Good. All right. Go ahead.
- Jenny.
- Hi.
- Hi. Where's Amy?
- Home, with Carter.
Oh, I must have missed them today.
You know, what a great guy
you've got?
The idea of taking a day off
and spending it with Maxine
hasn't even occurred to my husband.
- Is everything all right?
- Yeah.
- No.
- What's the matter?
- Sarah, I saw Jack today.
- Jesus.
I think he still loves me.
Oh, come on.
Isn't it a little late for that?
He was so flustered,
he forgot his keys,
so I'm meeting him here
to return 'em.
You know, I hate to bring this up, but
you are married to the perfect man.
The perfect man?
Yesterday, out of the blue,
he started to make love to me
and then stopped
when Amy started to cry.
Well, just because
he was worried about Amy...
He wasn't worried about Amy because
he didn't even go to her room.
He went downstairs, got into his car,
and then drove off.
And he's becoming
awfully compulsive with Amy.
He doesn't just take care of her.
He studies her.
I have this horrible feeling it has
something to do with his father.
Jenny, you're not just finding excuses
to start up with Jack again?
I don't know.
Okay, one more time.
- Boy, he looks great.
- Yeah.
Definitely don't do what I wanna do.
- Good luck.
- Thanks.
Thank you.
Nothing's quite as stupid
as making a dramatic exit
and having to go back
because you forgot your car keys.
Fortunately, it was a rental.
They sent over another set.
You're very good at dramatic exits.
- I'm sorry, Jenny.
- It's okay. I got over it.
- And I learned something.
- What?
To be the dispassionate doctor.
Let's walk.
Three o'clock?
It's okay, sweetie.
It's all right, baby.
Why couldn't we just have
an intercom to listen to the baby...
instead of this T.V. thing?
I don't know why I agreed to it.
Taking a couple of years off from
his practice to raise Amy personally.
Testing out a few new approaches
to child raising
right here in his own home.
Maybe even write a book about it.
So I go to work,
and the child psychologist
stays at home, playing house dad.
Oh, no...
Oh, God. I can't let Jack open
Carter's present.
Jack's wife, Emma, was my patient,
dying of lung cancer.
It was agonizing for him, but he came
every night to sit with her.
My heart went out to him.
I wanted so much
to take away some of his pain.
Then I realized
it was more than that.
I was falling in love with him.
What's going on?
- Leave the room.
- What?
Leave the room!
You must leave the room!
What the hell?
Code blue!
- Get out of the way, sir.
- Coming through.
- What have we got?
- We have cardiac arrest.
- Here's a bag.
- One milligram epinephrine.
What are you doing here?
What are you doing here?!
Happy Valentine's Day.
This for me?
You came back.
Well, I just came here
because I was...
Why did you run away?
I don't know.
I thought I saw someone.
- Where?
- In the woods.
Well, he's not here now, is he?
Is he?
But there was someone.
Oh, my God.
Sarah, it's Jenny.
Jenny, my God,
are you all right?
Yes, I'm fine.
I've been worried to death.
Carter's been calling all night.
- Oh, no.
- What happened to you?
- 1 was with Jack.
- At his hotel? All night?
Look, I can't explain right now.
What did Carter say?
Since you didn't come home,
and no one knew where you were,
he figured you had an accident.
He called all the hospitals
and the police.
He's got the whole world
looking for you.
What are you going to tell him?
Honey. Honey, it's okay.
I'm right here.
- Are you all right?
- Yeah.
I had the worst dream.
I'll say. You were moaning
and waving your hands around.
I dreamt I was
in the weirdest car accident.
Well, you're okay now.
Why don't I get you
a glass of water? Hmm?
Okay. Thanks, sweetie.
I've been so worried about you, honey.
I think you've been
working too hard.
You shouldn't have to carry
the whole load.
It's beginning to take a toll on you.
I don't know.
Maybe we should be rethinking
this whole parenting arrangement.
I just don't think
it's been fair to you.
And, anyway, one of these days
I'm gonna have to get back
to my own practice.
You know?
Maybe we could get a sitter in,
during the day.
I should go back to work.
What do you think?
