All About Me (2018)

Sometimes I think
I should've tried harder.
Hans-Peter! Wait up!
Grandpa Willi says, "When you make
an effort, you can achieve a lot".
And he should know.
After the war, he walked
300 km in the mud with his comrades,
until he reached home and walked
straight into Grandma Anne's shop.
Thinking of Anne
is what kept him alive, says Grandpa.
You can achieve anything
if you don't give up.
Maybe I should've just tried harder.
My little friend
My little friend.
The old times are over now.
Whether you laugh or whether you cry.
That's my mom, Margret Kerkeling.
- Hello.
- Good morning.
She'd rather have had a girl, but
I'm afraid I couldn't help her with that.
"Moo" goes the cow. Moo!
Goodbye, Hans
That was the last dance.
When I was young, we used to live
in the country with Grandma Bertha.
I could do whatever I wanted.
And I knew what I wanted
from a very young age.
Mom, I want to be on TV,
just like that man.
A wonderful evening to you all,
ladies and gentlemen.
Hello, friends.
Hello, Ilja!
A wonderful evening to you all,
ladies and gentlemen. Hello, friends.
- Hello, Hans-Peter.
- Hello.
Grandma Anne ran a store
in downtown Recklinghausen.
While other kids played at kindergarten,
I used to spend my mornings there.
Mrs. Schwallik's poodle has a bad heart.
She won't last long, my God.
It'll be just awful when she passes away.
Mrs. Schwallik's poodle has a bad heart.
If you ask me, she won't last long.
In our family, Grandma Anne
was in charge of the action...
and Grandma Bertha of everything else.
He brings gold and he...
In addition to all the grandmas and
grandpas, there were many blood relations
who were always up for a party.
Two beers.
The day I was born,
they got my Dad so drunk,
that I almost became a half-orphan.
Get on the sidewalk!
My father never drank,
other than that one time.
He was a carpenter
and he used to work a lot.
He was usually out of town,
working in other cities.
So, this is how my mother,
my brother Matthes and I mostly saw him.
Let's go have breakfast.
You won't be alone.
When you'll be dreaming tonight.
You won't be alone
When you're dreaming of love.
Go, Fipsi. Go.
You sing so beautifully.
A thousand young hearts.
You should've been a singer.
- A rat!
- It's only Fipsi.
- Now, you just wait.
- Fipsi.
- You'll never catch me.
- I will.
I surrender!
When I was seven,
we moved from Bockholt to the city,
to my other grandma's.
- The liverwurst one is for Matthes.
- Will it all fit?
Bertha, we've just had breakfast.
- Thank you.
- Oh, Margret...
How will you live without your garden?
They're just moving to Recklinghausen.
It's 15 minutes away by car.
- Bye, Hermann.
- Take care.
- Chin up.
- If you ever need anything...
- Bye, Dad.
- Bye, Grandpa. See you soon!
- Are you okay?
- Yes.
- Have you got the keys?
- No, Willi has them. He'll let us in.
Did I pack the yellow box?
Grandpa is crying now, too.
Come on, Grandpa. Fipsi's heavy.
Don't be like that.
You'll get big muscles.
- To the right. In the kitchen.
- Careful! Corner.
- Where does this go?
- The lounge.
- I'll make some coffee.
- Over here.
- It's still not ready. Heinz.
- Where's the bathroom?
- On the landing.
- Use ours.
Why do you have one and we don't?
- Because we had one made.
- Why didn't we have one made?
- Good question.
- Because they haven't renovated.
There are kids!
- What?
- Who are those kids?
- The big room is mine.
- What? Show me first.
Do you want some coffee?
I remember the garden being a lot bigger.
- Because you were still a little girl.
- It used to be prettier, too.
And it will be again,
because you're back.
- Do you really think that?
- Yes.
I can see it blooming.
Just as beautiful as the one in Bockholt.
I can see it too, now.
Look. We've got such a big house.
It's all ours.
- Where did you get them?
- I found them.
Michi, Thomas! What you got back there?
Nothing, Mrs. Klker.
This is Hans-Peter.
He just moved here from Bockholt.
- He's so fat.
- I want you to welcome him.
Can I rely on you?
- Yes, Mrs. Klker.
- Yes, Mrs. Klker.
You can go sit next to Gabi.
There's a seat free there.
My grandpa used to wear
a blue jacket just like that, but he...
- He's a boy.
- What?
We'll start with arithmetic.
Last week, we focused on multiplications.
We'll continue with that.
Do any of you remember this?
- Make way, girls!
- We're going to blow you up!
You're going to sink into the sea
and no one will ever find you again!
We won't lose against such cowards!
We're stronger than you!
You're going down!
Who's that?
- I sit next to him.
- He looks weird.
- You can say that again.
- But he's pretty funny.
I am right here, you know.
You can play with us, since you're here.
- We're playing Bonanza.
- Can he even run?
