Now, Voyager (1942)

She's coming down.
- Yes, ma'am?
- Has my daughter-in-law telephoned?
Mrs. Lisa phoned.
She'll be here at 4:00.
It's 4 now. We'll pour tea
in the drawing room.
Very good, ma'am.
Mrs. Lisa is bringing someone.
- Show them in here.
- Very good.
Tell Miss Charlotte
to be down in 10 minutes.
How often must I tell you not to have
the table here now?
Sorry, ma'am.
What's that noise?
Whoever is doing that
will kindly stop.
- Whoever said that...
- Yes, that's Mother.
I'll go smooth the path.
Messy things, pipes. I like them.
- Your coat, sir.
- Oh, yes, yes.
Thank you.
- This way, please.
- Thank you.
There can be no harm
in talking. I thought...
Dr. Jaquith, my mother-in-law,
Mrs. Henry Windle Vale.
- How do you do?
- I will not pretend...
...that I approve of you.
My daughter Charlotte is no more ill
than a molting canary.
That's what we hope he will confirm.
Mother's disapproval isn't personal.
- Please sit down.
- Thank you.
The last doctor I consulted
warned me my heart would finish me.
The fact I've outlived him has
not increased my trust of doctors.
A highly sensible reaction.
Please try to relax
your grim disapproval...
...with this doctor.
We're honored by the visit of
the country's foremost psychiatrist.
It was pretty sweet of him
to come from New York to Boston.
He doesn't go to people.
They go to him.
Wouldn't hurt if you added that's
from lack of time, not vanity.
And, Mother, before I forget it...
...don't call him
Dr. Jaquith near Charlotte.
That's his name.
Yes, but forget the "doctor."
Make it "mister."
She'll shut up like a clam
if she thinks we're examining her.
So please try to cooperate.
I've already sent for her.
My little girl will be here directly.
Miss Charlotte.
Your mother's waiting
in the drawing room.
Is it facts about my daughter
you want?
- Anything interesting.
- Charlotte was a late child.
There were three boys.
After a while, this girl.
"Child of my old age," I call her.
I was well into my 40s.
Her father died
soon after she was born.
My ugly duckling.
All late children are marked.
Often such children aren't wanted.
I've kept her close always.
When she was young,
I made decisions for her.
Always the right decisions.
A child should wish
to repay a mother's kindness.
There you are, Charlotte.
I'm so glad to see you.
Hello, dear.
This is my very good friend,
Mr. Jaquith.
I ran into him
and brought him by for tea.
I hoped you and Mother
would be pleased.
How do you do?
Has the cat got your tongue?
I apologize for my daughter's
bad manners, doctor.
Mother, please!
I will not deceive
my own flesh and blood.
Nor will I approve her nonsense.
Lisa says that your peculiarities...
...your crying, your secretiveness...
...indicate the verge
of a nervous breakdown.
Is that what you're trying to achieve?
Believe me, I'm trying to help.
Dr. Jaquith has a sanitarium.
In Vermont.
Probably one of those places
with yowling inmates.
I wouldn't want anyone
to have that notion.
Cascade is where people go
when they're tired.
Like you go to the seashore.
The very word "psychiatry"...
Doesn't it fill you with shame?
A member of our family?
There's nothing shameful
or frightening about it.
It's simple, what I do.
People come to a fork in the road.
They don't know which way to go.
I put up a signpost:
"Not that way. This way."
Really, Mother.
Excuse me. Miss Vale?
I wonder if I might ask you a favor.
Would you show me this house?
One doesn't often get the chance.
I had a look at the downstairs
when I came in.
There's nothing
like these Boston homes.
Here on Marlborough Street,
they stand like bastions.
Firm, proud, resisting the new.
Houses turned in, hugging their pride.
- Introverted, doctor.
- I wouldn't know about that.
I don't believe in scientific terms.
I leave that to fakirs and writers.
That's the room where I was born.
- My mother's.
- Fine room.
Do you think so?
I'd prefer to see your room.
- I'm not your patient yet.
- Nobody thinks you ever will be.
I've seen the rooms of many people.
Of course, if you don't want to...
It's on the floor above.
When I was 17,
I came in once after midnight.
That tread hasn't been fixed since.
She locks her door.
Make a note of it.
Significant, isn't it?
It signifies that it's your door.
A woman's home is her castle.
My castle, doctor.
This was built to last a lifetime.
Enduring and inescapable.
Are you comfortable here?
I try to be. I'm here most of the time.
Why, what's this?
Did you do these?
Why shouldn't I?
The point is how you could.
They're professional.
Do you mind if I look?
No, I don't mind.
They aren't difficult. I get raw ivory.
I have the tools.
It's just a matter of the doing.
And the skill!
This is very good detail.
I admire people who are clever
with their hands. I'm clumsy.
I thought you were the least
clumsy person I'd ever met.
This is excellent!
You may have one.
- May I? Any one?
- Of course.
All except this one.
While I worked on it,
my mother sent for me.
My chisel slipped.
- A pity to ruin such a nice box.
- Yes.
- I'll get something to wrap it in.
- No.
Any old piece of paper will do.
Do you happen to have a cigarette?
I left my tobacco in my coat.
Do you think I hide cigarettes
in my room?
Where do I hide them?
Behind the books?
Cigarettes and books
my mother won't let me read?
A secret life hidden
behind a locked door?
- It was the box that reminded me.
- How very perceiving you are.
How very right you are.
I was about to hide this album.
You should read it.
It's a shame to miss your amusement.
The intimate journal
of Miss Vale, spinster.
Can I convince you
I don't wish to pry?
You must pry. I insist you do.
Nothing to frighten you.
A few snapshots, a memento.
A record of my trip up the coast
of Africa with my mother.
There's a picture of our ship.
You wouldn't have known me then.
I was 20.
Oh, I say.
That was a scorcher.
Leslie, you act so funny.
Do I?
- I thought men didn't like prudes.
- You're gorgeous, Charlotte.
Give us another.
There's the first mate.
There's always lots of work
before we dock.
- Are you going ashore?
- Are we, pet?
If I can't go, you won't, will you?
- Even if that girl from New York does?
- Not likely.
There's nothing like you in Africa.
There he is again. I'd better go.
- Leslie.
- Yes?
Come here.
Darling. Dearest darling.
I had read that in novels.
About men not liking prudes.
That's all I had to go by, novels.
Leslie said he'd rather have me...
...than any girl. I was so responsive.
The others were like schoolgirls
compared to my lovemaking.
Where are your glasses?
They're in my bag.
They're so unattractive.
- Other girls don't...
- Put them on.
What's that book?
Marconi. Wireless. I'm studying it.
- From whom are you learning this?
- Mr. Trotter lent me the book.
- You mean the wireless officer?
- Yes.
Are we taking the shore trip tonight?
I think not.
Then could I go alone?
I don't mean really alone.
The hostess is organizing groups.
I said I'd ask you.
Remember, we're not
commercial travelers.
It's bad enough to associate
with these tourists onboard.
You have the vigor of a typical tourist.
Sit down and write something
to someone.
You've behaved
like an excited servant girl.
That night I left her in her room.
I would go read in the library.
When she looked for me,
I wasn't there.
She knew I hadn't gone ashore.
She'd checked on that.
Leslie and I always
had to be discreet.
Because of Mother,
and also his position.
Our favorite trysting place
was on the freight deck...
...among canvas-covered automobiles.