I think...
- You taking off, Karen?
- Trying to.
- Need a hand?
- Would you mind?
Are you giving your mommy
a hard time? Huh?
- No.
- You let Carter do it?
There you go.
Amy, did you say hi to Sam?
- Hi, Sam.
- Hi, Amy.
- Darn.
- Something wrong?
No, no. Jenny was supposed
to pick us up half an hour ago.
She probably got delayed
at the hospital again.
Can I drop you somewhere?
I've got an extra seat in the back.
Oh, that'd be great!
He is such an amazing kid.
You've done a great job
with him, Karen.
- Oh, please.
- No, no. I mean it.
Do you realize how important these
early years are in Sam's development?
Are you kidding?
I've read all the books,
and, of course, I get all
the expert advice I can handle
from my mother-in-law.
I know what you mean.
I've seen her in action. Oh, boy.
What, don't you have
any know-it-all relatives?
Oh, listen, my father wrote the book
on child development.
Fortunately, it's in Norwegian.
What does he have to say
on the subject? In English, please.
- What does he not have to say?
- That bad?
No. Actually, he's one of the most
visionary men in his field.
He heads a child-development clinic
outside of Oslo.
In fact, we're taking Amy
over there next week.
Jenny never said anything to me
about Amy going to a clinic in Norway.
You know, it would be a great
opportunity for you and Sam.
Oh, I think Sam's a little young
for a trip to Norway.
Oh, I don't know about that.
A big boy like Sam?
But what's so visionary
about your dad's clinic, anyway?
Well, first of all, it's in a beautiful,
natural country setting.
Amy will be supervised
by a team of child psychologists
who record her progress hourly.
But the thing is,
you can't study child development
and think anyone is gonna
take it seriously
if you only have one subject.
It's just another case history.
So, what we're setting up is
a control group of gifted children.
We'll need at least five, none of them
older than three years old.
That's why I wanted to talk to you
about Sam...
Being one of your guinea pigs?
- Oh, Carter, you've got to be kidding.
- No.
Nobody's gonna let their kid
go to some snake pit in Norway
to be part of some
developmental study.
It's not a snake pit.
Do you think I'd let Amy
have anything to do with this
unless it was completely safe?
No! But I can't believe
that Jenny's going along with this.
- Let's just forget the whole subject.
- Well, don't get mad, Carter.
- Bless you.
- I'm not mad.
We're friends, remember?
And, as a friend, I'm telling you...
the whole idea is crazy.
I mean, how did you think
that any sane parent
would allow their kid to be
part of something like that?
Karen, do you realize
that no one really knows anything
about personality development?
Everything up to now
has been pure conjecture.
All we psychiatrists do is chase cows
after the barn door has been opened.
Here, for the first time,
we'll have an opportunity
to observe what happens,
when it happens,
and precisely monitor
the psychological consequences.
Well, not with my kid, you don't.
- Sorry. You all right? Hang on.
- Oh, God! It's in my eyes!
I've got the wheel.
I'm so sorry.
- Karen... Are you all right?
- I've got something in my eye.
- Oh, it hurts.
- Oh, here. Let me have a look.
Look up. Now, look down.
It's just the tiniest bit of dirt.
- Oh, it hurts!
- Here, just keep your eyes closed.
I'll... I'll get you a...
I'll get a... a tissue.
Are the kids okay?
Don't move!
They're fine. They're fine.
They're fine.
So sorry. I'm so sorry.
What's that smell?
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- Kiss her.
- What?
You've got about five seconds
before those guys are in your face
and what do you think you look like,
killer? Go on, kiss her!
Ooh! Well done.
- When did you get out?
- Move over.
Isn't this pleasant?
We just gonna sit here all day?
- What are you doing here?
- I'm saving your ass, that's what.
I was just supposed to come along
as an observer.
Right now,
what I'm observing is very odd.
Twins brothers chatting
in the front seat of a car,
while the driver
is slumped over the wheel.
- What is wrong with this picture?
- I don't need you!
"I don't need you!"
Let's get out of here, Carter,
before we're seen...
because, believe me,
we'll be remembered.
