Father of the Bride (1950)

I would like to say|a few words about weddings.
I've just been through one.
Not my own, my daughter's.
Someday in the far future...
...I may be able to remember it|with tender indulgence, but not now.
I always used to think that|marriage was a simple affair.
Boy and girl meet, they fall in love,|get married, they have babies...
...eventually the babies|grow up, meet other babies...
...they fall in love and get married,|and so on and on and on.
Looked at that way, it's not only|simple, it's downright monotonous.
But I was wrong.|I figured without the wedding.
Now, you fathers will understand.
You have a little girl.|She looks up to you.
You're her oracle. You're her hero.
Then the day comes when she gets her first|permanent wave and goes to her first party.
And from that day on,|you're in a constant state of panic.
If the boys swarm around, you're in|a panic for fear she'll marry one of them.
If they don't swarm around,|you're in another kind of a panic...
...and you wonder|what's the matter with her.
So you don't worry about it. You say,|I've got plenty of time to worry about that.
I'll just put off thinking about it.
And then suddenly it is upon you.
It was just three months ago,|exactly three months ago...
...that the storm broke here. It was an|ordinary day, very much like any other day.
I had caught the commuters'|train home, as usual.
It was late, as usual.
We own our own home in the suburbs.|At least, we almost own it.
Had it built when my law firm|made me a full-fledged partner.
As usual, it was Ellie who was|the first to greet me.
She asked me what kind of a day I'd had and|I asked her what kind of a day she'd had.
And our Delilah,|she was always the same.
Another kitchen crisis,|but that's routine.
- Oh, hi, Dad.|- Hello, son.
- May I have the keys to the car?|- Yeah. Be careful.
Good night.
As usual, Ben wanted the car.
Ben's a nice, steady boy in college,|studying engineering.
Hi, Pop.
And Tommy.
No worry about him|except to try to keep him fed.
It was hi and goodbye that night,|but I'm used to that.
I was wondering if my daughter had|deserted us too when I heard her voice.
Pops! Pops!
- Hi, Pops.|- Kay was our only daughter.
I know a father's not supposed|to have favorites, but when it's Kay...
- You smell good.|- You like it?
- What's that?|- An atomizer.
Where'd you get it?|A present? Who from?
Oh, somebody.
What's happened to you?|You look different.
- I do?|- Yeah.
You look all lit up inside.
Not wearing your usual deadpan look, that|How did I ever get into this family? look.
Oh, Pops.
You've been taking the vitamins|Dr. Gray sent you, huh?
That's right.
I guess I'll get me|some of those vitamins.
I'll get it, Delilah!
What's the matter with her?|Acts kind of queer.
I don't know. Maybe she's in love.
Who would she be in love with?
- I haven't the wildest idea.|- You must have some idea to mention it.
- Who?|- Buckley.
- Buckley who?|- Oh, you know that boy.
Buckley. I don't know his last name.
- Never heard of him.|- He's been here again and again.
- Well, that doesn't mean anything.|- All right, I'm wrong.
Sorry. Forgive me.
- Who was it, dear?|- Buckley.
- He's coming for me in a few minutes.|- I'll get your coffee.
- Where'd the boys go?|- Ben had some date...
...Tommy went to play basketball.|Delilah, bring the coffee.
- Yes, Mrs. Banks.|- Twenty wins.
- You'd think those boys could stay home.|- Ben's not a boy, Pops. He's a man.
- He's old enough to have a family.|- At 19?
Buckley says that's not|too young for a man to marry.
- I didn't marry your mother till I was 25.|- I know, but that was millions of years ago.
Look at the men in Ben's college.|Loads of them are married with children.
Buckley says everyone|should marry young.
Did Buckley happen to mention who was|going to finance these child marriages?
He says the family should support them.|He says it's economy in the long run.
The men work better|and the babies are healthier.
From the way she talked|about Buckley, you'd think...
... he was Moses, Einstein|and Gallup rolled into one.
I tried to remember which one he was.
There'd been so many boys who'd beat a|path to our door. Which one was Buckley?
Was it the boy with the teeth?
Or the guy with the porcupine hair?
Or the English teacher,|that poop-a-doop that Ellie liked?
I hoped he wasn't that muscle-bound|ham with the shoulders.
And she'd never fall|for that bebop hound.
And it couldn't be that genius who said he'd|fix my radio. She couldn't do that to me.
Couldn't be the radical.|She hadn't been on a picket line in years.
Surely my daughter wouldn't|fall for any of them.
Or would she?
She was still going on about him.
Buckley has it figured out. He says|there isn't going to be any depression.
I won't be home for the weekend.
Where are you going, dear?|I'm spending it with Buckley's family.
Are you going to marry this character?
I guess so.
And just when are you planning|on getting married?
Well, I really don't know yet, Mother.
It all depends on Buckley's plans.
It may be months, it may be a few|weeks, it may be anytime at all.
We can't tell yet.
But we won't be pinned down. Buckley's|very decided about that sort of thing.
He just won't be pinned down.
I hope that Buckley won't think I'm|too nosy if I ask a few simple questions.
Okay, Pops. I suppose|we have to go through this.
- Seems to me...|- Who is this Buckley anyway?
- Listen, Pops...|- What's his last name?
- I hope it's better than his first.|- Listen...
Where the devil is he from?
Who does he think will support him?|If he thinks I am, he's wrong!
- I don't give a hoot...|- Stanley! Stanley...
You don't have to shout. Nobody's deaf.|It's mortifying with right in there.
The idea.|Acting like an outraged father.
You broke it to me|so casually over the ice cream.
You might've|at least waited until coffee.
Oh, thanks, Delilah. I'll pour it.
You don't give Kay a chance.
Now listen, Pops. I'm 20 and|Buckley's 26, and we're grown people.
As far as you supporting us,|I'll tell you right now...
...he's the kind that wouldn't let|anyone support him. He'd rather die first.
That's the kind of a person he is.|He's a wonderful person.
He's the kind of a person|that's absolutely...
I mean, absolutely independent.
Buckley wouldn't come to you for help,|not even if we were starving in the gutter.
And his name is Dunstan.
That's what it is. Buckley Dunstan.|And he's a wonderful businessman.
I mean, a really wonderful businessman.
- And he has a wonderful job.|- Doing what?
Oh, I don't know, Pops.|He makes something.
Does it really matter what it is?
He's the kind of a person that can do|anything, anything at all. He's... He's...
...absolutely, terribly, wonderful.
Stanley, you've hurt her.
While she was talking,|all I could think of was a little girl...
...in brown pigtails and dirty overalls, flying|at the boys when they pushed her too far.
Seems like such|an incredibly short time ago.
Go speak to her.|I'm afraid she's crying.
And as for his parents,|I'll tell you this right now, Pops...
...they're just as good as you and Moms.
They're fine people,|and they live in Westbridge.
I guess you'll agree that Westbridge|is as good a place as Fairview Manor.
Oh, I don't see what that|has to do with it anyway.
Okay, kitten.
I love him already.
What'd you say his last name was?
Oh, Pops!
Stanley! Come away from that window.
I wanna get a peek at this superman.
Oh, how nice. Come in.
- Good evening, Mrs. Banks.|- Kay'll be down in a minute.
She went to get her things.|Won't you come and sit down?
Well, I...
Darling, you remember Mr...
I can't call you Mr. anything.
