17 filles (2011)

This summer, there was
an invasion of ladybirds.
For once, something amazing happened.
Instead of staying in gardens,
they went down to the sea.
Ladybirds on the beach.
The old men said:
"Now I've seen everything. "
There were to be more surprises
to come.
Next please.
You're first.
All right, you win.
- D, L, V,
B, N, C, M, F.
I think I'm pregnant.
"17 Girls" is based on
true events that occurred in 2008
Go away!
Buzz off!
You'll give us away...
She'll give us a heart attack.
What are you doing'?
Oh, a ladybird.
They like hash.
- How long have you known'?
- 5 days.
- I'm 8 weeks pregnant.
- And you haven't said anything?
- Why've you waited'?
- I didn't believe it.
Does your mum know'?
It's OK...
I can sort it out myself.
Damned bad luck!
You gonna have an abortion'?
You want her to swell up
and have to quit school'?
So she's stuck between her kid
and a crap job.
It's OK...
I haven't decided yet
Do you feel it move'?
But I don't feel the same.
You couldn't understand
what it feels like.
Who's the father'?
- But it's not Tom'?
- Anyone.
Anyway, what's it matter'?...
it was just one night...
I don't need him.
Didn't he use anything'?
It broke.
Anyway, we'll always
be there for you.
I know.
Damn, it's 4 o'clock!
The always-late-gang
What's the point'?
She's lost for words.
Smells good in here.
- What've you made'?
- Nothing special.
- It's yucky, cold.
- Is your brother back'?
At least he says
when he won't be here.
I haven't had time to call you.
Be nice to me.
I'm always nice.
Nobody's ever nice to me.
I can't find the noodles.
There aren't any noodles.
See you later.
- You want my pickle'?
- Thanks.
There's Florence.
- Hi. May I'?
- No. it's dumb, but...
this table's reserved.
Bon appetite!
- Does your stuff
have a funny smell?
This food disgusts me.
I can only eat sausage.
It figures.
My aunt could
only eat fishcakes.
You can get myxomatosis
from sausage.
But you can eat saveloys.
Don't pull a face...
they're better than nothing.
It lasts a while.
You get your appetite back
after 3 months.
You've decided...
... to keep it'?
Will you stay at school'?
It's never stopped anyone studying,
on the contrary.
It'll push me
to do something with my life.
At the 4th month,
the nostrils break through
and the eyelids are formed.
"The nostrils break through"?
That must look weird.
I'll have two lives:
One in school and one with the baby.
A life at full speed.
And I'll have someone
who'll love me all my life...
no conditions.
I can't bear it!
Look at my feet.
They're here to die.
They've come to suicide here.
They tickle too much. God...
they climb up by themselves.
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
It's too cold.
Maybe it's the last time
we get to swim.
Give me a ciggy.
I saw a yellow.
- You want a BN'?
- No, thanks.
There are plenty around.
- You OK'?
- Yes.
You need a hot water bottle.
Take this and go back to class.
Just don't come every time
you have your periods.
- When did they start'?
- The fifth.
And they'll go on
'til you're 50.
You'll have your periods
unless you have 10 kids.
Can you tell me...
is it true Camille Fourier
is pregnant'?
- She doesn't know who the father is.
- That's crazy.
Camille, can I talk to you'?
- What'd she say'?
- Didn't hear.
she's getting sentenced.
Yes, but...
Florence is pregnant.
There'll be two of us
I'm so smart,
I was the last to know.
Everyone knows about it,
except me.
Have you told your brother'?
Don't wanna tell him just yet.
You're not even capable
of cleaning your room.
Even your goldfish ended
floating on their backs.
- You think you can cope with it'?
- Certainly more than you did.
What do you mean by that'?
That I haven't done enough
for you'?
I've done everything for both of you.
I've worked myself into the ground.
You think I like it,
working nights
every second week'?
You'll be alone'? So what!
You're grown up'? You're not!
As if I didn't have enough
to handle, as it is.
Other girls my age do it.
So she has to do it too!
Good, goodie, good-oh!
So, finished with high school.
Studies all over.
I don't think you want
a life of shit.
And that's exactly
what you'll get!
You think you're smart,
but you're just stupid.
I won't be talking to
my child like that.
And I'll take care of it.
I won't be leaving it on its own
all the time.
That way,
I'll feel like a family.
You don't realize what it means,
to have a baby.
There's no way I'm going to
repeat the last 18 years.
- I want to live.
- But so do I.
Anyway, that's the least of
your worries.
It smells like a fishing port.