You can drop me off at the next
corner. I could use a drink.
- Don't follow me anymore.
- "Don't follow me anymore."
- Stop that!
- "Stop that!"
Stop it!
All right, all right.
- Jesus.
- Oh, Carter...
You're a thankless dope.
I was only trying to help,
which, of course, I did.
This thing you're doing
means everything to the old man,
and you can't fuck it up.
- I'm not fucking anything up.
- Oh, really? By the way,
what were you planning on doing
with the little missus here?
I'm gonna...
take her back to the park
and leave her there.
Very good. I see you've got this
all thought out.
"Take her back to the park
and leave her there." And then what?
And when the chloroform wears off,
she'll be fine.
And when you get home, the cops
will be sitting on your doorstep.
I won't hurt her!
You won't hurt her!
She'll hurt you!
Oh, my God.
What are we gonna do?
- I'll tell you what we're gonna do.
- What?
First, stop off at your place.
I need to get out of these clothes.
- And then you... need to get lost.
- And then what?
The cat's in the bag...
and the bag is in the river.
I've been up all night
with Mrs. Bellor.
The radiation seems to be working.
Honey, I'm gonna lie down for a bit
before I take her for her checkup.
Isn't she beautiful?
Oh, Dr. Nix.
Oh, how horny we are.
Ow! You're hurting me.
That's all right. I'll get her.
You just wait here.
Mommy! Mommy!
Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!
Mommy! Mommy!
Shut up!
Stop that.
I was afraid of this.
I wanted him to do this himself.
I didn't want you to help him.
Gee, Daddy,
I was only trying to help out.
If I hadn't been there,
we'd all be fucked.
Carter's an amateur.
He panicked.
Oh, stop it!
I know you, Cain.
Carter weakened, and you stepped in.
We all know your tough-guy act.
But we don't need
a loose cannon here.
Carter can finish this himself.
Let me tell you something, Doctor.
I know Carter wants to help,
but we're talking about stealing kids
here and experimenting on 'em.
You may need this "loose cannon".
You should never have gotten out.
You're nothing but a cheap hoodlum.
I am what you made me, Dad.
Oh, shut up
and finish your drink.
I already have.
Then, let me get you another.
You know...
you could get us all
put away for good.
There's no jail that can hold me.
I'm the escape artist, remember?
I learned it breaking out
of all those cages you locked me in.
They were not cages!
They were a specially designed
infant environment.
They were cages!
Hush, hush now.
You'll wake the child.
But, hey, I'm not one
to hold a grudge.
After all, where would I be
without you, Bamse?
You wouldn't exist.
That's right,
but I do exist, don't I?
I'm that fucked-up experiment of yours
that just won't go away.
Hickory dickory dock.
Cain has picked his lock.
I'm out of here.
The cat's in the bag,
and the bag is going in the river.
So don't fuck with me, Dad!
You may lose more
than your license this time.
Have you talked to the others?
- About what?
- About what we are doing.
Are you kidding?
If Margo finds out...
- Hey, what did you put in this?
- Just something to relax you.
You fucking...!
I want you to sleep now, Cain.
You've done a good job,
but we don't need you anymore.
I want you to relax and sleep.
Carter can handle everything now.
That doesn't make any sense.
Carter isn't making any sense.
I have this horrible feeling it has
something to do with his father.
Jenny, you're not just finding excuses
to start up with Jack again?
- Boy, he looks great.
- Yeah.
Definitely don't do what I wanna do.
Good luck.
- Dr. Nix.
- Oh, hi, Nan.
- Can you do me a big favor?
- Yeah, of course.
My dipshit boyfriend
forgot to pick me up.
Can you drop me off at Mrs. Roberts'?
Sure, I...
I just have to pick
something up first.
Can you keep an eye on Amy for me?
- Yeah. Yeah, no problem.
- I'll be right back.
Come on! Be a Peeping Tom
on your own time.
We're gonna lose that kid.
- That's my wife.
- No shit?
I married her too soon.
She never got over him.
No question of that.
Look, Carter,
why don't you just go home?
I'll handle the baby-sitter.
I guess you're right.
I don't feel very well.
