Alle tijd (Always) (2011)

This is Maarten.
He's in his forties, exactly how old
isn't important, like his weight.
Maarten could be a brilliant
concert pianist with a mop of hair...
...but not everyone can see it.
He teaches music to children.
You don't choose children, you get them.
Everyone does it in their own way.
Christian here was planned.
Like his 4 brothers and 6 sisters.
But Marina's parents needed
some help: With IVF.
Jaap came from a 1-night stand and
Maya after 2 years desperate fucking.
Toni's dad left 'cos his mum
did it with half the neighbours.
Anita has two mothers and an unknown
donor father.
The little blond kid is Finn.
His uncle is raising him.
His mother, just like Maarten's,
died of Mamma Carcinoma.
That's why Maarten and Finn
have a bond.
Maarten's mother died and
left him with his little sister Molly.
He always called her
his parents' daughter.
But he became her father.
Young and innocent
but full of good intentions.
And in case you didn't know,
Mama carcinoma is breast cancer.
Come on Molly, get up.
You have exams.
Breakfast is on the counter.
Don't drink from the pack.
- Eat!
- I'm not hungry.
Then get hungry!
All right!
- I'm tired.
- No surprise. You got home at 2.40!
I couldn't sleep.
- What about dinner tonight?
- With Tony.
Since when can he cook?
- I'm cooking.
- Since when can you cook?
- And Carnival des Animaux?
- Don't change the subject.
- You're doing the sea lion bit?
- Kangaroos. They're kangaroos.
- Molly!
- Yes?
If your head wasn't screwed on...
- See you tomorrow.
- Ah, come on!
Okay. Bring Tony and I'll cook.
- I'll do the shopping.
- No need.
- I'd like to!
- Bye.
When do you want to move in?
I don't have much to bring.
Just clothes and books.
- And the rest?
- It can stay with Maarten.
You both decided that?
We haven't decided because
I haven't told him yet. Hello...
- Tomatoes please.
- How much?
- 2 kilo!
- Fine...
I'm leaving him and I don't
want to empty his house too.
- Thanks.
- Here you are.
And some spring onions...
- How much?
- I'll have a nice bunch.
Will you tell him, or just leave?
He's an actor.
I... I'll call Reina for some advice.
Should you? They tell each other
That's right.
Live together?
- Why did she tell you first?
- Because she knew how you'd react?
She'll never finish her thesis
if she moves in with him.
- I won't have it.
- Some girls her age have children.
Rubbish! You and I
don't have children, do we?
Not yet.
- Reina, you're fifty!
- Thanks for reminding me.
This isn't the time to get sensitive.
I think she wants the pair of you
to talk about it sensibly tonight.
That you don't put on
some gay melodrama.
- Excuse me?
- Yes?
This isn't the time to get sensitive.
- The shouting is over.
- Yes...
- Whose idea was it?
- What?
- Living together.
- Why?
Molly's, but I like it too.
Hurry up with that.
- If I act weird, there's diazepam in my bag.
- Great!
- I thought it was time for the two of us.
- You did?
I love Molly.
- I don't always want Uncle Maarten.
- Tough.
If you want Molly,
you get Maarten as a bonus.
And me too, don't forget.
But that's different,
because I'm naturally modest.
- Everyone will see this is best.
- Sure.
Let's hope so.
You're the oldest woman
I know who smokes dope.
It's you.
Don't be like that!
- Like what?
- Like that, how you react.
It's always the same.
- You know that?
- Better than anyone.
To combat the empty-nest syndrome.
- A dog!
- Yes.
He was the last of the litter...
No one wanted him...
...because he's gay.
- Dog's aren't gay.
- They are. He is.
A dog!
Here! 17 missed calls.
He's feeling better.
I'm glad the radio silence is over.
- I promise I'll be home early.
- You'd better be.
- How about making me breakfast?
- Do it yourself.
Excuse me?
Which word was too difficult for you?
I thought that was an advantage
of living together.
