East Side, West Side (1949)

Yes, this is my town.
It's not new to you.
You've read books about it,
you've seen movies.
People are always talking
about New York.
It's the most exciting city in the world,
they say,
the most glamorous, the most frightening,
and above all, the fastest.
You hear a great deal
about the tempo of this city,
its speed, its pace, its driving heartbeat.
Perhaps it's true, for visitors.
But I was born here, I live here,
and the only pace I know
is the pace of my own life.
The only beat I hear
is the beat of my own heart.
For me, and for millions of others,
New York is home.
The days follow each other quietly,
as they do in most places.
Only rarely does any one time stand out
so that we remember it and say,
"That's when everything changed.
"After that, nothing was the same."
There was a time like that in my life,
three days.
I remember a summer evening
in Gramercy Park.
- Evening, Mr. Bourne.
- Good evening.
- Mrs. Bourne.
- Good evening.
Must be Thursday night.
Bran, every Thursday we have
this mad dash against time. Why?
So we won't have to rush.
I'm never late for dinner with your mother.
It's a matter of principle.
- Jessie, darling.
- Hello, dear.
- On the dot.
- As always.
- Horace, good evening.
- Hello, Brandon.
The first of the season.
- The flower I love best.
- Hello, Hannah.
- Thank you, Brandon.
- Good evening, Mrs. Bourne.
Horace, you're looking
very handsome tonight.
And so are you.
- My, that's a beautiful gown.
- Brandon chose it.
They're always much gayer
when Brandon chooses them, Jessie.
Nora Kernan, Horace and I
don't come here every Thursday night
just to talk women talk.
Suppose we discuss dinner for awhile?
Oh, Brandon, before I forget,
Frank Belney called a few minutes ago.
He wants you to meet him
at your club at 10:00.
- Oh, no.
- I'm sorry, Jess.
Frank's meeting his stockholders
tomorrow. He must be getting nervous.
Could you answer one simple question
just to cheer me up?
Yes. We are having
corned beef and cabbage.
- Dinner is served.
- On the dot.
Dear, I don't know if it's possible,
but I feel that you're cheating.
When you can prove it,
I'll be glad to discuss it with you.
Jessie looks wonderful tonight.
She has you to thank
for her looks, darling.
And you.
When a woman gets more beautiful
after she's married,
it means her man is either making her
very happy, or very unhappy.
- Oscar Wilde?
- No, Belasco.
Horace, you're really very good
with that one step of yours.
You do so much with it.
Well, I've been polishing it for 40 years.
Nora, remember
when you taught me to dance,
backstage at the New Amsterdam?
You had just been admitted
to the Bar Association,
and I was playing in
What Every Woman Knows.
- Your first season on Broadway, wasn't it?
- Yes, it was.
- The town went wild about her.
- Thanks to you.
Horace was my sponsor.
There was no caf society in those days,
only Society with a capital "S",
and its doors weren't open
to a young actress.
But Horace pushed them open.
It wasn't too difficult, my dear.
Horace, I'll never understand
why you let her get away from you.
She ran too fast, right into Matt Kernan.
Why did you choose father, darling?
Because we came
from the same neighborhood.
Because we were comfortable together,
right from the very beginning.
It's taken me 20 years
to get comfortable with Horace.
By that time,
we were much too good friends
to consider being anything else.
Well, Jess, I'm just as handsome,
and blue-blooded,
and glamorous as Horace.
- Aren't you comfortable with me?
- At the moment, no.
Well, in that case,
I shall leave you for Frank Belney.
Darling, would you like to stay?
I can pick you up on the way back.
Why don't you, dear?
I'm terrified of being left alone
with Horace.
He's been wearing
that family-lawyer face all evening.
And I have a speech to go with it, my dear.
It begins, "Nora, as your legal adviser,
I cannot approve certain extravagances."
I'm a little tired.
I'm afraid you'll have to face Horace alone.
Well, I shall ignore him.
It's been the best evening of the week
as always.
- Good night, ma belle.
- Good night.
- Good night, Horace.
- Good night.
You make an awfully handsome couple.
Naturally. I'm married
to the second prettiest girl in New York.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Everything is all right with them now,
isn't it, Horace?
I think so, Nora.
It's worked itself out.
- Fun, wasn't it?
- I love our Thursday nights.
You're such a lamb, flirting with mother,
asking just the right questions.
But I do wish
you could come home with me.
So do I.
I don't think I'll be very late, darling.
It's just a question of reminding Frank
that he's a reasonably honest man.
- Shall I wait up for you?
- Yes, do.
We'll have a nightcap together.
We might even hold hands.
- Your car is here, Mr. Belney.
- Oh, thank you.
- Can I drop you?
- It's early.
I think I'll stop in at the Del Rio for a drink.
Join me?
No, but I'll take you there.
But I'd much rather
you went home and worried about me.
- John.
- Yes, Miss Lorrison.
Tell me, does Mr. Bourne still drop in?
Not quite as often, but often.
Let me know if he comes in, will you?
Oh, there you are, Alec.
- I thought you had to make a phone call.
- I did, darling. Nobody home.
I was just asking John
about my compact.
- You remember, I lost it last night.
- No, I don't remember.
I think the reward will help.
It's square and gold-ribbed, isn't it?
That's it. Be an angel, John.
Do your best for me.
Yes, Miss Lorrison.
All right, darling, I'm all yours.
- Good evening, Mr. Bourne.
- Good evening.
Well, good evening, Mr. Bourne.
- John.
- A table?
No, I'll go to the bar, John.
Oh, Mr. Bourne,
Miss Lorrison asked about you.
Isabel Lorrison?
I didn't know she was in town.
She's in the Candle Room
with Mr. Dawning.
A ghost from the past.
Come and have a drink with me, John,
I don't feel like being alone.
I'm sorry, Mr. Bourne, I'd like to,
but I can't. On duty.
- How are you, Mr. Bourne?
- Bill.
- Scotch, please.
- Yes, sir.
Hi, Bill.
Those fools I'm with from out of town
are getting loaded in the Candle Room.
Thought I'd take time out
for some ginger ale
and a few of your bad jokes.
I'll give you the ginger ale first.
Stunning dress you're wearing.
Paris original?
New York copy.
Goes back to Marianne's in the morning.
- You a model?
- Yes.
Is this a new kind of approach?
Only in a manner of speaking.
Good. Then I won't worry.
Why don't you dance with me?
- Any reason why I should?
- Any reason why you shouldn't?
You're a very nice girl.
And I'll thank you to remember it.
- What's your name?
- Rosa Senta.
- Italian?
- Yes.
And you're Brandon Bourne, aren't you?
The seventh, or ninth, or something?
Only the third. How do you know?
Your wife comes into the store
quite often.
Everyone likes her.
I like her, too.
Since you know I'm married,
I suppose you wouldn't consider
sitting down with me for your ginger ale?
Sure. I'm curious about guys like you.
- John, this reserved?
- Always for you, Mr. Bourne.
One ginger ale,
one Scotch over rocks, please.
Yes, sir.
What are you curious about,
with guys like me?
- Well, doesn't your wife dance?
- Brilliantly.
Yeah. She's prettier than I am,
she dresses better,
and she's probably a lot smarter.
Everything I can do,
chances are she can do better.
So, what do you want to be
sitting here with me for?
What is it with guys like you?
What goes on in your fuzzy little heads?
What do you want,
my philosophy of marriage?
- Well, I'm a reformed character myself.
- Oh.
No, really.
But before I reformed,
I suppose my thinking
went something like this.
Just because a man has
one perfect rose in his garden at home,
it doesn't mean that he can't appreciate
the flowers of the field.
- Does that make sense?
- Oh, sure.
But while you were out sniffing around
these other little wildflowers,
didn't the rose kind of fade?
Practically out of the picture.
That's why I reformed.
Hello, Brandon.
I'm very glad to see you.
Rosa, this is Isabel Lorrison,
an old friend of mine.
- Rosa Senta.
- How are you?
I think I'd better be
getting back to my friends.
- Yes, why don't you?
- Isabel...
And thank you
for keeping Mr. Bourne amused.
You're good for a few laughs yourself.
So long.
You've answered all my questions.
A year of travel
hasn't improved your manners, Isabel.
Was it my manners that interested you?
What interests me now is what you want.
Nothing that should frighten you.
If you have something to say,
say it at once.
- I haven't much time.
- Oh, not here.
Why not? Is your Mr. Dawning jealous?
Naturally. I may be a year older, Bran,
but I haven't lost my touch.
Let's go for a little walk,
for old time's sake,
or even just to prove
that you're not afraid of the dark.
