Alpha And Omega: The Legend of the Saw Toothed Cave (2014)

Alphas, the first rule of a hunt...
is to control your fears.
But, Winston, great leader,
we're the wolves, they're the prey.
What do vve have to fear?
Stinky. Is that mud on your snout,
or is it always brown?
Claudette, shut it.
- As future leader of the pack, I-
- Oh, please.
- I'm faster, stronger-
- Clumsier.
Claudette, Stinky.
Fear vvill be natural, but you must
control it, or it will destroy you.
- You got that, Bro?
- Yeah. Do you?
Alphas, take your positions.
Runt! This is Alpha School.
You're supposed to be in Omega School.
Aw, Grandpa Winston, I want to hunt!
I may be small, but I'm fearless!
Hey, fearless.
You get over here right now!
Oh, shoot!
Runt, buddy, listen to your mother.
Why should I, Dad?
You never do.
Aunt Lilly has a fabulous field trip
planned for Omega School.
Alphas get to hunt,
and the Omegas go on field trips!
We're going to an ecological phenomenon,
Shadow Forest.
Shadow Forest, cool!
isn't that haunted?
Huh. Just a myth,
and that was a long time ago.
Did I just hear you were going
to Shadow Forest?
I was there yesterday.
It's fine. it's teeming with life.
Code for food.
Would Garth like this, Lilly?
My husband
is on an extended hunting trip.
He trusts my judgment.
Well, I had a bad experience in there,
and I've never been back.
When you were supposedly attacked
by a ghost at Saw Tooth Cave, right.
Well, I haverft seen you
going in there lately.
Lilly, you were just there,
and ifs, uh, okay, right?
There were a whole lot of critters
because we have avoided an entire forest.
Humphrey, is this a good idea?
It'll be fine, Kate.
- I'm going with them.
- Then ifs settled.
The Alphas will be kings of the fields...
and the Omegas
will be kings of the forest.
Dad! Aunt Lilly, shall we?
Okay, I see Where it got its name.
So What happened
that made us avoid it all this time?
Some wolves claim that it's haunted
with a wolf ghost.
Wait, I hear something.
Is that supposed to be aggression?
You see?
Even the critters arerft afraid of us.
Runt, unnecessary.
Dad! Ifthe Omegas
are the kings of the forest...
we have to show it whds boss!
- Ah!
- I think hejust did.
Hey, wolves.
The exifs thatavvay.
Yeah, and the forest is thatavvay.
You Want to take this outside?
- Arerft vve already outside?
- Dad!
Come on.
You Wolves are making a big mistake!
What is it?
- Not sure.
- It looks like someones home.
Well, it certainly seems protected.
Protected? From What?
That's odd.
Nothing in the clouds
indicated a Windstorm today.
Oh. All right cubs, uh, let's go.
- What are you doing?
- I'm going up to take a look.
My son, the tree hugger.
I think it's Saw Tooth Cave.
The rocks around the edges
look like fangs.
Son, ifs getting windy up there.
Come on. Time to hit the trail.
- Hi, Eve.
- Hi, Mom.
Oh, there you are.
Why are you so late?
Dinnefis gone cold.
Uh, Runt had an incident.
Dad, I'm fine.
What did you see?
Stay away! Stay away!
Something got your fur in a bunch?
Little Bro, you're-
you're as pale as a coyote.
A coyote. Really?
Hey, did you alert the critters that the
Omegas are the new kings of the forest?
No, but I will tomorrow.
I think a different field trip
is probably a good idea.
Kate, ifs not a bad place to explore.
Yeah. Critters everywhere.
I have an idea.
Let's all go.
We can do a hunt.
And afterwards have a picnic!
Stay away-
- Stay away.
- Wolf attack!
L- low was the forest'?
Great, except that place
has some strange weather patterns.
Windy, right?
- Yeah.
- Especially up by Saw Tooth Cave.
Runt, I told you to stay away
from that place.
Uncle Tony, What happened to you
when you vvere there?
Don't act like you clon't want
to tell them your story.