- You won't mind if I call you Buckley?|- Oh, please do.
Good evening, sir.
How are you?
- And you?|- Fine.
Kay's been telling us|some exciting news.
- I hope you don't mind.|- Oh, no.
We're delighted. Aren't we?
It's wonderful, so exciting,|having a romance right under our...
That is, well, you might say,|right in our midst.
Isn't it, Stanley?
Oh, yes.
I'm afraid it was a little sudden...
...but I couldn't...
- Hello there.|- Hello.
- Was I too early?|- Oh, no.
- Better put on your heavy coat.|- Oh, Pops, I'd die in that heavy coat.
- I'd smother to death.|- Just the same, I'd wear it.
Don't fuss.|I'll be perfectly all right.
I think you'd better take it.
- You do?|- Yes.
Right then I realized that my day was over.
She'll always love us, of course,|but not in the old way.
From here on, her love will be doled out like|a farmer's wife tossing scraps to a rooster.
- Good night.|- Good night.
Good night, Pops.|Don't wait up, we'll be late.
- Good night.|- Good night.
I don't like him.
Oh, darling, I know he isn't good enough|for Kay, but then no one is or ever will be.
- At least he's better than her other beaus.|- That's a great recommendation.
- She's old enough to know her own mind.|- That child?
You didn't mind that|I was 18 when I married you.
- Well, that's...|- That's different.
Oh, she'll make a beautiful bride.
She has just the coloring and figure.
I know the dress she should wear!|It was in last month's Vogue.
I couldn't believe it.|Ellie was as happy as a lark.
She wasn't worrying about Buckley.|Her mind was on the wedding.
Some make you look ghastly,|but this was perfect. I'll find it.
It had just a touch of eggshell pink.
What's the matter, darling?|Can't you sleep?
- No.|- You want some hot milk?
- No.|- Well, then, good night.
Boy, you're wonderful.
Thank you, darling.
If Kay was out at a dance, you wouldn't|close your eyes until you heard her come in.
When it's a question of whether she'll|eat for the rest of her life, you sleep.
Eat? You want something to eat?
I am talking about Kay, Ellie. Kay.
She sits there tonight and says,|I'm marrying Buckley. Isn't he cute?
And we all dance and make faces.
What do we know about him?
If you're gonna sit up, put on your robe.
We don't know a thing about him.|Not a darn thing!
Don't know where he comes from,|or what he makes.
We only know his name,|and you weren't sure about that.
And yet he walks in|and we hand him Kay.
You only have to look at him to know he's|nice and that he comes from a nice family.
The way he calls you sir|and holds my chair for me...
That reminds me. I must call his family|tomorrow and tell them how happy we are.
Is that all you need, that he holds your|chair for you and he says sir to me?
Is that all you want?|Well, it isn't all I want!
I want to know if he'll make her happy. If he|can make a home for her and support her.
You heard his ideas on marriage.|He thinks the family should support them.
And you know which family|he means, don't you, honey?
He means us. Sure, sure.
He figures on moving in with us.
Then when the food gets bad,|why, he'll dump the kids on us and skip.
Probably done it before.|Probably got another wife.
Read about it all the time.|Fellas have wives in three or four places.
Maybe he's got a criminal record!
Fella might be a counterfeiter|or confidence man or...
Those are the ones.
Those smooth-talking ones|that have the manners.
Manners are their stock and trade.
Yeah, those soft-spoken fellas who look|you right in the eye and would put a bullet...
...in her neck and never turn a hair!
You mark my words,|this is going to end in tragedy.
But, Stanley, I...
Well, I got it off my chest.
Funny, the minute you get someone else|worrying, you stop worrying yourself.
Come in!
Well, you're an early bird.
How you could sleep, I don't know.|I couldn't close my eyes.
I was so upset about Kay.
Kay? What's Kay done now?
Oh, I kept thinking about what you said.|Suppose he is a good-for-nothing?
Suppose he doesn't mean|to make a home for her?
Now, stop worrying, Ellie.
You've got to talk with him|before this goes any farther.
You've got to come right out and ask him|about what he has and everything.
Oh, darling, I can't do that.|I can't walk up and say:
- How's your bank balance, kid?|- Why not? You're her father.
I know, but even a father...
I believe you're afraid of him.
Well, that's a fine remark, I must say.
Stanley, Kay's up. Now, you tell her you|want to see this boy and right away.
- Hi, Pops.|- Hi.
- How are you?|- Fine.
About Buckley...
What about him?
Oh, I think he's great.|Fine chap. Nice, clean-cut chap.
- Thanks.|- Yeah.
I thought, you know, we might|have a little talk, you know.
About what he's earning,|you know...
- You're kidding.|- That sort of thing. L...
I didn't believe they really did that.|I thought it was just a gag.
After all, when a man's|only daughter is getting married...
If you want to go through that|old-fashioned rigamarole, it's okay with me.
When do you want to see him?
Well, what about tonight?
We have a date at 9.
Why don't you ask him to dinner?|We can talk before dinner. About 6:30?
Okay. I'll deliver him.
Kay, Kay! You know, don't...|Tell him we're gonna chat.
Don't make it sound formidable.
- I don't want to frighten the boy to death.|- Oh, don't worry about Buckley.
He's big enough to take it.
- Good evening.|- Good evening, Mrs. Banks.
It's Delilah's night out,|and Kay and I are cooking dinner.
- We might put you to work. I have an apron...|- Not now.
- Let him get his talk with Pops over.|- Talk?
- You're going to have a talk?|- Yes. A talk.
- Where's Pop?|- He's in the living room, I think.
- Here he is, Pops.|- Oh! Oh, hello. Hello.
- Good evening.|- Good evening.
- Make it snappy, dinner's in half an hour.|- Well, sit down.
- Thanks.|- I'll take that.
Oh, thanks, but I'll need the papers.
Oh. Okay.
- Kay said you wanted to talk...|- Would you like a drink first?
- No, sir.|- A smoke, then?
I have some, thanks. Will you?
Oh, no. No, thanks. I'll smoke a pipe.|Wonderful thing, a pipe.
- Do you smoke a pipe?|- No, sir.
I like a pipe.|Especially after a hard day, you know.
All the rush and the fuss.|It sort of changes your pace, rests you.
Yes, sir.
- Are you comfortable there?|- Yes, sir.
I brought some papers I wanted you to...
I suppose you think it's silly,|this financial talk...
...but I wish my father-in-law had sat down|with me before Ellie and I got married.
- I think it sort of clears the air.|- Well, you're right, sir.
- You don't want a drink?|- Yes.
- Oh, you would?|- I mean, yes, sir, I'm sure I won't.
- Well, where were we?|- We were talking about your father-in-law.
Oh, yes.
Well, someday...
I think that I probably understand,|you know, the problems of young couples...
...what they're up against, of course.
The parents are up against it too.
You know, what with high prices|and high taxes and everything, and...
The long and short of it is, you're entitled|to know what you can expect from me...
...as I'm entitled to know what I can expect|from you. Get to know about each other.
- Yes, sir.|- Yes.
So my proposal is this:
I thought I'd tell you|a little about my setup...
...and then we could go|into your financial picture.
Yes, sir.
In the first place, Buckley, you look|at this house and everything...
...and you probably think, He's well-off.
But let me tell you, my boy,|that doesn't mean a thing.