You could look after me. But who cares
if I don't get breakfast from you or me?
But you do care if
you satisfy yourself or I do that.
- Don't do that. I have a shoot.
- Don't you?
We should have shacked up long ago.
It's only a jab.
You could squeal if you had my life.
It looks like leishmaniasis.
- I'm not good at the jargon.
- A parasite affecting the immune system.
He has to take pills for his whole life.
Like dog AIDS?
You could put it that way.
I'd like to see him regularly...
and do some tests to be sure.
That's a nice extra.
What do you mean?
For Doodle... to see you more often.
Is it because he's gay?
- What?
- Reina gave me Doodle and said...
...that he's gay.
That's why he wasn't taken.
- Reina has a lively imagination.
- I know that!
- Bye Doodle and bye Doodle's boss.
- Bye Doodle's doctor.
I have to keep an eye on his poop.
Maybe you should talk more quietly?
- I'm talking about a dog!
- For 20 minutes! Very loud!
- It's wrong for me to bond?
- It's great, but...
Maybe you need a pal who doesn't need
you to carry his poop round in bags?
And how's your love life?
What is it about you?
You always have to talk about
you but it's not about you
If it's really about you then
you give up and lash out at me. Why?
- I want Molly back.
- She's with Tony.
Look: Tony's with Molly and vice versa.
You're free with a sweet gay dog and
a ridiculously nice best friend who cares.
So keep complaining and
I'll go to the bathroom.
- You won't eat your apple pie?
- I sure will!
Isn't that a pity?
Watch out, asshole!
- Wanker.
- Queer!
Ugly shop dummy!
Ugly shop dummy?
Is that your best shot?
- Where is Debby?
- Who's Debby?
Can't I leave you alone for a moment?
Stop it. He can't help it. He's drunk.
Leave him to me.
- Help me.
- What are you doing?
- I can't leave him here.
- I can't see why not?
Have a nice time.
- Where are we?
- At my place.
- What are you up to?
- I think I'll abuse you.
- Christ! You never learnt to knock?
- Debby?
- You changed.
- I'm not Debby.
Debby ran off. Very astute.
I'm Maarten and you drank too much.
- I should stop doing that.
- That's a good idea.
- You want coffee?
- Yes, and a croissant.
Now you're taking liberties.
Maybe wait till I leave the bathroom?
Never seen a naked man before?
- You often do that?
- What?
- Take home drunken men?
- As often as I can.
Strange hobby.
- Milk?
- Please.
- My name is Arthur.
- What an ugly name.
Isn't it.
You're Maarten?
Thank you, Maarten...
...for rescuing me and letting me sleep
under a Barbapapa duvet.
- That was my sister's duvet.
- Sorry...
Sorry, I thought...
Promise not to tell anyone? I'll tell.
No, I won't fall in love. He's coming.
- I'm not gay.
- Nor am I.
I'm serious!
Of course.
What do you mean?
I like you and you kiss well, for a man...
but that's about it.
And tomorrow the coach changes
back into a pumpkin?
I'm a construction supervisor.
It's a technical story, among men,
but I really like women.
- Don't be silly.
- You're being silly. You started.
Maybe it's better not
to say anything to anyone...
about what didn't happen.
You're in love.
Head over heels.
But he's not gay.
That's a real bummer
That sweet of you, but I'll manage
- Iced tea.
- I don't like iced tea.
Nor do I, but it's fun. With
a little pestle, lemon, ice cube.
You'd rather have a coke?
We'd two-time each other
in the end anyway.
- Why?
- Because that always happens.
- Who says so?
- I do. I know.
So you had a few bad experiences.
So what?
- Tony and I don't cheat on each other.
- It won't be long.
You get so hurtful when you're rejected.
That has nothing to do with it.
Tony and you, that's puppy love.
You need him to get away from me.
That's fine.
- Be realistic.
- We're getting married.
- Don't be silly.
- He asked me.
On his knees. He said forever.
- I'm hungry.
