Pumpkin (2002)

It's so exciting, Pumpkin!
Everybody is here.
So, I want you to smile
and try to pay attention.
Don't daydream.
You look so handsome!
Here's your discus.
Are you ready?
Let's go, sweetheart.
Carolyn, yes.
Courtney, Anne Chung, yes.
Carolyn, an emphatic yes, yes, yes!
Oh my God, Julie.
Our first day under your presidency.
Guess what, Carolyn.
We are gonna beat those Tri Omegas
for Sorority Of The Year.
Oh, Look at them. Those mastodons!
There isn't one under 5' 8".
But Julie, how on earth will we beat them?
They've won SOY for 22 straight years.
Well, we have the best girls coming in for rush
our formal is with the Kappa house
and the coup of all coups
I chose a killer charity.
The Challenged Games!
We're gonna be helping a lot of
special people this semester.
My God, that's great!
We will beat the Tri Omegas.
- Hello.
- Hello, mom? I made it safe.
What a relief!
Dad waited for the call.
He's setting off now.
Hope dad breaks par.
Carolyn, sweety...
you've got to be careful this year.
I read in the newspapers
how they're letting all these
people in from God knows where.
Kent! No boys above the first floor.
I gotta go, mom.
Hey, just a moment!
No boys on the grounds during rush
Or above the first floor,
ever, thank you.
Off, boys! Yes, yes, you. Thank you.
Wow! Thank you, Jungle Dancers.
And thank you especially, Carolyn McDuffy.
New rushees have just
witnessed A-O-Pi perfection.
And now you are going to taste A-O-Pi perfection
in the shape of hot sausages
of all sizes and ethnicities
now barbecueing succulently
in our back yard
to which you should all repair immediately.
Oh, look who we're about to snag.
Merle Fenza, 5' 7"...
...1600 on her SAT's
and her father is the CEO of something.
I forget what, but it's big.
Very big. She's our blue chip.
Over there we have what I call
our diversity girls.
Just what the Greek Council was
ordered to consider this year.
Loquata Jefferson.
I dunno about you, but I think she's
the spitting image of Whitney Houston.
Next to her is Fidelia Lagos.
A Filipina, indeed.
Yet, with really light skin
and cute cauasian features.
No offense, Anne Chung.
None at all.
She's just as cute as a bug's ear.
You should be very proud, Julie.
We all should be proud.
Our spirit this year--and Carolyn, you've
really been a catalyst for this--has been,
oh, convincing.
We are gonna out-recruit those Tri Omegas.
Go on, Carolyn, tell her.
Tell Julie what we've been talking about.
What is it, Carolyn?
We have no secrets between us.
Jeanine and I wanna beat
the Tri Omegas for SOY
as badly as any girl in the house.
It's just...
Go on, Carolyn, you promised.
Jeanine and I don't think the charity
you've chosen is quite right.
What do you mean?
We don't think it's appropriate
to bring those 'challenged' people on campus,
right out in the open like that.
They're really different.
Jeanine and I don't think it's
the image A-O-Pi should convey.
Oh, my God!
I certainly didn't expect this
from you, Carolyn.
What next, Carolyn and Jeanine?
You wanna get rid of our Filipina the
black girl and then me, before we graduate?
No, Anne Chung, you misunderstand.
That's not what Jeannine and I meant at all.
Don't be so PC girls. You have
no idea what these people are like.
I have this cousin, Vince...
I can't believe I am hearing
this from a sister!
What kind of people are you?
Let's go down to our rushees,
I wanna forget I ever heard this.
You two...
have got a lot of serious thinking to do.
Trust me, Julie could care less
about those 'unfortunates'.
And I want no part of it.
Oh-oh, Jeanine, Tri Omegas.
Don't even look at them.
Pretend they don't exist.
And for God's sake, none of your tirades.
It's exactly what they want.
Hi, Carolyn. Hi, Jeanine.
Cute hair, Carolyn.
Formidable! Comme il faut!
How's that tennis star hunk of yours, Kent?
Still together?
Cute shoes, Jeanine.
They make your feet look really petite.
Why don't you girls just cut the crap
and tell us what you're trying to say!
Your Julie is certainly going all out
to try to displace us at the top of the heap.
What rushees! Diversity plus!
That little Filipina girl is just darling.
Feliz Navidad?
Rumour has it,
you girls have her in the bag.
That's not her name and you know it.
And your charity?
Wow! I thought ours was rough--
'Safe Sex in the Public Schools'.
But you girls are making quite a commitment.
I hear those kind of people
are very easily aroused.
I certainly hope that you girls
take the proper precautions.
Did you hear that?
They make my blood boil.
We have to beat the Tri Omegas for SOY.
Whatever it takes.
Hi, Carolyn. Welcome back.
I had a terrible summer.
I bet your was perfect.
Sorry, Cici. Mine was pretty good.
See you in poetry class.