You can be Hoss.
- Okay. Who against whom?
- Girls against boys!
- What are they doing?
- They need to get to the roof.
We should've moved in after all this.
You need to be around
if you want handymen to finish.
And tell them how you want things done.
- And the toilet and the window?
- We'll do it all little by little.
Come on now, Margret.
It's just a test alarm.
- Let's see what's for lunch.
- We're having schnitzel.
- I never want to do that.
- Me neither.
Okay, I'll race you to the kiosk.
- Sabine!
- I'll catch you!
- Sabine!
- You won't!
- And I win again!
- You're such a show-off.
Hans-Peter, do you want a horse?
- What?
- Do you want a horse?
- Yes!
- Go ask Matthes if he wants one, too.
- A horse?
- No way.
Mom, can I go for a ride?
- Look. A small one.
- It's a Haflinger.
Look. You can give him some sugar.
Stretch out your hand.
this would be a good one for you.
Isn't it too big?
He's never ridden a horse.
Nonsense. Marion can show him how.
- Of course. It's really easy.
- He's nice.
- He'll be slaughtered if we don't buy him.
- No!
- Want him?
- He's too big for the garden.
Yes, we'd need a much bigger place.
- A ranch?
- Something like that.
Can I invite other kids?
Shall we pick them up with the carriage?
- See how they're staring?
- Yes.
Albert, look at that.
- Hello, Mrs. Strecker.
- Hello.
Now, that sure is something!
Mrs. Rdeker,
you can ride along with us next time.
I've always wanted to do this.
When you know what you want, just do it
and don't think about what others say.
- Hello!
- Look!
There it is.
Come on!
You're cheating.
- Do you want it?
- No.
- I want that one.
- Oh, I see!
I just love women who like to eat.
Come here.
They're coming!
- Here it comes! Yes!
- No!
They're coming!
They're finally here. Hello!
- Hello!
- Hello!
Don't they look great?
- Hello!
- Hans-Peter!
Hello, Mom. Hello, Aunt Veronika.
We've been here for half an hour already.
- Hello!
- Can you ride him?
You can also go up front.
- Do you know how to ride?
- Not yet.
- The whip.
- And yours?
The black one. Bubi.
Mrs. Rdeker
was running after the carriage.
I can just picture her doing that.
Hans-Peter, here we go.
Come get on your horse.
Come on.
- How is he meant to get up there?
- He'll manage.
- Matthes, come hold the horse steady.
- Okay.
That won't work.
Well, come give me a hand then.
- One, two.. Come on.
- Now, this I want to watch.
You should've bought something smaller.
A pony or something.
- Stop pulling me.
- Help me out.
You're holding it down.
- Don't hurt yourself.
- Come on.
- Pull him forward.
- That's it.
Come on.
- What are you doing?
- Grandpa, it's slippery.
- Stop laughing!
- One, two and...
And then you need to decide whether
you want to be unintentionally funny,
or whether you want to purposefully use
your embarrassing situation.
I went for the second option.
It was a simple decision.
He's on...
May I?
You'll be thrown off!
A worldwide sensation!
I can do it!
Go forth slowly.
So that the Krhwinkel landsturm
Can follow us.
I can see you.
- Let me...
- Wait!
Enemy of all. Friend of God.
- That's great. It suits you, Mother.
- I know.
- What's Matthes going as'?
- A cowboy again.
I'm going as a princess.
We won't find anything that fits you here.
- Gertrud will sew you something.
- Mom, he can't go as a princess.
- Why not?
- What will people say?
Yes, we'll take that.
You can go as a monster.
I'm going as a princess.
I don't care what people will say.
See, Margret? I mean, you're going
as a toadstool. It's carnival.
Lovely. Take a look.
So, ready to go?
Why, of course.
I'm ready.
Gertrud... Amazing.
Hey! Check you out.
Fie, fie! Go away, you brute.
Oh, Matthes.
Check it out. It's Hans-Peter.
- He's dressed like a girl.
- What are you laughing at?
Come on, Sabine.
Come on in, kids. Long time no see.
- You could tell it was us straight away.
- Yes.
- Come on then, mama.
- Right away.
Hello! Lisbeth, you old chum.
Your costume is the best, as always.
Darling, you look good enough to eat.
I'm poisonous.
- Drink?
- Sparkling wine?
Oh, you're a princess, my darling. Hello.
- Can I help?
- I'll check on the boys.
On the baguette.
Why does Hans-Peter
like being in drag so much?
Because he enjoys it.
He'll stop that nonsense
when he discovers girls.
He will always be a bachelor.
Do you understand?
I'm just telling you in case
you say something stupid in front of him.
Okay. Okay.
The shoes...
saw everything.
Aunt Lisbeth?
Do you also have hair?
Of course I have hair.
- What kind of hair?
- Normal hair.
Could you show me?
I can't just take my veil off.
It's inappropriate.
I see. That's a shame.