- That means it'll be good looking.
- Great.
- If it's not raining it stinks manure.
- It's paradise!
Shall we take a ride'?
Dont know, into town.
We're in town.
So there's no point.
You wanna take a walk,
like the oldies?
Damn... here's Florence again.
She's like a boomerang.
It's OK... let her come.
Seems like a call
to go to the movies?
Too dear.
And having to take the bus
to the factory zone...
no thanks.
You wouldn't ever be bored,
with little kids.
When there's two of you,
you can take turns.
If you organize it right,
one will look after the kids,
and the other will work.
Who wants a Coke'?
- You got cash'?
- Enough for two Zeros.
Without ice,
otherwise it's a rip-off
There's your brother.
His buddies are seriously scary.
They're in the 3rd Marines.
But they won't eat you.
Hi, Christophe.
How're things?
- Nothing special. Same as usual.
- How about you'?
Your folks OK'?
They're OK.
You're back from Afghanistan?
I got extended leave
because of my leg,
but my head's all there.
- It's empty.
- You want something to drink'?
- No.
Your girlfriends have grown up.
Real spunks.
Dont know how I'm gonna tell him.
Luckily there's Saturday night.
At least things will be
different for you.
What- stopping you?
- Really?
Do the same.
That'd be cool.
Are you serious?
We'd all be pregnant together.
We'd be free, happy,
in charge of our lives.
All together at the same time.
- We've got Saturday to try it.
- You too'?
Saturday we take the plunge.
It'll be insane!
Then we'll always be together.
- This has gotta be bullshit.
- Not at all.
This is gonna be wild.
Haven't seen you since summer.
- How're things?
- Fine.
You must know...?
Yeah... I do.
Nothing to do with me'?
Anyway, I hope it all goes OK.
Good luck.
- What'd he say to you'?
- Nothing.
Would you mind
if I did with him'?
Him or anyone
So long as you're doing it
I don't care.
You don't have to do it
if you don't want to.
I said I wanted it,
so let's do it.
I'm fed up with everyone
treating me like a kid.
Damn, I wanna have it off
with a guy... for shit sake!
There was guy
who found a penguin on the beach.
He asked a policeman
what he should do with it.
And the policeman said:
"You should take it to the zoo. "
The guy said:
"Yes. Good idea.
I'll take it to the zoo. "
Two days later,
the same policeman's
doing his rounds,
and he ran into the same guy,
still with the penguin.
So he said:
"Haven't you taken it
to the zoo yet?"
The guy said:
"I did, and he loved it. "
"Now I'm taking him
to the movies. "
That's silly.
Come in.
We'd like a pregnancy test
on Julia.
"On Julia"?
- Julia!
- It worked out!
What do you mean'?
- Great!
Isn't it great'? -Yes!
- He's a typical teenage guy.
The sort who gets tattooed
or stops eating.
They got pregnant
against the will of their parents.
- Parents don't agree'?
- Most not.
But it's illegal to force a minor
to have an abortion.
They're legally responsible.
Five girls pregnant at high school...
something has to be done.
But they own and control
their own bodies.
Not long ago it was a shame
to be an teenage mother
There's progress.
True, but this is
going backwards.
It's as if all they want to do
is be a mother.
Have you thought about
what sort of future they'll have'?
But who are we to judge them'?
First we've got to
understand them.
Maybe it's political.
- Maybe there are 10.
- Some sort of utopian collective.
That's not your concern.
But I've got a program
to maintain.
Do I go on
with the high-jump'?
Of course not.
We give them the pill.
We can't make them see reason.
They're sure of themselves, intelligent,
They're confident, intelligent,
and accept their own actions.
But can you really make a choice
when you're 16 or 17'?
Of course you can.
There's no doubt they're aware.
and 6748 after.
We can rent a big apartment.
We'll be free. So we won't
have the teachers on our backs.
We won't have to be home
by a certain time.
We'll manage ourselves.
We'll organize ourselves.
Most of all we need to work out
about taking turns doing stuff.
Above all not go back
to hearing:
"Tidy your room... "
"Come and eat.
Make your bed. "
I could never understand
making your bed.
You go back to it every night.
We won't become
like our parents.
As well... 16-years
difference is perfect.
We'll understand our kids.
There won't be
a generation gap.
We'll be like brothers
and sisters.
We'll be like a big family.
Without kids we could
join the hippies'?
It's not gonna be like hippies.
If it falls backwards,
it means a girl.
- Hi.
- He's hot, eh'?
There they are.
There's three of them in our class.
Looks like Charline's
pregnant too.
