All or Nothing (2002)

Gotta be careful, floor's wet.
Do you want a hand?
Did you break down?
What?|- Did you have an accident?
No. Some fucking monkey cunt|nicked my bike, man.
Fucking cunt! Fucking cunt!
Here, Pen...
fancy going out?
Yeah, right, then.
Don't be so enthusiastic.
One-three.|- Yeah?
I'm clearing Cranston Road|in a minute or two.
Can you just wait?
Are you there, one-three?
Can you pick up at|12 Bellott Street, SE10...
going to Charlton?
Say again?
Going to Charlton. Got it.
Mr. Eyles?|- Yeah. Elephant and Castle.
Oh, Christ.
I don't fucking believe it.
I gotta get the car fixed.|Some bitch in a Volvo...
smacked me up the arse.|I got no fucking lights.
Ron, no swearing over the air.|What's going on?
I gotta get the car|off the road.
What's the damage?
She's buggered my tail lights.|I ain't legal.
Is the car mobile?|- Driveable, yeah.
Just come back to base.|- I can't do that, Neville.
Come back to base|and get it done tomorrow.
No, I gotta do it now.
Listen, don't mess me about.|I'm short of drivers.
Neville, fuck off.
How much, then?
Hundred and fifty.|- Is that the best you can do?
You want it|in the morning, innit?
Hello, Phil.|- Hi, Ron.
Got smacked up the arse.
Yeah, I heard it on the radio.
Are you leaving it here?|- Yeah.
I'll run you home.|- Cheers, mate.
Ain't it nice?|- Yeah.
Feel like sunbathing.
Get me bikini on. Not.
I'll see ya later, alligator.
Ta, then.
Hello, Rory.|- All right?
All right, Craig?
Yeah, all right?|- Yeah.
Coming in for your tea, Rory?
About twenty minutes?|- All right.
Fuck off, Craig! Fucking wanker!
Just fuck off!
What are you playing at?|- He's always doing that!
Are you all right?
Did he hurt you?|- Nah.
It's only a ball!
What are you doing?
He's a tosser.|- He ain't a tosser.
You're not at school now.|- I know!
What time did you get up|this morning?
I don't know.|- Yes, you do.
No, I don't!|- Probably about 2:00, I expect.
You should leave him alone.|He's smaller than you.
So? He's older.|- Yeah, but you're bigger.
Why are you taking his side?|- I ain't taking his side.
Yes, you fucking are.|- Don't swear.
Here, it's all right.|I've got me key.
Come on!|- Don't shout.
What's she doing?|- I dunno.
She's probably on the toilet|or something.
What's wrong with you?
What's wrong with you, you mean.
All right?
Yeah, I'm all right.
What have you been doing?|- Nothing. Just reading.
How's work?
All right.
Everyone OK?
What's for tea?
Chicken and vegetable pies.
Want a biscuit?|- No.
You all right?|- Yeah.
Ain't got no whiplash|or nothing?
She fucked off.|- Did she?
Did you exchange|insurance details with her?
I pulled over, right?|She scarpers.
That's not very nice, is it?
Fucking women.
Wouldn't be a world|without them, mate.
Anyway, she might have|done you a favor.
How do you mean?
If it hadn't have happened,|you might have driven...
around the next corner|and killed a little kid.
It's what's-its-name,|fickle finger of fate.
If you knew what|was gonna happen to you...
when you woke up in the morning,|you'd never get out of bed.
That's life.
The old clock ticks,|world turns around...
tide comes in, tide goes out.|You're born, you die. That's it.
What's your missus make|at Safeway?
I don't know,|to tell you the truth.
You don't know what she earns?|- Enough, you know?
Keeps the wolf from the door...|with the bit I make.
All right.|- Hello.
I'll see you tomorrow.|- See you, Ron.
All right.
All right.|What have you got there?
Burger buns. Three dozen.
We ain't gonna eat all them.
No, it's all right.|They're long life.
What's the expiry date?
That's four months away.
What have they got in 'em?
Don't know. Chemicals.
Picked a bloke up|from the cash and carry.
He was trying to get a refund.|They wouldn't have it.
He gave 'em to me as a tip.
He was drunk.
He bought them for a barbecue.|No one turned up.
We'll have to get|some burgers, then.
All right, boy?
What have you been up to|today, then?
He's been fighting today.
What?|- Fuck off, Mum.
Rory, will you stop|swearing at me, please?
You been clumping people again?
Don't listen to her.|She don't know nothing about it.
It's 'cause|he ain't got nothing to do.
Shut up! He was asking for it.
He's moping about here|all day looking for trouble.
I ain't looking for trouble!|I ain't done nothing!
When you gonna take him|up the job center?
Fuck's sake!|I'll get a job when I want!
It ain't got nothing|to do with you!
Stop going on about it!
Rory, calm down.|Nobody's having a go at you.
I'm just trying to help you.
Fuck off!
Filled the car up|with petrol this morning...
thirty-eight quid.
You been busy?
Yeah. Rory, can you put|your plate on the table, please?
Yeah, all right!
Picked up at a doctor's|surgery at dinner time.
Old bloke,|had one of them...
what's-the-name, frame.|- Zimmer.
Yeah. Only wanted to go|to the next street.
I says, 'Sorry, mate,|I got to charge you...
'the minimum fare, L3.50.'
You shouldn't have|charged him nothing.
No, I know. I said,|'Call it a couple of quid.'
No, you should have|called it nothing.
He wasn't having it,|you know?
He insisted on giving me|the full fare.
You didn't have to take it,|though, did you?
No. But...|it's his what's-its-name.
Dignity.|- Yeah.
No price on that|when you're old.
Ron's had a bump.
Some old woman ran into him.
Is it a write-off?|- Nah.
I said to him, 'Make the most|of it, mate. Have a day off.'
He likes working.
It's a nice evening tonight.
I ain't been|for a walk for ages.
Fancy going for a walk later on?|- No, not really.
I'll take you out|for a drink if you like.
Rory.|- What?
We ain't finished yet.|- So?
There's pudding.|- I know.