I know that one day.
There will be a miracle.
And then a thousand fairytales
Will come true.
We both have the same star.
And your destiny is also mine.
You're both far away and close by.
Because our souls are one.
And that's why one day.
There will be a miracle.
And I know That we'll
see each other again.
- Bravo!
- Bravo!
That was great, Annemarie.
you would've made a pretty girl.
I'm not a girl! I'm just pretending
to be one. Got it, Uncle Kurt?
And just so we're clear...
I'm not a mushroom.
I'm just pretending to be one. Got it?
- The polonaise!
- The polonaise!
My dear friend, my dear friend.
The old days are over.
Whether you laugh or whether you cry.
The world just goes on, one, two, three.
A small bunch of diplomats.
Are in charge of politics today.
They create zones and new states.
But what about all us right here?
Everything's fine.
- Here's your lemonade.
- Thanks.
- What's up with Aunt Annemarie?
- Don't worry about it. It's about the war.
We'll come join
in the celebrations soon, right?
What are you doing?
Pretending I'm riding through town
with Grandma again.
- When will she be back from hospital?
- Soon.
- How soon is soon?
- No idea.
Do you want to go for a ride?
- I can only go on the lunge with Gramps.
- He's not here.
Come on.
Come on then.
Hansi, look.
I've got a tasty apple for you.
Grandma, you're back!
Look, Mom. The sofa. Can you manage?
- Give me your coat first.
- Yeah.
- I'm fine. I'm fine.
- I'll take it.
- You're going to lie down again?
- I'll rest a bit.
Here's your purse. Your shoes.
Come here, Hans-Peter.
Come sit with me.
- Are the pillows okay?
- Stop fussing over me.
- I'll go make lunch, okay?
- Yes, Margret.
The same thing happened with my grandma.
She came back from hospital...
everyone was acting strange
and then she died.
- But my grandmother didn't die.
- Then she will soon.
Look at this piece of shit!
Listen, it's no good.
It all has to be replaced.
But you checked with my husband, right?
We didn't know
that it all looked like this underneath.
She's in pain again.
The food is on the stove.
You just need to heat it up.
- I'll come over later to clean up.
- Paracyl... Which one shall I go for?
- I'll go make some coffee.
- Nope. You're not going anywhere.
Stay a while longer.
I'll show you the counter I'm working on.
- Okay?
- Yes.
The countertop is made of French walnut.
Isn't it beautiful?
I really wish you could see it.
Then the next counter you build
should be in Recklinghausen.
My company can't choose
where our clients come from.
It doesn't always have to be walnut.
Stay in bed.
I'll be away for a while again.
Yes, I know.
But someone has
to take care of things around here.
I made this for you.
It's beautiful.
Thank you.
Give me back my gym sack, Matthes!
Looking for this?
Boys... Matthes, there's dirt. Careful.
Planning on doing some sport?
- Stop it!
- Matthes, give me my bag!
- Can't you reach it?
- Give it here. Act your age, Matthes!
Get out.
I'll go to Aunt Gertrud's after school.
I can't study here.
Matthes, you're so annoying.
There shouldn't be further restrictions
due to the oil crisis for now.
- Mom?
- Hello.
What's wrong?
It's my sinuses.
The antibiotics aren't helping.
Need any help?
Hear ye, hear ye! Look, everyone.
Here comes the floating damsel
from Wuppertal!
You've never seen anything like it.
Can't believe your eyes, can you?
Wow, this is hard.
Pass it here.
Hey, look over there.
- This is our street.
- Really?
"Our street"?
I thought it was " Beethoven Street".
Think you're so funny, don't you?
Leave him alone!
Hey, stop it!
- Boys, violence isn't the solution.
- Stop!
Leave Hans-Peter alone!
Matthes! Matthes!
Leave him alone!
What's going on here?
What's this, insurgence of the dwarfs?
- Come, Sabine.
- Two against one, huh? You wimps.
Get out of here!
Boys, I was wrong.
Violence is a solution.
- Thank you, Matthes.
- Yep. Beat it!
- Hello!
- Don't forget my knackwurst.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Have you heard?
Mrs. Kolossa... The one with the hair.
Mrs. Kolossa...
Yet another man has run out on her.
That's the third one this year.
It's all because of her strange ways.
That'll be 20 Marks.
She can go to the hairdresser
all she wants, it won't help.
Well, what can you do?
- I have to go now. Bye.
- Bye, Mrs. Rdeker.
- Bye, Mrs. Rdeker.
- Bye.
- Hans-Peter, nice to see you.
- Are you helping out here now?
Yes, working the register is not that bad.
- Hi, Sabine.
- Hi, Mrs. Kerkeling.
What happened to you? Let me see that.
If Mom sees it she'll get all upset again.
- Can you clean it up?
- Come here.
Let's take a look. Sit up here.
One, two, three!
Oh, it looks quite bad.
Head up.