I really dorft.
Well, okay.
It was a dark and cold night.
And if ifs Tony's story,
it'll be even darker and colder.
There we were,
young wolves, like yourselves.
We were practice hunting.
On the tail of a major prey.
It was huge!
Antlers sharp as rock.
We stalked it across the path.
I had to get it.
It was my first act as a future leader.
Tony, it looks like
it Went into that cave.
That dark and creepy cave.
Okay, Lyle and Link,
you twins go check it out.
Why us?
Because if anything happens to one,
there's always a spare.
I was so selfless.
Think about it. You'll come back
with your biggest prey yet.
Come on, lefs do this thing!
Oh, for howling out loud!
What is Wrong with you two?
I'll do it.
Run! Run! it's going to get us!
It's going to get us!
It's going to get us!
It's going to get us!
And I never Went into the forest again.
Okay, I think its getting late.
Uh, yeah, I agree.
Uh, pups, thank Grandma for dinner.
Thanks for dinner, Grandma.
Come back for leftovers.
Oh, and, uh, thank Uncle Tony
for the bedtime horror story.
Thank you for the bedtime horror story!
They're growing up so fast.
Hunting, exploring.
Quite a paw full.
Yeah. it's how a gray wolf
gets even grayer.
I am not afraid.
I am not afraid.
I am not afraid.
You okay, little Brother?
I have to go back. I have to!
Are you two with me?
I- lave fun at the river!
Catch a few fish, would you'?
Uh, sure thing, Mom.
I feel guilty.
Why? Technically vve are going to the river.
Just taking a detour.
- And, please-
- Mom, we're cool, okay?
We'll be back for dinner.
Welcome to my kingdom.
it's, uh, nice, Runt. Uh-
- A bit dark and-
- So shadowy.
Okay, now we've seen it
and vve should...
hightail it over to the river.
No, I want to show you
Saw Tooth Cave.
Are you two afraid?
- No!
- No!
Would you two Wolves
channel your inner alpha?
We're creating an image here.
Identify yourselves!
Identify yourself.
Well, we asked you first.
And we outrank you guys.
Check out wolf girl.
She has got some serious attitude.
And What is with that fur?
Is that a mullet?
Well, well, if it isn't the mean girls
of Shadow Forest.
Okay, now look.
Let's all try and be friendly here.
I'm Runt,
the future king of the forest.
Says who?
Says Winston,
the leader of the wolves.
And I do believe
vve can come and go as vve vvish.
And I do believe you carft.
Hey, hey!
We're not here to cause problems.
Come on.
Let's do this thing.
Okay, maybe we should
come back another clay.
What is that?
It looks like a wolf.
Quick, this way!
- Which Way is out?
- I think vve came that way, didn't we?
No, no, it was that way!
Run, Run!
This way, Bros!
Okay, be very quiet.
Where are we?
I'll scope out the opposite direction.
- Runt, you stay in there!
- What am I?
The sitting Paddy?
Stinky, Claudette, anything?
I think I found the exit.
Where is Stinky?
I dorft know.
- Stinky!
- Bro, Where are you?
His pavv marks stop here.
- Stinky!
- Stinky! Where are you!
No, nothing!
L- I dorft see him anywhere!
it's protecting her!
What are you saying to me?
Claudette, I see him! I see him!
Hold on! Come on! Lift, Stinky!
Hold it!
You said you were going to the river!
Well, vve did travel to the river.
And Stinky has the dog paddle
to prove it!
I savv something coming and freaked out,
and then I fell. But I survived.
Oh, pups, enough with that forest.
Cant you stick to chasing butterflies
in the valley?
- Huh?
- Or playing in front of the cave.
- Playing What?
- Well, you could play... howl.
Oh, you mean like howling every 15 minutes
so you can locate us?
On the hour will do.
What's next? A leash?
Okay, guys. Look, your mother is just
trying to make sure that you dorft...
you know,
get yourself into a... situation.
Yeah, a situation that could
be bad... leads to bad things.
Didrft you two
get into a lot of situations?