Are you in, Donna?|- Yeah.
Want a bit of chicken pie?|- No!
Leave that. I'll do it later.
Christ Almighty,|you've had all day.
Do you want to go out later?
What?|- Little drink?
No.|- Why not?
I had a rough day.
Have you?
What are you doing for tea, Dad?
I don't know.
Can we get a take-away?|- No.
Right.|Let's all starve, shall we?
What's in the freezer?|- Not a lot.
Well, what?
A sausage meal|and a raspberry ripple.
Is that all?|- Yeah.
There's two chicken korma|in there.
No, there ain't.|- We had them last night.
No, we never.|- Yes, we did.
Yeah, me and Dad.
You never had nothing.|- She never fucking does.
So what are we doing?|- Maybe I'll get a take-away.
When?|- Later.
I ain't had nothing to eat|since I got up.
Whose fault's that?|- I'm starving!
You ain't done nothing|since you got up!
What about her? Lazy cow.
When you gonna get a job?
Fuck off.
What's the matter?|Ain't you hungry again?
No, I ain't.
What, you on a diet?|- No.
You look like a skeleton.
Shut up.|It's better than being fat.
Yeah, it is.|- Yeah, it is.
Exactly. So what are you|complaining about?
I ain't complaining.|It's you that's complaining.
I ain't complaining.|I like a bit of fat.
Keeps me warm at night.
It's all you've got|to keep you warm at night.
I'll make you|some mashed potato.
I don't want mashed potato.|- Chips?
I'll have a few chips.
How many's a few?|- A few!
Two? Three?|- Funny. Shut up!
You going out tonight?|- Yeah.
Where you going?|- Out.
I been there.|- Have you?
Yeah. Gets a bit packed|though, don't it?
Yeah, it does.
Who you going out with?|Scarface?
Shut up! That's bang|out of order, that is.
Do you want this duvet cover|on your bed?
No, I don't.|What are you ironing that for?
Nobody irons duvet covers.
I do, if someone pays for it.
I'll iron anything|within reason.
I'll put a few chips on.|Two, wasn't it?
All right, Sam?
All right.
You locked out?
Good. Is your mum in?
Evening, Jason.|- Yeah, all right.
She's ready for you.|- Is she?
Only took her two hours.
All right?|- All right.
How are you doing?|- Yeah, not bad.
Taking her out, are ya?
Yeah, of course.
Where you going, then?|- Down the pub.
That's nice.
Where you going?|- I dunno.
All right?|- Right. Come on.
All right, Donna?|- Yeah.
Can I come, too?|- No, you can't.
Why not?|- Fuck off!
Have a nice time without me.
You off? Be good.
If you can't be good,|be careful.
Fuck off.
What, I'm not allowed|to talk to her?
There's no need|to argue about it!
Shut up!
All right, Craig?
What you keep|fucking looking at me for?
Don't fucking look at me|or I'll slice you, you cunt!
Fucking mug!
Fucking wanker.|Get your fucking hands off me!
What are you doing, Dad?
Get off!|- Come on, shift over.
What are you looking for?
There ain't none down there.
Come on, get up.|- I'm telling you...
there ain't noth--Oh, shit!|- Give it to me.
No, that's mine.|Finder's keepers.
Don't mess about.|- No, fuck off!
I'll give you double tomorrow.|- No.
I ain't joking.
You can borrow it,|but you owe me a quid.
All right.|Come on, let go of it.
Can I come in?|- Yeah.
All right?
Is that any good?
Yeah, it's all right.
Got any spare change?
I might have a bit.
Only it's my what's-its-name.|Gotta pay it tomorrow.
Yeah, of course.|- Don't want to leave you short.
No, it's all right.|- I'll get it.
Where's your purse?|- Downstairs.
In your coat?|- Yeah.
It's not much.|- It all helps.
You sure?|- Yeah.
What about your dinner money?
No, it's all right.|I still got a fiver.
I'll give it back to you.
Thanks, luv.
Good night.|- Night.
I should have|just got half a tank.
It's Friday tomorrow.
Yeah, I know.
I ain't had a very good week|this week.
Ain't you?
Got any spare?
Yeah, I got a bit,|but it ain't ever spare, is it?
Can I borrow some?
I'll pay you back|at the weekend.
Why don't you get up|earlier in the mornings?
Drive people to work,|take them to the airport.
I know what you mean.
It's downstairs in me bag|in me bike basket.
Shall I take it out?|- No, bring it up.
All right.
I only need a tenner.
Have you got any change?
Yeah, I got a bit.|Ain't much, though.
That should do it.
Do you want me to take that|downstairs for you?
Give us a clue, then.
'Biblical son of Isaac,|five letters.'
Starting with a 'J.'
Jonah.|- Oh, yeah.
No, it ain't.
It's what's-his-name. Jacob.
Are you sure?|- Yeah.
It's a thousand pound prize.
Is it?
No, I ain't sure, then.
Give us another one.
No, I'm gonna go to sleep now.
I'll be up in a minute.
Night.|- Night.
Are you all right?|- Yeah.
You going downstairs for a bit?
Yeah.|- All right.
Morning, Harold.|- Morning.
You all right?
Sweatin' like a pig, ain't I?
Havin' a breather, Sid?
Ain't you hot, then?|- No.
You're lucky.
Are you working at the weekend?|- Yeah.
Just you and me then, innit?
You make sure you go to bed|early tonight, then, eh?
Mind your elbow, honey.
Looks good.
Hundred and fifty.
Hundred and eighty.
You said one-fifty.
Overnight service, Ron.
Sorry. Drive safe.
You was out of order yesterday,|you know that?
Well out of order.
From over the chip shop?|- Morning.
Deptford. Yeah, I know.
All right, Ron?|- Yeah.
He didn't let you down?|- No, he didn't.
All right, Nev?|I've got your rent.
So where's the rest?|- That's eight pound coins.
Bum ba hole.
Twelve in change.
Where you going with that?|- Sorry, Nev.
I told you already,|I don't deal in shekels.
Go to the bank, man.|Sick in my stomach.