Mom's not well, is she?
And neither is Grandma Anne.
You have another one.
- And Grandma, have you heard?
- What?
About Mrs. Kolossa...
Yet another man has run out on her.
The third one this year!
It's all because of her strange ways.
She can go to the hairdresser
all she wants, it won't make a difference.
Well, what can you say?
What can you say?
- Hello!
- Hello.
- What are you doing?
- The doctor said it helps.
But when am I meant to find time
to sit in front of the light?
Could you set the table?
Oh, I'm so sorry. Sorry.
Can't you just be careful for once?
Oh, man!
I can't believe it!
- Get a cloth.
- Which cloth?
The kitchen cloth, damn it!
Let me through! Oh, man!
- You're making me sick!
- Let go of me!
- Listen! I'm in pain, and what do you do?
- Stop it!
I have so much to do!
I can't take this...
- Mom, let go of me!
- Stay here! I'm talking to you!
I told you to stay here!
Grandpa, let me in!
Grandpa, open the door!
- What is it?
- Come here!
- Why all the shouting?
- Come out.
- What did he do?
- Tell him to come out, right now!
Dad, open the door!
- Hans-Peter?
- Hans-Peter, come out at once!
What's up with her this time then?
I spilled the milk.
Willi, could you come here, please?
Go to Margret
and bring her to her senses.
The boy will stay here for now.
Come here.
Come lie here with me, Hans-Peter.
You know I won't be alive
for much longer, right?
But I'll still be watching over you.
But how?
You'll see.
And besides,
you've still got Grandma Bertha.
She's a bit boring sometimes, though.
Now, listen carefully
to what I'm about to say
and don't tell anyone.
Not even Grandpa.
Do you understand?
You're going...
to be someone very special.
You're going to be famous.
Have you also gone crazy?
I've always been crazy.
Here's your coffee, Dad.
I don't know
where people go when they die.
Indians believe that the dead
come back as something.
It could be an animal, or a plant.
A poppy, for example.
Come on, Hans-Peter. Let's go to bed.
It was very quiet without Grandma around.
Is Mom not feeling well again?
Has she got a headache again?
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Is that all she has?
- Just a headache.
She's not well in general.
What do you mean "in general"?
What do I mean "in general"?
Her head hurts.
It's because of her sinuses.
She has so many things to take care of
and simply can't cope,
because her head hurts.
Shall we go inside?
Is it so bad, darling? Come here.
We can't go on like this.
You should just get the operation done.
- No, I don't want to.
- It's routine surgery.
If it's been ulcerated for a long time,
then it won't go away on its own.
But who will take care
of things around here?
First of all, sit down...
Everything will be fine.
My mother will help us out.
- Go get the operation done.
- I could cook. I can do it.
- Hans-Peter.
- Two sodas, please.
How lovely. It's so great to see you.
Why, thank you. You're such a gentleman.
- So, what are we having for lunch?
- Sptzle.
Cheese sptzle.
Check it out, Grandma.
Up until 250 cc...
the insurance is quite cheap.
But you can't afford it.
- I'm so sorry.
- Watch it.
He knocks everything over.
Why are you staring?
Do you want some more?
What's wrong?
I was having a bad dream.
Know what?
Let's go do something nice.
To cheer us up.
Do you know...
what they call apricots in Austria'?
- They call them "marillen
- "Marillen "?
My grandmother always said that if
you eat lots of apricots, you grow faster.
- Like this?
- Yes, that's good.
Sugar .
Not in your mouth!
That's it. Yes, that's it.
- We have to sprinkle flour on top.
- That's right.
Then you make a dent in it.
Apricot... Yes, that's it.
Just like that. Yes!
Grandma, Hans-Peter has to go to school.
Hans-Peter won't be going to school today.
Can someone untie me?
- Hey, Mom!
- Hello!
- Hans-Peter, untie me.
- Hey!
No, Grandma.
- You look great, Margret.
- I'm feeling better, too.
- Good.
- No more pain.
- Really?
- Really.
- Go untie Grandma.
- Yes, please.
Great, Margret.
- Red cabbage, Grandma?
- Yes.
Mom, let me help. Come here.
It smells so good.
I can't smell it.
What do you mean you can't smell it?
Dr. Lessen said
I'll be back to normal soon.
Can you taste it?
It's delicious, Mom.
It'll be fine.
- Enjoy Can you manage?
- Yes.
Why do you have to move upstairs anyway?
Come upstairs if you ever need anything.
Hold it up higher.
- Who's sitting where?
- Where shall I sit?
At the top, of course.
You're the person of honor.
Aunt Lisbeth will sit next to me.
And Uncle Kurt will sit right at the end.
I can always hear him anyway.
"Long time no see, kids.
Come sit with me, mama."
And Aunt Veronika
will sit across from Matthes.
In case she leans forward.
Aunt Gertrud, you can sit
next to Grandpa Hermann.