You see, Bran, it's not so very dark.
On the contrary,
it's the blaze of noon, Isabel,
revealing everything.
Right here, at the Del Rio,
$50 is a cheap evening.
And over here, it's a lot of laundry.
I never get used to New York.
I don't know why not, it got used to you.
Darling, since you're the one
who did the walking out,
why should you be so unfriendly?
- I don't like revivals.
- And what makes you think this is one?
We knew each other very well,
for a very long time.
I've been away, and now I'm back.
Is it so odd
that I should want to know how you are,
and what you're doing?
- And that's all?
- And that's all.
I've been working hard, doing nicely,
and I'm happy in my marriage.
- She forgave you?
- She forgave me.
And you've been on the wagon since I left.
If you mean have I been faithful
to my wife, yes, I have.
And I don't find it very difficult.
I've always loved my wife.
That shouldn't be news to you.
Of course,
you met me after you were married.
But then, maybe that wasn't love.
Whatever it was, it's over.
Maybe it wasn't love.
Maybe it was only chemistry,
or the right combination, or a miracle.
But most people drag through
their whole lives without finding it.
We both know that, don't we, Bran?
You'd better get back
to your Mr. Dawning.
Alec Dawning has other things to offer.
All that nice, new, shiny money, huh?
What ever happened to that Amazon
he used to go around with?
That Felice... Felice something?
She was mad about him.
He wants to marry me.
It would even things up, wouldn't it?
We'd both be married.
It would make things so much fairer
from now on.
- From now on?
- When we run into each other.
We won't.
We know the same people,
we go to the same places.
- It would be difficult not to, wouldn't it?
- Not at all.
But what possible harm could there be
in our having a drink now and then,
or lunch?
A great deal of harm.
All right, Bran. I'm sorry.
I just thought it might be fun.
And remember, Isabel,
there will be no telephone calls
in the middle of the night,
no mysterious telegrams, nothing.
We're not gonna have any trouble.
I'll do exactly what you want, Bran.
Exactly what you want.
Oh. Oh, Alec.
I just ran into Brandon Bourne,
an old friend.
Hello, Bourne,
I've heard a great deal about you.
Get me a cab! Quick, get me a cab!
How do you feel?
It's simple. This is our home,
and this is my grandmother.
How do you do?
- You're all right? Need a doctor?
- No, thank you, I feel fine.
All right. Then, go home!
In a minute, Grandma,
as soon as he's had his coffee.
How does it look? What would Marco say?
Mark would say he should go home
as soon as he's had his coffee.
I'm sorry.
- Who's Mark?
- My fella.
He's coming home from Europe tomorrow.
I mean, today.
Rosa, why did you do this?
Why did you bring me here?
What was your first idea on it?
That I thought you were pretty?
It looked as if they were gonna turn you
into tomorrow's headlines.
I thought it might be messy for your wife.
It was awfully nice of you.
Shame on you! It's 4:00 in the morning.
4:00! I have to attend a meeting at 10:00.
I'm supposed to be as sharp as a tack,
and as clear as a bell.
But you're not worried
about what Mrs. Bourne will say.
- Mrs. Bourne will be very understanding.
- Of course.
The items you pick out to tell her
will be very easy to understand.
Thank you, Rosa, from me and my wife.
Thank you.
If I were your wife, I'd cut your heart out.
Good morning.
Thank you for speaking to me, darling.
- May I tell you what happened?
- lf you want to.
Well, after we finished work, it was early,
so I dropped in at the Del Rio for a drink.
Like an idiot, I stayed too long,
and so as punishment I suppose,
I got into a rumpus with a drunk,
and got knocked cold.
But what was the fight about?
What's a fight ever about? Nothing.
Anyway, I was stretched out
on the sidewalk
with policemen and photographers
rushing at me,
and suddenly, I was rescued.
A nice little Italian girl I'd met inside,
hustled me into a cab
and took me home to her grandmother.
Well, they kept at me with cold towels
and hot coffee until I snapped out of it.
That's it, Jess.
I know it sounds improbable, but it's true.
- Do you believe me?
- Yes, Bran.
But wasn't that an amazingly kind thing
for that girl to do?
A girl who'd just met you.
That's the best part of the story.
Rosa's a model at Marianne's.
She's seen you there, and admired you.
She didn't want me to get into a mess
that might upset you.
Incidentally, she was very disapproving
of me for being out alone.
She said she'd cut my heart out
if she were you.
You wouldn't be any good to me
without a heart.
You wouldn't be able to love me.
- I do love you, Jess.
- I hope so.
Darling, let's have dinner at home tonight,
just the two of us.
Oh, we're supposed to go to a party
at the Lees'.
Well, we can drop in for a few minutes,
later, when you're getting bored with me.
If we wait for that, we'll never get there.
Get some sleep.
You, too, darling.
Just a minute.
Come in, Josephine.
Mrs. Lee is here.
Oh, how nice.
Show her into the library, please.
I'll be down in a minute.
Yes, Mrs. Bourne.
- Helen.
- Jessie.
It's good to see you. Very good.
How are the children, and Owen?
And what are you doing
out in the world so early?
The children are devils, Owen's an angel,
and I'm here to remind you
of our party tonight.
- Coffee?
- Yes, thank you.
Is the party about anything?
Have I forgotten a birthday,
or an anniversary?
No. Strictly business,
and bound to be awful.
Some ex-cop has written a book
Owen wants to buy for the paper,
so this party is to dazzle the poor fool
into signing away the syndicate rights.
His name's Dwyer, Mark Dwyer.
He gets in from Europe today.
We'll drop in
for a few minutes after dinner.
Oh, you've got to do better than that.
Bran's been working very hard. He's tired.
- How is everything with you and Bran?
- Fine, just fine.
- What makes you ask?
- Nothing in particular.
- You must have had something in mind.
- No, really.
- You sure?
- Why, Jess, all I said was...
Oh, what's the use?
I'd better stop trying to be clever.
Here, have you seen this?
Oh, that. That's nothing.
Bran told me all about it.
Is that your real reason for dropping in?
The Marines to the rescue?
Thank you, darling,
it was sweet of you all the same.
- So, this isn't what's bothering you?
- Nothing's bothering me. Nothing.
All right, Jess.
Would you like me to go now?
Or shall I stay
and make what's known as "girl talk"?
Clothes, gossip,
the high price of this and that.
- Helen, you're angry.
- Yes.
At the lies that are told about women.
That they aren't capable of affection
for one another, an honest friendship.
Because the terrible part is
that women believe these lies.
I'm concerned about you,
and I'm afraid to ask.
I'm afraid you'll think I'm prying.
And yet, if I don't ask,
what kind of a friend am I?
You ask anything you like.
I know what kind of a friend you are.
Is everything all right with you and Bran?
We've been getting along
wonderfully well.
- Since Isabel Lorrison went away.
- Yes, since then.
We've never talked about it, Jess, and...
There's a kind of trouble you hate to think
anyone knows about. It...
It's like knowing a safety pin
is holding up your petticoat,
you're ashamed,
but, oh, well, the petticoat is mended now.
Is it?
Owen and I, when we see you with Bran,
and everything seems fine,
we're always relieved.
That means, we're always anxious.
When you've been badly frightened,
it takes a long time to feel safe again.
I was frightened
about Bran and Isabel Lorrison.
How did you stand it?
Why didn't you leave him?
Oh, I was all packed.
In six weeks, I'd be free of this marriage
I'd sworn would last forever.
And then, I stopped and I thought,
in six weeks
will I have stopped loving Bran?
Will the judge who gives me my freedom
promise me that in six weeks,
six years, the rest of my life,
I'll stop loving Bran?
Could you have promised? Could anyone?
And so, I stayed. And I'm glad.
But you had it out with Bran?
You told him you knew?
And raved, and stormed, and sobbed?
No, I can't do things like that.
You forget, Mama was an actress.
Oh, she's mellowed now,
but when I was a child, life in our house
was one crisis after another.
Too much anger, too much laughter,
too much tears, too much everything. I...
I saw what it did to my father.
Away from us,
he was a strong, happy man,
but at home, he was a shadow, apologetic,
doing anything he could
to ward off another scene. I...
I won't do that to anyone I love.
Some men don't think it's love
unless it's full of anger and conflict.
Oh, Bran knows I'm in love with him. I...
- I don't keep it a secret from him.
- I know.
Bran knew a lot of women
before he met me, but he married me,
and he knew then that I was quiet.
Yes, I know he met Isabel Lorrison
after he married me,
but he broke it off
because he wanted me more.
That's why she went away.
What would happen if she came back?
I don't know.
