Parnell (1937)

Sure now, you'll
have to get back
And give the boys a
chance to get through here.
Come on, now! This is a
great day for old Ireland.
Many of you brought away
with you a handful of Irish sod,
To keep green
your memories of home.
But you needn't have.
You didn't leave
Ireland behind you.
It's in your hearts...
Wherever you go.
That's what these two months
in America have taught me,
That wherever
you find an Irishman,
You also find
the generosity...
And the loyalty...
And the passion
for freedom
Which is the soul
of Ireland herself.
Give Ireland
back to the Irish!
Get home rule
for Ireland!
That's what we're going
to do, in time,
And the day is nearer
than some think.
And now I must
go back to Ireland.
I can't start thanking you
for all you've done.
This boat would never sail.
But Ill just say...
And I know you'll
say it with me...
God save Ireland.
Go home
and save Ireland!
In two minutes, we'll be
shaking hands with him again.
I doubt if any man's
return has ever
Been so waited
for... or needed.
Its a dangerous thing when one man
Is as important
as all that.
Not when that
man's Parnell.
Here he comes
now, sir.
I'd be ticklish to arrest
Parnell here in all this crowd.
Ticklish? Dangerous,
if I may say so, sir.
We better make
the arrest on the road.
Hop in.
Mr. Parnell!
Glory be!
The saints be praised for
bringing you back to us!
That's a grand welcome
he's getting.
Yes, he certainly seems
popular with the rabble.
Come along, and
Ill introduce you.
No, not here.
Why not?
There's such a thing as a
psychological moment, general,
And this isn't it.
When I meet him, I don't
want to be in competition
With a crowd of
unwashed hooligans.
Did you see me
cousin Patrick?
And me nephew Dennis Cogan?
Is it true
that you can pick up gold
Off the streets
of new york city
Like you can shamrocks on the roadside
Here in Ireland?
There's gold and love
And help for Ireland
in new york city...
Or wherever
you find an Irishman.
There he goes.
Follow him.
Watch your feet.
Oh, it's good to be
home again, Michael.
We've needed you.
Are things as bad here
as you wrote me?
Oh, worse.
You're bound to see
it as we go along.
Evictions, outrages,
house burnings.
It all began again
the minute you left.
You're the only one
who could do anything,
With the English
or the Irish.
Is it the rent?
Are you the sheriff?
Yes, your honor.
What do these
people owe?
8 pound.
I'll pay it.
Too late
for that, sir.
The landlord wants
them evicted.
Who is the landlord?
Pat Hogan.
Where is he?
Here he comes
now, sir.
Are you pat Hogan?
What's that to you?
You're landlord
I'll pay these
people's rent.
You'll not!
Why not?
I'd sooner let
the land for grazing.
That's what
Im going to do.
And leave them
I'm within me rights.
Me rights by law.
Mr. Parnell?
I'm sorry, sir,
but I...
I have a warrant
for your arrest.
What's that? You can't arrest him!
I'm terribly sorry
I have to do this.
all right.
Now, what's it
for this time?
Well, Ive made
several utterances
That might be called
Now, where are you
taking me?
Kilmainham jail,
If it's all the same
to you, sir.
All right.
I'll go with you
in just a minute.
It's not much
you're losing here.
This is where me
father was born...
And lived and died...
And me father's
father before him.
It's all we have
or ever have had.
It's all we know.
no place else.
Oh, yes,
there is.
Yes, sir.
Will you stay behind
and see that these people
Are sent up to
my place, Avondale?
Yes, sir.
Put them on the train
and telegraph my steward
To have a cottage
ready for them.
Very well, sir.
So that's
the king of Ireland.
The uncrowned king.
He'll get
his crown...
In heaven.
Morning, gentlemen.
Good morning. Good morning to you.
How's the
work coming? Oh, grand.
I've got all those
reports you wanted.
Oh, you've
been quick.
And why
shouldn't he be,
With nothing
to disturb him?
It's a grand scheme,
us working here.
Take a look at these
election leaflets.
They just came back
from the printers.
Yes, they're
all right.
Oh, uh,
Mr. Parnell.
Do you
remember me, sir?
Yes, I do indeed.
The OGorman Mahon,
isn't that right?
The old boy
himself, sir.
I hope you'll pardon us
for intruding on you
In your hour
of trouble.
There's no trouble,
I assure you.
We're having
a splendid time.
Ireland's affairs have
never been run better.
Well, I wanted to
take this opportunity
To present to you me friend
captain William O'shea.
How do you do,
captain Oshea?
How do you do?
A fine man, sir,
And the new candidate with
meself for county Clare.
I took it upon meself
to sponsor him
While you were
in America.
I take this as
an auspicious omen
For my political
To meet the Irish leader at its outset.
I have no fears as to the
result of the election now.
Well, may I wish you
a speedy release.
Thank you,
captain Oshea,
And good luck
in county Clare.
And now, though you
may not believe it,
The pressure of
business is very great,
So if you'll
excuse me.
Why, certainly.
Michael, what about
this man, Oshea?
I don't know
much about him.
But you don't like him.
There's not a man in
the party likes him, sir.
Why is the OGorman
backing him?
I think Oshea
is putting up
The election money for both of you.
Oh... I see.
All right, Campbell.
Let's get to work.
Yes, sir.
Take a letter to...
sir Charles Russell.
Yes? Excuse me, sir.
Uh, Mr. Parnell,
The crowd outside is
getting awful troublesome.
You wouldn't like to
say a word to them now,
Just to quiet
them, would you?
It'd be a great relief
to me if you would.
Yes, of course.
I'll open the
window for you.
My friends, this demonstration
is very flattering,
But for the sake of the
authorities in charge here,
I must ask you
not to do it.
get you out!
We'll get you out if we
have to tear the jail down!
No, no, no.
You mustn't
do that either.
Just go about your business
as peaceful Irish citizens...
And as if nothing
had happened.
The election is
only 3 days off.
Do your duty
at the polls.
And remember this:
The cause of Irish
freedom will be pursued
As fervently
from this jail
As it would be from
my office in Westminster.
Your friends and leaders
are here with me.
We're working for
a parliament in Dublin.
Meantime, we're holding a
preliminary one here in Kilmainham.
So that's
the great Parnell.
And that's what I came all
this way to Ireland for:
3 words
and a handshake.
Now, you mustn't be discouraged,
me boy. You can't afford it.
There's nobody else
can do for you
What he can
in Irish politics.
I know.
Oh, don't worry.
I'll make friends
with him.
Well, it's not going
to be easy.
As soon as he gets out
of jail, Ill get my wife
To invite him to
Eltham for dinner.
I didn't know you
ever saw your wife
Long enough to have
dinner with her.
And now I have to
entertain for him.
Don't look so glum!
But it's only the beginning, aunt Ben.
Now that Willies a
member of parliament,
There'll be no end
to his demands.
More money.
Well, as a member
of parliament,
He'll have more ways
to spend it.
Houses and champagne suppers
will only be extra now.
You mustn't give it
to him, aunt Ben.
He won't ask me.
No. He'll ask me
to ask you.
Well, Id rather see
you give him money,
Even my money,
than... other things.
At least it's kept him
away from you, dear.
It's not enough,
aunt Ben.
If only he'd let me
divorce him,
But he won't.
That's the one thing
Willie won't do,
Even for money.
Aunt Ben,
is there no way
Of forcing him to
give me a divorce?
My dear, my dear, we've gone
over this all so many times.
With our English laws,
we can't force him
To do anything
he doesn't want to do.
I shan't be
a minute, aunt Ben.
Take your time.
My time of life,
there's no hurry.
You sure you won't
come with me?
My dear, Ive listened to men
saying nothing for so many years
That it isn't worth going
into the house of commons
To hear them doing it
for their country.
Where can I find
Mr. Parnell?
He's in the house
at the moment, ma'am.
If you like, you can wait
for him in committee room 15.
It's across the lobby and
up the stairs to your right.
Or, if you'd like
to hear him speak-
No, thank you.
Hello, Willie.
Have you...
seen Parnell?
He's in the house.
Yes, I know.
He's going to speak.
Why don't you go up in the
ladies' gallery and hear him?
Aunt Bens waiting
in the carriage.
Well, you're not going
without seeing him.
Willie, I can't run
after him like this.
I've written to him twice,
and he hasn't answered.
I told you he never
reads letters.
Come on, Katie.
He won't talk long.
Very well.
This is my last
effort to reach him.
It is true that there
is unrest in Ireland today.
There always will be,
Until you give the farmer
fair treatment,
Assure fair dealings
between landlord and tenant,
And give Ireland a parliament
that she can call her own.
That's what
we're looking for!
Give us a parliament
of our own!
for the Irish!