He can't hear very well.
"Yes, I'll have another slice.
It's low-fat.
It's not fattening.
Oh, just give me two slices."
Exactly! She does say that.
When people laugh, the body releases
a certain happiness hormone.
It's good for your health.
Chocolate, the sun and the scent
of orange blossoms release it, too.
I used to find it quite easy
to make Mom laugh.
Again! I couldn't reach it.
Watch your skirt, or God won't be happy.
Margret, the garden looks great.
That's enough, now!
Come on, let them have a little sip.
Bertha, I've stained myself again.
- Got a cloth?
- You always have stains...
Oh, Lisbeth. You got mixed up.
It's not carnival.
Oh, Kurt...
- What are you dressed up as today?
- As a gas station attendant.
You done?
Marriage kills love.
I'm never going to marry. I'm on the pill.
The contraceptive pill?
Isn't it really harmful?
What are you doing?
Shall I sing something?
- If you want to, mama.
- Let her sing.
- She isn't harming anyone.
- She is! Me.
It wouldn't be appropriate
for a communion.
- I could sing a sad song.
- Or not sing at all for a change.
- That neither.
- Something celebratory?
We sang at church.
It's true. Those damn cigs.
Margret, why do you keep running around?
- I'm clearing up.
- Relax.
Come, sit down. Cheer up a bit.
When my heart is unhappily in love.
- They're all asking what's up with you.
- I'm fine.
No, you're not.
You can tell that something's wrong.
You need to get treatment.
- My sinuses are fine now.
- That's not what I meant.
At a hospital.
I was in hospital
and now I can't smell or taste anything.
Margret, be reasonable for once.
But then I get used
to it And I realize.
That the world won't come to an end
Because of that.
It just sometimes seems gray.
One day, it will be all colorful again.
One day, the sky will be blue again.
Sometimes it's up and sometimes it's down.
Look at your boy.
The world won't come to an end
Because of that, as we still need it.
The world won't come to an end
Because of that.
As we still need it.
You two were great!
- Where did the boy get it from?
- It's talent.
- Excuse me, Dr. Lessen.
- Yes?
Kerkeling. Have you got a moment?
- I'm on my break.
- Please.
Come with me.
Never again?
If you haven't gotten your sense of smell
back after two months, it's a possibility.
And my sense of taste?
I'm afraid a cranial nerve
was damaged during surgery.
It transmits information
from the taste buds to the brain.
It's rare, but...
Sorry, Dr. Lessen,
but Dr. Sailer is waiting in ward 13.
Let's wait and see. Who knows?
Sometimes miracles happen.
- Is it tasty?
- Very funny.
It's crunchy, at least.
You can't just eat salad though, Mom.
It's quiet in here, isn't it?
It really makes you melancholic.
There, in the display cabinet...
The one the old guy is leaning against.
It contains the crown jewels
of Elisabeth Windsor.
Did you know that?
Who am I?
Jrgen von Manger.
And, Mom... Do you know this one?
Spanish guitars have been accompanying.
Lovers since the beginning of time.
It must be night, it must be night.
And there should be lots of music, senor.
Spanish guitars are playing.
As if they felt what the lovers feel.
It must be night, it must be night.
So Spain seems as Spanish as can be.
Come here.
- Good day.
- Hello.
- Hello, Willi.
- Hello.
- We need to talk.
- I have to go upstairs first.
No, you don't.
Do you even know what's going on here?
You don't, because you're never here.
The boy's been in the apartment
for months, looking after his Mom.
Margret is sick.
You already know that.
What am I supposed to do?
She refuses to go to hospital.
I can't force her.
I can't sit around
and watch this any longer.
The boy should enjoy his summer break.
The boy needs fresh air!
- Willi...
- End of discussion.
A hat, a stick and an umbrella.
And forward, back, to the side and back.
- We did it!
- Of course we did it.
- Magnificent, isn't it? Amazing.
- Yes.
- What's wrong?
- Oh, nothing.
It's just my toes
which were frozen off in Siberia.
It can't be that,
as you don't have toes anymore.
I told you. It's nothing.
Want some?
Tasty, isn't it?
And now we'll enjoy the silence.
I can hear the cowbells.
Life isn't easy sometimes,
is it, Hans-Peter?
It's good when you're not alone though.
Roy Black also says that.
You know you're not alone, right?
Your grandpa will always be there for you.
And for Matthes, too.
Mom's not feeling well today.
You're back!
- What's that?
- A groundhog. Grandpa got me it.
- How were the mountains?
- Great.
Look who's here.
Are you glad I'm back?
Yes, of course.
At least pretend that you're happy
to see him! He's been away for two weeks!
- She's not well, Willi!
- That's not his fault though.
With Filibum, it's Klimbim
A picture book, let's have a look.
Depending on your taste
That's Klimbim.
Whatever happens, whatever you see...
Hans-Peter? I'm off to bed.