The day I married Ellie,|my position with the law firm of...
...Bartham, Henderson and Peck|was as nebulous...
In half an hour, I told him more about my|affairs than I had told Ellie in a lifetime.
You take all of those things, the insurance,|the mortgages, the kids' schooling...
...and straightening Tommy's teeth.|They all sound tough, but I think...
...it was good to assume responsibility.|Gives you something to work for.
Yes, sir.
Now, if you'd like to look at some|of these papers that I brought...
Come on, you two.|Soup's on the table.
We'll go into that another time.|We mustn't keep Kay waiting.
- Did you have a nice talk?|- Wonderful! I feel better.
- Don't we, son?|- Yes.
Run along, son. Don't keep Kay waiting.|Say, he's a smart boy.
- Got a fine business sense.|- I should say he has.
Kay told me he'd saved $5000 and|is the head of his company at his age!
You see how silly we were to worry?
Come on.
This is the street.
Too bad Kay couldn't have picked|her in-laws from somebody we knew.
362, 364...
- Bet they won't even have a drink.|- What makes you think they won't?
- Just that kind of people.|- What if they don't?
You're not an alcoholic, are you?
Why get yourself in such|a lather about meeting the Dunstans?
I'm not in a lather. Who's in a lather?
Ought to be around here someplace.
Bet it's a shack.
Here it is, 394.
There's your shack.
I have a feeling they're behind|those curtains watching us.
- Good afternoon.|- Good...
May I have your coat?
Thank you.
- Good to see you.|- Good to see you.
- How do you do?|- How do you do?
Well, look at this! There's a wedding.|Sure as guns, there it is.
I can't tell you how crazy|we are about your Kay.
Well, we feel just|the same way about Buckley.
Yes, he's a wonderful boy.
Well, I'll tell you one thing.|He's a lucky boy to get a girl like Kay.
- Would you like to wash your hands?|- No, I washed them before I came.
- Shall we go in?|- Yes, will you?
We did more bare-faced lying in those few|minutes than we had done in our entire lives.
I sent Kay and Buckley out to dinner.|I thought we could get better acquainted...
...if there were just the four of us.|- It's cozier this way.
I don't know how you feel, but|would you like a snifter before dinner?
- I beg your pardon?|- I have Madeira. Put it down 25 years ago.
Been saving it for a special occasion.
And I don't know of a more|special occasion than this.
- No, indeed.|- Here we are.
- Thank you.|- Let's drink to the bride and groom.
Hear, hear.
Not too sweet, yet not too dry.
I've been trying to decide whether Buckley|looks like you, Mrs. Dunstan, or Mr. Dunstan.
Oh, do please call us Doris and Herbert,|not Mr. And Mrs. Dunstan.
Stanley and Ellie.
- Play golf, Herbert?|- Well, I play at it, Stanley.
- I love your house, Doris.|- Oh, thank you, Ellie.
I'm crazy to see yours.|Buckley's always talking about it.
- A little more, Stan?|- Well, just to help you out, Herb.
There we are.
Now that we're friends,|I'll tell you something.
- I was scared about this meeting.|- Herbert...
Big argument. Should we|or should we not offer a drink?
I was for it, to break the ice,|but Doris was against it.
Afraid you wouldn't approve.|Stickly situation.
And we didn't want to start|off on the wrong foot.
Well, now I'll tell you|something funny.
Ellie here must have changed|clothes three times.
- Stanley!|- You did, didn't you?
I wasn't so scared|I had to stop for a martini.
Martini? Is that your drink?
Well, then why are we|wasting time with this? Come on!
Now, then.
Well, well, well.|Look at that.
Look at that, Ellie.
Well, well, what do you know?
- Can I help you, Herb?|- Well, thanks, Stan.
You know, the minute I laid eyes|on your boy, I liked him.
And now that I've met his mother|and father, I like him even more.
I'm sure that the Dunstan-Banks family|are gonna be as one from now on.
And now I want to hear|all about our new daughter.
- There's nothing to tell, really.|- Nonsense.
Would you like to hear about the time|Kay was a baby and Ellie left her...
...in front of the store in her carriage,|went home and forgot about her?
- It's the truth.|- There's a drop left. Want it?
Kay was about 9 months old.|Oh, and she...
I know every father thinks his daughter|is wonderful, but Kay was really something.
She was 5 when I gave her|her first swimming lesson.
She was absolutely wonderful.|Not frightened a bit.
You know how Ellie is about the water,|but Kay takes after me.
A daughter takes after the father,|and the father takes after the...
Well, vice versa, isn't that so, Edith?
- Doris.|- Huh?
Doris, dear.
Doris, sweetie. Yes.
Oh, Doris.
Oh, I'm so...|Edith. Where did I...?
Well, anyway, she just took|like a duck to water. Just like a...
When she was 6, I took her out to the raft|with the other kids and threw her in.
Yeah, she'd just plop in.|Diving, she called it.
She was only 15 when|the boys started crowding in.
They were all over.|I'd come home and find a stranger...
...sleeping on the sofa in the living room and|one on the hammock in the porch and one...
And then all of a sudden,|she seemed to lose interest in them...
And then she met Buckley.|You must tell us all about Buckley.
Yeah, tell us all about Balkey.
Well, Buckley was always a good boy.|A thoughtful, sweet boy.
Even when he was only 5,|I remember him saying, Mummy.
That's what he used to call me.|Mummy.
He said, Mummy, you won't|ever die, will you, Mummy?
How sweet.
Oh, he was a good boy,|but he wasn't any angel.
He could hold his own with any|of the kids, and he loved sports.
Oh, how that boy loved sports.
It is the duty of the bride's family to give|a party to announce the engagement.
Apparently, this is done|only after everyone knows it.
- Ready?|- Well, it's only 5:00.
You got everything?|I asked the neighbors...
Everything's fine.|Everything's fine. Everything's fine.
Look, I made a lot of martinis.
That's all anybody ever drinks|at these things. You know, martinis?
Now, Ellie, after I bring in the drinks|and everybody's got a drink...
...you know, and something to eat,|then I'm gonna ring the bell.
Ringing the bell,|and you call for silence, see?
- Then I'll make the speech.|- Yes.
Now, now, what do you think of this?|I thought I'd start out:
- Friends, when I was a young lawyer...|- Darling. They're coming. Excuse me, dear.
Oh, they're coming?|They're coming.
I made a speech, and the man got 10 years.
Well, I seem to have|found the right place.
- Hello, Dixon.|- How are you?
- A couple of old Fashioneds to start.|- How about a martini? L...
No, thanks. It's kind of you,|but old Fashioneds would be fine.
- Old Fashioneds?|- Yes.
- I just fixed these up to take out there.|- Oh, well. I...
Well, well...
- May I have a Tom Collins?|- Bourbon and soda.
Tom Collins. Wouldn't you like a martini?|Martinis are awful nice.
I hope you have better luck than I did.|I spent 5000 on my daughter's wedding.
Six months later,|she was on her way to Reno.
- Thanks.|- Two old Fashioneds.
Dixon, old boy, how you been?
Hiya, Stanley.|I see they got you working.
- Two bourbons and plain water.|- How about a nice martini?
Stanley, Doris and Herbert are here.
Doris and Herbert who?
Oh, hello, hello.
- How are you?|- I've got your drinks all ready.
If you don't mind,|it's early for a martini.