- And I can be myself. No conditions.
He loves me.
- And I love him.
- There must be cookies somewhere.
Excuse me.
You have to keep counting.
- Don't do that.
- What?
- Take out your bad mood on me.
- I did?
Well don't.
Even if you have a good reason.
It's no fun for me.
She's getting married.
And if you try, we can do
a quickstep at the wedding.
You do your best, I'll count
until the cows come home.
How can I relax when you act that way?
Maarten and Reiny, it's the foxtrot!
- You did what?
- Told Maarten you asked for my hand.
On your knees.
You think that's a good reason?
I suppose so.
Dearest Molly...
will you marry me?
Yes Tony.
I will marry you.
Well, that's sorted.
Any other wishes?
I'll have pistachio.
No, Malaga.
Maybe hazelnut.
Give me all three.
Hey, Debbie!
Hey, Arthur.
- You lost your keys?
- In my pocket.
I just wanted to see you.
I just did.
- Want to have dinner sometime?
- I'd love to.
Bye, Debbie.
I'll call you.
Here you are.
Can't you talk to him?
- Sure.
- But?
I agree with him on marrying.
I'm sorry...
you just moved out and
now you're marrying him?
- Why?
- Nice blouse...
- He'll come round.
- How do you know?
Arthur's coming to dinner on Friday.
Are we invited?
- The colour makes you look pasty.
- You're such a nice warm family!
Surprise! It's only us.
- Don't hold in your belly.
- Did he?
Help me, why are you here?
Because you'd only mess this up
on your own.
- Don't say a word at dinner.
- What?
About him, us and me...
you understand.
- That you fucked?
- Don't! I visualise easily.
We haven't f... It's not your business.
- I mean...
- We can't ask about you two?
There isn't an "us two".
Just Maarten and Arthur.
We are two separate entities.
- But not together yet.
- No, not yet.
- Pity. But Molly and Tony are together.
- I know.
- If you play up, I'm leaving.
- Shut up.
- Maarten's only a little nervous.
- No I'm not!
- What do I look like?
- Absolutely fabulous.
If a little chubby.
Hi, Debbie.
- Nice apron.
- Oh yes, silly.
- Can I come in?
- Silly. Of course.
So you're Arthur.
We heard a lot about you.
- It was delicious.
- I have strawberries with...
old balsamic dressing.
We'll send that to Africa.
Please, Molly. Not that funeral music.
Maarten doesn't think it's interesting.
- I inherited all the musical genes.
- It isn't funeral music.
What's wrong with funeral music?
It's just very beautiful.
- Is this a nice topic?
- I fantasise about it a lot.
I want everyone in very cheerful colours
and those drinks with...
champagne and peach.
- Molly, I don't want this.
- Don't be difficult, Maarten. Mimosa.
You want to be buried or cremated?
- with my parents under a beautiful stone.
- With what text?
Maarten lies here, skinny at last.
What about you, Reina?
Here lies Reina, a wonderful mother.
- You have children?
- No.
I'd like to have... ten.
Three boys and...
seven girls.
No, I...
was menopausal at 24.
I went to hospital with vague symptoms...
before the doctor mentioned adhesions...
they had taken everything out.
There lay Reina...
alone forever.
You have me.
Let's drink to that!
When did you find out
you were gay, Arthur?
Ignore him. He's an actor
who wants attention.
- I'm interested for once.
- It's impertinent.
- You know that. It was on purpose.
- He can ask what he likes.
I'm not at all sure yet.
Not sure or...?
Not at all.
Not sure, I think.
- When do you know? Did you?
- Yes.
I always knew.
- Weird, eh?
- Maarten dreamt...
that he lived in a man's underpants.
- Is it that late?
- I must go.
I could talk about pants all night,
but tomorrow's another day.
Chasing after girls, eh?
What did I say wrong?
- I'll show you out.
- Bye...
- Bye!
- Bye.
- Sorry.
- What for?
- For Tony and that ending.
- It's okay.