There was a particular limousine.
- Come out at once.
- Trotter.
I don't care. I'm glad.
- Go to your cabin.
- I want to marry her.
We're engaged.
Do officers address
a passenger in that manner?
Report to my quarters at once.
Go to your cabin.
I had said I was glad,
and I was glad.
He defied my mother
and put me on a throne.
And before a witness too.
It was the proudest moment
of my life.
My moment didn't last long,
as you can see.
My mother didn't think Leslie
was suitable for a Vale.
What man is suitable?
She's never found one.
What man would ever want me?
I'm fat. My mother doesn't approve
of dieting.
My shoes. Mother approves
of sensible shoes.
Look at the books. She approves
of good, solid books.
I'm her well-loved daughter.
I'm her companion. I'm her servant.
My mother says!
My mother!
You won't get new eyes
if you spoil them with tears.
Dr. Jaquith...
...can you help me?
Help you?
When you were talking...
About the fork in the road...
There are other forks
further along the road.
So many.
You don't need my help.
Here are your glasses.
Put away your book,
come downstairs.
I'll go ahead.
Thank you again for this.
It's as I said, isn't it? Nonsense.
She is most seriously ill.
- Charlotte is?
- Thanks to you.
- Did you say...
- Mrs. Vale...
...if you planned to destroy her life,
you couldn't have done better.
Exercising a mother's rights?
A mother's rights? Twaddle.
A child has rights.
A person has rights
to discover mistakes... grow and bloom
in her own soil.
Are we getting into botany?
Are we flowers?
- Gloomy William.
- Hello, Miss June.
You should get yourself a top piece.
Like Mrs. Adams put on Charles.
It's worth considering.
- I have been worried...
- Black, or...
Well, maybe red.
We'll think about it.
- Hello, Aunt Charlotte.
- Hello, June.
- You look ravishing. New dress?
- No, June.
Anyway, it's devastating.
Do you think we should
wear our skirts so short?
Hello, Grandma.
Why are you always late?
- Charlotte, will you pour tea?
- Will you have tea?
I'm heading for cocktails later.
- Who's this?
- Doctor Jaquith.
I'm June. You've heard of us,
June and December?
- My infant.
- What's that?
Charlotte gave it to you?
One of her own precious, private...
Aunt Charlotte, fess up.
A romance?
Isn't this to be discussed?
June, will you please...
What's this? A hangover,
I believe it is.
Aunt Charlotte's got the shakes.
Go on, torture me.
You like making fun of me?
You think it's fun making fun of me!
- Nice work, infant.
- I didn't mean...
We've always ragged her.
- It's just a game.
- A nervous breakdown.
No Vale has ever had
a nervous breakdown.
There's one having one now.
I suggest a few weeks at Cascade.
I've been waiting for you.
Looking lovelier than ever.
- Good to see you.
- Sorry I'm late.
- How is Charlotte?
- Better every week.
She's almost well,
but she doesn't believe it.
Her sickness is like
going through a tunnel.
It's dark right at the end.
You'll find her feeling depressed.
I told her she's a fledgling.
Time to get out of the nest.
Going home has struck her hard.
She doesn't know...
- You think well of it?
- A gift from heaven.
I'll tell her your plan later.
Charlotte's lost a lot of weight.
She's a pretty sick girl.
Charlotte, darling.
I'm so glad to see you.
Doctor Jaquith says
you're much better.
That's what he says.
This is Miss Trask, Mrs. Vale.
She's chief of my police force.
- What's this?
- I'm helping her weave.
Excuse me,
I have a million things to do.
The oculist said you don't need these.
I feel undressed.
It's good for you to feel that way.
- How's Mother?
- Fine.
She's having fun
visiting her children.
Spending a month with me now.
- Has Doctor Jaquith told you?
- What?
He says I'm well enough to leave.
I've got to go home.
I dread it so terribly.
It's awful not to want to see Mother.
Stop, look, listen.
New England conscience.
Perhaps you don't have to. May I?
Later. We'll see how she behaves.
We have a scheme.
- What is it?
- I'm not telling.
Marvelous chance for you.
My time for pleasure is up.
I'll show Lisa around the place.
You can show the rest later.
- Meet me outside?
- I've been thrown out of better places.
This morning I referred
to a quotation, remember?
Yes, Walt Whitman's.
I had it typed out on a slip of paper.
If Walt didn't have you in mind,
he had others like you.
He put into words
what I'd like to say.
Better than I could express it.
Read it.
Untold want, by life and land
Ne'er granted
Now, voyager, sail thou forth
To seek and find
We'll be on our way soon.
The others have all gone.
We'll all be ashore in a minute.
- Why are we waiting?
- Miss Beauchamp.
She hasn't left her cabin
since New York.
I saw her once. She looks pale,
but interesting.
- More interesting if she's not late.
- Here she is.
We've been waiting for you.
I'm sorry.
Miss Beauchamp. Miss Beauchamp.
- Let me introduce Mr. Durrance.
- How do you do?
There's only one shore vehicle left.
Would you share yours with him?
- Really...
- That's splendid, Miss Beauchamp.
You're traveling alone and he is.
That's splendid.
It's an inconvenience.
If it's too much, just say so.
Now, pull your own weight.
I have taught you the technique,
use it.
Forget you're a New Englander.
Take part, contribute.
Be interested in everything
and everybody.
Sure you don't mind?
Of course not.
I can stand it if you can.
Are you a typical tourist? I am.
Not that you wouldn't know.
It's foolish not to be
if seeing something new.
I want to see everything.
The Queen's staircase...
Why are you smiling?
I was thinking of my mother.
Your mother?
Remember, we're not
commercial travelers.
It's bad enough to be
with these tourists.
- I'd be glad to see anything you like.
- You're a good sport.
- The baby all right?
- Yes, thank you.
Will you excuse me to send
a cable to my wife?
I should have this morning.
Isobel gets nervous.
Of course.
You must send it at once.
Here, while I'm gone.
I wish I understood you.
Since we just met, how could you?
I won't be long.
He wishes he understood me.
He wishes.
That's done.
I've ordered us Cointreaus.
- You're different from what I expected.
- How?
You're more comfortable to talk to,
Miss Beauchamp.
I'm not Miss Beauchamp.
Renee is in Arizona.
- The cruise manager...
- I know.
They all think I'm Miss Beauchamp.
The purser knows I'm not.
I took her space at the last moment.
It was too late to be on the list.
Do you intend to keep
your identity a secret?
No, I would've corrected
the mistake earlier...
...only it would've been awkward.
I don't know why I'm telling you.
- A stranger.
- I'm awfully sorry.
My name is Durrance.
Jeremiah Duveaux Durrance.
Silly name, isn't it?
My father named me after a professor.
I was J.D. In college.
My wife calls me J. Duveaux.
I'm Jerry to my friends.
Won't you tell me who you are?
My name is Vale, V-A-L-E.
If it appears on the list, it will be:
"C. Vale, Boston."
- Are you one of the Vales?
- One of the lesser ones.
Which? I don't even know
if it's Miss or Mrs.
It's Aunt.
Every family has one, you know.
But Aunt what?
My name is Charlotte Vale.
Miss Charlotte Vale.
Please, let's go.
I hope I didn't offend you.
I was going to ask for a favor
this afternoon.
I must shop for my daughters.
Well, I need a woman's help.
Of course.
A spinster aunt is ideal to
select presents for young girls.