I'd better just go home and sleep.
That's right. You go sleep.
I'll take care of everything.
I'll just be you for a while, huh?
Until this whole mess is cleaned up.
Poor schmuck.
Oooh... yes!
Where'd you get
that neat trench coat?
I copped it.
You know, Dr. Nix, I should be
going out with older guys.
I'll tell you something.
For a man your age, you're uh...
you're still pretty cute.
It's not the mileage, honey.
It's the make.
Keep an eye on the monster.
I gotta go pee.
I'll be right back.
I know what you're going to do.
It's a bad thing, and I'm gonna tell.
Get out of here!
What's the matter? Jenny?
Help! Somebody help!
Help! Carter!
Carter! Carter!
Oh, Jenny.
We were all going
to the beach today to have a...
a Valentine's Day picnic.
Jenny took Amy to the park
while I packed up the Jeep.
I guess that was at about 8:00.
They were supposed to be back
at 10:00.
My wife is never late.
I was immediately concerned.
So I... I went to the park to search
for them at about 10:30,
but they weren't there.
So I called up you fellas
and came right over here.
Dr. Nix, I'm sorry to say,
we've had a few other disappearances
from this park.
And judging from your description,
your wife and daughter
were likely candidates.
You mean... they might
have been kidnapped?
We don't know.
All we know now
is that they've disappeared.
You told us you went there
fairly regularly with your little girl.
That's right.
Did you ever notice anybody
that didn't look right,
another man or a woman
that seemed to be hanging around?
Wait a minute.
There was somebody, a man.
I remember because... I noticed he
didn't seem to have a child with him.
Why would you come to a playground
without a child?
Before you run through the mugshots,
why don't you sit down
with our sketch artist?
It should be helpful to get a picture
of this guy out on the wire.
Of course.
Peters, it's Cally.
I want you to do a sketch for me.
Yeah, right away.
I'll send him over?
See that guy over there?
That's Jay Peters.
He's our sketch man.
Why don't you go over there and
see what you guys can come up with?
- All right.
- Come on.
And, uh... thanks for all your help.
Dr. Nix, Jay Peters.
How you doing?
Why don't you have a seat.
- Just do the best you can.
- You got it.
Poor guy.
- This is getting out of hand, Sean.
- Yup.
It seems like a serial to me.
A detective's dream...
the motiveless murder.
What do we got now?
Two moms, a baby-sitter,
and all their kids are gone.
- From the same playground.
- Right.
And there's Dr. Nix.
- What do you mean?
- Nix...
It's the kind of name
that sticks in your head.
- From where?
- From ancient history.
Oh, your specialty.
Let's go home, Mack.
It's time to go home.
Sean, come on.
- Go home.
- You know, I wouldn't waste your time.
When you retire, you go home.
You don't come to the office anymore.
Just go home, sit in your favorite
chair, watch the shopping channel,
go wash your car.
Take your grand kids to the zoo.
Maybe even go see a ball game.
What you don't do is hang around here
looking over our shoulders,
like some goddamn
Monday morning quarterback.
I'm just trying to help you out.
You're not helping out,
you're in the way.
Yeah? Well, maybe you can tell me
who this Dr. Nix is.
It's that guy over there
working with Peters.
Yeah. Any dope can see that.
But I worked another Nix case
20 years ago.
20 years ago.
What are you talking about?
I'm talking about that guy's old man.
- Are you sure?
- Same name, same face.
So, what did your Dr. Nix do?
We got an anonymous tip
he was buying babies.
I remember we caught him with five.
Was he starting a basketball team?
- Who knows?
- So what happened to him?
After he got convicted, he jumped bail
and left the country.
He was Swedish or something.
We couldn't extradite him.
- Great. Thanks for sharing, Mack.
- Wait a minute here.
At his trial, an associate testified
against him, a Dr. Lynn Waldheim.
Still works around here.
I just called Waldheim's office.
They tell me the doctor
checked into the hospital.
- What's the matter with him?
- It's a her. Cancer.
I told her about the kids disappearing
and one of their father's was a Dr. Nix.
She says she'll be right over.
So this is retirement?