And the land
for the people!
As much as any Englishman
here present,
I deplore the unrest,
The violence,
and the outrage,
But force
will not cure them.
You have passed
80 coercion acts for Ireland
In the 80 years since you
abolished her parliament.
And what is the result?
3 rebellions,
A million and a half
people dead
From starvation
and sickness,
And 3 million people forced
to leave their land
To find food
and homes elsewhere.
Surely this is
a spectacle that marks
The very height
of tragic suffering.
For years, the British government
has debated on Egypt and India,
Then wept over
the sorrows
Of the Bulgarians
and the Armenians,
Responsibilities far
distant from its door.
And all the while, across that
strip of water called the Irish sea,
So narrow that
its a wonder
Their cries cannot be
heard here in this house,
As I hear them in my ears,
A sister people agonizes...
and unheeded.
Charity should begin at home.
Settle the land question,
Mr. Speaker.
Assure fair dealings between
landlords and tenants,
And you'll have
peace in Ireland.
Send us the military,
And you ravage
the country anew.
Mr. Gladstone.
Mr. Speaker, sir.
Any utterance of the honorable
member whom we have just heard
Must command our respect
and attention.
In the present instance,
He has spoken with
the emotion, the conviction,
And also the impatience which comes
from true sympathy with the cause.
But... I would remind him
that we have another problem
Before the house
at the present time,
And I must ask
the house to proceed.
And I say the house
shall not proceed,
With that business
or any other business,
Until it gives us a guarantee
that Ireland's grievance-
It'll take
an earthquake
To settle the Irish
land question.
Then let us have
an earthquake!
Mr. Speaker, sir!
This is intolerable!
I must request
that the house-
I move that Mr. Gladstone
be no longer heard!
Holy Morgan!
He's telling the old
spider to shut up!
Mr. Speaker, sir.
It is my painful
duty to move
That the honorable
member for cork
Be suspended from service
in this house...
For the remainder
of this sitting.
Mr. Speaker,
I beg to second
The motion which
has just been made.
The motion before
the house is...
That the honorable member
for cork, Mr. Parnell,
Be suspended from the
services of this house
For the remainder
of this sitting.
Those in favor,
say "aye."
Those against
will say "no."
The house
will now divide.
Mr. Campbell.
Mr. Campbell.
Gather together all
members of the party
And tell them to stand
by for suspension.
Very good, sir.
But what will
happen, sir,
When all our members
are suspended? Nothing.
They'll take us back
again in 24 hours.
Meanwhile, we're suspending the business
Of the British empire
for 24 hours.
Yes, and we'll keep on doing it
Until we show them
our strength and unity.
Sit together, act
together, war together-
That's what
we must abide.
When Gladstone sees
that the Irish
Actually can
stick together,
Then perhaps they'll
condescend to notice us
And realize that
we are important.
Mr. Parnell.
Mr. Parnell, sir.
There's a lady
waiting to see you.
A lady?
Mrs. O'shea.
Any relation to the newly
elected member for county Clare?
Do I know her?
Tell her I can't see her. I'm too busy.
Uh, excuse me, sir.
She's a great friend
of Mr. Gladstone.
Did she tell you so?
her husband did.
Where is she?
Well, I took
the liberty, sir,
Of asking her to wait
in your office.
Very well.
Mr. Parnell.
I... Ive kept you
I apologize.
It was extremely
kind of you
To see me at all,
Mr. Parnell.
You're Mrs. O'shea.
I was in the ladies gallery
just now when you spoke.
Oh. Then you saw
the fireworks.
When Mr. Gladstone
had you suspended,
I wanted
to kill him.
In all fairness, Mr.
Gladstone wasn't to blame.
He had no alternative.
I forced him
to suspend me.
But after your
wonderful speech,
I expected the house
to rise as a body
And grant Ireland
her freedom.
You must have listened
with your heart.
Men avoid that
if they can.
All my life, Ive
heard of home rule.
It's just been a dull political phrase.
I've usually
ceased to listen
When someone
mentioned it.
Now suddenly, it means something to me,
Something vital
and urgent,
Because of
what you said.
I'm deeply gratified.
But you didn't come
here to discuss politics.
My purpose was to extend an invitation.
It's accepted.
You take
my breath away!
I've been told you
rarely go to parties
Or accept
Where am I to appear?
And when?
I was going to
ask you to dinner
At our house
next Thursday.
I'm coming.
At what time?
At 8:00.
Next Thursday
at 8:00.
But it's in the country at Eltham.
Quite a distance.
No distance at all.
Then I can really
expect you?
Mr. Parnell.
And thank you.
You know...
Miracles happen.
I have my proof
of that now.
I've seen you before
today, Mrs. O'shea.
Last week
at the opera.
You were wearing a white
dress with white roses.
Why, yes!
The lights went up,
and there you were.
there was no music,
No opera house,
Nothing but
a distance between us.
I asked who you were.
No one could
give me your name.
I resolved to find it
out, to meet you.
And now,
here you are-
Here we are...
I should consider it
an honor
If we might be,
Mr. Parnell.
I won't take any
more of your time.
You won't forget
next Thursday?
The OGorman Mahon
will sit here.
Mrs. Wood will sit here.
And Mr. Parnell
will sit there.
Here, ma'am?
In this chair?
Yes. Oh, the saints be with us!
I'll be in the same
room with him this night!
Tomorrow I can die.
Just so it isn't
tonight, Ellen.
What's the matter,
Anything wrong?
The kitchen
is like bedlam.
The uncrowned king of
Ireland is coming for dinner,
And they're practically
in hysterics.
They'll be in them completely
when he doesn't turn up.
He will...
Though I almost wish
he wouldn't.
Stage fright?
Not exactly.
Why, then?
I felt that
it was bad enough
To have to be a party
to Willies scheming
Before I met
Mr. Parnell.
Now that I have,
It's loathsome.
I gather you liked him
better than you expected.
I'd give anything not to
have this evening happen.
Auntie, I-
Here comes that dear,
inquisitive sister of yours.
Isn't it wonderful?
Entertaining in
this house again!
I'm so excited!
Aren't you, Katie?
I can see you are.
Oh, I think it's wonderful,
Willies being in parliament
And you giving political
dinners for him.
I do envy you,
What's that?
You're not going
to sing tonight?
Well, I thought perhaps an Irish song
Would be
a compliment.
Not if I have anything
to do with it.
Clara, I should think
by now that you-
Hello, Katie.
Hello, Willie.
Parnell not here yet? No.
aunt Ben, Clara.
It's an honor to be
here tonight, ma'am.
We're pleased
to have you.
And you, ma'am,
Are lovelier
than ever.
Thank you,
Ah, miss wood.
Good evening,
Have you been fighting any more duels?
Well, not since
last I saw you.
Oh, did I ever
tell you
That, in the course
of me life,
I've had 22
major encounters,
To say nothing of
minor skirmishes.
You did, general.
I think it's
too thrilling!
19 of them in defense
of women's honor.
I always wondered
why they called it that.
Does the little
lady play?
And sings.
Well, not really.
Just for my own
amusement, you know.
Well, I suppose it's
a special kind of humor.
Oh, then
we must hear you.
Kathleen Mavourneen!
That's my
favorite song.
Oh, no, general.
I couldn't.
Really, I couldn't.
I haven't looked
at it for ages.
Oh, now, now, now,
We're not going to
let you off, miss wood.
What voice have you?
Soprano or contralto?
Well... it's a sort
of mezzo, really,
Though I did once
take high "c."
That was a day.
Pity providence
chose gout
Instead of deafness
to afflict me with.
My election has cost
more than I expected.
I'll need
some money.
How much?
To get you
into parliament?
Well, the OGorman
Mahon and me.
Have you got to pay
his expenses, too?
Well, I couldn't have
got in without him.
Can you let me
have it?
You know I can't.
I haven't anything.
You could
get plenty.
Aunt Ben paid your
debts 3 months ago.
I can't ask her again.
You mean you won't.
If you'd rather
put it that way.
Look here, Katie.
If I can't pay my
election expenses,
There's only one thing
left for me to do:
Retire and become
a country gentleman.
What do you mean?
Well, if I can't
pay my debts,
I'll have to come down
here and live with you.
Good evening, sir.
Good evening.
Mr. Parnell now.
You will be nice to
him tonight, won't you?
Good evening,
Mr. Parnell.
Good evening,
captain Oshea.
Glad to have you
here, sir.
It's an honor
for us.
Nice of you to come.
We're only
a small party.
I hope
you won't mind.
I should like it.
Good evening,
Mrs. O'shea.
Good evening,
Mr. Parnell.
My aunt,
Mrs. Wood.
How do you do?
My sister,
miss wood.