Would you be afraid?
Shouldn't there be a time in marriage
when you stop being afraid?
Oh, it will come.
You have to understand Bran.
Something in him hates the idea
of being tied down, settled, responsible,
but he'll change. You'll see, he'll change.
So, everything's really all right.
There's nothing to be anxious about.
Jess, there was another item
in this morning's paper.
Never mind. I know what it says.
"Isabel Lorrison is back in town,
which should be good news,
"or is it bad news, for a certain person
whose initials are 'BB'?"
Yes, I'm afraid.
What are you going to do?
Oh, change my clothes,
check the menus with the cook,
do some shopping at Marianne's,
all the things I'd do if I weren't afraid.
- Cigarette?
- No, thank you.
Could you tell me,
is there a model named Rosa here today?
Yes, ma'am.
She's the one modeling in the beige dress.
Thank you.
- You're Mrs. Bourne.
- And you're Rosa.
Listen, if you've come here to bawl me out
about last night, it's okay with me.
- I just want to say thank you.
- Thank you?
My husband told me how kind you were.
Oh, I'm sorry, I...
It's just that I've been taking
an awful ribbing
about that picture in the paper.
It's all right, Miss Marsh.
I'll send her along in a moment.
- I think I want this dress.
- Why, certainly, Mrs. Bourne.
Sit down, Rosa, and show Mrs. Bourne
how nicely it relaxes.
You don't really want this, do you?
It's not your style.
I'll just wear it at dinner
for Mr. Bourne's clients.
Rosa, what time do you get through here?
As soon as I get out of this dress.
- Could you come and have tea with us?
- Can't. Thanks, anyway.
I've got to go to the airport.
My fella's coming home today
from Europe, and I'm late now.
My car's outside.
I'll drive you to La Guardia.
Gee, that would be swell.
You know, my fella might never see
that picture in the paper,
but then again, he might.
But if you're with me,
I'll just tell him about it.
And he'll know there's nothing to it.
Hurry up and change.
I will.
And be careful with that dress.
Remember, it's mine now.
Then, after the night classes at NYU,
I decided I'd improved my mind enough,
and it was time to start on the body.
I've learned a lot in this job.
Before it, I was with the low-necked
blouses, you know, peek-a-boo stuff.
And all this polishing was for this fella?
Well, he's quite a fella.
I've had a crush on him
since I was eight years old
and he was the cop on the beat.
Oh, to him,
I'm just another kid on the block.
The last time he saw me, I was 15.
He said, "Wipe that lipstick off,
or I'll pin your ears back."
He's in the intelligence service, you know,
and he's awfully smart.
Why, the government sent him to Italy
while Mussolini was still top man,
just to look things over.
He's Italian, you see, and he's the...
Oh, Rosa, in another minute
I'm going to be saying it's a small world.
- How?
- Your fella's name is Mark Dwyer.
Oh, there's an explanation for it,
but if I gave it, I wouldn't believe it.
Besides, we haven't time. Here we are.
I'll wait here for you, Rosa.
Excuse me, do you know
when the plane from Paris gets in?
No, ma'am. Sorry.
Please, do you know
when the plane from Paris gets in?
Oh, pardon. I mean, pardon.
Do you know
when the plane from Paris gets in?
The plane from Paris got in
half an hour ago,
and after five years,
the least you could be is on time.
Oh, Mark.
Hey, look, fellas, I... I got company.
If you give me a call tomorrow,
I'll make a lot more sense.
And thanks, I haven't felt so important
since I got my first cop's uniform.
But you haven't told us anything yet.
Mark, will you wait a minute?
Yeah, sure. There.
That's for five years of letters.
That's because I'm happy to see you.
And that's because you turned out
so pretty.
Now, come on,
let's get a cab and get moving, huh?
But, Mark, there's somebody
I want you to meet.
I've got the whole city of New York
to meet.
Come on.
Mark, this is Mrs. Bourne.
Mrs. Bourne, this is Mark Dwyer.
- How do you do?
- Hello, Mrs. Bourne.
Mrs. Bourne drove me
down here today, Mark.
- She's giving us a lift back.
- Oh, that's fine.
- My car's right outside.
- Good.
First, I want to take a good, hot bath,
and then I've got about 50 visits to make.
You know, news from the old country.
A lot of uncles, aunts, and cousins
are waiting for you on First Avenue.
Good, I hope they brought
all the new babies.
Look at that, will you?
All changed and all exactly the same.
Just like you, Rosa, you know,
all grown-up and beautiful,
- and still the same dirty-faced kid.
- Oh, Mark.
This one, she had the dirtiest face
on the whole block.
Now, I can look at the two of you.
I haven't seen anything like you
in a long time.
It seems to me that I've seen your picture
in the papers from time to time, huh?
In the Society section.
I... I've been making the front page myself.
That's my husband.
He got in a little trouble last night,
and Rosa helped him.
Oh, so you came along to explain, huh?
I thought there was
a little something offbeat about this.
You're not friends, or she wouldn't
be calling you Mrs. Bourne.
We are friends, just not very old friends.
Rosa, my name is Jessie.
You see, the picture is so misleading.
Schlemiel, all you had to do was tell me.
You didn't need to bring along
a character witness.
Oh, she didn't bring me.
I wanted to drive her here.
You're a real nice girl.
She's been wonderful.
It's been a long time
since I've seen a woman's hand
that wasn't blistered and rough.
Yours is nice, it's soft.
Mark, you're gonna stay home now,
aren't you? You're not going back?
Oh, I don't know. I can't say.
It all depends.
Who were those men at the airport?
Oh, I'm being made love to
by various magazines and newspapers.
Because of your book,
the syndicate rights?
One of my best friends is among those
making love to you, Owen Lee.
- Oh, that's how you knew.
- That's how. No mystery.
Owen Lee. Owen Lee?
Oh, yeah, the editor and publisher
of the Dispatch.
- That's a good paper.
- A good man, too.
You'll like him and his wife, Helen.
It says here they're giving
a party tonight in my honor.
- You gonna be there?
- Yes.
- Is it a big, fancy party?
- Oh, the biggest and the fanciest.
You think I could bring
little dirty-face here?
Owen and Helen would be delighted.
Oh, Mark, let's go. It'll be fun.
All right. After the uncles, and the aunts,
and the cousins.
Will your husband be there?
What was it the paper called him,
- "the very social Mr. Bourne"?
- Yes, of course.
Were you at the night club
with him last night?
No, he'd been working very late.
He just stopped in for a drink.
You ask a great many questions!
Now, don't get mad. There are
a great many things I don't know.
Hey, hey, hey, look, look. It's the bridge!
I'll see you tonight, Rosa, at the party.
Thank you, Jessie.
She's something very special, your Rosa.
Mighty fancy little bombing shelter,
if you ask me.
I won't apologize for the fanciness.
I love the location, I love seeing the river
and hearing the ferryboat whistles
at night.
Why do you think
you have to apologize to me?
I don't. Oh, well, perhaps I do.
You're fresh from places
full of misery and poverty,
and, well, here I am.
Now, who's making a contrast? I'm not.
There's your life and there's my life.
We each live the best way we know how.
So long, I'll see you tonight, I hope.
Thank you, Josephine.
That's exactly the way I wanted it.
Thank you, Mrs. Bourne.
They're for the morning.
Mr. Lorfield wants you to look at them.
May I go home now, please?
I think it'll be all right, Mr. Bourne.
By the way, did you order those flowers
for Mrs. Bourne?
African daisies and yellow roses,
lots of them.
- Good girl.
- Are you going to...
Hello, Brandon.
My, nothing's changed.
Ah, yes. Something new has been added.
Miss Peterson, this is Miss Lorrison,
an old client of ours.
I hope you haven't
dropped me from your books.
I need your advice on some investments.
Don't go, Joan. Finish what you're doing.
I'm sorry, Miss Lorrison,
I've finished my work for the day,
I was just about to leave.
- Oh, you going home?
- Yes. My wife is waiting for dinner.
Good. You can drop me off.
We'll talk on the way.
- Why not?
- All right.
It won't take long
to give you all the advice I have for you.
Good night, Joan.
I'll be in very early in the morning.
Good night, Mr. Bourne.
You're so business-like, Mr. Bourne.
That's why I've come back to you.
I'll get you a drink.
I can say what I have to without one.
But I'm not sure
that I can listen without one.
There's a certain note of richness
I don't quite remember.
My standard of living has risen.
Let us praise Alec Dawning,
from whom all blessings flow.
Is it going to be a long speech, Bran?
No, short.
But complete.
Now, listen carefully, Isabel.
We are through.