We'll have Scotch.
- I don't think I've got Scotch.|- No Scotch?
- Would bourbon do?|- Well, yes.
- Have Delilah bring them when they're ready.|- Too early for a martini?
Hi there, Stan.
Hello, hello. Hi, hi. Have a martini.
The girls want old Fashioneds.
What do they think I'm doing in here,|filling prescriptions?
Where are the drinks for the Dunstans?
There you are, Delilah.|Now, four old Fashioneds.
When you gonna make your speech?
Soon as I can get in there,|I'm gonna make it.
Well, enjoy your minute|in the limelight. It'll be your last.
From now on, the gals take over.
You think they can't add two and two,|but when it comes to weddings...
...they're giants of industry.
And they put it on like a big|theatrical production too.
The bigger the better.
From now on, your only function|is to pay the bills.
No, no. This is gonna be|a very simple wedding.
Well, I'm warning you,|keep it in the family.
Weddings are either confined|to the bosom of the family...
...or held in Madison Square Garden.
- You got my drinks ready yet?|- Yes, right here.
- Thank you.|- Here.
- How do you do, sir?|- How do you do?
- Isn't it a nice party?|- I haven't been out there.
Now, what do you want?|A couple of dozen frozen daiquiris?
A couple martinis,|if it's not too much trouble.
Did you say martinis?
Here, here. Have a couple,|and pass the rest around, boy.
Thank you, sir.
Say, could I have a couple of Cokes?
- A couple of what?|- Cokes.
A couple of Cokes.
A couple of Cokes.
Here, sir. Let me.
Thank you, sir.
Five mint juleps, if you please.
Could I help?|Lt'll speed things up.
No, no. No.
No, I like doing this.|It's my hobby.
You were right about that...|Tom Collins, please.
I'll have four rum and Cokes.
Another bourbon and soda.
- Good night, Ellie.|- Wonderful party. Wonderful.
Well, you're a big help, I must say.|Where have you been?
Where do you think I've been,|shooting pool?
Why must you always leave everything|on my shoulders?
- Is everybody gone?|- Of course. It's almost 8:00.
- But I haven't made my speech.|- It's too late.
Now, now, Ellie.|You can't do that to Stan.
You can't deny him the right|to announce his daughter's engagement.
You don't realize what a delicate|condition he's in.
He's about to become a grandfather.
Come on, Stan.|Let's hear your speech.
As I look at all the old faces|I used to shake hands with...
Wait for the laugh.
Come on, let's get|one of those martinis.
Oyez, oyez, oyez.
We finally got around|to discussing the wedding.
Well, then, we're all agreed.|It's going to be a small wedding.
- Ellie? A small wedding, huh?|- Yes, of course.
That's what we all want.|A small wedding.
A small wedding|and a small reception.
That's what I want too.
- Come on. We've got...|- You're not leaving now?
I've got a million things to talk to you|about. I never can get you two alone.
We've got to make plans, set the date,|make arrangements about the church...
The church? The what?
- You're not planning on a church wedding?|- Why, of course.
But you were married in|your front parlor in a blue suit.
- That's just it.|- What?
Whose wedding are you talking about,|yours or Kay's?
Haven't you got|some schoolwork to do?
Can't be June,|I've got my final. Why not May?
- May's too early.|- July's out. I'm going to camp.
This isn't a kids' party.|It's my wedding and my friends.
Ellie, what did you mean by...?
No one has to raise a finger.|When the time comes, I'll do everything.
- I can imagine that!|- I'm not going.
Listen, I don't care|if you come or not!
If you insist upon a church wedding,|count me out.
- I wash my hands of the whole affair.|- Stanley!
Run along.|We'll talk about it tomorrow.
Don't worry. It'll be all right.
I don't know what's the matter|with you.
We're having a simple talk,|and you fly off the handle.
You heard Buckley.|You heard Kay, didn't you?
You said it would be|a small wedding.
I know, darling, and it's going|to be a small wedding.
With the things you're talking about?|Bridesmaids and churches...
...automobiles and flowers|and heaven knows what!
All our friends have given|weddings like that.
If they want to bankrupt themselves,|that's their business, not mine.
But we've always lived|very simply, within our means.
What are we gonna do,|put on a big show?
A big, flashy show|that we can't afford.
There's only one time in a girl's life|that she can be married in a bridal dress.
Just once, and I don't want Kay|to miss it the way I did.
Miss it? Miss it?
Don't you think I wanted a wedding|with all the trimmings?
Why didn't you have it?
Because you didn't want it,|so I pretended I didn't either.
And you've been brooding about it|all this time?
No, of course not,|but I have thought about it.
Buy yourself a wedding dress|and I'll marry you all over again.
No, I'll be satisfied|to see Kay in one.
Stanley, I don't know how to explain,|but a wedding, a church wedding...
...well, it's what every girl dreams of.
A bridal dress,|orange blossoms, the music...
...it's something lovely for her|to remember all her life.
And something for us|to remember too.
From then on, I was a dead duck.
- You should've seen it.|- I did! I saw it from the back.
- The look on the poor...|- Hi, Pop!
I'm sorry we're late getting home,|but we had a busy day.
Just wait until you see these.|Delilah?
- Did a dress come for me today?|- There are six or seven packages upstairs.
- Pops, wait until you see this one.|- These slippers were such a bargain.
Yes. If you could let|the clothes go for a minute...
Have you got the list yet?
I have to give it to Miss Bellamy|in the office...
...to get the order in for invitations|and announcements.
- Aren't these pretty?|- The list?
I have it right here in my bag.|Where's the bag?
The bag? The bag is here.|Here's the bag.
Isn't that lovely? That's what|the bridesmaids are going to wear.
Aren't you afraid of the cops?
It should give the idea of spring,|of wood nymphs in glades.
Like the girl on the White Rock bottle.
Here's the thing.
- Kay? Kay!|- Two...
- Hi! Where is she?|- She's upstairs.
- Kay, what did you get today?|- Come up. See my new evening dress.
Two spectator sport suits,|one spectator sport...
This is no list. This is something|to do about clothes.
Country suit, plaza suit, shoes to match,|town suits, brown suits, shoes...
...afternoon dresses, shoes, bags to match,|evening dresses, shoes, bags...
...jewelry to match, hostess dress,|negligees, evening wrap, hats...
...snuggeries, a plain coat,|a dozen slips...
- What is this?|- Wrong list. It's her trousseau.
- Is she gonna get all that?|- Of course.
- Her closets are bulging.|- She can't wear those old things.
Darling, do you know what trousseau|means? It's from the French.
It means a little bundle that the bride|carries under her arm to her new home.
How sweet.|I've got good news for you.
- The church is free.|- Well, I'm glad something's free.
I mean, it's available|on the 10 of June.
- You mean we pay for the church?|- There were some telephone messages.
A man called about flowers|for the church and reception.
Mrs. Givens left her dressmaker's name.|The candid cameraman...
- The candid cameraman?|- Thanks. I'll look later.
The candid cameraman?
How do I look?
If you take your hands out of your pocket,|I could tell better. Come.
Turn around.
It fits perfectly.|I've got to get yours out of the attic.
Like it, Pop?
Are you getting a trousseau too?
Didn't we tell you?|Buckley asked Ben to be his best man.
He did, huh? $ 150! Why didn't|he pick on one of his own friends?
