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“Aviva Investors” refers to the global organisation of affiliated asset management businesses operating under the Aviva Investors name. Each Aviva Investors affiliate is a subsidiary of Aviva plc, a publicly‐traded financial services company headquartered in the United Kingdom.
The value of an investment can go down as well as up and can fluctuate in response to changes in the foreign exchange rates of the currencies in which underlying investments are denominated.
Aviva Investors Securities Investment Consulting Co., Ltd., a company incorporated under the Company Law of the Republic of China with registration number 53097616, holds a valid Securities Investment Consulting Enterprise (SICE) License to carry out Securities Investment Consulting Service and other relevant business permitted by Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan, R.O.C. and provides permitted liaison and co-ordination services only. Registered Office: Room D-1, 24F, No. 7, Section 5, Xin Yi Road, Taipei 110, Taiwan.
Compliance Code: 20170209_01
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「英傑華投資」所指為「英傑華投資」品牌旗下的環球關聯資產管理業務,所有以英傑華投資為名的關聯公司皆為Aviva plc附屬單位。Aviva plc為以英國為總部的上市金融服務公司。
合規遵從編號 : 20170209_01
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