At times like this,
I think you're lucky Cici
that no house chose you.
Dates may be harder to come by,
but if you only knew what we have to do
just to satisfy everybody!
OK girls, each of you have been assigned
a specific challenged athlete.
Here are their photographs
with a short descripition of
their abilities on the back.
Get to know them, please.
Casey Whitner.
He doesn't look so bad.
Who's yours, Carolyn?
Pumpkin. Pumpkin Romanoff.
What kind of a name is Pumpkin?
Mr. Wohlfert.
Does mine have a real name?
Cuz I can't call somebody, Pumpkin.
Why don't you ask him
what he wants to be called?
I mean, they can understand.
They're coming.
Come on girls, smile. Smile.
Smile, greet them. Do something.
I'm sorry, Casey. I'm really really sorry.
It's not your fault, it's not mine.
It's the system!
Jeanine, come back!
The Greek Council judges are coming!
That's how they say
you're supposed to do it.
Why don't you try?
Do you do it from the chair?
Or are you supposed to stand?
Because it says on your photo
that you can stand.
And you can talk too.
So, I don't really know what's going on.
What are you trying to tell me?
Julie? Mr. Wohlfert?
Oh, OK! OK, good.
Now throw it just like I showed you.
Throw it.
Great job, Carolyn! You're a natural.
No, I don't think...
What? What? What?
Why did you do that?
I don't wanna talk about it.
Who's that?
That's Pumpkin, my challenged athlete.
He doesn't look so bad.
He's kind of cute.
He kept trying to tell me something.
I can't stand him looking at me,
when you touch me.
You are being a big baby, Carolyn.
These people are just like you and me.
God just chose for them to be different.
Your life's been to perfect.
Everything can't be that way for everyone.
You have no idea how horrible
it was out there today.
The way he looked at me.
Jesus Christ!
You cannot let this stupid sorority competition
ruin your life, Carolyn!
# Sister Alpha, sister Omega
# Sister Pi, Pi, Pi
# Joining hands and joining voices
# Singing songs to the sky, sky, sky
# We are sisters, we have goals and
# we strive together high, high, high
# Joining hands and joining voices
# Singing songs to the sky, sky, sky
Carolyn, you're not yourself.
What happened to our most enthusiastic sister?
If this goes on we're gonna lose those rushees.
My name is Robert Meary.
I'm a poet, not a professor.
And this is not a class,
even though I supposedly teach here.
No no, this is a class.
And I'm taking it to get credit,
in order to graduate.
This is a poetry workshop.
And you'll get your stupid credit.
Take all your chairs and put'em in a circle.
You can't teach anyone how to write poetry.
It has to come from your experience.
From the insides.
Listen, babe!
I could show you great poems,
which you will begin by imitating.
If you have some talent,
you might write a decent poem
by the end of the semester.
What do you do if everything
inside you is ugly?
Your life may be ugly, kid,
but a successful poem about it
will not be ugly.
Because a poem will illuminate and communicate
the horror of your life to other people.
What do you mean the horror of our lives?
Why should anything be horrible or ugly?
Why can't everything be beautiful and perfect?
Mrs. Romanoff,
what has gotten into Pumpkin?
It's pretty amazing, Ramona.
I've never seen him up on his feet
for so long.
Doesn't eat.
Just stays outside and pratices.
Pumpkin, honey, don't you think
you've done enough for today?
That must be Miss Betsy.
Sit down, Pumpkin.
- You look gorgeous.
- Mrs Romanoff, it's not Miss Betsy.
It's that horrible Miss Claudia
from Orange County.
- I told her no, but...
- Claudia, what a surprise.
I brought Hansie.
I thought our boys could play together
while you and I have a little chat.
Judy, the issue between us is about
who can do more for the children.
Claudia, no one cares more
for those kids than I do.
For ten years all you've cared about
is beating us in the games.
My God! It's a fundraiser,
not the Super Bowl.
Oh, right, that's why you guys
are now training at SCSU !
I won't let myself get dragged into this.
But don't forget, Claudia,
this isn't about us.
It's about our two blessings,
outside in the back yard.
My goodness, Judy,
what a good stander Pumpkin has become!
This is wonderful! He wants to show you.
He's going to throw it.
I think, he's going to throw it.
Stop that, Hansie!
Hansie, let'im throw it.
OK, mom.
He's gonna ground it
like he does every year.
Oh my gosh!
For Carolyn.
I want my life back, Jeanine.
This is ruining my senior year.
It's too distracting.
It's spoiling everything.
I'm quitting the challenged games.
What a fucking relief!
You're the only fucking sister
who's talked to me since I quit.
It's not that we're horrible people, Carolyn.
You understand, it makes those people
feel even worse
to come to a campus like this
full of normal people.
I guess I'll have to tell him too.
You should see the pain in his face.
He's so hurt!
He keeps trying to tell me something.
Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night
I can't help but wonder what it'd be like to look
into his wounded soul.