Watch as much TV as you like.
It's school break.
- Is Dad coming?
- He's working the night shift.
Good night, Mom.
Good night.
With all their nonsense
And a touch of philosophy.
That's Klimbim.
Klimbim's our life
And if it can't be true.
Then I make a slit in my dress
And thrive.
That's Klimbim.
I should've tried harder. You can
achieve anything if you don't give up.
My morn liked my jokes.
No one could make her laugh
as much as I did.
Mom! Mom!
Please come home.
Dear God, please make Mom better again...
and make Dad come home soon.
Dad, Mom's really unwell.
What's wrong?
My boy. Come here.
Stay here.
Pick up!
Kerkeling here. We need help, immediately.
My... My wife is unconscious.
She's not responding.
- I wasn't here. Brunnenstrasse 5.
- Heinz? Heinz?
- Yes, come quickly.
- Heinz?
- Something's wrong with Margret.
- Margret? Margret?
Say something!
- Where is she?
- In the bedroom. Hurry!
Mrs. Kerkeling, can you hear me?
Mrs. Kerkeling?
Mrs. Kerkeling?
Heinz, call me when you know more.
What's going on?
Get the ball!
- Rainer, get it.
- And... shoot!
Thank you.
Come on. Pass the ball, will you?
Pass the ball to the girls, too.
- Will Dad be coming home?
- This evening, hopefully.
Mom woke up today. She asked about you.
She sends her love
and looks forward to coming home.
- You're lying.
- No, I'm not.
Everything okay?
- I don't like soup.
- Eat it up, now.
- No, I don't eat soup.
- Well, we'll see about that.
You're not my Mom, Aunt Gertrud.
The boy doesn't like soup.
Just let it go.
Look. Here he comes.
Oh, Hans-Peter...
Mom, could you come stay with us?
No one looks after the kids
as well as you do.
But I'm over 70!
I don't know
how much longer I'll still be alive.
Please, Grandma.
I'll go pack my things.
Don't worry, my boy.
Your grandma will be as old as the hills.
Shall I make rouladen tomorrow?
I know you like them.
What will happen to the boys?
They don't have anyone else.
I'll have to step in. What else can I do?
That won't be necessary.
I'll take care of the boys.
You? Bertha, you're 72
and you have a bad hip.
Now you mention it...
Can I have a chair?
Here, Grandma.
I'm so sorry.
Half the town is here.
Did the boy have to come along?
Well, he's here now, Bertha.
There they are.
Come with us, Hans-Peter.
We can do this.
We're not made of sugar.
I think there are
seats for us at the front.
My boy.
- My condolences. Where's Hans-Peter?
- He's back there.
Oh, yes. My condolences.
Hans-Peter! Stop running!
Hans-Peter, wait up!
Over there.
Shall we sing something?
I always sing when I'm sad.
I know that one day.
There will be a miracle.
And then a thousand fairytales
Will come true.
My darling...
Go to your brother
and don't look at the casket, okay?
Come here.
After the war, my grandfather Willi
walked 300 km until he reached home
and walked straight into Grandma's shop.
He says that thinking of Anne
is what kept him alive.
You can achieve anything,
as long as you don't stand still.
If you stand still, then you won't
be able to get back up again.
You just need to keep going.
You won't be alone.
When you're dreaming tonight.
You won't be alone.
When you're dreaming of love.
A thousand young hearts.
Won't be able to rest today.
A thousand people will be longing.
Just like you.
Believe me, you won't be alone.
When you're dreaming tonight.
You won't be alone.
When you're dreaming of love.
In my longing.
In my dreams, I will be with you.
My darling, you won't be alone.
Come and dream with me.
- Hi, Mrs. Kaufmann.
- I don't really care about soccer.
- What's his name?
- Mr. Abramczik.
You can't eat it. Really bad.
How much longer do you have to stay there?
- Another week probably.
- That's not too bad.
Get lost!
You're making the pane all dirty.
Did you all read
"Hans Dampf in Rllinghausen"?
'Yes! 'Yes!
- Were we meant to read the entire thing?
- Yes, Manuela, you were.
Who wants to take part in the play?
- I really want to take part.
- Me, too!
What about you, Hans-Peter?
Don't you want to take part?
What a shame.
I thought you could play Hans Dampf.
"Applause, applause, applause."
- What do you think?
- I'd rather not.
So, who'd like to play the leading role?
- Niko, how about you?
- Are there a lot of lines to learn?
- Hello!
- Hello!
- Yes?
- Where's the chair?
- I put it away.
- Where did you put it?
I put it in the trash.
I thought it might be for the best.
- What?
- I baked a cake.
I don't want any cake.
We need to talk about something.
A woman from the youth welfare service
will be coming by to check
if we're fit enough to look after you.
To see whether
we're too old to be doing this.
Leave me alone.
- It'll be fine.
- What if she realizes I can barely walk?