I think you did darn well.
Jewelry is just right for Beatrice.
At 16 they get the urge for glamour.
And a sweater for Tina.
- How old is Tina?
- Here, I'll show you.
My harem.
- Who is knitting?
- Isobel, my wife.
The picture isn't very good of her.
If she'd only smiled.
That's Beatrice next to her.
That must be Tina
sitting cross-legged on the grass.
We hope she won't have
to wear glasses all her life.
Tina won't smile either.
She thinks she's an ugly duckling.
Does Tina know she wasn't wanted?
- There's an odd remark.
- I don't know why I made it.
Odd because it is close to true.
Before she was born her mother said...
Never mind that.
Here is a slight offering.
For being my guide today.
It's a mixture of flowers
called Jolies Fleurs.
Thank you very much.
- I'll put it on my handkerchief.
- Good.
Let's meet for a cocktail
before dinner.
"Silver slippers
and silver evening bag...
...will be found in accessory closet."
Suppose she thought I'd wear
...and carry a shopping bag.
- I'm late, I know.
- I hoped you hadn't changed your mind.
What will you have?
- I'll leave that to you.
- Bourbon old-fashioneds?
Will you have a cigarette?
Thank you.
You made a striking impression
in the doorway.
- Probably too much lipstick.
- Not that I'd notice.
I did notice your wrap at once.
I recognize fritillaries
when I see them.
- Fritillaries?
- The butterfly design on your coat.
Butterflies are a hobby of mine.
Will you mind leaning forward?
Stark lines over your shoulders
must be antennae.
- What's that?
- What's what?
Something on your coat.
It's pinned on. Somebody
must have played a joke.
Unpin it, please.
This should pigeonhole me for you.
What does it mean?
I can't make it out.
That this cape belongs to Renee.
- She lent it to me.
- Oh, I see.
Your wings are borrowed.
They suit you just the same.
They don't suit me at all.
They're perfectly ridiculous.
You're right, someone's
playing a joke.
- It's funnier than you know.
- You're going?
- Well, J.D.
- Mac! And Deb too, as I'm alive.
My old friends Deb McIntire and Frank.
My new friend Miss Beauchamp.
How do you do?
How do you do?
I'm so happy to know you.
Is it the Beauchamp
who does the invitations?
No, another one.
This is Camille Beauchamp.
Why don't we go up to the club?
We can have dinner and dance.
I don't dance.
I don't either,
according to my daughters.
- How are they?
- Fine.
- I thought you were in Buenos Aires.
- We stayed in Nassau.
- Business.
- I'm glad we joined the cruise.
- We'll see you later.
- Thanks.
Wait a minute.
Why did you run off like that?
I'm tired. I'll eat in my cabin.
- You'll want your friends.
- It's more.
Why did you introduce me
like that?
It wasn't up to me to let the cat out.
Did I do wrong?
It doesn't make my situation
any easier.
Then why didn't you stop me?
Why did you call me Camille?
It's the only French name
I could think of.
- Besides Fifi.
- That's meant to be funny?
My wife calls my lighter moments
"trying to be funny."
I don't blame you for feeling the same.
I intended a compliment.
In that dress, you're like a camellia.
You haven't a very high opinion
of yourself, have you?
Perhaps this will help you know why.
You showed me your album,
I'll show you mine.
A picture of my family.
Family is right.
- Your grandmother?
- My mother.
A very strong character.
- These?
- My brothers and wives.
Who's the fat lady with
the heavy brows and all the hair?
A spinster aunt.
Where are you?
Taking the picture?
I'm the fat lady with the heavy brows
and all the hair.
I'm poor Aunt Charlotte. I've been ill.
I've been in a sanitarium
for three months.
And I'm not well yet, and I...
Forgive me.
Feeling better?
Thanks to you.
Many, many thanks to you.
Thanks for what?
For sharing my carriage...
...for sightseeing...
...for lunch and shopping...
...for helping me feel
there were a few moments...
...when I almost felt alive.
- Thank you.
- Thank you, who?
Thank you, Jerry.
I must go in now.
Good night, Camille.
Meet me for breakfast?
- Yes.
- Sleep well.
Good night.
- I give up.
- You're no help.
- That gives you 10 more.
- You won't make this.
I haven't heard Jerry
laugh like that in years.
You're good for him.
I'm exhausted.
...what has Jerry said
about his life at home?
That he's married
and showed me a snapshot.
- He seemed proud.
- He would.
Right out of the age of chivalry,
that boy.
- Charlotte?
- No, thank you.
There's not much joy in life for him.
When I see what Isobel does to Jerry,
it makes me boil.
- Does he have to stand it?
- The weak have great strength...
...when clinging to something decent.
He's been cursed by a passion
not to hurt her.
There must be something.
He married her.
Propinquity and propriety.
Isobel was a high-minded girl...
...believing a kiss required a proposal.
She's been at him since.
He struggled at his architecture
to get together enough money.
He had to give it up.
Only thing he ever loved.
She reminded him he was married,
with financial responsibilities.
Almost immediately she had a child.
She considered herself a great martyr.
That's her grasp on him.
Her martyrdom and her jealousy.
She has no reason to be jealous.
Jerry doesn't have flings.
She's jealous of Tina,
who she didn't want.
Before Tina, she saw a doctor...
...hoping her health
wouldn't permit a child.
You can hear her
sanctimonious tone...
...saying what a
self-sacrificing mother she is.
- What are you so thick about?
- We're being girls.
We're getting into the harbor.
One of the few sights
that doesn't disappoint you.
- What was Deb saying?
- She was rattling on.
I want to know. About me?
She was telling me
about your life at home.
You mustn't miss this. There's only
one first sailing into Rio harbor.
This is where I get off.
Your boat goes on in three days.
Will I see you?
Not unless you pay more attention
to your guide.
Thank you.
There's Sugar Loaf.
Yes, it is. Sugar Loaf.
The stretch of sand
is Copacabana beach.
There's music in the word.
There's something for your architect's
heart. The Christus statue.
Serves me right for getting a car
because I liked the driver's face.
- It doesn't matter.
- We promised to meet Deb for dinner.
How much farther is it?
Don't look, just listen.
- How far is it?
- Oh, banana trees.
No. Distance, miles, kilometers.
- Parakeets, parrots, rubber.
The rubber.
The card said
"English-speaking driver."
He needs
Portuguese-speaking passengers.
Sit back. He knows where he's going.
- Where are we going?
- Must be the shortcut.
Past the old church.
- Are you sure this is the right way?
- I bet he doesn't know.
- I'll make him turn around.
- He'll say, "Banana tree."
- Turn around.
- Okay, seor.
I told you.
Stop. Turn around. Go back.
- No good?
- Turn around.
Go back.
I think so. Try it anyway.
- Take it easy. Go forward.
- Yes, forward.
Mister, please not be dead!
Not be killed!
Please, not be dead!
All right?
- I guess so.
- Sure?
It's all right. Don't cry.
Don't cry, Giuseppe.
I'll try.
Please, mister.
All right. What does he say?
I think he is going to get a horse
and a rope.
No, no. Not cavalo e corda.
Not now.
Get another automobile and chauffeur.
Seorita must go Rio immediately.
- Catch big boat.
- Boat?
Giuseppe stay here.
Seor and seorita go Rio.
Get cavalo e corda later.
Haven't you got paper?
Draw it for him.
What's the word for "tonight"?
Draw the face of a clock.