It is?
I hadn't expected you
to keep your mouth shut.
It was great fun, Debbie.
Thank you, for everything.
Any time.
That means I choose you.
And love. My girl.
It went well, didn't it?
Where can I smoke?
There, I'll go with you.
I thought it was an interesting play.
- You were asleep!
- If only! They talked too loud for that.
I liked it.
- You like theatre?
- Not really.
So why did you come?
Your sister invited me.
- I guess I'll order a drink? Beer?
- Please...
- We were good, eh?
- Yes.
Tooba, this is Molly.
Molly, this is Tooba.
Strange name, Tooba...
I didn't know you had a girlfriend.
Yes, we're getting married.
I barely recognised you with clothes on.
You were great.
Hi, Mark.
- You didn't come for me?
- Okay...
I like you, but I'm not in love with you.
And I won't be in the future.
Are you sure?
I'd cheat on you with a girl.
It's sure to happen.
- What if I don't mind?
- I do mind. We only kissed a bit.
It doesn't count.
It does for me.
Are you asking me in for coffee?
No, Debbie. I'm not like that.
Well, I am like that...
but you'd be 34, blonde and female.
You don't look after yourself well.
I told you to ignore the mess.
Live with me and I'll look after you badly
You'd like that.
Yes, I would.
- Maarten, I don't...
- Shut up.
Just shut up.
Where's your mummy?
We're going to mummy. Hey! It's you.
- You're cheerful.
- Even you can't help that.
I brought Doodle round. He's allergic to
Carnival des Animaux, even if it's for him.
- I can't reach Molly.
- She'll be home late. Give me Doodle.
- Bye...
- Bye.
Maarten, wait!
- Wait! This isn't...
- What?
You mean this isn't how it looks, Tony?
I'm seeing it wrong?
She's gone in five minutes.
This didn't happen.
If you touch another girl,
I'll cut off your thing with a rusty knife.
Five minutes!
- And then?
- I went to see Arthur.
He really looked after me.
- He so understanding. He knows that I...
- I was talking about Molly and Tony.
- Nothing.
- What d'you mean?
I didn't tell Molly.
Very good.
How come?
- It won't help.
- What if he doesn't say anything?
Don't worry. He will. He's okay.
I can't get what you see
in that loser. Let alone her.
He makes her laugh, he loves her.
Strange way to show it.
- Goodbye.
- Thanks.
It's for you, from me.
For my very own cuddly bear.
Here. I can't drag
that bear around all night.
- He didn't tell you?
- What?
Who didn't tell me what?
What should Maarten have told me?
Tony? What's up?
You're upset?
What a stupid question.
- I thought so too when I asked. Of course...
- Of course I'm upset.
And now?
- Now I'll come back to live with you.
- Really?
- You could.
- No I couldn't.
How's it going with Arthur?
Beware, or you'll get the porn version.
Finished crying?
Here comes your in-law.
Hello Doodle.
I got it from an attractive funeralist,
whatever. Maarten?
- No thank you.
- Please.
- What's up?
- I'm going to surprise Arthur.
- Is that a good idea?
- Why not?
- Because you're...
- So much.
- You're jealous.
- And the handsome vet for Doodle?
- Molly, please.
- Only if you behave with Tony.
- Don't wish him dead.
- That's blackmail.
That's right.
Reina, we're going.
I only just sat down.
With your feet on my mother's head.
- Doodle, if I'm not wrong.
- No, that's the dog.
Put him on the table.
You're that well-built gentleman's
The fatso is my brother.
- So you didn't make up the gay theory?
- Pardon?
Someone suggested to the gentleman
that Doodle may be gay.
Don't be formal.
That was Reina.
- I have new pills for Doodle.
- Is that good news?
It is for Doodle.
nothing strange...
it has to go up the rear.
I'm Molly.
- I'm Melvin.
- Nice.
- Pardon?
- You are.
You're nice.
- Ready?
- Yes...
You go ahead. Melvin offered me a drink.