I thought it was swell of him.|Why, I hardly know the guy.
It's only two syllables, you know,|from bank to bankruptcy.
A what? An orchestra?|You've got the wrong number.
Wait, Stanley.
Are you the orchestra|Mrs. Parkman recommended?
How many of you are there?
That sounds very nice.
The 10 of June.
I'll be hearing from you, then. Bye.
Stanley, from now on,|don't answer the phone.
- Orchestra? Are you out of your head?|- For the reception.
We have to have music,|and it only costs $85.
Only $85? Only $85.
What will people say|when I'm in the gutter...
...because I tried to put on a wedding|like a Roman emperor?
While my secretary went over the list|of wedding guests, I went over the bills.
Before I order the invitations, you ought to|know how many people Mrs. Banks is asking.
A hundred?
Five hundred and seventy-two.
Five hundred and seventy-two?|There must be some mistake.
Mrs. Banks doesn't mean|to ask them all to the reception.
Only 280 of them. The rest|just get asked to the church.
Only 280 come to the house, huh?
The house won't hold 280 people.
I was talking to our accountant.|He's married off four daughters.
He breaks his wedding guests down|into units: Reception units and church units.
Each reception unit includes|the cost of champagne...
...caterers, tips, flowers,|extra insurance...
- Insurance?|- Breakage and fire.
Cigarette burns and that sort of thing.
Broken down that way, he said the cost|of each reception unit comes to $3.75.
A couple?
A head.
$3.75 a head?
Thank you, Miss Bellamy.
And good night.
$3.75 a head.
There are gonna be 150 people...
...invited to this house to the|reception, and not one more.
I don't care how many you invite|to the church. Pack them in.
But the 151 st person who comes into this|house is gonna be thrown out on his neck.
They're not my friends.|I wanted a small wedding.
There are people you just can't ask|to the church. They'd be insulted.
No longer a question of insulting people.|This is a question of survival.
Put an X next to the names of people we|have to absolutely invite to the reception.
We throw the rest out.|Let's get to work.
I can't be any help. I've already|cut my list absolutely to the bone.
Here's someone. The Sandways.|We never see them anyway.
As for the woman with the dyed hair,|I don't care to ever see her.
Harry Sandway happens to be one|of the best friends I have in the world.
Besides being one|of my very best clients.
Pops, a client.
Harry Sandway would go to the ends|of the earth for me, and I for Harry.
What about cutting down a little bit|on this garden club of yours?
We could get along without them.
We have to ask them.|They're running me for president.
I thought a wedding was supposed|to be a joyous occasion.
This is a business convention.
- What's the matter with her?|- She's nervous.
All women are nervous.
Yes, come in.
I'm sorry about the way I acted.
That's all right.|I guess it was my fault.
We're all a little unstrung|by this wedding business.
All this fuss and worry.
I never wanted anything like this.|I wanted a small wedding.
That's what we all wanted,|but it kind of got out of hand.
All this money. I feel horribly.
- You know, kitten, I had an idea.|- What is it?
I don't know if it's any good or not,|but I thought that...
Well, I was wondering if I gave you|and Buckley about $ 1500...
...how would you like to elope?
Tomorrow or the next day,|you run off somewhere...
But, Pops, eloping?
Sneaking off and getting married?
Well, I'd feel sort of, well,|as if something were wrong.
As if you didn't want me|to marry Buckley.
Kitten, I don't think it would...
But to get married by the justice of peace|in some dirty little office...
...with you and Moms not there?
I don't know, Pops, but...
I wouldn't feel as if|I were really getting married.
- Well, it's just an idea.|- Stanley!
Forget about it.|I'm coming, Ellie!
- Lf you're worried about the money...|- No!
Just forget all about it.|Let's forget I ever mentioned it.
You've got to help me|cut this thing down.
If we ask Bob and Betty,|we have to ask the Dicksons.
- Then we have to have the Warners...|- Mother, let's call the whole thing off.
- Let's not have the wedding.|- What?
- Buckley and I could elope.|- Elope?
I told you that I didn't want you|to talk about that eloping nonsense.
Now stop it. Stop it.
She's afraid I'm spending|too much money.
Kay, you wouldn't elope.|It would break my heart.
- Of course she wouldn't.|- But, Pops, you...
I've heard all about this I care to hear.|Now stop it, stop it. Really, it's so...
Look, we're not gonna|cut these down at all.
- Invite all of them.|- Can we afford it?
Of course we can afford it.|What is money for...
...if it isn't to give my daughter|the finest wedding that's ever been...?
What are you trying to do?|Get me in trouble?
Ellie had dug up one of those|little caterers.
He was willing to take the whole|reception over and take us over too.
Yes, that's been|a very successful cake.
We made that|for Brenda Santanya.
The daughter of the Princess Rashisi|by her second husband.
Yes, the princess.
- Delightful person, isn't she?|- Yes.
And this is another we made|for the Stoughton-Shutbright nuptials.
- Do you like that, Mrs?|- Banks.
I'd better get your name|and the date first.
Will you step over here, please?
Ellie, Ellie, Ellie.
Just for the cake.
Will you sit here, please?
- Now, then...|- Mr. And Mrs. Stanley Banks...
...24 Maple Drive,|Fairview Manor.
And the wedding is June 10th.
June 10th. Very good.
- Now, about the reception...|- We're not having a very large one.
Small and selective.|I understand perfectly.
And we don't want a cake.
- What? You don't want a cake?|- No.
- Why?|- Cakes are cheap.
Everybody has one.|We don't want one.
I understand perfectly.
Very select weddings|no longer have them...
...but for the ordinary people,|we have to show them.
...about the food, let's see.
What about a large salmon|at either end of the table...
...with the salads in great bowls|in the center?
Another very dramatic arrangement|is cold sturgeon in the middle of the table.
For the ices, we pride ourselves|on a very special effect.
With colored lights...
We didn't intend on having|that kind of reception.
What did you have in mind, madam?
Well, we thought we'd have some|assorted sandwiches. Different kinds.
And some ice cream|and little cakes.
You can have what you wish...
...but that's what we usually serve|for children's parties.
Well, that's what we want.
This 24 Maple Drive...|Is it a club or a country estate?
It's our home.
- What attendance are you anticipating?|- About 250.
- Is it a large house?|- No, it's a small house.
Then you'll be planning|for a marquee on the terrace.
- This, for instance.|- We don't have a terrace.
If they overflow the house,|they could tramp around out on the lawn.
I'll tell you what I'll do.
I'll get our field engineer|to go over the property.
We always have to do that.
The next Saturday, I finally got around|to trying on my old cutaway.
- Ellie!|- Yes, dear?
Ellie! Look, look, look, look!
- What is it?|- I'm in it.
Well, well.
Not so bad, huh?
A little snug,|but maybe I can...
Maybe I could take off a pound or two|before the wedding.
Are you standing naturally?
You look as though you might've been|strapped up by a surgeon.
I was wondering...
...do you think you ought to get|a new one? With Ben...
Nonsense. What are you talking about?|I've only worn this thing twice.
- Stanley...|- Do you realize most men...
...couldn't even get into their cutaway|after 20 years?
If that button gives way,|it's gonna put out somebody's eye.
You know...
...sometimes they wear them|unbuttoned.
I kind of like it unbuttoned,|don't you?
I like it better that way.
Just wait, just wait.|Wait till I have this thing...