You're not walking back into my life.
You're never to drop in on me again,
because the next time,
if there is a next time,
I swear I'll have you thrown out
of the building.
Well, I can't say that I haven't been told.
- Strong enough?
- Fine.
I'll have to run in a minute.
You really have turned over a new leaf,
haven't you, Bran?
Long quiet evenings at home,
your good wife at your side,
carpet slippers,
and your favorite armchair.
Very sensible.
- Thinking with your head.
- Why don't you try a little of it?
You're acting like a reformed drunk, Bran.
Can't stand to see
anybody else have a drink.
No, seriously. You can have
anything you want with this Dawning.
Why don't you play it straight?
Oh, I suppose I could.
For a day, or a week,
or maybe even a month.
But I couldn't maintain it.
Neither can you, Bran.
- Can't I?
- No.
Not you. Not a chance.
You're kidding yourself, my friend.
You're kidding yourself.
- You think so, huh?
- Mmm-hmm.
You're here, aren't you?
Nobody held a revolver to your head.
You certainly don't think my being here
is any kind of victory, do you?
Why, yes, I do.
You know why I'm here,
to get this finished.
You could have made
your little speech anywhere, Bran,
back at your office, in the taxi,
even last night at the Del Rio.
It would have stopped me
anywhere along the way,
if I'd believed it.
Earrings off, shoes off. Same old routine.
It still works.
Aren't you getting a little obvious, darling?
I always was.
That's what you like.
That business visit to the office,
that wasn't up to your usual standard.
Aren't you stooping a little?
I don't have to.
We're on the same level, eye to eye.
I just don't have to be too clever.
You're spoiling
what was a beautiful memory, Isabel.
I don't remember you as being this cheap.
I always was.
That's what you like.
That's why you're still here
after everything's been said,
that's why you haven't left.
It's all right, Bran.
What difference does it make,
today, or another day?
There's no hurry. You'll be back.
That's better, isn't it, Bran?
That's what you don't get at home.
That's what you've been missing, isn't it?
Gets so tiresome, being restrained,
and soft-spoken, and gentlemanly.
What you really want
is to be a little rotten, like me.
It's Mr. Dawning, downstairs.
Shall I be in or out?
Tell Mr. Dawning I'm not at home.
Have him call me later.
Is Mr. Bourne home?
Oh, no, Josephine.
I guess he had to work late.
He probably thinks
I've gone on to the party without him.
I'd better hurry and get dressed.
He'll expect me to meet him there.
Yes, Mrs. Bourne.
Shall I clear away?
No, thank you, Josephine.
We'll have supper when we get home.
Has Mr. Bourne arrived yet?
- No, Mrs. Bourne. Not yet.
- Thank you.
- Hi! I've been watching for you.
- You look absolutely beautiful.
My grandmother's,
my great-grandmother's,
the bargain basement.
- How do you like Mark?
- Oh, tremendously.
He thinks you're terrific.
He said, "What a dame."
He's around here somewhere
with the Lees.
I'm crazy about them.
I've got to find them.
I haven't said hello yet.
Okay, then, I'll be getting back
to the party. See you later.
Jess! I thought you'd never get here.
Where's Bran?
He's meeting me here.
Looks like a wonderful party.
It'd be even better if it had a host.
That Owen...
- Where is he?
- Up in the den with your man Dwyer.
My man Dwyer?
All I know is, he asked about you
the moment he came in.
He doesn't know anyone else.
Listen, darling, do me a favor.
Go up there, break it up,
and chase Owen out. I need him.
I'll try.
But you're asking for something
that only top correspondents get.
I'm not asking for anything.
You want some stuff from Europe?
Fine, I'll send it, if you print it as is.
I'll print what I want, how I want!
Nobody's going to dictate to me.
Look, I don't know how you stand
on any one of a million subjects.
A man can only see out of
his own eyes, Owen.
I'll write what I see.
I don't even know
if you can write your name.
Oh, nonsense. He signed thousands
of traffic tickets when he was a cop.
You keep out of it.
- Now, look, Dwyer...
- I thought this was supposed to be a party.
So did Helen.
She's getting a deserted look, Owen.
Okay. Okay.
Soften him up for me, will you, Jess?
I'm not through with him.
Are you going to work for him?
Well, if he stops talking long enough
for me to say yes.
Do you always look this good?
No, I tried especially hard tonight.
- For me, I suppose?
- Well, of course.
- Would you like a drink?
- No, thank you.
I saw Rosa as I came in,
looking beautiful,
and charming everyone in sight.
- She's a wonderful girl.
- Oh, you're something very special to her.
She had a crush on me
when she was a kid.
You know, kids get crushes on teachers,
movie actors and cops.
If I'd been around, she'd be over it by now,
but because I've been away
having adventures...
That's a small word
for what you've been having.
Oh, now, don't build it up. I'm a cop.
The last few years,
a glorified cloak-and-dagger sort of a cop,
but I did what I was told,
and I was paid to do it.
All right. I won't dramatize you.
Well, you can, just a little now.
I was very good at what I did. Very gallant.
- On that, I need a drink.
- Fine.
Do I get to meet that guy of yours?
Yes, of course, as soon as he gets here.
Oh, you came alone?
He's late. He's been working very hard.
What does he do for a living?
He's an investment counselor.
Lorfield and Bourne.
Why are you so worried
about his being late?
I'm not so worried.
I'm sorry, Jess.
I just had the feeling
that something's bothering you.
We're almost strangers, Mark Dwyer.
You mustn't be concerned
about whatever is bothering me.
All right.
Will you come to the party with me,
just until your husband gets here?
I'll join you in a few minutes,
I have a call to make.
Hello, Joan? Joan, this is Mrs. Bourne.
Forgive me for bothering you at home,
but what time did
Mr. Bourne leave the office?
At 6:00? Was he planning to
come straight home, do you know?
A Miss Lorrison?
Yes, I see.
Thank you, Joan. I'm...
I'm sorry if I disturbed you.
Excuse me.
Jessie, what is it?
I think I'll be leaving. I'm tired.
I'm very tired.
- What about your husband?
- He won't be here.
- Oh, well, I'll take you home.
- My driver's here.
Well, please, let me come along then,
just for the ride, huh?
- But Rosa will...
- That's all right. I'll see she gets home.
- I don't want her to be hurt.
- She won't be.
Go ahead and get your things.
I'll tell Rosa.
- Rosa...
- Didn't her husband ever get here?
Well, no.
He's involved with something or other...
Oh. He was involved with
an old girlfriend at Del Rio last night,
a dame named Isabel Lorrison.
- That's rough on Jessie.
- Yeah.
Mark, don't let her go home alone.
You take her.
- I was gonna ask you if you'd mind.
- Of course not.
- When will I see you, tomorrow?
- Well, when are you through work?
- About 3:00.
- I'll pick you up.
I want to have a long talk with you.
Mark, I'm all right, really.
This is your first night home.
There must be places you want to go,
and people you want to see.
I'm where I want to be.
Have a heart, will you?
I've been to five parties today,
and nobody's thought of
giving me any food.
I'll fix you something.
Listen to her. She'll fix me something.
Obviously, the woman doesn't know
she's talking to
one of the greatest cooks of our time.
Oh, now, Jessie,
you shouldn't have gone to
that much trouble.
No, that was a bad joke, wasn't it?
Come on, let's find the kitchen,
get down to work, huh?
All right, Mark.
Come on, come on. Beat those eggs.
If it weren't so hard
to get help these days,
I swear I'd let you go.
Now, the onions, at this point,
are a golden brown.
So, we add the mushrooms and let them
get acquainted for a few minutes, see?
I'll bet you thought when I came in here,
I was gonna
start yelling for spaghetti, huh?
Why does everyone think
Italians love spaghetti?
- Don't you like spaghetti?
- You think I'm crazy?
All Italians love spaghetti.
What kind of an Italian
is named Mark Dwyer?
Well, when a man named Marco Andacci
finds a day-old baby
in an apple box on a doorstop,
and the box says,
"Dwyer's Oregon Apples,"
then he names the baby "Mark"
for himself, and "Dwyer" for the apples.
- Oh, Mark, he adopted you?
- Yeah.
He's the finest man who ever lived.
He died just a few years ago.
Well, then,
you don't know that you're Italian.
I spoke Italian before I spoke English.
You know, when I first got to Italy,
it was terrific. It was like being home.
The first time someone came up to me
and says, "Come sta..."
No good?
Well, where did you pick it up?
- School. My accent terrible?
- No.
I've always been
rather gifted at languages.
It's time for the eggs.
Now, you stop distracting me.
You with your gifts.