Cut that out, Carolyn!
You're right. I can't stand it.
I can't wait until tomorrow,
when it's all over and I quit.
Pumpkin, I have to tell you something.
...are my...
You are beautiful...
I think we'd better practise.
# Have you and her been taking
pictures of your obsessions?
# 'Cause I met a boy who went
through one of your sessions
# In his blue velour and silk
You liberated the boy I never rated
# Now he's throwing discus
For Liverpool and Widnes
# You liberated
The boy I never rated
# Now he's doing business
# Stars of track and field, you are
Stars of track and field, you are
# Stars of track and field
are beautiful people
# Could I write a piece about you
now that you've made it?
...why does the moon change?
I really don't know, Pumpkin.
I'll try to find out, OK?
# when she's on her back
# She had the knowledge
To get her what she wanted
# Stars of track and field, you are
# Stars of track and field, you are
# Stars of track and field
are beautiful people.
# Stars of track and field, you are
# Stars of track and field, you are
# Stars of track and field
are beautiful people.
What's troubling you, Carolyn?
It's nothing, mom.
Yes there is dear.
I can tell by the furrow in your forehead.
I love you, mother. You know me so well.
Did you ever have the experience
of wanting to know someone,
but not being able to?
Some people have this mystery about them
that you can't get out of your head.
Do you know what I mean?
No, dear. Sounds terrible.
Hi, Margaret.
Are you having problems with Kent?
There's no mystery about Kent.
He just is what he is, and I love him.
Though, I don't think I've been
the best company recently.
Oh, I see.
Is this person a boy?
But it's not romantic or anything.
I hope this mystery has nothing to do with
this young man being from a different culture.
Chinese, Persian,
African or worse.
I mean, most mysterious.
No, mother, it's nothing like that.
I've seen a lot of marriages
come to grief over a lot less.
Mother, it's not romantic.
I just feel the need to get to know him better.
Really, I don't want anything to do with him!
OK, fine.
Is there anything you wanna tell me about him?
No. No, mother.
I just want to free myself from these
... feelings.
I think I understand.
Honey, you don't have to save the world.
I'm sure, in time, there'll be another
young lady he'll get involved with.
He'll be fine!
Thank you.
You know, mom...
life isn't as easy as I thought.
Oh, honey...
Yes it is !
Pumpkin's really made huge strides.
He's become a neat eater
and he's always a gentleman.
Look at him, he's amazingly physical!
You've really done a great job with him.
I guess I have.
You know that sorority mentor of his
Carolyn McDuffy?
She seems to have...
How shall I put it?
...inspired him.
Dont sell yourself short, Judy.
After Lou died...
Pumpkin was all I had.
Oh, darling!
I have a surprise for you, Pumpkin.
This isn't a special training session.
I had to fib a little to your mother.
I didn't think she'd understand.
To be honest, Pumpkin,
you're a mystery to me.
But I have the sense that with a little love...
you could really flourish.
No, no. Pumpkin I have a boyfriend.
You have to understand that.
But that doesn't mean you can't
have a meaningful connection...
with someone else who might
really be simpatico.
Now, now, Pumpkin.
We're gonna have a lot of fun today.
Carolyn, I thought we were going
to the beach.
We are.
We're going on a double date.
Kent Woodlands, I'd like you to
meet my friend Pumpkin Romanoff.
OK, I'm gonna get Pumpkin's date.
I wanna talk to her a little bit first.
You two chat while I'm gone.
Carolyn, I just wanted to thank you
for arranging this.
Do you realize how long it's been
since I've had a date?
How do I look?
You look wonderful. It's going to be great.
Now, Cici, I just wanna warn you.
He's a bit different.
He's special.
He's got a deep soul, like you.
I think you two will understand
each other right off.
I hope so. I hope he likes me.
I want you to be patient with him, Cici.
Don't jump to conclusions.
He's really very sensitive.
Just look into his eyes and
you'll understand.
Don't worry, Carolyn.
I'm just happy to have a date.
Cici, you know Kent.
And this is Pumpkin Romanoff.
Pumpkin, I'd like you to meet
my good friend Cici Pinkus.
Hi, Pumpkin. Glad to meet you.
Off to the beach!
# B-l-N-G-O, B-l-N-G-O
# And Bingo was his name-o
# There was a farmer, had a dog
# And Bingo was his name-o
# B-l-N-G-O...
Come on, guys, join in.
We're having fun!
Alright, if you don't like that one
how about John Jacob?
# John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
# His name is my name too
# Whenever we go out
The people always shout
# There goes John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
Carolyn, did you tell Cici about Pumpkin's...
Not exactly.
I didn't wanna prejudice her before
she saw what a great guy he was.
Don't worry, Kent.
It'll all work out. I just know it will.
Kent, why don't you take all that stuff down
and get us a really nice place on the beach?
Cici would you help me with the wheelchair?