Wanna join them'?
As if he's gonna scare us
with his dumb movie.
That makes one for Charline
and four for you.
Philippine, Clara,
Eva, Jeanne...
We gotta get more.
So all up that makes...
I've got different brands.
Want to see'?
We'd like to.
They're from different labs.
They work on
the same principle.
They're urinary tests.
How do you know it's positive'?
You've got a warning light.
Very reliable,
two red spots and one white
Ol " one more Ol" less
Is it reusable'?
Not at all, no.
You have to take a new test each time.
It's not reusable.
We'll take...
You scared me.
You wanna sleep with me'?
What'? No way!
I know you're trying
to get pregnant.
What if I gave you 20 euros'?
You're nuts.
It's a plum.
It's a prune.
- It's an orange.
- It's a tangerine.
- Oh, a tangerine.
- Oran orange.
- An orange.
- No, a grapefruit.
A grapefruit. An orange
It's starting to get heavy
All the body's there.
All the body...
and the head.
All the body.
The head's very large.
Apparently at first the fetus
is covered with hair.
When it's as big as a grape'?
There's hair all over it.
Do you know what sex it is'?
I don't wanna know.
I'd rather have a surprise.
It'll be a surprise
if the hair's still there.
- Do you want to cry'?
- I never cry.
- It's normal. It's the hormones.
- No... it's the ultrasound.
I saw it... and it's weird.
I couldn't imagine it before.
Then I saw it..
Now I'm scared.
- I'm scared to death.
- You needn't be scared.
Sometimes we choose things
we can't return.
Now you've got to move forward.
You can't do anything else.
What if nothing changes'?
She's got no right.
If it's OK, it can't hurt her.
Here's to you.
Bottom's up!
Stop that.
I'm pregnant.
My little sister,
what do you giving us...
out-of-work bum or soldier'?
I'm joking.
I can leave him my room.
Your room is your room.
She's taking an apartment.
That'll be much better
for everybody.
- We're giving presents'?
- Yes.
We'll have the yule log
later, too.
I'd meant it for you,
but it could be nice
for the baby.
You realize I knew already,
don't you'?
You were scared to tell me.
I bought it in case
I lost Poppy over there.
It'll be fine for the baby.
"An original souvenir
from Afghanistan"... eh'?
What'?... it's original!
So what'?
Don't strain yourself!
Don't be silly.
If I teach you,
you'll get a start.
With 10 proper lessons,
you'll be ready
for your license.
My little girl...
I can't do it.
We were all the same.
Just concentrate.
Put it in first.
- DE-clutch.
- Restart first.
The wipers... wait.
What DE-clutch'?
DE-clutch what'? What is it'?
In a driving school,
this'd cost 50 euros.
- I can't do it.
You're going too fast.
You're breakin' my balls!
- Stop the yelling!
- It's driving me nuts!
Go on... start.
first, second, third.
Shit... I don't know
what's going on!
This is gonna kill me!
- You haven't even started.
- Concentrate, darling.
Look straight ahead...
there you are... very good!
Gently. No jerking.
Keep paying attention!
That's it!
Stop, stop...!
I need the car!
When you stop, stop completely.
Let me have a smoke.
Please... just a puff.
It's nice!
Who did it to you'?
I demand an answer! Who'?
But you still sleep
with teddy bears!
I'd no idea you were
having sex.
And the doctor said
it was dangerous.
The bastard hasn't even
used a condom.
You could get AIDS.
He'd taken the test.
They did it for fun.
"For fun"?
This is a serious matter!
Things are always serious here!
I can never do anything!
I can do anything I want!
It's that Camille
who turned her head,
with her big ideas.
When you see her mother...
What do you thinking...
you gonna change the world'?
At least I can try!
I'm not gonna sit around like an idiot!
What'd you say'?!
Pack your bag,
this won't be put off.
You go to hospital.
You've no right!
Parents can't do anything about it.
I'm outside.
You gonna do a runner'?
- Where to'?
- My place. Mum's on night shift.
- They're gonna kill me.
- They're gonna kill you anyway.
- You sure, Clem'?
- Completely.
And then I wanna stay with you.
We'll help you, anyway.
It's with my brother.
It's his bodyguard.
- A monkey'?
- It can be anything.
He was my cuddly toy
when I was little.
He's called Poppy...
I gave it to my brother
when he left.
He photographed Poppy
wherever he went
and sent me the photos.
Let's try and sleep.
We gotta be 'with it' in the morning.
How're things?
They say I'm not ready.
They always say that.