And this is the way you make
eggs, onions and mushrooms.
You've never tasted
anything like this in your life.
My mother taught me to cook that
when I was seven years old.
Well, then, what have
you been watching me for?
I was hoping you'd leave something out.
Now, that's better. That's much better.
No, don't stop.
I've been working awfully hard
for that laugh.
Yes, I know you have.
You've been very kind.
I... I'm not sure yet.
When I am, I'll let you know.
Mark, listen...
Yeah, sure, sure.
As soon as I dish these eggs up.
I'll listen, only please don't tell me
that we're strangers,
not again,
because you know that isn't true.
No, it isn't true. I'm comfortable with you.
Yeah. Well, it happens that way.
It doesn't mean anything.
You don't know what anything means.
You're all mixed up, Jess.
Come on, now. Eat your eggs.
It'll make you feel better.
You know, Jess, I'm in a funny position.
I can't very well ask if you could
feel anything about me. You're married,
and I'm not in the wife-stealing business,
but why did you have to come
to that airport?
I do beg your pardon.
Brandon, this is Mark Dwyer,
the Lees' guest of honor.
You missed meeting him
at the party tonight.
I've heard a great many things about you,
but they didn't include cooking.
Well, I handle a fair frying pan.
You don't mind
if I don't help you with the dishes?
I'll see you to the door, Mark.
Good night, Dwyer.
Drop in again sometime.
- I'll call you in the morning.
- Thank you, Mark, for everything.
Why don't you throw it at me, Jess?
Why don't you scream, and yell,
and ask me where I've been?
Why hold it in?
Why not say it and get it over with?
It was rude of me not sending flowers
to Miss Lorrison last year
when she went away.
Do you suppose I could make amends
by sending champagne
as a welcome-home present
now that she's back?
Look, she came to the office today
pretending she wanted me to
invest some money for her.
I knew it was a trick,
but she made me take her home.
- What did she do, drug you?
- Jessie, listen to me.
Why? Will it be fun
to tell me all the details?
- You're going to listen!
- To what?
To some dirty little story
that makes our marriage a joke?
She hasn't got anything
to do with our marriage, my love for you.
- She couldn't...
- Your love for me!
Jess, can't you understand
what this is for me?
I'm like a drunk
who knows liquor will wreck him.
He hates it, he hides from it, he...
He tries.
What are you asking for? Permission?
- I'm sorry, Jess.
- I'm sorry, too.
I can't take it lightly,
because I want you
as much as you want her.
You're wrong, Jess. It's you I want.
If that weren't true,
why wouldn't I ask for my freedom?
You're everything that's good in my life.
Don't you think I know that?
This other thing is...
- It's like a sickness.
- But it does go on.
You never ask for promises,
and I never make them.
But now, I'll make you a promise.
Jess, I'll never see her again. Never.
Don't make this promise
unless you mean to keep it.
It'll be kept.
Are you sure that's all she has, Josephine?
Just black coffee and toast?
I'm positive, Mr. Bourne.
Come in, Josephine.
- Your new maid, madam.
- Why, Bran.
It's awfully early in the morning
to be looking so lovely.
It's just as early in the morning
to be so gallant.
- Did you sleep at all, darling?
- A little.
I didn't. I had a lot of thinking to do.
Jess, why don't we go down to Virginia
for a few weeks?
Just the two of us. Let's get away.
Isn't that running for cover, Bran? We...
We can't stay away forever.
I know, but it isn't for that reason.
I want the feeling
that we're making a fresh start, Jess.
Alone, the two of us. The way it should be.
The way it's going to be, darling.
Of course, I'd love to.
I'll clean things up at the office,
get our tickets,
pick you up here at about 6:30,
and we'll be dining on the train at 8:00.
- You love eating on trains, Jess.
- You know I do.
Will you pack for me, too?
And will you not leave out
my handkerchiefs, the way you always do?
- All right, then?
- All right, dear.
Let's keep it this way.
- Let's always keep it this way.
- Yes, darling.
- Goodbye, Josephine.
- Goodbye, Mr. Bourne.
Come in.
- Good morning, Mrs. Bourne.
- Good morning, Josephine.
- It's a beautiful morning, isn't it?
- Oh, very beautiful.
Mrs. Bourne's residence.
Mr. Dwyer?
Just a moment, sir.
I'll see if Mrs. Bourne is awake.
Thank you.
Good morning, Mark.
I don't know whether
you want to talk to me or not.
Well, it's certainly the least I owe you.
But when?
No, I'm sorry. I can't make it tomorrow.
I'm going away for a few days,
with Brandon.
No, don't worry. I haven't fainted.
I was just thinking about time,
which I don't have much of.
Look, I'll tell you what. I have to see
some old friends this afternoon.
You know, I've got some news
about their family in Italy.
Why don't you come along with me?
We can talk in the car, hmm?
Suppose I pick you up around 3:00?
Oh, no, wait a minute.
No, that's no good.
I've got an appointment then.
You'd better make it 4:00, okay?
Listen, Jess, get one thing straight.
You don't owe me anything.
Hey, Mark!
- Hiya.
- I'm not really off till 5:00.
You're my sick aunt
I'm taking to the doctor's.
Are you all mine till dinner,
through dinner and after dinner?
Just a drink.
You'd be surprised how long
I can nurse one drink, mister.
Tell me something.
When a guy ditches a girl,
why is he always the one
with the long, suffering face?
Since when were you ever mine
to ditch or not to ditch?
Since I was 12 years old.
Look, Rosa, I'm an old, beat-up guy.
- You're 21. You see, I've...
- Wait. I'll say it for you.
I had a crush on you when I was a kid.
When you went away, I built it up.
But no matter how you slice it,
it was just a kid's crush. Right?
Don't you think so, too?
Well, I have to, don't I?
I don't know much,
but I do know one thing,
you can't make anyone feel
what they don't feel.
Oh, I could get smarter, prettier,
learn to play a bugle standing
on my head, and it wouldn't help.
If you don't love me, you don't.
That's all there is to it.
Rosa, honestly, did you...
Did you really think
that you were in love with me?
I wasn't sure.
I was hoping
I'd have the chance to find out.
But I'm not going to, am I?
It's Jessie, isn't it?
Yes, it's...
It's Jessie.
But even if it wasn't, I'd still have to
straighten this thing out with you.
All right. It's all straightened.
Stop looking as if you're at a wake.
There must be a million guys in New York
as good-looking as you,
richer, and better dispositions,
and suits that fit.
Why, it shouldn't take me
more than an hour
to meet a couple of dozen of them.
And when I do...
Look at little dirty-face talking big,
will you?
- Rosa.
- Talking, huh?
- Mark Dwyer, Jock Ardley.
- How are you?
- May I join you?
- Well...
If you don't mind waiting
for about three minutes.
We have a little unfinished business.
Well, if it's business you're gonna finish,
I'm willing.
I'll be at the bar.
Well, I'm in business. How about you?
Oh, I was out of business before I started.
Home-wrecking isn't exactly my beat,
you know.
Oh, look.
Big of you to spare me a little time.
You sure that Lorrison dame won't mind?
Felice, do you want a drink,
or do you want to make a scene?
I don't care which, I'd just like to know.
- Who's that?
- That's Alec Dawning,
the guy who socked Brandon
at Del Rio the other night.
For any particular reason?
Oh, something about that Lorrison dame.
He goes around with her, too.
Is that the Amazon with him?
No. I don't know who that is.
- She sure is a big one.
- Look, I gotta run.
Now, what are you gonna say to her?
"Goodbye. It's been very nice.
"And if you need any dragons killed,
just let me know."
Mark, you said home-wrecking
wasn't your beat.
Well, if Brandon keeps fooling around
with people like Isabel,
soon maybe there won't be
a home to wreck.
Well, for Jessie's sake, I'm trying to hope
that he won't keep fooling around.
- Think I'm a stuffed shirt?
- Yeah,
but I like what the shirt's stuffed with.
On your way out, send in the second team.
Warm up, partner.
Well, Rosa, what will it be?
Josephine. Josephine.
Yes, Mrs. Bourne.
If Mr. Bourne calls before you leave,
tell him we're all packed,
and that I've gone for a drive
with Mr. Dwyer.
- I'll be back before 6:00.
- Yes, Mrs. Bourne.
I hope you have
a very nice time in Virginia.
Thank you.
I'll take it. It's probably Mr. Dwyer.
I beg your pardon?
Yes, this is Mrs. Bourne.
Yes, Miss Lorrison.
I know who you are.
But I can't imagine what possible reason
you could have for calling me.
Of course, you realize that's ridiculous.