Chicken salad, anyone?
I put curry in it. It's really good.
Doesn't anyone wanna play
Frisbee or badminton?
Kent, why don't you set up the net?
Or better yet, why don't you tell everybody...
about the important tennis match you're
gonna be playing against Arizona State?
Cici, Pumpkin...
did you know that
Kent is number one in Singles?
Look, I'm not a dummy.
I understand what's going on here.
I knew this wasn't going to be
easy for any of us.
And I know this isn't exactly conventional.
But, Cici, you and Pumpkin...
you'd be surprised how much
you two have to talk about.
Carolyn, are you completely
out of your mind?
I'll go see if she's OK.
Pumpkin here's the sunscreen,
here are the drinks and food.
I'll be right back, OK?
# Time,
# all the long red lines,
# that take control,
# of all the smokelike streams
# that flow into your dreams,
What the hell were you thinking?
You really hurt her feelings.
Fixing her up with... him.
What about his feelings?
His feelings too!
Jesus, Carolyn.
Sometimes I wonder how they
let girls like you in at CSU.
I see you all walking around,
eating your yogurt.
It blows my mind.
I'll have you know I got 1400 on my SATs.
And if it weren't for my sorority
responsibilities, I'd be on the honor roll.
I'm the only one who's
thinking about his feelings.
Is that how you think of me, Carolyne?
I think a lot of you, Cici.
I loved your poem about
suffering and being alone.
I can't believe you're acting like this.
I thought you'd understand.
I understand, alright.
Look, if you're not attracted to him, fine.
But he's a human being with feelings.
He suffers too and he's lonely.
How would like it if he ran away
from you sobbing?
I mean you know what rejection is like.
Carolyn, you're an idiot.
No, Kent, you're the idiot.
Aren't you the one who told me that
God chose him to be different?
I don't jnderstand why we can't
go to the beach and have a good time
without all this hysteria?
I wanna go home right now.
Please take me home.
Well? Look what you've done to her, Carolyn.
Well, for God's sake, the least
you can do is take her home!
Get out, Kent.
I've been thinking of what you said
about girls who walk around campus...
eating yogurt, as if we didn't
have a thought in our heads.
- I didn't say that.
- It's what you meant.
Now, I think you should think about
that and give me time to cool off.
Good luck training for the big match!
I'm sorry.
This has been the worst day of my life.
When they came to commit this morning,
they were looking for you.
You weren't here.
We just lost our two most
important rushees.
That black Loquata Jefferson
and that Filipina girl.
This is terrible!
How could I have forgotten
that today is commitment day?
Julie, it's not fair to blame it all on me.
Why on earth couldn't they have
handed their commitment to you?
Or Courtney or Gina or even Anne Chung?
Listen to yourself, Carolyn!
We're all sisters in this sorority.
If one link is weak the chain breaks.
Oh my God, I forgot him!
I totally forgot!
I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry
I'm late for my appointment.
It totally slipped my mind.
I don't believe a fucking word
of this poem you wrote.
There's no real emotion here!
"Ode to Pasadena" ?!
I want you to read that out loud to me.
And I challenge you to really
listen to your words.
"Ode to Pasadena", by Carolyn McDuffy.
"Thou still and quiet town of beauty
"Thou suburb of gardens and slow pace
"I miss your perfect roses
"I miss your proud palm trees
"I miss your warbling birdies
"Most of all I yearn for the embrace
"Of your gentle mothers
"And the wisdom of your proud papas"
It's bullshit.
- It's all bullshit!
- What?
Life isn't like that.
People are mean, they're brutal.
They're unhappy, they're jealous.
You've made some progress.
What on earth made this happen?
Something I left on the beach.
Pumpkin, forgive me.
I'm ruining everything.
My sorority...
Kent, Cici...
and worst of all, you.
You don't need someone like me
meddling in your life.
Don't cry, Carolyn.
I'm not angry.
Pumpkin, you're so beautiful.
How do you do it?
How do you stand the pain?
I'm feeling pain, Pumpkin,
for the first time in my life.
And now I know how it feels.
Feels like everything inside of me
is shattered.
Like a broken mirror.
Like a broken mirror?
That's exactly how pain feels.
A broken mirror.
You're the smartest girl that
I've ever met.
No one's ever said that to me.
I know that the pain I feel...
is just a tiny fraction compared to
what you must feel.
it makes me feel closer to you.
Do you want me to come inside and
explain to your mother what happened?
Let me help you in your chair.
Jeanine, what's wrong with my brush?
How about we choose you
a really nice outfit?
I was thinking my tan jumper and
my butterfly scarf...
would really suit you.
You know I just realised that you
haven't been using my brush recently.
And I found all the clothes I lent you...
in cleaning bags in my closet yesterday.
You haven't spoken a word to me all morning.
Hi, Courtney. Hi, Gina. Hi, Anne Chung.