No, physically.
They say it's too small.
That's just to scare us.
they're scared of everything:
Growing old, dying...
It's life-of-shit. com.
My mother can't
talk to me anymore.
I haven't told mine.
- What can we do for Clem'?
- She can stay at my place.
No, it's too risky.
We gotta fend for ourselves.
We gotta decide.
We'll get a room
so we can all stay together.
Clem can stay there.
Maybe we could organize
one of those shacks at Etel'?
There's nobody down there
in winter.
Great idea.
We'll say 2 o'clock
tomorrow afternoon then.
And bring everything you can
to be comfortable.
- Is The Goth pregnant'?
- Yes... by Batman.
There it is.
That's it'?
Clem... even has ocean views.
Yes... and more.
- That one with the sand?
- Yeah.
It's small.
Were there people here,
Yes, I guess so.
Will you give me a hand, Clem.
Look, you got a tooth brush.
- Pretty good, eh'?
- Not bad. Stinks a bit.
We'll give it a spray.
Then we could put on
a bit of music, too.
Good. We made it.
Here, Camille.
I'm happy to say
they're worried.
You don't need them.
Isn't that OK'?
- It's cold in here.
It'll warm up, Clem.
I'll get you a radiator.
Don't you want
to stay with me'?
I'll stay.
She zoomed in.
It lasted an awful long time.
It was horrible.
What's it mean'?
She wants me
to take some sort of liquid.
It's probably nothing.
Stop talking about it.
It's obvious it's not you.
Leave me be.
We'll stay with her.
I'll call Clem.
- How's your belly going?
- How's it going?
After 3 months you girls will
be at each other's throats
At 6 years old
the kids will be bashing heads in,
and at 14 they'll be shooting up.
It's not gonna work.
No, that's not true...
it won't be like that.
We're really, really united.
You're saying that
'cos it's just the start.
I'd like to do
something worthwhile, too.
And I find myself shooting at guys
who've done nothing to me.
In the end there's
nobody to help you.
You're on your own.
It's like we kept on growing
at the same pace.
What I've seen and what you've done
have taken 10 years from us.
You regret it'?
- Do YOU regret it'?
- Don't think so.
I don't want you to go back.
Stretch your head back
on the floatie.
So relax.
We breathe in
at the same time...
and give ourselves up
to the water.
And walk slowly.
I'll give you another floatie.
Put your head like this,
on the floatie that's
under your partners knees
There should be three.
It's OK!
The test is OK!
Everything's normal!
Shh! Not so loud please!
Let's go on...
Shh! Ladies!
Don't think you can
do what you like!
That's enough of that!
Right. Out!
That's it!
People talk about the 14 pregnant
teenagers from the same school.
Today we must ask ourselves:
Is the current crisis behind
the decision of these girls?
Although during the post-war period,
Lorient was a town of the future,
the city has slowly sunk:
The fisheries crisis...
it focuses...
We're taking the photo...
smile at the camera!
Could the young lady in the first row
button her vest?
- Yes. Close it properly.
- I can't.
OK then
Could you pass the placard
to your friend'?
Nearly there...
Could the two blondes...
look at the camera.
you're happy to be here...
and say... cheese!
Great... thank you.
Next class.
Good morning parents.
I'm here to give you an update
on the situation.
As far as we know, we are up to
and you aren't doing anything?
You're responsible.
You're head of this school.
I'm not personally responsible
for the private lives
of these students.
No more than you, anyway.
Like you,
I do not understand
what these kids want.
You're out of your depth!
What are your thoughts
on the matter?
I've proposed to install
a prophylactic dispenser
Next we'll be
renting hotel rooms.
As for the pill...
that's a medication...
and up to the parents.
A prophylactic dispenser...!
Some sleep around
like others smoke...
but they won't be
selling pot at school.
I'll be asking teachers
to increase control,
conduct more written tests,
and focus on work.
- That's just avoiding the problem.
I'll expel the ringleaders...
maybe only one of the girls.
You'll get rid of Camille'?
If it will scare off others,
why not'?
Camille, this has got to stop.
The headmaster wants to expel you.
So what'?
Stop it... we both know
it wasn't all your decision.
But at the start, you were shattered
it had happened to you.
Why encourage the others
to do the same'?
Didn't you want to be alone'?
- Were you frightened'?
- Whatever you like.
Yes, at first I freaked out.
But now I know why I did it.
And I'm really happy
for my friends.
I was the first, that's all.
- He only needed one of us.
- You think you're being sacrificed?
You just don't realize...
You're training
a stable of girls.