I think I'll just have
a heart attack right here.
I could never retire, so I don't.
- You don't mind, do you, guys?
- Mack...
Consider yourself
back on my task force.
Thanks, Terri.
Hey, Sean. Thanks.
I know what you guys
are thinking.
Like father, like son.
Slam dunk, right?
It's too easy.
Just because his father's a nut
doesn't mean Carter has to be.
I'm going with what we got.
Two mothers, a baby-sitter,
and their kids
disappear from the same playground.
As soon as Peters has finished
with that sketch, I want it over there...
shown to everybody that's been there
in the last month.
We'll be right down.
Car popped up
out of Half Moon Marsh.
Had a woman's body in it.
They just brought it in downstairs.
- Oh, God.
- Do we bring him?
Let's see how bad she is.
- How's it going?
- He's doing very well.
It's amazing.
It looks just like him.
I think he was
wearing a trench coat.
- My God.
- Ma'am?
Let me know as soon
as you're finished. Let's go.
- Detective Terri, this is Dr. Waldheim.
- Oh, thanks for coming over.
It's uncanny.
He looks exactly like his father.
That's Carter Nix.
It couldn't be anyone else.
And his wife and child
have disappeared?
It gets worse.
We got a dead woman downstairs
that could be his wife.
So much tragedy in one family.
- Could you walk with us?
- Certainly.
This way.
- Are you feeling up to this?
- I hate this wig.
I told them to get me a gray one.
My hair is gray.
They couldn't find one.
- I look like a transvestite.
- It looks fine.
You're very kind,
but you don't lie very well.
- So, you were trained by Dr. Nix?
- I took my residency with him.
- Why him?
- Because he was the best.
I was especially interested in his work
on multiple personalities.
We'd wrote a book together
based on one of his patients.
In the book, we called him Cain.
"Three Faces Of Cain"
or something?
He had many more faces
than that, detective.
Down here.
So, what was the book called?
"Raising Cain: The Creation and
Evolution of the Multiple Personality."
It was a bestseller.
They even made a TV movie out of it.
I heard he made quite a lot of money.
I wouldn't have any of it. I had
my name removed from the book.
I didn't want any part
of that kind of money.
What kind of money was that?
Money profited off
the misfortune of another.
But you still wrote the book.
That's right.
I didn't know all the circumstances
surrounding the case when I started.
- And what were they? This way.
- Yes. Let me explain.
All multiple personality patients,
regardless of the differences
in their background,
seem to share
certain childhood traumas.
When these occur, the original
personality splinters into others.
For instance, if a boy
is molested by his mother
or abused by his father,
the original...
The original personality
forgets it ever happened.
How could his loving parent
do such a terrible thing?
And he creates
an alternate personality.
This becomes the person
it happened to.
He is the one who suffers the pain
for all the rest.
Hmm, built-in fall guy,
you do something bad,
the other personality takes the rap.
Sounds very convenient.
Straight ahead.
It is not a psychological state
one wishes to acquire.
Every time there is another trauma,
there may be another personality.
Pretty soon there are scores of them
running around inside your head,
squabbling amongst themselves
as to which one gets to control
the consciousness.
Only one personality can control
the consciousness at one time.
- So, now they're talking to each other.
- Sounds like one messed-up guy.
Yes, but by carefully
observing and documenting
the formation and development
of Cain's multiples,
Dr. Nix was creating a whole new
theory of personality evolvement.
Yeah. There was only one problem.
Only one? What was that?
- The raw data.
- Raw data.
The raw data
was extraordinarily detailed.
It was as if he'd gotten
into a time machine
and gone back to witness
each one of Cain's personalities
splitting traumas as it occurred.
I was never allowed to meet Cain.
His true identity was known
only to Dr. Nix.
All the information I had
I transcribed from tapes recorded
during their sessions.
So, how do you think
he got the information?
I never knew for sure,
but years later, when he got arrested
for trying to buy babies,
I suspected there could only
be one answer.
He had created Cain's multiple
personalities in order to study them.
He had taken some innocent child
and split its personality.
Now, he needed a control group
to test his theories,
that's what he was
buying the babies for.