...let out just a little.
You'll be surprised.|You wait and see.
Stanley, I want you|to look at these.
Aren't they lovely?|Kay's presents to the bridesmaids.
You'd never dream|they cost only $ 15.
Fifteen dollars?
This is what she's giving Buckley.
She's giving Buck...|She's giving that to Buckley?
The bride always gives|the groom a present.
Can you arrange to meet me|in town on Saturday?
We have to pick out the flat silver|to get it marked.
- The what?|- Kay's flat table silver.
You know we give Kay|the flat silver and the...
Yes. What does Buckley's family give?|Just Buckley?
Just Buckley.
- Mom?|- Yes, dear?
There's a Mr. Massoula|and another guy downstairs.
That's the fellow with the cake.
- Say, come here.|- What's wrong?
I just happened to think, you're going|to get married pretty soon, aren't you?
And then it'll be my turn.
My turn to present you|to the father of the bride...
...as my one and only contribution.
- I feel better, son.|- Stanley?
An experienced caterer can make you|ashamed of your house in 15 minutes.
Ellie was on the verge of tears.
These doors...
They'll have to be taken off|and stored.
Surprising how much circulation|you lose on account of doors.
Especially doors like that.
All I know is, you can't get|more than 125 in the house.
Squash them in like|a lot of bugs if you did.
We were planning to take|some of this furniture upstairs.
We were going to take up|the small chairs and tables...
...and the standing lamp,|and even the rug.
Taking up the rug|ain't gonna give us more room.
Well, have you any suggestions?
Yes, madam, I have.
Even with the marquee,|you'll be cramped.
Joe, go out in the back|and measure for that marquee.
You see, madam,|circulation is your big problem.
The first thing to do|is clear this room of all furniture.
- The settee and the armchair?|- And the piano.
And in the dining room,|the same thing too.
Do you think I have a cold-storage|warehouse upstairs?
I have an attic that's full now.
I suggest you do|what our other clients do.
Hire a moving van to take things out,|then bring them back when it's over.
Now, the marquee.
We'll attach the marquee|to this French door.
I decided, after all, I might|as well get a new cutaway.
Every mail brought a new terror.
The Craftons are coming.
The Lewises, the Quincy-Browns|and the Gaylords.
Apparently Kay picked a day...
...when nobody within 400 miles|has got anything to do.
- How nice.|- Somebody refuse?
The Whiteheads were asked to another|wedding and gave it up to come to ours.
The Whiteheads?|They live in Pittsburgh.
What crust! Coming all the way|from Pittsburgh.
Moms! Pops!|Look, I got a present!
A wedding present!
Look, a tray!|A lovely hand-painted tray! Delilah!
Come and see.|Look, I've got a present!
We were not accustomed|to such bounty.
The idea that anyone|should go out and purchase a gift...
... with hard money filled us|with tender gratitude.
For a few days, it looked as if this|might be the last as well as the first...
... but then they began to come in.
A thin trickle at first...
... then more and more.
Given enough ointment,|there's always a fly.
Given enough presents,|there's bound to be a stinker.
- Who sent that?|- With love, from Aunt Hattie.
- Aunt Hattie, huh?|- Kay was expecting a nice, fat check.
When I think of all the guff|I've taken from that...
- What are we gonna do with it?|- Really like me to tell you?
You could always drop it. Kay!
Kay, come take a look|at what Aunt Hattie sent you.
You can send it back.
Darling, no one would take that back|once they got rid of it.
You can send them all back.
The wedding's off.
Kay, what are you saying?
Just that.
I'm not going to marry Buckley.
I found out something|about him that's...
- What could've happened?|- I don't know.
Let me go.
Please, Pops.|It's no use talking.
I won't talk. I wanna tell you|everything's all right.
Whatever you choose to do,|it's okay with us.
Thank you, Pops.
You know...
You always used to talk|about taking a little trip to Europe.
Why don't I fix that up tomorrow?
You could take a friend with you.
Pops, I couldn't.
Not after all you've been through.
All this horrible expense and everything.
Heavens! That doesn't matter.
Nothing matters except your happiness.
We can arrange everything,|make some excuse.
Say that you're ill or something.
We'll send back the presents,|notify the people that are coming.
Oh, don't.
He should've told me before!
He shouldn't have kept it from me.
To have this thing|come out of the blue tonight.
There, there, there.|Don't, don't.
Nova Scotia for a honeymoon?
A camp in Nova Scotia!
So he could fish for some horrible|salmon or something.
He knew I bought millions|of evening clothes and things.
That didn't matter to him.
Oh, no.
He loves to go fishing,|so he decides we're going fishing.
Well, after all...
What do you mean?
Well, I mean, I thought it was|something even worse than that.
Maybe like another girl|or something.
A girl wouldn't be so bad.
At least you could|get your teeth in a girl.
But this is our whole lives,|our whole future.
If he's just this selfish now, so mean|when it's a question of our honeymoon...
...what's he gonna be like|after we're married?
- Had you talked it over?|- Of course we had.
I told him I wanted|to go someplace romantic...
...but he said there was nothing|as romantic...
...as a fishing shack in Nova Scotia.
We had a horrible fight.
I said terrible things to him.
And he called me a spoiled brat!
I made him stop the car,|and I jumped out and left him right there.
Buckley's here.
Poor boy's stricken. He looks terrible.
I never saw anyone who was suffering so.
He'll get over it.
- Good evening.|- She won't see you, Buckley.
- Lf I could speak to her...|- It's no use.
Will you tell her I'm sorry,|she's right about everything?
I was selfish and pigheaded.
I didn't realize. I should've asked her.|I'll go anywhere. I'll do anything.
Tell her I'm sorry. I want|to take back what I said.
- Will you tell her that, please?|- Yes, I'll tell her.
- Go home and pull yourself together.|- Thank you.
- What did you do to your hand?|- Nothing, nothing!
Kay slammed the car door on it.
- Good heavens! Let's get some...|- Buckley!
Oh, darling! Darling!
- I'm sorry. Forgive me.|- It was my fault. Forgive me.
- It wasn't your fault.|- I was selfish, pigheaded and stupid.
- I'm sorry!|- It's all right.
- I was a spoiled brat.|- We'll go anywhere you want.
- Does your hand hurt? I'm sorry!|- No, no.
It doesn't matter just as long|as we're together.
- I'm sorry, darling! It was all my fault.|- Don't worry. We'll be together forever.
It's all right. It's all right...
By the wedding rehearsal...
... everyone but me seemed|to have lost interest.
And to make it even worse,|it was raining cats and dogs.
You take the bride's one. You're the one|who knows the Banks family...
...and where to put this.
Now, the usher for the groom|is Edward owens. Edward owens.
He couldn't come tonight,|but I'll see him tomorrow.
- He couldn't come tonight?|- No.
Great. Now, boys and girls, now listen.
Now, I'm sure that you want this|to come off perfect in every detail...
God bless you, darling.|Just as I do.
We're going to just stick here tonight until|we get it right, even if it takes all night.
- Kay, it's about time. It's...|- I'm sorry.
Where's Buckley?
I talked to him on the phone.|He'll try to be here soon as he can.
- He'll try to be here?|- Let's start rehearsing.
- We can't! The bridegroom isn't here.|- Good evening.
Half of the wedding party isn't here.
Half the wedding party never is here.