Take two now|and I'll owe you a tenner.
lf you're gonna rent my radios,|show me some respect.
I'll drop it off later.
Give me proper money, man.
I'll phone you when the driver's|outside your house.
Am I being abusive?
Wait. Why you slam down|the phone for?
Boy, you got bad attitudes.
Thank you. Bye.
See ya.
Excuse me.
Thank you.|- You're welcome.
What?|- Nothing.
Got a problem?|- No, I ain't got a problem.
Ain't you?|- Why should I have a problem?
Did you have a good time|last night?
Yeah, I did, actually.
You sure?|- Yeah, I am sure.
Are you?|- Yeah.
That's good.|- Yeah, it's good.
Where did he take you?|- Never you mind.
Somewhere nice?|- It was, actually.
I reckon you got a bit|of a problem.
Like what?
Got a customer.
For fuck's sake.
Good morning.|- Good morning.
Just a Coke, please.
All right.
Just come from work?|- Yeah.
What have you been up to?
Not a lot. Just got up.
What do you have to do,|then, at work?
You have to wipe down|the old grandads and that?
No. It's not my job.
Who does that, then?|- Carers.
It's disgusting.|Glad it's not my job.
It's better than working here.
Yeah, but at least|I've got a job.
Fuck off.
What about when they die?
Well, just gotta|clear out their rooms.
How much you think|it's gonna be?
About fourteen, fifteen.
Is that all right?
What?|You think I ain't got it?
Fuck it. I mean, what...
Is all the stuff that...
I mean, it all, you know.|Like, it was supposed to...
and he was gonna|bring round the...
just fuckin'... |I just kept thinkin' too much.
I mean, I don't want to,|you know...
you seem like|a nice bloke. And...
A fuckin' wanker, you know?
Fuckin'... what can you...
are we... round there,|they used to...
See that door there?|It used to open inwards.
Yeah?|- I should have...
should have done something else.
Did you go to bed early, then?
About ten-ish.
Ten-ish? That is early.
I'm starving.
Kettle's just boiled.|- I ain't on my break.
I can't remember the last time|I was in bed by 10:00.
About 1950, I should think.
Half-3:00, sometimes.
And half an hour later|I'm pacing about.
Then I try again.
Wake up sweating...
or freezing.
Make meself a cup of tea.
Drop off in the chair.
I'd give a year's wages|for a good night's sleep.
I'll bet you'll be up late|tonight, though...
with your boyfriend?|Saturday night.
I ain't got a boyfriend.|You know that.
What do you drink, lager?
Couple of pints will do me.
Fish 'n' chips.
Saturday night.
What are you doing?
What does it look|like I'm doing?
I don't know.|That's why I'm asking you.
I ain't allowed|to touch you no more?
I ain't saying that.|Get off.
Give us some of that.|- You got your own there.
I don't want one of me own.
Come on!|- No.
For fuck's sake.
Don't pinch me.|- Don't hit me.
Right, and another thing.
Don't you dare phone me|at half-11:00 at night.
I texted you.|You never phoned me back.
Fuck that.|No, I'm out with the boys.
You're showing me up.|Making a right mug of me.
That's your problem.|- I was gonna get back to you.
Was ya?|- Course I fucking was.
Just relax.|- You relax.
Oh, fuck.
So what are we doing?|We going out or what?
Stayin' in.
We're stayin' in, yeah?|That's nice, innit?
Get off!
Come here.|- No.
Fucking come here!|- No. I don't want to.
You love it, don't you?|- What?
I swear to God, you are|the biggest cock teaser...
I've ever met in my life.
Fuck off.|I ain't a cock teaser.
Where'd you get that bruise?|- You done it.
Does it hurt?|- No.
Fucking hurts.|- No.
What are you doing?|- Nothing.
What's the matter?|- I'm all right.
You don't like the way|I'm doing it to you?
Stop playing about, Donna.|- I ain't playing about.
Just lie down.|- I don't wanna lie down.
Just lie the fuck down!
I don't wanna fuckin'|lie down with you.
What? You don't|want to do it no more?
I ain't saying that.
No. Just tell me,|you don't wanna do it no more.
Fuck this.|- Where you going?
I'm getting out of here.|I don't need this.
Do you know what I mean?|I make the effort.
I drive all the way round here,|nearly two miles, right?
We're gettin' it on on the bed,|sweet, lovely?
You go cold on me.|You blow all hot and cold...
like some fucking tap.
Do you know|how that makes me feel?
Terrific, lovely.|Thanks very much.
I can go somewhere else,|Donna, right?
I'll go down the pub with|the boys, yeah? Right?
I don't give a fuck.
Fucking end of!
Fucking little bitch.
I don't want you to go.|- Well, I'm going, ain't I?
I want to talk to you.|- What do you want to talk about?
I don't want to talk.|I wanna shag!
I do want to talk!|I want to tell you something.
And what do you want|to tell me, for fuck's sake?
I'm pregnant.|- What?
Say that again?
I'm pregnant.
No, you ain't pregnant.|You're on the pill.
I know I'm on the pill,|but I'm having a baby.
It's yours.
No. You're having|a fucking laugh.
It's not very funny, is it?
How do you know?
How do I know I'm pregnant?
Yeah, how do you know|you're pregnant?
I went up the doctor's.|- When?
Two weeks ago.|- Two weeks?
You've fucking known|for two weeks...
and you didn't bother|to tell me?
I haven't seen you|for two weeks, have I?
Bollocks!|You seen me on Thursday!
And when I do,|you're always shouting at me!
Fucking hell, Donna!
For fuck's sake.
All right, Carol?
What's that look for?
What look?
You give us a fucking look.
No, I ain't.|- Yeah, you did.
You getting the hump again?
I ain't got the hump.|- Don't get stroppy with me.
I ain't getting|stroppy with you.
Ain't ya?|- No.
I'm your mate.|We're all mates, ain't we?
Yeah.|- There you are. See?
Don't take|no fucking notice of me.
I ain't taking no notice of you.
You've been a good friend|to me, Maureen.
Yeah, I have.
