35 Rhums (2008)

Thirty-Five Shots
I'll take this one.
You smell like cigarettes.
I smoked again.
There's tomato and lettuce.|Want a salad?
Sure, if you want. That's fine.
It's nice!
It's great you remembered.
It's ready.
I'll hurry!
Just right.
Some more?
Thank you, Daddy.
Fucking pains in the ass!
Hey, daddy-o.
I got back late.
Move it, fatso.
Today's not my day.
Couldn't someone need|to go to the airport?
Nope. Short, local rides.
Taxi drivers always complain.
If you're not happy, change jobs!
It's what's called "flexibility."
Not at all, sir.|I love my job, believe me.
Never the same thing.
I'm happy behind the wheel.
No boss breathing down my neck.
I meet interesting people.
Okay, whatever...
Keep the change.
Want my card, just in case?
You never know|when you need a driver.
- Have a nice day.|- You too.
Explain yourself. You say|either too much or not enough.
What I mean is...
debt is a way|of dominating the Global South.
Creditors have the privilege|of deciding the rules of the game.
used to manage|international debt load
and imposed on countries in debt.
I don't think|we can ignore Stiglitz.
You say it|as if it's totally self-evident...
It's a little pedantic.
Annoying for your classmates.
Unlike you, they didn't have|to prepare today's class.
If you could be less pedantic,|it would be nice.
Yesterday on the radio|someone from an NGO
was discussing|the power of the weak.
But you're saying there's no hope.
You're not here to hope or despair,
but to develop critical faculties,
rhetorical skills,|analytical frameworks.
Conceptualize your ideas.
That's what we're trying to achieve.
Josephine, answer.
It's neither right nor wrong.
You're begging the question.
Debt can be discussed|without getting all emotional.
It should be discussed|precisely, rigorously, technically.
Just technically?
I disagree.
Stiglitz, Brenton Wood|and the IMF are fine.
But debts are relative.|Which debt do we mean?
The Global South|still owes the North.
But I have a question.
Why not demand restitution|for the slave trade?
Debt, the IMF, is always us.|Always the same.
Blacks get flushed down the drain.
I think the problem is systemic.
The system must be changed.
As Frantz Fanon says...
You should read him. It can't hurt.
When we revolt,|it's not for a particular culture.
We revolt simply...|because, for many reasons...
we can no longer breathe.
You can't fall apart now.
Not in front of everyone.
Good luck, Ren. Happy retirement.|You deserve it.
Let's hear it for Ren!
Here's to you!
From the girls.
And now from your brothers!
We picked it out ourselves.
We're not done.
All your music at your fingertips.
You can listen to FM Tropical.
To Ren!
My friends...
Thank you all for being here.
I've waited so long for this.
It's a deliverance, you know.
You okay?
Tonight I feel like...
I have wings.
- To you!|- Another round.
To all of you!
Another round!
I've had enough.
Down the hatch!
Your turn, Lionel. Go for it.
The time's right for the 35 shots.
What's this thing... about 35 shots?
It's an old story.
But I won't drink them.
Not tonight.
My stop.
See you tomorrow.
What were you saying?
Surrendering to this condition|is what's so hard.
I'd like to have died young.
But I'm at the age I'm at.
And healthy as an ox.
I'll die at 100, at this rate.
I don't have this life in me.
The subway and all that...
It hit me unarmed and unprepared.
- Were you playing soccer?|- Yes, Detective.
Your dad's not back. No lights on.
He had the party for Ren.
He'll probably stay late.
Wort you come over for a bite?
Thanks, Gab. I can't tonight.
There's yesterday's pork roast.
I have exams. I can't stay up late.
It was easier when you were a kid.
You'd fall asleep on the table,
then I'd take you into my bed.
I'll buy my ticket tomorrow.|You two coming?
I don't know. Any good?
If we wait too long,|it'll sell out.
I was taking my shower.|Excuse me...
- Your dad will want to.|- For sure!
Good night.
To all residents:|Please be reminded
bikes belong in the shed.|Thanks in advance.
Don't wait up for him all night!
You look sort of sloshed.
Fighting fire with fire.