Rev. Galsworthy isn't here.|We can't go on without him.
It doesn't matter. I take the rehearsal.|It will be all right.
- Come on.|- You shouldn't be sitting here.
Shouldn't you be up front there?|Why don't you go?
Come on now. Let's get going.
Pop, the bride never rehearses.|It's bad luck.
Ben, there's no reason why you shouldn't|rehearse. Come on. Get up front.
- Who's this?|- He belongs up at the altar.
- Yes, of course.|- Come on, get up there.
B girl, B girl, get back there. Get back.|Move up front. That's right.
You come over here and you there.|There, that's right.
Now, then. Now, then.|Now, we want a bride.
You'll do. You come over here.|Take Mr. Banks' arm.
- Then you have to...|- We won't need that.
No, no, it'll be fine tomorrow, I'm sure.
As we get... Right back, please, Mr. Banks.|There we are. And back. That's right.
That's fine. You stay there.
As to... Pardon me. As to the simple step|that you have to do...
It's perfectly easy.|You'll all get the hang of it.
Now, just watch me now.|Girls, watch me very carefully.
Step, stop, and step, stop.
Step, stop. That's all it is. That's all|there is to it. It's perfectly easy.
Boys, when I give you the word go,|start with the right foot. Fritz?
Now, then, right... oh, no! You don't|hesitate. No, just an ordinary walk.
Just a dignified walk up the aisle.|Go on, get a move on.
That's right. That's good.|You're next in line here.
Another boy with you. Come on, girls.|We're not ready to go. Listen to the music.
No, no, no! Wait, wait, wait! Right foot.
- Are you by yourself?|- No.
No, come on. Come on, girls, here.|There you are. Come on, get a move on.
Now, the bride and the father.
Now, the right foot, Mr. Banks.|The right foot. Here we go.
Never mind that. Right foot,|Mr. Banks. Right foot.
No, the right foot first. Please, it's|quite simple. It is, really, Mr. Banks.
Good heavens!|What are you doing?
- I'm the best man.|- The best man is up here by the altar.
Boys and girls, each side of the aisle.
No, boys on that side. The girls...|Yes, bridesmaids there. That's right.
Come on, over here.|The boys on the right.
There you are. That's right, here.
You really must practice|at home, Mr. Banks.
There we are. That's right.|You stay there.
Now, so and so and so and so and so.|Then who giveth, and then I do.
Then you go back and join Mrs. Banks.|No, you don't turn! You back gracefully.
Very slow. It doesn't matter|which foot first. Then you slide.
When the ceremony's over, the bridegroom|takes the bride down the aisle.
Bye, Pops.
I'll be the bridegroom.
Where are you going, Kay?
Then the boys... You take the ladies,|and down you... No, she's gone now.
She'll be here tomorrow.|Each bridesmaid takes an usher...
...and away you go down... That's right.|You've got it? Yes, you've got it.
Splendid, splendid.
Yes, you be here tomorrow.
Let's get down to brass tacks|and have a real rehearsal.
- I thought it was fine.|- Fine? That was a rat race!
- That wasn't a wedding procession...|- If you'd like to do it again, of course...
All through, I see. That means|that I'm just in time.
I'm so sorry. I had a meeting.|But Tringle here is an old hand.
- They know their stuff?|- Yes.
Good, good, good, good.
I'm sure everything will go smoothly|and be a beautiful wedding.
- And now I have a meeting.|- Just a moment, Rev. Galsworthy.
We haven't had a rehearsal.|You see, the groom isn't here.
The groom isn't very important,|is he, my dear?
You're not nervous? She's not nervous.
Have your young man call me|in the morning.
That's all right.
And now I must run.|I hate to, but I must.
Don't worry. Everything will go|beautifully tomorrow.
I know. I've done it before.
Good luck. Such a beautiful bride.
I'm sure you'll be very happy.|Goodbye!
Don't worry. You'll have Kay with you.
She's been a bridesmaid so many times|she could walk up blindfolded.
Absolute, complete chaos.
When I finally got to sleep that night,|I dreamed of the wedding.
I was late.
Somehow I couldn't seem|to move my feet.
Hi, Pops.
What are you doing here?
Couldn't sleep. What are you doing?
I was hungry.
Pops, I know I'm a fool...
...but if I tell you something,|you won't think I'm silly, will you?
Why, of course not, kitten.|What's bothering you?
I'm scared, Pops, scared to death.
Why, what are you scared of?|There's nothing to be scared of.
- Marriage is the most normal...|- I know, Pops. I'm not scared of marriage.
It's much sillier than that.
See, it's this way.
You know how I wanted a simple wedding,|out in the country somewhere?
Well, that's out. We don't live|in the country, period.
But this thing's gotten bigger|and bigger and bigger.
I know it's ungrateful of me...
...but sometimes it scares|the living daylights out of me.
You mean, walking down the aisle?
Yeah. Every time I think about it...
...I break into a cold sweat.
Suppose my knees got shaking|just as I started?
Suppose they shook until finally|they let me down entirely?
You had to drag me down the aisle|like a sack of meal.
Well, we could always take a short snort|just before the show begins.
Oh, Pops!
Now, look, kitten, get this into your head.
There is nothing to worry about,|not a thing.
Whenever you've been bothered,|I've always been around.
Well, I'll be around when|that wedding march starts too.
All you have to do is take my arm...
...and lean against me and relax.
I'll do the rest.
You are wonderful.
Nothing ever fazes you, does it?
The day of the wedding dawned at last.
- Haven't you got this stuff out?|- I didn't know you were in a hurry.
- We were just relaxing!|- The quicker you get it out, the better.
No flowers! No flowers!|Take them out of here!
- Hold it, hold it!|- Hey, this stuff's gotta go.
Hello, Aunt Hattie!
Well, Aunt Hattie. Yes, this is the day,|Aunt Hattie.
Sorry you couldn't make it.
What? You're here!
Well, just a minute, Aunt Hattie.
Where are you, Aunt Hattie? Where?
At the depot.
Ben, Ben, Ben! Thank you.
Aunt Hattie's at the depot.|Go and get her.
I can't. I gotta get Buckley's things|and bring them here...
Your domestic staff was to stay|out of the kitchen.
My domestic staff is getting me|a bicarbonate of soda.
Take a choice. Wedding banquet or|bicarbonate of soda. You can't have both!
Aunt Hattie. Hello? Hello, Aunt Hattie.
- Lf you'll wait outside the station...|- Where's Kay?
- I gotta see her right away.|- Upstairs.
Somebody will pick you up.
Yes. Yes.
Tommy, Tommy!
- Aunt Hattie is at the station...|- Forget it.
I can't, because I gotta borrow|a white shirt.
Hello, Joe!
What are you trying to do? Trip me?
I'm sorry. Sorry. Joe? Take|the pikeway and turn off at the ramp.
Yeah, follow Durand for two miles...
Look where you're going!
- Do you want this stuff moved?|- Yeah.
- Tell this guy to keep his pots out!|- Ask at any gas station.
I'll tell you as much...
Why don't you wait with your pots and...?
Let all these ferns wilt in that sun?|You know how much these cost?
You're not buying it. You're renting it.
How do you like the nerve of this guy?|There's your boss. He's my boss too!
By 3:00, I was dressed.
I took the precaution of wearing|a belt and suspenders.