I love you.|- I love you, too, Carol.
Do you?|- Yeah.
It's all right, Carol.
Pretty girl.
Your turn.
Do you love me?
I'll bet you stopped|taking the pill on purpose.
Of course I never.
That's exactly what you'd do|just to fucking keep me.
You think so?|- Swear on your mum's grave!
She ain't dead yet.|- I mean it, right?
If I ever found out|you did that to me...
I'll fucking kill you, you slag!
Go on, then. Kill me!|- Oh, fuck.
Listen to me. This doesn't|have to be a big thing.
It is a big thing.|- No, it ain't, Donna.
This happens all the time|to people.
All you've gotta do|is get rid of it, yeah?
I ain't a wanker.|I'll give you a bit of money...
and I'll even come along|and sort it with you.
That's nice of you.|- It's done and dusted, then.
Just like that.
Simple.|- Simple.
I mean it, right?
If you keep it,|I'm fucking walking.
You want to stay with me,|you fucking get rid of it.
And that's it, is it?
What do you want|to have a kid for?
How are you gonna feed it?|Support it?
I don't want to be a dad, Donna.
I ain't up to it! I don't|even want to be with you!
Fuck off!|- Yeah.
I been thinking about it|for a couple of months now...
thinking about|chucking it all in.
All we ever do|is fucking argue, innit?
Isn't that the truth?
It's doing my fucking head in.
You know when I went|up to Newcastle...
with Cookie and the boys?|We was in a club.
I pulled the best little bit|of pussy ever in the toilet.
Fuck off!|- Don't you dare!
She had a lovely pair of tits,|tight ass...
and I'll tell you what,|she gave me...
the best fucking blow job|I've ever had in my life...
ten times better|than you could ever give it.
Are you gonna|start crying now, are you?
I'm not crying.
No. Go on. Cry.|Let's see you well up.
Fuck off!
You lumber me with a kid,|I'll make your life shit!
You already do!|- I'll bury you, you cunt!
Fuckin' mug!
Cheers, girls.
Take this off.|- In a minute.
Has it got sleeves?
No, it's sleeveless.|- Take it off.
It's nice, isn't it?
Did you get it|out of the catalogue?
I got the cardigan|out of the catalogue.
I got the top at the market.|They don't match. They're odd.
Sexy girl.|Don't she look sexy?
You gonna have a sing?
I'll get up in a bit.|I've gotta laugh later.
You got a good voice?
Fucking sight better than her.
Dolly Parton, me.
You gonna have a sing?|- No. It's too embarrassing.
How long you been|married, Penny?
I ain't married.
Ain't you?|- No, she ain't.
Why ain't you?
I dunno. Never asked me.
Don't matter, does it?|- No. I ain't bothered.
What a cunt.|- Oh, that's nice.
I wouldn't want to get married|in a church anyway.
I got married in a church.|It was lovely.
It was the best day|of my fucking life.
My little Ronnie.
Fucking hell.
Don't touch it.|It's gonna make it worse.
No. Leave it 'cause|it's right on your nipple.
It's my fucking nipple.
Leave it. I'm not kidding.|- I'm not touching your nipple.
Ladies and gentlemen, give a big|welcome to our next singer.
Put your hands together|for Maureen.
Come on down, Maureen.|- Blimey, my turn.
Don't know when|I've been so blue
Don't know|what's come over you
You found someone new
And don't it make|my brown eyes blue?
I'll be fine
When you are gone
I'll just cry
The whole night long
Say it isn't true
And don't it make|my brown eyes blue?
Tell me no secrets
Tell me no lies
Give me no reasons
Give me alibis
Tell me you love me|and don't say good-bye
Say anything
But don't say good-bye
Mind her arms.|- Gonna take her home?
Sit down.|It's all right. I've got her.
Come on.
Come on, Carol.|You've gotta walk.
What are you doing?|Waiting for someone?
What's that?
What?|- That.
I cut myself shaving.|- Did you?
You've had a shave, have you?
Yeah. Razor.
Trying to look nice|for someone, are you?
Why? Don't you fancy no one?
What's that?
What you looking at?
Is that real gold?
Yeah. Of course.
What's that, a kiss?|- Nah.
What was it, then?
Bad breath, ain't you?
Ain't you never kissed|no one before?
All right.
Don't fucking touch.
I can touch you...
but you can't touch me,|all right?
Like that, do you?
Fuck off!
You don't know.|- What? What don't I know?
You're sick.|You're a fucking pervert.
Six pound, please.
You all right?
I ain't got it, mate.
You ain't got nothing?
I'm really, really,|really truly sorry...
but I ain't got a bean.
Go on, then. Piss off.
Life's too short.
I'm free.
What are you doing?
You was asleep.
Yeah. I know I was asleep.
It's 3:00 in the morning.|- It ain't, is it?
It's five past.
Are you stiff?|- Yeah.
Did you have a good time?|- No, if you must know.
Rory's back, then?|I was waiting up for him.
I got your money.|You gave me a tenner.
Didn't have a bad night,|as it happens.
Makes a change.
And the rest came to L4.20...
No. 21. No. Well, 26.
Not now, Phil.
Right. I'll put it|on the sideboard.
You all right?
What's the time?
It's just gone half-eight.|You're a bit late this morning.
Sorry, Rachel.
That's all right.|I'll go and do Bill first.
Just give me a minute.|- OK.
I couldn't wear|me pajamas last night...
laid there stark naked.
Morning, Martha.
What about you, eh?
It weren't that hot.
Well, I was.
What you sitting there for?
I forgot me key.|- You been crying?
What's the matter?|What's that on your face?
Someone hit you?
I put the kettle on.|Now, what's going on?
Has he hit ya?|He has, ain't he?
Donna?|- We had a fight.
A real right or a pretend fight?
It ain't funny.|- I ain't joking.
He's a big bloke. You're only|a little skinny thing.
I ain't skinny.
Who's he think he is,|the bleedin' bully?
What'd he hit you for, anyway?
I pushed him.
You pushed him, so he hit you?|- Yeah.