She won't.
Just make sure you're sitting down.
That will be rude.
We'll do it over at Willi's.
He has a corner seat
from which you won't be able to get up.
I don't know. What will she think
if I don't get up at all?
I'll show her in then.
- What if she realizes you can't see?
- We'll practice.
- Hello, Mr. Kerkeling.
- Hello. Come in.
- Why, of course.
- Follow me.
- Did you find it okay?
- No talking! Concentrate on walking!
Grandpa! That's always been there.
- Well, she distracted me!
- You shouldn't talk.
- What if she says something?
- Then nod.
So, how is Hans-Peter?
- Nod only if it makes sense.
- So, I should say something?
I'll ask again.
- How's Hans-Peter?
- Very well.
Don't look at the floor.
She'll notice then.
We'll clear everything away.
Not on the chair!
On the bench, next to Grandma,
so she won't be able to get up.
Yes, of course.
Mrs. Kerkeling, could I have a slice
of that delicious cake?
- None for you. You'll make a mess.
- What am I allowed to have?
A glass of water.
But watch you don't knock it over.
- You should watch what you say.
- Why'?
Grandma... you're a really bad liar.
I can tell lies!
That was a lie,
but it doesn't count.
You have to be careful
to not accidentally say the truth.
Where have you been?
My darling.
What if they take me away?
That's not going to happen.
It's simply not going to happen.
- Hello. Hltermann.
- Hello. Kerkeling.
- Come in. Come on through.
- Yes.
- Did you find it okay?
- Yes, thank you.
- Stay where you are!
- Everything's fine.
- It's Mrs. Hltermann!
- Hello, Hans-Peter.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- I know her from the nativity play.
- Great.
- Hltermann. It's a pleasure.
- Coffee?
- I'd love some.
- Your coat?
Yes, thank you.
Take a seat.
Hans-Peter played Joseph
and Mary kept trying to kiss him.
And he kept holding
his staff up, like this.
Would you like some cake?
My grandmother just made it.
Yes, please, Hans-Peter.
It looks delicious.
Well, I see no reason
why the boy
shouldn't be able to stay with you.
Unless you find it overwhelming.
Well, I can't lie...
My husband and I are no spring chickens.
But, luckily,
we're both still in great health.
And there's his dad, too.
Is he away on a construction job?
When will he be back?
- Friday.
- In three weeks.
So, soon. Everything's fine then.
Do you listen to your grandparents'?
If only every child
was as nice as Hans-Peter.
Right, Hermann?
Well then...
Seems like you're in good hands here.
I'll show you out.
- Bye, Mrs. Kerkeling.
- Bye.
- Bye, Hans-Peter.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- You can lie, Grandma!
- Yes!
- Take care.
I'm in love with love.
It is okay for me.
I'm in love with love.
And, perhaps, in love with you, too.
The worst part is that Mom left,
just like that.
Without a kiss
or one last hug.
She just went to bed.
And she didn't even
turn around to look at me.
- Have you switched it on yet?
- Hello, Hans-Peter.
Look, here's the remote.
You can switch channels. Isn't it great?
- Hi, Bertha.
- Hi.
Wow! Check out the colors! Looks so real.
And next to her is Ralf,
the Boy of the Year.
That's terrific.
I'm not sure it will catch on.
- Got any beer?
- No, we won't be having beer today.
- It's all in color!
- Who else is coming?
- Mrs. Kolossa.
- Really?
- Who?
- Don't you remember, Grandma?
Mrs. Kolossa who scared off
three men in a year.
How great! I'm so glad you could make it.
This is Mrs. Kolossa.
Why so formal? I'm Margit.
It's so warm in here.
I'll take off my jacket.
Let me take that for you. Here we are.
Don't be shy, Margit. Come on in.
- Heinz.
- Hello.
- That's him.
- "Him" who?
- W hat?
- Hello.
- Coffee?
- Yes, please.
- Coffee?
- Yes, please.
Gertrud told me you've lost your wife.
Yes, he has. My son is still in mourning.
I didn't know.
I thought she passed away a while ago.
No, it hasn't been that long.
Well, I'm really sorry...
But what can you say?
Life must go on, right?
You're right there, Margit.
Would you like some cake, Margit?
Yes, please.
- There's cream cake with cream.
- Double the taste.
And I got us some advocaat for later.
How lovely.
We're having fun. Stay a while longer.
No, it's okay.
It's too early.
You're right. Drive carefully.
- Bye, Margit.
- Bye.
What were you thinking, inviting her over?
- And that neckline!
- Calm down, Mom.
- It felt like a cattle market.
- I meant well.
No one can replace Margret.
Especially not someone like her.
Did you see how many advocaats
she knocked back?
Say what? I only had three glasses.
How else am I meant to digest
the cream cake with cream?
- Where did you find that jacket?
- Oh, this old thing?
It was on sale at Wankenmeier's.
Does it suit me?