Carolyn McDuffy, this is a
formal announcement.
The sisters voted last night
to send you Coventry.
No girl in the house will speak to you
again, until further notice.
Hopefully the ban will end in time
for our Formal with Kappa House.
What in the world did I do?
These are the last words
you'll hear from me.
Pumpkin Romanoff's mother
appeared at our door during supper.
Carolyn McDuffy, it is improper to
fraternize with the recipients of our charity
One more last word, Carolyn.
Jeanine, here, has been taken out of Coventry.
When she saw what your attitude
had done to this sorority she felt
remorse for her own lack of spirit.
She finally uderstood that each of us
is just another link in the chain.
It's the only way, Julie,
that we can still win SOY.
Hi, Carolyn.
Poor Carolyn, ostracized by your own house.
We don't think it's fair.
Yeah, word has it, Carolyn...
you went on quite a date yesterday.
There are rumors that you have a thing
for this little retarded boy.
Of course that's nothing that we would believe.
If you three bitches come near me again,
I'll rip your fucking heads off!
Unfortunately, I have to discuss
with you some administrative bullshit.
Your final grades will be based 40 %
on class participation...
30% at your sincere attempts at
producing some acceptable poetry.
Do you have a problem, Miss McDuffy?
I thought poetry was supposed to be sacred.
How can you grade us?
You carry on like you're some kinda rebel.
Yet you conform just like the
people that you find contemptible.
Everyone, even you...
is forced to conform in this fucking world!
And the minute you try to do
something from the heart...
every-fucking-body beats you down.
I'm sorry.
I can't take any more...
of this bullshit!
I don't have a lot of time
to coax you, Miss McDuffy.
Thousands of students come here for counselling.
Most of them are helped.
It's not a big deal.
You're obviously hurting...
otherwise you wouldn't be here.
It's horrible.
I can't tell you. I can't.
Have you been raped, date-raped..
drugged, fondled, assaulted or
sexually harrassed?
Are you having mental problems?
Such as high anxiety, depression...
manic episodes, multiple personalities...
or maybe even voices urging
inappropriate actions on you?
Are you having sexual feelings or fantasies...
towards members of your own sex...
your immediate family, your professors...
or any non-traditional subject?
Not exactly.
You're not helping me very much Miss McDuffy.
I assure you that anything you say
here is confidential.
I'm not gonna judge you.
You have nothing to be afraid of.
It's not exactly sexual, Dr. Cruz.
It's just that I'm afraid I'm falling in love.
I don't want to. It's ruining everything.
Love is not such a bad thing, is it?
Yes, it is.
He's mentally retarded.
You say, retarded.
Retarded's not a medical term.
- How retarded?
- Retarded retarded.
He's in the Challenged Games and
I'm his mentor.
He has this beautiful soul.
It's like my poetry teacher says...
"Only people who suffer can grow into beauty"
You definitely have a problem.
I've been in this business for
over 20 years and...
Do you have a boyfriend that's not retarded?
We've been having problems.
I haven't been myself.
Let me suggest something to you, Carolyn.
You are letting your compassion
take over...
to create a fog of poetic...
romantic fantasy.
You need to ground yourself in what's real.
That's in your relationship with your boyfriend.
The one that's not retarded.
The fantasy will disappear...
and the fog will lift.
Thank you for coming, Miss McDuffy.
Dr. Cruz, you don't know
how badly I want my life back.
- I was so happy!
- Good, Carolyn.
Just remember that when you
indulge in these fantasies...
you dangerously affect
the object of your compassion.
Oh, my God!
What are you doing with
your late father's magazines?
Those are not for little boys!
I'm not a little boy.
I'm a man.
You're right.
You are a man now, but...
How am I gonna explain this to you?
You're a special man...
which means that this kind of
stimulation isn't good for you.
You don't have natural restraints.
My God, how can I make you understand?
Believe me, Pumpkin, it's better this way
And you shouldn't be walking like that,
Pumpkin, you'll fall.
Now what are you doing?
He's calling on the phone, Mrs. Romanoff!
No more cleaning, Ramona.
You can go home now.
So--Sorority House.
Ah... A-O-Pi.
C-Carolyn McDuffy.
Carolyn McDuffy?!
So that's what's gotten into you.
What were you doing when she
kept you out all night?
Those magazines--that is not what
challenged athletes think about!
Oh, I know you and Carolyn didn't
do anything naughty.
But what happened to my Pumpkin...
who wanted to beat Orange County so much...
with the discus and the javelin
and the shot-put?
I want to talk to Carolyn.
Trust me, Pumpkin...
she's not good for you.
You two live in different worlds.
Sorry, Kent.
I just want everything perfect again...
the way it was.
With birdies...
and sunshine...
and loving sorority sisters...
and Kent beating Arizona State...
and Kent kisses...
and Kent smiles...
and Kent hugs.
Kent... Kent.
I wanna talk.