Nice. Better not show his face|around here again.
Ain't none of your business.|- It is my business.
It ain't!|- I knew he was no good.
You never give him a chance.|- Never give him a chance?
You never gave|yourself a chance.
You've only known him|a couple of months.
Yeah, and how long|did you know my dad?
I don't know.|About five minutes.
Yeah. So shut up.
Do you love him?
I don't think you should|see him no more. He's trouble.
Ain't as easy as that.
What's that supposed to mean?|- Nothing.
Anyway, leave me alone.|I can deal with it meself.
You ain't pregnant, are you?
Oh, Donna...
I thought you was on the pill.|- I am on the pill.
Don't you take it no more?|- Yeah.
What? Weekends only?
Been to the doctor's?|- Yeah.
How far gone are ya?|- Two months.
Two months.
You tell him you're pregnant,|so he hit you.
It weren't like that.|- No? What was it like?
I thought you had more sense.|- Fuck off!
Don't get the hump,|you silly cow.
Does your face hurt?|- Yeah.
I'll make you a cup of tea.
Want some sugar?|- Yeah.
How was work today?
It was all right.
That was shit.
Rory.|- What?
There's no need|to talk like that.
Fuck off.
Rory, will you stop|being rude to me, please?
For fuck's sake,|what is your problem?
I only said|I didn't like my dinner!
I can't do nothing without you|having a go at me!
You do my fucking head in!|Why don't you fuck off?
Take no notice.
What do you want?|- Is Donna there, please?
No, she ain't.|- I know she's fucking there!
I'll sort it out!|- So what's going on?
If you ever touch my door again,|I'll phone the police.
Fuck off!|- Who you talking to?
I ain't talking to you!|- Leave it, Mum!
No, I bleedin' won't!|- Keep out of it.
It's got fuck all|to do with you!
Ain't it? Look what|you've done to her face.
She's fucking asking for it,|ain't she?
You coward!
Fuck off! She's coming|round my house, right...
threatening to tell|me mum something.
Tell your mum|that she's pregnant?
What did you tell her for?|- 'Cause she's me mum!
Get out of my house.|- Get your fucking hands off me!
Don't touch her!
Fuck you. I don't even|wanna be here.
What you doin' here, then?
She texted me.|'Come over here,' so here I am.
Did you text him?|- Yeah.
So what's this big thing, Donna?
What's the great secret?
She ain't got nothing|to say to you.
Typical Donna, ain't it?|I'll tell you what.
You're twisted in the head.|Fucking mental!
Leave her alone!|- I'll tell you what.
She's the worst fucking shag|I've had in my life.
She said the same about you!
I had her in your bed and all,|you cunt! Fucking mug!
Bloody hell, Donna.
You don't half pick 'em.
Dumped you, has she?|- Fuck off!
Where are you going?
I'm fucking getting out|of here, ain't I?
Can I come?
What's the matter?|Don't you like me?
How are you feeling?
All right.
You're better off|without him, you know.
I know.
Gonna keep the baby?
You wanna have an abortion?|- No.
You want something to eat?
You're eatin' for two now.|- Shut up.
I'll make you two chips.|- Ho ho.
Suit yourself.
When's your first|hospital appointment?
I dunno.
You want me to come with you?
If you want.
No fun going on your own.
I know.
Let's get this off.
All right. Easy, easy.
What about Donna?
What are you fucking|thinking about her for?
I ain't thinking about her.|Come on.
What did you say it for, then?
She's gonna be pissed off,|ain't she?
Right,|I'm fucking telling you.
Don't mention|her name again, yeah?
Why not?
Fucking bullocks.|I'm serious.
Get out the fucking car.
I'll fucking drive home|and leave you here.
Is that what you fucking want?
Fucking hell.
You're a fucking nightmare,|ain't you?
All right?
I was married once, you know.
Was you?|- Yeah. Four months.
And she was a nurse.
You get used to it.
What are you doing after work?
You wanna go for a stroll|in the park?
We could go back to my flat.|It's nice and cool up there.
Only gets the sun|in the mornings.
Sit on the bed.
Watch a video.
What do you think, eh?
What's up?
Have I said something?
Rachel,|when you got a moment...
you couldn't have a look|in Bertha's room?
She did a bit of number twos|on the carpet again.
I cleaned most of it up.|Just needs a bit of a mop.
All right?
You're on your own, ain't you?
You know the center of London,|the West End?
You have been there?
Oh, yeah.
Ah, bon.
It will be much traffic?
You might be lucky.|Have you got an appointment?
I must go to the opera.|'Don Giovanni.'
It will take how long?
It's unpredictable, isn't it?
You should be all right.
Come on, babe. There you go.
All right, Michelle?|- Hello, Maureen.
I brought your little shirts.
Right. I thought|you was comin' after tea.
Right. Do you want the money now?|- Yeah, it ain't free.
All right, Ange?
All right, Maureen?|Not at work today?
No, it's my day off.|Doing me ironing. Hi.
I do not like this tunnel.
Why you are not tell me,|'We must make the tunnel?
'Do you wish another route?'|You say nothing.
Are you claustrophobic?
You must say it|to the passenger.
'Excusez-moi, madame,|we must make the tunnel.
'It is OK?' C'est pas|compliqu comme meme.
We're stuck on it now,|I'm afraid.
Evidemment. Stuck on it.
I walked through here|when I was a boy once...
south to north.
Me and my best mate.
My face turned completely black.
But he was already black.
How do you get on|with the what's-it...
the Channel Tunnel?
I do not want to talk|about the Channel Tunnel...
or any tunnel.
Anyway, with the train|it is completement different.
You see nothing.
This conversation|is very boring for me.
Fair enough.
You are married?
With children?
Yeah, I got two.|A girl and a boy.
Oh, mais c'est formidable.
All right?
Fat boy!
You want your ball?|- Just give it...
Fucking give it back!|- Here you are.
Go on, Gareth, spank him.
Let's have him.|You want it, do you?
Get your ball back, mate.|- Fuck off!
Here you are.|- Come on, fat boy!
Go on, fat boy.|Get your ball back, mate.