But I vvouldrft say it led to bad things.
Well, not in the end, at least.
If it isn't my favorite twins.
We hear that a bunch of Omegas
Went into Shadow Forest today.
Against my Wishes.
It must be safe if Omegas Went there.
From what I understand,
it's exactly as we left it.
Did Winston declare it
for the Omegas?
I heard there was a lot of food in there.
For your ovvn good,
stick to hunting in the fields.
Ever since Winston allowed Kate
to marry Humphrey...
the Alphas have always
gotten the short end.
We found that forest first.
Yeah, vve did.
- Ugh! Can Mom and Dad chill?
- Let's call them out.
Let me.
I do believe vve are being followed!
You think we're following you?
Kate, did you hear that?
The pups think their own parents
are following them.
Huh. I told you this was a bad idea.
No, no.
We're just, uh, going on a Walk.
Hey! Hey, let's do a family walk...
together, okay?
Mom, it's time we explore places
by ourselves.
Kate, we knew this clay would come.
Rejection. Horrible feeling.
Okay, well,
stay on the path of, uh, life.
And, uh, throw us a howl
every now and then.
I have an idea. Don't worry.
Well, look at Paddy.
Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack.
Isrft it kind of a duck thing?
And so is Forange sauce.
Paddy, enough with that!
I have to get it out of my system.
Oh, gosh, is that What you're doing?
I drink out of this lake.
Unlucky you.
Uh, Paddy, Humphrey
has a task for us. Hurry!
Will the stuffed goose
please stop pressuring me?
Uh, the pups are no longer pups,
my friend.
You and Kate must learn
to let them go.
I'll never forget when my mama
gathered me in her maternal Wings...
and threw me off the nest.
Ah, all cleaned out.
That's more than I needed to know.
The parents are dealing
with maturing pups.
They're always getting into trouble.
Hmm. Sounds like a family trait.
But no judgment, by the Way.
Please, guys,
just some air reconnaissance.
That sounded like Paddy.
Uncle Paddy, is that you?
Never send a duck
to do a gooses job.
Uncle Marcel, stop following us!
Oh, I was, uh, trying
to catch a field mouse.
Yeah, right.
Did our parents put you up to this?
My beak is sealed!
If we're being honked at,
vve tend to move.
Well, Where is Runt?
Hello? Hello?
I Wanted to thank you
for the other day.
You helped me find my brother.
Can I come up? Is that okay?
Please dorft.
Okay, we're making progress here.
I just Want to say hi.
I dorft Want any visitors.
Almost there.
Okay, used to that wind already.
Bringing... a housewarming gift.
It's simple, but ifs, um, art.
Look at the texture.
It says, Life...
is a rough-
I am not afraid.
I am king of the forest.
Wow, that sounded pretty good.
Boring. Doesrft scare me!
I once fought a bear... cub
at Rabbit Poo Mountain!
" - Ah!
You've been to Rabbit Poo Mountain?
Who are you?
Come back tomorrow.
So, um, I'm free to leave?
Yes, but move quickly.
Flea alert.
We let one in, and now we've got
the whole pack to deal with.
Well, if it isn't wolf squared.
Look, tasty prey.
And so plump.
- What'?
- Should we take 'em clown'?
I wonder hovv-
they would taste.
Gross me out.
Psych! I woulclr?t eat a wolf.
Like, disgusting.
Are they sneering at us?
Okay, that critter just gave me
a territorial challenge.
Go ahead, show the porcupine
vvhds top dog.
He's marking my favorite tree?
Oh, gross!
You know, in this lighting,
they're almost cute.
That does it.
Great. They were supposed
to run out of the woods.
Wait. I Went first last time.
Okay, put your paw out.
Ready? Leaf, teeth, rock.
I won! Take that.
Just like last time.
Come again!
- Order, order!
- Speak.
Winston, Tony, we ventured into
Shadow Forest, ancl we saw for ourselves...
that forest is haunted!
There is a ghost of a wolf.
- Where?
- It was this image in the trees.