Big boat go. Depart.
Goodbye, seorita e seor.
We'll either have to bundle
or freeze tonight.
They say bundling is a New England
custom both reverenced and honored.
Thank you. Goodbye.
- The tourist company is sending a car.
- Good.
- The boat waited for two hours.
- Did it?
- Did you wire Deb and Mac?
- Yes.
You can rejoin them in Buenos Aires
tomorrow by plane.
Another plane is going in five days.
You'll get there the same day
as your ship.
You know anybody in Buenos Aires?
Seems a shame to spend
five days there alone.
- You'll be busy.
- My business can wait.
- We did start off on a tour.
- We started off for somewhere.
If I promise to sit
at a different table and say:
"Good morning, Miss Vale.
I hope you slept well."
So people will hear and never guess
I'm head over heels in love with you.
Don't say no, Camille.
Say, "I'll see."
I'll see.
May I have this dance?
- I'm afraid I don't know how.
- Try it.
Just this once.
- How did you get here?
- Along the balcony.
My room is down there.
The whole hotel has gone to bed.
- So must I. It's late.
- Not by your Boston clocks.
It's a little before dinner there.
Please, don't yet.
- I'm not going to struggle with you.
- That's right.
No telling what primitive instincts
you might arouse.
Isn't it beautiful?
Do you believe in immortality?
I don't know.
Do you?
I want to believe happiness...
...can be carried on somewhere.
- Are you so happy, then?
- Close to it.
Getting warmer and warmer,
as we used to say as kids.
Look out or you'll get burned.
Are you afraid you'll get burned
if too happy?
I'm immune to happiness
and therefore to burns.
- You weren't immune on the mountain.
- You call that happiness?
Only a small part.
There are other kinds.
Such as?
Having fun together.
Getting a kick out of
simple little things.
Out of beauty like this.
Sharing confidences you wouldn't share
with anybody else.
Won't you say you are happy too?
Since that night when
you told me about your illness, I...
I can't get you out of my mind.
Or out of my heart either.
If I were free...
...there would be only one thing
I'd do.
Prove you're not
immune to happiness.
Would you want me to prove it?
Tell me you would.
Then I'll go.
My darling, you are crying.
I'm such a fool.
Such an old fool.
These are only tears of gratitude.
An old maid's gratitude
for the crumbs offered.
- Don't talk like that.
- No one called me darling before.
Let me go.
I was lucky.
I got them from a vendor.
They're beautiful. Thank you.
I hate goodbyes.
They don't matter.
- It's what's gone before.
- No, it's what can't go after.
We may see each other sometime.
No, we promised.
We are both to go home.
Will it help you to know
I'll miss you every moment?
So will I, Jerry. So will I.
What am I here for?
Be nice to Charlotte.
It won't hurt you.
- Be nice to Aunt Charlotte.
- Yes.
It's Charlotte!
- Here I am.
- Charlotte!
I didn't see you, Charlotte.
This is Mr. Hunneker.
Two more Vales for you.
How do you do?
Tell me all the news.
Did you have a good trip?
I got your cable.
Is Mother worse?
- Hamilton Hunneker, polo player?
- Is that a question or accusation?
I have to go. Don't forget
Glen Cove and the boat races.
Be good. Say your prayers, Camille.
- I'll be at the ceremony.
- What ceremony?
There go the Ricketts. Wave goodbye.
- Mother, pinch me.
- I'm too busy pinching myself.
Ham, dear, you better go now.
- I'll see you again soon?
- I hope so.
- Anything else I can do?
- No, thank you.
We better get to customs.
- We thought we'd lost you.
- We wanted to say goodbye.
Don't say goodbye. Just au revoir.
It's a sad time.
I want to tell you one thing.
There was no lady as popular as you.
- Thank you.
- Au revoir!
- Don't forget to write soon.
- I promise, Deb.
- Make a point of it.
- Goodbye.
What is this?
Hellos, goodbyes, look-me-ups...
- I wonder where my luggage is.
- There are the Vs.
- Knock me over with a feather.
- Not you, roly-poly.
Where did you get your new figure?
- I met a very clever doctor in Rio.
- Keep quiet.
Johnny, my boy, how are you?
- What's the program?
- Dr. Jaquith.
I cabled him I would be half an hour.
Will you tell him
about your boyfriend?
Which one?
- Thank you.
- They're cork-tip.
Make sure you get the right end.
Thanks for the instructions.
If I were you, I'd give up.
After Dr. Jaquith?
Back to Boston. I'm flying at 3.
- Back home.
- I'll come with you.
Hello, Jerry.
June is staying in New York.
No, I wouldn't miss
this show for the world.
I'll stand on the corner
and sell tickets.
- Wish me luck.
- Want me to come in?
No, thank you.
Oliver, take Mrs. Vale home.
Bring the bags up later.
See you tonight.
- Good luck.
- Goodbye.
Hello, William.
- Yes, William, it's me.
- Welcome home, Miss Charlotte.
Your mother's waiting upstairs.
- I expect you're Miss Charlotte.
- Yes.
I tried to get down before you rang.
Pickford is my name. Dora.
I'm the nurse.
We'd better not stand here gabbing.
She has ears like a cat.
- What happened to her?
- She's fit as a fiddle.
She has a heart, but she denies it.
At her age, who hasn't?
It'll last years if she's not excited.
- How long has a nurse been necessary?
- It hasn't been.
Mostly she's used us
to fetch and carry.
There were a few others before me.
I lasted a whole month!
She sacked me since you're home.
You better hurry in.
When she waits, she gets mad.
Then get the smelling salt.
She's all dressed for the party...
...except for her gown.
She's cute.
If you need help, I'm above, packing.
See you later.
Remember that honoring one's parents
is a good idea.
You'll be a shock to her.
Soften the blow.
Give her time.
Remember that she's your mother.
Well, Mother. Hello.
You look well.
Lisa said you'd been ill...
Lisa knows nothing about me.
Step where I can see you.
Turn around.
Walk up and down.
It's worse than Lisa led me
to suppose. Much worse.
- If you'd like me to go...
- No, I have things to say to you.
Sit down.
I've asked the family
to dinner tonight at 7:30.
Lisa told me.
It's very nice of you.
There'll be Lloyd and Rosa,
Hillary and Justine...
...Lisa and June, Mr. Livingston...
...Uncle Herbert.
- Do you mean Elliot Livingston?
Yes. I'll wear my white lace gown.
Wear your black and white foulard.
- I've lost 25 pounds. It won't fit.
- Yes, it will.
I've had Miss Till here.
Hilda is just Lisa's size.
Your dresses are fitted.
I've asked Miss Till to stay late... case any alterations
are necessary.
You've thought of everything.
There's something else I want to say.
Now you're cured...
...and returned to your duties,
I dismissed the nurse.
I'm used to having a room
occupied on the same floor...
...and with my heart,
it's a wise precaution.
You will occupy your father's room.
William moved your things:
Your furniture, books, everything.
But Mother, you had no right
to move my things.
No right to move what I see fit?
I'm not surprised you blush.
I was there when William
took the books...
...and what we found hidden
was a great shock.
I hope that that shameful
episode in your life is past.
If you'll excuse me, Mother.
If you wear your glasses,
you will be less of a shock.
Take off what is on your face.
As to your hair and eyebrows...
...say that after an illness,
one loses one's hair...
...but you're letting yours grow.
- Yes, Hilda. It's me.
