Partition (2007)

1947th year, India was given independence ...
of colonial rule which ended
almost tristopedesetogodinje British presence on the subcontinent.
As an attempt to prevent civil strife,
India is divided into two nations ...
Islamic Pakistan and secular India.
More than 14 million people were displaced
the migration of Muslims in Pakistan Sika and Hindus in India.
Ancient hatreds again broke to the surface and over one million have died ...
the chaos and violence that may occur as a result.
Leave India to God.
If this is too much, then leave her to anarchy.
Mahatma Gandhi.
Congratulations, Gian!
Gin and tonic?
Walter Hankins, what a surprise. Thanks.
What brings you to these parts? Certainly not an amateur polo?
Well, I was hoping that you'll find here.
What is your father?
As far as I know, still trying to believe the movement for independence.
And yours? As far as I know ...
still rotting in his mausoleum damned British.
You're Nevaljala girl. I'm amazed that you even kept in the ministry.
Dad is lazy. Bar, when he left me behind ...
It is thought that such a service that I will never lose his job.
On a good game and sentenced.
Brilliant. Have you enjoyed? Yes.
Congratulations. Thanks.
Bad luck. Next time we'll win.
I need a faster horse.
Open, Mags.
Search from your regiment to report to duty. Immediately.
I guess that's it.
Imagine, my younger brother will lead you into battle.
Dad's legacy.
Lt. Stillwell, this should be sealed.
I think I'll join you and take tea.
You see, this is why I never managed to be a Sikh.
No gin and tonics, as well as enough head to keep hat.
Do not you last month
complained that he had never managed to be a Buddhist?
I will write you as soon as I can.
Yes, of course.
It is time to go.
Will you paint. We need to go.
Just one, please. OK.
Let's get together pictures.
Get closer.
Look at the camera.
Stuck. We need to go.
Maybe I can help. Walter!
Five years later, 1946.
Refrain from India
Walter wrote a nice article about him in "The Times"
Your brother told me one last thing before his death.
Talk to an end. It sounds to it.
He said they should go home.
Back in England ... where you belong.
Where do I belong?
Goodness gracious. I belong there now?
My father returned to England after the death of his mother.
If I belonged there, then, why now?
needs to go.
Police moment is in progress. Keep away from main streets.
There are changes happening.
Will you stay in the army?
No, ma'am.
I return to Sirs.
Of course, your village in Punjab.
You belong there, right?
Goodbye, madam.
Andrew, do not lose it.
My mother gave me this when I was five years.
Have you had a pet? I do not believe.
I suppose I had a habit of going off, but you need to careful with me.
But I never could find. Despite zvidaljci.
Thanks. It crawls you in trouble, I guarantee.
I do not know why they did it officer.
England blood, enough to command.
Do not worry, madam. Nothing will happen to him.
Avtar and I'll keep it.
1947th Mr Punjab, India.
Migration of Muslims in Pakistan
Not much. We do not have much to go.
Habu, why not a little odmori?
Sit a bit.
Sit down, please. I'm fine ...
Please, Sabu.
Come on, Habu!
Mama ...
Naseem! Naseem, run!
Akbar! Akbar, my son!
Avtar? Uranio're morning.
We need to talk. And talk.
I watched you yesterday.
You've been busy working on the farm while others have done your part.
My Part? What? Killing innocent people?
They got what they deserve. For me there is no compromise.
You disappoint me, old friend.
I think you're not in a position to judge me.
I have a job.
In Burma, did not hesitate. The war is over.
War never ended.
This was done for the soldiers.
Take it.
Mornings are cold.
I will not hurt you.
Enough. You can not stay here.
You gotta come with me.
In the army ...
taught us that warm feet and a full belly
All we can expect.
But when I'm cooking,
hunger has no place at the table.
You need to eat.
Gian ...
it was only noon. Today you have decided not to sleep.
I gave you all morning to otplati goods.
Last week, your rice ... I know, I know.
Again we podvalio stones in rice.
Buy from someone else. Do you think it is so easy.
I heard you for the recent carnage?
One third of the lens and two thirds of peas.
It was bloody. Very close to the village.
I heard that many Muslims have died.
The festival of Holi is just for that week.
What praise? Four feet, please.
This is for someone your age, Gian.
Permanent iznenauje me.
Come on. You have to see the train which had arrived from Pakistan.