Been telling your stories lately?
[ Lyle 1
And there are these two Witches.
- Witches?
- Yeah, these two porcupines.
Do you mind? I was having
a nice dream about a moonlight howl.
No one believed us.
Yeah, it stunk. Novv back to my dream,
and you're not in it.
And now vve look pathetic
to our pack.
Try to sleep it off.
If we chase out the ghost,
we will be heroes.
We'll need more wolves.
Hey there.
Runt. isn't it a little late
for you to be out'?
I had to, uh- you know.
Get back to your cave.
What's going on?
Mmm. Nothing. Nothing at all.
By the way, What exactly did you see
in Shadow Forest?
Anything unusual?
Uh, no. Nothing.
Actually, yeah. There, um- There was
something way clown by the river.
- Like what'?
- Something strange clown there.
Um, excuse me?
Sorry to bother you so late.
- I need to tell you something.
- Come here.
Are you hiding from another pack?
Yes. Because, uh-
Because a wolf who oarTt see
isn't considered useful to some'?
Then hovv did you know
Where my brother was that day?
I heard a splash,
and, well, I have other talents.
How (Xvi you get up here'?
- You brought them'?
- No, I came to warn you!
They'll come after you.
You know how
to get to Rabbit Poo Mountain.
- Yes.
- Can you take me there?
Daria? Are you kidding?
He's a pup!
I am not a pup!
I just look like one.
My name is Runt.
What's at Rabbit Poo Mountain?
She carft possibly raise future hunters...
when one of those pups is-
It is the Way of the pack.
Psst! Psst!
Come with me.
I know a safe place.
I just Want to hear her voice.
I told them to go to the river.
So you did bring 'em here.
No. Daria, we have to leave.
It's a trap.
He's still a vvolf.
[ Lyle 1
Something is up there.
If we storm it all at once,
we can get to it.
Okay, follow me!
Push on, Brother!
No ghost.
But maybe-
Whds next?
Waterfall. Oh, pretty waterfall.
Major waterfall!
- Kate.
- Humphrey, vvha-
What is it?
Oh, full moon.
Runt? Where'd he go?
Hmm. I'll get Lilly to cub Watch.
Right this way, Daria.
Okay, we've got problems.
Floyd, follow me.
Every time we try to get out,
we get blookecl.
It's like the forest
doesrft Want you to leave.
- Mmm. No comment.
- Just get us out of here.
I'm trying.
Floyd, up and over the rocks!
Okay, jump!
- No, I carft.
- Jump!
Daria, ifs okay. Straight ahead!
I... carft.
This Way to Rabbit Poo Mountain.
Don't you wolves know when to quit'?
L- lave you seen a small wolf'? Runt'?
- Yeah.
- Well, Where is he?
He's fine. He's on a mission.
What kind of a mission? Where?
- Carft say.
- This is our son.
Not our problem.
You two better pipe up, or you're
going to be our future appetizer!
Oh, now we see where the daughter
got her obnoxious personality.
Look, I get it.
You're bitter because you have quills,
and no one wants to touch you.
But we need to find our pup.
First of all, Runt is not a pup.
He is a stand-up wolf.
And he is helping a friend of ours.
Okay. We Want to help him
and help his friend.
I promise. We both promise.
Oh, girlfriend. We are close
to seeing the two dogs beg.
Let's see it. Come on now.
What? Beg? I will never.
Daria, stay to your right.
- Your other right!
- Ouch!
Aw, at this pace,
it'll take us overnight to get there.
My parents will come after me
if they figure out I'm gone.
Oh, great.
The non-pup pup has a curfew.
- Ouch.
- That vvasrft me.
That was me. I stepped on his paw.
It's all right. I know a shortcut
to Rabbit Poo Mountain.
Follow me.
We've gotta keep going.
I carft even feel my legs.
Runt, get me a leaf to chew on.
My blood sugar is plummeting.
Wake up! Wake up.
You carft rest here.
This surface is so warm.
Yeah, and it'll be even Warmer
when you're road kill.