I've been having some problems
with the Greek System.
What do you mean you think you're having
some problems with the Greek System?
Well, it just seems to divide people.
You have the people who get in
and the people who don't...
the good fraternities and the bad fraternities...
the good sororities and the
not so good sororities.
It just seems like a way for some
people to feel better than other people.
And there's no good reason for it.
Especially in a public university
that's paid for by taxes.
Kent, do you think I'm intelligent?
This is all about that guy!
That Pumpkin, guy.
Isn't it?
Anne Chung will be your mentor
from now on.
Your mother and I decided this
change would be best for you.
Casey, this is Carolyn.
She'll be your mentor from now on.
Tell her what your events are.
Do you know soccer?
Game, Kent Woodlands.
Woodlands leads: 6-2, 4-1
Second set.
Isn't Kent amazing?
Look at those Tri Omega drool over him.
Julie, are you going to take
Carolyn out of Coventry?
I mean the Formal's coming up and
Kent's not going to go without her.
You can't forget they were voted
King and Queen.
I don't know what we're gonna do, Julie.
I mean, it never hurts to have the
top school athlete at your Formal.
Sure would score points with
the Greek Council for the SOY.
You know what?
For the sake of A-O-Pi, maybe
Jeanine should go sound her out.
I got permission to see how you
felt about things.
The girls and I were talking
about the Formal...
and how you and Kent, y'know...
what a cute couple you two make!
What have they done to you, Jeanine?
You sound just like them.
I was so unhappy, Carolyn.
Julie suggested a therapist
and he put me on medication.
And you have no idea how much it helps!
You used to be such a rebel...
now you're like a Stepford wife.
She left.
She left in the middle of a point.
Game, set and match.
Todd Ridgeway, Arizona State.
Thank God you're finally done.
I need to talk to you.
Carolyn, do you realize what
you just did to me?
You fucking walked out
in the middle of a fucking point...
and destroyed my fucking concentration.
Because of you...
I lost the match.
We lost the Meet to Arizona State.
Lost our number one ranking.
And I lost the respect of my team.
I'm sorry.
Oh, you're sorry?
You're fucking... sorry?
you better fucking make me understand
why it was so important for you...
to walk out in the middle of
my fucking point.
It was about you, Kent.
There I was, up in the stands...
and I realized that we're going
in different directions.
Good God, Carolyn!
What's happened to you?
I don't know.
You don't know?
That's no answer.
Ever since you started working with that...
fucking retard.
Fucking retard! Retard, duh...
You're in love with him, aren't you Carolyn?
Admit it, you're in love with him.
No. That's not why I'm here.
I can see you wheeling him down the aisle.
That's what it is, you're in love with him.
- No.
- Yes.
- Yes, you are.
- No.
No, no, no.
Yes, yes, yes.
Yes. It's true.
It's not a fantasy.
He understands me.
I'm in love with him.
You are?
That's impossble.
I'm leaving you, Kent.
Can I come in?
Hold me, Pumpkin.
- Hello.
- Hi, Betsy Collander, here.
Oh, I didn't wake you, did I?
No, no...
I've been up for hours, working.
Listen I've arranged for Pumpkin to star
in our public service announcement...
for this year's Challenged Games.
Betsy !
Claudia has forced Hansie on us every year.
But this year the director says
he refuses to work with him.
He says Hansie's too difficult.
Oh, what a coup!
Thank you, Betsy, thank you.
Pumpkin, I've great news for us!
You've raped my son!
Whore! Slut!
You prostitute!
Pumpkin'll never understand what
you've done to him!
I'm gonna call your sorority...
the dean and the president of the university!
And your parents!
You'll never see Pumpkin again!
My poor dear!
Did they throw you out?
There there, darling. I understand.
You couldn't face them.
Did he rape you?
It was consensual.
It's just a phase, darling.
Just a horrible phase.
Let's get you inside where
no one can see you.
- Hello.
- Mrs. Romanoff?
- Yes ?
- This is Carolyn McDuffy.
I need to speak to Pumpkin.
Mrs. Romanoff, please.
We feel for you, man.
I mean I've heard about guys
losing their chicks to...
black guys...
or even to lesbians.
But to a retard?
Your manhood must really hurt.
Hey, man, no offence intended.
The chicks still love you, Kent.
You could have any one.
Game, set and match.
Kent Woodlands, SCSU.
Kent ?! ... Kent Woodlands?!
I'm a free man.
Oh my God!
That was amazing!
How could Carolyn even think about... ?
I mean...
that little retarded boy must be
like some kind of superman.
I want Carolyn.
Kent Woodlands...
how could you want Carolyn
after what she did to us?
She has made us pariahs on Sorority Row.
She has not only disgraced this house...
made us ashamed to show our faces...
she has jeopardized our chances
of winning "Sorority of the Year".
We need you at our Formal Dance
to have any chance at SOY.
The Greek Council adores you, Kent.