Some of them
won't come out of it well...
Clementine, for example.
Have you adults
really thought about it'?
Have you suggested
anything else
to any of these girls?
We're suggesting
you should get an education
for a better life.
Do you have children'?
I take care of everyone eases.
Excuse me...
will it bother you if I smoke?
You know it's wrong...
It's disgusting... lying to us.
The stupid thing
is to live your life
and not realize
it's a load of crap.
We're right
to try something else
I'm glad I came.
I had some doubts
but now I don't have any.
I gotta pee
- See both'?
- Yes.
Can I see'?
Wait, I'm taking you both.
It only moves there.
Let's see.
Hang on.
- Or there'?
- There!
It's the navel.
Oh no, it's a monster!
Oh, no.
I'm getting bigger and fatter
at the same time... it's wild!
- Rose.
- Yes, nice.
- Cassandra.
- Too posh. Cassandra Fourier.
I always wanted to call
my daughter Cassandra,
but now I'm considering
Cheyenne rocks.
But if it's a boy,
it'll be Theo or Jean-Baptiste.
No... that's boring!
Otherwise there's Judas
That's cute.
I like Charles
Charles!... I'd feel like
I had an old man in my belly.
Or Leo then.
But I said Theo.
Leo's too much alike.
Too bad, I like Leo.
And Geo'? Theo, Leo, Geo.
The three little pigs.
You're a pain in the ass, Julia.
I want to take
driving lessons... you too.
Probably Florence.
You're like all the others.
- That bother you now'?
- Yes.
What bothers you is that
Tom might be in love with me.
Stop it, Julia.
You're jealous, that's it.
- I don't need anyone.
- Yes... us.
Stop it.
Mind your own business!
You're not drawing anything'?
You never come
to the childbirth classes,
you never say anything.
Show us your belly.
- No!
- Go on... show us!
- No, I don't want to!
- Just show it!
Stop it!
Goddam liar!
- You been lying all along'?
- Get out a here!
It's rotten!
Mathilde isn't pregnant either!
But she never lied.
Come on, calm down.
- We'll go and find Clem.
- On foot'?
I'll drive you.
I feel I'm coming apart.
We'll try and get Clem
out a there.
You got permission
for the car'?
If I waited for permission
I wouldn't do anything.
- We're going in the car!
- Wait for me.
Your father's behind us.
Stopping... that was close.
- I'll check.
- Feeling free'?
A little song for Florence.
When you're rotten through and through
and when nobody talks to you
when you're alone, or a dried-up two,
your days are all spent on the loo.
All the hours in the day that pass
leave a taste in your mouth of ass.
But when you know all hope has flown,
look in the mirror and stifle a groan.
Viva chocolate, heroin and vodka!
Viva chocolate, heroin and vodka!
They're here, they're here!
Turn off the lights.
Watch it, Clem.
Watch out, it's really hot!
Damn... it burnt!
- I'm puffed out.
- Careful not to overdo it.
Hold on.
You OK, Clem'?
I'm dead beat.
Are we going there'?
You can come to my place
and take my brother's room.
No, it's better I stay out of sight.
Sure that's OK'?
URGENT my parents aren't there.
I'm losing blood.
It's me. I'm busy.
Leave a message.
Clem, I've got a problem now.
I'm in a bad way... call me.
This is Mathilda's answering service.
Leave a message.
My mother's back.
We'll see the doctor in the morning.
What's happened'?
Whereabouts are you'?
- I've been hurt.
- Where are you exactly'?
Dont know.
It's nothing here.
I crashed somewhere near
the Atlantic Wall.
Don't worry.
I'll call the emergency service
and I'll ring you back.
I'm frightened they won't find me.
I need to go to hospital
- What happened'?
- The placenta was detached.
It's awful.
He wants to be alone with her.
She's sleeping.
Best we leave.
With hospitals...
the less you see of them,
the better you feel.
We don't know what became of her
after she lost her baby.
She left town after the accident.
Her mother too.
The craziest rumors
went around:
She was boarding somewhere,
she was working as an au pair,
she'd moved
to the south of France,
or even to Mexico.
She stayed in our dreams,
but she never
came back to school.
There was no news,
until my daughter, Julia's,
and Clementine's little boy
were born.
We received messages,
but she didn't say
where she was.
We stayed on at school,
but we never raised
our children together.
We don't even talk about it.
Like the ladybirds:
They haven't been seen again.
At 17, things aren't too serious.
We dream and
we're full of energy.
And no one can stop that.
No one can do anything
about a girl who dreams.