To the right.
And you testified
against him at his trial?
Oh, a man like that
should be in jail!
- What happened to Cain?
- Only Dr. Nix knew that.
What's the story, AI?
Ah, it looks like she was put in the car
when she was still alive
and then drowned.
Look at her nails.
See how they're cut and torn?
Looks like she was trying
to claw her way out.
You should see the expression
on her face.
Excuse me, Lieutenant.
I think we got lucky.
Ladies picked out the guy
on the bench over there.
He's real close.
All right.
Excuse me, sir.
Excuse me?
I'm Lieutenant Terri, Bay View Police.
I'd like to ask you a few questions.
It's just a short ride
and a couple of questions, okay?
You'll help us out a lot.
Short ride?
I could help you out here.
Do you have a car here in the lot?
Yes, I have...
This is my car right here.
- This is your car?
- I mean, it's a rental car.
Could you give the keys
to Detective Carleton, please?
You ride with us.
I don't understand what...
Sure, the keys...
You can have the keys.
I just rented it yesterday.
I'm visiting.
Here. These are...
- What is this? What is this?
- I must have rubbed...
- Huh? This looks like blood.
- I've never seen that.
Would you open this?
Yeah, sure.
It's probably the round key.
I don't know what you expect to find.
I'm not hiding anything.
Weapons or something.
Oh, my God.
- Hello?
- Carter?
- Yes, sir?
- Turn on channel six.
There's gonna mean light rain
and then...
A Bayland Park man
was indicted this afternoon
on charges he killed
an 18-year-old baby-sitter.
- You're a good boy, Carter.
- Thank you, sir.
Now, meet me at the hotel
at 4:00 a.m. downstairs.
Yes, sir, I'll be there.
The children must be moved tonight.
Good-bye now.
Bye-bye, Bamse.
The charges against Jack Dante, 35,
include first-degree murder
and kidnapping.
He is also being questioned about
the disappearance of Sam Bowman,
age four, of Bayview.
The body of his mother
Karen Bowman
was recovered early this morning
by police
from the trunk of her car
in Half Moon Marsh.
Wake up!
- Don't move or I'll cut it.
- Jenny, what are you doing?
I'm bleeding.
Oh, my God, I'm bleeding!
And I can help you.
Don't let me die, Jenny!
I wanna know
what you've clone with Amy!
- Amy? What are you saying?
- I want answers, Carter!
- How could you let me drown like that?
- What's happened?
Was it because of Jack? You saw us
in the park together, didn't you?
And you got him arrested
for what you did.
- Help me, Jenny!
- Then, tell me where Amy is!
But I don't know where she is!
What are you saying?
She wants to know where her brat is.
Why don't you tell her
before you get your throat cut.
- But I don't know where she is.
- "I don't know where she is. "
- I don't!
- Who are you talking to?
- I do. I took her to dear old Dad.
- Where? Where is he?
Who are you talking to?
Where's Amy?
Where have you taken her?
Taken her? Taken her where?
She's... she's...
She's... with my father.
Your father? What are you saying?
Your father is dead!
No, no. He's not dead. He's here.
Amy's with him. She's fine.
Tell her, Cain.
- Tell her! She's fine.
- Dr. O'Keefe?
Why won't you tell her?
Come on, tell her!
Lieutenant Terri,
Bay View Police!
- Carter, get up. Carter, get up.
- Dr. O'Keefe?
- Tell her, Cain! Tell her!
- You all right?
Tell her Amy's fine!
Why won't you tell her?
Dr. O'Keefe?
- You've got to tell her. Tell her.
- Get up.
Dr. O'Keefe?
According to Norwegian authorities,
Dr. Nix took a swan dive
into a fjord 18 years ago.
There was a suicide note,
but they never recovered the body.
Great. Carter says
they're with his father.
His father's been dead for 18 years.
This gets better all the time.
Let's hope Waldheim can get
something out of this psycho.
Excuse me,
here's your coffee, Dr. Waldheim.
When I got myself out of the car,
I could only think of one thing.
If he was crazy enough to kill me,
what was he gonna do to Amy?