We need more people. People who were soldiers, Gian.
Join us.
I can not, Avtar.
Where have you been? Since you're here?
I looked for you.
Ranin son was on the train.
The whole family. All together.
And now ... dead.
Poor Rani.
These Muslims ... How can you kill innocent people?
They are killers.
I hate them.
I'm so glad you're not involved, my son.
Go in early. Do what you can for her.
It is your best friend.
We need to find a better place to hide.
I will bring water.
It was your mother? Yes.
I would love to see her mother, family.
New Delhi, INDIA
In the past 24 hours has escalated
disorder and conflict.
Thousands of innocent refugees on both sides of the narrow confines
in place Punjub were massacred.
The villages of Lahore and Anrivtar were in flames.
It seems like it is impossible to establish peace and order ...
a newly formed government in New Delhi
can not offer any help that would be
led to the end of bloodshed.
Gandhi did not have anything to say reporters
the day when India celebrates its independence.
That same independence which is dedicated to getting your whole life.
Two of the nation that India was divided
the other dominion within the British ...
They must have changed the way the refugees to the border.
I'm sorry.
No returns.
Soon it will dawn. We must go back.
No returns.
You were good to me.
Where you going? In Pakistan.
On the other side.
What's your name? Naseem.
I'm Gian. I know.
Tomorrow we can try again.
If me not to be seen on the field, people will start asking questions.
And please, when you go out the fire.
Open the door.
Open the door. We know you're there.
Destroy the door.
Where is Muslim?
She is a girl.
Is not responsible for whose death.
How can you hide one of them
after all they have done to our nation?
She did nothing. I'll tell you who has not done anything.
My son, his wife, his children, my grandchildren!
They killed them damn Muslims!
How dare you hide one of them among us?
Do you know what they did to our children on the train?
It has polluted our village!
Add a.
You will not touch it. I want to immediately go out.
If you come to my house, one of us will die.
Then you bring them. Someone has to pay.
Do not let me take you.
Kill me now. Please.
You were a soldier, Gian. You will not let me suffer.
Please, Gian, you are a gracious man.
It will be easier for me. It is easier for me to be so, please.
Kill me now. Please wait.
There is still hope. Please, trust me.
This is all I have. Hopefully it will be helpful.
For those who had to leave everything behind in Pakistan.
More than 500 rupees, friends. Maybe more.
Let this be an inspiration to us all.
Why all this?
What do you mean to live with my family's blood on your hands?
Let the lord Vishnu smiles on our people.
Let the hell comes rushing at this house.
It should help, as long as anyone can, to put our nation.
Thank you, thank you.
Thanks. You're a fool, Gian.
Why does the Muslim woman? Why?
We are still holding it?
Forget the old memories, Gian. The boy was dead.
You lose it.
Please, Mother.
Most of them are able to kill.
I have long been a soldier.
You gave them a lot of money.
You need to sleep.
I see that you still have your bike, Ms. Stillwell.
What on earth are you doing here?
Are you okay? I'm so worried because of all the fighting and killing.
I hope you like fresh vegetables. How nice!
Just that I do not have them saved.
Of course. Thanks.
Come on, please.
It was a massacre.
Perhaps the family survived. Where are they going?
In a village near Lahore.
You mentioned that the Delija.
There is a chance that local authorities
may have information about its closest relatives in Pakistan.
I promise, I will do everything they can to help.
I did not have any effect. Dad's legacy, you know.
But I'm not optimistic, Gian.
You have to know how it is these days:
Finding a family is considered a miracle.
Miracles do happen, ma'am.
Yes, that is. Really happen.
I need to go, if I think I catch the last train.
Please, bring this to the child.
I could not, madam. But you were too dareIjivi.
I insist, but you must promise me
it will come back and bring more fresh vegetables.
And without that "Madam", please.
We'll hear it, I promise.
Where is my son?
Not here. I see it.
He went to New Delhi.
He went to visit an Englishwoman.
Gian thought that maybe it can help to find my family.
Good. Glad to hear it.
Here are the clothes you asked that chassis.
My son does not want his wife to clean.
He does not like that anyone touching things.
This looks wonderful.
Thank you very much.
The house is so clean.
Gian ... let me bring water.
No. Until you go out from this house, no one will touch it.
Everyone knows that I'm here. Observing your house.