Miss wood.
And I believe
you know
The OGorman
I do. Good evening,
Good evening,
Mr. Parnell.
I hope Im
not late.
I'm afraid it's dinner
that's going to be late.
In fact, there's
more than a chance
That you won't
get any.
You see, my niece
Has all Irish servants
in her kitchen.
And they're so excited
about your coming,
That what with all the tears and prayers
And blessings
that are going on,
I shudder to think
what dinner will be like
If it does
Ha ha ha.
What a fine house you
have here, Mrs. O'shea.
And you've given it
a soul, too.
Filled it with
that subtle warmth
Which makes houses live.
Thank you.
It's cheerful tonight
because of all this
masculine company.
Ha ha. I don't see
how Willie can be content
To spend all his time away
from this charming atmosphere.
Do you, Mr. Parnell?
Ahem. Katie, if we aren't
going to have any dinner,
Why don't you play
something for us?
Yes. It may help us
forget our hunger.
Well, your
policy in the house
Is exceeding
beyond all bounds...
Do you know
what Im playing?
Don Giovanni.
Do you often go
to the opera?
No, I don't
like opera.
Strange that I should
have gone that night.
I don't know
why I did,
Unless it was
to meet you.
Do you believe
in fate?
Haven't you ever
felt that
There might be
someone, somewhere,
Who, if you could
only find them,
Was the person that you
were always meant to meet?
Haven't you ever
felt that?
I've wished sometimes
I did believe
There could be
such a person.
Mr. Parnell, there's
something I must tell you.
I didn't want to
invite you here tonight.
And, really, I hoped
you wouldn't come.
But I did.
I'm sorry
you're disappointed.
Oh, under
different circumstances,
Nothing would have
given me greater pleasure.
But as it is...
As it is?
You see...
How can I tell you?
It's Willies wish
to have you here tonight.
You must understand what
an acquaintance with you
Will mean to my
husband politically.
He urged me to
go and see you
And invite you,
and I did.
He hoped you wouldn't refuse an
invitation presented that way.
And I didn't.
Why do you bother
to tell me that?
I want to be
honest with you.
I have to be.
Dinner is served.
Mr. Parnell's secretary
wants to speak to him.
Do tell me,
Mr. Parnell,
What is
a shillelagh?
It's a sweetmeat, Clara.
Oh, don't tease,
It's one of
those things
The colleens wear over
their head, isn't it?
It's your secretary.
He says it's urgent.
Oh. Will you
excuse me?
Of course.
I'm so sorry
to disturb you, sir.
What is it?
It's an advance proof
for tomorrow.
Where did you get this?
Driscoll got it just as
they were going to press.
It'll be in
the morning edition.
Wait in the carriage.
I'll drive back
with you.
Yes, sir.
We met at dawn
and at the first thrust,
I ran him through.
Oh, how messy.
Mrs. O'shea.
I'll have to ask you
to excuse me.
I must return
to London.
But now? Without dinner? I'm afraid so.
Oh, but look here, sir, you can't.
Willie, Im sure Mr.
Parnell wouldn't do this
If it were not
Thank you.
I'm sorry, Oshea.
I hope you'll
ask me again.
We will, then.
Good night.
Good night.
Good night.
Good night.
Good night.
Good night.
How disappointing, isn't it?
excuse me.
It's all so mysterious, isn't it?
Thank you.
I'm sorry.
That doesn't matter.
Something's wrong.
Very wrong.
I'm afraid so.
I want to ask
a favor.
Of course.
What is it?
Tomorrow morning, you'll
read something in the paper.
I want to ask you
not to believe it.
Something about you?
Aren't you
used to that?
This is different.
It isn't
the ordinary abuse.
It accuses me of
- Well, I can't tell you now.
But I do ask you to believe
in me, not in the paper,
For a little while.
That's important
to me.
That I believe?
I doubt if
anyone else will.
Will you
promise me?
Of course.
Thank you.
Good night.
Well, this is what took Mr. Parnell
up to London so suddenly last night.
What is it?
He's implicated in
the phoenix park murders.
It's not true.
Well, they have letters
written by him
Condoning the murders and
urging further violence.
What does it
say, Willie?
"6 years ago,
lord Frederick Cavendish,
"The new chief secretary
for Ireland,
"And Mr. Burke,
the undersecretary,
"Went to Ireland
in all good faith
"And with a desire
to conciliate,
"Only to be set upon
by assassins
"And brutally murdered in broad
daylight in Dublins phoenix park.
"Today, the ghost of
that terrible event
"Rises to involve the present
leader of the Irish party,
Mr. Charles Stewart Parnell."
What do these
letters reveal?
They reveal the fact
that these murders,
Which have shocked
not only England
But the whole of
the civilized globe,
Were not the work of
cowardly assassins,
But were the result
of a cold-Blooded,
conspiracy and plot
Conceived, hatched,
and directed by one man,
The man whom Ireland
calls her leader.
The man who, on
the floor of this house,
In sanctimonious
Has protested against
violence and outrage,
And with tears
in his voice
Begged pity for his
innocent countrymen.
The man whose name
now stands at
The foot of
his own letters,
Which accuse him of this
treachery and bloodshed.
Mr. Charles
Stewart Parnell!
Mr. Parnell.
Mr. Speaker, sir.
The charges of
the honorable member are false.
The letters upon which he
bases those charges are forged,
As my signature
appended to them is forged.
I do not ask you to take
my word for that, however.
What I do ask, what I demand as a
member of this house unjustly accused,
Is to be cleared by this house.
Hear, hear.
I ask that a select committee of
this house be appointed to investigate
Not the charges
implied by these letters,
But the real authorship
of the letters themselves.
And suppose it's
proved against you.
Suppose you are
the author after all.
I am not the author.
But if I should be
proved so,
I say prove so.
Then I am no better than
the murderers themselves.
I should deserve their fate
and be prepared to meet it.
The gallows should again
be raised for me.
Bravo! Bravo!
Mr. Gladstone.
Mr. Speaker, sir.
The government
is not prepared to
Grant the honorable
member's request
For the appointment of a select
committee of members of this house.
What the government
will do, however,
If the honorable
member wishes,
Is to appoint a special commission
of inquiry with 3 judges.
To investigate - To investigate
the charges made by the newspaper
And also all
the political activities
Of the honorable
member for cork
And those of
his fellow members
Whose names are mentioned in the
newspaper articles in question.
I will accept it.
Why did you accept
their offer?
What else
was there to do?
These charges
can't be left.
But you asked for an investigation
of who wrote the letters.
Instead, they're putting you
on trial like a man accused.
I am a man accused.
And us. All of
the party as well.
As if we were
common criminals.
Are you afraid?
Yes, I am afraid.
Aren't you?
No. Not at all.
My conscience is clear.
And this commission is
going to probe to the bottom,
Make no mistake
about that.
I shall see
that it does.
If there remains
one shred of doubt
Regarding our complicity
in these murders,
It's the end of the Irish
body, the end of home rule,
And the end of Ireland.
This has
just come, sir.
Anything wrong, sir?
Yes. They're rising
again in Ireland.
This thing has had
a bad effect already.
Well, I have to go.
What time is it?
Nearly 7:00, sir.
I'll just have time
to catch the boat train.
Get me a cab.
Not a word of
this to anyone.
No, sir.
Mrs. O'shea.
I had to come. I had
to know what happened.
What does it mean?
I didn't understand.
Let's go in here
where we can talk.
Why wouldn't they give
you what you asked for,
An investigation
by parliament?
They prefer to bring
this before judges
Who have the power
to sentence us
If we should be
found guilty.
But that's branding you
almost as a criminal already.
To be accused is
not to be convicted.
Is this all a plot
to destroy you?
It's outrageous.
Deliberately to lie,
to fabricate charges.
You do know
they're false.
Of course I know.
Because I told you.
If only others could
be convinced as easily.
Excuse me, sir.
There isn't
a cab to be had.
The fog's
so thick, sir,
They're all
off the streets.
I'm afraid you'll never get to
The station
tonight, sir.
But surely
there must be-
My carriage is outside,
or should be.
Can I drive you there?
Would you?
I'd be glad to.
You take care of
everything here,
And then join me
in Dublin on Saturday.
Oh, very good, sir.
Good night, now.
Good night.
Good night.
Good night.
Good night,
Mr. Parnell, sir.
Good night? Looks like
a pretty bad night to me.
That's right, sir. A regular
pea soup London particular.
Can't see your hand before
your face out there, sir.
Where's your carriage?
That's just what
I was wondering.
I don't
see it anywhere.
You couldn't see it in this fog
if it were 3 feet away from us.
How funny
my voice sounds.
I wonder if he could be
further down the street.