Ellie, do you know what time it is? Quarter|past 4. We should be there now.
Hurry up!
Where is this automobile?
Well, I'll be...|This is...
Hello? Hello?
Operator, will you get me|Jake's Garage, please?
Well... Well, keep on trying, will you?
Please keep...
We've got a wedding and no way|to get to the church. No cars!
Will you do that? Thanks very much.
Don't worry, darling.
If there's one thing we know,|they can't start without us.
I knew I'd never be able to remember|what Ellie wore that day.
But I also knew I'd never forget|the way she looked...
... with the beauty of her own|wedding day on her.
- Ellie, you look...|- Thank you, darling.
You don't have to say another word.
You have no right to look like this,|you know. It isn't fair to the bride.
Hello? Hello, is this Jake's Garage?
Holy smoke, Aunt Hattie, where are you?
The cars are here. Never mind.|Kay! Delilah! The cars are here!
Aunt Hattie's been down at the station.|Wants to know how to get to the church.
- We'll take the first car. Follow with Kay.|- Ellie! Ellie!
- What am I gonna tell her?|- Tell her to jump in a lake.
Go outside the station. There's a lake...
There's some taxis there. Take one|and go to the church. I'll pay for it.
All right, Aunt Hattie. All right.
Kay! Kay, do you know what time it is?
Kay! Kay, Kay, it's 4:20!
I'm ready. Come in.
She looked like the princess|in a fairy tale.
I wouldn't have been surprised if she'd|held out her hand for me to kiss.
You're wonderful, kitten, just wonderful.
Thanks, Pops.
Well, on to the slaughter.
Yeah, yeah, I guess this is it, isn't it?
- All right, all right.|- Thank you.
Take this. Take your bouquet.
Thanks! Thanks, goodbye!
- Hello, I'm Duffy, the candid cameraman.|- You destroy that thing.
- Here they are.|- Kay!
Just beautiful!
It's beautiful, Kay.
Mrs. Banks, it's time.
Coming. Delilah.
Good luck, Kay.
Ushers! Ushers, fall in, please.
Now remember, right foot forward. Go!
Bridesmaids, bridesmaids, come, come!
Take your place.|Now, this is the wedding march.
Get ready.
Right, stop. Left, stop.
Well, Pops, we're off.
Get ready.
Remember, the right foot forward.|Right foot, right foot!
Right. Right.
Hold it, Pops.
Kay overwhelmed me.
She waited for the moment|with the calmness of a general...
... watching his forces deploy into battle.
Buckley, on the other hand,|had the haggard look of a man...
... who had just completed|a dangerous bombing mission.
Dearly beloved, we are gathered together|here in the sight of God...
...and in the face of this company,|to join together...
...this man and this woman|in holy matrimony...
...which is an honorable estate,|instituted of God, signifying unto us...
...the mystical union that is betwixt|Christ and his Church.
All I could think of|was the part I had to play.
I knew I had a cue coming.
When the Rev. Galsworthy asked,|Who giveth this woman?...
... I had to say, I do.
It was my only line,|and I wanted to get it right.
Then I was supposed to drop back a step,|turn and join Ellie in the front pew.
I couldn't remember what|was immediately in my rear.
I began to explore.
I didn't want to trip or fall.
People are so quick to attribute|such things to alcohol.
While I was still exploring,|it was on me.
Who giveth this woman|to be married to this man?
I do.
Who giveth this woman?
This woman.
But she's not a woman. She's still a child.
And she's leaving us.
What will it be like to come home|and not find her?
Not to hear her voice calling,|Hi, Pops, as I come in.
I suddenly realized what I was doing.|I was giving up Kay.
Something inside me began to hurt.
- I, Buckley Dunstan...|- I, Buckley Dunstan...
...take thee, Kathryn Banks...|... take thee, Kathryn Banks...
...to my wedded wife...|... to my wedded wife...
...to have and to hold...|... to have and to hold...
...from this day forward.|... from this day forward.
With this ring, I thee wed.
With this ring, I thee wed.
- In the name of the Father...|- In the name of the Father...
...and of the Son...|... and of the Son...
...and of the Holy Ghost.|... and of the Holy Ghost.
- Amen.|- Amen.
For as much as Buckley Dunstan|and Kathryn Banks...
...have consented together|in holy wedlock...
...I pronounce they are|man and wife...
...in the name of the Father and of the Son|and of the Holy Ghost.
God the Father, God the Son,|God the Holy Ghost...
...bless and preserve and keep you.
The Lord mercifully with his favor|look upon you...
...and fill you with spiritual benediction|and grace...
...that ye may so live together|in this life...
...that in the world to come,|ye may have life everlasting.
Now the race was on to get back|to the house and the free champagne.
The house was bursting at the seams.
Everywhere there were faces.|Most of them I'd never seen before.
I wondered if someone had broadcast|a general invitation by radio.
The temperature under the marquee was|between a Turkish bath and a greenhouse.
No one was listening to the orchestra.
Ellie could have saved that 85 bucks.
The caterer was having trouble.
Something was wrong, very wrong,|with his circulation.
Yes, yes!
Ladies, I must insist that you pass|through the doorway, please.
There was nothing wrong|with the waiters.
The moment a person tilted a glass,|they were waiting with a fresh supply.
Never have I seen men|more devoted to their work.
I was looking for Kay.|I still hadn't kissed the bride.
Well, you know, Mikhail's daughter|moved into the palace, and they...
- Where's Kay? I can't find her.|- In the garden, having their pictures taken.
First will you see about the champagne?
You'd think they were working|on a piece basis.
- See about it, will you?|- All right, all right.
- How's the champagne holding up?|- Okay, okay, mister. Don't worry.
- You'll get yours.|- Edith! Edith, hurry up!
- I got mine. I just...|- Kay's going to throw the bouquet!
I want to see this.
- Where's Pops? I don't see him.|- I haven't seen him either.
Can I get in?
Pardon me. I'm sorry.
Where on earth have you been?|Kay just threw her bouquet!
Ellie, look, please be nice to me.|For once in your life, be nice to me.
No, you can't go up now.|She's changing her clothes.
The reception had turned into a party.
I was skulking around the edges,|still waiting for a chance to see Kay.
They're going! They're going!|Come and get your confetti!
Get your confetti, everybody!
Come on, get your confetti!
Get it while it lasts! It's going fast!
She was gone. My Kay was gone.
And I'd been too late|to say goodbye to her.
When the last guest had gone...
... and the last glass of champagne|had been drunk...
... we surveyed the wreckage.
I suppose we'd better clean up and not|leave this mess for Delilah tomorrow.
I'll go up and change my dress.|Would you get the vacuum, darling?
Funny how empty a house|can suddenly get, isn't it?
I'm sorry you missed|saying goodbye to her.
It's all right.
I think she'll be happy with him,|and that's the important thing.
Sure, sure, sure.
Ellie, look.
Hello, kitten!
Where are you?
New York.|Our train's leaving in a second.
I just couldn't leave without|saying goodbye to you.
I'm coming. Pops, say goodbye|again to Moms.
And thank her for all she did.
And, Pops, you've been just wonderful.
I love you.
I love you very much.
Goodbye, kitten.
Catch a lot of fish.
All right now?
Nothing's really changed, has it?
You know what they say:
My son's my son|until he gets him a wife...
...but my daughter's my daughter|all of her life.
All of our life.