- Welcome home, Miss Charlotte.
This came by Air Express
from New York.
Miss Till is here.
Do you want her in?
In a little while.
I'll bring your clothes
as soon as I get a chance.
No, thank you, Hilda.
You needn't bother.
What are you doing in this room?
- I'm going to sleep here.
- You may go.
I wished for someone
on the same floor.
We can get a maid
or get the nurse back.
"We"? So long as I pay the bills,
I run this house.
Please remember you're a guest.
If I am one, then treat me like one.
Your guest prefers to sleep
in this room, if you don't mind.
This is no time for humor. I do mind.
- Where are the flowers from?
- From New York.
From who?
I've forgotten the name of the
florist. It's on the box.
I had the box brought to me first.
You know what I mean.
- What person sent the flowers?
- There wasn't any card.
You don't intend to tell me.
I don't want to be disagreeable
or unkind.
I've come home to live with you.
But it can't be in the same way.
I've been living my own life
for a long while now.
I won't go back
to being treated like a child.
I don't think I'll do anything
that will displease you...
...but from now on you must give me
complete freedom.
Including deciding what I wear...
...where I sleep, what I read.
Where did you get that dress?
Lisa and I bought it in New York.
Outrageous. Where's
the black and white foulard?
I gave it to Miss Till.
She was so grateful.
Mother, please be fair
and meet me halfway.
They said that my recompense
for having a late child...
...was comfort in my old age,
especially if it was a girl.
On your first day home after six
months, you behave like this.
Wait, I'll go down with you.
Thank you.
I prefer to go down alone.
Hilda, come here!
She fell down the stairs.
Go get the doctor down the street.
Is she conscious?
If not, this is the darnedest
torn ligament I've seen.
It'll swell. She mustn't walk.
I'm responsible. We quarreled.
I believe there are
guests waiting downstairs...
...or have you discarded
your manners also?
My family may come to see me,
one or two at a time.
I think your mother enjoys
the excitement she causes.
Must you whisper?
Am I to have no attention at all?
Hello, everybody.
You look simply gorgeous.
- I love your dress.
- Thank you.
Hello, Aunt Hester, how are you?
By Jove, Uncle.
Rosa, I'm glad to see you.
How you've changed.
But you haven't, Lloyd,
I'm happy to say.
- Justine.
- I couldn't be more astonished.
It was a shock. The doctor
said it's only a torn ligament.
- You did mean Mother?
- Naturally she meant Mother.
Brother, dear.
Thank you, William.
How did it go?
I don't know, Lisa.
I think I won the first round.
By the way, do you know
Elliot Livingston?
How do you do?
Why haven't we met before?
The world is small, but Boston is big.
- You're right, it is.
- Let's have a fire.
- An open fire?
- No, Mother won't like it.
She asked you to come up
by ones and twos.
Uncle Herbert, you go first,
you're the oldest.
For as long as I can remember,
that fire's never been lit.
High time it was then, Lloyd.
Thank you, would you mind?
I had no idea you played bridge.
Are you doing anything Wednesday?
If Mother would spare you...
I'd love to, if you think I'd fit in.
You'd fit in anywhere. Furthermore...
Please, no more or I shall cry.
I'm proud.
Dr. Jaquith would be too.
Can you ever forgive me?
I can't get over
our not having met.
As a matter of fact, we have.
- Once and almost twice.
- I'm mystified.
You were the only boy
who danced with me in school.
Then you were supposed to usher my
coming-out party and didn't show up.
- I'm covered with shame.
- I shouldn't have told you.
I hope you will allow me
to make up for my past rudeness.
- May I telephone you?
- Of course.
- She wants to see you at once.
- I know.
- Good night, Uncle.
- Thank you for an unusual evening.
- She wants to see you.
- I know.
She's had two hours' sleep.
She sent Hilda to investigate
the fire.
Let her blow off her steam.
I put sherry and sleeping powder
in her hot milk.
I'll wait outside the door.
I suspect you're a treasure.
How's your ankle?
- Extremely painful.
- I'm so sorry.
I've been thinking
as I've been here in pain...
...listening to you having
a good time.
- How much was the dress?
- It was frightfully expensive.
- Tell you later.
- To whom did you charge it?
To whom I've always
charged my clothes.
You expect me to pay for articles
of which I do not approve?
I could pay for it myself,
I've saved quite a little money.
- I have about $5000.
- $5000 won't last very long.
Especially if your allowance
is discontinued.
I want to ask you something.
When Father set up the trust
for the boys...
...why didn't he make one for me?
- You were a child.
He wisely left your affairs
to my better judgment.
I'm sure you've had
everything you want.
- I haven't had independence.
- That's it.
Independence is what I want
to talk about.
To buy and wear what you choose.
That's what you mean by it?
Dr. Jaquith says that...
...independence is reliance
on one's own judgment.
I make the decisions here, Charlotte.
You'll occupy your old room
until I dismiss the nurse.
She will occupy your father's room...
...and will perform your duties.
That'll give you a chance
to think this over.
I will give a devoted
daughter a home...
...and pay expenses...
...but not if she scorns my authority.
I could earn my own living.
I've often thought about it.
- I'd make a good waitress...
- You may think that funny.
You wouldn't laugh
if I did carry out my suggestion.
I don't think I would.
I'm not afraid.
I'm not afraid.
I'm not afraid, Mother.
Sit down.
I want you to know something
I've never said.
It's about my will.
You'll be the wealthiest member
of the Vale family...
...if I don't change my mind.
I advise you to think it over.
Where's Dora? I want Dora.
I want my head rubbed...
...leg re-bandaged, pillows fixed
and another cup of hot toddy.
- Which first, Queen Elizabeth?
- Head rubbed.
That's good. Don't stop.
You're a good girl, Dora.
A good, devoted girl.
You wouldn't stick your nose up
at a pot of gold.
You're talking absolute nonsense.
Nobody's listening.
Charlotte's gone to bed.
You're groggy, Granny dear.
Dear Dr. Jaquith:
Summer, winter, now spring again.
Time doesn't fly,
but it doesn't crawl as it used to.
Mother and I have an armed truce.
She threatens but doesn't act.
I follow your advice:
I stick by my guns but don't fire.
There's a man
who 's been nice to me.
He proposed. There are no arguments
why I shouldn't marry him.
Most every woman wants a man,
a home and a child of her own.
His name is Elliot Livingston.
He's from a fine family
and is a fine man.
A widower with two half-grown sons.
I don't know why I tell you this
except I tell you everything.
- I can't force you to tell me.
- They're from Elliot.
Why haven't you accepted him?
Do you imagine a Livingston
on every corner?
I've been waiting to see how you feel.
It makes no difference to you
how I feel about it.
You always do as you please.
You're pleased.
I'm nothing of the kind.
I'm only astonished that you...
...should bring a feather to the cap.
- If you approve, Mother dear...
- Keep that soft talk for Elliot.
Mother, there's no one like you.
Come in!
Your flowers just came.
- Mr. Livingston's waiting.
- Is he?
Finish arranging the roses?
Leave them here for Mother.
Don't wait up. It's a concert.
I shall wait up. If I want to.
- Good evening, Charlotte.
- Hello, Elliot.
We're a little late.
- You look lovely.
- Thank you. For the roses too.
Yet you wear camellias.
Why do you always?
A personal idiosyncrasy.
We're entitled to them.
You never let me buy them. Why?