If you don't look down on us...
no one else will.
let me fix you up with
one of the girls.
Courtney, Gina...
even Anne Chung.
I want Carolyn.
She is the only one.
Carolyn, are you alright?
Sorry to bother you, sweety, but
you have some guests arriving soon.
What? Who?
It's nothing to worry about dear.
Some really nice people are coming over.
There, there, Carolyn.
I didn't mean for any of this to happen.
He's just so sweet.
So pure.
He understands what's good in me.
No one else does.
And, mama, when he touches me...
he's so gentle...
so tender.
There, there, Carolyn.
In time this will heal.
We just have to forget this ever happened.
I know.
Mom, I know.
Don't be afraid, dear.
We were wrong to turn our backs on you.
That is not what A-O-Pi is all about.
Carolyn, can you hear me?
Mr. Wohlfert...
has gotten the university to promise
there will be no repercussions from the...
the... what you did.
Carolyn, there'll be no
repercussions from the, ah...
the... what you did.
Carolyn, this is Jeanine, your roomie.
I think what the girls are trying to say
is that you can trust us.
No one's perfect. You know that. I know that.
We're here for you now.
Why are you all smiling?
Kent, talk to her.
I want you back...
in the worst way, Carolyn.
I want you to come back to school.
And move back in with the sorority.
Be my girl again and...
And go to our Formal with your
own Kent Woodlands.
You and Kent are still slated
to be King and Queen...
and to dance the first dance.
You have always been A-O-Pi's
best sister.
Please say you'll come back to the
house and go to the dance with Kent.
Please ?
It's such a long commute from
Pasadena to SCSU, Carolyn.
I love you, Carolyn.
Now, let's pack your things
and move you back.
What do you say, Carolyn?
You're the Queen, Carolyn.
And you're goint to have a
wonderful time at the dance with Kent.
Just to let you know, it cost me
$1,400 to fix the car...
on top of all this.
I'm not retarded.
OK, you're not retarded.
That's a bad word.
You're just... special.
But I can assure you, we had you tested.
Extensively, tested.
I'm not special...
and I'm not retarded.
Now, you come on down and get some sleep.
Come on down,
give your mama a kiss, come on.
Oh, hell, Pumpkin, I wish you could drive...
go to Harvard...
go out with that bitch, Carolyn...
but it's just not in the cards.
This is the best Formal the Greek Council
has been to, for years.
Did you see how many of those
giant prawns they ate?
Any minute, now, Carolyn and Kent
will make an appearance...
the dance can begin...
and we're back on the road to SOY.
Thank God you got them back together, Julie.
Carolyn, are you alright?
I'm fine, Kent. I'm fine.
Are you sure?
Ready ?
Ladies ad gentlemen,
the King and Queen of the Formal...
from Kappa Lambda Sigma...
Mr. Kent Archibald Woodlands...
and from the A-O-Pi house,
Miss Carolyn McDuffy.
The first dance.
There is something wrong,
isn't there, Carolyn?
It's just... I threw something
in the wastebasket, I shouldn't have.
Kent, I'm sorry.
This isn't working, you and I.
Why, Carolyn?
Why ?
Because of him.
My God!
We took a c-cab, Carolyn.
It w-was easy.
I came to dance with you.
Goddamn, fucking, dimwitted...
I am going to obliterate you.
No, Kent, he can't defend himself!
You can't do that Kent. He doesn't understand.
If he's man enough to take my girl,
then he's man enough to fight me!
C'mon, boy, let's do it!
Get off me!
I didn't mean to hurt him.
It must have been all the training.
I think they want us to leave, Carolyn.
He's right.
You two better go, Carolyn,
you've caused enough damage already.
I'm a sister of A-O-Pi.
And Pumpkin Romanoff is my guest.
If it hadn't been for you
sanctimonious hypocrites...
he would have been my date tonight.
Pumpkin and I are going inside to dance.
Why, Julie?
You two are not an appropriate... couple.
I'm sorry, Julie.
Pumpkin's not going to sit
in the back of the bus anymore.
Oh, God, no!
Look what you've done to me, Carolyn.
They say I'll never play
tournament tennis again.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I may not even walk...
because of you.
You will. You will. I know you will.
Now I'm just like him.
I'm to blame.
I'm to blame for evrything.
I've caused dveryone a great deal of grief.
You were all right.
What I did with Pumpkin was against nature.
And now evryone's suffering because of it.
I ruined rush.
I ruined our charity.
I ruined the Formal.
Kent is probably injured beyond repair.
And now, A-O-Pi is runner-up again.
I'm sorry.
I'm leaving the sorority.
I'm quitting SCSU.
I'm transferring to a Community College.
But, Carolyn, you're a senior.
You can't transfer to a Community College,
you have too many units.
Then I'm transferring to Long Beach Tech.
Long Beach Tech?
Oh, my God!
Carolyn, we're having lamb-chops...
medium rare, your favorite.