That Melvin...
Keep him in one piece.
Let's call.
And Molly: Love to Tony.
- Tony?
- Yes...
That's my boyfriend.
But he cheated on me, so
he has to be punished. A drink?
- Father Christmas.
- Why are you here?
I'll explain if you open up.
- This isn't the right moment.
- Don't be silly.
My parents are coming.
- That's nice.
- No...
That's not nice.
So dad and mum mustn't know their
handsome son does it with a man?
- Maarten, I live here.
- Yes, here!
You can do it with who you like.
- You can go to bed with a man.
- Excuse me.
I'm cursing my boyfriend because
his parents can't know he's gay.
Hi Dad.
You play?
Sometimes, if I have time.
Carnival des Animaux?
You're a vet.
Maarten is doing Carnival des Animaux
with kids from the music school.
Did you know the composer
completely ignored sea lions?
- That's not fair.
- No, it isn't.
I'll write sea lions for you.
- And now shut up for a minute.
- Really!
- A tummy upset or are congratulations due?
- Congratulations?
I'm pregnant.
- How long?
- You mean: Lovely for you!
- How can that be?
- It's not that difficult.
You can't have this...
No more cheese either.
You can't drink this for months.
Stop it, Maarten.
No, you stop, Molly!
You can live together.
Marriage is so old fashioned, okay...
but this is ridiculous!
You're young.
Tony's young.
You don't have a clue
about bringing up a child.
Never sleep in...
you need a babysitter before you go out
and are always worried...
about measles and mumps,
playing outside, sockets, gas cooker.
You don't want that. I know you.
Was it that bad?
Goodness, Molly!
I'm not happy at all.
I mean...
I'm happy for you and wish it for you.
A man, I mean two men...
and a child...
a family...
and I have four responses
to my personal ad.
The average age is 113.
A child!
Sorry, Molly.
I'm whining...
It's wonderful for you and...
let's celebrate tomorrow.
Let's do something nice tomorrow.
We can buy Bugaboos.
- Bye then.
- Yes, bye then.
- Hey, why are you here?
- I came to say goodbye.
- Are you leaving?
- No.
No, that's the point. I'm staying.
So this was it.
- Just like that?
- No.
Not just like that.
I have to try again.
- Who says so!?
- I do.
For... for me...
For us.
I have to work. Walk with me?
Do you mind?
I'll pretend you didn't ask, okay?
It's just...
We talked and...
it's all over with Tooba and...
and Tony wants to try and I messed up.
What did I do to earn that?
You need to think.
- Wait a sec. You're supposed to be mad.
- I am
But a swan was hit by a car and
a hamster was stood on. I'm on call.
Call me when you're ready.
So, how's Arthur?
- I don't want to talk about it.
- A lunch like that.
You pay and decide what we talk about?
If you want to know: Crap.
I made a scene with his parents
so he never wants to see me again.
But I want to talk about something.
What a surprise.
- You'll be father and I'll be godfather...
- Wait...
- Who said you'd be godfather?
- Of course I will.
- And my brothers?
- Them too, but that's different.
I thought it would be better
to improve our relationship.
- By winning me with wine and oysters?
- What's up, Tony?
I like you as little as you like me...
doing my best because Molly is expecting
and you were unfaithful.
Let's start afresh.
- How are you?
- Shut up, Maarten.
I know this act.
Maybe other people fall for it. Not me.
Everything you do, Maarten...
is to glorify yourself and avoid...
...avoid seeing that
you're own life is a mess.
Now you want to focus on my child.
But I won't have it.
You listen to me, Maarten.
You're the uncle, right? The uncle.
I'm his father.
If he falls over, he comes to me
and I kiss his knee.
If he scores, I'll be cheering
on the side-line as his trainer.
Not you, me!
And hurry up with the white wine!
I'm thirsty.
Nice, eh? Lunching together.
Kids, get your things. We're finished.
Maarten has to leave early.
- Tell me once more.