See you, Deb.|- See you later, Maureen.
Oh, sweetheart.
Do you want to cry?
What's the matter with him?
Rory?|- It's my chest.
You got pains in your chest?
Get an ambulance, Carol.|- What?
Go and phone for an ambulance!
I think he's having|a heart attack.
A heart attack? Is he?|- Yes! Carol, go on!
Do you want to lay down?
Where are you going?
You'll be all right.
Oh, fuck. Hurry up!
And phone Penny!|- What?
She works in|an old people's home.
I'm proud of her.
You are a very lucky man then.
We're all gonna die one day.
Sans doute.
Was it a bargain?
Of course.|It is for my client in New York.
And your son?|He work with you in the taxi?
Nah, he don't do nothin'.|- Comment cela?
Beg your pardon?|- How he don't do nothing?
He does a lot of nothing.
Mind you, if eating|was an Olympic event...
he'd be|the world champion by now.
It is a joke.|It is very funny.
He is fat like you?
Yeah. He's a big boy, yeah.
What's the matter? What?
Gotta phone ambulance.
What's happened?
Mum!|- Heart attack.
Who's had a heart attack?
Get out of the fucking way!
Come on!
Ambulance. Fuck's sake.
Alors, I am there|in the brasserie.
I am very happy.|I am dressed very nice.
I am thinking it is good.
I will make the twenty-five,|the birthday with my son.
It will be good. We will make|the good relationship.
I am ashamed. Half past nine|he arrive with two girls...
with red plastic dresses|like this.
He say, 'Maman,|I have already eat.
'We go now to the casino?'|I say, ''No, Nicolas, no.
'Ca suffit. C'est finit.'
We are nearly there.|- About five minutes.
What did your husband say?|- My husband?
He don't say nothing.|He is in Algeria.
We are divorced.
Is he still breathing?
Get out of the fucking way!
Yeah, he's breathing.
I dunno. lf he's breathing,|he's got a pulse, ain't he?
I ain't with him.|I'm up here. He's down there.
You are caring for your wife?
Do you love your wife?
Oh, yeah.
It's funny, isn't it?
What's-her-name, love.
It's like a dripping tap.
Bucket's either half full...
or it's half empty.
If you're not together,|you're alone.
You're born alone...
and you die alone.
Nothing you can do about it.
You are right.|It is fucking lonely.
Should have phoned Penny.|- What?
Safeway.|- For fuck's sake, Mum!
You're a waste of space!|You're disgusting!
I'll get the number.
All right?|- Oui, oui.
Be careful.|- Yeah, I got it.
What is your name?
Phil?|- Yeah.
I am Ccile. Bon.
Hi, Penny.
Mind out of the way!
Come on, Phil.
Come on.
Nearly there now, mate.
OK, Rory.|You're in good hands now.
Gladiator Cars. Dinah speaking.|How can I help?
Hello, it's Penny.
Phil's Penny.|Do you know where he is?
No.|- Who is it?
Penny, Phil's wife.|- Give me the phone.
Hi, Penny. It's Neville.|What's up?
I can't get a hold of Phil.
I know. He's gone off the air|and switched off his phone.
I don't know what|he's playin' at.
Can you send us a taxi|up at Safeways?
I gotta get to hospital.|My son's been taken in.
Not a problem.
Yeah, straightaway...
and I'm waiting outside|the front entrance.
You just wait there.|I'll get someone out to you.
Yeah. Ta.
She's at Safeways.|Put a call out.
Can anyone go to Safeways?
ls there anyone free|for Safeways?
Can you pick up Penny,|PhiI's wife?
I can do that.|- She's got to go to hospital.
She all right?|- No, it's her son.
Something wrong with the son.
On my way.
Can I go home?
Yeah, but I'm docking|your wages.
I'm telling Mummy.
Hello, Ron.
Hi, Penny.|- Sorry.
Sorry. I nearly|got in the back there.
Don't know what I'm doing.|I can't think straight.
Rory, we're gonna sit you up.
After three.|One, two, three, up.
Let's have a deep breath,|please, Rory.
Good, and another one.
Excellent.|- Lie back.
Wicked. And another.
Magic, and one more.
Sweet as a nut.|Normal breathing now.
So you're not quite|sure if you're a smoker?
It's all right.|I won't tell your mum.
What did you have for breakfast|this morning, Rory?
Fried egg sandwich.
Fried egg sandwich.|Very tasty.
You can have a heart attack|without knowing about it.
Can you?|- You just don't feel well.
Christ, there are|some arseholes on the road.
Dickhead!|You fucking dickhead!
I didn't see you, mate.
What the fuck were you doing?
Oh, for fuck's sake.
I didn't see you|coming round the van.
You didn't fucking look, did ya?
You all right, Rory?
Want another drink?|- Yeah.
Not too quick.
What's happened to you, Rory?
What's this? Look at him.
He's got tubes|coming out of him all over.
What are you doing here, Maureen?
I come with him|in the ambulance.
Oh, did you?
What happened, Rory?
I couldn't breathe.
He had pains in the chest.
Oh, don't worry.
I'll look after you.
This is my little baby boy.
Where's Dad?
Yeah, he'll be here in a bit.
She was pissed as a fart.
Good job Samantha was in.|- Yeah.
Thanks anyway, Maureen.|- That's all right.
I'm starving.
I was just gonna make meself|a bit of cheese on toast.
Are you hungry?
When's your Phil and Rachel|coming up?
Rachel ain't at home.
She's probably gone up the market.
I'll give her another ring|in a minute.
My Donna ain't in, either.
I can't get hold of Phil.
Why? Where is he?
Don't know.
Rach. I'm just trying|to get hold of your dad.
I don't know|what's happened to him.
D'you get the bus all right?|- Yeah.
He's in here.
Sorry. After you. There you go.
It's his sister.
RacheI's come to see you.
Rory's mum?|- Yeah.
Hi, I'm Simon Griffiths.|I'm the doctor.
I examined Rory before tea.|And I bet you're Rory's sister.
Hi. Hello, Rory.