When you're not here, I'm alone.
Let see who is their enemy.
I'll bring water.
How dare you come to our well?
For you there is no water. Go fetch it from Pakistan.
Leave her alone, Rani. Take it with you and.
Water belongs to everyone. Then let go of your well.
Carries the water for the house of my son.
Are you hurt? Malo.
This is a surprise.
This is a field of mustard, is not it?
That's nice.
Do you know what you need?
What? Red turban.
Imagine the red against the blue sky and yellow flowers.
I have a red turban. Too bad!
Today I have prepared something else.
My mother never taught me to cook.
She said that school and learning more relevant.
And I just wanted to draw and paint.
Fortunately, so I can eat everything.
The Army was good for it. The only thing they can not digest it ...
Pumpkin 'chapatis'.
And in this? Desert.
Saffron and almonds and pumpkin.
What is it that you can not svari?
Do not tell me.
Let me guess what we eat for dinner tonight.
G. Sharma!
Miss. Stillwell, it's nice to see your face Ijupko.
I am looking for? Still waiting for an answer to my request.
Good Grief! You told me you will by ensuring for him!
Small Muslim! Yes, yes, I remember the case.
The Muslim child in your friend's Sika.
Mr. Singh was in the people of my brother, Mr. Sharma,
and as such is not mjoj Sikh friend, however, has the right to reply
from the Indian government. Miss. Stillwell ...
Ministry in charge of finding a family
has received thousands of demands.
I have a close friend who writes for The Times of India.
You might be interested in writing about your lack of interest.
Very well, Miss. Stillwell, I will personally take care of it.
Just ... send me another copy of the letter.
Goodbye, Miss. Stillwell.
Give me this color. No, not power.
Will. You need one hand free
to throwing paint. Well, here goes.
This is wonderful.
Nobody stares at me, no one is watching me.
Today no one knows who I am.
But I know. You have to leave early to greet.
Do not you dare. I dare.
Manjula, do, please. Wait here. I went and took, ok?
Enough. Enough.
Come on. Come on.
No one will hurt more.
It was so much blood.
No one was able to escape. My mother, family.
It's okay.
With me you are safe.
It should be cotton.
Still no news from New Delhi.
You'll have to decide.
I do not know what to do.
It can not stay here forever.
From New Delhi.
Can I?
"Dear Gian, I'm sorry that you did not previously written
your occasion requires.
Trying to solve the problem with the Indian government.
G. Sharma, an official of the Department for resettlement of refugees
at the Ministry I was personally convinced that this will be his priority.
I assure you that it is only a matter of time when I have news for you.
Once again, Gian,
I can not thank you enough you're worried about my dear Andrew.
Margaret "
Lord! Gian!
My legs! I can not move your feet!
Lord! I can not move your feet!
We will draw you! Hold up!
But! Dam!
Do not let it drown! I'll draw you!
I'll draw you!
Do not let yourself to drown!
Look at me! Do not let yourself to drown!
I can not keep! Look at me.
So be afraid. I'm not going to drown!
Deliver my feet, Gian! Please.
Please, Gian. Please.
You promised Maggie that you worry about me.
We need to go. Please.
Who is Andrew, Gian?
Her brother.
I promised her that I will uphold it.
He was killed.
Choked up.
I had to kill him.
I love you, Gian.
Maybe you talk with some people from the ministry.
Yes, it would be wonderful.
I'm so happy you're back to fear that does not make any progress.
In fact, I'm here just two weeks.
I came to the documents for permanent residence.
for England? England? No. No.
Lahore, Pakistan.
It is interesting how the times have changed.
It seems that, thanks to my ancestors, Lahore is now overseas.
Well, we'll be neighbors.
Our office was selected as representative
Shared Bunjab-Lahore legislation.
I requested to be present for some time.
I can not imagine why they called me.
You have to stay in my hotel. Hotel?
My family left the management of Hotel Royal.
From journalist to hoteliers.
I do not know if it's a step forward or backward.
Well, newspapers are losing a good man.
Your words to me were a great comfort after Andrew's death.
I never could imagine Andrew as a hero.
Have you ever razmiIjala to return to England?
Surely there must have some relatives.
The loss of Andrew I experienced as a loss of connection with his English side.
I'm afraid that would not fit.
Fit to you wherever you are.
As the leg that bears the number 36 in the shoe number 38
Thank you, Walter.