So then I went home...
but she wasn't there.
That's when I called you.
And then Carter came home.
I just wanted him to tell me
where Amy was.
Well, let's hope he's not too nuts.
What do you mean?
Too nuts to go to jail.
You mean he might not go to jail?
First, we've got to find out
if he's competent to stand trial.
And even if he is,
any smart lawyer will plead him
not guilty by reason of insanity.
And depending
on what Waldheim finds out,
Carter could wind up a celebrity
mental case in some cushy institution.
- He might be out someday?
- All he's got to do is get better.
It's quite something,
after writing about him for years,
to finally meet him.
Carter is Cain.
And Josh and Margo
and God knows who else.
Now it is clear to me how Dr. Nix
got all his precise data.
He traumatized his own son.
Then, over the years,
he observed the effects.
- Does Carter know what he did?
- Carter didn't do anything.
Cain did all the killing.
- Who is Cain?
- One of Carter's multiples.
One of the ones Dr. Nix created
when he abused him as a child.
When something bad
is about to happen to Carter
or when something bad
has to be done,
Carter blacks out
and Cain takes over.
After the unpleasantness,
Cain exits and Carter wakes up.
He has lost some time. He doesn't
remember how he got where he is
or what happened
while he was asleep.
He may be confused,
but his conscience is clean.
So how do we find the children?
Carter doesn't know where they are,
but one of the other multiples may.
And how do we talk to them?
Hypnotism is the fastest, though
not always the most prudent method.
We've got to find these babies now.
Then, I will need
an absolutely quiet space
where I can be alone with Carter.
Whatever you need, and do it fast.
I don't wanna be walking
behind any little coffins.
It's all right.
We'll find them.
She doesn't care who she fucks
or where she does it.
But don't worry, buddy.
I'm not gonna let that loving wife
of yours sell you down the river.
Once we get out of here,
I'm gonna put that two-timing bitch
in a box she'll never swim out of.
You remember that lady cop
with the rat's nest for a hairdo
that brought Waldheim her coffee?
Take a look down at your feet.
Don't be so obvious! Jesus.
Keep your head up.
Now reach down.
And pick it up.
Good boy.
Carter, you're awake now.
I am a doctor, and I am here
to help you. Do you understand?
Are you talking to me?
Yes, I'm talking to you.
Carter, pay attention.
You have to answer my questions
so I will be able to understand
what is going on.
Is that perfectly clear?
- No.
- Why?
Because I'm not Carter.
- You're not Carter?
- No.
Wait a minute. If you're not Carter,
then, who are you?
I'm Josh.
- And where is Carter?
- Carter's inside.
Inside where?
Can you wake him up
so I can talk to him?
- No.
- Why?
Bamse would hurt me.
- Who is Bamse?
- Bamse's my dad.
But your father isn't here anymore.
He's dead.
No, no! He's here. I gotta go.
Your father isn't here now, Josh,
so you don't have to be afraid.
He'll hurt me.
No, he can't hurt you now.
I won't let him.
- You won't?
- No.
- You promise?
- Yes, I promise.
- How old are you, Josh?
- Seven and a half.
Why are you the one
who came to talk to me?
I don't know.
- Why are you here?
- I don't know!
Well, try to think.
What is the last thing
that you remember, hmm?
- I was in a playground.
- A playground.
And what happened?
Get out of here!
I saw Cain.
He was gonna do something bad,
something I'd be blamed for.
I told him it was bad!
Then I woke up Margo, and I told her.
She got real mad!
She told me to go to sleep!
Then I woke up here.
My... My arm hurts.
- That's why I'm here.
- Could you explain that?
- That's what Margo says.
- Margo.
That's what she says.
Hickory dickory dock.
Cain has picked his lock.
He did a bad deed,
and Josh comes to bleed.
Hickory dickory dock.
Everything is all right.
Everything is all right.
Do you know where the babies are?
What babies?
Someone took the babies
and hid them.
No, no, no...
Now, nobody is
going to get punished for this.
- No, no, no...
- I just want to know where they are.
He did it again!
It was Bamse! He did it again!
Oh, no.
- What's the matter?