I'll go and see. Will you
wait here or go inside?
No, Ill come
with you.
You haven't
much time.
I'm sorry it's such
a dreadful night.
Why? It's not
your fault, is it?
Ha ha.
He isn't here.
There'll probably be
a cab at Charing cross,
If there's
one anywhere.
Do you think
we could walk there?
We might try.
Which way is it?
It's to the right.
No, that's across
the river.
No, no. The river's
this side of us.
No, where are we now?
Whitehall's that way.
No, that's
Tothill street.
No, wait a minute. Where's
the house of commons?
I wish it had.
Do you? It's there
behind us, isn't it?
No, no, we've been walking
to the left. It's over there-
I think.
We're lost.
Yes, I believe
we are.
Not 10 steps from what is
practically your own front door.
Do you think if
we shouted?
Shouted what?
I don't know,
just shouted.
What does one shout?
"Help! Lost!
Mr. Parnell is lost!"
Something like that.
Well, that depends on
who heard you.
If it were the conservatives,
they'd leave me here.
What are you
going to do?
I don't know,
But I don't imagine Im
going to get to Ireland.
Oh, but you must. It's
important, isn't it?
I thought it was, a
quarter of an hour ago.
Please don't worry about
me. I'm enjoying this.
It's funny...
But I am, too.
What's that?
That red glow
over there.
It's a man with
a hot potato barrel.
Baked potatoes,
All piping hot.
A penny each.
Keep your hands warm if
you don't want to eat them.
But I want to
eat them.
You do? Oh, Im so glad.
So do I. I'm hungry.
Quite right, lady.
There's nothing
like a hot tater
On a foggy night
like this.
A bit of
salt, lady?
2, governor?
Yes, thanks.
By the way, have you
any idea where we are?
Well, governor,
That was the Vauxhall
bridge road over there
Last time I saw it.
'Course, that was
several hours ago.
Where was you wanting' to get
to, if I might make so bold?
Charing cross or Euston.
We don't care,
do we?
Oh, I see.
Just walking.
Well, it's a fine
night for a walk,
For them whose
likes it.
I like to be getting back to
my missus and a bit of steak.
But when you're courting, I suppose it's
You and me together, love, and
never mind the weather, love.
Good night, sir.
Good night, lady.
Good night.
Dear, I wish he hadn't mentioned steak.
We'll find some.
Oh, knock on a friendly door and say,
"The lady wants
some steak."
Yes, but a puzzle
finding the friendly door.
You know,
this is too absurd.
What is?
Charles Stewart
The uncrowned
king of Ireland,
And Katie Oshea
of Eltham,
Walking around
eating hot potatoes.
I know now, it's what
Ive always wanted to do-
Eat hot potatoes
with you.
It's strange,
here in the fog.
Lost, out of
the world,
It's as if there
weren't any world,
As if they'd
taken it away.
I wish they had.
Just cleared it all away
like a stage set...
Or moved it
somewhere else,
Where it could
go on without us.
I wish we could go on
walking in the fog like this
Until we walked
right out of it
And left it all
behind forever.
You know, Ive never
called you that before.
I know.
Katie, you know that
Im in love with you.
You know that,
don't you?
You mustn't be.
I am.
I have been, from the moment I saw you.
Oh, my darling.
This is madness.
It's how Ive always
thought of us. Alone.
You and I, right out of the world.
But we can't be.
The world's still there behind the fog,
Waiting for us.
Oh, but Katie.
Is that a cab?
You would
hear that.
Hi, cabby.
Hi, cabby.
Whoa, Archibald.
Are you a cab?
I ain't quite
sure, lady,
But I think I am.
Supposing you are
as reason see.
Do you think you could
drive us to Euston station?
I'll try, sir. I don't
promise where we'll get to,
But Ill try.
Come on, Archibald.
Come on.
How long will you
be in Ireland?
Only until Tuesday.
I shall be back
just in time
To change
and come to Eltham.
To Eltham?
Yes, for that dinner
I missed last night,
If you'll repeat it.
We can't go on
with this.
Why not?
Where can it lead?
To happiness.
This evening
has been something
That I shall
never forget.
But it mustn't
happen again.
You mean Im not to see
you anymore? You can't.
It's all so impossible.
This evening has been something
I shall never forget, either,
But we mustn't
see each other again.
We're here.
You must go.
Not unless
you promise to
See me once again,
at least.
Let me come
on Tuesday.
Let me talk to you.
If you still think that
we shouldn't meet again,
You can tell me.
But let me
come on Tuesday.
I shouldn't.
But you will.
Thank you.
There it is before you
in black and white!
Parnell stands accused!
I tell you,
Parnell has failed!
They'll throw him in an
English prison till he rots,
And what good will
that do Ireland?
The time has come
to throw aside
This policy of
argument and waiting!
And what are we
going to do now?
I tell you what
we're going to do.
On a windy night,
500 fires lighted by
500 loyal Irishmen,
In the city
of London,
And English tyranny
will be broken!
Quiet! Quiet!
And what do you think
The English constabulary
would be doing,
Taking a holiday
to watch the bonfires?
Destroy London, will you?
Send thousands of innocent
women and children
To a horrible death.
What better way could you
choose to show that
You're unfitted
to govern yourselves?
Wasn't the bloodshed
at phoenix park
Enough of a disgrace?
I've promised you a parliament.
You'll get it.
But not if you heed the babblings
of a crackpot like this fellow.
All he'll get you is the
soldier here to wipe you out,
And you'll deserve it.
Please. Please.
Why is it that the minute 2 Irishmen
meet, they will start fighting?
Go to your homes now,
And don't let me
hear of any fires
Until the bonfires are lighted
to celebrate home rule.
The 3 goes on the 4.
I'm aware of that.
The 8 goes on
the 9.
The knave goes on
the queen,
And the 6 goes up.
Do you mind
not interfering?
I know Im decrepit, but I
can play patience by myself.
I'm sorry.
You look very
grand, Katie,
For an informal dinner
of 3 women and one man.
I think she looks
very nice.
What's the betting on
who's turning up tonight?
No betting.
He'll turn up.
What makes you
so sure?
I just think he will.
Um, Clara, my dear.
Would you mind fetching me
my black lace shawl?
It's in the wardrobe
in my room.
Of course, aunt Ben.
If you'd like me to,
I'll have what Clara calls
"twinge" after dinner,
And get her
to put me to bed.
Why should I
do that?
Katie, you don't have
to pretend with me.
I have eyes
in my head.
Old as they may be,
they were good enough
To see how yours were shining
when you came back from
Seeing him off to
London the other night.
Was it as obvious
as all that?
Oh, I don't think
to anyone else.
There's no one else fond enough
to watch as closely as I do.
Katie, where is this
going to lead you?
I don't know.
Well, hadn't you
better think?
I told him we
shouldn't meet again.
And yet he's
coming tonight?
He wanted to
talk to me.
Then I suppose Id
better have my twinge.
Oh, no, don't leave me with him.
All this week Ive
struggled with myself
To know what
I should do.
I do know.
There's only
danger and disaster
Ahead for us
if we go on.
I know that.
I can tell myself that.
I can tell you.
But I know, too, that
if I try and tell him-
My dear, you've got to
tell him sooner or later.
I know, but Im weak
enough and woman enough
To want it to be later,
that's all.
Come on up, Campbell, and
Ill give you those letters.
Thank you, sir.
What's the hurry, sir?
I'm dining out.
You ready?
My dear lord harry.
Oh, one moment, please.
I haven't got my book yet.
Come on, come on.
Hurry up and get it.
All right, sir.
Clear a chair there
for yourself.
You know, you - You shouldn't live
like this, you know, sir.
Why don't you get someone
to look after you? Hmm?
What's the matter
with the way I live?
Well, it's not
for me to say, sir.
Oh, Campbell, you have funny ideas.
My dear lord harry.
Yes, sir.
Regarding the special
commission of inquiry
On the phoenix
park murders,
I have now returned
from Ireland
And I should like to consult with you-
Help me with this,
will you?
I can't.
Why don't you
go to bed and rest?
You know, no dinner
in the world
Is worth risking
your health for.
This one is.
What is it?
It's nothing... just that
confounded heart of mine.
Telegram for
Mrs. O'shea.
Thank you.
What is it? A
telegram for you, ma'am.
He's ill, in London.
This is from
his secretary.
Aunt Ben,
Im going to him.
My dear, you can't
Go flying up to London now, like this.
I know it's madness.
I know what it means.
Convention. Everything.
But he's ill.
I must go to him.
So you've decided.
Here's your
shawl, auntie dear.
I had to hunt and hunt.
It wasn't in
the wardrobe at all.
Wasn't it, dear?
Where is Katie going
in such a hurry?