- I said it 3 times.
- It sounds so nice.
- Maarten! Stop it.
Yes... go on, say it.
- Say it.
- Okay!
- I missed you.
- Yes!
- That means you're gay?
- No.
I don't know. I like being with you.
We'll have to see how it goes.
- And your parents?
- They're my parents, not yours.
I'll do it my way.
I'm not ashamed of you but...
I have to do things as I always have.
- I won't put pressure on you.
- Thanks.
- Yes or no?
- What?
- Yes or no?
- What do you mean?
Children or not?
But he is a high earner.
Yes, but not enough
to put up with his breath.
Bye... bye.
Maybe he has an open stomach valve?
Yes, silly of me.
- I'll say I am interested.
- Stop pushing, Debbie.
Thanks, Arthur.
It's a pity you're sexually so deviant.
He's not that deviant.
You tell her.
There's nothing to tell.
Nothing has been decided.
- What...?
- He's moving in.
Great news, boys.
For you, I have no life at all.
Reina! You'll find someone.
If not move in with us.
Carry on, I'm not here.
And now?
He made me pregnant, or rather...
I think so.
You think so?
- Here he is.
- Who? Tony? Who is it?
I really don't understand.
You can't stay there.
Just come and live here.
- Shouldn't you consult first?
- Please don't smoke.
I think you need rest right now.
Stress is bad for the baby.
Come and stay here, in your own room.
- Maarten...
- Yes?
- You'll live together, won't you?
- So?
- We'll talk about it tomorrow.
- No.
It's your house too.
We're going to Paris,
so we won't be in your way.
Melvin, say something.
You're pregnant.
- Could it...
- Yes.
Why aren't you angry?
Don't worry, I will be.
- Where's Doodle?
- He'll follow us
I'm your Doodle in a way.
I'm sorry.
Are you coming?
I'll give you a bone.
Wait a minute.
- You're too late.
- I know.
We missed the train.
Where's your luggage?
I don't want to go to Paris.
- And I don't want a scene. Stop it.
- I haven't even started.
We were going away for the weekend.
Then we'd live together.
We love each other.
- And I'm supposed to shut up?
- Stop it.
Stop it, for once.
You don't give me a chance to speak.
You suffocate me the way you treat me.
I have no time to decide
who and what I am, you already know.
You know I want to live together and don't
mind Molly in between. You know what?
You ask a question but don't want
to know the answer. I don't want that.
- That's plain speaking.
- I don't mean it like that.
Yes you do.
Don't do that, Maarten.
It doesn't have to be this way.
Mrs van der Kamp?
It's the same as last year?
I thought my name was to be bigger.
...bigger... name...
Maybe you should add your photo.
It's important, Reina.
The show is important for the kids.
They spent a year.
So you can have your name printed large?
This is Maarten? Hi Molly.
I can't hear you, Molly. I'll go outside.
I'm at the printers, for the poster.
What is it?
We have to go, something's
wrong with Molly.
It's all gone wrong.
I want to go home.
I don't know if I can.
Be ill.
We're here too.
- Can I stay with you?
- Yes.
You got your way.
I'd rather not have.
What's that?
Oh, that...
I couldn't help it.
That's sweet.
D'you know anything about...
It's healthy.
She wants a party, so
would you like to come?
Come and stand with Molly.
All of you.
Dear Molly...
A special gift because we're so proud
you finished your thesis.
Reina will show you. Applause for Molly!
Your thesis, bound.
Here's to Prof. Van der Kamp.
- See you soon.
- Goodbye
What are you doing here?
Dear Molly...
I did everything wrong I could.
I really regret it.
I feel sick to my stomach.
I can't look in the mirror
without thinking of you.
Will you marry me?
- Because I'm dying?
- You're not dying.
Yes I am.
I am dying.
I won't marry you.
I love you...
with all my heart...
and my fat belly and striae...
but I also love someone else.
So I can't marry you.
But you can have a cup of tea.
Inside, but...