Would you like to join us for your last dinner?
No, thank you, Julie.
I have to get my life straight.
I have to leave the lamb-chops...
the sisters, Kent...
and Pumpkin, whose trust I betrayed.
Good bye, everyone.
# If you go away.
# On this summer's day.
# Then you might as well.
# Take the sun away.
# All the birds that flew.
# In the summer sky.
# When our love was new.
# And our hearts high.
# And the day was young.
# And the night were long.
Carolyne, where you goin'?
I'm leaving school.
I'm transferring to Long Beach Tech.
Life isn't handed to people there.
Carolyn, you've become my best student.
Not hardly.
I couldn't even finish my poem.
# If you go away
# As I know you will
# You must tell the world
# To stop turning
# Til you return again
# If you ever do
# For what good is love
# Without loving you
# Can I tell you now
# As you turn to go
# I'll be dying slowly
# Till the next hello
# If you go away
# If you go away
# If you go away
# If you go away
# As I know you must
# There is nothing left
# In this world to trust
# Just an empty room
Very sorry, Pumpkin.
Carolyn's gone away...
from all of us.
From you too, Pumpkin.
# And I'd be the shadow.
# Of your shadow.
# If you might have kept me.
# By your side.
# If you go away.
# If you go away.
# If you go away.
# If you go away.
# If you go away.
You have a room for rent?
On a sadder note...
SCSU will enter the
National College Tennis Championships...
without their star Kent Woodlands...
who was tragically injured
in an automobile accident.
Investigation is pending...
as to the cause of this
untimely catastrophe.
We can only hope and wish for the best.
Kent, you have a visitor.
No, I don't wanna see anyone.
# If you go away
# On this summer's day
# Then you might as well
# Take the sun away
# And the birds that sing...
Ladies and gentlemen...
please help me welcome our
challenged athletes!
Remember to work as a team.
Don't be afraid to be hard nosed.
We're gonna beat Orange County!
Beat Orange County!
By the power vested in me, once again...
as President of
The State of California Challenged Games:
Let the games begin!
My son, Hansie.
What are you working on, Carolyn?
A poem.
You know, Carolyn, you're such a mystery.
You don't tell us where you come from...
you just pop in out of the blue.
I'm from a very, very bad place, Sascha.
I tried to change it and change myself, but...
That's what I'm working on.
A poem about giving in to the world.
Come on, Carolyn, let's hear it.
"I once had a dream that I could
change pumpkins into coaches
"But the world said no
"And sent me packing to the sea
"Now pumpkins remain pumpkins
"Mice remain mice
"And I am only me"
I can't seem to get it right.
Maybe the problem is, Carolyn...
you don't wanna give in to the world.
Ready for the relay, Pumpkin?
I want Carolyn.
Listen to me.
No matter where Carolyn is, Pumpkin...
you're still her champion.
And you owe it to yourself...
to finish what you two started.
Take your marks...
# You make me satisfied
# You only want to ride
# But that's alright by me
# We happen to be free
# For what tomorrow brings
# No peace and broken wings
# It may have been so good
# But now it's understood
# 'Twas just a night
# If I could tear my heart
# And keep it miles apart
# From love of beast or man
# And never give a damn
# If I could learn to lie
# And never show my pride
# I'd be just like the rest
# Be someone I detest
# I'm always looking for the sun
# I'm always looking for the sun to shine
Did you see me?
Did you see me run?
He's a true champion...
like Carl Lewis...
in all ways.
I'm so proud of you, Pumpkin.
You have a wonderful son.
I've always admired you, Kent...
but I had no idea you could be
such a caring, good person.
I'll never forget what you've done.
I know a better man when I see one.
He's all yours, Carolyn.
# Love
# Destroys the best of us
# Then leaves the rest of us
# Thinking perhaps we'll die
# Yet still we stay alive
# Lost in a hollow frame
# With lonely tears remain
# Not knowing our life's worth
# Dragging around the earth
(How false the light)
Should I call you Jesse from now on?
That is your real name.
No. Pumpkin will work just fine.
Pumpkin, when you asked me about the moon...
did you mean it literally or metaphorically?
# Love
# Destroys the best of us
# Then leaves the rest of us
# Thinking perhaps we'll die
# Yet still we stay alive
# Lost in a hollow frame
# With lonely tears remain
# Not knowing our life's worth
# Dragging around the earth
# How false the light
# You make me satisfied
# You only want to ride
# But that's alright by me
# We happen to be free
# And if we fall from grace
# At least we had a taste
# Of something more than this
# Unresolved black abyss
# I'm always looking for the sun
# I'm always looking for the sun
# I'm always looking for the sun
# I'm always looking for the sun to shine
# When you're feeling down
# Think about the breeze
# Floating through the trees
# When you're feeling really
# Really, really, really, down
# Think about the bees
# Flying through the breeze
# Floating through the trees...