Tomorrow I will be in the Ministry. I will talk with Tapptyem.
Do Lahore.
Do Lahore.
Looking for Mr Hian Sigh. I was told to live here.
Yes, ma'am.
Miss. Stillwell.
It's been a long time.
Please, come.
Can I offer you a cup of tea? Yes, it would be wonderful.
So, this is the Sirsa. Yes.
I've started in Lahore. I got a place in the government of Punjab.
I understand. Yes.
It will be a welcome change from New Delhi.
The journey so far has been very pleasant.
How nice little boy. Although it is not possible that this is a child.
Ma'am. Thanks, dear.
Well, let me get to work. I'm sorry that it took so much,
But the ministry responsible for the displacement of family
leads to a bunch of idiots. Even Walter had to intervene.
Walter? How is he? He was a good man.
Still the same.
So where is this girl, a Muslim?
I am that girl. I'm Naseem.
I have news about your family.
They are very close to Lahore.
I have their address, and documents for travel.
Is mom sad?
No, sweetheart. No, Mom is happy. Happy.
I love you, Mom. I love you.
Now my prayers have been answered.
Thank you, ma'am. You never forget this.
There is no need for me Ms. oslovljava, only Margaret.
How to arrange the paperwork for you and Vijay?
It will be very difficult.
You'll have to contact officials of Pakistan's government in New Delhi.
Here I have access. Maybe you go to Mr. Sharma in the ministry.
Tell him that I have sent.
It was good to see you again.
You, too. You are doing well.
You have a lovely family.
Tell a woman that I would stay at the Hotel Royal in Lahore
In the event that it had problems at the border.
Although all the papers in perfect order. I have personally examined them.
First class.
Miss. Stillwell ...
This is yours.
I was not allowed to keep for yourself.
Do not forget, Hotel Royal. I'll tell her, Ms. Stillwell.
Why do not you call me Margaret?
Goodbye, Margaret.
I'll have to fix sandals.
Buy new ones. Oh, Gian.
What I would do without you?
Will you bring your silk dress? I guess.
You look wonderful in it.
I want you to know that your family are well taken care of.
Can I go with you, mama?
No, Vijay. You have to stay here and take care of dad.
Will you buy me a gift?
Of course. What do you want?
Horses. Horse?
Yeah, Vijay. Come here.
Go to play.
I would like to go with me.
You're going to only briefly.
Here's your ticket.
For one there and to return here.
For exactly a month.
Do not lose them.
I will write you as soon as I can.
Welcome to Pakistan.
Is mom went away?
No, son. Has not gone away.
Soon it will be back.
Looking for someone?
Akbar! Akbar, come quick!
Are mother and father in there?
My mother was inside.
And where is the father?
He did not survive the massacre.
Killed by Sikhs.
The day we lost you.
But now we're back.
I can only stay for a month.
I have family in India.
Son and husband.
My daughter.
Vijay, I've already told you to shut up. Why do not you listen?
Where are you, Vijay?
Vijay. Vijay.
Mama will be back. I know.
She promised me a gift. It's okay.
Both are liars! Naseem, Akbar!
This is wrong. Calm down.
Did you also know?
We've done it for you.
Not one letter. Stay a little longer, Naseem.
Another week. Another month.
Write another letter. Razumjee.
They killed our father. My husband did not kill anyone!
He saved my life.
What are you doing?
What are you doing? Answer me!
You will not betray us, Naseem!
Do you want a candy? Will you?
When you went into the army, I was your father?
Now I have none.
You have to understand how I feel, my mother.
Bar do not lead to Vijaya with you. You will even haul it up there?
He was just a kid. Mother, it was required by his mother.
Daddy. See what I have.
Good luck in New Delhi, Giam.
When it comes time to judge me, Avtar, do not be too hard.
Wise men do not judge.
From experience I know that there are no wise men.
I know of one.
Happy time, Giam! Bring me samples of fabric from Lahore.
It is impossible. Only Muslims can enter Pakistan.
But if you want to dovete his wife here, we can.
There are still Hindus refugees entering the country.
My wife is Muslim.
It will take the appropriate channels in Pakistan ...
In order to obtain the papers.
The current situation is still tense.
If you are a Muslim, you can simply cross the border.
Happy Divali, Mr. Sigh.
From now on, you call Muhammad Hasan.