So, why don't we have|a sit down...
and we can have|a bit of a chat, OK?
Make yourselves at home.|Get comfy.
Is he gonna be all right?|- He'll be fine.
We've run some tests, X-ray,|checked his blood...
Ain't he had a heart attack?|- Well, yes and no.
What do you mean?
He's had a kind of heart attack.
In your heart,|you've got four chambers...
divided by a big wall|of muscle, OK?
And Rory's got a problem|with this muscle.
He ain't never had nothing|like that before.
That's the thing, you see.
He's probably had it|since he was a baby...
but it's only just|come to light.
I can't believe all this.
I know. We think|that's what must be wrong...
but the consultant's got to have|a look at him tomorrow.
What's going to happen?
Good news is he should|be home within a week.
But the thing|with this condition...
is that it won't just go away...
and we can't actually|cure it as such.
Can't you?|- No. Afraid not.
We're gonna have|to put Rory on medication.
How long for?
Probably for the rest|of his life.
That don't seem right.
Not to worry.|Lots of people take pills...
every day of their lives and|they're none the worse for it.
Rory will just pop in...
see a cardiologist|every six months...
and everything should be cool.
He's through|the worst of it now.
He's only little.
He's been a good lad.|- Yeah, he is a good lad.
Does he smoke?
Yeah, he does a bit.
Fuck off.
Rory! Sorry, Doctor.
Once Rory's decided|whether he smokes or not...
he can give it up.
The same goes for burgers and|chips and fry-ups and crisps.
All that crap, eh, Rory?
The sooner you get rid of them,|the better it'll be for you.
Hello?|- Phil, it's me.
Where the bloody hell|have you been?
What's up?
I've been trying|to get hold of you since 5:00.
Your phone is off,|your radio's off.
Neville can't get hold of you.|Nobody can get hold of you.
What's going on?|Where are you?
I'm on the A2.
Rory's had a heart attack.
We're up at the hospital.|South London General.
What do you mean,|'heart attack'?
What do you mean,|'What do I mean, heart attack'?
Is he all right?|- No, he ain't all right!
He ain't dead, is he?
Of course he ain't dead.|Where are you?
I'm just coming up to|that big Chinese supermarket.
The one on the roundabout|down by the...
Phil, for fuck's sake!
Just hurry up and get here!
Pen? Hello?
It's funny. I'm starving,|but I can't eat this.
Got a bleedin' headache.
-Do you want a bit?|-No. Ta.
Is he gonna be all right?|- Yeah. He's in good hands.
Hear that baby?
Look at you.
Come here.
Shift up.
Are you scared?
We'll be all right.
Here...what if it's a boy?
Forget about it.
How can I forget about it?
I'll fucking kill him.
You gonna phone the police, Dad?
No.|- Why not?
I'll do it in the morning.|- Do it now.
I'll phone 'em.|- Leave it.
Give us that bit of paper.
That bloke's gonna get away|with it, isn't he?
It's none of|your fucking business.
You phone Penny yet?
You ain't, have you?
You don't give a shit, do you?|You're useless.
You're both fucking useless.|I'm going out.
Oh, God.
Fucking hell,|what have you done?
Why'd you do that?
It's all right.|I love you and all.
Don't love you, all right?|I don't even like you.
You need to get that seen to.
Need to go to hospital,|all right?
It's not funny. It's not funny!
Not... I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Excuse me.
Can I help you?
That's my boy.
Can you tell me|his name, please?
Rory Bassett.
OK, Mr. Bassett, in you go.
It's only two by a bedside.
OK. Sorry.
There's only allowed two|by the bed.
I'll wait outside, then.
Don't be stupid.|You've only just got here.
No, it's all right.
Get yourself a cup of tea.
I'll just wait outside.
All right?|- Yeah.
He's asleep now.|- Is he?
Has he had an operation?|- No.
I got lost downstairs.
Bloke said, 'Go upstairs...'.
All right, Phil,|you're here now, ain't you?
What happened?
Well, he collapsed.
Maureen was with him|when I come up here.
He's got to take pills|for the rest of his life.
You never know what's|going to happen, do you?
It's wossername...fait accompli.
He might win|the lottery tomorrow.
It's kismet, isn't it?
What are you talking about?
Where have you been?
Out and about, you know.
Been a long run, then...
You're supposed to be|a taxi, Phil.
What are you doing|with your radio switched off?
And your mobile... what's|the point of having them...
if we can't get hold of you|when we need you?
I know what you mean.|- It's pathetic!
Leave it out, Mum.
Stop having a go at him.
I ain't havin' a go at him.
It's all right.
You all right, Dad?
All right, mate?
You been in the wars, ain't you?
D'you wanna go on holiday?
We'll go away...|when he's better.
Yeah? Four of us?
It is past 10:00.
I don't want to leave him.
I know, but the night staff|will take good care of him.
Rory, gotta go home now.
Be back in the morning.|- All right.
All right, mate.
I love you, Rory.
Gotta go home now.
Is he asleep?|- Yeah, nearly.
He'll be all right.
Havin' a cup of tea?|- Yeah. Do you want one?
No, I'll have hot chocolate.
Do you want a beer?|- No.
I wish I could have stayed|the night up there with him.
Well, they'll have|drugged him up...
knocked him out until morning.|Wouldn't they, Rach?
First thing, then,|run you up there.
You don't have to do that.|- I won't hang about.
I'll come in, say hello,|make sure he's all right...
then get straight on the radio,|start work as soon as I can.
He'll be surprised,|won't he? Neville.
He's a bit... wossername...|unpredictable, isn't he?
He might not have me.
There's a lot of blokes|work mornings regular.
I might pick up|some airport runs.
If he says no,|I'll try somewhere else.
I don't want to talk|about it now, Phil.
No, I mean it.|I'm gonna do it.
I'm determined to do it.
Got to get started, get saving.
Shouldn't take long.|I'll work seven days a week.
Start early, finish late.|Do nights, weekends...
Phil, Rory's in hospital.
Yeah. Sorry.
But I made him a promise,|and I'm gonna keep it.