- Shh!
- She heard me.
- Who heard you?
She's right behind you.
Don't look!
I shouldn't be talking to you.
How do you know she heard you?
She's staring right at me,
like I did something bad.
- Who is Margo?
- She protects the children.
She won't let Bamse hurt them,
like he hurt me.
When he tried to take the children
before, she called up the police,
and they stopped him.
- She called the police?
- Yes.
But you said that he did it again.
- Yes.
- Oh, boy.
She won't just call the police
this time.
- What is she going to do?
- I don't know.
I've gotta get out of here.
Where is she?
Carter? Carter? Josh?
Josh, I want to talk to you.
When I snap my fingers,
you are going to wake up.
Is this Margo?
Do you know
where the children are?
Dr. Waldheim?
Dr. Waldheim?!
Dr. Waldheim!
Did he tell you where Amy is?
Where's Amy, Dr. Waldheim?
My God! My God!
Help! Help!
What's the matter
with you guys?
You almost took those people out!
What's the matter with you?
Are you blitzed again?
What if I tried to take it
out of your pay?! Huh?
Hey! Hey, guys, guys.
Come on, Manuel.
Manuel, you almost took
the taxicab with ya.
You almost took the cab with you.
You gotta take this thing
and move it there.
Move the truck. Put it over there
out of the people's way.
Carter knocked out Waldheim
and escaped.
Let's go. Yeah?
- It's Jenny O'Keefe.
- Where are you?
I'm at the Riviera Motel
at Camino and 3rd.
I followed Waldheim here.
That's not Waldheim.
Just stay put.
- Stay put. We'll be right over!
- I gotta go.
Jesus, man! Whoa! Stop!
You're gonna kill somebody
with that sundial!
Calm down, Seor.
Okay. Uh... Stop!
Okay, now back it up.
- Mommy!
- Oh, my God.
- Mommy!
- So, this is my daughter-in-law.
My God! What kind
of a mother are you?
Put that knife down
and come out of there.
- Give me my child!
- I want my mommy!
I have a gun.
It's pointed at your heart.
Now, if you have anything
to say to me, say it gently.
I don't want you upsetting the child.
You're her mother.
You're scared and angry.
And if looks could kill, my dear,
I would be dead.
I want my mommy!
It's okay, honey. I'm here now,
and we're gonna go home.
Now, drop the knife
and come out of there.
- Why are you doing this?
- I don't have time to explain.
- Carter is waiting for me downstairs.
- Carter isn't there.
I want my mommy!
You're a poor liar, my dear.
Carter always does as he's told.
He's a good boy.
Once we're all safely away,
he'll be yours again.
But you might have to share him
with the law.
Someone will have to pay
for all these terrible crimes.
- You did this.
- I did nothing.
I don't even exist.
Now say good-bye to Amy,
and don't upset her.
Can I kiss her?
No, stay where you are.
Don't force me to kill you here.
It would be very harmful
to the child.
Damn you! Look what you've done!
"Back up!
- Mommy!"
Back up!
- Now!
- Mommy!
- Back up!
- Mommy!
Do it!
She's not there. Let's go around front.
Stay in the car!
We all thought Carter
was imagining his dead father.
But he wasn't.
Dr. Nix faked his suicide so that
he could kidnap the children
and not have the problem of the police
tracking him down.
What about tracking down his son?
Once Carter helped him get the kids,
he was disposable.
Dr. Nix planned to disappear
and leave Carter for the police.
Did they find him yet?
You think he'll come back?
I don't know.
I hope so. He needs help.
- He needs to be locked up.
- He needs to be in a hospital.
What are you doing?
Running for sainthood?
- He tried to kill you.
- I know.
Well, just in case
he shows up, I'd be packing a .45.
Well, Jack's staying with me now, so...
Better than a .45.
How's it going?
Good. He's been very supportive.
And Amy likes him.
Did you see the new bunny
he brought her?
Amy? I'll be right back.
Where's Daddy?
Daddy's not here, sweetie.
He's gone away.
- Daddy's here.
- No, he's not.
Come on, honey,
we've got to get back.
Come to Mommy.