- Aren't you full of questions?
- Aren't you full of mystery?
- I? Good night, William.
- Good night.
There are many things about you
I don't understand.
You put me off and don't say why.
I don't even know
if you're thinking favorably.
Favorably, Elliot.
There are many things to think about.
Taking over another
woman's house, her sons.
I'll build you a new one.
Elaine was a wonderful person.
Do you often think of her?
Yes. I want to be honest.
You needn't be afraid
that she will return.
She's a memory.
I'm sure she's much more substantial
than that. You have her sons.
And I have only a dried corsage... empty bottle of perfume.
I can't even say his name.
I want you to know...
...that I'll be beginning
a new life for you.
If we have a child,
which of us will it resemble?
- A child?
- I've shocked you.
When I marry you,
that'll be a chief reason.
Well, whatever the reason,
if only you...
I didn't say "if," Elliot,
I said "when."
- Have another cocktail.
- I don't mind.
- I know we're late.
- It's my fault.
The last, the best.
Find a cocktail. I'm up on you.
Let's see, we have old-fashioneds
and martinis. Which?
- Well, it doesn't really...
- You see a ghost?
I think I know the man
who's talking to Barbara.
Durrance. He's doing my job,
architect for the medical center.
Nice chap.
Not Boston, but all right.
We've been trying to get him out.
Shall I tell him your name?
- Let him guess.
- All right.
J.D., here's someone who thinks
she's met you.
Of course. You do look familiar.
Don't tell me her name.
Wait, I've got it.
Beauchamp, isn't it?
- Camille Beauchamp.
- I'm sorry, J.D.
- No, J.D.
- My name is Vale.
- I met you on a pleasure cruise.
- I hope you forgive me, I'm sure...
I shall leave you to make peace.
George tells me you've been
in Boston often this winter.
- And I didn't know.
- Yes, several times.
- You look simply glorious.
- An architect?
I could cry with pride.
It's an interesting job
I'm doing for George.
I wanted horribly to call you up.
The medical center, isn't it?
I walk by your house on Marlborough
Street. Once I almost rang the bell.
Tell me about Deb and Mac.
You introduced me to them
on the pleasure cruise.
They're both fine.
How is Tina?
Well, Tina...
- I'm having a bad time with Tina.
- Tell me about it.
I'm afraid we've got to send her away.
She can't be with her mother.
I took her to see Dr. Jaquith...
...who was highly recommended
by this Camille Beauchamp.
Camille, I am still horribly in love.
We have to dine now
or we'll never get to the concert.
I must see you.
May I come to your house tonight?
I won't stay but 10 minutes.
I must talk to you.
Yes, do.
Hello? Yes.
What's the name, please?
- Is that for me?
- Yes, miss.
- Why didn't you?
- I'm leaving tonight.
- But why?
- I've got to get back on business.
Mrs. Weston told me.
You're engaged to marry her brother.
I wanted to tell you.
I thought he was a grand person.
I hope you'll be very happy.
Where are you? I must see you.
No, Charlotte,
I think it best that we don't.
Call a taxi quickly, will you?
Charlotte, you shouldn't have come.
I wanted to talk about Elliot.
Why marry him?
Do you love him?
Not like we do. Not like us.
I thought it might grow to be
or something like it.
I thought I was getting over you.
I didn't think I'd see you again.
We were living up to our pact.
What sort of man is Livingston?
Like you in many ways.
Not your sense of humor,
nor your sense of beauty...
...nor your sense of play.
But a fine man.
A kind of refuge
I thought I could never have.
- You're not angry with me?
- No.
Only with myself.
I was a cad to make you care...
...and then leave you to get over it.
There isn't a thing I can do.
Isobel depends on me more and more.
She's ill.
And there's Tina.
- If I could chuck everything...
- I wouldn't let you.
What's the feminine for your word?
I knew you were married, and I
walked in with my eyes wide open.
- You said it'd make you happier.
- And it has.
I've got back my work, due to you.
I hoped you'd say that.
I understand Tina more.
I'm kinder to Isobel.
- So don't blame yourself.
- Then don't you.
- It's different.
- It's not.
Shall I tell you what you've given me?
On that very first day, a bottle
of perfume made me feel important.
You were my first friend.
When you fell in love with me,
I was so proud.
When I came home, I needed
something to make me proud.
Your camellias arrived and I knew
you were thinking about me.
I could've walked
into a den of lions.
As a matter of fact I did,
and the lions didn't hurt me.
Please take back what you said.
If you can marry that man
and have a happy life, I will.
- I'll try.
- All aboard!
I'll look for you around every corner.
Goodbye, darling.
All aboard!
Do you know where we'll be
in two weeks?
We'll be on the ocean
off San Francisco.
That's so soon, Elliot.
I do want to be sure.
You know what I'd like?
I'd like you to take me to some
Bohemian restaurant for dinner...
...where we can be very gay,
have cocktails and champagne.
You could make love to me and...
Well, what I mean is...
...if I could get rid of
some of my inhibitions for once...
...I might have more confidence.
Time will give you confidence.
- That's not what I mean.
- What do you mean?
I read a novel once about a woman...
...a repressed woman.
She was in an automobile accident
with a man on a cold night.
He gave her a drink to keep warm.
And because of the drink
she lost her inhibitions.
You see, she was just...
I'm afraid I sound very depraved.
Are we both going to say
the same thing?
About our trip...
I can exchange the tickets
for three and take the boys.
- Would you?
- Certainly.
- I've been thinking about us.
- Yes?
- Perhaps we wouldn't be happy.
- We wouldn't be, Elliot.
You should marry one
who enjoys what you enjoy.
Let's not linger over it, Elliot.
Well, I suppose
you'll meet somebody, sometime.
I don't think I'll ever marry.
Some women aren't
the marrying kind.
But you'll meet someone.
Thank you for thinking it was me.
I have that on my record, anyway.
- Do I kiss you goodbye?
- No, let's not.
We'll see each other again, won't we?
Of course we will.
Goodbye till we meet again.
Goodbye till we meet again.
It's like the time
when my father died.
His breathing just stopped.
All over, finished.
Ended forever.
Fool! Oh, you fool!
You'll never have a home
or a man of your own...
...or a child of your own.
Hello, Mother.
I thought Elliot was staying.
What's his hurry?
We've broken our engagement.
- What did you say?
- We've broken our engagement.
- Why have you done that?
- Because I don't love him.
Have you no sense of obligation
to your family?
You have the chance
to join our name...
...with one of the finest families
in the city.
And you say that you're not in love?
You behave like a romantic girl
of 18.
I don't doubt it.
What do you intend to do?
Get a cat and a parrot and live alone
in single blessedness.
Stop rocking!
You've never made me proud...
...or made yourself proud either.
You should be ashamed to live
your life as Charlotte Vale.
Miss Charlotte Vale.
Dr. Jaquith says that tyranny
is sometimes...
...the expression
of the maternal instinct.
If that's a mother's love,
I want no part of it.
I didn't want to be born,
you didn't want me!
It's been a calamity on both sides.
Mother, let's not quarrel.
We've been getting along
together so well lately.
It was a horrid...
...thing to say.
We quarreled. I did it.
I did it.
I did it.
To these household servants...
...who were serving me...
...I bequeath the sum of $3000.
All the residue
and remainder of my estate...
...real, personal or mixed...
...I give, devise and bequeath
to my beloved daughter Charlotte.