Come closer.
There's something I want.
Don't feel I need|to be looked after.
I want you to think of yourself.
You're getting rid of me.
You don't love me anymore.
Don't be sad.
I love you.
Just feel free.
I'm coming!
- Faster?|- If you want.
Nice and warm.
Stupid ass!
You're crazy!
I'm out of milk.
Not a problem.
Where to, this time?
If you really care,|come along and you'll see.
Didn't you say|you'd sell everything?
It's not suffocating, living here?
It's all that's left of my parents.
A table, some furniture.|What the hell do I care?
Like with this apartment.|I don't get attached.
What's holding you back?
I don't know.|I must have my reasons.
Here are the keys.
I bet you haven't eaten a thing.
You redid the place?
It was Jo. She repainted.
It's nice.
Give him a plate.
I'll stay for a few minutes.
Taking your car or the subway?
I'll take my car.
I'll leave it in the lot.
No is something!
His old furniture,|his old cat, his trips...
You think he's happy?
- I think he's lonely.|- Don't overdo it.
He has us.
We have everything here.
Why go looking elsewhere?
Happy to have the place to yourself?
Welcome to the Free Zone
Anthropology on Strike
Move... Don't just stand there.
It's blocked!
Let us through!
Working late. Jo.
Lina, Tho...
My colleagues.
You're quiet. Upset I'm here?
The less you know,
the better I feel.
Your friend's here.
Hey, rascal.
Remember Gabrielle?
I never forget a beautiful woman.
Let me buy you a drink.
No thanks, Ren. I'm on the job.
I thought you left the city.
For where?
I don't know. Far away somewhere.
It's best that I go.|I'll leave you.
So long, Gabrielle.
Take care.
Got any plans?
You lent it to me.
I forgot all about it.
I'm not well. I'll walk.
They're closing Anthropology.
They claim it serves no purpose.
My name's Ruben.
See you soon.
Coming to the concert?
I don't know, maybe.
Waiting for me?
I don't like these night hours.
I worry when you come home so late.
You should quit this job.
I enjoy riding like this.
Me too.
Why do you do this?
I don't know. I don't mind.
You can't wear wrinkled shirts.
It bothers me. I prefer to do it.
- Is it the right one?|- I'll do it.
Okay, do it then.
And what's that thing?
What's he up to?|He knows the traffic's bad.
Hurry up, Lionel!
We're ready and waiting.
I'm coming.
You like to be last.|You can't help it.
Got your wallet?
We're not late.|No isn't even here.
I got tickets for the concert.|I thought you'd like it.
In fact I'm already going.
We're about to leave.
Wait for No. I'll get the car.
I have to run. I'm double parked.
See you at the concert, maybe.
What's his name?
Ruben. A classmate of mine.
Am I running behind?
Lionel, take the tickets.
I'll drop you off|and park in the lot.
We're not even near.
We haven't gone out|as a family in ages.
Can you lower the music a little?
We can't talk.
- Hold on!|- Gabrielle, get behind the wheel!
I can't believe this!
It's no big deal.
It'll be fine. Turn!
Be careful! Not so fast!
- Calm down!|- I am calm!
- You push too hard!|- Turn left.
I'm stranded with my friends!
- Don't shout!|- Don't scream!
No way!|I don't want it stripped tonight!
You'll send a tow truck?
Rue Papin...
He can't hear a thing!
How long?
I see...
I don't have a choice.
We'll be waiting.
- Cool it!|- You have to scream?
We couldn't hear each other.
Should I look at the motor?
- You know motors?|- Sure.
I'll take a look.
You have to be|a computer specialist!
It's up to you!
I squashed your flowers.
There's an envelope inside.
Must be the florist's card.
Don't look so glum.
We'll cheer each other up.
Will you be okay?
Closing time.|I'll stay open 5 minutes for you.
- A tow truck's coming.|- Last round.
Last one, then it's finished.
No, I'm closing.
Sorry, it's time.
Five minutes is enough.
When it's time, it's time.
Can you drop us off?
I can't.|There's no room in the cabin.
I think we can forget|about the concert.
We'll take cabs home.