Just a twig and maybe throw in
a few pine needles.
Okay, coming up.
Daria, I'll be right there.
I'm not going anywhere.
Hey, you are okay, right?
Yeah, I can feel it on my back.
Feel What?
Move off the road! Move off!
You're no fun. It feels so good.
[ Gasps 1
Floyd, right now!
We have to move!
- Oh, Where are you?
- Oh, baby.
- Keep talking!
- That is one strong back pounding.
Get up, get UP!
- Floyd!
- What the-
Whoa! I just had a dream
I was run over.
We're very close.
I've been hearing that
for an awfully long time.
I'm not complaining, but-
This is the only route I know.
My dad knows all the real short cuts.
Yes, I do.
Runt? You are so busted!
Dad, Mom, I, uh-
Son, Son.
We're here to help you.
Okay, Dana.
I see your pack.
They'll take me back, right?
Why vvouldrft they?
They were Worried she vvouldrft be able
to take care of me when I was a pup...
but I made it.
Okay, Daria, I will lead,
you follow close behind.
I have to hear her voice.
I'll know it immediately.
Uh, hi there.
We're from the western pack.
We're just passing through.
I think that is Winstorfs daughter.
Yeah, yeah, we're a long vvays away.
Just a road trip.
- Who's your friend there?
- Oh, she is shy.
I'll be right back.
So, um-
Are there
any other female wolves here'?
No, just us.
Dad, look!
We have to do something.
No, Runt.
Not until your mother signals me.
Well, better get going.
What the heck? Is he crazy?
I, uh-
Have you seen my mommy?
Oh, little pup.
isn't that her with-
Hi there!
Hey, Runt, come on now.
Let's not bother Mr. King.
Wait, wait!
You' re Dana, arerft you'?
It's okay.
I... just Wanted to say hi.
Who are you?
You are married to Winstorfs daughter.
You're an Omega, right?
Last time I checked. Well, we've taken up
too much of your good time.
I mean, you're king of Rabbit Poo Mountain,
and, uh, mmm, smell that fresh poo.
Daria, Mom never made it back.
But I want you to know, she loved you.
She vowed to protect all of us.
I needed to hear that.
The rules of this pack
are still the same.
But maybe I can come visit
you and your pack some time?
Runt? Shall we?
See you later.
- What is it?
- I hear something.
Sounds like wolves.
I hear three of them.
Okay, Daria,
we gotta get you out of here.
Hey there, all of you!
- Let's go.
- No. I'm tired of hiding.
What did you do with my mother?
She's gone, Daria, and she's paid
the highest price for hiding you!
Daria, we have to get you
into the forest.
You'll be protected there.
Follow me!
Listen for my footsteps, okay?
Dariafs in trouble!
Daria, jump!
Okay. That was beyond twisted.
We're okay, Dana. We're okay.
Thank you.
Okay, Winston.
This is our favorite part,
the Valley of the Forest.
This is where we are from.
So, you're valley girls.
Yeah, totally.
Oh, look vvhds here.
Grandpa Winston,
I want you to meet a friend of mine.
My name is Daria.
Dariafs been living up there.
Way up there,
I bet the views are wonderful.
Oh, my bad.
That is Saw Tooth Cave.
And here I thought your story
was a bunch of deer dung.
But that still doesht explain the ghost.
Trust me, ifs here.
And those are the two Witches.
Grandpa, I'm Willing to bet
if there is a ghost...
it was only to protect Daria.
She needs a pack. She needs us.
And if vve don't accept her,
I believe we'll continue to be... haunted.
Well, it will require adjustments.
Dad, she has amazing hearing.
It will be great for hunts.
Why does it always circle back
to hunts with these wolves?
Come on. Let's Welcome Daria.
After all, you heard it yourself
from the king of the forest.
You know, Runt, clon't think
we clicln't notice you were out all night.
Yeah, Son, Way past your curfew.
I'll take my licks.
Mom, Dad!
Is this any Way
to treat the king of the forest?
[ Laughing 1 Get Orr!
Not on my face! Dad!