What promise?
About going on holiday.|- Phil!
They do these deals, don't they?|Disneyworld...
these two nurses I picked up|was telling me about it.
They do these all-in packages.
Wossername--fly/drive.|Florida, innit?
Phil, it ain't about|goin' on holiday.
It's about gettin' by|week in, week out.
It ain't a game!
Just 'cause you suddenly got|some bee in your bonnet...
about gettin' up in the mornings|and goin' to work...
when you've been lying in bed for|years till God knows what time!
And we're all supposed|to be grateful...
because you decided to do|what normal people do.
I get up in the mornings.|Rachel gets up in the mornings.
You make me sick.
Doctor was asking about you.
About your heart and stuff.|Your family.
If anyone in your family's|had a heart attack.
There was your Uncle Dougie,|weren't there?
Me Nan had one and all.
Oh, yeah.
Me mum's mum.|- Forgot about that.
Me dad's oldest brother.|What's his name?
In Australia...yeah.
There you are, then.
It's all on your side, innit?|Ain't none on mine.
Are you going to work|in the morning, Rach?
Don't have to.|You can phone in.
I ain't going.
If you do...when you're done...|give us a bell on the mobile.
Run you up to the hospital,|see your brother, yeah?
You'll have it switched on?|Not like today.
Your son's in the hospital|having a heart attack...
and we can't get hold of you.
They know where I am in an emergency|but we can't get hold of his dad nowhere.
Where was you? What have you|been doing all day?
I switched it off.
I know you switched it off.|Why'd you switch it off?
I'd had enough.
You'd had enough?|Had enough of what?
Working for five minutes,|so you switched it off?
What can I switch off|when I've had enough?
Had enough of getting up|every morning, going to work...
doing the shopping,|coming home, cooking the tea...
cleaning the house,|doing the ironing...
making sure everyone's got|clean clothes on their back.
What can I switch off|when I've had enough?
Had enough of what, anyway?
What everything?
For God's sake, Phil.
You don't love me|no more, do you?
You don't love me.
Phil, what are you talking about?
What's that got to do with anything?
It's got to do with everything.
Rory has had a heart attack!
You ain't loved me for years.
You don't like me,|you don't respect me...
you talk to me|like I'm a piece of shit.
I don't!
You do.|- I don't, Phil.
I don't talk to you|like you're a piece of shit.
You do, Pen.
You don't know you're doin' it,|but you do.
That's stupid! That ain't fair!
Why are you saying|all this to me?
It's wossername...
What's unbearable?
You don't love me no more,|do you?
Do you love me?|I've got to know.
If you don't love me no more,|I might as well go.
Where you gonna go?
I don't know.
If I'm making you unhappy...
you know what I mean?
I ain't...
I ain't got no skills.
I don't earn enough money.
I know I'm a disappointment|to you.
I know I get on your nerves.
It's like something's died.
I feel like an old tree|that ain't got no water.
When we first met...
I couldn't believe it.
A pretty girl like you going|with a fat bloke like me.
People were lookin' at us...
I felt like the bees knees.
We ain't got much...
but we got each other...
and that's enough.
But if you don't want me,|we ain't got nothing.
We ain't a family.
That's it.
I know it ain't very helpful...
what with Rory and that.
I couldn't hold it in.
I don't talk to you|like that, Phil.
That's what it feels like.
Do you want a tissue?|I've got some.
Shirt's all wet.
What are you doing there?
You do talk to him like that.
Do I?
Is she all right?
What did she say?
She's just a bit upset,|that's all.
Do you want one of these?
No, I'm all right, thanks.
Strange, isn't it?
Don't know.
I feel cut off all the time.
Sort of...
Me and all.
Do you?
I love you.
You used to make me laugh.
Do you want to go to bed?
Busy day tomorrow.
He must be up here.
That's it.|- Oh, yeah.
Yeah, there he is.|- There he is.
That's nice.|By the window.
You all right?
There's no chairs.
There's a couple over there.
Oh, yeah.
You all right there, Rach?
Yeah, thanks.
He looks better, don't he?
Got a bit of color|in his cheeks.
How did they get you up here?
I come up in a wheelchair.
Did you?|- Yeah.
Got you some bananas, mate.
Here, I got you|something and all.
What is it?|- Open it.
What is it, a towel?
No, it's a dressing-gown.
What do I need|a dressing-gown for?
For when you go toilet and that.
All right, stick it in there.
What's this, slippers?
Yeah.|- Cheers.
They're moccasins, ain't they?|- Yeah, nice one.
They'll sort you out.
You had something to eat?
Yeah, I had fish.
Did you?|- No. In batter?
No, with sauce on the top.|Like cheese.
Cor blimey!
Did you eat it?|- Yeah.
They tie you down, did they?
No, it was nice.|I had that, and mash...
and, like,|green cauliflower stuff.
Oh, yeah, broccoli.
I don't know, but I ate it all.
That's good.|- Blimey.
You all right?|- Yeah.
She ain't been back to work yet.
I'm gonna go back tomorrow.
Why ain't you been in?|- I ain't been sleeping.
Why not?
She's been worried.
What about?
About you. We all have.
Shut up. I'm all right.
You are now.
You've got|a bit of fluff on you.
Did an airport this morning.
Yeah, 5:00!
Bloody hell.
Yeah. Took this family|to Gatwick.
They was going to...|what's the name? Cyprus.
This bloke, two little boys,|and an old woman.
We was going along,|and the kids started giggling...
and the littlest one says,|'Here, Dad, she's farted.'
Here, don't make him laugh.
Are you hurting?
He's all right.
Anyway, so he turns around,|he starts clumping him.
'Don't be rude about your grandma.'
He was swearing in Greek and that.
I had to open a window.|It was... no, it was...
Had all sorts in that car.
That's right, yeah.
You all right, Rach?
You want to be careful, you.
Got talking to anyone in here?
No, I ain't.
Only just got up here, ain't you?
I ain't spoken to no one.
Did you get your card|from your nan?
Yeah, it's that one there.
She was gonna send|one of her cakes up.