Oh, she's been
called to town.
To town?
But Mr. Parnell's coming.
No, he's not.
There was a message.
It's not on his account
she's gone to town?
I don't know, Clara.
Well, didn't you
ask her?
I'm not as inquisitive as you are
About things that
don't concern me.
I'm going on with
my patience,
And if it'll stop you
talking, you can help me.
Mrs. O'shea.
How is he?
The doctor's
with him now.
I sent for him.
Mrs. O'shea,
Mr. Parnell didn't know
That I wired you
as I did.
He told me to say
that he was delayed.
What I hoped you'd do
would be to wire back
To say that he
shouldn't have come,
Just so that I could
keep him here to rest.
He needs it badly.
I never dreamt
you'd come yourself.
I had to.
How is he, doctor?
It's not dangerous,
is it?
Oh, no, no.
It's not dangerous.
Nervous exhaustion with a
heart that's not too good.
He needs rest.
He should go to a nursing
home for several weeks.
Oh, he'd never
do that.
Well, he shouldn't
live here all alone
In a place
like this.
Is there nowhere
he could go
Where he'd be
taken care of?
There's my house.
It's in the country.
He'd be taken
care of there.
My aunt and I.
There are servants.
That's what
he needs.
He won't do it
for himself.
I leave you to
persuade him, madam.
Thank you, madam.
Good night.
Shall I tell him
you're here?
Oh, Mr. Campbell.
Will you pack
his things, please?
Is he gone?
Yes, sir.
Then get me a cab.
I'm going to Eltham.
How are you feeling?
I'm all right.
I was coming down
to you.
I know. You are
coming down to me,
To be looked after.
What does this mean,
your coming here?
I couldn't know that
you were ill
And not be with you.
And you said we
mustn't meet again.
I know.
I thought that then.
But now I know that
all that matters
Is that you must be well
and taken care of.
Aunt Ben? Aunt Ben, are you asleep?
It's Katie.
Can I speak to you?
What is it? Why did you lock your door?
Oh, Clara-She would
come in and talk.
Anything the matter?
Auntie, I brought him
back with me.
Him? Who?
Mr. Parnell.
Here, at this time
of night?
He's going to stay here.
Katie, have you gone mad?
I don't know.
I- I think I must have.
Well, I think so, too.
But, aunt Ben,
he was ill.
He lives in rooms-
Such messy rooms,
With no one
to look after him.
I brought him here.
I had to.
Oh, well, I don't know
what to say.
Still, if you
brought him,
Can't very well
turn him out.
Hadn't you better get
a room ready for him?
Yes. Yes.
I'll call Ellen.
What-What did you
do with him?
He's in the hall.
In the hall?
Why not the back door?
Really, Katie.
I know. I know.
Auntie, I don't think I know
what's happening to me anymore.
Good evening,
Mr. Parnell.
Good evening, Mrs. Wood.
You will excuse me for not
coming down to greet you.
My costume.
I see you have Erasmus
to keep you company.
Oh, oh, yes,
yes, the cat.
Well, Ill say good night.
I'll see you in the morning.
Good night.
Auntie? What is it,
auntie? What's going on?
Oh, you would wake up.
But there's such a
noise, auntie. What is it?
Nothing for little girls.
You'll find out in the morning.
Oh, don't be
annoying, auntie.
I'm going back to bed, Clara. Auntie!
Go to bed, Clara.
I must sleep.
I'm so sorry.
Erasmus, we seem to be
causing a sensation.
How did you get there?
Down the back stairs.
Your rooms will be ready
in a minute.
I'm afraid Im giving
you a lot of trouble.
No. It's quite
all right.
What did your aunt say?
was she scandalized?
Yes. Just a little.
Did you tell her that you
were going to marry me?
Well, aren't you?
How can I?
You're not living
with Oshea.
All London knows that.
He'll give you a divorce.
Don't you think
Ive begged for that?
I'll go to him.
Why not? No. You mustn't.
It would do no good.
I'll talk to him again,
but not just yet.
Later, when these charges hanging
over us have been cleared up.
Did you say "over us?"
Yes, I did.
It is us now,
But we must wait
a little while.
Very well.
If you say so,
I can wait.
I've waited
all my life for you.
I can wait
a little longer.
Clara, Ive told
you before-
I wish you wouldn't try to
talk to me during the service.
Well, every other time Ive tried
to talk to you, you put me off.
Very well. What do
you want to talk about?
You know what I want to
talk about. Mr. Parnell.
I think it's a scandal. 4 months
now he's been living in the house.
"Well?" Is that all
you have to say-"Well?"
Yes, Clara, that's all
I have to say-"Well."
Well, it isn't all
I have to say.
I can't think what
Willies doing to allow it.
Can't you? He's waiting to
see which way the cat jumps.
If the judge's finding should
not be favorable to Mr. Parnell,
Willie will be
as outraged as you are.
If he should be
Willie will be the first to
boast of having sheltered Parnell
When he was a sick man
with the world against him.
Very convenient
situation for Willie.
To connive at his own
wife's carryings on.
Carryings on?
You talk like the old maid that
you're undoubtedly going to be.
Why shouldn't Katie
have a guest in the house?
I am old enough to be a respectable
chaperone, goodness knows,
And alarming enough,
as you'll find out
If you don't keep that silly
gossiping tongue of yours still.
Well, I don't care.
That will do.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon, sir.
Is Mrs. O'shea at home?
Yes, sir.
She's in the library.
And, uh, Mr. Parnell?
He's in the garden
getting some sun.
Hello, Katie.
Good afternoon, Willie.
Well, you asked me to
come down. What's up?
I want to talk
to you seriously.
Willie, I-
How are you,
Mr. Parnell?
Very well. Thank you.
You're looking well.
I hope you're not
worried about the trial.
I hear it's not going
as well as it might.
Have you been there?
No. I thought you had enough
support with that battery of lawyers
And all the members
of the party,
So Ive been spending my time
among the English conservatives
Doing missionary work,
you might say.
Made quite a few
converts, I think.
I'm sure.
If you please,
ma'am, sir Charles Russell
Is calling
on Mr. Parnell.
He was on
the train with me.
I didn't know
he was coming here.
Would you excuse me?
His counsel coming
down here on a Sunday?
That doesn't look
very promising.
You've no doubt
as to the outcome?
Mr. Parnell is certain
he'll be vindicated.
A lot of Irishmen
who've been riding high
Will be down in the dirt
if he isn't.
You're firmly established
in politics now.
You don't need my help.
There's nothing more you
can possibly need me for.
I will always
need you, Kate.
That's beside the point.
What are you trying to say?
Let me divorce you.
Now, Katie?
With Parnell's position
so precarious,
The English solidly
against him,
And the Irish troubled
and suspicious,
Do you think this is a
time to talk of divorce?
For Parnell's sake,
I mean?
Is it only Mr. Parnell
you're considering?
Well, I admit
Im considering
Willie O'shea's
welfare a bit.
I wouldn't be human
if I didn't,
But it's you, too, Kate.
I couldn't bear to have a whisper
of scandal out against you.
What do you mean?
Well, Parnell's been
living here for months.
You know
how people talk.
No, Katie.
Let's see what happens
at the trial.
Then if the future turns out to
be what we all hope it will be,
Then of course you'll
have your divorce.
Sorry I have to go now.
Sad to leave the country on
such a lovely summer's afternoon,
But duties in town, cause
of old Ireland, you know.
Say good-Bye
to Mr. Parnell for me.
You were saying,
sir Charles?
I was saying if there
were anything-
The slightest proof of
this forgery, we could hope.
But when our own handwriting
expert, who is shaky as they are-
How can they be shaky?
I'll stake my life that I
never made an "s" like that
Or misspelled
"hesitancy." E- N-C-Y.
You know that.
I know it.
Can we prove it
to the 3 judges?
If we don't...
I'm declared a murderer.
It's fantastic.
The paper's calling its
last 2 witnesses tomorrow.
Unless we can shake them,
definitely implicate them,
I'm afraid-
I know.
You understand why Im
talking to you like this?
I felt that I had
to make things plain.
You have made
things plain.
The situation
is desperate.
I won't keep you
any longer.
You have Mr. Davitt
waiting for you.
Thanks for the warning,
sir Charles.
I'll see you
in the morning.
When these letters were
published by your newspaper,
Was there any shadow
of doubt in your mind
That they were written
by Mr. Parnell?
No, sir Richard.
Did you make any attempt
to test their authenticity?
What attempt?
I submitted them
to Mr. Ingalls,
A handwriting expert.
And his report
to you was?
That they were without question
in Mr. Parnell's handwriting.
Where did you
procure the letters?
I received them
from Mr. Henderson,
The secretary of the Irish
loyal and patriotic union.