- This is too sad.|- What else can we do?
Let's go have a drink somewhere.
I'll call a colleague.
Pierre?|Can you send me a car?
Yeah, I'm stuck here.
No, we're closed.
Come on, please!
- This is nice of you.|- Come in.
Thanks, you're very kind.
We're cold.
- What happened?|- First the car broke down.
A tow truck came.|We missed our concert.
We don't feel like going home|like this.
Stop acting up.|He's my nephew.
So you ended up opening?
Have a seat.|I'll warm something up.
I'll be right with you.
Yes, Pierrot!
You'll pick us up?
I think it's the transmission.
It's going to be too late.
Forget it, Gabrielle.
We're fine here.
Pierrot, change of plans.|We're staying.
I'm not sure I can work on Monday.
You're not dancing?
So they all stare at us?
You're something.
I'm out of milk.
What's wrong?
It's my cat.
He died.|At 17, in his sleep.
I'd say it's a good way to go.
In a trash bag?
That's awful.
No frills. He's dead and done for.
I think I'm going to leave here.
I was offered a job overseas.
Now that my cat's dead,|I'll take it.
It's in Gabon and pays well.
I'll sell the apartment|and that's it.
You'll ditch us and go away?
Why not?
You always tell me|how it's ugly and old here.
Are you okay?
I have a headache. Any aspirin?
Why are you doing housework?
Isn't it clean enough?
Rifling through everything|for no reason!
Why throw that stuff away?|Just to piss me off?
It's filthy here!
We need to empty it all out.
This makes no sense!|Think of yourself!
No's leaving!
I bet you already know|but I just found out.
The Congo, someplace like that.
No, I didn't know.
I'm leaving too.
I can do the same as him.
Everyone's leaving.
Don't be silly.
We'll do as we please.|As we always have.
- Nothing will change.|- Yes! Everything will.
Lionel, I miss you.|I miss you so much.
Josephine finally fell asleep.
She looks like you when she sleeps.
It makes me love her even more.
Please let me live|by your side every day.
She'll be my daughter too.
My love, my rascal...
You have something to tell me?
I didn't think I'd miss it.
Stop by whenever you want.|I enjoy it.
When it's over, it's over.|You have to leave.
A clean break... It's better.
You make me feel better.
You're not much of a talker.
You never say a thing.
When I get dark thoughts,|I think of my daughter.
Service is interrupted|due to a technical incident.
Fuck, Ren...
I was hungry.
So was I.
It's very good, as usual.
We see too little of each other.
That's the way it is now.
We all lead such withdrawn lives.
Everyone in his corner.
Every man for himself.
Would you like some more coffee?
Yes I would, ma'am.
You don't have to be so formal!
Yes, then.
You must have been driving|all night.
No, thank you.
You can stay for lunch.
Or even spend the night.
Thanks, but we want|to get back on the road.
Maybe some other time.
Some other time...
Your mother said she fell in love|with a guy in Paris.
I asked her: "Is he cute?"
She looked me straight in the eyes|and said:
"You're going to like him."
I taught her to swim.|She was scared of the water.
We're all scared of it.
I'm also scared of that sea.
So vast, so wide...
And when you scream,|no one hears you.
do you remember that time...
when we all went swimming together?
We basked in the sun.
Lost in the dunes.
Good wine.
Not always that good.
You don't remember?
Why don't we drink some wine?
A little glass of wine now.|Why not?
Sometimes it seems
the whole world|is scared of suffering.
Everyone wants
either total stress or...
some peace|in their happy little lives.
But not us, not us!
We're strong, aren't we?
Aren't we, Lionel?
Still so silent.
I'm glad Josephine gets by in German.|It makes me happy.
Just like your dad!
I like being here with you.
We could live like this forever.
Let me in.
- Who'll do her hair?|- She's doing fine alone.
Take all this, at least.
See you later.
Your mother's necklace.
Pretty, isn't it?
It's underway.
This annoys me.
This 35 rum thing,|did you invent it?
A moment like this
only happens once.
So tonight, 35 shots.
You're on the right track.
Gabrielle, you're not going to cry?