I did it. I did it.
I never did anything
to make my mother proud.
I must see Dr. Jaquith.
Oh, Jerry.
Jerry, where are you now
when I need you so much?
Do you remember me? Do you?
- Miss Trask?
- Well, look who's here.
For goodness' sake,
I hardly know you.
Oh, of course.
I was about to send the police.
The doctor wired you were coming.
It's been a very long drive.
Could I go to my room right away?
I've put you in room 18.
That's your old room.
It'll make you feel at home.
How's Jaquith?
Same. Handing out
common sense instead of sympathy.
- Now...
- Could Samson get my bags?
Samson? Get Miss Vale's bags.
How's it coming?
All right.
- What's it supposed to be?
- I don't know.
Here's the little girl's other slipper.
Do you mind if I join you?
What's the title of the picture?
"The Proposal."
I'll collect all the pink pieces
if you don't mind.
Some people prefer
to do a puzzle alone.
I know who you are.
You do? Who am I?
- You're my new nurse.
- No, you're quite wrong.
You can't fool me.
I know why you've come here.
To make sure I don't run away again.
Did you run away once?
I didn't know.
- What's your name?
- You know my name.
That's why you stood
and stared at me.
That was very rude of me.
But, you see, you reminded me
of somebody.
Well, if you must know, myself.
Of course at your age.
You're about 14, aren't you?
I'm 12...
...nearly 13.
- There you are.
Christine, you spend the evening
with the young people.
- They don't want me.
- Of course they do.
I bet they'll want you more
if you make a little effort.
I've got a ping-pong game fixed up.
Barbara and Betty
against you and Bob.
- But he's the best player here.
- That's why you're his partner.
But I'll be the worst one.
I'll die. I'll just die.
Don't dramatize, Christine.
Please, please, please.
Don't make me.
Don't make me!
Don't make her.
The doctor wants Christine
to exercise and...
I'll see that she has some exercise.
I have to take my car to the town
to have it washed.
Christine could go,
we'll walk back.
Or run if you like.
If Christine would be kind enough
to go with me.
Would you?
- I'm sorry, Christine...
- Please, let me go.
I promise to drink
all my cocoa tonight.
For goodness' sake,
don't carry on.
Get your coat.
I'm sorry, Trask.
I couldn't help it.
I thought you were too tired
to do anything.
Cascades has performed
another miracle.
Tell her I'll be right down.
Christine's room is next to yours,
you'll share the bathroom.
Don't be disturbed by her crying.
Just ignore it.
One of her tyrannies, like not eating.
Ignore that too.
If you could get her to eat,
it would help.
I'll try.
- How long have you been at Cascades?
- Ten days.
Nearly 11.
- You don't like it much, do you?
- No.
Neither did I at 10 days.
The first two weeks are the worst.
I'll never like it.
- Do you want to go home?
- No.
Where do you want to go?
I don't know.
My mother doesn't want me at home.
That's why it's helping Father
for me to be here.
Where were you going
when you ran away?
For a telephone booth to put in
a reverse call to my daddy.
- To ask him to come get you?
- No.
I promised him I'd stay here
for two weeks.
I just wanted to hear
Daddy's voice again.
I'm almost sure my father's dying.
Is he sick?
They won't let me speak to him,
so I don't know.
Listen, Christine.
There's the telephone booth.
And here's my change purse.
Do you think he
will be home tonight?
- You mean I can call him?
- That's exactly what I mean.
Help me, will you?
I'm not sure I can run it.
Of course.
- Number, please.
- Long distance, please.
Long distance.
I want to put in
a person-to-person call to...
Jeremiah Duveaux Durrance.
Mount Vernon 2940.
To Mr. Jeremiah Duveaux Durrance.
Mount Vernon 2940.
- 2940?
- Yes, thank you.
Deposit 50c, please.
All of that?
Hello? Yes?
Hello? Hello, Daddy.
- Anything wrong?
- Oh, hello, Daddy.
Are you all right?
I just wanted to hear you
speak to me.
When are you coming to see me?
I'm so lonesome here.
Why can't you come tomorrow?
Daddy, you promised.
Yes, I remember. Goodbye.
Thank you for letting me call him.
Thank you!
I'd like to finish my ice cream now.
We'd better have some fresh...
Bring us two more vanillas?
But I'll owe you so much!
Daddy said I'm to pay you back.
He wanted to know
who was letting me call...
...and all I could say was a nice lady,
and I'd write him and tell him your name.
- What is your name, please?
- Don't you think secrets are fun?
Refer to me as the nice light lady.
It sounds so mysterious.
I wouldn't tell Miss Trask
about the phone call.
It might get me in wrong.
Not Dr. Browns nor Dr. Jaquith.
I won't tell a single living soul.
I'd soon as die than
put you in the wrong.
Tina, really?
You called me Tina.
Did I? How stupid of me.
But then it is a nickname
for Christine?
But nobody calls me that,
except my daddy.
I won't, then.
No, please.
I want you to call me Tina.
It's I, Tina. Don't be afraid.
What's the matter?
Don't leave me. Don't leave me.
I won't till you're asleep.
Tell me, what's the matter?
I'm ugly, and nobody likes me.
- Tina, you?
- I'm not pretty in the least.
You know I'm not.
Whoever wants
that kind of prettiness?
There's something you can have
if you earn it, a kind of beauty.
What kind?
Something that's nothing to do
with your face.
A light that shines from inside
because you're nice.
Someday you'll know I'm right.
- Will they like me then?
- Who are "they"?
All the kids, Miss Trask,
and the nurses and the doctors.
There must be something
awfully wrong with me.
Do you like them, Tina?
The kids and Miss Trask
and the nurses and the doctors?
No, I hate them.
That's something else to learn.
If you want people to like you,
you've got to like people.
That's why Miss Trask
asked you to cooperate...
...and what Dr. Jaquith means when
he says to play the game.
I bet you're only fooling me.
You try it and see.
In the meantime, if it helps...
...I like you.
I think you're very pretty, very sweet.
All right?
All right.
Why are you so good to me?
Because somebody was good to me once
when I needed somebody.
Go to sleep.
Close your eyes
and let your muscles go all limp.
That's better.
I'll tell you a story.
Once upon a time, there was
a little girl who was afraid.
A little girl, Tina...
...who was afraid, because
she thought she was alone.
This is Jerry's child in my arms.
This is Jerry's child clinging to me.
Impertinent. Upsetting rules.
Thinks she can run the works.
Oh, I'm terrible.
Of course you are. So am I.
What's the difference? We'll learn.
I want to talk to you.
- Who, me?
- Yes, you.
I thought you might.
Here you go, Tina.
I hear you're running Cascade now.
You give orders to my doctors.
- I didn't, I requested...
- You came to have a breakdown.
I've decided not to have one,
if it's all right.
Since you are a member
of my staff, doctor...
- I've been impertinent.
- Maybe I like it.
The child is so unhappy.
She's not being treated wisely.
I was proud of you.
Now I'm ashamed.
Isn't it wonderful that
you know so much better?
I have a proposition.
I haven't anything to do.
Mightn't I be the nurse?
I promise not to do anything
without asking permission.
I've already canceled the nurse.
- Tell me what you'd do.
- Stay with her.
Pay attention to her.
Make her feel important.
As soon as you'd said we could,
I'd take her camping.
- She adores camping.
- Sounds wonderful.
I couldn't do it without
her parents' permission.