And what
was your motive
And the motive of your
paper in publishing them?
We considered it
a public duty.
Thank you.
That's all.
The Irish loyal
and patriotic union...
From which you
obtain these letters
Is an organization
opposed to Mr. Parnell.
Is that right?
Substantially, yes.
Its objects are to
destroy the Irish party,
Of which Mr. Parnell
is the leader.
Is that right?
To a large extent, yes.
So you would be very
pleased to be provided
With any evidence
against Mr. Parnell.
You would have been eager
to believe these letters.
I wouldn't say that.
Did you ask Mr. Henderson
where he got these letters?
Uh, no, I don't
believe I did.
Why didn't you?
Because I trusted
Mr. Henderson implicitly.
Had you known him
How slightly?
Well, uh,
I met him once.
You've met him once,
But you trusted him
You know now that he
obtained these letters
From Mr. Richard Pigott,
a Dublin journalist.
Do you know Mr. Pigott?
I know of him.
Is your knowledge
of Mr. Pigott
Favorable to Mr. Pigott?
Must I answer
that question, milord?
I, uh-I think so.
I'll repeat it for you.
Was your knowledge
of Mr. Pigott
to Mr. Pigott?
Not altogether.
Thank you.
That's all.
Mr. Richard Pigott.
The evidence I shall give to the
court touching the matters in question
Shall be the truth,
the whole truth,
And nothing but the truth,
so help me god.
The evidence I shall give to the
court touching the matters in question
Shall be the truth,
the whole truth,
And nothing but the
truth, so help me god.
Your name
is Richard Pigott?
That's right.
Your age?
Oh, Ive seen 4 and 50
summers come and go.
You mean you are 54?
That's what
I mean, milord.
Why can't you
say so?
I beg your
lordship's pardon.
I'm 54.
Your occupation?
I'm a scribe.
I beg your pardon.
A scribe. A scribbler.
A pusher of the pen,
in modern slang.
An inkslinger. An
inhabitant of grub street.
I'm sorry, lady.
You can't go in there.
The court's full.
I want to see
Mr. Parnell.
I'm afraid you can't,
You can go up
in the public gallery
If there's
any room left there.
But I want to speak to
him. I must speak to him.
Please let me go in.
It's terribly urgent.
I'm sorry, lady. I have my
orders. The court's full.
Can't you ask him to come
out for just a moment?
It's a matter
of life and death.
Well, Ill see
what I can do.
Who was it
you said you wanted?
Mr. Parnell. Right, ma'am. Thank you.
Katie, what
are you doing here?
What is it?
Read it.
"Honored sir, I have some hesitancy
in approaching you again"
Katie, where
did you get this?
I found it among
your unopened letters.
Mr. Pigott,
You admit that you were
engaged by the union
For the express purpose of finding
evidence against Mr. Parnell?
I do.
And you found these letters? I did.
Did you get any commission
for finding them?
A laborer is worthy
of his hire.
Have you finished your
cross-Examination, sir Charles?
Just a moment, please.
I crave your lordship's
For a moment's
conversation with my client.
All this seems
very pointless.
Yes, just a moment,
And I hope to be able to
demonstrate the point to you.
Would you like to sit
down, Mr. Pigott?
I think not,
thank you.
Mr. Pigott, supposing you
wanted to forge a document,
How would you
set about it?
Milord, I suggest that's not a
proper question to put to the witness.
I should be interested to
hear the witness' answer.
As your lordship pleases.
Well, Mr. Pigott?
I don't know.
It is a realm of speculation
into which I have never entered.
You never have forged
a document?
I have not.
But if you did want to,
You think it would be
any help to have
A genuine letter
in front of you?
Oh, yeah. It might be
of some assistance. Yes.
Have you ever had
a genuine letter
Of Mr. Parnell's
in your possession?
I had. I had the letters
which the newspapers printed.
I said a genuine letter,
Mr. Pigott.
I believe those letters
to be genuine.
Well, that is the difference between us.
However, we shall see. Mr.
Parnell ever write to you?
He has not.
Or you to him?
Nor I to him.
Are you sure?
I am quite sure.
Mr. Pigott, I put it to you
that you wrote to Mr. Parnell
More than once
in an effort to obtain
A specimen of his
handwriting for you to copy.
I never wrote
to Mr. Parnell.
Very well.
Will you take a look at
that letter, Mr. Pigott?
May I see that?
One moment. I'm putting it in evidence.
You recognize that
letter, Mr. Pigott?
I think Ive
seen it before.
It is
in your writing?
I believe it is.
Believe? Come, Mr.
Pigott, don't you know?
Is it in your handwriting? Yes or no?
It appears to be.
I said yes or no!
Well, then, yes!
Well, that is one document
that we both regard as genuine.
Read it carefully,
You see anything
wrong with it?
How wrong with it?
Well, in the matter
of spelling,
literary style.
As a scribe, you know something
of literary style, I imagine.
I don't see anything
wrong with it.
Read it carefully.
No, there isn't
anything wrong with it.
You sure?
Quite sure.
Now, Mr. Pigott,
Would you mind
spelling out
A few words for me?
I've never been very good
at spelling, sir Charles.
But you are good at writing. Is that it?
Usher, give Mr. Pigott
some paper, pen, and ink.
Milord, I protest.
I see no point
in this procedure.
sir Charles does.
Thank you, milord.
Are you ready,
Mr. Pigott?
Take your time.
Thank you. Let me have that, please.
No, no, don't
blot it.
Can we have that
Would you mind not interrupting
my cross-Examination?
Milord, I would
like to point out
A somewhat
remarkable coincidence.
In the newspaper letter which
is attributed to Mr. Parnell
And which is the basis
of this investigation,
The word "hesitancy"
is misspelled e-N-C-Y.
Now, the letter which Mr. Pigott
has just acknowledged to be his
Begins as follows.
"Honored sir, I have some
hesitancy in again appealing to you"
And so on and so on,
And the word "hesitancy"
Is misspelled in
precisely the same way.
Again, in this list of words
which he has just finished,
The word "hesitancy"
is misspelled
In the same way
for the third time.
We've got him!
Quiet in the court!
Milord, when I
opened the case,
I said that I
represented the accused,
Meaning Mr. Parnell,
But since the appearance
of this letter,
I say that the tables
have turned
And that I appear
for the accusers,
And the accused stands
trembling there!
Yes! True!
Is anything the matter,
Mr. Pigott?
I'm not feeling
very well, milord.
It's the heat, I think.
If your lordship
will excuse me,
I'd like to be allowed
to retire for a moment.
All right. The usher will
take you outside for 5 minutes.
It occurs to me, sir
Richard, that you might possibly like
A word with your witness
while he's outside.
You might like to give him
the benefit of your advice
And your legal
committed suicide!
There you are, boy.
Mr. Gladstone.
Mr. Speaker, sir...
I feel sure I may be permitted
to express the sense of this house
In welcoming back
the honorable member for cork
After his vindication.
3 cheers
for Mr. Parnell!
Hip, hip-
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
"god save Ireland,"
said the heroes
"god save Ireland,"
say we all
whether on
the scaffold high
or on
the battlefield we die
oh, what matters
if for Ireland dear we fall?
"god save Ireland,"
said the heroes
"god save Ireland,"
say we all...
it was wonderful.
I was there
in the house.
I heard them
cheer you.
What did it
feel like?
What were you thinking
of as you stood there?
Except how strange it was that
none of it would have happened
If you hadn't stayed
at home to tidy my desk.
Oh, on such things hang
the destinies of great men.
Was that really all you
were thinking about?
No, not really.
There was something else.
Something that happened
before I went into the house.
Not more trouble? Oh, no. The reverse.
Could you stand
another triumph?
I'm not sure.
Oh, well, perhaps
Id better keep it.
Oh, darling, what is it?
What is it?
Charles, don't be unkind! What is it?
Well, it's this.
I talked to Mr. Gladstone.
He congratulated me
and told me he has agreed
To all my terms
for the home rule bill.
He'll introduce it.
It can only be
a matter of weeks now.
He's arranging a reception
to announce it.
You and aunt Ben are to be asked. Me?
Does he know
I exist?
Oh, yes. I told him
all about you.
The little woman who
means everything to me.
Oh. Ha ha!
I believed you
for a moment.
Well, I wish I had
the right to say that.
the reception?
In 3 weeks' time.
Will you give me 5 minutes
to tell them out there
What I just told you?
Then we'll go.
Gentlemen, gentlemen,
silence, please!
Mr. Parnell.
Fellow members,
Once again the Irish party
has emerged victorious
Against slander
and intrigue.
But it is not of that victory
I would speak now,
But of a still
greater glory to come.