This is not enough.
But they told me in New Delhi that nothing more is needed.
Wrong you are informed. We need a license ...
proper identification. This is not enough.
Please, let us pass.
The trip was difficult for my son.
You'll be back in New Delhi
and request relevant documents from the High Commissioner.
Listen to me ...
have to be quiet. Understand?
Come on.
Come on.
Good day, sir. What can I do for you?
Looking for a room with my son and me.
The name and address, please ... My name is ...
Muhammad Hasan. And the address?
Sirsa. In Pakistan?
In India.
Thanks to the British, so we are many refugees became
in your own home.
Perhaps they had no choice.
They had a choice.
Naseem ...
attempt to understand.
We can not let you go back to India.
You can not lose again.
Do not do this to me.
Mother, I'm begging you.
Now I have a husband and her son. Do not keep me here.
This man is a Sikh.
And I thought that I have a problem in deciding which religion to approach.
It's been a long time.
Welcome to Lahore, Gian.
Miss. Stillwell. Yes?
You still have your bike, Margaret?
What did you do?
Naseem did not return.
We have no news. It's been almost 3 months.
Tomorrow morning I go to Castlemoon.
Does anyone know that coming? No.
Do you work tomorrow? No.
We have no session until the next week.
Can I leave you with Vijaya? You can not go alone.
Here the situation is very bad. Can you lay Vijaya?
This is not a smart move, Margaret.
Let's go, Akber. Let's get out and be with us.
Please. Please.
Naseem. Gian.
No! No, Akbar!
No! Zakir!
No! Mama! Akbar, please!
She's my wife! No! Gian!
My sister with a chic!
How dare you come into our home?
How dare you?
You killed my father!
You are attacked and massacred us as we Belial.
Leave him alone! Margaret!
What happens? He is a Sikh.
I am a Muslim.
My name is Mohammed Hasan. He is a Sikh.
He tried to take her our sister. If the crime was being born as a Sikh,
it is a crime to be born as a Muslim. I do not want to hear this.
Half my life I was a soldier.
I fought for India.
For Sike, Muslims,
Hindus, Christians, for all. I do not consult us,
consult his people.
Yes, I killed people.
Lots of them.
I returned home to find peace,
and found the division.
Hatred everywhere.
I did not want to be part of it.
The day I found my ...
I could not leave there that someone else was found.
I had to save her.
But Naseem is actually saved me.
Your sister is my life back.
She did it again I want to live.
She is my everything.
My sister has a place here with its people.
Why not place it would be next to me, Akbar?
The whole life I was looking for.
Will you give this man his sister?
Let's go.
Do you can not send it back to Lahore, Sergeant?
It is impossible.
Well, maybe we manage to arrange something.
I work for the government in Lahore,
I suspect that a person who works for the state might want to have a new friend.
Friends who can help. Take him in Lahore.
Good look.
How is my son?
Margaret keeps it.
I envy you.
It must be very much like ours.
Authorities will set you free if you come back with her son in India.
Not without its mother.
Vijaya work, go back to India.
I have some influence, even in Lahore.
We will come out with this before the courts.
And sooner or later we will save your wife from Pakistan.
I can not go without it.
It is my life.
If you want to stay in life, go.
Not like this is supposed to be.
Your father and I were out of town.
Our families were moderate views.
We were supposed to be involved in such things.
Your father is not supposed to die that way.
There is little, but it will help you go from Pakistan.
When you grow, tell his son that you are
also had a mother who loved you.
Mommy. So I love you so much.
As usual, do not go to the main streets.
Let Allah follows.
Two, please, for Amritza.
Tata. Dad!
Do not worry. I will buy you another vreeicu.
It does not matter.
Wait here.
You can not bike. Our sister is there!
You can not bike. Come back.
Did you buy me a gift?
Of course. How to forget. Here you go.
Please, Margaret.
No, Akbar!
Vijaya Go!
Vijaya Go! Go!
Akbar, please!
Naseem, hurry. In the train.
Enter into the train.
Like many whose life is destroyed by division ...
Margaret, Vijay and I have come to England.
Walter took the Giam Sirs.
When he and his ashes scattered Avtar
around the tree in the village.
His roots are deep in the earth
that comes as new trees.
Thus, Giana and I gave the love of power
To start a new life.
Lives on in everything I am, what we are.