There's no point in giving me
your telephone number or your address.
Very well, if you insist.
Please don't waste your time staying in,
I have no intention of seeing you.
Fred, this is Mrs. Bourne.
Would you get me a taxi, please?
I'll be right down.
Thank you.
Fred, if a Mr. Dwyer arrives
before I get back, please ask him to wait.
- I won't be long.
- Yes ma'am.
Hey, Jess.
Mark, I've just left a message for you.
- What did it say, April fool?
- No, that I'd be back soon.
I have to visit a friend of mine.
She's been ill.
Well, where does she live?
- 60, Washington Square.
- Oh, I'll drive you there.
- Take care of the cabbie.
- Sure.
Liberated it from an old friend.
So, everything is all straightened out
and you're going away, huh?
What? Oh, yes. Everything is fine.
Is this the way you usually look
when everything is fine?
I want to talk to you, Mark.
Rosa just made a speech for me.
Suppose I make one for you.
You were having
a little difficulty yesterday,
which might have made me think
that your marriage was shaky.
But you love your husband,
and the crisis is over,
therefore, any further talk
of my love for you,
which you hope
that I didn't mean seriously,
must naturally stop
at this moment, right?
Just about.
I like you, Mark, I hope we'll be friends.
I don't want you to be unhappy,
that's why I hope you weren't speaking
seriously last night.
No, don't worry, Jess.
I'm not 19. I've heard a rumor that
people don't always get what they want,
and that happiness
isn't the natural state of man.
I would like to be sure
of one thing though,
that you're really all right.
I think I am.
Bran and I...
Well, we've had a problem
between us for a long time.
Last night,
he made a decision that should end it.
Will she let it end?
Yes, I know about it.
A great deal depends on Isabel Lorrison,
doesn't it?
I hope not.
What number Washington Square
did you say that was?
60. Am I taking you far out of your way?
No, my stop's in the Village,
same direction.
60, Washington Square.
Oh, I thought you'd change your mind.
Did you?
If I were in your place,
I think I'd be a little curious, too.
Want a drink?
- I have your husband's favorite brand.
- No, thank you.
All right, you're late,
and I am going to a cocktail party,
so I'll wind this up fast.
I'm back, and I'm going to stay back.
That is no longer a matter of concern
to my husband or myself.
Did you stand outside the door
rehearsing that?
No, it came easily, because it's true.
I'm not especially interested
in marrying Bran anymore.
Oh, you have other means of support?
Better means.
It would just be simpler
if you would let him go.
But if you don't,
I want to tell you what to expect.
This time it's going to be different.
This time he's not going to sneak
a few minutes with me
when he can get away from you.
This time, you'll see him
only when I don't want him.
Is that clear?
You're not difficult to follow.
Sorry I'm not more subtle,
but you must remember,
I haven't had your advantages.
When your mother was busy
being the great lady at the theater,
mine was in a burlesque show
on 14th Street.
And when your mother sent you
to Miss Cavanaugh's School
for nice young ladies,
I was slinging hash.
Oh, you learned how to pour tea properly,
and how to cross your legs
at the ankles only.
And the plain pumps make you a lady,
but putting bows on them
make you something else.
You learned how to make
a good marriage.
But like all your kind,
you think by marrying a man
you've done enough.
Well, there's one thing Miss Cavanaugh
forgot to teach you,
something I learned,
how to keep a man,
how to keep him wanting you.
My husband doesn't want you.
He's finished with you.
He told me so, last night.
I'll call him and he'll come running.
Do you know how he thinks of you?
- Roughly.
- As a sickness.
And what do you stand for, health?
Sacred and profane love, huh?
If Bran wants you,
why doesn't he leave me?
I'd let him go. He knows that.
But he begs me to stay with him. Why?
He's told me why, over and over again.
For the same reason he married you.
Because he loves me.
Because he wanted a checkrein,
a control, a straightjacket.
And that's what you are to him,
because he's a little afraid to be himself.
You're a little afraid, too, aren't you?
Of what? Of you?
Why else did you call me?
Because you're not sure of yourself.
Because you know you've lost Bran,
this is one last desperate try, isn't it?
You're afraid and unhappy,
and perhaps that's only fair.
You've caused me a great deal
of unhappiness in the past.
But if I were in your place, I would
remember something Miss Cavanaugh
didn't forget to teach me.
How to lose, gracefully.
Did you really think that trip
to Virginia would work?
You didn't think he'd tell me
about that, did you?
You're expecting him at 6:30
with the tickets, but he won't be there.
- I think he will.
- He won't be there!
How's your friend?
A little stronger than I expected.
You said you were going to visit
some old friends?
No, family. The Sistinas.
Mama was my father's sister,
and I grew up with the boys.
They're my cousins.
I saw them for a while yesterday
afternoon, but there were so many
other people around, I didn't get
a chance to give them any news
about our relatives from the old country.
I hope it's good news
you're bringing them.
Oh, half and half.
Well, hadn't I better stay in the car then?
They won't want a stranger around.
You won't be a stranger, you're my friend.
Besides, ever since I've met you,
we've been on your side of town.
I don't think you've ever seen
my side of town. Couldn't have,
it's a million miles away from Park Avenue
or Gracie Square,
I'm kind of curious
as to how you'll get along.
But you're such a snob,
you don't think I will.
I refuse to commit myself.
It'll be interesting to find out.
- What you looking at, sis?
- You.
You're the realest man I ever met,
and the kindest, and the tallest.
Hey! Hey! Hey, just a minute!
Hey, aren't you Mark Dwyer,
Old Man Andacci's kid?
- Yeah.
- Well, how do you like that?
I'm Chuck Snyder from PS 765.
We was in Miss Richards' class
together, remember?
- Well, I'll be... How are you?
- Well, well.
This is a friend of mine, Mrs. Bourne.
- How do you do?
- Pleased to meet you.
How about me, huh? An eye like an eagle.
Maybe 15 years I ain't seen you,
and right off the bat, I spot you like that.
- Yeah.
- Say, whatever happened to you?
Well, what happens to people?
- I got older, you know.
- I heard you was a cop.
You quit the force?
- In a way, yes.
- Oh, they bounced you.
You get into some other game?
I'm thinking of going into
the newspaper game.
Not working, huh? Say, that's tough.
- I think it's gonna work out, though.
- Oh, sure, sure.
You just keep your chin up.
That's what I keep telling him.
He's got to keep his chin up.
Sure, that's the ticket.
Now, listen, I got a little restaurant
on 7th Street, The Tiptoe Inn.
Get it? The Tiptoe Inn.
Now, whenever you're
in the neighborhood, you just tiptoe in.
There's always a sandwich
and a cuppa for an old friend.
Thanks, Chuck. Thanks very much.
Oh, that's all right.
Say, everybody can't have it good.
Well, I gotta go. The missus is waiting.
Pleased to have met you.
Don't forget. The Tiptoe Inn.
I got you, Chuck.
How tall do I look now?
Hail the conquering hero!
Oh, shut up.
- Home?
- Home.
I lived four blocks from here
when I was a kid.
I used to play games in these streets.
Olly, olly, oxen free.
How did you know that?
See that brown house over there,
the one with the iron fence around it?
I was born in that house.
You and your side of town!
Maybe that's why I feel so comfortable
with you. We're old neighbors, eh?
You know, it's funny, Jess.
I know so much about you, and so little.
I have so many questions.
But no point in asking them,
in saying anything for that matter,
except, "Pleased to have met you."
That has a farewell ring.
I'll be leaving in a couple of days,
back to Europe.
I still work for the government, you know.
What will you be doing?
I mean, if it's all right for me to ask.
Oh, just finding out what the people
over there think about us.
It's a funny sort of a job,
but it's kind of interesting.
Mark, did you know you'd be leaving
so soon last night, when you said...
When I told you I was in love with you?
Yes, I knew.
It wouldn't have mattered, though.
If people get together, geography can't
separate them, not anymore.
We just didn't have a chance
to get together.
We've sort of been passing each other
in route to different places.
I hope you get where you're going safely.
I only wish that we'd met
some other time.
Mark, please come up
and have a drink with us.
- Well, you have to catch a train.
- Oh, it's early.
I'd like you to meet Bran,
under improved conditions.
- Oh, Mrs. Bourne.
- Yes?
Mr. Bourne called a few moments ago.
He wants you to call him back
at Chelsea 3-3098.
Thank you, Charlie.
Fix yourself a drink, Mark.
Everything's right there.
Jess, what is it?
He's at her place.
This is her number.
Isabel Lorrison?
He asked me to call him there.
He promised he'd never see her again.