What would her mother say?
She'd accept any plan
that would take the child.
She would protest
if she heard me say so.
And her father?
What will his attitude be?
Sympathetic and protective...
...possibly too protective
for her good.
Result: Mother's resentment.
The child's absence
became desirable for all.
I was recommended to the father
by a friend...
...but he placed the child
in my care, not in yours.
I suppose I'd better ask
you something.
How much do you know
about South America?
- Well, geographically...
- No, that's not what I mean.
About my automobile accident
and the man who was with me.
You said that he led me
from one difficulty into another.
A patient of mine who
has a phobia about high places...
...told me about an accident happening
to a man and a woman in Brazil.
She knew the woman's name only.
She told me before I could stop her.
- Who told you the man's?
- Nobody. I don't know his name.
Then you didn't know that
Tina's father and I met.
No, I didn't.
If I had, I wouldn't have suggested
your coming here.
- I'd no idea you'd met Durrance.
- That alters the situation.
I know nothing
about your relationship.
I don't know how emotionally involved
you are.
I can't work with a child involved.
I'll tell you. It's over.
That's it in two words.
Tina needs me as much now
as she did a minute ago.
I've never been needed before.
I'm crazy, but if you promise
to behave yourself...
- I'll tell her.
- But you're on probation.
"The Lord giveth,
and the Lord taketh away."
How does it feel to be the Lord?
Not too wonderful since free will.
Too little power.
I'm not going to have a nurse.
I'm just going to have her.
She'll be my...
- What are you?
- Your friend.
She's going to be my friend.
I can tell you her name,
she said I could.
It's Miss Vale.
Not the kind you wear on your face.
But V-A-L-E.
She's from Boston.
Oh, she's ever so nice.
What's that, Daddy?
He said to tell you thank you.
Would you like to talk to him?
No, thank you.
She won't talk to you.
I think she's quite shy.
You know something?
When the doctor says it's all right,
she'll take me away.
Camping. Just her and me.
I think I've got a trout.
I think I have one too.
Miss Vale!
- What's cooking?
- Potatoes. They're cooked.
They smell good.
- What have you been doing?
- Writing a letter.
- Is it a secret?
- Do we have secrets, Tina?
I was writing a letter to Dr. Jaquith... see if I could keep you
for a while longer.
When I go to Boston...
...I'd like to take you home.
Would you like that?
Why, I'd love it!
It'll be just like playing house.
- Here.
- Thank you.
I'm so sorry.
Are you old enough to be my mother?
Good heavens, of course I am.
I wish you were.
No, you don't.
You mustn't think that.
You don't tell me what to do,
what not to do all the time.
I don't want to call you Miss Vale.
It sounds as if we didn't know
each other very well.
Would you like to call me
some nickname?
A special name of our own?
- As if we were chums?
- I'd love it!
What sort of a name?
There are many abbreviations
for Charlotte.
Could call me Carlotta or Charlie...
...or Auntie or Tantie...
...or a name I was called once in fun,
...or even Aunt Charlotte.
I'll call you Camille.
It's kind of a funny name, though.
- Have you been here before?
- No.
It's gloomy. I don't know
how anyone can live here.
Tina writes she lives
like a princess.
It feeds her starved sense
of self-importance.
I thought you said "gloom."
I'm amazed.
Here, hold this for me.
Hello. Welcome, Dr. Jaquith.
Remember me?
Who could forget?
This is Tina's father.
- What goes on here?
- We're roasting weenies.
- Roasting weenies?
- They make swell canaps.
I'll introduce you
and you can roast too.
Walk down slowly. You'll trip.
Can this be Tina?
Do I look nice?
It's my first party dress.
You look lovely.
Do you really like me?
I love you.
It would be nice
to show your father your room...
...and your studio.
- Would you like to see my room?
- If Miss Vale will pardon us.
How long will you call her Miss Vale?
What should I call her?
I don't know.
Would it sound too funny if he
called you my name for you, Camille?
I think it would sound
very nice indeed.
Don't keep him too long.
June has some very special
canaps for you.
Thank you, Lisa.
- Wonderful.
- What will you call this wing?
I ought to name it after you...
...since your time
and money made it possible.
You're on the board of directors.
How nice of you.
I thought that this partition
was to be here.
What are you looking at, Dr. Owl?
I'm just wondering.
Are you the same woman who
hadn't a single interest?
I showed him everything.
Now he's in the library.
Take care of Dr. Jaquith.
That's a funny thing to tell me.
How do you take care of a doctor?
- Have a chip.
- Thank you, Dr. Jaquith.
What are you doing here?
- I've decided to take Tina home.
- Take her home?
But you can't.
What do you mean?
Dr. Jaquith says it would be
the worst thing for Tina to go home.
Surely he's told you we have to wait
until she's fit...
...before we can treat her
like a normal girl.
I don't care what he says.
No man would allow your
self-sacrifice to go on indefinitely.
That's the most conventional,
pretentious, pious speech...
...I've ever heard.
I don't know you.
I can't go on forever
taking from you...
...and giving nothing, darling.
I see.
Forgive me. It's your pride.
Let me explain.
You will be giving.
But don't you know that to take
is sometimes a way to give?
The most beautiful way in the world
if two people love each other.
You're giving me Tina. Every day
I'll be taking and you'll be giving.
Very kind of you to put it that way.
Don't you think she's happy here?
She confessed that she loves you
almost as much as she loves me.
What is the reason?
Is it something about us?
Of course it is about us.
What else could it be?
I wish you'd tell me what it is.
Why didn't you marry Livingston?
I'll tell you why.
Because I came along
and ruined him for you.
And now my child claims all your
attention and takes your whole life...
...when you should be finding
some man who'll make you happy.
Some man who'll make me happy?
So that's it. So that's it.
I've certainly made a great mistake.
Here I have been laboring
under the delusion...
...that you and I
were so in sympathy, so one...
...that you'd know
what would make me happy.
And you come up here
to talk about some man.
You haven't the slightest conception
of what torture it is to love a man...
...and to be shut out, barred out,
to be always an outsider.
When Tina said
she wanted to stay with me... was like a miracle happening... having your child.
A part of you.
I even allowed myself
to indulge in the fantasy...
...that both of us loving her, doing
what was best for her together...
...would make her seem
like our child after a while.
I see no such fantasy
has occurred to you.
I've been just a big sentimental fool.
It's a tendency I have.
Wait a minute.
I was afraid you were keeping Tina
out of pity.
But there was no note of pity
in your ridicule.
Now I know you still love me.
It won't die, what's between us.
Do what you will, ignore it,
neglect it, starve it...'s stronger
than both of us together.
Please let me go.
Please let me go.
Dr. Jaquith knows about us.
When I could take Tina, he said,
"You're on probation."
Do you know what that means?
It means that I'm on probation
because of you and me.
He allowed this visit as a test...
...and if I can't stand such tests...
...I'll lose Tina...
...and we'll lose each other.
Please help me.
Shall we just have a cigarette?
May I sometimes come here?
Whenever you like.
It's your home too.
There are people here who love you.
Look at you and Tina...
...share with you peace
and contentment?
Of course.
Just think it won't be
for this time only.
That is, if you'll help me keep
what we have.
If we both try hard... protect that strip of territory
that's ours...
...we can talk about your child...
- Our child.
Thank you.
And will you be happy, Charlotte?
Oh, Jerry, don't let's ask
for the moon.
We have the stars.