Melvin is there too.
I don't know if you feel like that.
I thought so.
You could hang the mobile there.
I was only looking.
Are you tired? Lie down.
We'll do it.
This looks like a great place to die.
Don't get cynical!
I won't have cynicism! You may be sick...
but I'll throw you out if you're cynical.
You'd throw me out, while
I'm terminally ill?
Stop it, you two.
I know this. It starts funny, but
gets worse and then someone cries.
- Stop it.
- I'd throw you out.
You may have a sick body, but
don't let cynicism kill your mind.
We'll try and make you better.
Chemo, radiation...
We? Shut up about "us"!
All you have that's rampant
is your waistline!
But I'm dying and won't get better.
- I'm not getting better.
- Yes, I know.
That's what's so awful.
You must be Melvin.
Yes, hi.
Come in, you're expected.
- Tea?
- Yes.
- Aren't we mature?
- Yes.
Thank goodness.
It's difficult for me to choose.
I always had that problem.
I played with my Monchhichi dolls and...
felt guilty towards my Playmobil.
And if I played with my Playmobil,
my cuddly toys gave me such a look...
What I wanted to say...
It's a boy...
and I want him to be called Finn.
Yes, fine.
- Why did you ask him?
- I don't know who the father is.
It could be either of you.
Yes, but...
- Wait a sec...
- I don't want to know which is father.
It's not important.
It's good the way it is.
Finn's part of me.
I want you both to love him.
Because that's how it is...
and you'll both always be there for him.
Can I...
Can I have prettier curtains?
Nicer ones?
- Can I?
- Of course.
- Maarten...
- Yes?
- You think I did the right thing?
- What?
Did I do everything right?
- I do think that.
- I was afraid of that.
Of what?
- That you'd lie to me on my deathbed.
- Don't be silly.
I think mum and dad would be proud of you.
That doesn't mean much to me.
I'd rather hear it from you.
Aren't they sweet?
What are you up to?
- I'm rehearsing.
- Yes, so?
- So not here.
- Yes, I insist.
Molly needs you and you're only interested
in texts and gestures.
- We are finished.
- Don't kid yourself.
You haven't been to hospital once.
You'll regret it.
Regret it more than you know.
- Never mind. It's okay.
- No, sorry.
I mean it, I can't cope.
How is it possible?
- Is it that bad?
- Physically.
Her body can't cope with giving birth.
We can operate without complications...
but I think you should stay here.
Let's go see mummy.
We'll go to mummy.
Here's mummy. Here's mummy.
Where did she get to?
I want Finn to live with you.
He's got two fathers, hasn't he?
Tony's still a child and
I don't think Melvin's the father.
Finn is better off with you and Reina...
with Tony and Melvin as well.
Will you give up everything for me
one more time?
Yes, of course.
Maarten, happy birthday.
It's for you...
and Molly.
These are the sea lions.
Because the composer was too lazy.
I varnished my nails...
specially for you.
Reina did it really.
But you don't mind that.
I don't have a present for you.
It doesn't matter.
Give me two next year.
Next year...
Will you do this one?
If you do this...
Think of me, pray with me.
Speak my name at home as
you always did, without stressing it.
And without a veil of sorrow.
Life is what it always was.
The bond has not been broken.
Why should I be out of your thoughts?
Because you can't see me anymore? No.
I am not far off. Just over the road.
You see? Everything is fine.
You will rediscover my heart
and find tenderness.
So dry your tears and don't mourn.
Finally, but to start: Finn.
My darling, beautiful Finn.
You haven't made it yet.
But I can feel you move.
One day you'll be a big boy.
A little less big than Maarten, I hope.
You'll love people.
You inherited that from him.
You'll be honest and talented.
You inherited that from Tony.
You'll be friendly, fair and handsome.
You inherited that from Melvin.
And you'll be able to cope with the world
the way Reina can.
You'll embrace life and life you.
And you have your life from me.
Your mother...
Finn, Finn!
Hey, big boy!