I didn't ask him to promise, he wanted to.
But she said,
"I'll call him and he'll come running."
And he did.
She was right.
It's Brandon who is a liar.
A liar!
He... He must be waiting for my call.
What are you gonna say to him?
That I hope they'll be very happy.
Jessie! Jess, listen to me.
Something terrible has happened.
Isabel is dead. Murdered.
I didn't kill her, Jess.
She was dead when I got here.
I had to tell you myself
before the police called you.
Isabel is murdered.
He said she was dead when he got there.
Who's there with you, Jess?
Bourne, this is Mark Dwyer.
I'm coming right over there.
Now, listen, don't call the police
until I get there. Don't...
He's already called the police.
Give me the address. 60...
60, Washington Square. Apartment 2B?
Yeah, I've got it.
No, no, I won't bring her.
She was alive when I saw her, Mark.
Brandon wants you to stay here.
I'm going with you.
Dead on arrival.
Who's on this?
Lieutenant Jacobi.
Good. Tell him Mark Dwyer would like
to see him, will you, please?
Lieutenant? See you a minute?
How are you, Jake?
I heard you were back.
Good to see you, Mark.
Say, don't tell me
there's a federal angle on this?
No, they're friends of mine.
This is Mrs. Bourne. Lieutenant Jacobi.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?
Does anything add up?
No. No, not yet. I just got here.
- You wanna sit in?
- Yes. Thanks.
Jessie, why did you come?
- To help, if I can.
- I didn't want you to be mixed up in this.
If you are, I have to be.
Mrs. Bourne, wouldn't you be
more comfortable waiting outside?
I'll be asking Mr. Bourne a lot of questions.
I don't think any of the answers
will surprise me.
Won't you sit down?
Bill, Jim, this is Mark Dwyer.
You've probably heard of him.
Till we're blue in the face.
Okay, Mr. Bourne,
let's start at the beginning.
When you came here,
why, and what happened.
Miss Lorrison called me at the office
a number of times this afternoon.
I didn't answer any of the calls,
until the last one,
at a few minutes to 5:00.
What was your relationship with her?
I knew her for several years.
She'd been away.
Since she returned,
I tried to make her realize
that I didn't want to be involved with her.
Why did you take the last call?
She told my secretary that she'd
keep on calling until I spoke to her.
Did she say where she was calling from?
- The Del Rio.
- Since when is Del Rio open at 5:00?
Alec Dawning took it over
for a private cocktail party.
He's one of Isabel's guys, isn't he?
Okay, you talked to her. What did she say?
She insisted that I meet her here.
She was leaving the Del Rio immediately.
I got here at 5:45 exactly.
I was supposed to pick up my wife
at home at 6:30,
I didn't want to be late.
I rang the bell several times.
There was no answer,
so I thought perhaps
she hadn't arrived yet. So, I let myself in.
- How?
- He has a key.
I'd forgotten to give it back before.
She wasn't in the living room. I called.
There was no answer,
so I went into the bedroom.
I didn't see her for a moment.
She was on the floor
between the bed and the wall.
There were marks on her throat.
Jake, do you mind if...
Yeah, the medical examiner
is on his way up.
She said she'd seen you.
- I ought to have known she was lying.
- She had seen me, she wasn't lying.
Then you must understand why I came.
I wanted to know what had happened.
Why didn't you come to me
and ask me what had happened?
She said she'd call you
and you'd come running.
She knew you, Bran.
Got everything you need?
Yes, sir.
Find anything under the nails?
A little skin.
Can't tell anything till the lab report.
Mark, is everything going to be all right?
Well, it's a little too early to tell you,
Jess, but...
Don't make yourself sick over it,
because if Brandon's telling the truth,
and, actually, I believe he is,
well, it will work out all right.
Jake, can I talk to you a minute, please?
Yeah, sure.
Found a little something.
No, no. I looked. No red polish.
Nothing broken.
But you didn't show me
till after you looked.
- Friends, huh?
- Well, she was with me from 4:15 on.
Look, Jake, if the girl left the Del Rio
at 5:00, she got here about 5:25, right?
Well, if Bourne's telling the truth,
he got here at 5:45.
She was killed in those 20 minutes.
Well, it's only five minutes to 7:00 now,
so everything's still pretty hot.
Do me a favor, will you?
Let me dig around a little at the Del Rio.
I know these people, and I might be
able to recognize a lead easier, huh?
By all means, Mark.
Mrs. Bourne, I'm going to put you in a taxi.
I think you should go home.
And I think, Mr. Bourne, you'd better come
down to the station with us.
Are you accusing me of this murder?
No, I'm not even booking you... yet,
- unless you refuse to come along.
- Of course I don't.
I told you the truth,
and I want to prove it.
You'll get the chance.
I'm taking him to the 12th precinct, Mark.
I'll be there as soon as I find out
whether anything's doing.
Take it easy, huh?
You're right, Bran.
There's nothing much to say right now,
is there?
Sorry, but the bar won't be open
for a few minutes.
Just winding up a private party.
Thanks, but I'm not looking for a drink.
- Business call?
- So-so.
- Can I do anything for you?
- I hope so.
That guy Alec Dawning,
how long has he been here?
Since 4:30. It's his party.
- Did he bring a girl in with him?
- Miss Lorrison. Isabel Lorrison.
- Is she still here?
- No. She left early, about 5:00.
She hadn't even had a drink
when another girl crashed the party...
- Another girl? What was her name?
- Backett, Felice Backett.
Built like the Empire State.
I think I've seen her around. Big girl.
Yeah. Big enough to know better.
She was tight
and burned up about something.
She walked over to Dawning's table
and started making cracks
about Miss Lorrison,
so Lorrison got sore and left.
And then Miss Empire State settled down
with Dawning?
Hardly. She threw a glass of champagne
in his face and walked out on him.
How soon after Lorrison left?
Maybe five minutes, I don't know.
The big girl. Where did she go?
I didn't notice. Sorry, but with a party on...
Ah, Miss Backett.
Tell Mr. Dawning to join me at once
at our table, I'm ready for dinner now.
Tell her I'm quite happy right where I am.
Mr. Dawning asked me to tell you
he wishes to remain where he is.
Thank you, John. Thank you so much.
I'll go to my table now.
Oh, Miss Backett. I held it for you an hour
after you left, then I had to give it up.
It's reserved,
the people will be here in a moment.
I haven't been gone
for more than 20 minutes,
I've been in the powder room.
I'm sorry, I thought you'd left,
I'll get you another table.
I'll tell you what, John.
You keep your tables,
you and Mr. Dawning.
You keep all of them.
See what I mean?
Real big girl.
And real rough.
What is your bartender's name?
- Bill.
- Brief me on him, will you?
He's been here about four years.
- Good evening.
- Scotch.
Yes, ma'am.
Now, don't pay any attention
to what I do at the bar.
Scotch, straight.
- Yes, sir.
- No chaser.
That's French for "if you please."
That's a...
No, no, you have a...
A very unusual hand. Do you...
Do you do a little sketching
in your spare time?
Don't... Don't I astound you?
- Nothing astounds me, mister.
- No, well, give me time.
And a napkin. You got a napkin?
- Yes, sir.
- And a pencil.
Pencil, and now...
Put your hand like so.
I shall now reveal the dark
and hidden secrets of your life.
I like my mother-in-law,
that's the dark and hidden secret
in my life.
Yeah, up.
Your name is Bill.
Been here four years,
your wife's a blonde, she's very pretty.
- You've got one boy.
- Hey, what's the gimmick?
Gimmick, there's no gimmick.
You see, it...
It's a scientific method. The fingers tell all.
The shapes reveal the past,
the present and the future.
Like, maybe the wife will go platinum
next week, huh?
I didn't astound him, did I?
How about you, huh?
How about me?
Well, the past, I could make you forget,
the present, I could improve,
and the future,
I could definitely take care of.
I can see the future worries you, honey.
Not me.
From now on,
what happens to me, I make happen.
No longer fate's plaything, huh?
I can see you're pretty sore
about something, aren't you?
You're pretty upset.
Now that is a waste of time.
A philosopher, too?
A will of iron, a cool head, and a warm,
passionate nature, just like mine.
And this little piggy cried "Wee, wee,
wee," and ran all the way home,
where I'm going.
No, you... You're making a mistake.
It would do him good to see you
holding hands with somebody else,
if you call that holding hands.
- Do who good?
- The guy you keep looking at.
The one you're sore at.
Look, whenever my girl's sore at me,
she always does something constructive
about it, like throwing another guy
at my head.
No, I mean she throws herself at his head.
Look, never walk out on him alone.