I'll have another glass
of advocaat, if you don't mind.
Life must go on... Right, Heinz?
Wonderful. It looks great.
See you tomorrow.
- Bye!
- Bye, Mrs. Klker.
- Mrs. Klker?
- Yes, Hans-Peter?
I'd like to take part in
"Hans Dampf in Rllinghausen" in the end.
But I've already given out the parts.
I'm so sorry.
I see. That's okay.
- Bye.
- Ciao.
See you.
- Hans-Peter?
- Yes, Mrs. Klker.
There's the neighbor who shouts
at Hans Dampf for playing on the lawn.
- Yes.
- He was meant to be shouting offstage.
But the neighbor could appear in person.
- It would be a very small part.
- Yes! Thank you!
Hey, you! No playing on the lawn! Got it?
But why doesn't he want Hans
to play on his lawn anyway?
- He just doesn't.
- But he must have a reason.
Maybe it's too loud
or he doesn't like kids.
Yes, but why doesn't he like kids?
Listen, it's not about the neighbor.
It's about the fact Hans is having
trouble at school and with his dad.
And now he can't play there either.
But who is this neighbor? What's his name?
Pick a name. Could you say your lines now?
Hey, you little toad!
No playing on the lawn!
Got it?
I can't stand children!
But I have no idea why.
You said you'd buy it for me.
It's not fair.
Well, we need to talk about this.
- Hello.
- Hello, Hans-Peter.
I'm telling you. I know all about that.
The doctor said I shouldn't be
on my feet for too long.
- Can I have two more, please?
- Yes.
Not with your fingers!
But I shouldn't be sitting either.
How is that meant to work, then?
Shall I just lie on the counter?
- And four oranges.
- Okay.
They don't teach anything at school.
I'm going to be a sailor anyway.
That's so awesome. Look up there, Hans.
Isn't that your father?
Holy crap!
Hans-Peter, that's your cue.
Have you seen Hans-Peter'?
Have you seen Hans-Peter'?
Hans-Peter, is that you?
It's a really bad time, Mrs. Klker.
Hey, you little toad!
No playing on the lawn! Got it?
What are you laughing at'?
Hello? The doctor says I shouldn't be on
my feet and I shouldn't sit down either.
Don't get me started on walking.
Then this brat comes along,
just jumping around.
That's not very nice.
Behave yourselves.
What's all this commotion about?
Have you got radishes
in your ears or something?
Get out of here!
That's better.
- Bye, Mrs. Klker.
- Bye, you little jokester. See you.
Your neighbor was simply the best.
People wanted to see more.
The scene was about Hans Dampf,
not the neighbor.
Then stage a play about the neighbor.
- Exactly!
- Yes. I'll think of something.
- He could do that.
- Of course he could.
Hans-Peter? Are you awake?
Can I come in?
Leaving already, Aunt Lisbeth?
No. You said you wanted to see my hair.
It's important that you keep going,
just like Grandpa Willi did after the war.
Even if it's hard.
Because you never know
what's going to happen next,
and, perhaps,
something really nice will happen.
What's wrong?
I wrote a letter to Loriot.
I see. The guy from TV?
I asked him if I could play
Dicki Hoppenstedt in his sketches.
And? What did Loriot say?
Nothing. The letter's from his editor.
She's saying I'm too young.
That's wonderful.
All you have to do is grow up then.
Coming? Everyone's here.
I'll be right there.
That's just for decoration.
I'll go get some breast.
That's raisins. It has raisins.
Got some layer cake?
I heard you got your moped license.
Leave that here. It's for Annemarie.
- Lisbeth...
- Leave it, Kurt.
"Leave it..."
Good evening.
Is that Hans-Peter?
You've gotten fat.
Hey, are you insinuating
that I'm overweight?
Is this your wife?
My darling...
Will we be singing something tonight?
You don't need to ask me twice.
You know me.
But I'll sing something for Grandma first.
You all know this one.
Moni, another beer, please.
My name is Horst Schlmmer.
I'm the assistant editor-in-chief
at the Grevenbroich Daily.
Cheers, Horst!
Come on, now. Concentrate!
Concentrate! I'm really upset!
It took a while for me to get it.
The fact that I'm all this.
I'm my mother, my father,
my brother and my grandparents.
I'm their laughter and their pain.
I'm Aunt Gertrud,
Aunt Annemarie and Aunt Veronika.
Aunt Lisbeth. Uncle Kurt.
I'm Mrs. Rdeker and Mrs. Strecker.
I'm the direction my mother
used to push me in in my stroller.
I'm the spotted cow out in the meadow,
the yellow corn in the field,
and the red poppy by the wayside.
Come on.
I'm the cloudless sky.
I'm awake.
Is it still far?
Faster, the beer is getting warm.
- Does anybody know the way?
- It's not that far.
Just a few more meters.
Eurotape - Nordkurier Mediengruppe - 2018