I talked to Mr. Gladstone
this afternoon.
He has given me his promise
to introduce and support
The home rule bill
for Ireland.
Home rule is here!
Let's hear from
Mr. O'brien!
Wait awhile.
Wait awhile till we
hear from Mr. O'brien.
Right. Right.
Take it easy, sir.
Mr. Parnell, sir,
As the oldest member
Of the Irish party,
One whose father fought
with Robert Emmett,
And who himself
is a mere gossoon,
Who was with OConnor
And served a term
in prison,
And even been
sentenced to death
In the service
of Ireland,
All my life
I've dreamed
And waited for this day.
It's been long coming,
Almost too long for me.
For 80 years
I carried in my heart
One phrase...
More haunting than any melody in
the harp of Ireland ever played-
The phrase...
Home rule for Ireland.
And you got it
for us, Charles.
And I say an old man
nearly past his time...
Now, Lettest thou
Thy servant depart
in peace.
For mine eyes
Have seen the glory...
Take me down, boys.
I can't go on.
God bless you, Charlie.
In the name of Ireland
And all we dreamed
and fought for,
Let god bless you
For this day.
Good evening,
Good evening, Ellen.
The conquering hero
So they've decided you're
an honest man at last.
How did you find out?
Willie is here.
Yes. He's been here
about an hour.
He wants to see Charles.
What about?
I don't know. I left
Clara to talk to him.
They're in there.
I'll go and see him.
You send Clara out to me?
Hello, clara.
Hello, Parnell.
Hello, Oshea.
Hello, Katie.
Hello, Willie.
Clara, aunt Ben
wants you.
Oh, excuse me.
Well, congratulations.
That was a great
triumph for you today.
You're a bigger power
than ever now.
Thank you.
You wanted to see me.
What about?
About myself.
Isn't it time that
something happened to me?
Happened to you?
I should be
something better
Than a mere member
of parliament now.
After all, I am
pretty close to you.
You've been our guest
here now for months.
Everybody knows that.
Don't I deserve
a little recognition?
What kind
of recognition?
Some more
important position.
Such as?
Well, your own parliament
in Ireland is assured now.
What about a seat
in your cabinet?
Well, don't I deserve it? No.
I don't think so.
Why do you?
My importance
to the party.
Your importance
to the party.
Why, man,
you've none.
I should be betraying them in
everything that I believe in.
That means no?
I'm afraid so.
That's the thanks I get.
For what?
Befriending you when all
the world was against you.
Letting you stay here.
Willie, Mr. Parnell
has been my guest.
That's a dangerous
admission, Katie.
O'shea! Once again, what do I get?
Nothing until you prove
your worth to Ireland.
I see.
I think you're
making a mistake.
I thought
we could be friends.
If we can't, well,
There are others who don't think
me as unimportant as you do.
The Irish aren't
the only party.
Katie, Ive never
seen you look so lovely.
Thank you.
I'm so excited
about tonight.
Your victory-
Your hard-Earned
And the best part of it is
that you'll be there to see it.
Well, aunt Ben!
Do you like it?
Is it new?
Oh, the man's
actually noticed!
It's in your honor.
You look ravishing.
Thank you.
I rather thought
so myself.
I swore when I was 70 Id never
attend another political party.
I'm breaking my vow
for you, Charles.
Will you see who it is, Ellen? Yes.
Does miss Kathleen Oshea
live here?
I'd like to see her.
She's just going out.
I shan't keep her
a minute.
But I don't think-
What is it? Who are
you? What do you want?
I want to see Mrs. O'shea.
Are you her?
I got a paper for you.
I'm sorry.
You're Mr. Parnell,
aren't you?
There's one for you, too.
I'm sorry.
All right. You've
served them. Get along.
Yes, sir. Good night. Good night.
What is it?
It's Willie. He's suing for divorce.
And naming Charles as corespondent.
Well, he's chosen a good
moment for it, hasn't he?
What are you going to do?
Go to the reception. It's
the only thing we can do.
Let Gladstone make his
announcement on home rule.
Katie, please,
Say something.
You've sat like that
all the way.
I'm sorry.
There isn't anything
to say...
Except to be thankful
that he's timed it too late
To damage you
I wonder.
What do you mean?
Read all about
the political scandal!
What are
those newsboys shouting?
Captain Oshea names
Charles Stewart Parnell
In famous divorce case!
Special edition! Read all
about the famous divorce case!
Yes, boss?
Drive to
the house of commons.
Yes, sir.
Are you sure that you and
aunt Ben will be all right?
Of course.
You don't mind
driving home alone?
Drive back to Eltham.
Irish leader in divorce!
Extra! Extra!
Read all about
Katie Oshea!
Katie, Katie...
My dear Mr. Gladstone,
In view of the announcement
concerning myself
Which appears
in tonight's paper,
I am aware that my
presence at your reception
Might be an embarrassment to you.
It seems to me
imperative, however,
That I should
see you privately
To discuss the situation
with you tonight.
The bearer of this note
Will bring your reply to me
at the house of commons,
Where I shall be waiting
in readiness to comply
With any arrangement
you may...
You've been a long time.
I'm sorry, sir.
I was waiting.
He sent a message
that there was no reply.
What are you going to do?
Go home.
Shall I make an appointment
with your lawyers in the morning?
What for?
To arrange about your
defense of the divorce.
There will be
no defense.
But, sir, you don't
realize what it will mean.
I heard them
in there just now.
The whole of Ireland
and England, too,
Is waiting
for your answer.
Oh, forgive me, sir,
but you must defend it.
No, Campbell.
My private life
is my own.
I've given Ireland
My whole life until now.
They can't deny me
the right of every man
To have the woman
he loves beside him.
That's what this means.
There will be
no defense.
Katie, Katie.
Charles, I want to
talk to you.
Come, let's sit down.
What I have to say
isn't easy,
So I want you to listen
And listen quietly
until I finish.
All right, dear.
We can't stand by
and do nothing
While Willie ruins
your life out of spite.
Charles, Im going to
defend this suit.
You've got to be
cleared at all costs,
Even at the cost of my
denying my love for you.
My darling, you don't
realize what you're saying.
There will be no defense.
I shall not even
employ counsel.
But I shall.
I shall have the best counsel in London.
This is my defense:
Willie and I conspired to
make you fall in love with me.
The whole thing was a plot
from the beginning against you.
That is the story
Im going to tell.
Only to make it
You must go away
from here-
From me...
Katie, this is fantastic.
It will prevent
there being a divorce.
And you'll be tied to Oshea
for the rest of your life.
I have been for years.
It will be no worse.
Won't it?
Can you imagine
the length he'll go to
When the world knows him
for what he is?
Have you thought
of the misery
He'll put on you
for your part in it?
Willie coming to me
for favors is one thing,
But Willie publicly
branded malignant is another.
Do you think
Ill leave you to him?
Katie, isn't this
what we've always wanted?
Freedom for you-
For us to marry?
Not like this.
Perhaps not,
But if you wanted something
as we wanted to be free,
You don't question
how it comes,
You take it when it comes.
Charles, Im afraid.
the splendid services
Rendered by Mr. Parnell
to his country,
His continuance at the present
moment in the leadership
Would be productive of consequences
disastrous in the highest degree
To the cause of Ireland.
What does it mean?
It means
that Mr. Gladstone
Demands Parnell's
Since when
has Parnell done
What Mr. Gladstone
told him?
He'll not resign on
Mr. Gladstone's say so.
But he will on ours!
Will you give at him?
You don't dare.
I'd like to see the man
That will stand up
to Parnell and say,
"Get out, we're
through with you."
It's what we're here to say this night.
It's what we're
going to say.
It's not.
Not while Ive got
two fists to stop you.
Here, here, here.
He promised us home rule
right here in this room.
Where is it now?
The dream that
it's always been,
Still mocking us.
And who lost it for us?
No, Parnell.
Gladstone will give it
to us still,
But not with Parnell
as our leader.
Would you trust
your country
To a man with whom you
wouldn't trust your wife?
This is a political war
we're fighting.
What would you think of a soldier who
would stop in the middle of a battle
To inquire of the general if he had
broken one of the ten commandments?
A soldier's private life
doesn't affect his fighting.
A political leader's does.
He has no private life.
He's not
the first man
To be lead astray
by a woman,
Nor the last.
Why didn't he
defend the divorce?
Tell me that.
Because he couldn't!
That's a lie.
Well, I say Mr. Gladstone's
absolutely right.
When Parnell
failed to defend,
They say people started sending
telegraphs from all over England
Telling Gladstone
that Parnell must go.
I've never set up to be a particularly
moral man or anything like that,
But when it comes to
stealing another man's wife,
Well, that's where
I draw the line.