Walk out with me.
And do me a favor, too.
You see, my girl's giving a party
for another guy, and I'd like to show up
there with someone.
- You.
- Why me?
Well, because you fill the eye, honey.
I've had both of my eyes filled with you
ever since you walked out
of that powder room.
You saw me come out
of the powder room?
Uh-huh. Go in, too.
How long was I in there?
20 minutes.
All right.
Let's go to your party.
It just might do us both some good.
That I guarantee.
Wait, I'll get my hat.
- Taxi, sir?
- No, sir.
Hardly my size, is it?
How can you know till you try it on?
You think you're able to drive this thing?
I better be, I'm certainly not able to walk.
Let's you and me really
make my girl jealous, shall we?
I'll throw you at her head, huh?
I hope she ducks.
Remember you're in no shape to walk.
Say, where does this girl of yours live?
Washington Square.
60, Washington Square.
You're not heading
for Washington Square.
Sure I am, the long way around.
But that's shortest way
to where we have to go, honey.
Not with me, you're not going
any long way around.
Stop the car, I've changed my mind.
Girl name of Lorrison.
Very pretty girl.
Yeah, she was a very pretty girl.
She's dead.
I knew she'd get it someday.
She was asking for it.
Did she ask you for it, honey?
I don't know what you're talking about.
You can prove you don't very easy,
just let me see
those helpless little hands of yours.
I think you're crazy, but all right.
Then, Mr. Bourne,
you admit that this girl was a threat
to your reputation, your peace of mind?
And that she had,
on numerous occasions...
I need a little help.
Okay, Jack.
No, a lot of help.
- We'll be right back.
- Okay.
Might as well postpone
the embarrassing questions
till we see what our friend
needs the help with.
There are no embarrassing questions
you can ask me, Lieutenant,
since I didn't kill her.
I'm afraid I can't take your word for that.
Let's get a chair over here.
- I've got something lovely to show you.
- Yeah?
Like a glove. Her name is Felice Backett.
She got in a fight with Isabel Lorrison
at the Del Rio.
When Lorrison left, she followed her,
pretty tanked up.
Probably started getting rough,
and got carried away, right, sweetheart?
She came on back to Del Rio,
I guess to establish an alibi,
and when I suggested that we visit
Miss Lorrison, she turned green.
- That's all.
- That's all?
Well, anyway, you haven't lost your touch.
- Yeah, well, one good break, you know.
- Yeah.
You're lucky that I was lucky, my friend.
- Say, what about him now?
- Oh.
Thank you. That's all, but don't leave town
without checking with me, huh?
Can I expect to be
in the newspapers tomorrow?
I'll try to see that you're not.
If you lie down with dogs,
Brandon, you get up with fleas.
Be back later and give you a deposition.
- All right.
- So long, Mark.
It's all over, darling.
Yeah, it's all over.
It was a girl name of Felice Backett.
She and Isabel were vying
for Dawning's favor.
Everybody lost.
I can't believe it's finished.
Well, he may have to testify at the trial.
There may be even a little publicity.
But the real trouble is over?
Thanks to Dwyer.
I'll make some drinks, we all need them.
Not for me.
I have to go, Jess,
back to the station to make a deposition.
I'm taking the morning plane for Paris.
I don't have to tell you how grateful I am
for all you've done.
Don't be.
I'm no friend of yours.
Thank you for believing I was innocent.
You're not innocent of her death.
You just didn't kill her.
- Jess, we have to talk.
- Not tonight, I'm very tired.
And I don't want to say anything
I'm not sure I mean.
Good night, Bran.
I'll see you in the morning.
In bed, at this hour, when I always
imagine you out on the town?
Sit down and tell me about it, Brandon.
Is something wrong
between you and Jessie?
Have you been behaving badly, dear?
Very. There's been an awful mess,
all of it my fault.
But I love her, Mother,
I don't want to lose her.
- She's thinking of leaving you?
- I'm afraid so.
I see.
And what would you like
me to do, Brandon?
Talk to Jessie for you?
Urge her to stay with you?
I want another chance, but I know
that I haven't the right to ask for it.
You know as well as I
that we belong together, Jessie and I.
If you spoke to her...
Your happiness and peace of mind
mean so much to her.
Will you, darling?
I'm afraid I can't, dear.
You see, my happiness and peace of mind
depend on her leaving you.
Why are you so surprised, Bran?
Did you think I didn't know about you?
I know all about you.
I knew the first day
Jessie brought you here.
You're vain, and self-centered,
and ruthless.
But Jessie loved you.
And as long as Jessie loved you...
You're an amazing woman, Nora.
- I thought you were genuinely fond of me.
- But I am, dear.
I find you quite charming.
But I can afford to, I'm 55 years old.
My daughter, on the other hand,
is still a young woman.
You're a luxury she can't afford.
As a matter of fact, I've never been
as fond you as I am at this moment,
knowing that Jessie is free of you,
and that I no longer have to make you
welcome in this house.
And if she isn't free of me?
I can be very persuasive.
Well, then, dinner will be served as usual,
- Thursday night.
- I'll be here.
- Good night, Mother.
- Oh, Bran.
You won't mind if I don't order
that dinner just yet?
Oh, hello, Mark.
I'm so glad you called.
I'm not sure you will be, Jess.
Look, I've kept my big mouth shut
till I thought I'd choke. I've said to myself
that this was your problem
and no one else ought to butt into it.
But I can't go on being good old Charlie,
the friend of the family.
Mark, what on earth
are you talking about?
I'm talking about you
and that dandy husband of yours.
Jess, if you have any pride or honesty,
you're gonna walk out on him right now,
not for me, but for your own sake.
Look, I'm not doing a pitch for myself.
Really, I'm not. But...
I know you're not.
You're just being a friend.
But I... I've got to decide for myself
what I'm going to do.
You know that, don't you, Mark?
Yeah. Sure, I know.
But if you think I'm sorry I sounded off,
you're crazy.
So long, honey.
I'll be back some day or other.
Mr. Dwyer,
you're going to miss your plane, sir...
Yeah, yeah, I'm coming.
Good morning, Bran.
Will you let me talk to you, Jess?
Yes, of course.
I have no story ready for you, Jess.
I walked all night thinking of all the things
I've done to you and to myself,
and there aren't any words
to explain them, or to undo them.
They happened, I suppose they were real.
I can't very well throw myself
at your feet and say, "I love you,
"I can't imagine life without you,"
although, you know it's true.
You could so easily tell me
that I've said that all along,
and that my love hasn't
done you any good.
I haven't any ammunition left,
have I, Jess?
But I have to fight anyway,
because I do love you,
and I can't imagine life without you.
I won't try to be persuasive.
I just want you to look at this marriage
of ours, coldly and objectively,
to make a balance sheet of it,
the good and the bad,
the assets and the liabilities,
before you throw it away,
before you throw away both our lives.
We started with as much excitement,
and hope, and love for each other,
as any two people ever had.
We started a good marriage, Jess.
And it grew better as it went on.
We each changed a little.
Do you remember at the beginning,
how difficult it was
for you to sit through a hockey game,
for me to stay awake at the ballet?
I taught you how to handle a sailboat.
And I remember there was one winter
when you...
When you had me reading poetry.
We learned to like each other's friends,
and to tell, without a word or signal,
when the other was bored
and wanted to go home.
We said a hundred times that we didn't
know how we'd lived before we met.
We planned exactly how we'd be
when we were old.
I made you promise not to die before me.
Do you remember?
I remember everything, Bran.
That's one side of the ledger.
That's the way it was for years,
for most of the time we've been together.
Until I smashed it.
Ever since the day I met her,
I've given you nothing but unhappiness.
That's the other side of the ledger.
I can't deny it. I can't tear the page out.
But, Jess, it's over, finished.
She was all that stood between us,
but now she's dead and I'm free of her.
She was all that stood between us.
And now that she's gone,
there's nothing between us.
Jess, you don't mean that.
I'd give anything in the world
not to mean it.
I've waited so long
for you to come back to me.
I never dreamt that when you did,
I wouldn't care.
As simple as that, just sometime
between yesterday and today,
you just turned it off.
I wish I could turn it on again, I...
I don't know how love starts,
or why it ends.
I thought my love for you
would never end.
That if it did, the whole world would end.
The traffic in the streets would stop,
the boats on the river.
But I was wrong, Bran, nothing stops.
Everything goes on.
It doesn't make any difference
to anyone in the world
that I don't love you anymore,
least of all to me.
Thank you for all the good things.
Oh, hello, Mother.
Yes, Jessie will be there for dinner
on Thursday night as usual,
but alone.