He ought to be hounded
out of the country.
You haven't seen him
since the divorce, have you?
No. Why?
He looks ill, Mr. Davitt,
Very ill.
Mr. Davitt.
Mr. Davitt, could I
speak to you for a moment?
I don't think
you and I have anything
To say to each other,
Mrs. O'shea.
It's about Mr. Parnell.
Least of all about him.
What's going to
happen to him?
The party will stand by him, won't they?
Mr. Gladstone can't make him
resign if they stand by him.
They still believe in him,
don't they?
Don't they?
He will go down
in history-
The history of Ireland,
As the man who sold his
country for a lighter love.
He has sold us,
Sold our birthright
for a woman.
I tell you,
Gladstone is right.
Parnell must go.
What is there in men
that makes them unable
To forgive their own
weaknesses in others?
It's not that.
They made a god of him.
And he's proved himself
a man like them,
That's all.
Can you, too,
not forgive him?
He was a god to me, too.
You shouldn't have
come here, Mrs. O'shea.
forgive me.
I had to come.
I had to see you.
Come in.
do you hate me terribly?
Hate you?
For doing this to you?
Katie, you haven't
done anything to me
But bring me the happiest
moments of my life.
But this letter
of Gladstones-
Means a fight,
that is all,
And you know Ive never
been afraid of that.
And with you beside me
I never shall be.
Excuse me, sir, but Mr. Redmond
and Mr. Healy have returned.
Thank you, Campbell.
You must go now.
The party's
meeting here.
I'll wait from my home.
It may be late.
However late,
please come tonight.
However late,
Ill come.
Mr. Parnell.
Good evening, gentlemen.
Good evening.
Good evening.
Mr. Healy, did you
and Mr. Redmond succeed
In getting an interview
with Mr. Gladstone?
We did.
In that case,
we are ready for discussion.
In a public letter,
Mr. Gladstone demands
my resignation.
Putting aside what right he or any
other Englishman has to dictate to us,
I replied to him through
Mr. Healy and Mr. Redmond,
Telling him
that if I am no longer
Acceptable as leader
of the Irish party,
I will resign at once...
If he will give us
his assurance
That he will continue to
support the home rule bill.
Gentlemen, Mr. Healy and Mr.
Redmond have just left him.
I haven't talked
with them.
Mr. Healy, will you tell us
the result of your visit?
Mr. Gladstone assured us
of his heartfelt desire
That Ireland should
have home rule.
Will he support it?
Did he promise
it to you?
He told us our first business
was to choose a leader.
Did he promise you
home rule?
He said that when we have chosen
a leader he would assess the-
Mr. Healy, did he promise you home rule?
He did not.
How could he so?
How can he traffic
with a party
Who's leader has disgraced
them and their country?
When the whole world
points a finger of shame
At the man who is
representing Ireland,
What favors
can we expect?
Since when has Ireland
asked favors?
It's rights we're asking
and rights we'll get.
And who will
get them for you?
Who forced the English
to consider home rule?
Who is the one man among us
who can force them?
Is Mr. Parnell the only
man who can face Gladstone?
That was a fine fight you
put up tonight, Tim Healy.
You let him
run all around you.
That's about
the size of it.
Why is Mr. Gladstone so
anxious to rid us of our leader?
Because that leader
is the one man
Who can give orders to the
house of commons, to the English.
Will you sell him now
to keep their favor?
Then I ask you, what
will you get in return?
Home rule, that's
what we'll get.
Mr. Healy,
do you really think that?
Do you think that Mr.
Gladstone or the liberal party
Is burning with
the desire to free Ireland?
I should say not.
I wish I could be
so trustful.
I can only remember
the struggle we've had
To get the alliance
we have today.
There's no alliance anymore.
It perished in the stench
of the divorce court.
He's right!
This disturbance is useless.
The issue must not be
clouded by personal hate...
Or loyalty...
Nor, I beg of you,
by moral scruples-
Yours or Mr. Gladstone's.
Ireland's welfare must be
your sole consideration.
If you think you can fight
Mr. Gladstone without me,
That is for you to decide.
But don't sell me
for nothing.
If you surrender me,
it's your bound and duty
To secure value
for the sacrifice.
I have a parliament
for Ireland
In the hollow of my hand.
I give you my word Ill get
it for you if you let me!
And if you don't meet
another Katie Oshea.
Gentlemen! Gentlemen!
It's time to stop
all this.
Do you think Parnell will ever
get you anything but insults?
His name is a...
and always will be.
Will you besmirch Ireland
by such a leadership?
Then Im done with you.
But the people of Ireland shall
know the issues in this matter,
And Ill not shirk
the telling.
Go to the people
as I shall do.
They have never
failed me yet,
And on their answer
Ill stand or fall.
I take the challenge!
From tonight, there's
a new Irish party.
Those who are with me,
Those who have the honor
of Ireland at heart,
Who would have a new party
and a new leader,
Follow me!
Hooray for john Healy!
Come on, are you coming?
Come on, you've made your decision!
Mr. Parnell!
Are you hurt?
Help me get him
to a couch.
Mr. Parnell, sir.
No use, eh?
What do you mean?
Just what I say.
It's got me this time,
is that it?
No, no. Of course not.
But you've got
to take it easy.
You mustn't move about.
We'll make you up a bed
in here somehow.
Here? In the office?
As bad as that.
tell me the truth.
What chance have I?
You've told me
what I want to know.
Mr. Parnell, sir?
Get me a cab.
I'm going home.
But sir!
Mr. Parnell, I can't
allow you. You mustn't-
I'll take the
And, Campbell,
Get a cab
for yourself, too.
I want you to go ahead and
tell her that Im coming.
Why not let me
bring her here to you?
And put her through
the agony of driving...
And wondering?
I'm going, Campbell.
Mr. Parnell, sir,
it's madness to try it.
It's snowing out.
The drive will take hours.
You'll never get there.
I'll get there.
It may be
the last thing I do,
But Ill get there.
You'd better go
to bed, Katie.
What time is it?
Almost midnight.
You go to bed,
aunt Ben.
I must wait up.
If they're
as late as this,
Surely he will stay
in town tonight.
He'll come,
However late it is.
It must be good to be as
sure as that of anything.
It is.
There he is.
Good evening,
Mrs. O'shea.
Good evening.
He isn't with you?
No. He asked me
to come ahead.
I was-I was
to tell you that-
To tell me what?
What's happened?
Have they deserted him?
It's worse than
that. It's he.
Mrs. O'shea, you must be
prepared for very bad news.
He's ill.
He had a collapse.
His heart.
No, it can't be.
Put your arm
around my shoulder.
No, no, no.
Just give me your hand.
I don't want
to frighten her.
Oh, my darling.
You shouldn't have come.
I had to.
I'd have come across the
world to be with you tonight.
Charles! Charles!
Aunt Ben,
it isn't possible
That he's just
slipping away from us.
You mustn't give up
hope, Katie.
Why don't you try
to get some sleep?
The doctor said
he'd let you know
Just as soon
as he wakes.
Is he awake?
Yes, and asking for you.
I- I've helped him
into a chair.
You let him
get out of bed?
He insists
upon seeing the men.
don't you think-
I think we might let him do
anything he wishes to now.
Katie, darling.
Why did you get up?
Don't ask why.
Come sit close to me.
You must rest.
I can't rest.
I must see the men-
Speak to them.
But, darling,
Must you do it now?
Yes, dear,
For there's
very little time left.
Oh, Charles.
Don't say that.
You're going
to be well again.
It's no use, Katie.
It may not be today
or tomorrow,
But it will be very soon.
Don't cry.
We've had what so few
ever have,
A great love.
We've shared so much in the
little time we've had together,
But you mustn't
be too unhappy now.
I love you.
Will you believe
that always?
I will believe
that always.
Always, my darling.
Good morning, Charles.
Good morning, aunt Ben.
The men are outside.
Have them come in.
Morning, Mrs.-
Parnell, sir?
Good morning,
Mr. Parnell.
I want to thank you
for coming here.
I had to see you
once again...
To urge you to forget
your personal differences...
And think only of Ireland.
Now that I am overthrown,
There will rise such a tide
of fear and treachery...
As Ireland has
never known before.
But without you,
we are lost.
Never say such
a thing as that.
What am I?
What is any single man
Where there is a great
wrong to be righted?
Find a new leader
if you must...
Only when you do...
Deal with your leader
as a man.
Expect of him
a man's behavior...
Not that of a god.
There is a trust that
each of you is bound to
For the rest of his life.
Carry on my fight for Ireland,
I charge you.
See that Ireland
is never defeated.
Never defeated.
Yes, dear?
Katie, I-
What are you trying
to say, dear?
Oh, my darling.